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2021-06-19 20:11:26 +00:00
/// @file
/// A lightweight library for printing on the C64.
2021-06-19 20:28:44 +00:00
/// Printing with this library is done by calling print_ function for each element
// Commodore 64 PRG executable file
.file [name="sinus-basic.prg", type="prg", segments="Program"]
.segmentdef Program [segments="Basic, Code, Data"]
.segmentdef Basic [start=$0801]
.segmentdef Code [start=$80d]
.segmentdef Data [startAfter="Code"]
.segment Basic
2019-02-17 23:12:29 +00:00
// Zeropage addresses used to hold lo/hi-bytes of addresses of float numbers in MEM
.label memLo = $fe
.label memHi = $ff
.label print_screen = $400
.label print_line_cursor = 2
.label print_char_cursor = 4
.segment Code
main: {
.label f_2pi = $e2e5
.label i = 8
2020-02-23 08:44:36 +00:00
// setFAC(1275)
lda #<$4fb
2019-08-10 23:16:56 +00:00
sta.z setFAC.prepareMEM1_mem
lda #>$4fb
2019-08-10 23:16:56 +00:00
sta.z setFAC.prepareMEM1_mem+1
jsr setFAC
2020-02-23 08:44:36 +00:00
// divFACby10()
jsr divFACby10
2020-02-23 08:44:36 +00:00
// setMEMtoFAC(f_127)
lda #<f_127
sta.z setMEMtoFAC.mem
lda #>f_127
sta.z setMEMtoFAC.mem+1
jsr setMEMtoFAC
lda #<print_screen
sta.z print_line_cursor
lda #>print_screen
sta.z print_line_cursor+1
lda #<print_screen
sta.z print_char_cursor
lda #>print_screen
sta.z print_char_cursor+1
lda #1
sta.z i
2020-02-23 08:44:36 +00:00
// setFAC((word)i)
lda.z i
sta.z setFAC.w
lda #0
sta.z setFAC.w+1
jsr setFAC
2020-02-23 08:44:36 +00:00
// mulFACbyMEM(f_2pi)
lda #<f_2pi
sta.z mulFACbyMEM.mem
lda #>f_2pi
sta.z mulFACbyMEM.mem+1
jsr mulFACbyMEM
2020-02-23 08:44:36 +00:00
// setMEMtoFAC(f_i)
lda #<f_i
sta.z setMEMtoFAC.mem
lda #>f_i
sta.z setMEMtoFAC.mem+1
jsr setMEMtoFAC
2020-02-23 08:44:36 +00:00
// setFAC(25)
lda #<$19
2019-08-10 23:16:56 +00:00
sta.z setFAC.prepareMEM1_mem
lda #>$19
2019-08-10 23:16:56 +00:00
sta.z setFAC.prepareMEM1_mem+1
jsr setFAC
2020-02-23 08:44:36 +00:00
// divMEMbyFAC(f_i)
jsr divMEMbyFAC
2020-02-23 08:44:36 +00:00
// sinFAC()
jsr sinFAC
2020-02-23 08:44:36 +00:00
// mulFACbyMEM(f_127)
lda #<f_127
sta.z mulFACbyMEM.mem
lda #>f_127
sta.z mulFACbyMEM.mem+1
jsr mulFACbyMEM
2020-02-23 08:44:36 +00:00
// addMEMtoFAC(f_127)
jsr addMEMtoFAC
2020-02-23 08:44:36 +00:00
// getFAC()
jsr getFAC
// print_uint(getFAC())
jsr print_uint
2020-02-23 08:44:36 +00:00
// print_ln()
jsr print_ln
2020-02-23 08:44:36 +00:00
// for(byte i : 1..25)
inc.z i
lda #$1a
cmp.z i
bne __b15
2020-02-23 08:44:36 +00:00
// }
lda.z print_line_cursor
sta.z print_char_cursor
lda.z print_line_cursor+1
sta.z print_char_cursor+1
jmp __b1
.segment Data
2017-12-03 22:24:25 +00:00
f_i: .byte 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
f_127: .byte 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
.segment Code
// FAC = unsigned int
// Set the FAC (floating point accumulator) to the integer value of a 16bit unsigned int
// void setFAC(__zp(6) unsigned int w)
setFAC: {
.label prepareMEM1_mem = 6
.label w = 6
// BYTE0(mem)
lda.z prepareMEM1_mem
// *memLo = BYTE0(mem)
sta.z memLo
// BYTE1(mem)
lda.z prepareMEM1_mem+1
// *memHi = BYTE1(mem)
sta.z memHi
// asm
// Load unsigned int register Y,A into FAC (floating point accumulator)
ldy memLo
jsr $b391
2020-02-23 08:44:36 +00:00
// }
// FAC = FAC/10
// Set FAC to FAC divided by 10
divFACby10: {
2020-02-23 08:44:36 +00:00
// asm
jsr $bafe
2020-02-23 08:44:36 +00:00
// }
// MEM = FAC
// Stores the value of the FAC to memory
// Stores 5 chars (means it is necessary to allocate 5 chars to avoid clobbering other data using eg. char[] mem = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};)
