@ -8395,6 +8395,429 @@ initscreen: {
Removing instruction lda XPOS+0
Removing instruction lda YPOS+0
Replacing instruction lda XPOS+1 with TXA
Removing instruction lda YPOS+2
Replacing instruction lda YPOS+3 with TXA
Removing instruction lda XPOS+3
Succesful ASM optimization Pass5UnnecesaryLoadElimination
//SEG0 Basic Upstart
.pc = $801 "Basic"
.pc = $80d "Program"
//SEG1 Global Constants & labels
.const SCREEN = $400
.const COLORS = $d800
.const FILL = $e6
.const numpoints = 6
XPOS: .byte 5, $f, 6, $22, $15, $1f
YPOS: .byte 5, 8, $e, 2, $11, $16
COLS: .byte 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7
//SEG2 @begin
//SEG3 @5
//SEG4 [0] call main param-assignment [ ] ( )
//SEG5 [1] phi from @5 to main [phi:@5->main]
jsr main
//SEG6 @end
//SEG7 main
main: {
//SEG8 [2] call initscreen param-assignment [ ] ( main:0 [ ] )
//SEG9 [85] phi from main to initscreen [phi:main->initscreen]
jsr initscreen
//SEG10 main::@1
//SEG11 [3] call render param-assignment [ ] ( main:0 [ ] )
//SEG12 [46] phi from main::@1 to render [phi:main::@1->render]
jsr render
//SEG13 main::@4
//SEG14 [4] call animate param-assignment [ ] ( main:0 [ ] )
jsr animate
//SEG15 main::@5
//SEG16 [5] if(true) goto main::@1 [ ] ( main:0 [ ] ) -- true_then_la1
jmp b1
//SEG17 main::@return
//SEG18 [6] return [ ] ( main:0 [ ] )
//SEG19 animate
animate: {
//SEG20 [7] (byte~) animate::$0 ← * (const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 0 [ animate::$0 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$0 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
lda XPOS+0
//SEG21 [8] (byte~) animate::$1 ← (byte~) animate::$0 + (byte) 1 [ animate::$1 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$1 ] ) -- aby=aby_plus_1
adc #1
//SEG22 [9] *((const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 0) ← (byte~) animate::$1 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=aby
sta XPOS+0
//SEG23 [10] (byte~) animate::$2 ← * (const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 0 [ animate::$2 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$2 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
//SEG24 [11] if((byte~) animate::$2!=(byte) 40) goto animate::@1 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- aby_neq_coby1_then_la1
cmp #$28
bne b1
//SEG25 animate::@7
//SEG26 [12] *((const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 0) ← (byte) 0 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=coby2
lda #0
sta XPOS+0
//SEG27 animate::@1
//SEG28 [13] (byte~) animate::$5 ← * (const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 0 [ animate::$5 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$5 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
lda YPOS+0
//SEG29 [14] (byte~) animate::$6 ← (byte~) animate::$5 + (byte) 1 [ animate::$6 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$6 ] ) -- aby=aby_plus_1
adc #1
//SEG30 [15] *((const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 0) ← (byte~) animate::$6 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=aby
sta YPOS+0
//SEG31 [16] (byte~) animate::$7 ← * (const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 0 [ animate::$7 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$7 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
//SEG32 [17] if((byte~) animate::$7!=(byte) 25) goto animate::@2 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- aby_neq_coby1_then_la1
cmp #$19
bne b2
//SEG33 animate::@8
//SEG34 [18] *((const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 0) ← (byte) 0 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=coby2
lda #0
sta YPOS+0
//SEG35 animate::@2
//SEG36 [19] (byte~) animate::$10 ← * (const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 1 [ animate::$10 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$10 ] ) -- xby=_deref_cowo1
ldx XPOS+1
//SEG37 [20] (byte~) animate::$11 ← (byte~) animate::$10 - (byte) 1 [ animate::$11 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$11 ] ) -- xby=xby_minus_1
//SEG38 [21] *((const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 1) ← (byte~) animate::$11 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=xby
stx XPOS+1
//SEG39 [22] (byte~) animate::$12 ← * (const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 1 [ animate::$12 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$12 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
//SEG40 [23] if((byte~) animate::$12!=(byte) 255) goto animate::@3 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- aby_neq_coby1_then_la1
cmp #$ff
bne b3
//SEG41 animate::@9
//SEG42 [24] *((const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 1) ← (byte) 40 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=coby2
lda #$28
sta XPOS+1
//SEG43 animate::@3
//SEG44 [25] (byte~) animate::$15 ← * (const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 2 [ animate::$15 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$15 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
lda YPOS+2
//SEG45 [26] (byte~) animate::$16 ← (byte~) animate::$15 + (byte) 1 [ animate::$16 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$16 ] ) -- aby=aby_plus_1
adc #1
//SEG46 [27] *((const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 2) ← (byte~) animate::$16 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=aby
sta YPOS+2
//SEG47 [28] (byte~) animate::$17 ← * (const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 2 [ animate::$17 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$17 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
//SEG48 [29] if((byte~) animate::$17!=(byte) 25) goto animate::@4 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- aby_neq_coby1_then_la1
cmp #$19
bne b4
//SEG49 animate::@10
//SEG50 [30] *((const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 2) ← (byte) 0 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=coby2
lda #0
sta YPOS+2
//SEG51 animate::@4
//SEG52 [31] (byte~) animate::$20 ← * (const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 3 [ animate::$20 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$20 ] ) -- xby=_deref_cowo1
ldx YPOS+3
//SEG53 [32] (byte~) animate::$21 ← (byte~) animate::$20 - (byte) 1 [ animate::$21 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$21 ] ) -- xby=xby_minus_1
//SEG54 [33] *((const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 3) ← (byte~) animate::$21 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=xby
stx YPOS+3
//SEG55 [34] (byte~) animate::$22 ← * (const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 3 [ animate::$22 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$22 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
//SEG56 [35] if((byte~) animate::$22!=(byte) 255) goto animate::@return [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- aby_neq_coby1_then_la1
cmp #$ff
bne breturn
//SEG57 animate::@11
//SEG58 [36] *((const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 3) ← (byte) 25 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=coby2
lda #$19
sta YPOS+3
//SEG59 [37] (byte~) animate::$25 ← * (const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 3 [ animate::$25 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$25 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
lda XPOS+3
