mirror of https://gitlab.com/camelot/kickc.git synced 2025-02-07 20:31:32 +00:00

Improved fragment synthesis

This commit is contained in:
jespergravgaard 2017-11-22 10:37:00 +01:00
parent a6e1f2cade
commit b81e8eeaa4
18 changed files with 1483 additions and 541 deletions

View File

@ -7,8 +7,7 @@ import org.antlr.v4.runtime.*;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
@ -102,166 +101,53 @@ public class AsmFragmentManager {
if (signature.startsWith("xby=")) {
String subSignature = "aby=" + signature.substring(4);
CharStream subCharStream = loadOrSynthesizeFragment(subSignature);
if (subCharStream != null) {
CharStream result = CharStreams.fromString(subCharStream.toString() + "\ntax\n");
return result;
if (signature.startsWith("yby=")) {
String subSignature = "aby=" + signature.substring(4);
CharStream subCharStream = loadOrSynthesizeFragment(subSignature);
if (subCharStream != null) {
CharStream result = CharStreams.fromString(subCharStream.toString() + "\ntay\n");
return result;
if (signature.startsWith("zpby1=")) {
String subSignature = "aby=" + signature.substring(6).replace("zpby1", "aby").replace("zpby2", "zpby1").replace("zpby3", "zpby2");
CharStream subCharStream = loadOrSynthesizeFragment(subSignature);
if (subCharStream != null) {
CharStream result = CharStreams.fromString(subCharStream.toString().replace("zpby2", "zpby3").replace("zpby1", "zpby2") + "\nsta {zpby1}\n");
return result;
if (signature.startsWith("zpsby1=")) {
String subSignature = regexpRewriteSignature(signature, "zpsby1=(.*)", "asby=$1").replace("zpsby2", "zpsby1").replace("zpsby3", "zpsby2");
CharStream subCharStream = loadOrSynthesizeFragment(subSignature);
if (subCharStream != null) {
CharStream result = CharStreams.fromString(subCharStream.toString().replace("zpsby2", "zpsby3").replace("zpsby1", "zpbsy2") + "\nsta {zpsby1}\n");
return result;
if (signature.startsWith("_deref_zpptrby1=")) {
String subSignature = regexpRewriteSignature(signature, "_deref_zpptrby1=(.*)", "aby=$1").replace("zpptrby2", "zpptrby1").replace("zpptrby3", "zpptrby2");
CharStream subCharStream = loadOrSynthesizeFragment(subSignature);
if (subCharStream != null) {
CharStream result = CharStreams.fromString(subCharStream.toString().replace("zpptrby2", "zpptrby3").replace("zpptrby1", "zpptrby2") + "\n"+"ldy #0\n" + "sta ({zpptrby1}),y\n");
return result;
if (signature.startsWith("_deref_cowo1=")) {
String subSignature = regexpRewriteSignature(signature, "_deref_cowo1=(.*)", "aby=$1").replace("cowo2", "cowo1").replace("cowo3", "cowo2").replace("coby2", "coby1").replace("coby3", "coby2");
CharStream subCharStream = loadOrSynthesizeFragment(subSignature);
if (subCharStream != null) {
CharStream result = CharStreams.fromString(subCharStream.toString().replace("cowo2", "cowo3").replace("cowo1", "cowo2").replace("coby2", "coby3").replace("coby1", "coby2") + "\nsta {cowo1}\n");
return result;
if (signature.contains("=zpby1_") && !signature.matches(".*=.*aby.*")) {
String subSignature = regexpRewriteSignature(signature, "(.*)=zpby1_(.*)", "$1=aby_$2").replace("zpby2", "zpby1").replace("zpby3", "zpby2");
CharStream subCharStream = loadOrSynthesizeFragment(subSignature);
if (subCharStream != null) {
CharStream result = CharStreams.fromString("lda {zpby1}\n"+subCharStream.toString().replace("zpby2", "zpby3").replace("zpby1", "zpby2"));
return result;
if (signature.contains("=zpsby1_") && !signature.matches(".*=.*asby.*") && !signature.matches(".*=.*aby.*")) {
String subSignature = regexpRewriteSignature(signature, "(.*)=zpsby1_(.*)", "$1=asby_$2").replace("zpsby2", "zpsby1").replace("zpsby3", "zpsby2");
CharStream subCharStream = loadOrSynthesizeFragment(subSignature);
if (subCharStream != null) {
CharStream result = CharStreams.fromString("lda {zpsby1}\n"+subCharStream.toString().replace("zpsby2", "zpsby3").replace("zpsby1", "zpsby2"));
return result;
if (signature.contains("=zpsby1") && !signature.matches(".*=.*asby") && !signature.matches(".*=.*aby")) {
String subSignature = regexpRewriteSignature(signature, "(.*)=zpsby1", "$1=asby").replace("zpsby2", "zpsby1").replace("zpsby3", "zpsby2");
CharStream subCharStream = loadOrSynthesizeFragment(subSignature);
if (subCharStream != null) {
CharStream result = CharStreams.fromString("lda {zpsby1}\n"+subCharStream.toString().replace("zpsby2", "zpsby3").replace("zpsby1", "zpsby2"));
return result;
if (signature.contains("=xby_") && !signature.matches(".*=.*aby.*")) {
String subSignature = regexpRewriteSignature(signature, "(.*)=xby_(.*)", "$1=aby_$2");
CharStream subCharStream = loadOrSynthesizeFragment(subSignature);
if (subCharStream != null) {
CharStream result = CharStreams.fromString("txa\n"+subCharStream.toString());
return result;
if (signature.contains("=yby_") && !signature.matches(".*=.*aby.*")) {
String subSignature = regexpRewriteSignature(signature, "(.*)=yby_(.*)", "$1=aby_$2");
CharStream subCharStream = loadOrSynthesizeFragment(subSignature);
if (subCharStream != null) {
CharStream result = CharStreams.fromString("tya\n"+subCharStream.toString());
return result;
