mirror of https://gitlab.com/camelot/kickc.git synced 2025-02-20 15:29:10 +00:00

Moved 6502 family instruction set to separate java package.

This commit is contained in:
jespergravgaard 2020-07-26 18:47:14 +02:00
parent f221865593
commit 676df5fc02
32 changed files with 745 additions and 602 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
//FRAGMENT vbuz1=vbuc1 //FRAGMENT vbuz1=vbuc1
lda #{c1} lda #{c1}
sta {z1} sta {z1}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
package dk.camelot64.cpufamily6502;
/** 6502 Family Addressing Modes. */
public enum AsmAddressingMode {
* None / Implied / Accumulator
* IMPLIED ADDRESSING In the implied addressing mode, the address containing the operand is implicitly stated in
* the operation code of the instruction.
* ACCUMULATOR ADDRESSING This form of addressing is represented with a one byte instruction, implying an operation
* on the accumulator"
NON("", "%i", 1),
* Immediate
* IMMEDIATE ADDRESSING In immediate addressing, the operand is contained in the second byte of the instruction,
* with no further memory addressing required.
IMM("#imm", "%i #%p", 2),
* Zeropage
* ZERO PAGE ADDRESSING The zero page instructions allow for shorter code and execution times by only fetching the
* second byte of the instruction and assuming a zero high address byte. Careful use of the zero page can result in
* significant increase in code efficiency.
ZP("zp", "%i.z %p", 2),
* X Indexed Zeropage
* INDEXED ZERO PAGE ADDRESSING - (X, Y indexing) This form of addressing is used in conjunction with the index
* register and is referred to as Zero Page, X" or "Zero Page, Y. The effective address is calculated by adding the
* second byte to the contents of the index register. Since this is a form of "Zero Page" addressing, the content of
* the second byte references a location in page zero. Additionally, due to the Zero Page" addressing nature of this
* mode, no carry is added to the high order 8 bits of memory and crossing of page boundaries does not occur.
ZPX("zp,x", "%i.z %p,x", 2),
* Y Indexed Zeropage
* INDEXED ZERO PAGE ADDRESSING - (X, Y indexing) This form of addressing is used in coniunction with the index
* register and is referred to as Zero Page, X" or "Zero Page, Y. The effective address is calculated by adding
* the second byte to the contents of the index register. Since this is a form of "Zero Page" addressing, the content
* of the second byte references a location in page zero. Additionally, due to the Zero Page" addressing nature of
* this mode, no carry is added to the high order 8 bits of memory and crossing of page boundaries does not occur.
ZPY("zp,y", "%i.z %p,y", 2),
* Absolute
* ABSOLUTE ADDRESSING In absolute addressing, the second byte of the instruction specifies the eight low order
* bits of the effective address while the third byte specifies the eight high order bits. Thus, the absolute
* addressing mode allows access to the entire 65 K bytes of addressable memory.
ABS("abs", "%i %p", 3),
* Absolute X
* INDEX ABSOLUTE ADDRESSING (X, Y indexing) This form of addressing is used in conjunction with X and Y index
* register and is referred to as "Absolute. X," and Absolute. Y." The effective address is formed by adding the
* contents of X and Y to the address contained in the second and third bytes of the instruction. This mode allows
* the index register to contain the index or count value and the instruction to contain the base address. This type
* of indexing allows any location referencing and the index to modify multiple fields resulting in reduced coding
* and execution time.
ABX("abs,x", "%i %p,x", 3),
* Absolute Y
* INDEX ABSOLUTE ADDRESSING (X, Y indexing) This form of addressing is used in conjunction with X and Y index
* register and is referred to as "Absolute. X," and Absolute. Y." The effective address is formed by adding the
* contents of X and Y to the address contained in the second and third bytes of the instruction. This mode allows the
* index register to contain the index or count value and the instruction to contain the base address. This type of
* indexing allows any location referencing and the index to modify multiple fields resulting in reduced coding and
* execution time.
ABY("abs,y", "%i %p,y", 4),
* Indirect Zeropage X
* INDEXED INDIRECT ADDRESSING - In indexed indirect addressing (referred to as [Indirect, X]), the second byte of
* the instruction is added to the contents of the.X index register, discarding the carry. The result of this
* addition points to a memory
* location on page zero whose contents is the low order eight bits of the effective address. The next memory
* location in page zero contains the high order eight bits of the effective address. Both memory locations
* specifying the high and low order bytes of the effective address must be in page zero."
IZX("(zp,x)", "%i (%p,x)", 2),
* Indirect Zeropage Y
* INDIRECT INDEXED ADDRESSING In indirect indexed addressing (referred to as (Indirect, Y]), the second byte of
* the instruction points to a memory location in page zero. The contents of this memory location is added to the
* contents of the Y index register, the result being the low order eight bits of the effective
* address. The carry from this addition is added to the contents of the next page zero memory location, the result
* being the high order eight bits of the effective address."
IZY("(zp),y", "%i (%p),y", 2),
* Relative
* RELATIVE ADDRESSING Relative addressing is used only with branch instructions and establishes a destination for
* the conditional branch. The second byte of-the instruction becomes the operand which is an Offset"" added to the
* contents of the lower eight bits of the program counter when the counter is set at the next instruction. The range
* of the offset is 128 to + 127 bytes from the next instruction."
REL("rel", "%i %p", 2),
* Indirect Absolute
* ABSOLUTE INDIRECT The second byte of the instruction contains the low order eight bits of a memory location.
* The high order eight bits of that memory location is contained in the third byte of the instruction.
* The contents of the fully specified memory location is the low order byte of the effective address.
* The next memory location contains the high order byte of the effective address which is loaded into the sixteen
* bits of the program counter.
IND("(ind)", "%i (%p)", 3);
/** The short name of the addressing mode. */
private String name;
/** The template for an instruction using the addressing mode. */
private String template;
/** The number of bytes that an instruction takes up when using the addressing mode. This includes both opcode and operands. */
private int bytes;
AsmAddressingMode(String name, String template, int bytes) {
this.bytes = bytes;
this.template = template;
this.name = name;
public int getBytes() {
return bytes;
public String getName() {
return name;
public String getAsm(String mnemnonic, String parameter) {
String replaced = template.replace("%i", mnemnonic);
if(parameter != null) {
replaced = replaced.replace("%p", parameter);
return replaced;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package dk.camelot64.kickc.asm; package dk.camelot64.cpufamily6502;
import java.io.Serializable; import java.io.Serializable;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
package dk.camelot64.cpufamily6502;
import java.util.*;
* The set of all 6502 assembler instructions
public class AsmInstructionSet {
private static AsmInstructionSet set = new AsmInstructionSet();
/** All instructions in the instruction set. */
private List<AsmOpcode> instructions;
/** Maps mnemonic_addressingMode to the instruction opcode information */
private Map<String, AsmOpcode> instructionsMap;
public AsmInstructionSet() {
this.instructions = new ArrayList<>();
this.instructionsMap = new HashMap<>();
add(0x00, "brk", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 7.0);
add(0x01, "ora", AsmAddressingMode.IZX, 6.0);
add(0x01, "ora", AsmAddressingMode.IZX, 6.0);
add(0x02, "kil", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 0.0);
add(0x03, "slo", AsmAddressingMode.IZX, 8.0);
add(0x04, "nop", AsmAddressingMode.ZP, 3.0);
add(0x05, "ora", AsmAddressingMode.ZP, 3.0);
add(0x06, "asl", AsmAddressingMode.ZP, 5.0);
add(0x07, "slo", AsmAddressingMode.ZP, 5.0);
add(0x08, "php", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 3.0);
add(0x09, "ora", AsmAddressingMode.IMM, 2.0);
add(0x0a, "asl", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 2.0);
add(0x0b, "anc", AsmAddressingMode.IMM, 2.0);
add(0x0c, "nop", AsmAddressingMode.ABS, 4.0);
add(0x0d, "ora", AsmAddressingMode.ABS, 4.0);
add(0x0e, "asl", AsmAddressingMode.ABS, 6.0);
add(0x0f, "slo", AsmAddressingMode.ABS, 6.0);
add(0x10, "bpl", AsmAddressingMode.REL, 2.5);
add(0x11, "ora", AsmAddressingMode.IZY, 5.5);
add(0x12, "kil", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 0.0);
add(0x13, "slo", AsmAddressingMode.IZY, 8.0);
add(0x14, "nop", AsmAddressingMode.ZPX, 4.0);
add(0x15, "ora", AsmAddressingMode.ZPX, 4.0);
add(0x16, "asl", AsmAddressingMode.ZPX, 6.0);
add(0x17, "slo", AsmAddressingMode.ZPX, 6.0);
add(0x18, "clc", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 2.0);
add(0x19, "ora", AsmAddressingMode.ABY, 4.5);
add(0x1a, "nop", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 2.0);
add(0x1b, "slo", AsmAddressingMode.ABY, 7.0);
add(0x1c, "nop", AsmAddressingMode.ABX, 4.5);
add(0x1d, "ora", AsmAddressingMode.ABX, 4.5);
add(0x1e, "asl", AsmAddressingMode.ABX, 7.0);
add(0x1f, "slo", AsmAddressingMode.ABX, 7.0);
add(0x20, "jsr", AsmAddressingMode.ABS, 6.0);
add(0x21, "and", AsmAddressingMode.IZX, 6.0);
add(0x22, "kil", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 0.0);
add(0x23, "rla", AsmAddressingMode.IZX, 8.0);
add(0x24, "bit", AsmAddressingMode.ZP, 3.0);
add(0x25, "and", AsmAddressingMode.ZP, 3.0);
add(0x26, "rol", AsmAddressingMode.ZP, 5.0);
add(0x27, "rla", AsmAddressingMode.ZP, 5.0);
add(0x28, "plp", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 4.0);
add(0x29, "and", AsmAddressingMode.IMM, 2.0);
add(0x2a, "rol", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 2.0);
add(0x2b, "anc", AsmAddressingMode.IMM, 2.0);
add(0x2c, "bit", AsmAddressingMode.ABS, 4.0);
add(0x2d, "and", AsmAddressingMode.ABS, 4.0);
add(0x2e, "rol", AsmAddressingMode.ABS, 6.0);
add(0x2f, "rla", AsmAddressingMode.ABS, 6.0);
add(0x30, "bmi", AsmAddressingMode.REL, 2.5);
add(0x31, "and", AsmAddressingMode.IZY, 5.5);
add(0x32, "kil", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 0.0);
add(0x33, "rla", AsmAddressingMode.IZY, 8.0);
add(0x34, "nop", AsmAddressingMode.ZPX, 4.0);
add(0x35, "and", AsmAddressingMode.ZPX, 4.0);
add(0x36, "rol", AsmAddressingMode.ZPX, 6.0);
add(0x37, "rla", AsmAddressingMode.ZPX, 6.0);
add(0x38, "sec", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 2.0);
add(0x39, "and", AsmAddressingMode.ABY, 4.5);
add(0x3a, "nop", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 2.0);
add(0x3b, "rla", AsmAddressingMode.ABY, 7.0);
add(0x3c, "nop", AsmAddressingMode.ABX, 4.5);
add(0x3d, "and", AsmAddressingMode.ABX, 4.5);
add(0x3e, "rol", AsmAddressingMode.ABX, 7.0);
add(0x3f, "rla", AsmAddressingMode.ABX, 7.0);
add(0x40, "rti", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 6.0);
add(0x41, "eor", AsmAddressingMode.IZX, 6.0);
add(0x42, "kil", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 0.0);
add(0x43, "sre", AsmAddressingMode.IZX, 8.0);
add(0x44, "nop", AsmAddressingMode.ZP, 3.0);
add(0x45, "eor", AsmAddressingMode.ZP, 3.0);
add(0x46, "lsr", AsmAddressingMode.ZP, 5.0);
add(0x47, "sre", AsmAddressingMode.ZP, 5.0);
add(0x48, "pha", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 3.0);
add(0x49, "eor", AsmAddressingMode.IMM, 2.0);
add(0x4a, "lsr", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 2.0);
add(0x4b, "alr", AsmAddressingMode.IMM, 2.0);
add(0x4c, "jmp", AsmAddressingMode.ABS, 3.0);
add(0x4d, "eor", AsmAddressingMode.ABS, 4.0);
add(0x4e, "lsr", AsmAddressingMode.ABS, 6.0);
add(0x4f, "sre", AsmAddressingMode.ABS, 6.0);
add(0x50, "bvc", AsmAddressingMode.REL, 2.5);
add(0x51, "eor", AsmAddressingMode.IZY, 5.5);
add(0x52, "kil", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 0.0);
add(0x53, "sre", AsmAddressingMode.IZY, 8.0);
add(0x54, "nop", AsmAddressingMode.ZPX, 4.0);
add(0x55, "eor", AsmAddressingMode.ZPX, 4.0);
add(0x56, "lsr", AsmAddressingMode.ZPX, 6.0);
add(0x57, "sre", AsmAddressingMode.ZPX, 6.0);
add(0x58, "cli", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 2.0);
add(0x59, "eor", AsmAddressingMode.ABY, 4.5);
add(0x5a, "nop", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 2.0);
add(0x5b, "sre", AsmAddressingMode.ABY, 7.0);
add(0x5c, "nop", AsmAddressingMode.ABX, 4.5);
add(0x5d, "eor", AsmAddressingMode.ABX, 4.5);
add(0x5e, "lsr", AsmAddressingMode.ABX, 7.0);
add(0x5f, "sre", AsmAddressingMode.ABX, 7.0);
add(0x60, "rts", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 6.0);
add(0x61, "adc", AsmAddressingMode.IZX, 6.0);
add(0x62, "kil", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 0.0);
add(0x63, "rra", AsmAddressingMode.IZX, 8.0);
add(0x64, "nop", AsmAddressingMode.ZP, 3.0);
add(0x65, "adc", AsmAddressingMode.ZP, 3.0);
add(0x66, "ror", AsmAddressingMode.ZP, 5.0);
add(0x67, "rra", AsmAddressingMode.ZP, 5.0);
add(0x68, "pla", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 4.0);
add(0x69, "adc", AsmAddressingMode.IMM, 2.0);
add(0x6a, "ror", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 2.0);
