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package dk.camelot64.kickc.asm;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.CallGraph;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.Program;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.Registers;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.symbols.Procedure;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.symbols.Scope;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.symbols.Symbol;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.symbols.Variable;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.types.SymbolType;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.types.SymbolTypeStruct;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.values.*;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.*;
* A Kick assembler "library" helper class used to import and export assembler from a C source.
public class AsmLibrary extends AsmLine {
public String getAsmLibraryName() {
return this.asmLibraryName.toString();
public String getAsmLibraryIdentifier() {
return this.asmLibraryName.getAsm();
private final AsmIdentifier asmLibraryName;
private final HashMap<String, Procedure.CallingConvention> symbols;
public AsmLibrary(String asmLibraryName, Path resource, HashMap<String, Procedure.CallingConvention> symbols) {
if(asmLibraryName!=null) {
this.asmLibraryName = new AsmIdentifier(asmLibraryName);
} else {
this.asmLibraryName = null;
this.symbols = symbols;
public AsmLibrary(String asmLibraryName, Path resource) {
this(asmLibraryName, resource, new LinkedHashMap<>());
public Set<String> getSymbols() {
return this.symbols.keySet();
public void addSymbol(String symbolName, Procedure.CallingConvention callingConvention) {
symbols.put(symbolName, callingConvention);
public Procedure.CallingConvention getProcedureCallingConvention(String procedureName) {
return symbols.get(procedureName);
public boolean hasSymbol(String symbolName) {
return symbols.containsKey(symbolName);
* Generate the zeropages used
* @param param The variable to investigate
* @param scope The scope (procedure)
* @param zp The zero pages to append
void generateZPVar(Set<String> zp, Variable param, Scope scope) {
if (param == null) return;
if (param.isKindPhiMaster()) {
List<Variable> versions = new ArrayList<>(scope.getVersions(param));
if (!versions.isEmpty()) if (param.getLocalName().equals("return")) {
// Choose the last version for return values
param = versions.get(versions.size() - 1);
} else {
// Choose the first version for parameters
param = versions.get(0);
// Parameter optimized away to a constant or unused
Registers.Register allocation = param.getAllocation();
if (allocation instanceof Registers.RegisterZpMem registerZp) {
for(byte b=0; b<allocation.getBytes(); b++) {
void generatePrototypeVar(Variable var, StringBuilder signature) {
Registers.Register allocation = var.getAllocation();
if (allocation instanceof Registers.RegisterZpMem registerZp) {
signature.append("__zp(").append(AsmFormat.getAsmNumber(registerZp.getZp())).append(") ");
} else if (allocation instanceof Registers.RegisterMainMem registerMainMem) {
signature.append("__mem(").append(registerMainMem.getAddress() == null ? "" : AsmFormat.getAsmNumber(registerMainMem.getAddress())).append(") ");
} else if (allocation instanceof Registers.RegisterAByte) {
signature.append("__register(A) ");
} else if (allocation instanceof Registers.RegisterXByte) {
signature.append("__register(X) ");
} else if (allocation instanceof Registers.RegisterYByte) {
signature.append("__register(Y) ");
} else if (allocation instanceof Registers.RegisterZByte) {
signature.append("__register(Z) ");
* Generate part of a comment that describes a returnvalue/parameter
* @param param The variable to describe
* @param scope The scope (procedure)
* @param signature The signature to append to
* @param isStackCall true if the signature is for stack call.
* @return The version of the variable chosen
Variable generateSignatureVar(Variable param, Scope scope, StringBuilder signature, boolean isStackCall) {
if (param == null) return param;
if (param.isKindPhiMaster()) {
List<Variable> versions = new ArrayList<>(scope.getVersions(param));
if (versions.size() > 0) if (param.getLocalName().equals("return")) {
// Choose the last version for return values
param = versions.get(versions.size() - 1);
} else {
// Choose the first version for parameters
param = versions.get(0);
// Parameter optimized away to a constant or unused
return param;
generatePrototypeVar(param, signature);
return param;
* #820/40 - Reserve used zero-page registers usage by the procedure, if any.
* If there are nested calls within the procedure to other exported procedures,
* then the zero-page reserve must include all the zero-pages
* of those nested functions!
* @param zp The set of consolidated zero-page used.
* @param procedureRef The reference to the procedure to generate the nested zero-page usage for.
* @param program The program.
* @return The set of reserved zero-page collected in String type format.
private Set<String> generateZP(Set<String> zp, ProcedureRef procedureRef, Program program) {
CallGraph callGraph = program.getCallGraph();
Collection<ScopeRef> calls =
for(ScopeRef called : calls) {
if(called instanceof ProcedureRef calledRef) {
generateZP(zp, calledRef, program);
Procedure procedure = program.getScope().getProcedure(procedureRef);
HashMap<String, Symbol> procedureSymbols = procedure.getSymbols();
for (Symbol symbol : procedureSymbols.values()) {
if (symbol instanceof Variable variable) {
generateZPVar(zp, variable, procedure);
return zp;
* Generate a header for a C function prototype for .asm library import.
* It defines the signature of each procedure in terms of the registers used,
* which can be __mem, __zp, __register for the procedure parameters and return value.
* Local variables, when allocated to __zp within the pre-compiled .asm library,
* are reserved using __zp_reserve directive.
* __stackcall procedures don't produce __mem, __zp, __register directives.
* @param procedure The procedure to generate the header for.