if (signature.contains("=_deref_cowo1") && !signature.matches(".*=.*aby.*")) {
String subSignature = regexpRewriteSignature(signature, "(.*)=_deref_cowo1_(.*)", "$1=aby_$2").replace("cowo2", "cowo1").replace("cowo3", "cowo2").replace("coby2", "coby1").replace("coby3", "coby2");
CharStream subCharStream = loadOrSynthesizeFragment(subSignature);
if (subCharStream != null) {
CharStream result = CharStreams.fromString("lda {cowo1}\n"+subCharStream.toString().replace("cowo2", "cowo3").replace("cowo1", "cowo2").replace("coby2", "coby3").replace("coby1", "coby2"));
return result;
if (signature.contains("=_deref_zpptrby1") && !signature.matches(".*=.*aby.*")&& !signature.matches(".*=.*yby.*")) {
String subSignature = regexpRewriteSignature(signature, "(.*)=_deref_zpptrby1(.*)", "$1=aby$2").replace("zpptrby2", "zpptrby1").replace("zpptrby3", "zpptrby2");
CharStream subCharStream = loadOrSynthesizeFragment(subSignature);
if (subCharStream != null) {
CharStream result = CharStreams.fromString("ldy #0\n"+"lda ({zpptrby1}),y\n"+subCharStream.toString().replace("zpptrby2", "zpptrby3").replace("zpptrby1", "zpptrby2"));
return result;
if (signature.endsWith("_derefidx_aby") && !signature.matches(".*=.*yby.*")) {
String subSignature = regexpRewriteSignature(signature, "(.*)=(.*)_derefidx_aby", "$1=$2_derefidx_yby");
CharStream subCharStream = loadOrSynthesizeFragment(subSignature);
if (subCharStream != null) {
CharStream result = CharStreams.fromString("tay\n"+subCharStream.toString());
return result;
if (signature.endsWith("_derefidx_aby") && !signature.matches(".*=.*xby.*")) {
String subSignature = regexpRewriteSignature(signature, "(.*)=(.*)_derefidx_aby", "$1=$2_derefidx_xby");
CharStream subCharStream = loadOrSynthesizeFragment(subSignature);
if (subCharStream != null) {
CharStream result = CharStreams.fromString("tax\n"+subCharStream.toString());
return result;
if (signature.endsWith("_derefidx_zpby1") && !signature.matches(".*=.*yby.*")) {
String subSignature = regexpRewriteSignature(signature, "(.*)=(.*)_derefidx_zpby1", "$1=$2_derefidx_yby").replace("zpby2", "zpby1").replace("zpby3", "zpby2");
CharStream subCharStream = loadOrSynthesizeFragment(subSignature);
if (subCharStream != null) {
CharStream result = CharStreams.fromString("ldy {zpby1}\n"+subCharStream.toString().replace("zpby2", "zpby3").replace("zpby1", "zpby2"));
return result;
if (signature.endsWith("_derefidx_zpby1") && !signature.matches(".*=.*xby.*")) {
String subSignature = regexpRewriteSignature(signature, "(.*)=(.*)_derefidx_zpby1", "$1=$2_derefidx_xby").replace("zpby2", "zpby1").replace("zpby3", "zpby2");
CharStream subCharStream = loadOrSynthesizeFragment(subSignature);
if (subCharStream != null) {
CharStream result = CharStreams.fromString("ldx {zpby1}\n"+subCharStream.toString().replace("zpby2", "zpby3").replace("zpby1", "zpby2"));
return result;
Map<String, String> mapZpsby = new LinkedHashMap<>();
mapZpsby.put("zpsby2", "zpsby1");
mapZpsby.put("zpsby3", "zpsby2");
Map<String, String> mapZpby = new LinkedHashMap<>();
mapZpby.put("zpby2", "zpby1");
mapZpby.put("zpby3", "zpby2");
Map<String, String> mapZpptrby = new LinkedHashMap<>();
mapZpptrby.put("zpptrby2", "zpptrby1");
mapZpptrby.put("zpptrby3", "zpptrby2");
Map<String, String> mapConst = new LinkedHashMap<>();
mapConst.put("cowo2", "cowo1");
mapConst.put("cowo3", "cowo2");
mapConst.put("coby2", "coby1");
mapConst.put("coby3", "coby2");
// TODO: Find a more general replacement method for comparators!
if (signature.startsWith("_deref_cowo1_neq_") && !signature.contains("aby")) {
String subSignature = regexpRewriteSignature(signature, "_deref_cowo1_neq_(.*)", "aby_neq_$1").replace("cowo2", "cowo1").replace("cowo3", "cowo2").replace("coby2", "coby1").replace("coby3", "coby2");
CharStream subCharStream = loadOrSynthesizeFragment(subSignature);
if (subCharStream != null) {
CharStream result = CharStreams.fromString("lda {cowo1}\n"+subCharStream.toString().replace("cowo2", "cowo3").replace("cowo1", "cowo2").replace("coby2", "coby3").replace("coby1", "coby2"));
return result;
if (signature.startsWith("zpsby1_lt_") && !signature.contains("aby") && !signature.contains("asby")) {
String subSignature = regexpRewriteSignature(signature, "zpsby1_lt_(.*)", "asby_lt_$1").replace("zpsby2", "zpsby1").replace("zpsby3", "zpsby2");
CharStream subCharStream = loadOrSynthesizeFragment(subSignature);
if (subCharStream != null) {
CharStream result = CharStreams.fromString("lda {zpsby1}\n"+subCharStream.toString().replace("zpsby2", "zpsby3").replace("zpsby1", "zpbsy2"));
return result;
if (signature.startsWith("zpby1_lt_") && !signature.contains("aby") && !signature.contains("asby")) {
String subSignature = regexpRewriteSignature(signature, "zpby1_lt_(.*)", "aby_lt_$1").replace("zpby2", "zpby1").replace("zpby3", "zpby2");
CharStream subCharStream = loadOrSynthesizeFragment(subSignature);
if (subCharStream != null) {
CharStream result = CharStreams.fromString("lda {zpby1}\n"+subCharStream.toString().replace("zpby2", "zpby3").replace("zpby1", "zpby2"));
return result;
List<FragmentSynthesis> synths = new ArrayList<>();
