diff --git a/src/main/java/dk/camelot64/kickc/model/symbols/Variable.java b/src/main/java/dk/camelot64/kickc/model/symbols/Variable.java
index 6afe3cd80..c0b1343b2 100644
--- a/src/main/java/dk/camelot64/kickc/model/symbols/Variable.java
+++ b/src/main/java/dk/camelot64/kickc/model/symbols/Variable.java
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ public class Variable extends SymbolVariable {
+      this.setConstantDeclaration(phiMaster.getConstantDeclaration());
diff --git a/src/test/java/dk/camelot64/kickc/test/TestPrograms.java b/src/test/java/dk/camelot64/kickc/test/TestPrograms.java
index d2d44f4d2..1b345bc8a 100644
--- a/src/test/java/dk/camelot64/kickc/test/TestPrograms.java
+++ b/src/test/java/dk/camelot64/kickc/test/TestPrograms.java
@@ -37,6 +37,11 @@ public class TestPrograms {
    public TestPrograms() {
+   @Test
+   public void testDeclaredNotConstVar8() throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
+      compileAndCompare("declared-notconst-var-0");
+   }
    public void testDeclaredSsaVar8() throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
diff --git a/src/test/kc/declared-notconst-var-0.kc b/src/test/kc/declared-notconst-var-0.kc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8bcaf2dd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/kc/declared-notconst-var-0.kc
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+// Tests declaring a (constant) variable as __notconst
+char __notconst size = 40;
+const char* SCREEN = 0x0400;
+void main() {
+    for( char i=0;i<size;i++ ) {
+        SCREEN[i] = '*';
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/ref/declared-notconst-var-0.asm b/src/test/ref/declared-notconst-var-0.asm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b3012a43c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/ref/declared-notconst-var-0.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// Tests declaring a (constant) variable as __notconst
+.pc = $801 "Basic"
+.pc = $80d "Program"
+  .label SCREEN = $400
+  .label size = 2
+  lda #$28
+  sta.z size
+  jsr main
+  rts
+main: {
+    ldx #0
+  __b1:
+    cpx.z size
+    bcc __b2
+    rts
+  __b2:
+    lda #'*'
+    sta SCREEN,x
+    inx
+    jmp __b1
diff --git a/src/test/ref/declared-notconst-var-0.cfg b/src/test/ref/declared-notconst-var-0.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e075e1a3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/ref/declared-notconst-var-0.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+@begin: scope:[]  from
+  [0] (byte) size#0 ← (byte) $28
+  to:@1
+@1: scope:[]  from @begin
+  [1] phi()
+  [2] call main 
+  to:@end
+@end: scope:[]  from @1
+  [3] phi()
+(void()) main()
+main: scope:[main]  from @1
+  [4] phi()
+  to:main::@1
+main::@1: scope:[main]  from main main::@2
+  [5] (byte) main::i#2 ← phi( main/(byte) 0 main::@2/(byte) main::i#1 )
+  [6] if((byte) main::i#2<(byte) size#0) goto main::@2
+  to:main::@return
+main::@return: scope:[main]  from main::@1
+  [7] return 
+  to:@return
+main::@2: scope:[main]  from main::@1
+  [8] *((const byte*) SCREEN + (byte) main::i#2) ← (byte) '*'
+  [9] (byte) main::i#1 ← ++ (byte) main::i#2
+  to:main::@1
diff --git a/src/test/ref/declared-notconst-var-0.log b/src/test/ref/declared-notconst-var-0.log
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..27ebc47dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/ref/declared-notconst-var-0.log
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+Culled Empty Block (label) main::@4
+Culled Empty Block (label) main::@3
+Culled Empty Block (label) main::@5
+Culled Empty Block (label) main::@6
+@begin: scope:[]  from
+  (byte) size#0 ← (number) $28
+  (byte*) SCREEN ← ((byte*)) (number) $400
+  to:@1
+(void()) main()
+main: scope:[main]  from @1