add(0x6b, "arr", AsmAddressingMode.IMM, 2.0);
add(0x6c, "jmp", AsmAddressingMode.IND, 5.0);
add(0x6d, "adc", AsmAddressingMode.ABS, 4.0);
add(0x6e, "ror", AsmAddressingMode.ABS, 6.0);
add(0x6f, "rra", AsmAddressingMode.ABS, 6.0);
add(0x70, "bvs", AsmAddressingMode.REL, 2.5);
add(0x71, "adc", AsmAddressingMode.IZY, 5.5);
add(0x72, "kil", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 0.0);
add(0x73, "rra", AsmAddressingMode.IZY, 8.0);
add(0x74, "nop", AsmAddressingMode.ZPX, 4.0);
add(0x75, "adc", AsmAddressingMode.ZPX, 4.0);
add(0x76, "ror", AsmAddressingMode.ZPX, 6.0);
add(0x77, "rra", AsmAddressingMode.ZPX, 6.0);
add(0x78, "sei", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 2.0);
add(0x79, "adc", AsmAddressingMode.ABY, 4.5);
add(0x7a, "nop", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 2.0);
add(0x7b, "rra", AsmAddressingMode.ABY, 7.0);
add(0x7c, "nop", AsmAddressingMode.ABX, 4.5);
add(0x7d, "adc", AsmAddressingMode.ABX, 4.5);
add(0x7e, "ror", AsmAddressingMode.ABX, 7.0);
add(0x7f, "rra", AsmAddressingMode.ABX, 7.0);
add(0x80, "nop", AsmAddressingMode.IMM, 2.0);
add(0x81, "sta", AsmAddressingMode.IZX, 6.0);
add(0x82, "nop", AsmAddressingMode.IMM, 2.0);
add(0x83, "sax", AsmAddressingMode.IZX, 6.0);
add(0x84, "sty", AsmAddressingMode.ZP, 3.0);
add(0x85, "sta", AsmAddressingMode.ZP, 3.0);
add(0x86, "stx", AsmAddressingMode.ZP, 3.0);
add(0x87, "sax", AsmAddressingMode.ZP, 3.0);
add(0x88, "dey", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 2.0);
add(0x89, "nop", AsmAddressingMode.IMM, 2.0);
add(0x8a, "txa", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 2.0);
add(0x8b, "xaa", AsmAddressingMode.IMM, 2.0);
add(0x8c, "sty", AsmAddressingMode.ABS, 4.0);
add(0x8d, "sta", AsmAddressingMode.ABS, 4.0);
add(0x8e, "stx", AsmAddressingMode.ABS, 4.0);
add(0x8f, "sax", AsmAddressingMode.ABS, 4.0);
add(0x90, "bcc", AsmAddressingMode.REL, 2.5);
add(0x91, "sta", AsmAddressingMode.IZY, 6.0);
add(0x92, "kil", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 0.0);
add(0x93, "ahx", AsmAddressingMode.IZY, 6.0);
add(0x94, "sty", AsmAddressingMode.ZPX, 4.0);
add(0x95, "sta", AsmAddressingMode.ZPX, 4.0);
add(0x96, "stx", AsmAddressingMode.ZPY, 4.0);
add(0x97, "sax", AsmAddressingMode.ZPY, 4.0);
add(0x98, "tya", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 2.0);
add(0x99, "sta", AsmAddressingMode.ABY, 5.0);
add(0x9a, "txs", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 2.0);
add(0x9b, "tas", AsmAddressingMode.ABY, 5.0);
add(0x9c, "shy", AsmAddressingMode.ABX, 5.0);
add(0x9d, "sta", AsmAddressingMode.ABX, 5.0);
add(0x9e, "shx", AsmAddressingMode.ABY, 5.0);
add(0x9f, "ahx", AsmAddressingMode.ABY, 5.0);
add(0xa0, "ldy", AsmAddressingMode.IMM, 2.0);
add(0xa1, "lda", AsmAddressingMode.IZX, 6.0);
add(0xa2, "ldx", AsmAddressingMode.IMM, 2.0);
add(0xa3, "lax", AsmAddressingMode.IZX, 6.0);
add(0xa4, "ldy", AsmAddressingMode.ZP, 3.0);
add(0xa5, "lda", AsmAddressingMode.ZP, 3.0);
add(0xa6, "ldx", AsmAddressingMode.ZP, 3.0);
add(0xa7, "lax", AsmAddressingMode.ZP, 3.0);
add(0xa8, "tay", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 2.0);
add(0xa9, "lda", AsmAddressingMode.IMM, 2.0);
add(0xaa, "tax", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 2.0);
add(0xab, "lax", AsmAddressingMode.IMM, 2.0);
add(0xac, "ldy", AsmAddressingMode.ABS, 4.0);
add(0xad, "lda", AsmAddressingMode.ABS, 4.0);
add(0xae, "ldx", AsmAddressingMode.ABS, 4.0);
add(0xaf, "lax", AsmAddressingMode.ABS, 4.0);
add(0xb0, "bcs", AsmAddressingMode.REL, 2.5);
add(0xb1, "lda", AsmAddressingMode.IZY, 5.5);
add(0xb2, "kil", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 0.0);
add(0xb3, "lax", AsmAddressingMode.IZY, 5.5);
add(0xb4, "ldy", AsmAddressingMode.ZPX, 4.0);
add(0xb5, "lda", AsmAddressingMode.ZPX, 4.0);
add(0xb6, "ldx", AsmAddressingMode.ZPY, 4.0);
add(0xb7, "lax", AsmAddressingMode.ZPY, 4.0);
add(0xb8, "clv", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 2.0);
add(0xb9, "lda", AsmAddressingMode.ABY, 4.5);
add(0xba, "tsx", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 2.0);
add(0xbb, "las", AsmAddressingMode.ABY, 4.5);
add(0xbc, "ldy", AsmAddressingMode.ABX, 4.5);
add(0xbd, "lda", AsmAddressingMode.ABX, 4.5);
add(0xbe, "ldx", AsmAddressingMode.ABY, 4.5);
add(0xbf, "lax", AsmAddressingMode.ABY, 4.5);
add(0xc0, "cpy", AsmAddressingMode.IMM, 2.0);
add(0xc1, "cmp", AsmAddressingMode.IZX, 6.0);
add(0xc2, "nop", AsmAddressingMode.IMM, 2.0);
add(0xc3, "dcp", AsmAddressingMode.IZX, 8.0);
add(0xc4, "cpy", AsmAddressingMode.ZP, 3.0);
add(0xc5, "cmp", AsmAddressingMode.ZP, 3.0);
add(0xc6, "dec", AsmAddressingMode.ZP, 5.0);
add(0xc7, "dcp", AsmAddressingMode.ZP, 5.0);
add(0xc8, "iny", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 2.0);
add(0xc9, "cmp", AsmAddressingMode.IMM, 2.0);
add(0xca, "dex", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 2.0);
add(0xcb, "axs", AsmAddressingMode.IMM, 2.0);
add(0xcc, "cpy", AsmAddressingMode.ABS, 4.0);
add(0xcd, "cmp", AsmAddressingMode.ABS, 4.0);
add(0xce, "dec", AsmAddressingMode.ABS, 6.0);
add(0xcf, "dcp", AsmAddressingMode.ABS, 6.0);
add(0xd0, "bne", AsmAddressingMode.REL, 2.5);
add(0xd1, "cmp", AsmAddressingMode.IZY, 5.5);
add(0xd2, "kil", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 0.0);
add(0xd3, "dcp", AsmAddressingMode.IZY, 8.0);
add(0xd4, "nop", AsmAddressingMode.ZPX, 4.0);
add(0xd5, "cmp", AsmAddressingMode.ZPX, 4.0);
add(0xd6, "dec", AsmAddressingMode.ZPX, 6.0);
add(0xd7, "dcp", AsmAddressingMode.ZPX, 6.0);
add(0xd8, "cld", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 2.0);
add(0xd9, "cmp", AsmAddressingMode.ABY, 4.5);
add(0xda, "nop", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 2.0);
add(0xdb, "dcp", AsmAddressingMode.ABY, 7.0);
add(0xdc, "nop", AsmAddressingMode.ABX, 4.5);
add(0xdd, "cmp", AsmAddressingMode.ABX, 4.5);
add(0xde, "dec", AsmAddressingMode.ABX, 7.0);
add(0xef, "cpx", AsmAddressingMode.IMM, 2.0);
add(0xe0, "sbc", AsmAddressingMode.IZX, 6.0);
add(0xe1, "nop", AsmAddressingMode.IMM, 2.0);
add(0xe2, "isc", AsmAddressingMode.IZX, 8.0);
add(0xe3, "cpx", AsmAddressingMode.ZP, 3.0);
add(0xe4, "sbc", AsmAddressingMode.ZP, 3.0);
add(0xe5, "inc", AsmAddressingMode.ZP, 5.0);
add(0xe6, "isc", AsmAddressingMode.ZP, 5.0);
add(0xe7, "inx", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 2.0);
add(0xe8, "sbc", AsmAddressingMode.IMM, 2.0);
add(0xe9, "nop", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 2.0);
add(0xea, "sbc", AsmAddressingMode.IMM, 2.0);
add(0xeb, "cpx", AsmAddressingMode.ABS, 4.0);
add(0xec, "sbc", AsmAddressingMode.ABS, 4.0);
add(0xed, "inc", AsmAddressingMode.ABS, 6.0);
add(0xee, "isc", AsmAddressingMode.ABS, 6.0);
add(0xef, "dcp", AsmAddressingMode.ABX, 7.0);
add(0xf0, "beq", AsmAddressingMode.REL, 2.5);
add(0xf1, "sbc", AsmAddressingMode.IZY, 5.5);
add(0xf2, "kil", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 0.0);
add(0xf3, "isc", AsmAddressingMode.IZY, 8.0);
add(0xf4, "nop", AsmAddressingMode.ZPX, 4.0);
add(0xf5, "sbc", AsmAddressingMode.ZPX, 4.0);
add(0xf6, "inc", AsmAddressingMode.ZPX, 6.0);
add(0xf7, "isc", AsmAddressingMode.ZPX, 6.0);
add(0xf8, "sed", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 2.0);
add(0xf9, "sbc", AsmAddressingMode.ABY, 4.5);
add(0xfa, "nop", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 2.0);
add(0xfb, "isc", AsmAddressingMode.ABY, 7.0);
add(0xfc, "nop", AsmAddressingMode.ABX, 4.5);
add(0xfd, "sbc", AsmAddressingMode.ABX, 4.5);
add(0xfe, "inc", AsmAddressingMode.ABX, 7.0);
add(0xff, "isc", AsmAddressingMode.ABX, 7.0);
// 65c02 instructions
// TODO: create instruction set model that knows the different CPU's
add(0x1a, "inc", AsmAddressingMode.NON, 2.0);
List<String> jumps = Arrays.asList("jmp", "beq", "bne", "bcc", "bcs", "bvs", "bvc", "bmi", "bpl", "jsr");
for(AsmOpcode instruction : instructions) {
if(jumps.contains(instruction.getMnemnonic())) {
List<String> cxs = Arrays.asList("dex", "inx", "ldx", "tax", "tsx", "las", "lax", "axs");
for(AsmOpcode instruction : instructions) {
if(cxs.contains(instruction.getMnemnonic())) {
List<String> cys = Arrays.asList("dey", "iny", "ldy", "tay");
for(AsmOpcode instruction : instructions) {
if(cys.contains(instruction.getMnemnonic())) {
List<String> cas = Arrays.asList("ora", "and", "eor", "adc", "sbc", "lda", "txa", "tya", "pla", "slo", "rla", "sre", "rra", "isc", "anc", "alr", "arr", "xaa", "lax", "las");
for(AsmOpcode instruction : instructions) {
if(cas.contains(instruction.getMnemnonic())) {
} else if(instruction.getOpcode()==0x0a) {
// Special handling of ASL A
} else if(instruction.getOpcode()==0x2a) {
// Special handling of ROL A
} else if(instruction.getOpcode()==0x4a) {
// Special handling of LSR A
} else if(instruction.getOpcode()==0x6a) {
// Special handling of ROR A
List<String> ccs = Arrays.asList("adc", "sbc", "cmp", "cpx", "cpy", "asl", "rol", "lsr", "ror", "plp", "rti", "clc", "sec", "slo", "rla", "sre", "rra", "dcp", "isc", "anc", "alr", "arr", "axs");
for(AsmOpcode instruction : instructions) {
if(ccs.contains(instruction.getMnemnonic())) {
List<String> cvs = Arrays.asList("adc", "sbc", "plp", "rti", "bit", "rra", "isc", "arr");
for(AsmOpcode instruction : instructions) {
if(cvs.contains(instruction.getMnemnonic())) {
List<String> czs = Arrays.asList("ora", "and", "eor", "adc", "sbc", "cmp", "cpx", "cpy", "dec", "dex", "dey", "inc", "inx", "iny", "asl", "rol", "lsr", "ror", "lda", "ldx", "ldy", "tax", "txa", "tay", "tya", "tsx", "txs", "pla", "plp", "rti", "bit", "slo", "rla", "sre", "rra", "lax", "dcp", "isc", "anc", "alr", "arr", "xaa", "lax", "axs", "las");
for(AsmOpcode instruction : instructions) {
if(czs.contains(instruction.getMnemnonic())) {
* Add an instruction to the instruction set.
* @param opcode The numeric opcode
* @param mnemonic The lower case mnemonic
* @param addressingmMode The addressing mode
* @param cycles The number of cycles
private void add(int opcode, String mnemonic, AsmAddressingMode addressingmMode, double cycles) {
AsmOpcode instructionType = new AsmOpcode(opcode, mnemonic, addressingmMode, cycles);
instructionsMap.put(mnemonic + "_" + addressingmMode.getName(), instructionType);
* Get a specific instruction opcode form the instruction set
* @param mnemonic The mnemonic
* @param addressingMode The addressing mode
* @return The opcode, if is exists. Null if the instruction set does not have the opcode.
public AsmOpcode getOpcode(String mnemonic, AsmAddressingMode addressingMode) {
String key = mnemonic.toLowerCase() + "_" + addressingMode.getName();
return instructionsMap.get(key);
* Get an opcode from the instruction set in either absolute or zeropage form.
* This will try to find a zeropage-based addressing mode if you indicate that you are interested in that.
* @param mnemonic The mnemonic
* @param mode The addressing mode you want.
* @param isZp Indicates whether you are interested in a zeropage-based opcode.
* @return The opcode, if it exists. If you have requested an absolute addressing mode passed isZp as true the resulting opcode will have zeropage-based addressing the instruction set offers that.
public static AsmOpcode getOpcode(String mnemonic, AsmAddressingMode mode, boolean isZp) {
AsmOpcode type = null;
if(AsmAddressingMode.ABS.equals(mode) && isZp) {
type = set.getOpcode(mnemonic, AsmAddressingMode.ZP);
if(AsmAddressingMode.ABX.equals(mode) && isZp) {
type = set.getOpcode(mnemonic, AsmAddressingMode.ZPX);
if(AsmAddressingMode.ABY.equals(mode) && isZp) {
type = set.getOpcode(mnemonic, AsmAddressingMode.ZPY);
if(type == null) {
type = set.getOpcode(mnemonic, mode);
if(type == null && AsmAddressingMode.ABS.equals(mode)) {
type = set.getOpcode(mnemonic, AsmAddressingMode.REL);
return type;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
package dk.camelot64.cpufamily6502;
/** A specific opcode in the instruction set of a 6502 family CPU. */
public class AsmOpcode {
/** The opcode of the instruction. */
private final int opcode;
/** The mnemonic of the instruction. */
private final String mnemnonic;
/** The addressing mode of the instruction. */
private final AsmAddressingMode addressingMode;
* The number of cycles that executing the instruction takes.
* Some instructions use different number of cycles under different calling conditions, in that case this is an
* estimate of the average cycles cost.
private final double cycles;
* True if the instruction is a jump or a branch.
* A jump is any instruction that can modify the program counter in a way that is not just incrementing it to the
* next instruction in memory. This includes JSR and RTS.
private boolean jump;
/** Which registers/flags of the CPU are clobbered by the instruction. */
private final AsmClobber clobber;
public AsmOpcode(int opcode, String mnemnonic, AsmAddressingMode addressingMode, double cycles) {
this.opcode = opcode;
this.mnemnonic = mnemnonic;
this.addressingMode = addressingMode;
this.cycles = cycles;
this.clobber = new AsmClobber();
public String getMnemnonic() {
return mnemnonic;
public AsmAddressingMode getAddressingMode() {
return addressingMode;
public double getCycles() {
return cycles;
public int getBytes() {
return addressingMode.getBytes();
public int getOpcode() {
return opcode;
public String getAsm(String parameter) {
return addressingMode.getAsm(mnemnonic, parameter);
* Tells if the instruction is a jump or a branch
* @return true if the instruction is a jump/branch
public boolean isJump() {
return jump;
void setJump(boolean jump) {
this.jump = jump;
public AsmClobber getClobber() {
return clobber;