synths.add(new FragmentSynthesis("xby=(.*)", null, null, "aby=$1", "tax\n", null));
synths.add(new FragmentSynthesis("yby=(.*)", null, null, "aby=$1", "tay\n", null));
synths.add(new FragmentSynthesis("zpby1=(.*)", ".*=.*zps?by1.*", null, "aby=$1", "sta {zpby1}\n", mapZpby));
synths.add(new FragmentSynthesis("zpsby1=(.*)", ".*=.*zps?by1.*", null, "asby=$1", "sta {zpsby1}\n", mapZpsby));
synths.add(new FragmentSynthesis("_deref_cowo1=(.*)", null, null, "aby=$1", "sta {cowo1}\n", mapConst));
synths.add(new FragmentSynthesis("_deref_zpptrby1=(.*)", ".*=.*zpptrs?by1.*", null, "aby=$1", "ldy #0\n" + "sta ({zpptrby1}),y\n", mapZpptrby));
synths.add(new FragmentSynthesis("(.*)=xby(.*)", ".*=.*as?by.*", "txa\n", "$1=aby$2", null, null));
synths.add(new FragmentSynthesis("(.*)=yby(.*)", ".*=.*as?by.*", "tya\n", "$1=aby$2", null, null));
synths.add(new FragmentSynthesis("(.*)=zpby1(.*)", ".*=.*as?by.*|zps?by1=.*", "lda {zpby1}\n", "$1=aby$2", null, mapZpby));
synths.add(new FragmentSynthesis("(.*)=zpsby1(.*)", ".*=.*as?by.*|zps?by1=.*", "lda {zpsby1}\n", "$1=aby$2", null, mapZpsby));
synths.add(new FragmentSynthesis("(.*)=_deref_cowo1(.*)", ".*=.*as?by.*", "lda {cowo1}\n", "$1=aby$2", null, mapConst));
synths.add(new FragmentSynthesis("(.*)=_deref_zpptrby1(.*)", ".*=.*as?by.*|.*=.*ys?by.*", "ldy #0\n"+"lda ({zpptrby1}),y\n", "$1=aby$2", null, mapZpptrby));
synths.add(new FragmentSynthesis("zpby1=zpby1(.*)", ".*=.*as?by.*", "lda {zpby1}\n", "aby=aby$1", "sta {zpby1}\n", mapZpby));
synths.add(new FragmentSynthesis("zpsby1=zpsby1(.*)", ".*=.*as?by.*", "lda {zpsby1}\n", "aby=aby$1", "sta {zpsby1}\n", mapZpby));
synths.add(new FragmentSynthesis("(.*)=(.*)_derefidx_aby", ".*=.*ys?by.*", "tay\n", "$1=$2_derefidx_yby", null, null));
synths.add(new FragmentSynthesis("(.*)=(.*)_derefidx_aby", ".*=.*xs?by.*", "tax\n", "$1=$2_derefidx_xby", null, null));
synths.add(new FragmentSynthesis("(.*)=(.*)_derefidx_zpby1", ".*=.*ys?by.*", "ldy {zpby1}\n", "$1=$2_derefidx_yby", null, mapZpby));
synths.add(new FragmentSynthesis("(.*)=(.*)_derefidx_zpby1", ".*=.*xs?by.*", "ldx {zpby1}\n", "$1=$2_derefidx_xby", null, mapZpby));
synths.add(new FragmentSynthesis("zpby1_(lt|gt|le|ge|eq|neq)_(.*)", ".*as?by.*", "lda {zpby1}\n", "aby_$1_$2", null, mapZpby));
synths.add(new FragmentSynthesis("zpsby1_(lt|gt|le|ge|eq|neq)_(.*)", ".*as?by.*", "lda {zpsby1}\n", "asby_$1_$2", null, mapZpsby));
synths.add(new FragmentSynthesis("_deref_cowo1_(lt|gt|le|ge|eq|neq)_(.*)", ".*as?by.*", "lda {cowo1}\n", "aby_$1_$2", null, mapConst));
synths.add(new FragmentSynthesis("_deref_zpptrby1_(lt|gt|le|ge|eq|neq)_(.*)", ".*=.*as?by.*|.*=.*ys?by.*", "ldy #0\n"+"lda ({zpptrby1}),y\n", "aby_$1_$2", null, mapZpptrby));
for (FragmentSynthesis synth : synths) {
CharStream synthesized = synth.synthesize(signature);
if(synthesized!=null) {
return synthesized;
@ -269,6 +155,63 @@ public class AsmFragmentManager {
/** AsmFragment synthesis based on matching fragment signature and reusing another fragment with added prefix/postfix and some bind-mappings*/
private static class FragmentSynthesis {
private String sigMatch;
private String sigAvoid;
private String asmPrefix;
private String sigReplace;
private String asmPostfix;
private Map<String, String> bindMappings;
public FragmentSynthesis(String sigMatch, String sigAvoid, String asmPrefix, String sigReplace, String asmPostfix, Map<String, String> bindMappings) {
this.sigMatch = sigMatch;
this.sigAvoid = sigAvoid;
this.asmPrefix = asmPrefix;
this.sigReplace = sigReplace;
this.asmPostfix = asmPostfix;
this.bindMappings = bindMappings;
public CharStream synthesize(String signature) {
if (signature.matches(sigMatch) ) {
if (sigAvoid == null || !signature.matches(sigAvoid)) {
String subSignature = regexpRewriteSignature(signature, sigMatch, sigReplace);
if(bindMappings!=null) {
for (String bound : bindMappings.keySet()) {
subSignature = subSignature.replace(bound, bindMappings.get(bound));
CharStream subCharStream = loadOrSynthesizeFragment(subSignature);
if (subCharStream != null) {
StringBuilder newFragment = new StringBuilder();
if(asmPrefix!=null) {
String subFragment = subCharStream.toString();
if(bindMappings!=null) {
List<String> reverse = new ArrayList<>(bindMappings.keySet());
for (String bound : reverse) {
subFragment = subFragment.replace(bindMappings.get(bound), bound);
if(asmPostfix!=null) {
return CharStreams.fromString(newFragment.toString());
return null;
private static String regexpRewriteSignature(String signature, String match, String replace) {
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(match);
Matcher m = p.matcher(signature);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
ldy #0
ora ({zpptrby1}),y

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
sta $ff
lda {zpby1}
sbc $ff
sta {zpby1}

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
lsr {zpby1}

View File

@ -260,9 +260,9 @@ plot: {
lda plotter+1
adc plotter_y+1
sta plotter+1
lda plot_bit,x
ldy #0
lda (plotter),y
ora plot_bit,x
ora (plotter),y
sta (plotter),y

View File

@ -16788,8 +16788,7 @@ init_plot_tables: {
