#include "state.h" #include "cpu.h" #include "opcodes.h" #include void* unimplemented_instruction(State6502* state) { printf("Error: unimplemented instruction\n"); exit(1); } void set_NV_flags(State6502* state, byte value) { //TODO implement V flag if (value) { state->flags.z = 0; } else { state->flags.z = 1; } } void clear_flags(State6502* state) { memcpy(&state->flags, &state->a, 1); } void clear_state(State6502* state) { state->a = 0; state->x = 0; state->y = 0; state->pc = 0; state->sp = 0; //state -> flags = (Flags)0; clear_flags(state); state->running = 1; } byte pop_byte(State6502* state) { return state->memory[state->pc++]; } void print_state(State6502* state) { printf("\tC=%d,Z=%d,I=%d,D=%d,B=%d,V=%d,N=%d\n", state->flags.c, state->flags.z, state->flags.i, state->flags.d, state->flags.b, state->flags.v, state->flags.n); printf("\tA $%02x X $%02x Y $%02x SP $%02x PC $%04x\n", state->a, state->x, state->y, state->sp, state->pc); } void print_memory(State6502* state, word offset) { printf("$%04x: ", offset); for (byte i = 0; i < 32; i++) { printf("%02x", state->memory[offset + i]); if (i % 8 == 7) printf("|"); else printf(" "); } printf("\n"); } //bitwise or with accumulator void ORA(State6502 * state, byte operand) { byte result = state->a | operand; set_NV_flags(state, result); state->a = result; } //load accumulator void LDA(State6502* state, byte operand) { state->a = operand; set_NV_flags(state, state->a); } word pop_word(State6502 * state) { byte low = pop_byte(state); byte high = pop_byte(state); word result = (high << 8) | low; return result; } word get_word(State6502 * state, word address) { return state->memory[address] << 8 | state->memory[address + 1]; } int emulate_6502_op(State6502 * state) { byte* opcode = &state->memory[state->pc++]; switch (*opcode) { case BRK: state->running = 0; state->flags.b = 1; break; //BRK case NOP: break; //NOP case ORA_IND_X: //ORA, indirect, x unimplemented_instruction(state); break; case ORA_ZP: //ORA, zero page { byte address = pop_byte(state); ORA(state, state->memory[address]); break; } case ORA_IND_Y: //The value in Y is added to the address at the little-endian address stored at the two-byte pair of the specified address (LSB) and the specified address plus one (MSB). //The value at the sum address is used to perform the computation. Indeed addressing mode actually repeats exactly the accumulator register's digits. // Example //The value $03 in Y is added to the address $C235 at addresses $002A and $002B for a sum of $C238. The value $2F at $C238 is shifted right (yielding $17) and written back to $C238. //word address = pop_word(state) + state->y; //word value = get_word(state, address); //ORA(state, state->memory[value]); unimplemented_instruction(state); break; case ORA_IMM: ORA(state, pop_byte(state)); break; case ORA_ZP_X: { byte address = pop_byte(state) + state->x; ORA(state, state->memory[address]); break; } case ORA_ABS: { word address = pop_word(state); ORA(state, state->memory[address]); break; } case ORA_ABS_X: { word address = pop_word(state) + state->x; ORA(state, state->memory[address]); break; } case ORA_ABS_Y: { word address = pop_word(state) + state->y; ORA(state, state->memory[address]); break; } case LDA_IMM: { LDA(state,pop_byte(state)); break; } break; default: unimplemented_instruction(state); break; } return 0; }