+  (byte) size#2 ← phi( @1/(byte) size#4 )
+  (byte) main::i#0 ← (number) 0
+  to:main::@1
+main::@1: scope:[main]  from main main::@2
+  (byte) size#1 ← phi( main/(byte) size#2 main::@2/(byte) size#3 )
+  (byte) main::i#2 ← phi( main/(byte) main::i#0 main::@2/(byte) main::i#1 )
+  (bool~) main::$0 ← (byte) main::i#2 < (byte) size#1
+  if((bool~) main::$0) goto main::@2
+  to:main::@return
+main::@2: scope:[main]  from main::@1
+  (byte) size#3 ← phi( main::@1/(byte) size#1 )
+  (byte) main::i#3 ← phi( main::@1/(byte) main::i#2 )
+  *((byte*) SCREEN + (byte) main::i#3) ← (byte) '*'
+  (byte) main::i#1 ← ++ (byte) main::i#3
+  to:main::@1
+main::@return: scope:[main]  from main::@1
+  return 
+  to:@return
+@1: scope:[]  from @begin
+  (byte) size#4 ← phi( @begin/(byte) size#0 )
+  call main 
+  to:@2
+@2: scope:[]  from @1
+  to:@end
+@end: scope:[]  from @2
+(label) @1
+(label) @2
+(label) @begin
+(label) @end
+(byte*) SCREEN
+(void()) main()
+(bool~) main::$0
+(label) main::@1
+(label) main::@2
+(label) main::@return
+(byte) main::i
+(byte) main::i#0
+(byte) main::i#1
+(byte) main::i#2
+(byte) main::i#3
+(byte) size
+(byte) size#0
+(byte) size#1
+(byte) size#2
+(byte) size#3
+(byte) size#4
+Adding number conversion cast (unumber) $28 in (byte) size#0 ← (number) $28
+Adding number conversion cast (unumber) 0 in (byte) main::i#0 ← (number) 0
+Successful SSA optimization PassNAddNumberTypeConversions
+Inlining cast (byte) size#0 ← (unumber)(number) $28
+Inlining cast (byte*) SCREEN ← (byte*)(number) $400
+Inlining cast (byte) main::i#0 ← (unumber)(number) 0
+Successful SSA optimization Pass2InlineCast
+Simplifying constant integer cast $28
+Simplifying constant pointer cast (byte*) 1024
+Simplifying constant integer cast 0
+Successful SSA optimization PassNCastSimplification
+Finalized unsigned number type (byte) $28
+Finalized unsigned number type (byte) 0
+Successful SSA optimization PassNFinalizeNumberTypeConversions
+Alias (byte) main::i#2 = (byte) main::i#3 
+Alias (byte) size#1 = (byte) size#3 
+Alias (byte) size#0 = (byte) size#4 
+Successful SSA optimization Pass2AliasElimination
+Identical Phi Values (byte) size#2 (byte) size#0
+Identical Phi Values (byte) size#1 (byte) size#2
+Successful SSA optimization Pass2IdenticalPhiElimination
+Simple Condition (bool~) main::$0 [6] if((byte) main::i#2<(byte) size#0) goto main::@2
+Successful SSA optimization Pass2ConditionalJumpSimplification
+Constant (const byte*) SCREEN = (byte*) 1024
+Constant (const byte) main::i#0 = 0
+Successful SSA optimization Pass2ConstantIdentification
+Inlining constant with var siblings (const byte) main::i#0
+Constant inlined main::i#0 = (byte) 0
+Successful SSA optimization Pass2ConstantInlining
+Adding NOP phi() at start of @1
+Adding NOP phi() at start of @2
+Adding NOP phi() at start of @end
+Adding NOP phi() at start of main
+Calls in [] to main:2 
+Created 1 initial phi equivalence classes
+Coalesced [11] main::i#4 ← main::i#1
+Coalesced down to 1 phi equivalence classes
+Culled Empty Block (label) @2
+Adding NOP phi() at start of @1
+Adding NOP phi() at start of @end
+Adding NOP phi() at start of main
+@begin: scope:[]  from
+  [0] (byte) size#0 ← (byte) $28
+  to:@1
+@1: scope:[]  from @begin
+  [1] phi()
+  [2] call main 
+  to:@end
+@end: scope:[]  from @1
+  [3] phi()
+(void()) main()
+main: scope:[main]  from @1
+  [4] phi()
+  to:main::@1
+main::@1: scope:[main]  from main main::@2
+  [5] (byte) main::i#2 ← phi( main/(byte) 0 main::@2/(byte) main::i#1 )
+  [6] if((byte) main::i#2<(byte) size#0) goto main::@2
+  to:main::@return
+main::@return: scope:[main]  from main::@1
+  [7] return 
+  to:@return
+main::@2: scope:[main]  from main::@1
+  [8] *((const byte*) SCREEN + (byte) main::i#2) ← (byte) '*'
+  [9] (byte) main::i#1 ← ++ (byte) main::i#2