ldx x
sta plot_bit,x
//SEG308 [166] (byte) init_plot_tables::bits#1 ← (byte) init_plot_tables::bits#3 >> (byte) 1 [ init_plot_tables::x#2 init_plot_tables::bits#1 ] ( main:0::init_plot_tables:6 [ init_plot_tables::x#2 init_plot_tables::bits#1 ] ) -- zpby1=zpby1_ror_1
sta bits
lsr bits
//SEG309 [167] if((byte) init_plot_tables::bits#1!=(byte) 0) goto init_plot_tables::@10 [ init_plot_tables::x#2 ] ( main:0::init_plot_tables:6 [ init_plot_tables::x#2 ] ) -- zpby1_neq_0_then_la1
lda bits
bne b10
@ -17010,31 +17009,6 @@ Removing always clobbered register reg byte a as potential for zp ZP_BYTE:27 [ l
Removing always clobbered register reg byte a as potential for zp ZP_BYTE:28 [ line_xdyd::e#3 line_xdyd::e#0 line_xdyd::e#6 line_xdyd::e#2 line_xdyd::e#1 ]
Statement [109] (byte*) plot::plotter_y#2 ← (byte*) plot::plotter_y#1 lo= (byte~) plot::$3 [ plot::x#4 plot::plotter_x#2 plot::plotter_y#2 ] ( main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:41::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::x#4 plot::plotter_x#2 plot::plotter_y#2 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:85::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::x#4 plot::plotter_x#2 plot::plotter_y#2 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:34::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::x#4 plot::plotter_x#2 plot::plotter_y#2 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:79::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::x#4 plot::plotter_x#2 plot::plotter_y#2 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:55::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::x#4 plot::plotter_x#2 plot::plotter_y#2 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:71::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::x#4 plot::plotter_x#2 plot::plotter_y#2 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:49::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::x#4 plot::plotter_x#2 plot::plotter_y#2 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:65::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::x#4 plot::plotter_x#2 plot::plotter_y#2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [110] (byte*) plot::plotter#0 ← (byte*) plot::plotter_x#2 + (byte*) plot::plotter_y#2 [ plot::x#4 plot::plotter#0 ] ( main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:41::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::x#4 plot::plotter#0 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:85::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::x#4 plot::plotter#0 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:34::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::x#4 plot::plotter#0 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:79::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::x#4 plot::plotter#0 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:55::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::x#4 plot::plotter#0 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:71::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::x#4 plot::plotter#0 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:49::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::x#4 plot::plotter#0 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:65::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::x#4 plot::plotter#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Potential register analysis [112] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment zpby1=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_aby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:65 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte a [ plot::$5 ] zp ZP_BYTE:68 [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [112] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment zpby1=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_xby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:65 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte x [ plot::$5 ] zp ZP_BYTE:68 [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [112] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment zpby1=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_yby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:65 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte y [ plot::$5 ] zp ZP_BYTE:68 [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [112] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment aby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_aby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:65 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte a [ plot::$5 ] reg byte a [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [112] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment aby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_xby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:65 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte x [ plot::$5 ] reg byte a [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [112] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment aby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_yby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:65 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte y [ plot::$5 ] reg byte a [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [112] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment xby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_aby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:65 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte a [ plot::$5 ] reg byte x [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [112] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment xby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_xby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:65 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte x [ plot::$5 ] reg byte x [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [112] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment xby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_yby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:65 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte y [ plot::$5 ] reg byte x [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [112] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment yby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_aby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:65 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte a [ plot::$5 ] reg byte y [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [112] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment yby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_xby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:65 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte x [ plot::$5 ] reg byte y [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [112] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment yby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_yby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:65 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte y [ plot::$5 ] reg byte y [ plot::$6 ]
Statement [112] (byte~) plot::$6 ← *((byte*) plot::plotter#0) | (byte~) plot::$5 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ( main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:41::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:85::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:34::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:79::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:55::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:71::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:49::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:65::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a reg byte y
Removing always clobbered register reg byte y as potential for zp ZP_BYTE:2 [ lines::l#2 lines::l#1 ]
Removing always clobbered register reg byte y as potential for zp ZP_BYTE:3 [ line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::xd#1 line_ydxi::xd#0 ]
@ -17101,31 +17075,6 @@ Statement [96] (byte) line_ydxi::e#2 ← (byte) line_ydxi::e#1 - (byte) line_ydx
Statement [105] (byte*) plot::plotter_x#2 ← (byte*) plot::plotter_x#1 lo= (byte~) plot::$1 [ plot::x#4 plot::y#4 plot::plotter_x#2 ] ( main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:41::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::x#4 plot::y#4 plot::plotter_x#2 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:85::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::x#4 plot::y#4 plot::plotter_x#2 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:34::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::x#4 plot::y#4 plot::plotter_x#2 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:79::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::x#4 plot::y#4 plot::plotter_x#2 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:55::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::x#4 plot::y#4 plot::plotter_x#2 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:71::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::x#4 plot::y#4 plot::plotter_x#2 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:49::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::x#4 plot::y#4 plot::plotter_x#2 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:65::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::x#4 plot::y#4 plot::plotter_x#2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [109] (byte*) plot::plotter_y#2 ← (byte*) plot::plotter_y#1 lo= (byte~) plot::$3 [ plot::x#4 plot::plotter_x#2 plot::plotter_y#2 ] ( main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:41::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::x#4 plot::plotter_x#2 plot::plotter_y#2 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:85::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::x#4 plot::plotter_x#2 plot::plotter_y#2 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:34::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::x#4 