//SEG60 [38] (byte~) animate::$26 ← (byte~) animate::$25 + (byte) 7 [ animate::$26 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$26 ] ) -- aby=aby_plus_coby1
adc #7
//SEG61 [39] *((const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 3) ← (byte~) animate::$26 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=aby
sta XPOS+3
//SEG62 [40] (byte~) animate::$27 ← * (const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 3 [ animate::$27 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$27 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
//SEG63 [41] if((byte~) animate::$27<(byte) 40) goto animate::@return [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- aby_lt_coby1_then_la1
cmp #$28
bcc breturn
//SEG64 animate::@12
//SEG65 [42] (byte~) animate::$30 ← * (const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 3 [ animate::$30 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$30 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
lda XPOS+3
//SEG66 [43] (byte~) animate::$31 ← (byte~) animate::$30 - (byte) 40 [ animate::$31 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$31 ] ) -- aby=aby_minus_coby1
sbc #$28
//SEG67 [44] *((const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 3) ← (byte~) animate::$31 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=aby
sta XPOS+3
//SEG68 animate::@return
//SEG69 [45] return [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] )
//SEG70 render
render: {
.label x = 5
.label colline = 3
.label y = 2
//SEG71 [47] phi from render to render::@1 [phi:render->render::@1]
//SEG72 [47] phi (byte*) render::colline#5 = (const byte*) COLORS#0 [phi:render->render::@1#0] -- zpptrby1=cowo1
lda #<COLORS
sta colline
lda #>COLORS
sta colline+1
//SEG73 [47] phi (byte) render::y#4 = (byte) 0 [phi:render->render::@1#1] -- zpby1=coby1
lda #0
sta y
jmp b1
//SEG74 [47] phi from render::@3 to render::@1 [phi:render::@3->render::@1]
//SEG75 [47] phi (byte*) render::colline#5 = (byte*) render::colline#1 [phi:render::@3->render::@1#0] -- register_copy
//SEG76 [47] phi (byte) render::y#4 = (byte) render::y#1 [phi:render::@3->render::@1#1] -- register_copy
//SEG77 render::@1
//SEG78 [48] phi from render::@1 to render::@2 [phi:render::@1->render::@2]
//SEG79 [48] phi (byte) render::x#2 = (byte) 0 [phi:render::@1->render::@2#0] -- zpby1=coby1
lda #0
sta x
jmp b2
//SEG80 [48] phi from render::@5 to render::@2 [phi:render::@5->render::@2]
//SEG81 [48] phi (byte) render::x#2 = (byte) render::x#1 [phi:render::@5->render::@2#0] -- register_copy
//SEG82 render::@2
//SEG83 [49] (byte) findcol::x#0 ← (byte) render::x#2 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 ] ( main:0::render:3 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 ] )
// (byte) findcol::x#0 = (byte) render::x#2 // register copy zp ZP_BYTE:5
//SEG84 [50] (byte) findcol::y#0 ← (byte) render::y#4 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 ] ( main:0::render:3 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 ] )
// (byte) findcol::y#0 = (byte) render::y#4 // register copy zp ZP_BYTE:2
//SEG85 [51] call findcol param-assignment [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::return#0 ] ( main:0::render:3 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::return#0 ] )
//SEG86 [60] phi from render::@2 to findcol [phi:render::@2->findcol]
jsr findcol
//SEG87 render::@5
//SEG88 [52] (byte) render::col#0 ← (byte) findcol::return#0 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 render::col#0 ] ( main:0::render:3 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 render::col#0 ] ) -- aby=yby
//SEG89 [53] *((byte*) render::colline#5 + (byte) render::x#2) ← (byte) render::col#0 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 ] ( main:0::render:3 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 ] ) -- zpptrby1_derefidx_zpby1=aby
ldy x
sta (colline),y
//SEG90 [54] (byte) render::x#1 ← ++ (byte) render::x#2 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#1 ] ( main:0::render:3 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#1 ] ) -- zpby1=_inc_zpby1
inc x
//SEG91 [55] if((byte) render::x#1!=(byte) 40) goto render::@2 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#1 ] ( main:0::render:3 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#1 ] ) -- zpby1_neq_coby1_then_la1
lda x
cmp #$28
bne b2_from_b5
//SEG92 render::@3
//SEG93 [56] (byte*) render::colline#1 ← (byte*) render::colline#5 + (byte) 40 [ render::y#4 render::colline#1 ] ( main:0::render:3 [ render::y#4 render::colline#1 ] ) -- zpptrby1=zpptrby1_plus_coby1
lda colline
adc #$28
sta colline
bcc !+
inc colline+1
//SEG94 [57] (byte) render::y#1 ← ++ (byte) render::y#4 [ render::y#1 render::colline#1 ] ( main:0::render:3 [ render::y#1 render::colline#1 ] ) -- zpby1=_inc_zpby1
inc y
//SEG95 [58] if((byte) render::y#1!=(byte) 25) goto render::@1 [ render::y#1 render::colline#1 ] ( main:0::render:3 [ render::y#1 render::colline#1 ] ) -- zpby1_neq_coby1_then_la1
lda y
cmp #$19
bne b1_from_b3
//SEG96 render::@return
//SEG97 [59] return [ ] ( main:0::render:3 [ ] )
//SEG98 findcol
findcol: {
.label x = 5
.label y = 2
.label xp = 7
.label yp = 8
.label diff = 7
.label mindiff = 6
//SEG99 [61] phi from findcol to findcol::@1 [phi:findcol->findcol::@1]
//SEG100 [61] phi (byte) findcol::mincol#10 = (byte) 0 [phi:findcol->findcol::@1#0] -- yby=coby1
ldy #0
//SEG101 [61] phi (byte) findcol::mindiff#10 = (byte) 255 [phi:findcol->findcol::@1#1] -- zpby1=coby1
lda #$ff
sta mindiff
//SEG102 [61] phi (byte) findcol::i#10 = (byte) 0 [phi:findcol->findcol::@1#2] -- xby=coby1
ldx #0
//SEG103 findcol::@1
//SEG104 [62] (byte) findcol::xp#0 ← (const byte[]) XPOS#0 *idx (byte) findcol::i#10 [ findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::xp#0 ] ( main:0::render:3::findcol:51 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::xp#0 ] ) -- zpby1=cowo1_derefidx_xby
lda XPOS,x
sta xp
//SEG105 [63] (byte) findcol::yp#0 ← (const byte[]) YPOS#0 *idx (byte) findcol::i#10 [ findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::xp#0 findcol::yp#0 ] ( main:0::render:3::findcol:51 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::xp#0 findcol::yp#0 ] ) -- zpby1=cowo1_derefidx_xby
lda YPOS,x
sta yp
//SEG106 [64] if((byte) findcol::x#0!=(byte) findcol::xp#0) goto findcol::@2 [ findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::xp#0 findcol::yp#0 ] ( main:0::render:3::findcol:51 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::xp#0 findcol::yp#0 ] ) -- zpby1_neq_zpby2_then_la1
lda x
cmp xp
bne b2
//SEG107 findcol::@9
//SEG108 [65] if((byte) findcol::y#0!=(byte) findcol::yp#0) goto findcol::@2 [ findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::xp#0 findcol::yp#0 ] ( main:0::render:3::findcol:51 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::xp#0 findcol::yp#0 ] ) -- zpby1_neq_zpby2_then_la1
lda y
cmp yp
bne b2
//SEG109 [66] phi from findcol::@9 to findcol::@return [phi:findcol::@9->findcol::@return]
//SEG110 [66] phi (byte) findcol::return#0 = (byte) 0 [phi:findcol::@9->findcol::@return#0] -- yby=coby1
ldy #0
//SEG111 findcol::@return
//SEG112 [67] return [ findcol::return#0 ] ( main:0::render:3::findcol:51 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::return#0 ] )
//SEG113 findcol::@2