View File

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
package dk.camelot64.kickc.asm;
/** 6502 Assembler Instruction Addressing Modes. */
public enum AsmAddressingMode {
NON("", "%i", 1),
IMM("#imm", "%i #%p", 2),
ZP("zp", "%i.z %p", 2),
ZPX("zp,x", "%i.z %p,x", 2),
ZPY("zp,y", "%i.z %p,y", 2),
ABS("abs", "%i %p", 3),
ABX("abs,x", "%i %p,x", 3),
ABY("abs,y", "%i %p,y", 4),
IZX("(zp,x)", "%i (%p,x)", 2),
IZY("(zp),y", "%i (%p),y", 2),
REL("rel", "%i %p", 2),
IND("(ind)", "%i (%p)", 3);
private String name;
private String template;
private int bytes;
AsmAddressingMode(String name, String template, int bytes) {
this.bytes = bytes;
this.template = template;
this.name = name;
public int getBytes() {
return bytes;
public String getName() {
return name;
public String getAsm(String mnemnonic, String parameter) {
String replaced = template.replace("%i", mnemnonic);
if(parameter != null) {
replaced = replaced.replace("%p", parameter);
return replaced;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
package dk.camelot64.kickc.asm; package dk.camelot64.kickc.asm;
import dk.camelot64.cpufamily6502.AsmClobber;
import dk.camelot64.cpufamily6502.AsmOpcode;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.PhiTransitions; import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.PhiTransitions;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.Program; import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.Program;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.statements.Statement; import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.statements.Statement;
@ -176,8 +178,8 @@ public class AsmChunk {
for(AsmLine line : lines) { for(AsmLine line : lines) {
if(line instanceof AsmInstruction) { if(line instanceof AsmInstruction) {
AsmInstruction asmInstruction = (AsmInstruction) line; AsmInstruction asmInstruction = (AsmInstruction) line;
AsmInstructionType asmInstructionType = asmInstruction.getType(); AsmOpcode asmOpcode = asmInstruction.getAsmOpcode();
AsmClobber asmClobber = asmInstructionType.getClobber(); AsmClobber asmClobber = asmOpcode.getClobber();
clobber.add(asmClobber); clobber.add(asmClobber);
} }
} }

View File

@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
package dk.camelot64.kickc.asm; package dk.camelot64.kickc.asm;
/** An assembler instruction */ import dk.camelot64.cpufamily6502.AsmOpcode;
/** A specific assembler instruction line (opcode, addressing mode and specific parameter value)*/
public class AsmInstruction implements AsmLine { public class AsmInstruction implements AsmLine {
private AsmInstructionType type; private AsmOpcode asmOpcode;
private String parameter; private String parameter;
@ -11,8 +13,8 @@ public class AsmInstruction implements AsmLine {
private boolean dontOptimize; private boolean dontOptimize;
public AsmInstruction(AsmInstructionType type, String parameter) { public AsmInstruction(AsmOpcode asmOpcode, String parameter) {
this.type = type; this.asmOpcode = asmOpcode;
this.parameter = parameter; this.parameter = parameter;
} }
@ -24,27 +26,27 @@ public class AsmInstruction implements AsmLine {
this.parameter = parameter; this.parameter = parameter;
} }
public AsmInstructionType getType() { public AsmOpcode getAsmOpcode() {
return type; return asmOpcode;
} }
public void setType(AsmInstructionType type) { public void setAsmOpcode(AsmOpcode type) {
this.type = type; this.asmOpcode = type;
} }
@Override @Override
public int getLineBytes() { public int getLineBytes() {
return type.getBytes(); return asmOpcode.getBytes();
} }
@Override @Override
public double getLineCycles() { public double getLineCycles() {
return type.getCycles(); return asmOpcode.getCycles();
} }
@Override @Override
public String getAsm() { public String getAsm() {
return type.getAsm(parameter); return asmOpcode.getAsm(parameter);
} }
@Override @Override