plot::plotter_x#2 plot::plotter_y#2 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:79::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::x#4 plot::plotter_x#2 plot::plotter_y#2 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:55::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::x#4 plot::plotter_x#2 plot::plotter_y#2 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:71::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::x#4 plot::plotter_x#2 plot::plotter_y#2 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:49::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::x#4 plot::plotter_x#2 plot::plotter_y#2 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:65::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::x#4 plot::plotter_x#2 plot::plotter_y#2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [110] (byte*) plot::plotter#0 ← (byte*) plot::plotter_x#2 + (byte*) plot::plotter_y#2 [ plot::x#4 plot::plotter#0 ] ( main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:41::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::x#4 plot::plotter#0 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:85::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::x#4 plot::plotter#0 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:34::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::x#4 plot::plotter#0 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:79::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::x#4 plot::plotter#0 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:55::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::x#4 plot::plotter#0 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:71::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::x#4 plot::plotter#0 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:49::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::x#4 plot::plotter#0 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:65::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::x#4 plot::plotter#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Potential register analysis [112] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment zpby1=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_aby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:65 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte a [ plot::$5 ] zp ZP_BYTE:68 [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [112] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment zpby1=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_xby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:65 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte x [ plot::$5 ] zp ZP_BYTE:68 [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [112] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment zpby1=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_yby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:65 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte y [ plot::$5 ] zp ZP_BYTE:68 [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [112] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment aby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_aby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:65 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte a [ plot::$5 ] reg byte a [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [112] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment aby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_xby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:65 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte x [ plot::$5 ] reg byte a [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [112] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment aby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_yby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:65 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte y [ plot::$5 ] reg byte a [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [112] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment xby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_aby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:65 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte a [ plot::$5 ] reg byte x [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [112] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment xby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_xby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:65 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte x [ plot::$5 ] reg byte x [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [112] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment xby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_yby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:65 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte y [ plot::$5 ] reg byte x [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [112] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment yby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_aby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:65 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte a [ plot::$5 ] reg byte y [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [112] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment yby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_xby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:65 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte x [ plot::$5 ] reg byte y [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [112] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment yby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_yby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:65 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte y [ plot::$5 ] reg byte y [ plot::$6 ]
Statement [112] (byte~) plot::$6 ← *((byte*) plot::plotter#0) | (byte~) plot::$5 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ( main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:41::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:85::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:34::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:79::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:55::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:71::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:49::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:65::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a reg byte y
Statement [113] *((byte*) plot::plotter#0) ← (byte~) plot::$6 [ ] ( main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:41::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:85::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:34::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:79::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:55::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:71::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:49::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:65::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 ] ) always clobbers reg byte y
Statement [116] (byte) line_xdyi::e#0 ← (byte) line_xdyi::yd#2 >> (byte) 1 [ line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::x#6 line_xdyi::y#5 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::e#0 ] ( main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:34 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::x#6 line_xdyi::y#5 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::e#0 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:79 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::x#6 line_xdyi::y#5 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::e#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
@ -17235,97 +17184,94 @@ Uplift attempts [init_plot_tables] 10000/138240 (limiting to 10000)
Uplifting [init_plot_tables] best 16146 combination reg byte y [ init_plot_tables::bits#3 init_plot_tables::bits#4 init_plot_tables::bits#1 ] zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:32 [ init_plot_tables::yoffs#2 init_plot_tables::yoffs#4 init_plot_tables::yoffs#1 ] reg byte x [ init_plot_tables::x#2 init_plot_tables::x#1 ] reg byte x [ init_plot_tables::y#2 init_plot_tables::y#1 ] reg byte a [ init_plot_tables::$0 ] reg byte a [ init_plot_tables::$7 ] reg byte a [ init_plot_tables::$8 ] reg byte a [ init_plot_tables::$9 ] zp ZP_BYTE:77 [ init_plot_tables::$10 ] zp ZP_BYTE:73 [ init_plot_tables::$6 ]
Limited combination testing to 10000 combinations of 138240 possible.
Uplift attempts [plot] 10000/46080 (limiting to 10000)
Uplifting [plot] best 15862 combination reg byte y [ plot::y#4 plot::y#1 plot::y#0 plot::y#3 plot::y#2 ] reg byte x [ plot::x#4 plot::x#1 plot::x#0 plot::x#3 plot::x#2 ] reg byte a [ plot::$0 ] reg byte a [ plot::$1 ] reg byte a [ plot::$2 ] reg byte a [ plot::$3 ] zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:63 [ plot::plotter_y#2 ] reg byte alu [ plot::$5 ] zp ZP_BYTE:68 [ plot::$6 ] zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:54 [ plot::plotter_x#1 ] zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:60 [ plot::plotter_y#1 ] zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:65 [ plot::plotter#0 ] zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:57 [ plot::plotter_x#2 ]
Uplifting [plot] best 15861 combination reg byte y [ plot::y#4 plot::y#1 plot::y#0 plot::y#3 plot::y#2 ] reg byte x [ plot::x#4 plot::x#1 plot::x#0 plot::x#3 plot::x#2 ] reg byte a [ plot::$0 ] reg byte a [ plot::$1 ] reg byte a [ plot::$2 ] reg byte a [ plot::$3 ] zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:63 [ plot::plotter_y#2 ] reg byte a [ plot::$5 ] zp ZP_BYTE:68 [ plot::$6 ] zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:54 [ plot::plotter_x#1 ] zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:60 [ plot::plotter_y#1 ] zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:65 [ plot::plotter#0 ] zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:57 [ plot::plotter_x#2 ]
Limited combination testing to 10000 combinations of 46080 possible.
