foco65 ====== Forth cross-compiler targeting 6502 processors. It needs a 6502 cross-assembler as a backend. Usage ----- foco65 [OPTIONS] INPUT-FILE OPTIONS: -h display help -p ADDR,--pstack-bottom=ADDR parameter stack bottom address -s SECTS,--sections=SECTS specify comma separated list of sections default: init,boot,data,code -S INT,--pstack-SIZE=INT parameter stack size Words ----- : @ 0= 1- 1+ 2/ 2* 2@ 2! and c! c@ cmove count d- d+ d= do drop dup i j loop +loop lshift <= < >= > - + or over rshift rsp sp swap unloop u< u> while <> = ! [ ] [code] [end-code] cell cells not [section] variable 2variable constant create , c, ,' ' ," " allot lit \ ( recursive [label] * / Internals --------- Type: indirect-threaded. Cell size is 16 bits. Parameter stack pointer is kept in register `X`. Parameter stack pointer is decremented before write (stack push) and incremented after read (stack pop). Hardware stack (page $01) is used as return stack. Instruction pointer and other work registers are kept in page zero occupying total of 12 bytes. After initializing interpreter internal state user-defined word `main` is executed. Generated code is placed into sections which are output in the order: `init`, `boot`, `data`, `code` or other - specified by the user. Example ------- Atari XL/XE example: display character table as 16x16 array. Uses xasm as a backend.
[section] init
org $3000
[section] code
$230 constant dladr
variable screen
variable cursor
variable line
: cursor-next ( -- u )
cursor @ dup 1+ cursor ! ;
: put-char ( c -- )
cursor-next c! ;
: set-cursor ( u -- )
screen @ + cursor ! ;
: main
dladr @ 4 + @ screen !
0 line !
16 0 do
line @ set-cursor
line @ 40 + line !
16 0 do
i j 4 lshift or put-char
begin again ;
run boot
Atari XL/XE example of defining word in assembly:
wait for keypress and push the pressed key's code
on the parameter stack.
: get-char ( -- c )
lda #0
sta pstack,x
stx w
jsr do_gc
ldx w
sta pstack,x
jmp next
lda $E425
lda $E424
[end-code] ;
Increase cell at the given address. Shows defining words not
being a valid assembler label.
create array 16 cells allot
: ++ ( addr -- )
[label] plus_plus
dup @ 1+ swap ! ;
array ++
array 1 cell + ++