// void setMEMtoFAC(__zp(6) char *mem)
setMEMtoFAC: {
.label mem = 6
// BYTE0(mem)
lda.z mem
// *memLo = BYTE0(mem)
sta.z memLo
// BYTE1(mem)
lda.z mem+1
// *memHi = BYTE1(mem)
sta.z memHi
2020-02-23 08:44:36 +00:00
// asm
ldx memLo
jsr $bbd4
2020-02-23 08:44:36 +00:00
// }
2019-02-17 23:12:29 +00:00
// Set FAC to MEM (float saved in memory) multiplied by FAC (float accumulator)
// Reads 5 chars from memory
// void mulFACbyMEM(__zp(6) char *mem)
mulFACbyMEM: {
.label mem = 6
// BYTE0(mem)
2019-08-10 23:16:56 +00:00
lda.z mem
// *memLo = BYTE0(mem)
sta.z memLo
// BYTE1(mem)
2019-08-10 23:16:56 +00:00
lda.z mem+1
// *memHi = BYTE1(mem)
sta.z memHi
2020-02-23 08:44:36 +00:00
// asm
2019-08-10 23:16:56 +00:00
lda memLo
ldy memHi
jsr $ba28
2020-02-23 08:44:36 +00:00
// }
2019-02-17 23:12:29 +00:00
// Set FAC to MEM (float saved in memory) divided by FAC (float accumulator)
// Reads 5 chars from memory
// void divMEMbyFAC(char *mem)
divMEMbyFAC: {
2019-08-10 23:16:56 +00:00
.const prepareMEM1_mem = main.f_i
// *memLo = BYTE0(mem)
2019-08-10 23:16:56 +00:00
lda #<prepareMEM1_mem
sta.z memLo
// *memHi = BYTE1(mem)
2019-08-10 23:16:56 +00:00
lda #>prepareMEM1_mem
sta.z memHi
2020-02-23 08:44:36 +00:00
// asm
2019-08-10 23:16:56 +00:00
lda memLo
ldy memHi
jsr $bb0f
2020-02-23 08:44:36 +00:00
// }
// FAC = sin(FAC)
// Set FAC to sine of the FAC - sin(FAC)
// Sine is calculated on radians (0-2*PI)
sinFAC: {
2020-02-23 08:44:36 +00:00
// asm
jsr $e26b
2020-02-23 08:44:36 +00:00
// }
// Set FAC to MEM (float saved in memory) plus FAC (float accumulator)
// Reads 5 chars from memory
// void addMEMtoFAC(char *mem)
addMEMtoFAC: {
.const prepareMEM1_mem = main.f_127
// *memLo = BYTE0(mem)
lda #<prepareMEM1_mem
sta.z memLo
// *memHi = BYTE1(mem)
lda #>prepareMEM1_mem
sta.z memHi
2020-02-23 08:44:36 +00:00
// asm
lda memLo
ldy memHi
jsr $b867
2020-02-23 08:44:36 +00:00
// }
// unsigned int = FAC
// Get the value of the FAC (floating point accumulator) as an integer 16bit unsigned int
// Destroys the value in the FAC in the process
getFAC: {
.label return = 6
2020-02-23 08:44:36 +00:00
// asm
// Load FAC (floating point accumulator) integer part into unsigned int register Y,A
jsr $b1aa
sty memLo
sta memHi
// unsigned int w = MAKEWORD( *memHi, *memLo )
sta.z return+1
sta.z return
// }
// Print a unsigned int as HEX
// void print_uint(__zp(6) unsigned int w)
print_uint: {
.label w = 6
// print_uchar(BYTE1(w))
ldx.z w+1
jsr print_uchar
// print_uchar(BYTE0(w))
ldx.z w
jsr print_uchar
// }
// Print a newline
print_ln: {
2024-01-02 18:45:16 +00:00
// print_line_cursor + 0x28
lda #$28
adc.z print_line_cursor
sta.z print_line_cursor
bcc !+
inc.z print_line_cursor+1
// while (print_line_cursor<print_char_cursor)
lda.z print_line_cursor+1
cmp.z print_char_cursor+1
bcc __b1
bne !+
lda.z print_line_cursor
cmp.z print_char_cursor
bcc __b1
// }
// Print a char as HEX
// void print_uchar(__register(X) char b)
print_uchar: {
// b>>4
// print_char(print_hextab[b>>4])
lda print_hextab,y
// Table of hexadecimal digits
jsr print_char
2024-01-02 18:45:16 +00:00
// b&0xf
lda #$f
axs #0
2024-01-02 18:45:16 +00:00
// print_char(print_hextab[b&0xf])
lda print_hextab,x
jsr print_char
// }
// Print a single char
// void print_char(__register(A) char ch)
print_char: {
// *(print_char_cursor++) = ch
ldy #0
sta (print_char_cursor),y
// *(print_char_cursor++) = ch;
inc.z print_char_cursor
bne !+
inc.z print_char_cursor+1
2020-02-23 08:44:36 +00:00
// }
.segment Data
print_hextab: .text "0123456789abcdef"