* @return A String with the generated function prototype.
private String generateProcedureHeader(Procedure procedure, Program program) {
StringBuilder signature = new StringBuilder();
Procedure.CallingConvention callingConvention = procedure.getCallingConvention();
boolean isStackCall = callingConvention == Procedure.CallingConvention.STACK_CALL;
signature.append("extern ");
signature.append(callingConvention.getName()).append(" ");
signature.append("__asm_import(\"").append(this.getAsmLibraryName()).append("\") ");
Set<String> zpSet = generateZP(new HashSet<String>(), procedure.getRef(), program);
if(!zpSet.isEmpty()) {
String zpDelimited = String.join(",", zpSet);
signature.append("__zp_reserve( ");
signature.append(" ) ");
generateSignatureVar(procedure.getLocalVar("return"), procedure, signature, isStackCall);
signature.append(" ").append(procedure.getLocalName()).append("(");
int i = 0;
for (Variable parameter : procedure.getParameters()) {
if (i++ > 0) signature.append(", ");
Variable param = generateSignatureVar(parameter, procedure, signature, isStackCall);
// Always add the signature comments...
return signature.toString();
* Generate struct forward declarations for C function prototypes for .asm library import,
* that use structs in the parameters or return values.
* @param procedure The procedure to generate the struct forward for.
* @return A String with the generated function prototype.
private String generateProcedureStructForwards(Procedure procedure, Program program) {
StringBuilder signature = new StringBuilder();
HashSet<String> structForwards = new HashSet<>();
Variable returnVariable = procedure.getLocalVar("return");
if(returnVariable != null && returnVariable.isStruct()) {
String structReturn = generateVariableStructForward(returnVariable, program);
for (Variable parameter : procedure.getParameters()) {
if(parameter.isStruct()) {
String paramStruct = generateVariableStructForward(parameter, program);
signature.append(String.join(";\n", structForwards)).append(";\n");
return signature.toString();
private boolean hasData(Variable constantVar) {
ConstantValue constantValue = constantVar.getInitValue();
if (constantValue instanceof ConstantArray) return true;
else if (constantValue instanceof ConstantStructValue) return true;
else if (constantValue instanceof ConstantString) return true;
else return false;
private boolean hasExportAsmLibrary(Variable constantVar, String exportAsmLibrary) {
String varExportAsmLibrary = constantVar.getExportAsmLibrary();
if(exportAsmLibrary != null) {
if(varExportAsmLibrary != null) {
return constantVar.getExportAsmLibrary().equals(exportAsmLibrary);
} else {
return false;
} else {
return true;
private String generateVariableStructForward(Variable variable, Program program) {
StringBuilder signature = new StringBuilder();
// #820/50 - Handle struct definitions correctly for proper declaration.
if(variable.isStruct()) {
SymbolType symbolType = variable.getType();
if(symbolType instanceof SymbolTypeStruct typeStruct) {
if(typeStruct.getTypeDefName() == null) {
String structName = variable.getType().toCDecl();
return signature.toString();
private String generateVariableHeader(Variable variable, Program program) {
StringBuilder signature = new StringBuilder();
signature.append("extern ");
signature.append("__asm_import(\"").append(this.getAsmLibraryName()).append("\") ");
generatePrototypeVar(variable, signature);
// signature.append(variable.getType().toCDecl());
// signature.append(variable.getLocalName()).append(" ");
// if(variable.isKindConstant()) {
// signature.append(" = ").append(variable.getInitValue());
// }
// Always add the signature comments...
return signature.toString();
* Generate a header file for an .asm library import.
* This is to be used by the main program to import an .asm library.
* It defines for each the registers used, which can be `__mem`, `__zp`, `__register`:
* - the extern declaration of each exported global variable in the .asm library.
* - the extern declaration of each exported procedure in the .asm library,
* in terms of the registers used, for the procedure parameters and return value.
* Local variables, when allocated to `__zp` within the pre-compiled .asm library,
* are reserved using `__zp_reserve` directive.
* @param program The program
* @return A string with the generated function prototypes for import.
public String generateHeaders(Program program) {
StringBuilder headers = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder structs = new StringBuilder();
// Generate the global variables headers.
Scope scope = program.getScope().getScope(ScopeRef.ROOT);
Collection<Variable> globalVariables = scope.getAllVars(false);
Set<String> zp = new HashSet<>();
// Add all constants arrays incl. strings with data
for (Variable globalVariable : globalVariables) {
if (hasExportAsmLibrary(globalVariable, this.getAsmLibraryName())) {
if(globalVariable.isMemoryAreaZP()) {
Registers.RegisterZpMem registerZpMem = (Registers.RegisterZpMem)globalVariable.getAllocation();
if(registerZpMem != null) {
for(byte b=0; b<registerZpMem.getBytes(); b++) {
// TODO: #820/50 - Declaration of global variables only when they are exported using asm_export pragma.
// This requires rework. It is a challenge to generate only those global var
// By default at this moment, all global variables in libraries are encapsulated in the asm namespace.
// This prevents any conflict of global variables.
headers.append(generateVariableHeader(globalVariable, program));
structs.append(generateVariableStructForward(globalVariable, program));
headers.insert(0, "#pragma zp_reserve(" + String.join(",", zp) + ")\n");
// Generate the procedure headers.
for(String procedureName: this.getSymbols()) {
Procedure procedure = program.getScope().getProcedure(new ProcedureRef(procedureName));
if(procedure != null) {
headers.append(generateProcedureHeader(procedure, program));
structs.append(generateProcedureStructForwards(procedure, program));
return structs.toString() + headers.toString();
public int getLineBytes() {
return 0;
public double getLineCycles() {
return 0;
public String getAsm() {
StringBuilder asm = new StringBuilder();
asm.append(".export ").append(" [ ");
for(String procedureName : symbols.keySet()) {
asm.append(" ]");
return asm.toString();