//SEG114 [68] if((byte) findcol::x#0>=(byte) findcol::xp#0) goto findcol::@4 [ findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::xp#0 findcol::yp#0 ] ( main:0::render:3::findcol:51 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::xp#0 findcol::yp#0 ] ) -- zpby1_ge_zpby2_then_la1
lda x
cmp xp
bcs b4
//SEG115 findcol::@12
//SEG116 [69] (byte) findcol::diff#1 ← (byte) findcol::xp#0 - (byte) findcol::x#0 [ findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::yp#0 findcol::diff#1 ] ( main:0::render:3::findcol:51 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::yp#0 findcol::diff#1 ] ) -- zpby1=zpby1_minus_zpby2
lda diff
sbc x
sta diff
//SEG117 [70] phi from findcol::@12 findcol::@4 to findcol::@5 [phi:findcol::@12/findcol::@4->findcol::@5]
//SEG118 [70] phi (byte) findcol::diff#4 = (byte) findcol::diff#1 [phi:findcol::@12/findcol::@4->findcol::@5#0] -- register_copy
//SEG119 findcol::@5
//SEG120 [71] if((byte) findcol::y#0>=(byte) findcol::yp#0) goto findcol::@6 [ findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::yp#0 findcol::diff#4 ] ( main:0::render:3::findcol:51 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::yp#0 findcol::diff#4 ] ) -- zpby1_ge_zpby2_then_la1
lda y
cmp yp
bcs b6
//SEG121 findcol::@14
//SEG122 [72] (byte~) findcol::$12 ← (byte) findcol::yp#0 - (byte) findcol::y#0 [ findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::diff#4 findcol::$12 ] ( main:0::render:3::findcol:51 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::diff#4 findcol::$12 ] ) -- aby=zpby1_minus_zpby2
lda yp
sbc y
//SEG123 [73] (byte) findcol::diff#3 ← (byte) findcol::diff#4 + (byte~) findcol::$12 [ findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::diff#3 ] ( main:0::render:3::findcol:51 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::diff#3 ] ) -- aby=zpby1_plus_aby
adc diff
//SEG124 [74] phi from findcol::@14 findcol::@6 to findcol::@7 [phi:findcol::@14/findcol::@6->findcol::@7]
//SEG125 [74] phi (byte) findcol::diff#6 = (byte) findcol::diff#3 [phi:findcol::@14/findcol::@6->findcol::@7#0] -- register_copy
//SEG126 findcol::@7
//SEG127 [75] if((byte) findcol::diff#6>=(byte) findcol::mindiff#10) goto findcol::@21 [ findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::diff#6 ] ( main:0::render:3::findcol:51 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::diff#6 ] ) -- aby_ge_zpby1_then_la1
cmp mindiff
bcs b21
//SEG128 findcol::@16
//SEG129 [76] (byte) findcol::mincol#1 ← (const byte[]) COLS#0 *idx (byte) findcol::i#10 [ findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::diff#6 findcol::mincol#1 ] ( main:0::render:3::findcol:51 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::diff#6 findcol::mincol#1 ] ) -- yby=cowo1_derefidx_xby
ldy COLS,x
//SEG130 [77] phi from findcol::@16 findcol::@21 to findcol::@8 [phi:findcol::@16/findcol::@21->findcol::@8]
//SEG131 [77] phi (byte) findcol::mindiff#11 = (byte) findcol::diff#6 [phi:findcol::@16/findcol::@21->findcol::@8#0] -- register_copy
//SEG132 [77] phi (byte) findcol::mincol#2 = (byte) findcol::mincol#1 [phi:findcol::@16/findcol::@21->findcol::@8#1] -- register_copy
//SEG133 findcol::@8
//SEG134 [78] (byte) findcol::i#1 ← ++ (byte) findcol::i#10 [ findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#1 findcol::mincol#2 findcol::mindiff#11 ] ( main:0::render:3::findcol:51 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#1 findcol::mincol#2 findcol::mindiff#11 ] ) -- xby=_inc_xby
//SEG135 [79] if((byte) findcol::i#1<(const byte) numpoints#0) goto findcol::@19 [ findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#1 findcol::mincol#2 findcol::mindiff#11 ] ( main:0::render:3::findcol:51 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#1 findcol::mincol#2 findcol::mindiff#11 ] ) -- xby_lt_coby1_then_la1
cpx #numpoints
bcc b19
//SEG136 [66] phi from findcol::@8 to findcol::@return [phi:findcol::@8->findcol::@return]
//SEG137 [66] phi (byte) findcol::return#0 = (byte) findcol::mincol#2 [phi:findcol::@8->findcol::@return#0] -- register_copy
jmp breturn
//SEG138 findcol::@19
//SEG139 [80] (byte~) findcol::mindiff#13 ← (byte) findcol::mindiff#11 [ findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#1 findcol::mindiff#13 findcol::mincol#2 ] ( main:0::render:3::findcol:51 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#1 findcol::mindiff#13 findcol::mincol#2 ] ) -- zpby1=aby
sta mindiff
//SEG140 [61] phi from findcol::@19 to findcol::@1 [phi:findcol::@19->findcol::@1]
//SEG141 [61] phi (byte) findcol::mincol#10 = (byte) findcol::mincol#2 [phi:findcol::@19->findcol::@1#0] -- register_copy
//SEG142 [61] phi (byte) findcol::mindiff#10 = (byte~) findcol::mindiff#13 [phi:findcol::@19->findcol::@1#1] -- register_copy
//SEG143 [61] phi (byte) findcol::i#10 = (byte) findcol::i#1 [phi:findcol::@19->findcol::@1#2] -- register_copy
jmp b1
//SEG144 findcol::@21
//SEG145 [81] (byte~) findcol::mindiff#14 ← (byte) findcol::mindiff#10 [ findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::mindiff#14 ] ( main:0::render:3::findcol:51 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::mindiff#14 ] ) -- aby=zpby1
lda mindiff
jmp b8_from_b21
//SEG146 findcol::@6
//SEG147 [82] (byte~) findcol::$14 ← (byte) findcol::y#0 - (byte) findcol::yp#0 [ findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::diff#4 findcol::$14 ] ( main:0::render:3::findcol:51 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::diff#4 findcol::$14 ] ) -- aby=zpby1_minus_zpby2
lda y
sbc yp
//SEG148 [83] (byte) findcol::diff#2 ← (byte) findcol::diff#4 + (byte~) findcol::$14 [ findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::diff#2 ] ( main:0::render:3::findcol:51 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::diff#2 ] ) -- aby=zpby1_plus_aby
adc diff
jmp b7_from_b6
//SEG149 findcol::@4
//SEG150 [84] (byte) findcol::diff#0 ← (byte) findcol::x#0 - (byte) findcol::xp#0 [ findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::yp#0 findcol::diff#0 ] ( main:0::render:3::findcol:51 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::yp#0 findcol::diff#0 ] ) -- zpby1=zpby2_minus_zpby1
lda x
sbc diff
sta diff
jmp b5_from_b4
//SEG151 initscreen
initscreen: {
.label screen = 3
//SEG152 [86] phi from initscreen to initscreen::@1 [phi:initscreen->initscreen::@1]
//SEG153 [86] phi (byte*) initscreen::screen#2 = (const byte*) SCREEN#0 [phi:initscreen->initscreen::@1#0] -- zpptrby1=cowo1
lda #<SCREEN
sta screen
lda #>SCREEN
sta screen+1
jmp b1
//SEG154 [86] phi from initscreen::@1 to initscreen::@1 [phi:initscreen::@1->initscreen::@1]
//SEG155 [86] phi (byte*) initscreen::screen#2 = (byte*) initscreen::screen#1 [phi:initscreen::@1->initscreen::@1#0] -- register_copy
//SEG156 initscreen::@1
//SEG157 [87] *((byte*) initscreen::screen#2) ← (const byte) FILL#0 [ initscreen::screen#2 ] ( main:0::initscreen:2 [ initscreen::screen#2 ] ) -- _deref_zpptrby1=coby1
ldy #0
lda #FILL
sta (screen),y
//SEG158 [88] (byte*) initscreen::screen#1 ← ++ (byte*) initscreen::screen#2 [ initscreen::screen#1 ] ( main:0::initscreen:2 [ initscreen::screen#1 ] ) -- zpptrby1=_inc_zpptrby1
inc screen
bne !+
inc screen+1
//SEG159 [89] if((byte*) initscreen::screen#1<(const byte*) SCREEN#0+(word) 1000) goto initscreen::@1 [ initscreen::screen#1 ] ( main:0::initscreen:2 [ initscreen::screen#1 ] ) -- zpptrby1_lt_cowo1_then_la1
lda screen+1
cmp #>SCREEN+$3e8
bcc b1_from_b1
bne !+
lda screen
cmp #<SCREEN+$3e8
bcc b1_from_b1
//SEG160 initscreen::@return
//SEG161 [90] return [ ] ( main:0::initscreen:2 [ ] )