+  to:main::@1
+(void()) main()
+(byte) main::i
+(byte) main::i#1 22.0
+(byte) main::i#2 14.666666666666666
+(byte) size
+(byte) size#0 1.8571428571428572
+Initial phi equivalence classes
+[ main::i#2 main::i#1 ]
+Added variable size#0 to zero page equivalence class [ size#0 ]
+Complete equivalence classes
+[ main::i#2 main::i#1 ]
+[ size#0 ]
+Allocated zp[1]:2 [ main::i#2 main::i#1 ]
+Allocated zp[1]:3 [ size#0 ]
+Target platform is c64basic / MOS6502X
+  // File Comments
+// Tests declaring a (constant) variable as __notconst
+  // Upstart
+.pc = $801 "Basic"
+.pc = $80d "Program"
+  // Global Constants & labels
+  .label SCREEN = $400
+  .label size = 3
+  // @begin
+  // [0] (byte) size#0 ← (byte) $28 -- vbuz1=vbuc1 
+  lda #$28
+  sta.z size
+  // [1] phi from @begin to @1 [phi:@begin->@1]
+  jmp __b1
+  // @1
+  // [2] call main 
+  // [4] phi from @1 to main [phi:@1->main]
+  jsr main
+  // [3] phi from @1 to @end [phi:@1->@end]
+  jmp __bend
+  // @end
+  // main
+main: {
+    .label i = 2
+    // [5] phi from main to main::@1 [phi:main->main::@1]
+  __b1_from_main:
+    // [5] phi (byte) main::i#2 = (byte) 0 [phi:main->main::@1#0] -- vbuz1=vbuc1 
+    lda #0
+    sta.z i
+    jmp __b1
+    // main::@1
+  __b1:
+    // [6] if((byte) main::i#2<(byte) size#0) goto main::@2 -- vbuz1_lt_vbuz2_then_la1 
+    lda.z i
+    cmp.z size
+    bcc __b2
+    jmp __breturn
+    // main::@return
+  __breturn:
+    // [7] return 
+    rts
+    // main::@2
+  __b2:
+    // [8] *((const byte*) SCREEN + (byte) main::i#2) ← (byte) '*' -- pbuc1_derefidx_vbuz1=vbuc2 
+    lda #'*'
+    ldy.z i
+    sta SCREEN,y
+    // [9] (byte) main::i#1 ← ++ (byte) main::i#2 -- vbuz1=_inc_vbuz1 
+    inc.z i
+    // [5] phi from main::@2 to main::@1 [phi:main::@2->main::@1]
+  __b1_from___b2:
+    // [5] phi (byte) main::i#2 = (byte) main::i#1 [phi:main::@2->main::@1#0] -- register_copy 
+    jmp __b1
+  // File Data
+Statement [8] *((const byte*) SCREEN + (byte) main::i#2) ← (byte) '*' [ size#0 main::i#2 ] ( main:2 [ size#0 main::i#2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a 
+Removing always clobbered register reg byte a as potential for zp[1]:3 [ size#0 ]
+Removing always clobbered register reg byte a as potential for zp[1]:2 [ main::i#2 main::i#1 ]
+Statement [8] *((const byte*) SCREEN + (byte) main::i#2) ← (byte) '*' [ size#0 main::i#2 ] ( main:2 [ size#0 main::i#2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a 
+Potential registers zp[1]:2 [ main::i#2 main::i#1 ] : zp[1]:2 , reg byte x , reg byte y , 
+Potential registers zp[1]:3 [ size#0 ] : zp[1]:3 , reg byte x , reg byte y , 
+Uplift Scope [main] 36.67: zp[1]:2 [ main::i#2 main::i#1 ] 
+Uplift Scope [] 1.86: zp[1]:3 [ size#0 ] 
+Uplifting [main] best 278 combination reg byte x [ main::i#2 main::i#1 ] 
+Uplifting [] best 278 combination zp[1]:3 [ size#0 ] 
+Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp[1]:3 [ size#0 ]
+Uplifting [] best 278 combination zp[1]:3 [ size#0 ] 
+Allocated (was zp[1]:3) zp[1]:2 [ size#0 ]
+  // File Comments
+// Tests declaring a (constant) variable as __notconst
+  // Upstart
+.pc = $801 "Basic"
+.pc = $80d "Program"
+  // Global Constants & labels
+  .label SCREEN = $400
+  .label size = 2
+  // @begin
+  // [0] (byte) size#0 ← (byte) $28 -- vbuz1=vbuc1 
+  lda #$28
+  sta.z size
+  // [1] phi from @begin to @1 [phi:@begin->@1]
+  jmp __b1
+  // @1
+  // [2] call main 
+  // [4] phi from @1 to main [phi:@1->main]
+  jsr main
+  // [3] phi from @1 to @end [phi:@1->@end]
+  jmp __bend
+  // @end
+  // main
+main: {
+    // [5] phi from main to main::@1 [phi:main->main::@1]
+  __b1_from_main:
+    // [5] phi (byte) main::i#2 = (byte) 0 [phi:main->main::@1#0] -- vbuxx=vbuc1 
+    ldx #0
+    jmp __b1
+    // main::@1