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@ -1,381 +0,0 @@
package dk.camelot64.kickc.asm;
import java.util.*;
* The set of all 6502 assembler instructions
public class AsmInstructionSet {
private static AsmInstructionSet set = new AsmInstructionSet();
private List<AsmInstructionType> instructions;
/** Maps mnemonic_addressingmMode to the instruction type */
private Map<String, AsmInstructionType> instructionsMap;
public AsmInstructionSet() {
this.instructions = new ArrayList<>();
this.instructionsMap = new HashMap<>();
AsmAddressingMode non = AsmAddressingMode.NON;
AsmAddressingMode zp = AsmAddressingMode.ZP;
AsmAddressingMode zpx = AsmAddressingMode.ZPX;
AsmAddressingMode zpy = AsmAddressingMode.ZPY;
AsmAddressingMode imm = AsmAddressingMode.IMM;
AsmAddressingMode abs = AsmAddressingMode.ABS;
AsmAddressingMode abx = AsmAddressingMode.ABX;
AsmAddressingMode aby = AsmAddressingMode.ABY;
AsmAddressingMode izx = AsmAddressingMode.IZX;
AsmAddressingMode izy = AsmAddressingMode.IZY;
AsmAddressingMode rel = AsmAddressingMode.REL;
AsmAddressingMode ind = AsmAddressingMode.IND;
add(0x00, "brk", non, 7.0);
add(0x01, "ora", izx, 6.0);
add(0x01, "ora", izx, 6.0);
add(0x02, "kil", non, 0.0);
add(0x03, "slo", izx, 8.0);
add(0x04, "nop", zp, 3.0);
add(0x05, "ora", zp, 3.0);
add(0x06, "asl", zp, 5.0);
add(0x07, "slo", zp, 5.0);
add(0x08, "php", non, 3.0);
add(0x09, "ora", imm, 2.0);
add(0x0a, "asl", non, 2.0);
add(0x0b, "anc", imm, 2.0);
add(0x0c, "nop", abs, 4.0);
add(0x0d, "ora", abs, 4.0);
add(0x0e, "asl", abs, 6.0);
add(0x0f, "slo", abs, 6.0);
add(0x10, "bpl", rel, 2.5);
add(0x11, "ora", izy, 5.5);
add(0x12, "kil", non, 0.0);
add(0x13, "slo", izy, 8.0);
add(0x14, "nop", zpx, 4.0);
add(0x15, "ora", zpx, 4.0);
add(0x16, "asl", zpx, 6.0);
add(0x17, "slo", zpx, 6.0);
add(0x18, "clc", non, 2.0);
add(0x19, "ora", aby, 4.5);
add(0x1a, "nop", non, 2.0);
add(0x1b, "slo", aby, 7.0);
add(0x1c, "nop", abx, 4.5);
add(0x1d, "ora", abx, 4.5);
add(0x1e, "asl", abx, 7.0);
add(0x1f, "slo", abx, 7.0);
add(0x20, "jsr", abs, 6.0);
add(0x21, "and", izx, 6.0);
add(0x22, "kil", non, 0.0);
add(0x23, "rla", izx, 8.0);
add(0x24, "bit", zp, 3.0);
add(0x25, "and", zp, 3.0);
add(0x26, "rol", zp, 5.0);
add(0x27, "rla", zp, 5.0);
add(0x28, "plp", non, 4.0);
add(0x29, "and", imm, 2.0);
add(0x2a, "rol", non, 2.0);
add(0x2b, "anc", imm, 2.0);
add(0x2c, "bit", abs, 4.0);
add(0x2d, "and", abs, 4.0);
add(0x2e, "rol", abs, 6.0);
add(0x2f, "rla", abs, 6.0);
add(0x30, "bmi", rel, 2.5);
add(0x31, "and", izy, 5.5);
add(0x32, "kil", non, 0.0);
add(0x33, "rla", izy, 8.0);
add(0x34, "nop", zpx, 4.0);
add(0x35, "and", zpx, 4.0);
add(0x36, "rol", zpx, 6.0);
add(0x37, "rla", zpx, 6.0);
add(0x38, "sec", non, 2.0);
add(0x39, "and", aby, 4.5);
add(0x3a, "nop", non, 2.0);
add(0x3b, "rla", aby, 7.0);
add(0x3c, "nop", abx, 4.5);
add(0x3d, "and", abx, 4.5);
add(0x3e, "rol", abx, 7.0);
add(0x3f, "rla", abx, 7.0);
add(0x40, "rti", non, 6.0);
add(0x41, "eor", izx, 6.0);
add(0x42, "kil", non, 0.0);
add(0x43, "sre", izx, 8.0);
add(0x44, "nop", zp, 3.0);
add(0x45, "eor", zp, 3.0);
add(0x46, "lsr", zp, 5.0);
add(0x47, "sre", zp, 5.0);
add(0x48, "pha", non, 3.0);
add(0x49, "eor", imm, 2.0);
add(0x4a, "lsr", non, 2.0);
add(0x4b, "alr", imm, 2.0);
add(0x4c, "jmp", abs, 3.0);
add(0x4d, "eor", abs, 4.0);
add(0x4e, "lsr", abs, 6.0);
add(0x4f, "sre", abs, 6.0);
add(0x50, "bvc", rel, 2.5);
add(0x51, "eor", izy, 5.5);
add(0x52, "kil", non, 0.0);
add(0x53, "sre", izy, 8.0);
add(0x54, "nop", zpx, 4.0);
add(0x55, "eor", zpx, 4.0);
add(0x56, "lsr", zpx, 6.0);
add(0x57, "sre", zpx, 6.0);
add(0x58, "cli", non, 2.0);
add(0x59, "eor", aby, 4.5);
add(0x5a, "nop", non, 2.0);
add(0x5b, "sre", aby, 7.0);
add(0x5c, "nop", abx, 4.5);
add(0x5d, "eor", abx, 4.5);
add(0x5e, "lsr", abx, 7.0);
add(0x5f, "sre", abx, 7.0);
add(0x60, "rts", non, 6.0);
add(0x61, "adc", izx, 6.0);
add(0x62, "kil", non, 0.0);
add(0x63, "rra", izx, 8.0);
add(0x64, "nop", zp, 3.0);
add(0x65, "adc", zp, 3.0);
add(0x66, "ror", zp, 5.0);
add(0x67, "rra", zp, 5.0);
add(0x68, "pla", non, 4.0);
add(0x69, "adc", imm, 2.0);
add(0x6a, "ror", non, 2.0);
add(0x6b, "arr", imm, 2.0);
add(0x6c, "jmp", ind, 5.0);
add(0x6d, "adc", abs, 4.0);
add(0x6e, "ror", abs, 6.0);
add(0x6f, "rra", abs, 6.0);
add(0x70, "bvs", rel, 2.5);
add(0x71, "adc", izy, 5.5);
add(0x72, "kil", non, 0.0);
add(0x73, "rra", izy, 8.0);
add(0x74, "nop", zpx, 4.0);
add(0x75, "adc", zpx, 4.0);
add(0x76, "ror", zpx, 6.0);
add(0x77, "rra", zpx, 6.0);
add(0x78, "sei", non, 2.0);
add(0x79, "adc", aby, 4.5);
add(0x7a, "nop", non, 2.0);
add(0x7b, "rra", aby, 7.0);
add(0x7c, "nop", abx, 4.5);
add(0x7d, "adc", abx, 4.5);
add(0x7e, "ror", abx, 7.0);
add(0x7f, "rra", abx, 7.0);
add(0x80, "nop", imm, 2.0);
add(0x81, "sta", izx, 6.0);
add(0x82, "nop", imm, 2.0);
add(0x83, "sax", izx, 6.0);
add(0x84, "sty", zp, 3.0);
add(0x85, "sta", zp, 3.0);
add(0x86, "stx", zp, 3.0);
add(0x87, "sax", zp, 3.0);
add(0x88, "dey", non, 2.0);
add(0x89, "nop", imm, 2.0);
add(0x8a, "txa", non, 2.0);
add(0x8b, "xaa", imm, 2.0);
add(0x8c, "sty", abs, 4.0);
add(0x8d, "sta", abs, 4.0);
add(0x8e, "stx", abs, 4.0);
add(0x8f, "sax", abs, 4.0);
add(0x90, "bcc", rel, 2.5);
add(0x91, "sta", izy, 6.0);
add(0x92, "kil", non, 0.0);
add(0x93, "ahx", izy, 6.0);
add(0x94, "sty", zpx, 4.0);
add(0x95, "sta", zpx, 4.0);
add(0x96, "stx", zpy, 4.0);
add(0x97, "sax", zpy, 4.0);
add(0x98, "tya", non, 2.0);
add(0x99, "sta", aby, 5.0);
add(0x9a, "txs", non, 2.0);
add(0x9b, "tas", aby, 5.0);
add(0x9c, "shy", abx, 5.0);
add(0x9d, "sta", abx, 5.0);
add(0x9e, "shx", aby, 5.0);
add(0x9f, "ahx", aby, 5.0);
add(0xa0, "ldy", imm, 2.0);
add(0xa1, "lda", izx, 6.0);
add(0xa2, "ldx", imm, 2.0);
add(0xa3, "lax", izx, 6.0);
add(0xa4, "ldy", zp, 3.0);
add(0xa5, "lda", zp, 3.0);
add(0xa6, "ldx", zp, 3.0);
add(0xa7, "lax", zp, 3.0);
add(0xa8, "tay", non, 2.0);
add(0xa9, "lda", imm, 2.0);
add(0xaa, "tax", non, 2.0);
add(0xab, "lax", imm, 2.0);
add(0xac, "ldy", abs, 4.0);
add(0xad, "lda", abs, 4.0);
add(0xae, "ldx", abs, 4.0);
add(0xaf, "lax", abs, 4.0);
add(0xb0, "bcs", rel, 2.5);
add(0xb1, "lda", izy, 5.5);
add(0xb2, "kil", non, 0.0);
add(0xb3, "lax", izy, 5.5);
add(0xb4, "ldy", zpx, 4.0);
add(0xb5, "lda", zpx, 4.0);
add(0xb6, "ldx", zpy, 4.0);
add(0xb7, "lax", zpy, 4.0);
add(0xb8, "clv", non, 2.0);
add(0xb9, "lda", aby, 4.5);
add(0xba, "tsx", non, 2.0);
add(0xbb, "las", aby, 4.5);
add(0xbc, "ldy", abx, 4.5);
add(0xbd, "lda", abx, 4.5);
add(0xbe, "ldx", aby, 4.5);
add(0xbf, "lax", aby, 4.5);
add(0xc0, "cpy", imm, 2.0);
add(0xc1, "cmp", izx, 6.0);
add(0xc2, "nop", imm, 2.0);
add(0xc3, "dcp", izx, 8.0);
add(0xc4, "cpy", zp, 3.0);
add(0xc5, "cmp", zp, 3.0);
add(0xc6, "dec", zp, 5.0);
add(0xc7, "dcp", zp, 5.0);
add(0xc8, "iny", non, 2.0);
add(0xc9, "cmp", imm, 2.0);
add(0xca, "dex", non, 2.0);
add(0xcb, "axs", imm, 2.0);
add(0xcc, "cpy", abs, 4.0);
add(0xcd, "cmp", abs, 4.0);
add(0xce, "dec", abs, 6.0);
add(0xcf, "dcp", abs, 6.0);
add(0xd0, "bne", rel, 2.5);
add(0xd1, "cmp", izy, 5.5);
add(0xd2, "kil", non, 0.0);
add(0xd3, "dcp", izy, 8.0);
add(0xd4, "nop", zpx, 4.0);
add(0xd5, "cmp", zpx, 4.0);
add(0xd6, "dec", zpx, 6.0);
add(0xd7, "dcp", zpx, 6.0);
add(0xd8, "cld", non, 2.0);
add(0xd9, "cmp", aby, 4.5);
add(0xda, "nop", non, 2.0);
add(0xdb, "dcp", aby, 7.0);
add(0xdc, "nop", abx, 4.5);
add(0xdd, "cmp", abx, 4.5);
add(0xde, "dec", abx, 7.0);
add(0xef, "cpx", imm, 2.0);
add(0xe0, "sbc", izx, 6.0);
add(0xe1, "nop", imm, 2.0);
add(0xe2, "isc", izx, 8.0);
add(0xe3, "cpx", zp, 3.0);
add(0xe4, "sbc", zp, 3.0);
add(0xe5, "inc", zp, 5.0);
add(0xe6, "isc", zp, 5.0);
add(0xe7, "inx", non, 2.0);
add(0xe8, "sbc", imm, 2.0);
add(0xe9, "nop", non, 2.0);
add(0xea, "sbc", imm, 2.0);
add(0xeb, "cpx", abs, 4.0);
add(0xec, "sbc", abs, 4.0);
add(0xed, "inc", abs, 6.0);
add(0xee, "isc", abs, 6.0);
add(0xef, "dcp", abx, 7.0);
add(0xf0, "beq", rel, 2.5);
add(0xf1, "sbc", izy, 5.5);
add(0xf2, "kil", non, 0.0);
add(0xf3, "isc", izy, 8.0);
add(0xf4, "nop", zpx, 4.0);
add(0xf5, "sbc", zpx, 4.0);
add(0xf6, "inc", zpx, 6.0);
add(0xf7, "isc", zpx, 6.0);
add(0xf8, "sed", non, 2.0);
add(0xf9, "sbc", aby, 4.5);
add(0xfa, "nop", non, 2.0);
add(0xfb, "isc", aby, 7.0);
add(0xfc, "nop", abx, 4.5);
add(0xfd, "sbc", abx, 4.5);
add(0xfe, "inc", abx, 7.0);
add(0xff, "isc", abx, 7.0);
// 65c02 instructions
// TODO: create instruction set model that knows the different CPU's
add(0x1a, "inc", non, 2.0);
List<String> jumps = Arrays.asList("jmp", "beq", "bne", "bcc", "bcs", "bvs", "bvc", "bmi", "bpl", "jsr");
for(AsmInstructionType instruction : instructions) {
if(jumps.contains(instruction.getMnemnonic())) {
List<String> cxs = Arrays.asList("dex", "inx", "ldx", "tax", "tsx", "las", "lax", "axs");
for(AsmInstructionType instruction : instructions) {
if(cxs.contains(instruction.getMnemnonic())) {
List<String> cys = Arrays.asList("dey", "iny", "ldy", "tay");
for(AsmInstructionType instruction : instructions) {
if(cys.contains(instruction.getMnemnonic())) {
List<String> cas = Arrays.asList("ora", "and", "eor", "adc", "sbc", "lda", "txa", "tya", "pla", "slo", "rla", "sre", "rra", "isc", "anc", "alr", "arr", "xaa", "lax", "las");
for(AsmInstructionType instruction : instructions) {
if(cas.contains(instruction.getMnemnonic())) {
} else if(instruction.getOpcode()==0x0a) {
// Special handling of ASL A
} else if(instruction.getOpcode()==0x2a) {
// Special handling of ROL A
} else if(instruction.getOpcode()==0x4a) {
// Special handling of LSR A
} else if(instruction.getOpcode()==0x6a) {
// Special handling of ROR A
List<String> ccs = Arrays.asList("adc", "sbc", "cmp", "cpx", "cpy", "asl", "rol", "lsr", "ror", "plp", "rti", "clc", "sec", "slo", "rla", "sre", "rra", "dcp", "isc", "anc", "alr", "arr", "axs");
for(AsmInstructionType instruction : instructions) {
if(ccs.contains(instruction.getMnemnonic())) {
List<String> cvs = Arrays.asList("adc", "sbc", "plp", "rti", "bit", "rra", "isc", "arr");
for(AsmInstructionType instruction : instructions) {
if(cvs.contains(instruction.getMnemnonic())) {
List<String> czs = Arrays.asList("ora", "and", "eor", "adc", "sbc", "cmp", "cpx", "cpy", "dec", "dex", "dey", "inc", "inx", "iny", "asl", "rol", "lsr", "ror", "lda", "ldx", "ldy", "tax", "txa", "tay", "tya", "tsx", "txs", "pla", "plp", "rti", "bit", "slo", "rla", "sre", "rra", "lax", "dcp", "isc", "anc", "alr", "arr", "xaa", "lax", "axs", "las");
for(AsmInstructionType instruction : instructions) {
if(czs.contains(instruction.getMnemnonic())) {
public static AsmInstructionType getInstructionType(String mnemonic, AsmAddressingMode mode, boolean isZp) {
AsmInstructionType type = null;
if(AsmAddressingMode.ABS.equals(mode) && isZp) {
type = set.getType(mnemonic, AsmAddressingMode.ZP);
if(AsmAddressingMode.ABX.equals(mode) && isZp) {
type = set.getType(mnemonic, AsmAddressingMode.ZPX);
if(AsmAddressingMode.ABY.equals(mode) && isZp) {
type = set.getType(mnemonic, AsmAddressingMode.ZPY);
if(type == null) {
type = set.getType(mnemonic, mode);
if(type == null && AsmAddressingMode.ABS.equals(mode)) {
type = set.getType(mnemonic, AsmAddressingMode.REL);
return type;
private void add(int opcode, String mnemonic, AsmAddressingMode addressingmMode, double cycles) {
AsmInstructionType instructionType = new AsmInstructionType(opcode, mnemonic, addressingmMode, cycles);
instructionsMap.put(mnemonic + "_" + addressingmMode.getName(), instructionType);
public AsmInstructionType getType(String mnemonic, AsmAddressingMode addressingMode) {
String key = mnemonic.toLowerCase() + "_" + addressingMode.getName();
return instructionsMap.get(key);