Replacing label b2_from_b5 with b2
Replacing label b1_from_b3 with b1
Replacing label b8_from_b21 with b8
@ -8471,7 +8894,6 @@ animate: {
//SEG22 [9] *((const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 0) ← (byte~) animate::$1 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=aby
sta XPOS+0
//SEG23 [10] (byte~) animate::$2 ← * (const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 0 [ animate::$2 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$2 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
lda XPOS+0
//SEG24 [11] if((byte~) animate::$2!=(byte) 40) goto animate::@1 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- aby_neq_coby1_then_la1
cmp #$28
bne b1
@ -8490,7 +8912,6 @@ animate: {
//SEG30 [15] *((const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 0) ← (byte~) animate::$6 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=aby
sta YPOS+0
//SEG31 [16] (byte~) animate::$7 ← * (const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 0 [ animate::$7 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$7 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
lda YPOS+0
//SEG32 [17] if((byte~) animate::$7!=(byte) 25) goto animate::@2 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- aby_neq_coby1_then_la1
cmp #$19
bne b2
@ -8508,7 +8929,7 @@ animate: {
//SEG38 [21] *((const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 1) ← (byte~) animate::$11 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=xby
stx XPOS+1
//SEG39 [22] (byte~) animate::$12 ← * (const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 1 [ animate::$12 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$12 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
lda XPOS+1
//SEG40 [23] if((byte~) animate::$12!=(byte) 255) goto animate::@3 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- aby_neq_coby1_then_la1
cmp #$ff
bne b3
@ -8527,7 +8948,6 @@ animate: {
//SEG46 [27] *((const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 2) ← (byte~) animate::$16 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=aby
sta YPOS+2
//SEG47 [28] (byte~) animate::$17 ← * (const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 2 [ animate::$17 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$17 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
lda YPOS+2
//SEG48 [29] if((byte~) animate::$17!=(byte) 25) goto animate::@4 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- aby_neq_coby1_then_la1
cmp #$19
bne b4
@ -8545,7 +8965,7 @@ animate: {
//SEG54 [33] *((const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 3) ← (byte~) animate::$21 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=xby
stx YPOS+3
//SEG55 [34] (byte~) animate::$22 ← * (const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 3 [ animate::$22 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$22 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
lda YPOS+3
//SEG56 [35] if((byte~) animate::$22!=(byte) 255) goto animate::@return [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- aby_neq_coby1_then_la1
cmp #$ff
bne breturn
@ -8562,7 +8982,6 @@ animate: {
//SEG61 [39] *((const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 3) ← (byte~) animate::$26 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=aby
sta XPOS+3
//SEG62 [40] (byte~) animate::$27 ← * (const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 3 [ animate::$27 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$27 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
lda XPOS+3
//SEG63 [41] if((byte~) animate::$27<(byte) 40) goto animate::@return [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- aby_lt_coby1_then_la1
cmp #$28
bcc breturn
@ -8900,7 +9319,6 @@ animate: {
//SEG22 [9] *((const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 0) ← (byte~) animate::$1 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=aby
sta XPOS+0
//SEG23 [10] (byte~) animate::$2 ← * (const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 0 [ animate::$2 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$2 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
lda XPOS+0
//SEG24 [11] if((byte~) animate::$2!=(byte) 40) goto animate::@1 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- aby_neq_coby1_then_la1
cmp #$28
bne b1
@ -8918,7 +9336,6 @@ animate: {
//SEG30 [15] *((const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 0) ← (byte~) animate::$6 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=aby
sta YPOS+0
//SEG31 [16] (byte~) animate::$7 ← * (const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 0 [ animate::$7 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$7 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
lda YPOS+0
//SEG32 [17] if((byte~) animate::$7!=(byte) 25) goto animate::@2 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- aby_neq_coby1_then_la1
cmp #$19
bne b2
@ -8935,7 +9352,7 @@ animate: {
//SEG38 [21] *((const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 1) ← (byte~) animate::$11 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=xby
stx XPOS+1
//SEG39 [22] (byte~) animate::$12 ← * (const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 1 [ animate::$12 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$12 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
lda XPOS+1
//SEG40 [23] if((byte~) animate::$12!=(byte) 255) goto animate::@3 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- aby_neq_coby1_then_la1
cmp #$ff
bne b3
@ -8953,7 +9370,6 @@ animate: {
//SEG46 [27] *((const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 2) ← (byte~) animate::$16 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=aby
sta YPOS+2
//SEG47 [28] (byte~) animate::$17 ← * (const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 2 [ animate::$17 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$17 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
lda YPOS+2
//SEG48 [29] if((byte~) animate::$17!=(byte) 25) goto animate::@4 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- aby_neq_coby1_then_la1
cmp #$19
bne b4
@ -8970,7 +9386,7 @@ animate: {
//SEG54 [33] *((const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 3) ← (byte~) animate::$21 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=xby
stx YPOS+3
//SEG55 [34] (byte~) animate::$22 ← * (const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 3 [ animate::$22 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$22 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
lda YPOS+3
//SEG56 [35] if((byte~) animate::$22!=(byte) 255) goto animate::@return [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- aby_neq_coby1_then_la1
cmp #$ff
bne breturn
@ -8986,7 +9402,6 @@ animate: {
//SEG61 [39] *((const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 3) ← (byte~) animate::$26 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=aby
sta XPOS+3
//SEG62 [40] (byte~) animate::$27 ← * (const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 3 [ animate::$27 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$27 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
lda XPOS+3
//SEG63 [41] if((byte~) animate::$27<(byte) 40) goto animate::@return [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- aby_lt_coby1_then_la1
cmp #$28
bcc breturn
@ -9284,7 +9699,6 @@ animate: {