+  __b1:
+    // [6] if((byte) main::i#2<(byte) size#0) goto main::@2 -- vbuxx_lt_vbuz1_then_la1 
+    cpx.z size
+    bcc __b2
+    jmp __breturn
+    // main::@return
+  __breturn:
+    // [7] return 
+    rts
+    // main::@2
+  __b2:
+    // [8] *((const byte*) SCREEN + (byte) main::i#2) ← (byte) '*' -- pbuc1_derefidx_vbuxx=vbuc2 
+    lda #'*'
+    sta SCREEN,x
+    // [9] (byte) main::i#1 ← ++ (byte) main::i#2 -- vbuxx=_inc_vbuxx 
+    inx
+    // [5] phi from main::@2 to main::@1 [phi:main::@2->main::@1]
+  __b1_from___b2:
+    // [5] phi (byte) main::i#2 = (byte) main::i#1 [phi:main::@2->main::@1#0] -- register_copy 
+    jmp __b1
+  // File Data
+Removing instruction jmp __b1
+Removing instruction jmp __bend
+Removing instruction jmp __b1
+Removing instruction jmp __breturn
+Succesful ASM optimization Pass5NextJumpElimination
+Removing instruction __b1_from___bbegin:
+Removing instruction main_from___b1:
+Removing instruction __bend_from___b1:
+Succesful ASM optimization Pass5RedundantLabelElimination
+Removing instruction __b1:
+Removing instruction __bend:
+Removing instruction __b1_from_main:
+Removing instruction __breturn:
+Removing instruction __b1_from___b2:
+Succesful ASM optimization Pass5UnusedLabelElimination
+Adding RTS to root block 
+Succesful ASM optimization Pass5AddMainRts
+(label) @1
+(label) @begin
+(label) @end
+(const byte*) SCREEN = (byte*) 1024
+(void()) main()
+(label) main::@1
+(label) main::@2
+(label) main::@return
+(byte) main::i
+(byte) main::i#1 reg byte x 22.0
+(byte) main::i#2 reg byte x 14.666666666666666
+(byte) size
+(byte) size#0 size zp[1]:2 1.8571428571428572
+reg byte x [ main::i#2 main::i#1 ]
+zp[1]:2 [ size#0 ]
+Score: 218
+  // File Comments
+// Tests declaring a (constant) variable as __notconst
+  // Upstart
+.pc = $801 "Basic"
+.pc = $80d "Program"
+  // Global Constants & labels
+  .label SCREEN = $400
+  .label size = 2
+  // @begin
+  // size = 40
+  // [0] (byte) size#0 ← (byte) $28 -- vbuz1=vbuc1 
+  lda #$28
+  sta.z size
+  // [1] phi from @begin to @1 [phi:@begin->@1]
+  // @1
+  // [2] call main 
+  // [4] phi from @1 to main [phi:@1->main]
+  jsr main
+  rts
+  // [3] phi from @1 to @end [phi:@1->@end]
+  // @end
+  // main
+main: {
+    // [5] phi from main to main::@1 [phi:main->main::@1]
+    // [5] phi (byte) main::i#2 = (byte) 0 [phi:main->main::@1#0] -- vbuxx=vbuc1 
+    ldx #0
+    // main::@1
+  __b1:
+    // for( char i=0;i<size;i++ )
+    // [6] if((byte) main::i#2<(byte) size#0) goto main::@2 -- vbuxx_lt_vbuz1_then_la1 
+    cpx.z size
+    bcc __b2
+    // main::@return
+    // }
+    // [7] return 
+    rts
+    // main::@2
+  __b2:
+    // SCREEN[i] = '*'
+    // [8] *((const byte*) SCREEN + (byte) main::i#2) ← (byte) '*' -- pbuc1_derefidx_vbuxx=vbuc2 
+    lda #'*'
+    sta SCREEN,x
+    // for( char i=0;i<size;i++ )
+    // [9] (byte) main::i#1 ← ++ (byte) main::i#2 -- vbuxx=_inc_vbuxx 
+    inx
+    // [5] phi from main::@2 to main::@1 [phi:main::@2->main::@1]
+    // [5] phi (byte) main::i#2 = (byte) main::i#1 [phi:main::@2->main::@1#0] -- register_copy 
+    jmp __b1
+  // File Data
diff --git a/src/test/ref/declared-notconst-var-0.sym b/src/test/ref/declared-notconst-var-0.sym
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d7976c7e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/ref/declared-notconst-var-0.sym
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+(label) @1
+(label) @begin
+(label) @end
+(const byte*) SCREEN = (byte*) 1024
+(void()) main()
+(label) main::@1
+(label) main::@2
+(label) main::@return
+(byte) main::i
+(byte) main::i#1 reg byte x 22.0
+(byte) main::i#2 reg byte x 14.666666666666666
+(byte) size
+(byte) size#0 size zp[1]:2 1.8571428571428572
+reg byte x [ main::i#2 main::i#1 ]
+zp[1]:2 [ size#0 ]