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@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
package dk.camelot64.kickc.asm;
/** The instructions of the 6502 assembler instruction set */
public class AsmInstructionType {
private int opcode;
private String mnemnonic;
private AsmAddressingMode addressingMode;
private double cycles;
private boolean jump;
private AsmClobber clobber;
public AsmInstructionType(int opcode, String mnemnonic, AsmAddressingMode addressingMode, double cycles) {
this.opcode = opcode;
this.mnemnonic = mnemnonic;
this.addressingMode = addressingMode;
this.cycles = cycles;
this.clobber = new AsmClobber();
public String getMnemnonic() {
return mnemnonic;
public AsmAddressingMode getAddressingMode() {
return addressingMode;
public double getCycles() {
return cycles;
public int getBytes() {
return addressingMode.getBytes();
public int getOpcode() {
return opcode;
public String getAsm(String parameter) {
return addressingMode.getAsm(mnemnonic, parameter);
* Tells if the instruction is a jump or a branch (and the parameter is therefore a label or destination address).
* @return true if the instruction is a jump/branch
public boolean isJump() {
return jump;
void setJump(boolean jump) {
this.jump = jump;
public AsmClobber getClobber() {
return clobber;

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@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
package dk.camelot64.kickc.asm; package dk.camelot64.kickc.asm;
import dk.camelot64.cpufamily6502.AsmAddressingMode;
import dk.camelot64.cpufamily6502.AsmClobber;
import dk.camelot64.cpufamily6502.AsmInstructionSet;
import dk.camelot64.cpufamily6502.AsmOpcode;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.CompileError; import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.CompileError;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.Program; import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.Program;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.values.ScopeRef; import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.values.ScopeRef;
@ -100,10 +104,10 @@ public class AsmProgram {
} }
public AsmInstruction addInstruction(String mnemonic, AsmAddressingMode addressingMode, String parameter, boolean zp) { public AsmInstruction addInstruction(String mnemonic, AsmAddressingMode addressingMode, String parameter, boolean zp) {
AsmInstructionType instructionType = AsmInstructionSet.getInstructionType(mnemonic, addressingMode, zp); AsmOpcode asmOpcode = AsmInstructionSet.getOpcode(mnemonic, addressingMode, zp);
AsmInstruction instruction = new AsmInstruction(instructionType, parameter); AsmInstruction asmInstruction = new AsmInstruction(asmOpcode, parameter);
addLine(instruction); addLine(asmInstruction);
return instruction; return asmInstruction;
} }
public void addLabelDecl(String name, String value) { public void addLabelDecl(String name, String value) {

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@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
package dk.camelot64.kickc.asm; package dk.camelot64.kickc.asm;
import dk.camelot64.cpufamily6502.AsmAddressingMode;
import dk.camelot64.cpufamily6502.AsmClobber;
import dk.camelot64.cpufamily6502.AsmOpcode;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map;
@ -83,37 +87,37 @@ public class AsmProgramStaticRegisterValues {
AsmInstruction instruction = (AsmInstruction) line; AsmInstruction instruction = (AsmInstruction) line;
values.put(instruction, current); values.put(instruction, current);
current = new AsmRegisterValues(current); current = new AsmRegisterValues(current);
AsmInstructionType instructionType = instruction.getType(); AsmOpcode asmOpcode = instruction.getAsmOpcode();
AsmClobber clobber = instructionType.getClobber(); AsmClobber asmClobber = asmOpcode.getClobber();
if(instruction.getType().getMnemnonic().equals("jsr")) { if(instruction.getAsmOpcode().getMnemnonic().equals("jsr")) {
clobber = AsmClobber.CLOBBER_ALL; asmClobber = AsmClobber.CLOBBER_ALL;
} }
if(clobber.isClobberA()) { if(asmClobber.isClobberA()) {
current.setA(null); current.setA(null);
current.setaMem(null); current.setaMem(null);
} }
if(clobber.isClobberX()) { if(asmClobber.isClobberX()) {
current.setX(null); current.setX(null);
current.setxMem(null); current.setxMem(null);
} }
if(clobber.isClobberY()) { if(asmClobber.isClobberY()) {
current.setY(null); current.setY(null);
current.setyMem(null); current.setyMem(null);
} }
if(clobber.isClobberC()) { if(asmClobber.isClobberC()) {
current.setC(null); current.setC(null);
} }
if(clobber.isClobberN()) { if(asmClobber.isClobberN()) {
current.setN(null); current.setN(null);
} }
if(clobber.isClobberV()) { if(asmClobber.isClobberV()) {
current.setV(null); current.setV(null);
} }
if(clobber.isClobberZ()) { if(asmClobber.isClobberZ()) {
current.setZ(null); current.setZ(null);
} }
String mnemnonic = instructionType.getMnemnonic(); String mnemnonic = asmOpcode.getMnemnonic();
AsmAddressingMode addressingMode = instructionType.getAddressingMode(); AsmAddressingMode addressingMode = asmOpcode.getAddressingMode();
if((mnemnonic.equals("inc") || mnemnonic.equals("dec") || mnemnonic.equals("ror") || mnemnonic.equals("rol") || mnemnonic.equals("lsr") || mnemnonic.equals("asl")) && (addressingMode.equals(AsmAddressingMode.ZP) || addressingMode.equals(AsmAddressingMode.ABS))) { if((mnemnonic.equals("inc") || mnemnonic.equals("dec") || mnemnonic.equals("ror") || mnemnonic.equals("rol") || mnemnonic.equals("lsr") || mnemnonic.equals("asl")) && (addressingMode.equals(AsmAddressingMode.ZP) || addressingMode.equals(AsmAddressingMode.ABS))) {
String modParam = instruction.getParameter(); String modParam = instruction.getParameter();
if(current.getaMem() != null && current.getaMem().equals(modParam)) { if(current.getaMem() != null && current.getaMem().equals(modParam)) {

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package dk.camelot64.kickc.fragment; package dk.camelot64.kickc.fragment;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.asm.AsmClobber; import dk.camelot64.cpufamily6502.AsmClobber;
/** The clobber profile for a fragment template. Only distinguishes the 3 registers A/X/Y and not the flags. */ /** The clobber profile for a fragment template. Only distinguishes the 3 registers A/X/Y and not the flags. */
public class AsmFragmentClobber implements Comparable<AsmFragmentClobber> { public class AsmFragmentClobber implements Comparable<AsmFragmentClobber> {