//SEG22 [9] *((const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 0) ← (byte~) animate::$1 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=aby
sta XPOS+0
//SEG23 [10] (byte~) animate::$2 ← * (const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 0 [ animate::$2 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$2 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
lda XPOS+0
//SEG24 [11] if((byte~) animate::$2!=(byte) 40) goto animate::@1 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- aby_neq_coby1_then_la1
cmp #$28
bne b1
@ -9302,7 +9716,6 @@ animate: {
//SEG30 [15] *((const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 0) ← (byte~) animate::$6 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=aby
sta YPOS+0
//SEG31 [16] (byte~) animate::$7 ← * (const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 0 [ animate::$7 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$7 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
lda YPOS+0
//SEG32 [17] if((byte~) animate::$7!=(byte) 25) goto animate::@2 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- aby_neq_coby1_then_la1
cmp #$19
bne b2
@ -9319,7 +9732,7 @@ animate: {
//SEG38 [21] *((const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 1) ← (byte~) animate::$11 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=xby
stx XPOS+1
//SEG39 [22] (byte~) animate::$12 ← * (const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 1 [ animate::$12 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$12 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
lda XPOS+1
//SEG40 [23] if((byte~) animate::$12!=(byte) 255) goto animate::@3 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- aby_neq_coby1_then_la1
cmp #$ff
bne b3
@ -9337,7 +9750,6 @@ animate: {
//SEG46 [27] *((const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 2) ← (byte~) animate::$16 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=aby
sta YPOS+2
//SEG47 [28] (byte~) animate::$17 ← * (const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 2 [ animate::$17 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$17 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
lda YPOS+2
//SEG48 [29] if((byte~) animate::$17!=(byte) 25) goto animate::@4 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- aby_neq_coby1_then_la1
cmp #$19
bne b4
@ -9354,7 +9766,7 @@ animate: {
//SEG54 [33] *((const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 3) ← (byte~) animate::$21 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=xby
stx YPOS+3
//SEG55 [34] (byte~) animate::$22 ← * (const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 3 [ animate::$22 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$22 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
lda YPOS+3
//SEG56 [35] if((byte~) animate::$22!=(byte) 255) goto animate::@return [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- aby_neq_coby1_then_la1
cmp #$ff
bne breturn
@ -9370,7 +9782,6 @@ animate: {
//SEG61 [39] *((const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 3) ← (byte~) animate::$26 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=aby
sta XPOS+3
//SEG62 [40] (byte~) animate::$27 ← * (const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 3 [ animate::$27 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$27 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
lda XPOS+3
//SEG63 [41] if((byte~) animate::$27<(byte) 40) goto animate::@return [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- aby_lt_coby1_then_la1
cmp #$28
bcc breturn
@ -9612,6 +10023,380 @@ initscreen: {
Removing instruction lda XPOS+3
Succesful ASM optimization Pass5UnnecesaryLoadElimination
//SEG0 Basic Upstart
.pc = $801 "Basic"
.pc = $80d "Program"
//SEG1 Global Constants & labels
.const SCREEN = $400
.const COLORS = $d800
.const FILL = $e6
.const numpoints = 6
XPOS: .byte 5, $f, 6, $22, $15, $1f
YPOS: .byte 5, 8, $e, 2, $11, $16
COLS: .byte 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7
//SEG2 @begin
//SEG3 @5
//SEG4 [0] call main param-assignment [ ] ( )
//SEG5 [1] phi from @5 to main [phi:@5->main]
jsr main
//SEG6 @end
//SEG7 main
main: {
//SEG8 [2] call initscreen param-assignment [ ] ( main:0 [ ] )
//SEG9 [85] phi from main to initscreen [phi:main->initscreen]
jsr initscreen
//SEG10 main::@1
//SEG11 [3] call render param-assignment [ ] ( main:0 [ ] )
//SEG12 [46] phi from main::@1 to render [phi:main::@1->render]
jsr render
//SEG13 main::@4
//SEG14 [4] call animate param-assignment [ ] ( main:0 [ ] )
jsr animate
//SEG15 main::@5
//SEG16 [5] if(true) goto main::@1 [ ] ( main:0 [ ] ) -- true_then_la1
jmp b1
//SEG17 main::@return
//SEG18 [6] return [ ] ( main:0 [ ] )
//SEG19 animate
animate: {
//SEG20 [7] (byte~) animate::$0 ← * (const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 0 [ animate::$0 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$0 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
lda XPOS+0
//SEG21 [8] (byte~) animate::$1 ← (byte~) animate::$0 + (byte) 1 [ animate::$1 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$1 ] ) -- aby=aby_plus_1
adc #1
//SEG22 [9] *((const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 0) ← (byte~) animate::$1 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=aby
sta XPOS+0
//SEG23 [10] (byte~) animate::$2 ← * (const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 0 [ animate::$2 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$2 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
//SEG24 [11] if((byte~) animate::$2!=(byte) 40) goto animate::@1 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- aby_neq_coby1_then_la1
cmp #$28
bne b1
//SEG25 animate::@7
//SEG26 [12] *((const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 0) ← (byte) 0 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=coby2
lda #0
sta XPOS+0
//SEG27 animate::@1
//SEG28 [13] (byte~) animate::$5 ← * (const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 0 [ animate::$5 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$5 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
lda YPOS+0
//SEG29 [14] (byte~) animate::$6 ← (byte~) animate::$5 + (byte) 1 [ animate::$6 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$6 ] ) -- aby=aby_plus_1
adc #1
//SEG30 [15] *((const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 0) ← (byte~) animate::$6 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=aby
sta YPOS+0
//SEG31 [16] (byte~) animate::$7 ← * (const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 0 [ animate::$7 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$7 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
//SEG32 [17] if((byte~) animate::$7!=(byte) 25) goto animate::@2 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- aby_neq_coby1_then_la1
cmp #$19
bne b2
//SEG33 animate::@8
//SEG34 [18] *((const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 0) ← (byte) 0 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=coby2
lda #0
sta YPOS+0
//SEG35 animate::@2
//SEG36 [19] (byte~) animate::$10 ← * (const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 1 [ animate::$10 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$10 ] ) -- xby=_deref_cowo1
ldx XPOS+1
//SEG37 [20] (byte~) animate::$11 ← (byte~) animate::$10 - (byte) 1 [ animate::$11 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$11 ] ) -- xby=xby_minus_1
