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package i6502
// Add Memory to Accumulator with Carry
func (c *Cpu) ADC(in Instruction) {
operand := c.resolveOperand(in)
carryIn := c.getCarryInt()
if c.getDecimal() {
c.adcDecimal(c.A, operand, carryIn)
} else {
c.adcNormal(c.A, operand, carryIn)
// Substract memory from Accummulator with carry
func (c *Cpu) SBC(in Instruction) {
operand := c.resolveOperand(in)
carryIn := c.getCarryInt()
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// fmt.Printf("SBC: A: 0x%02X V: 0x%02X C: %b D: %v\n", c.A, operand, carryIn, c.getDecimal())
if c.getDecimal() {
c.sbcDecimal(c.A, operand, carryIn)
} else {
c.adcNormal(c.A, ^operand, carryIn)
func (c *Cpu) INC(in Instruction) {
address := c.memoryAddress(in)
value := c.bus.Read(address) + 1
c.bus.Write(address, value)
func (c *Cpu) DEC(in Instruction) {
address := c.memoryAddress(in)
value := c.bus.Read(address) - 1
c.bus.Write(address, value)
func (c *Cpu) LDA(in Instruction) {
value := c.resolveOperand(in)
func (c *Cpu) LDX(in Instruction) {
value := c.resolveOperand(in)
func (c *Cpu) LDY(in Instruction) {
value := c.resolveOperand(in)
func (c *Cpu) ORA(in Instruction) {
value := c.resolveOperand(in)
c.setA(c.A | value)
func (c *Cpu) AND(in Instruction) {
value := c.resolveOperand(in)
c.setA(c.A & value)
func (c *Cpu) EOR(in Instruction) {
value := c.resolveOperand(in)
c.setA(c.A ^ value)
func (c *Cpu) STA(in Instruction) {
address := c.memoryAddress(in)
c.bus.Write(address, c.A)
func (c *Cpu) STX(in Instruction) {
address := c.memoryAddress(in)
c.bus.Write(address, c.X)
func (c *Cpu) STY(in Instruction) {
address := c.memoryAddress(in)
c.bus.Write(address, c.Y)
func (c *Cpu) ASL(in Instruction) {
switch in.addressingId {
case accumulator:
c.setCarry((c.A >> 7) == 1)
c.A <<= 1
address := c.memoryAddress(in)
value := c.bus.Read(address)
c.setCarry((value >> 7) == 1)
value <<= 1
c.bus.Write(address, value)
func (c *Cpu) LSR(in Instruction) {
switch in.addressingId {
case accumulator:
c.setCarry((c.A & 0x01) == 1)
c.A >>= 1
address := c.memoryAddress(in)
value := c.bus.Read(address)
c.setCarry((value & 0x01) == 1)
value >>= 1
c.bus.Write(address, value)
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func (c *Cpu) ROL(in Instruction) {
carry := c.getCarryInt()
switch in.addressingId {
case accumulator:
c.setCarry((c.A & 0x80) != 0)
c.A = c.A<<1 | carry
address := c.memoryAddress(in)
value := c.bus.Read(address)
c.setCarry((value & 0x80) != 0)
value = value<<1 | carry
c.bus.Write(address, value)
func (c *Cpu) ROR(in Instruction) {
carry := c.getCarryInt()
switch in.addressingId {
case accumulator:
c.setCarry(c.A&0x01 == 1)
c.A = c.A>>1 | carry<<7
address := c.memoryAddress(in)
value := c.bus.Read(address)
c.setCarry(value&0x01 == 1)
value = value>>1 | carry<<7
c.bus.Write(address, value)
func (c *Cpu) CMP(in Instruction) {
value := c.resolveOperand(in)
// fmt.Printf("CMP A: 0x%02X V: 0x%02X\n", c.A, value)
c.setCarry(c.A >= value)
c.setArithmeticFlags(c.A - value)
func (c *Cpu) CPX(in Instruction) {
value := c.resolveOperand(in)
c.setCarry(c.X >= value)
c.setArithmeticFlags(c.X - value)
func (c *Cpu) CPY(in Instruction) {
value := c.resolveOperand(in)
c.setCarry(c.Y >= value)
c.setArithmeticFlags(c.Y - value)
func (c *Cpu) BRK() {
c.handleIrq(c.PC + 1)
func (c *Cpu) BIT(in Instruction) {
value := c.resolveOperand(in)
c.setNegative((value & 0x80) != 0)
c.setOverflow((value & 0x40) != 0)
c.setZero((c.A & value) == 0)
func (c *Cpu) JMP(in Instruction) {
c.PC = c.memoryAddress(in)
func (c *Cpu) JSR(in Instruction) {
c.stackPush(byte((c.PC - 1) >> 8))
c.stackPush(byte(c.PC - 1))
c.PC = c.memoryAddress(in)
// Performs regular, 8-bit addition
func (c *Cpu) adcNormal(a uint8, b uint8, carryIn uint8) {
result16 := uint16(a) + uint16(b) + uint16(carryIn)
result := uint8(result16)
carryOut := (result16 & 0x100) != 0
overflow := (a^result)&(b^result)&0x80 != 0
// Set the carry flag if we exceed 8-bits
// Set the overflow bit
// Store the resulting value (8-bits)
// Performs addition in decimal mode
func (c *Cpu) adcDecimal(a uint8, b uint8, carryIn uint8) {
var carryB uint8 = 0
low := (a & 0x0F) + (b & 0x0F) + carryIn
if (low & 0xFF) > 9 {
low += 6
if low > 15 {
carryB = 1
high := (a >> 4) + (b >> 4) + carryB
if (high & 0xFF) > 9 {
high += 6
result := (low & 0x0F) | (high<<4)&0xF0
c.setCarry(high > 15)
c.setZero(result == 0)
c.setNegative(false) // BCD never sets negative
c.setOverflow(false) // BCD never sets overflow
c.A = result
func (c *Cpu) sbcDecimal(a uint8, b uint8, carryIn uint8) {
var carryB uint8 = 0
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if carryIn == 0 {
carryIn = 1
} else {
carryIn = 0
low := (a & 0x0F) - (b & 0x0F) - carryIn
if (low & 0x10) != 0 {
low -= 6
if (low & 0x10) != 0 {
carryB = 1
high := (a >> 4) - (b >> 4) - carryB
if (high & 0x10) != 0 {
high -= 6
result := (low & 0x0F) | (high << 4)
c.setCarry((high & 0xFF) < 15)
c.setZero(result == 0)
c.setNegative(false) // BCD never sets negative
c.setOverflow(false) // BCD never sets overflow
c.A = result