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@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
package dk.camelot64.kickc.fragment; package dk.camelot64.kickc.fragment;
import dk.camelot64.cpufamily6502.AsmAddressingMode;
import dk.camelot64.cpufamily6502.AsmInstructionSet;
import dk.camelot64.cpufamily6502.AsmOpcode;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.NumberParser; import dk.camelot64.kickc.NumberParser;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.asm.*; import dk.camelot64.kickc.asm.*;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.ConstantNotLiteral; import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.ConstantNotLiteral;
@ -80,7 +83,7 @@ public class AsmFragmentInstance {
Registers.Register register = boundVar.getAllocation(); Registers.Register register = boundVar.getAllocation();
if(register != null && register instanceof Registers.RegisterZpMem) { if(register != null && register instanceof Registers.RegisterZpMem) {
return new AsmParameter(AsmFormat.getAsmSymbolName(program, boundVar, codeScopeRef), true); return new AsmParameter(AsmFormat.getAsmSymbolName(program, boundVar, codeScopeRef), true);
} else if(register!=null && register instanceof Registers.RegisterMainMem) { } else if(register != null && register instanceof Registers.RegisterMainMem) {
return new AsmParameter(AsmFormat.getAsmSymbolName(program, boundVar, codeScopeRef), false); return new AsmParameter(AsmFormat.getAsmSymbolName(program, boundVar, codeScopeRef), false);
} else { } else {
throw new RuntimeException("Register Type not implemented " + register); throw new RuntimeException("Register Type not implemented " + register);
@ -109,6 +112,7 @@ public class AsmFragmentInstance {
/** /**
* Determine whether a constant value representing an address in memory is located on zeropage. * Determine whether a constant value representing an address in memory is located on zeropage.
* @param boundConst The constant value * @param boundConst The constant value
* @return true if the address represented by the constant is 0<=val<=255 * @return true if the address represented by the constant is 0<=val<=255
*/ */
@ -224,14 +228,11 @@ public class AsmFragmentInstance {
AsmInstruction instruction; AsmInstruction instruction;
if(paramModeCtx == null) { if(paramModeCtx == null) {
final String mnemonic = ctx.ASM_MNEMONIC().getText(); final String mnemonic = ctx.ASM_MNEMONIC().getText();
AsmInstructionType type = AsmInstructionSet.getInstructionType( AsmOpcode asmOpcode = AsmInstructionSet.getOpcode(mnemonic, AsmAddressingMode.NON, false);
mnemonic, if(asmOpcode == null) {
if(type == null) {
throw new InternalError("Error in " + name + ".asm line " + ctx.getStart().getLine() + " - Instruction type unknown " + mnemonic + " " + AsmAddressingMode.NON); throw new InternalError("Error in " + name + ".asm line " + ctx.getStart().getLine() + " - Instruction type unknown " + mnemonic + " " + AsmAddressingMode.NON);
} }
instruction = new AsmInstruction(type, null); instruction = new AsmInstruction(asmOpcode, null);
} else { } else {
instruction = (AsmInstruction) this.visit(paramModeCtx); instruction = (AsmInstruction) this.visit(paramModeCtx);
} }
@ -297,14 +298,11 @@ public class AsmFragmentInstance {
KickCParser.AsmInstructionContext instructionCtx = (KickCParser.AsmInstructionContext) ctx.getParent(); KickCParser.AsmInstructionContext instructionCtx = (KickCParser.AsmInstructionContext) ctx.getParent();
AsmParameter parameter = (AsmParameter) this.visit(exprCtx); AsmParameter parameter = (AsmParameter) this.visit(exprCtx);
String mnemonic = instructionCtx.ASM_MNEMONIC().getSymbol().getText(); String mnemonic = instructionCtx.ASM_MNEMONIC().getSymbol().getText();
AsmInstructionType type = AsmInstructionSet.getInstructionType( AsmOpcode asmOpcode = AsmInstructionSet.getOpcode(mnemonic, addressingMode, parameter.isZp());
mnemonic, if(asmOpcode == null) {
if(type == null) {
throw new InternalError("Error in " + name + ".asm line " + instructionCtx.getStart().getLine() + " - Instruction type unknown " + mnemonic + " " + addressingMode + " " + parameter); throw new InternalError("Error in " + name + ".asm line " + instructionCtx.getStart().getLine() + " - Instruction type unknown " + mnemonic + " " + addressingMode + " " + parameter);
} }
return new AsmInstruction(type, parameter.getParam()); return new AsmInstruction(asmOpcode, parameter.getParam());
} }
@Override @Override

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package dk.camelot64.kickc.fragment; package dk.camelot64.kickc.fragment;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.asm.AsmClobber; import dk.camelot64.cpufamily6502.AsmClobber;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.asm.AsmProgram; import dk.camelot64.kickc.asm.AsmProgram;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.Program; import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.Program;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.Registers; import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.Registers;

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package dk.camelot64.kickc.model.statements; package dk.camelot64.kickc.model.statements;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.asm.AsmClobber; import dk.camelot64.cpufamily6502.AsmClobber;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.Comment; import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.Comment;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.Program; import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.Program;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.values.SymbolRef; import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.values.SymbolRef;

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package dk.camelot64.kickc.model.statements; package dk.camelot64.kickc.model.statements;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.asm.AsmClobber; import dk.camelot64.cpufamily6502.AsmClobber;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.Comment; import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.Comment;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.Program; import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.Program;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.values.RValue; import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.values.RValue;

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package dk.camelot64.kickc.passes;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.NumberParser; import dk.camelot64.kickc.NumberParser;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.SourceLoader; import dk.camelot64.kickc.SourceLoader;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.asm.AsmClobber; import dk.camelot64.cpufamily6502.AsmClobber;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.InternalError; import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.InternalError;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.*; import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.*;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.operators.*; import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.operators.*;

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package dk.camelot64.kickc.passes; package dk.camelot64.kickc.passes;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.asm.AsmChunk; import dk.camelot64.kickc.asm.AsmChunk;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.asm.AsmClobber; import dk.camelot64.cpufamily6502.AsmClobber;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.asm.AsmProgram; import dk.camelot64.kickc.asm.AsmProgram;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.*; import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.*;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.statements.*; import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.statements.*;

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@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
package dk.camelot64.kickc.passes; package dk.camelot64.kickc.passes;
import dk.camelot64.cpufamily6502.AsmAddressingMode;
import dk.camelot64.cpufamily6502.AsmClobber;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.asm.*; import dk.camelot64.kickc.asm.*;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.fragment.*; import dk.camelot64.kickc.fragment.*;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.InternalError; import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.InternalError;
@ -914,7 +916,7 @@ public class Pass4CodeGeneration {
for(AsmLine asmLine : currentChunk.getLines()) { for(AsmLine asmLine : currentChunk.getLines()) {
if(asmLine instanceof AsmInstruction) { if(asmLine instanceof AsmInstruction) {
AsmInstruction asmInstruction = (AsmInstruction) asmLine; AsmInstruction asmInstruction = (AsmInstruction) asmLine;
if(asmInstruction.getType().getMnemnonic().equals("jsr")) { if(asmInstruction.getAsmOpcode().getMnemnonic().equals("jsr")) {
currentChunk.setClobberOverwrite(AsmClobber.CLOBBER_ALL); currentChunk.setClobberOverwrite(AsmClobber.CLOBBER_ALL);
} }
} }

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package dk.camelot64.kickc.passes; package dk.camelot64.kickc.passes;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.asm.AsmChunk; import dk.camelot64.kickc.asm.AsmChunk;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.asm.AsmClobber; import dk.camelot64.cpufamily6502.AsmClobber;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.asm.AsmLine; import dk.camelot64.kickc.asm.AsmLine;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.asm.AsmProgram; import dk.camelot64.kickc.asm.AsmProgram;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.CallGraph; import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.CallGraph;

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package dk.camelot64.kickc.passes; package dk.camelot64.kickc.passes;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.asm.AsmClobber; import dk.camelot64.cpufamily6502.AsmClobber;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.asm.AsmProgram; import dk.camelot64.kickc.asm.AsmProgram;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.fragment.AsmFragmentInstance; import dk.camelot64.kickc.fragment.AsmFragmentInstance;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.fragment.AsmFragmentTemplateSynthesizer; import dk.camelot64.kickc.fragment.AsmFragmentTemplateSynthesizer;

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@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
package dk.camelot64.kickc.passes; package dk.camelot64.kickc.passes;
import dk.camelot64.cpufamily6502.AsmAddressingMode;
import dk.camelot64.cpufamily6502.AsmInstructionSet;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.asm.*; import dk.camelot64.kickc.asm.*;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.Program; import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.Program;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.values.ScopeRef; import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.values.ScopeRef;
@ -25,7 +27,7 @@ public class Pass5AddMainRts extends Pass5AsmOptimization {
AsmLine line = lineIterator.next(); AsmLine line = lineIterator.next();
if(line instanceof AsmInstruction) { if(line instanceof AsmInstruction) {
AsmInstruction instruction = (AsmInstruction) line; AsmInstruction instruction = (AsmInstruction) line;
if(instruction.getType().getMnemnonic().equals("jsr")) { if(instruction.getAsmOpcode().getMnemnonic().equals("jsr")) {
if(instruction.getParameter().equals(SymbolRef.MAIN_PROC_NAME)) { if(instruction.getParameter().equals(SymbolRef.MAIN_PROC_NAME)) {
// Add RTS if it is missing // Add RTS if it is missing
if(!lineIterator.hasNext()) { if(!lineIterator.hasNext()) {
@ -38,7 +40,7 @@ public class Pass5AddMainRts extends Pass5AsmOptimization {
return true; return true;
} }
AsmInstruction nextInstruction = (AsmInstruction) nextLine; AsmInstruction nextInstruction = (AsmInstruction) nextLine;
if(!nextInstruction.getType().getMnemnonic().equals("rts")) { if(!nextInstruction.getAsmOpcode().getMnemnonic().equals("rts")) {
addRts(lineIterator); addRts(lineIterator);
return true; return true;
} }
@ -52,7 +54,7 @@ public class Pass5AddMainRts extends Pass5AsmOptimization {
} }
private void addRts(ListIterator<AsmLine> lineIterator) { private void addRts(ListIterator<AsmLine> lineIterator) {
lineIterator.add(new AsmInstruction(AsmInstructionSet.getInstructionType("rts", AsmAddressingMode.NON, false), null)); lineIterator.add(new AsmInstruction(AsmInstructionSet.getOpcode("rts", AsmAddressingMode.NON, false), null));
getLog().append("Adding RTS to root block "); getLog().append("Adding RTS to root block ");
} }