//SEG38 [21] *((const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 1) ← (byte~) animate::$11 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=xby
stx XPOS+1
//SEG39 [22] (byte~) animate::$12 ← * (const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 1 [ animate::$12 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$12 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
//SEG40 [23] if((byte~) animate::$12!=(byte) 255) goto animate::@3 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- aby_neq_coby1_then_la1
cmp #$ff
bne b3
//SEG41 animate::@9
//SEG42 [24] *((const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 1) ← (byte) 40 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=coby2
lda #$28
sta XPOS+1
//SEG43 animate::@3
//SEG44 [25] (byte~) animate::$15 ← * (const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 2 [ animate::$15 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$15 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
lda YPOS+2
//SEG45 [26] (byte~) animate::$16 ← (byte~) animate::$15 + (byte) 1 [ animate::$16 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$16 ] ) -- aby=aby_plus_1
adc #1
//SEG46 [27] *((const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 2) ← (byte~) animate::$16 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=aby
sta YPOS+2
//SEG47 [28] (byte~) animate::$17 ← * (const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 2 [ animate::$17 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$17 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
//SEG48 [29] if((byte~) animate::$17!=(byte) 25) goto animate::@4 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- aby_neq_coby1_then_la1
cmp #$19
bne b4
//SEG49 animate::@10
//SEG50 [30] *((const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 2) ← (byte) 0 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=coby2
lda #0
sta YPOS+2
//SEG51 animate::@4
//SEG52 [31] (byte~) animate::$20 ← * (const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 3 [ animate::$20 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$20 ] ) -- xby=_deref_cowo1
ldx YPOS+3
//SEG53 [32] (byte~) animate::$21 ← (byte~) animate::$20 - (byte) 1 [ animate::$21 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$21 ] ) -- xby=xby_minus_1
//SEG54 [33] *((const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 3) ← (byte~) animate::$21 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=xby
stx YPOS+3
//SEG55 [34] (byte~) animate::$22 ← * (const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 3 [ animate::$22 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$22 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
//SEG56 [35] if((byte~) animate::$22!=(byte) 255) goto animate::@return [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- aby_neq_coby1_then_la1
cmp #$ff
bne breturn
//SEG57 animate::@11
//SEG58 [36] *((const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 3) ← (byte) 25 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=coby2
lda #$19
sta YPOS+3
//SEG59 [37] (byte~) animate::$25 ← * (const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 3 [ animate::$25 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$25 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
lda XPOS+3
//SEG60 [38] (byte~) animate::$26 ← (byte~) animate::$25 + (byte) 7 [ animate::$26 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$26 ] ) -- aby=aby_plus_coby1
adc #7
//SEG61 [39] *((const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 3) ← (byte~) animate::$26 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=aby
sta XPOS+3
//SEG62 [40] (byte~) animate::$27 ← * (const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 3 [ animate::$27 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$27 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
//SEG63 [41] if((byte~) animate::$27<(byte) 40) goto animate::@return [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- aby_lt_coby1_then_la1
cmp #$28
bcc breturn
//SEG64 animate::@12
//SEG65 [42] (byte~) animate::$30 ← * (const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 3 [ animate::$30 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$30 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
//SEG66 [43] (byte~) animate::$31 ← (byte~) animate::$30 - (byte) 40 [ animate::$31 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$31 ] ) -- aby=aby_minus_coby1
sbc #$28
//SEG67 [44] *((const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 3) ← (byte~) animate::$31 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=aby
sta XPOS+3
//SEG68 animate::@return
//SEG69 [45] return [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] )
//SEG70 render
render: {
.label x = 5
.label colline = 3
.label y = 2
//SEG71 [47] phi from render to render::@1 [phi:render->render::@1]
//SEG72 [47] phi (byte*) render::colline#5 = (const byte*) COLORS#0 [phi:render->render::@1#0] -- zpptrby1=cowo1
lda #<COLORS
sta colline
lda #>COLORS
sta colline+1
//SEG73 [47] phi (byte) render::y#4 = (byte) 0 [phi:render->render::@1#1] -- zpby1=coby1
lda #0
sta y
//SEG74 [47] phi from render::@3 to render::@1 [phi:render::@3->render::@1]
//SEG75 [47] phi (byte*) render::colline#5 = (byte*) render::colline#1 [phi:render::@3->render::@1#0] -- register_copy
//SEG76 [47] phi (byte) render::y#4 = (byte) render::y#1 [phi:render::@3->render::@1#1] -- register_copy
//SEG77 render::@1
//SEG78 [48] phi from render::@1 to render::@2 [phi:render::@1->render::@2]
//SEG79 [48] phi (byte) render::x#2 = (byte) 0 [phi:render::@1->render::@2#0] -- zpby1=coby1
lda #0
sta x
//SEG80 [48] phi from render::@5 to render::@2 [phi:render::@5->render::@2]
//SEG81 [48] phi (byte) render::x#2 = (byte) render::x#1 [phi:render::@5->render::@2#0] -- register_copy
//SEG82 render::@2
//SEG83 [49] (byte) findcol::x#0 ← (byte) render::x#2 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 ] ( main:0::render:3 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 ] )
// (byte) findcol::x#0 = (byte) render::x#2 // register copy zp ZP_BYTE:5
//SEG84 [50] (byte) findcol::y#0 ← (byte) render::y#4 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 ] ( main:0::render:3 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 ] )
// (byte) findcol::y#0 = (byte) render::y#4 // register copy zp ZP_BYTE:2
//SEG85 [51] call findcol param-assignment [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::return#0 ] ( main:0::render:3 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::return#0 ] )
//SEG86 [60] phi from render::@2 to findcol [phi:render::@2->findcol]
jsr findcol
//SEG87 render::@5
//SEG88 [52] (byte) render::col#0 ← (byte) findcol::return#0 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 render::col#0 ] ( main:0::render:3 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 render::col#0 ] ) -- aby=yby
//SEG89 [53] *((byte*) render::colline#5 + (byte) render::x#2) ← (byte) render::col#0 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 ] ( main:0::render:3 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 ] ) -- zpptrby1_derefidx_zpby1=aby
ldy x
sta (colline),y
//SEG90 [54] (byte) render::x#1 ← ++ (byte) render::x#2 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#1 ] ( main:0::render:3 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#1 ] ) -- zpby1=_inc_zpby1
inc x
//SEG91 [55] if((byte) render::x#1!=(byte) 40) goto render::@2 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#1 ] ( main:0::render:3 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#1 ] ) -- zpby1_neq_coby1_then_la1
lda x
cmp #$28
bne b2
//SEG92 render::@3
//SEG93 [56] (byte*) render::colline#1 ← (byte*) render::colline#5 + (byte) 40 [ render::y#4 render::colline#1 ] ( main:0::render:3 [ render::y#4 render::colline#1 ] ) -- zpptrby1=zpptrby1_plus_coby1
lda colline
adc #$28
sta colline
bcc !+
inc colline+1
//SEG94 [57] (byte) render::y#1 ← ++ (byte) render::y#4 [ render::y#1 render::colline#1 ] ( main:0::render:3 [ render::y#1 render::colline#1 ] ) -- zpby1=_inc_zpby1
inc y
//SEG95 [58] if((byte) render::y#1!=(byte) 25) goto render::@1 [ render::y#1 render::colline#1 ] ( main:0::render:3 [ render::y#1 render::colline#1 ] ) -- zpby1_neq_coby1_then_la1
lda y
cmp #$19
bne b1
//SEG96 render::@return
//SEG97 [59] return [ ] ( main:0::render:3 [ ] )
//SEG98 findcol
findcol: {
.label x = 5
.label y = 2
.label xp = 7
.label yp = 8
.label diff = 7
.label mindiff = 6
//SEG99 [61] phi from findcol to findcol::@1 [phi:findcol->findcol::@1]
//SEG100 [61] phi (byte) findcol::mincol#10 = (byte) 0 [phi:findcol->findcol::@1#0] -- yby=coby1
ldy #0
//SEG101 [61] phi (byte) findcol::mindiff#10 = (byte) 255 [phi:findcol->findcol::@1#1] -- zpby1=coby1
lda #$ff
sta mindiff
//SEG102 [61] phi (byte) findcol::i#10 = (byte) 0 [phi:findcol->findcol::@1#2] -- xby=coby1
ldx #0
//SEG103 findcol::@1
//SEG104 [62] (byte) findcol::xp#0 ← (const byte[]) XPOS#0 *idx (byte) findcol::i#10 [ findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::xp#0 ] ( main:0::render:3::findcol:51 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::xp#0 ] ) -- zpby1=cowo1_derefidx_xby
lda XPOS,x
sta xp
//SEG105 [63] (byte) findcol::yp#0 ← (const byte[]) YPOS#0 *idx (byte) findcol::i#10 [ findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::xp#0 findcol::yp#0 ] ( main:0::render:3::findcol:51 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::xp#0 findcol::yp#0 ] ) -- zpby1=cowo1_derefidx_xby
lda YPOS,x
sta yp
//SEG106 [64] if((byte) findcol::x#0!=(byte) findcol::xp#0) goto findcol::@2 [ findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::xp#0 findcol::yp#0 ] ( main:0::render:3::findcol:51 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::xp#0 findcol::yp#0 ] ) -- zpby1_neq_zpby2_then_la1
lda x
cmp xp
bne b2
//SEG107 findcol::@9
//SEG108 [65] if((byte) findcol::y#0!=(byte) findcol::yp#0) goto findcol::@2 [ findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::xp#0 findcol::yp#0 ] ( main:0::render:3::findcol:51 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::xp#0 findcol::yp#0 ] ) -- zpby1_neq_zpby2_then_la1
lda y
cmp yp
bne b2
//SEG109 [66] phi from findcol::@9 to findcol::@return [phi:findcol::@9->findcol::@return]
//SEG110 [66] phi (byte) findcol::return#0 = (byte) 0 [phi:findcol::@9->findcol::@return#0] -- yby=coby1
ldy #0
//SEG111 findcol::@return
//SEG112 [67] return [ findcol::return#0 ] ( main:0::render:3::findcol:51 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::return#0 ] )
//SEG113 findcol::@2
//SEG114 [68] if((byte) findcol::x#0>=(byte) findcol::xp#0) goto findcol::@4 [ findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::xp#0 findcol::yp#0 ] ( main:0::render:3::findcol:51 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::xp#0 findcol::yp#0 ] ) -- zpby1_ge_zpby2_then_la1
lda x
cmp xp
bcs b4
//SEG115 findcol::@12
//SEG116 [69] (byte) findcol::diff#1 ← (byte) findcol::xp#0 - (byte) findcol::x#0 [ findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::yp#0 findcol::diff#1 ] ( main:0::render:3::findcol:51 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::yp#0 findcol::diff#1 ] ) -- zpby1=zpby1_minus_zpby2
lda diff
sbc x
sta diff
//SEG117 [70] phi from findcol::@12 findcol::@4 to findcol::@5 [phi:findcol::@12/findcol::@4->findcol::@5]
//SEG118 [70] phi (byte) findcol::diff#4 = (byte) findcol::diff#1 [phi:findcol::@12/findcol::@4->findcol::@5#0] -- register_copy
//SEG119 findcol::@5
//SEG120 [71] if((byte) findcol::y#0>=(byte) findcol::yp#0) goto findcol::@6 [ findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::yp#0 findcol::diff#4 ] ( main:0::render:3::findcol:51 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::yp#0 findcol::diff#4 ] ) -- zpby1_ge_zpby2_then_la1
lda y
cmp yp
bcs b6
//SEG121 findcol::@14
//SEG122 [72] (byte~) findcol::$12 ← (byte) findcol::yp#0 - (byte) findcol::y#0 [ findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::diff#4 findcol::$12 ] ( main:0::render:3::findcol:51 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::diff#4 findcol::$12 ] ) -- aby=zpby1_minus_zpby2
lda yp
sbc y
//SEG123 [73] (byte) findcol::diff#3 ← (byte) findcol::diff#4 + (byte~) findcol::$12 [ findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::diff#3 ] ( main:0::render:3::findcol:51 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::diff#3 ] ) -- aby=zpby1_plus_aby
adc diff
//SEG124 [74] phi from findcol::@14 findcol::@6 to findcol::@7 [phi:findcol::@14/findcol::@6->findcol::@7]
//SEG125 [74] phi (byte) findcol::diff#6 = (byte) findcol::diff#3 [phi:findcol::@14/findcol::@6->findcol::@7#0] -- register_copy
//SEG126 findcol::@7
//SEG127 [75] if((byte) findcol::diff#6>=(byte) findcol::mindiff#10) goto findcol::@21 [ findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::diff#6 ] ( main:0::render:3::findcol:51 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::diff#6 ] ) -- aby_ge_zpby1_then_la1
cmp mindiff
bcs b21
//SEG128 findcol::@16
//SEG129 [76] (byte) findcol::mincol#1 ← (const byte[]) COLS#0 *idx (byte) findcol::i#10 [ findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::diff#6 findcol::mincol#1 ] ( main:0::render:3::findcol:51 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::diff#6 findcol::mincol#1 ] ) -- yby=cowo1_derefidx_xby
ldy COLS,x
//SEG130 [77] phi from findcol::@16 findcol::@21 to findcol::@8 [phi:findcol::@16/findcol::@21->findcol::@8]
//SEG131 [77] phi (byte) findcol::mindiff#11 = (byte) findcol::diff#6 [phi:findcol::@16/findcol::@21->findcol::@8#0] -- register_copy
//SEG132 [77] phi (byte) findcol::mincol#2 = (byte) findcol::mincol#1 [phi:findcol::@16/findcol::@21->findcol::@8#1] -- register_copy
//SEG133 findcol::@8
//SEG134 [78] (byte) findcol::i#1 ← ++ (byte) findcol::i#10 [ findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#1 findcol::mincol#2 findcol::mindiff#11 ] ( main:0::render:3::findcol:51 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#1 findcol::mincol#2 findcol::mindiff#11 ] ) -- xby=_inc_xby
//SEG135 [79] if((byte) findcol::i#1<(const byte) numpoints#0) goto findcol::@19 [ findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#1 findcol::mincol#2 findcol::mindiff#11 ] ( main:0::render:3::findcol:51 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#1 findcol::mincol#2 findcol::mindiff#11 ] ) -- xby_lt_coby1_then_la1
cpx #numpoints
bcc b19
//SEG136 [66] phi from findcol::@8 to findcol::@return [phi:findcol::@8->findcol::@return]
//SEG137 [66] phi (byte) findcol::return#0 = (byte) findcol::mincol#2 [phi:findcol::@8->findcol::@return#0] -- register_copy
jmp breturn
//SEG138 findcol::@19