View File

@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
package dk.camelot64.kickc.passes; package dk.camelot64.kickc.passes;
import dk.camelot64.cpufamily6502.AsmAddressingMode;
import dk.camelot64.cpufamily6502.AsmInstructionSet;
import dk.camelot64.cpufamily6502.AsmOpcode;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.asm.*; import dk.camelot64.kickc.asm.*;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.Program; import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.Program;
@ -39,12 +42,12 @@ public class Pass5DoubleJumpElimination extends Pass5AsmOptimization {
} else if(line instanceof AsmInstruction) { } else if(line instanceof AsmInstruction) {
if(currentLabel != null) { if(currentLabel != null) {
AsmInstruction asmInstruction = (AsmInstruction) line; AsmInstruction asmInstruction = (AsmInstruction) line;
AsmInstructionType jmpType = AsmInstructionSet.getInstructionType("jmp", AsmAddressingMode.ABS, false); AsmOpcode jmpOpcode = AsmInstructionSet.getOpcode("jmp", AsmAddressingMode.ABS, false);
AsmInstructionType rtsType = AsmInstructionSet.getInstructionType("rts", AsmAddressingMode.NON, false); AsmOpcode rtsOpcode = AsmInstructionSet.getOpcode("rts", AsmAddressingMode.NON, false);
if(asmInstruction.getType().equals(jmpType)) { if(asmInstruction.getAsmOpcode().equals(jmpOpcode)) {
immediateJumps.put(currentScope + "::" + currentLabel, asmInstruction.getParameter()); immediateJumps.put(currentScope + "::" + currentLabel, asmInstruction.getParameter());
} }
if(asmInstruction.getType().equals(rtsType)) { if(asmInstruction.getAsmOpcode().equals(rtsOpcode)) {
immediateJumps.put(currentScope + "::" + currentLabel, "rts"); immediateJumps.put(currentScope + "::" + currentLabel, "rts");
} }
} }
@ -64,12 +67,12 @@ public class Pass5DoubleJumpElimination extends Pass5AsmOptimization {
currentScope = ""; currentScope = "";
} else if(line instanceof AsmInstruction) { } else if(line instanceof AsmInstruction) {
AsmInstruction asmInstruction = (AsmInstruction) line; AsmInstruction asmInstruction = (AsmInstruction) line;
if(asmInstruction.getType().isJump()) { if(asmInstruction.getAsmOpcode().isJump()) {
String immediateJmpTarget = immediateJumps.get(currentScope + "::" + asmInstruction.getParameter()); String immediateJmpTarget = immediateJumps.get(currentScope + "::" + asmInstruction.getParameter());
if(immediateJmpTarget == "rts" && asmInstruction.getType().getMnemnonic() == "jmp") { if(immediateJmpTarget == "rts" && asmInstruction.getAsmOpcode().getMnemnonic() == "jmp") {
getLog().append("Replacing jump to rts with rts in " + asmInstruction.toString()); getLog().append("Replacing jump to rts with rts in " + asmInstruction.toString());
AsmInstructionType rtsType = AsmInstructionSet.getInstructionType("rts", AsmAddressingMode.NON, false); AsmOpcode rtsOpcode = AsmInstructionSet.getOpcode("rts", AsmAddressingMode.NON, false);
asmInstruction.setType(rtsType); asmInstruction.setAsmOpcode(rtsOpcode);
optimized = true; optimized = true;
} else if(immediateJmpTarget != null && immediateJmpTarget != "rts" && !immediateJmpTarget.equals(asmInstruction.getParameter())) { } else if(immediateJmpTarget != null && immediateJmpTarget != "rts" && !immediateJmpTarget.equals(asmInstruction.getParameter())) {
getLog().append("Skipping double jump to " + immediateJmpTarget + " in " + asmInstruction.toString()); getLog().append("Skipping double jump to " + immediateJmpTarget + " in " + asmInstruction.toString());

View File

@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
package dk.camelot64.kickc.passes; package dk.camelot64.kickc.passes;
import dk.camelot64.cpufamily6502.AsmAddressingMode;
import dk.camelot64.cpufamily6502.AsmInstructionSet;
import dk.camelot64.cpufamily6502.AsmOpcode;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.asm.*; import dk.camelot64.kickc.asm.*;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.CompileError; import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.CompileError;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.Program; import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.Program;
@ -157,17 +160,17 @@ public class Pass5FixLongBranches extends Pass5AsmOptimization {
if(asmLine != null && asmLine instanceof AsmInstruction) { if(asmLine != null && asmLine instanceof AsmInstruction) {
//getLog().append("Found ASM line "+asmLine); //getLog().append("Found ASM line "+asmLine);
AsmInstruction asmInstruction = (AsmInstruction) asmLine; AsmInstruction asmInstruction = (AsmInstruction) asmLine;
AsmInstructionType asmInstructionType = asmInstruction.getType(); AsmOpcode asmOpcode = asmInstruction.getAsmOpcode();
AsmInstructionType inverseType = invertBranch(asmInstructionType); AsmOpcode inverseAsmOpcode = invertBranch(asmOpcode);
if(inverseType != null) { if(inverseAsmOpcode != null) {
//getLog().append("Inversed branch instruction "+asmInstructionType.getMnemnonic()+" -> "+inverseType.getMnemnonic()); //getLog().append("Inversed branch instruction "+asmInstructionType.getMnemnonic()+" -> "+inverseType.getMnemnonic());
getLog().append("Fixing long branch [" + idx + "] " + asmLine.toString() + " to " + inverseType.getMnemnonic()); getLog().append("Fixing long branch [" + idx + "] " + asmLine.toString() + " to " + inverseAsmOpcode.getMnemnonic());
String branchDest = asmInstruction.getParameter(); String branchDest = asmInstruction.getParameter();
asmInstruction.setType(inverseType); asmInstruction.setAsmOpcode(inverseAsmOpcode);
String newLabel = AsmFormat.asmFix("!" + branchDest); String newLabel = AsmFormat.asmFix("!" + branchDest);
asmInstruction.setParameter(newLabel+"+"); asmInstruction.setParameter(newLabel+"+");
AsmInstructionType jmpType = AsmInstructionSet.getInstructionType("jmp", AsmAddressingMode.ABS, false); AsmOpcode jmpOpcode = AsmInstructionSet.getOpcode("jmp", AsmAddressingMode.ABS, false);
AsmInstruction jmpInstruction = new AsmInstruction(jmpType, branchDest); AsmInstruction jmpInstruction = new AsmInstruction(jmpOpcode, branchDest);
asmChunk.addLineAfter(asmInstruction, jmpInstruction); asmChunk.addLineAfter(asmInstruction, jmpInstruction);
asmChunk.addLineAfter(jmpInstruction, new AsmLabel(newLabel)); asmChunk.addLineAfter(jmpInstruction, new AsmLabel(newLabel));
return true; return true;
@ -177,24 +180,24 @@ public class Pass5FixLongBranches extends Pass5AsmOptimization {
return false; return false;
} }
private AsmInstructionType invertBranch(AsmInstructionType type) { private AsmOpcode invertBranch(AsmOpcode asmOpcode) {
switch(type.getMnemnonic()) { switch(asmOpcode.getMnemnonic()) {
case "bcc": case "bcc":
return AsmInstructionSet.getInstructionType("bcs", AsmAddressingMode.REL, false); return AsmInstructionSet.getOpcode("bcs", AsmAddressingMode.REL, false);
case "bcs": case "bcs":
return AsmInstructionSet.getInstructionType("bcc", AsmAddressingMode.REL, false); return AsmInstructionSet.getOpcode("bcc", AsmAddressingMode.REL, false);
case "beq": case "beq":
return AsmInstructionSet.getInstructionType("bne", AsmAddressingMode.REL, false); return AsmInstructionSet.getOpcode("bne", AsmAddressingMode.REL, false);
case "bne": case "bne":
return AsmInstructionSet.getInstructionType("beq", AsmAddressingMode.REL, false); return AsmInstructionSet.getOpcode("beq", AsmAddressingMode.REL, false);
case "bpl": case "bpl":
return AsmInstructionSet.getInstructionType("bmi", AsmAddressingMode.REL, false); return AsmInstructionSet.getOpcode("bmi", AsmAddressingMode.REL, false);
case "bmi": case "bmi":
return AsmInstructionSet.getInstructionType("bpl", AsmAddressingMode.REL, false); return AsmInstructionSet.getOpcode("bpl", AsmAddressingMode.REL, false);
case "bvs": case "bvs":
return AsmInstructionSet.getInstructionType("bvc", AsmAddressingMode.REL, false); return AsmInstructionSet.getOpcode("bvc", AsmAddressingMode.REL, false);
case "bvc": case "bvc":
return AsmInstructionSet.getInstructionType("bvs", AsmAddressingMode.REL, false); return AsmInstructionSet.getOpcode("bvs", AsmAddressingMode.REL, false);
default: default:
return null; return null;
} }

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ public class Pass5NextJumpElimination extends Pass5AsmOptimization {
if(line instanceof AsmInstruction) { if(line instanceof AsmInstruction) {
candidate = null; candidate = null;
AsmInstruction instruction = (AsmInstruction) line; AsmInstruction instruction = (AsmInstruction) line;
if(instruction.getType().isJump() && !instruction.getType().getMnemnonic().equals("jsr")) { if(instruction.getAsmOpcode().isJump() && !instruction.getAsmOpcode().getMnemnonic().equals("jsr")) {
candidate = instruction; candidate = instruction;
} }
} else if(line instanceof AsmDataString || line instanceof AsmDataNumeric || line instanceof AsmDataFill || line instanceof AsmInlineKickAsm ) { } else if(line instanceof AsmDataString || line instanceof AsmDataNumeric || line instanceof AsmDataFill || line instanceof AsmInlineKickAsm ) {

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@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ public class Pass5RedundantLabelElimination extends Pass5AsmOptimization {
} }
} else if(line instanceof AsmInstruction) { } else if(line instanceof AsmInstruction) {
AsmInstruction instruction = (AsmInstruction) line; AsmInstruction instruction = (AsmInstruction) line;
if(instruction.getType().isJump()) { if(instruction.getAsmOpcode().isJump()) {
String labelStr = instruction.getParameter(); String labelStr = instruction.getParameter();
String labelReplacementStr = getLabelReplacement(redundantLabelSet, currentScope, labelStr); String labelReplacementStr = getLabelReplacement(redundantLabelSet, currentScope, labelStr);
if(labelReplacementStr!=null) { if(labelReplacementStr!=null) {

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@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ public class Pass5RelabelLongLabels extends Pass5AsmOptimization {
} }
} else if(asmLine instanceof AsmInstruction) { } else if(asmLine instanceof AsmInstruction) {
AsmInstruction asmInstruction = (AsmInstruction) asmLine; AsmInstruction asmInstruction = (AsmInstruction) asmLine;
if(asmInstruction.getType().isJump()) { if(asmInstruction.getAsmOpcode().isJump()) {
String parameter = asmInstruction.getParameter(); String parameter = asmInstruction.getParameter();
Map<String, String> scopeRelabels = relabels.get(currentScope); Map<String, String> scopeRelabels = relabels.get(currentScope);
if(scopeRelabels != null) { if(scopeRelabels != null) {

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@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ public class Pass5SkipBegin extends Pass5AsmOptimization {
} }
} else if(line instanceof AsmInstruction) { } else if(line instanceof AsmInstruction) {
AsmInstruction instruction = (AsmInstruction) line; AsmInstruction instruction = (AsmInstruction) line;
if(instruction.getType().getMnemnonic().equals("jsr")) { if(instruction.getAsmOpcode().getMnemnonic().equals("jsr")) {
if(instruction.getParameter().equals(SymbolRef.MAIN_PROC_NAME)) { if(instruction.getParameter().equals(SymbolRef.MAIN_PROC_NAME)) {
lineIterator.remove(); lineIterator.remove();
optimized = true; optimized = true;