//SEG139 [80] (byte~) findcol::mindiff#13 ← (byte) findcol::mindiff#11 [ findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#1 findcol::mindiff#13 findcol::mincol#2 ] ( main:0::render:3::findcol:51 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#1 findcol::mindiff#13 findcol::mincol#2 ] ) -- zpby1=aby
sta mindiff
//SEG140 [61] phi from findcol::@19 to findcol::@1 [phi:findcol::@19->findcol::@1]
//SEG141 [61] phi (byte) findcol::mincol#10 = (byte) findcol::mincol#2 [phi:findcol::@19->findcol::@1#0] -- register_copy
//SEG142 [61] phi (byte) findcol::mindiff#10 = (byte~) findcol::mindiff#13 [phi:findcol::@19->findcol::@1#1] -- register_copy
//SEG143 [61] phi (byte) findcol::i#10 = (byte) findcol::i#1 [phi:findcol::@19->findcol::@1#2] -- register_copy
jmp b1
//SEG144 findcol::@21
//SEG145 [81] (byte~) findcol::mindiff#14 ← (byte) findcol::mindiff#10 [ findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::mindiff#14 ] ( main:0::render:3::findcol:51 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::mindiff#14 ] ) -- aby=zpby1
lda mindiff
jmp b8
//SEG146 findcol::@6
//SEG147 [82] (byte~) findcol::$14 ← (byte) findcol::y#0 - (byte) findcol::yp#0 [ findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::diff#4 findcol::$14 ] ( main:0::render:3::findcol:51 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::diff#4 findcol::$14 ] ) -- aby=zpby1_minus_zpby2
lda y
sbc yp
//SEG148 [83] (byte) findcol::diff#2 ← (byte) findcol::diff#4 + (byte~) findcol::$14 [ findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::diff#2 ] ( main:0::render:3::findcol:51 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::diff#2 ] ) -- aby=zpby1_plus_aby
adc diff
jmp b7
//SEG149 findcol::@4
//SEG150 [84] (byte) findcol::diff#0 ← (byte) findcol::x#0 - (byte) findcol::xp#0 [ findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::yp#0 findcol::diff#0 ] ( main:0::render:3::findcol:51 [ render::y#4 render::colline#5 render::x#2 findcol::x#0 findcol::y#0 findcol::i#10 findcol::mindiff#10 findcol::mincol#10 findcol::yp#0 findcol::diff#0 ] ) -- zpby1=zpby2_minus_zpby1
lda x
sbc diff
sta diff
jmp b5
//SEG151 initscreen
initscreen: {
.label screen = 3
//SEG152 [86] phi from initscreen to initscreen::@1 [phi:initscreen->initscreen::@1]
//SEG153 [86] phi (byte*) initscreen::screen#2 = (const byte*) SCREEN#0 [phi:initscreen->initscreen::@1#0] -- zpptrby1=cowo1
lda #<SCREEN
sta screen
lda #>SCREEN
sta screen+1
//SEG154 [86] phi from initscreen::@1 to initscreen::@1 [phi:initscreen::@1->initscreen::@1]
//SEG155 [86] phi (byte*) initscreen::screen#2 = (byte*) initscreen::screen#1 [phi:initscreen::@1->initscreen::@1#0] -- register_copy
//SEG156 initscreen::@1
//SEG157 [87] *((byte*) initscreen::screen#2) ← (const byte) FILL#0 [ initscreen::screen#2 ] ( main:0::initscreen:2 [ initscreen::screen#2 ] ) -- _deref_zpptrby1=coby1
ldy #0
lda #FILL
sta (screen),y
//SEG158 [88] (byte*) initscreen::screen#1 ← ++ (byte*) initscreen::screen#2 [ initscreen::screen#1 ] ( main:0::initscreen:2 [ initscreen::screen#1 ] ) -- zpptrby1=_inc_zpptrby1
inc screen
bne !+
inc screen+1
//SEG159 [89] if((byte*) initscreen::screen#1<(const byte*) SCREEN#0+(word) 1000) goto initscreen::@1 [ initscreen::screen#1 ] ( main:0::initscreen:2 [ initscreen::screen#1 ] ) -- zpptrby1_lt_cowo1_then_la1
lda screen+1
cmp #>SCREEN+$3e8
bcc b1
bne !+
lda screen
cmp #<SCREEN+$3e8
bcc b1
//SEG160 initscreen::@return
//SEG161 [90] return [ ] ( main:0::initscreen:2 [ ] )
(label) @5
(label) @begin
@ -9819,7 +10604,6 @@ animate: {
//SEG22 [9] *((const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 0) ← (byte~) animate::$1 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=aby
sta XPOS+0
//SEG23 [10] (byte~) animate::$2 ← * (const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 0 [ animate::$2 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$2 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
lda XPOS+0
//SEG24 [11] if((byte~) animate::$2!=(byte) 40) goto animate::@1 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- aby_neq_coby1_then_la1
cmp #$28
bne b1
@ -9837,7 +10621,6 @@ animate: {
//SEG30 [15] *((const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 0) ← (byte~) animate::$6 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=aby
sta YPOS+0
//SEG31 [16] (byte~) animate::$7 ← * (const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 0 [ animate::$7 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$7 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
lda YPOS+0
//SEG32 [17] if((byte~) animate::$7!=(byte) 25) goto animate::@2 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- aby_neq_coby1_then_la1
cmp #$19
bne b2
@ -9854,7 +10637,7 @@ animate: {
//SEG38 [21] *((const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 1) ← (byte~) animate::$11 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=xby
stx XPOS+1
//SEG39 [22] (byte~) animate::$12 ← * (const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 1 [ animate::$12 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$12 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
lda XPOS+1
//SEG40 [23] if((byte~) animate::$12!=(byte) 255) goto animate::@3 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- aby_neq_coby1_then_la1
cmp #$ff
bne b3
@ -9872,7 +10655,6 @@ animate: {
//SEG46 [27] *((const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 2) ← (byte~) animate::$16 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=aby
sta YPOS+2
//SEG47 [28] (byte~) animate::$17 ← * (const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 2 [ animate::$17 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$17 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
lda YPOS+2
//SEG48 [29] if((byte~) animate::$17!=(byte) 25) goto animate::@4 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- aby_neq_coby1_then_la1
cmp #$19
bne b4
@ -9889,7 +10671,7 @@ animate: {
//SEG54 [33] *((const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 3) ← (byte~) animate::$21 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=xby
stx YPOS+3
//SEG55 [34] (byte~) animate::$22 ← * (const byte[]) YPOS#0+(byte) 3 [ animate::$22 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$22 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
lda YPOS+3
//SEG56 [35] if((byte~) animate::$22!=(byte) 255) goto animate::@return [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- aby_neq_coby1_then_la1
cmp #$ff
bne breturn
@ -9905,13 +10687,11 @@ animate: {
//SEG61 [39] *((const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 3) ← (byte~) animate::$26 [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- _deref_cowo1=aby
sta XPOS+3
//SEG62 [40] (byte~) animate::$27 ← * (const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 3 [ animate::$27 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$27 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
lda XPOS+3
//SEG63 [41] if((byte~) animate::$27<(byte) 40) goto animate::@return [ ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ ] ) -- aby_lt_coby1_then_la1
cmp #$28
bcc breturn
//SEG64 animate::@12
//SEG65 [42] (byte~) animate::$30 ← * (const byte[]) XPOS#0+(byte) 3 [ animate::$30 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$30 ] ) -- aby=_deref_cowo1
lda XPOS+3
//SEG66 [43] (byte~) animate::$31 ← (byte~) animate::$30 - (byte) 40 [ animate::$31 ] ( main:0::animate:4 [ animate::$31 ] ) -- aby=aby_minus_coby1
sbc #$28