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@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
package dk.camelot64.kickc.passes; package dk.camelot64.kickc.passes;
import dk.camelot64.cpufamily6502.AsmAddressingMode;
import dk.camelot64.cpufamily6502.AsmInstructionSet;
import dk.camelot64.cpufamily6502.AsmOpcode;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.asm.*; import dk.camelot64.kickc.asm.*;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.Program; import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.Program;
@ -30,89 +33,89 @@ public class Pass5UnnecesaryLoadElimination extends Pass5AsmOptimization {
if(instruction.isDontOptimize()) { if(instruction.isDontOptimize()) {
continue; continue;
} }
AsmInstructionType instructionType = instruction.getType(); AsmOpcode asmOpcode = instruction.getAsmOpcode();
if(instructionType.getMnemnonic().equals("lda") && instructionType.getAddressingMode().equals(AsmAddressingMode.IMM)) { if(asmOpcode.getMnemnonic().equals("lda") && asmOpcode.getAddressingMode().equals(AsmAddressingMode.IMM)) {
String immValue = instruction.getParameter(); String immValue = instruction.getParameter();
AsmProgramStaticRegisterValues.AsmRegisterValues instructionValues = staticValues.getValues(instruction); AsmProgramStaticRegisterValues.AsmRegisterValues instructionValues = staticValues.getValues(instruction);
if(AsmProgramStaticRegisterValues.matchImm(instructionValues.getA(), immValue)) { if(AsmProgramStaticRegisterValues.matchImm(instructionValues.getA(), immValue)) {
modified = remove(lineIt); modified = remove(lineIt);
} else if(AsmProgramStaticRegisterValues.matchImm(instructionValues.getX(), immValue)) { } else if(AsmProgramStaticRegisterValues.matchImm(instructionValues.getX(), immValue)) {
getLog().append("Replacing instruction " + instruction + " with TXA"); getLog().append("Replacing instruction " + instruction + " with TXA");
instruction.setType(AsmInstructionSet.getInstructionType("txa", AsmAddressingMode.NON, false)); instruction.setAsmOpcode(AsmInstructionSet.getOpcode("txa", AsmAddressingMode.NON, false));
instruction.setParameter(null); instruction.setParameter(null);
} else if(AsmProgramStaticRegisterValues.matchImm(instructionValues.getY(), immValue)) { } else if(AsmProgramStaticRegisterValues.matchImm(instructionValues.getY(), immValue)) {
getLog().append("Replacing instruction " + instruction + " with TYA"); getLog().append("Replacing instruction " + instruction + " with TYA");
instruction.setType(AsmInstructionSet.getInstructionType("tya", AsmAddressingMode.NON, false)); instruction.setAsmOpcode(AsmInstructionSet.getOpcode("tya", AsmAddressingMode.NON, false));
instruction.setParameter(null); instruction.setParameter(null);
} }
} }
if(instructionType.getMnemnonic().equals("lda") && (instructionType.getAddressingMode().equals(AsmAddressingMode.ZP) || instructionType.getAddressingMode().equals(AsmAddressingMode.ABS))) { if(asmOpcode.getMnemnonic().equals("lda") && (asmOpcode.getAddressingMode().equals(AsmAddressingMode.ZP) || asmOpcode.getAddressingMode().equals(AsmAddressingMode.ABS))) {
String memValue = instruction.getParameter(); String memValue = instruction.getParameter();
AsmProgramStaticRegisterValues.AsmRegisterValues instructionValues = staticValues.getValues(instruction); AsmProgramStaticRegisterValues.AsmRegisterValues instructionValues = staticValues.getValues(instruction);
if(instructionValues.getaMem() != null && instructionValues.getaMem().equals(memValue)) { if(instructionValues.getaMem() != null && instructionValues.getaMem().equals(memValue)) {
modified = remove(lineIt); modified = remove(lineIt);
} else if(instructionValues.getxMem() != null && instructionValues.getxMem().equals(memValue)) { } else if(instructionValues.getxMem() != null && instructionValues.getxMem().equals(memValue)) {
getLog().append("Replacing instruction " + instruction + " with TXA"); getLog().append("Replacing instruction " + instruction + " with TXA");
instruction.setType(AsmInstructionSet.getInstructionType("txa", AsmAddressingMode.NON, false)); instruction.setAsmOpcode(AsmInstructionSet.getOpcode("txa", AsmAddressingMode.NON, false));
instruction.setParameter(null); instruction.setParameter(null);
} else if(instructionValues.getyMem() != null && instructionValues.getyMem().equals(memValue)) { } else if(instructionValues.getyMem() != null && instructionValues.getyMem().equals(memValue)) {
getLog().append("Replacing instruction " + instruction + " with TYA"); getLog().append("Replacing instruction " + instruction + " with TYA");
instruction.setType(AsmInstructionSet.getInstructionType("tya", AsmAddressingMode.NON, false)); instruction.setAsmOpcode(AsmInstructionSet.getOpcode("tya", AsmAddressingMode.NON, false));
instruction.setParameter(null); instruction.setParameter(null);
} }
} }
if(instructionType.getMnemnonic().equals("ldx") && instructionType.getAddressingMode().equals(AsmAddressingMode.IMM)) { if(asmOpcode.getMnemnonic().equals("ldx") && asmOpcode.getAddressingMode().equals(AsmAddressingMode.IMM)) {
String immValue = instruction.getParameter(); String immValue = instruction.getParameter();
AsmProgramStaticRegisterValues.AsmRegisterValues instructionValues = staticValues.getValues(instruction); AsmProgramStaticRegisterValues.AsmRegisterValues instructionValues = staticValues.getValues(instruction);
if(AsmProgramStaticRegisterValues.matchImm(instructionValues.getX(), immValue)) { if(AsmProgramStaticRegisterValues.matchImm(instructionValues.getX(), immValue)) {
modified = remove(lineIt); modified = remove(lineIt);
} else if(AsmProgramStaticRegisterValues.matchImm(instructionValues.getA(), immValue)) { } else if(AsmProgramStaticRegisterValues.matchImm(instructionValues.getA(), immValue)) {
getLog().append("Replacing instruction " + instruction + " with TAX"); getLog().append("Replacing instruction " + instruction + " with TAX");
instruction.setType(AsmInstructionSet.getInstructionType("tax", AsmAddressingMode.NON, false)); instruction.setAsmOpcode(AsmInstructionSet.getOpcode("tax", AsmAddressingMode.NON, false));
instruction.setParameter(null); instruction.setParameter(null);
} }
} }
if(instructionType.getMnemnonic().equals("ldx") && (instructionType.getAddressingMode().equals(AsmAddressingMode.ZP) || instructionType.getAddressingMode().equals(AsmAddressingMode.ABS))) { if(asmOpcode.getMnemnonic().equals("ldx") && (asmOpcode.getAddressingMode().equals(AsmAddressingMode.ZP) || asmOpcode.getAddressingMode().equals(AsmAddressingMode.ABS))) {
String memValue = instruction.getParameter(); String memValue = instruction.getParameter();
AsmProgramStaticRegisterValues.AsmRegisterValues instructionValues = staticValues.getValues(instruction); AsmProgramStaticRegisterValues.AsmRegisterValues instructionValues = staticValues.getValues(instruction);
if(instructionValues.getxMem() != null && instructionValues.getxMem().equals(memValue)) { if(instructionValues.getxMem() != null && instructionValues.getxMem().equals(memValue)) {
modified = remove(lineIt); modified = remove(lineIt);
} else if(instructionValues.getaMem() != null && instructionValues.getaMem().equals(memValue)) { } else if(instructionValues.getaMem() != null && instructionValues.getaMem().equals(memValue)) {
getLog().append("Replacing instruction " + instruction + " with TAX"); getLog().append("Replacing instruction " + instruction + " with TAX");
instruction.setType(AsmInstructionSet.getInstructionType("tax", AsmAddressingMode.NON, false)); instruction.setAsmOpcode(AsmInstructionSet.getOpcode("tax", AsmAddressingMode.NON, false));
instruction.setParameter(null); instruction.setParameter(null);
} }
} }
if(instructionType.getMnemnonic().equals("ldy") && instructionType.getAddressingMode().equals(AsmAddressingMode.IMM)) { if(asmOpcode.getMnemnonic().equals("ldy") && asmOpcode.getAddressingMode().equals(AsmAddressingMode.IMM)) {
String immValue = instruction.getParameter(); String immValue = instruction.getParameter();
AsmProgramStaticRegisterValues.AsmRegisterValues instructionValues = staticValues.getValues(instruction); AsmProgramStaticRegisterValues.AsmRegisterValues instructionValues = staticValues.getValues(instruction);
if(AsmProgramStaticRegisterValues.matchImm(instructionValues.getY(), immValue)) { if(AsmProgramStaticRegisterValues.matchImm(instructionValues.getY(), immValue)) {
modified = remove(lineIt); modified = remove(lineIt);
} else if(AsmProgramStaticRegisterValues.matchImm(instructionValues.getA(), immValue)) { } else if(AsmProgramStaticRegisterValues.matchImm(instructionValues.getA(), immValue)) {
getLog().append("Replacing instruction " + instruction + " with TAY"); getLog().append("Replacing instruction " + instruction + " with TAY");
instruction.setType(AsmInstructionSet.getInstructionType("tay", AsmAddressingMode.NON, false)); instruction.setAsmOpcode(AsmInstructionSet.getOpcode("tay", AsmAddressingMode.NON, false));
instruction.setParameter(null); instruction.setParameter(null);
} }
} }
if(instructionType.getMnemnonic().equals("ldy") && (instructionType.getAddressingMode().equals(AsmAddressingMode.ZP) || instructionType.getAddressingMode().equals(AsmAddressingMode.ABS))) { if(asmOpcode.getMnemnonic().equals("ldy") && (asmOpcode.getAddressingMode().equals(AsmAddressingMode.ZP) || asmOpcode.getAddressingMode().equals(AsmAddressingMode.ABS))) {
String memValue = instruction.getParameter(); String memValue = instruction.getParameter();
AsmProgramStaticRegisterValues.AsmRegisterValues instructionValues = staticValues.getValues(instruction); AsmProgramStaticRegisterValues.AsmRegisterValues instructionValues = staticValues.getValues(instruction);
if(instructionValues.getyMem() != null && instructionValues.getyMem().equals(memValue)) { if(instructionValues.getyMem() != null && instructionValues.getyMem().equals(memValue)) {
modified = remove(lineIt); modified = remove(lineIt);
} else if(instructionValues.getaMem() != null && instructionValues.getaMem().equals(memValue)) { } else if(instructionValues.getaMem() != null && instructionValues.getaMem().equals(memValue)) {
getLog().append("Replacing instruction " + instruction + " with TAY"); getLog().append("Replacing instruction " + instruction + " with TAY");
instruction.setType(AsmInstructionSet.getInstructionType("tay", AsmAddressingMode.NON, false)); instruction.setAsmOpcode(AsmInstructionSet.getOpcode("tay", AsmAddressingMode.NON, false));
instruction.setParameter(null); instruction.setParameter(null);
} }
} }
if(instructionType.getMnemnonic().equals("clc")) { if(asmOpcode.getMnemnonic().equals("clc")) {
AsmProgramStaticRegisterValues.AsmRegisterValues instructionValues = staticValues.getValues(instruction); AsmProgramStaticRegisterValues.AsmRegisterValues instructionValues = staticValues.getValues(instruction);
if(Boolean.FALSE.equals(instructionValues.getC())) { if(Boolean.FALSE.equals(instructionValues.getC())) {
modified = remove(lineIt); modified = remove(lineIt);
} }
} }
if(instructionType.getMnemnonic().equals("sec")) { if(asmOpcode.getMnemnonic().equals("sec")) {
AsmProgramStaticRegisterValues.AsmRegisterValues instructionValues = staticValues.getValues(instruction); AsmProgramStaticRegisterValues.AsmRegisterValues instructionValues = staticValues.getValues(instruction);
if(Boolean.TRUE.equals(instructionValues.getC())) { if(Boolean.TRUE.equals(instructionValues.getC())) {
modified = remove(lineIt); modified = remove(lineIt);

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@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ public class Pass5UnreachableCodeElimination extends Pass5AsmOptimization {
optimized = true; optimized = true;
} else { } else {
AsmInstruction asmInstruction = (AsmInstruction) line; AsmInstruction asmInstruction = (AsmInstruction) line;
if(asmInstruction.getType().getMnemnonic().equals("rts") || asmInstruction.getType().getMnemnonic().equals("jmp")) { if(asmInstruction.getAsmOpcode().getMnemnonic().equals("rts") || asmInstruction.getAsmOpcode().getMnemnonic().equals("jmp")) {
afterExit = true; afterExit = true;
} }
} }

View File

@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
package dk.camelot64.kickc.passes; package dk.camelot64.kickc.passes;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.asm.*; import dk.camelot64.kickc.asm.*;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.ControlFlowBlock;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.Program; import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.Program;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.statements.Statement; import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.statements.Statement;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.statements.StatementAsm; import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.statements.StatementAsm;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.values.LabelRef;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.values.SymbolRef;
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
@ -44,7 +41,7 @@ public class Pass5UnusedLabelElimination extends Pass5AsmOptimization {
usedLabels.add(labelStr); usedLabels.add(labelStr);
} else if(line instanceof AsmInstruction) { } else if(line instanceof AsmInstruction) {
AsmInstruction instruction = (AsmInstruction) line; AsmInstruction instruction = (AsmInstruction) line;
if(instruction.getType().isJump()) { if(instruction.getAsmOpcode().isJump()) {
String labelStr = currentScope + "::" + instruction.getParameter(); String labelStr = currentScope + "::" + instruction.getParameter();
usedLabels.add(labelStr); usedLabels.add(labelStr);
} }