Uplifting [line_xdyi] best 15766 combination zp ZP_BYTE:16 [ line_xdyi::e#3 line_xdyi::e#0 line_xdyi::e#6 line_xdyi::e#2 line_xdyi::e#1 ] zp ZP_BYTE:15 [ line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::y#5 line_xdyi::y#0 line_xdyi::y#1 line_xdyi::y#6 line_xdyi::y#2 ] zp ZP_BYTE:69 [ line_xdyi::$8 ] reg byte x [ line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::x#6 line_xdyi::x#0 line_xdyi::x#1 line_xdyi::x#2 ] zp ZP_BYTE:11 [ line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::yd#0 line_xdyi::yd#1 ] zp ZP_BYTE:12 [ line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::xd#0 line_xdyi::xd#1 ] zp ZP_BYTE:13 [ line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x1#0 line_xdyi::x1#1 ]
Uplifting [line_xdyd] best 15670 combination zp ZP_BYTE:28 [ line_xdyd::e#3 line_xdyd::e#0 line_xdyd::e#6 line_xdyd::e#2 line_xdyd::e#1 ] zp ZP_BYTE:27 [ line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::y#5 line_xdyd::y#0 line_xdyd::y#1 line_xdyd::y#6 line_xdyd::y#2 ] zp ZP_BYTE:71 [ line_xdyd::$8 ] reg byte x [ line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::x#6 line_xdyd::x#0 line_xdyd::x#1 line_xdyd::x#2 ] zp ZP_BYTE:23 [ line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::yd#0 line_xdyd::yd#1 ] zp ZP_BYTE:24 [ line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::xd#0 line_xdyd::xd#1 ] zp ZP_BYTE:25 [ line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x1#0 line_xdyd::x1#1 ]
Uplifting [line_ydxi] best 15544 combination zp ZP_BYTE:8 [ line_ydxi::e#3 line_ydxi::e#0 line_ydxi::e#6 line_ydxi::e#2 line_ydxi::e#1 ] reg byte x [ line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::x#5 line_ydxi::x#1 line_ydxi::x#0 line_ydxi::x#6 line_ydxi::x#2 ] reg byte a [ line_ydxi::$8 ] zp ZP_BYTE:7 [ line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::y#6 line_ydxi::y#1 line_ydxi::y#0 line_ydxi::y#2 ] zp ZP_BYTE:3 [ line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::xd#1 line_ydxi::xd#0 ] zp ZP_BYTE:4 [ line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::yd#1 line_ydxi::yd#0 ] zp ZP_BYTE:5 [ line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::y1#1 line_ydxi::y1#0 ]
Uplifting [line_ydxd] best 15418 combination zp ZP_BYTE:22 [ line_ydxd::e#3 line_ydxd::e#0 line_ydxd::e#6 line_ydxd::e#2 line_ydxd::e#1 ] reg byte x [ line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::x#5 line_ydxd::x#1 line_ydxd::x#0 line_ydxd::x#6 line_ydxd::x#2 ] reg byte a [ line_ydxd::$8 ] zp ZP_BYTE:21 [ line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::y#6 line_ydxd::y#1 line_ydxd::y#0 line_ydxd::y#2 ] zp ZP_BYTE:17 [ line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::xd#1 line_ydxd::xd#0 ] zp ZP_BYTE:18 [ line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::yd#1 line_ydxd::yd#0 ] zp ZP_BYTE:19 [ line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::y1#1 line_ydxd::y1#0 ]
Uplifting [init_screen] best 15418 combination zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:34 [ init_screen::b#2 init_screen::b#1 ] zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:36 [ init_screen::c#2 init_screen::c#1 ]
Uplifting [line_xdyi] best 15765 combination zp ZP_BYTE:16 [ line_xdyi::e#3 line_xdyi::e#0 line_xdyi::e#6 line_xdyi::e#2 line_xdyi::e#1 ] zp ZP_BYTE:15 [ line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::y#5 line_xdyi::y#0 line_xdyi::y#1 line_xdyi::y#6 line_xdyi::y#2 ] zp ZP_BYTE:69 [ line_xdyi::$8 ] reg byte x [ line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::x#6 line_xdyi::x#0 line_xdyi::x#1 line_xdyi::x#2 ] zp ZP_BYTE:11 [ line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::yd#0 line_xdyi::yd#1 ] zp ZP_BYTE:12 [ line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::xd#0 line_xdyi::xd#1 ] zp ZP_BYTE:13 [ line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x1#0 line_xdyi::x1#1 ]
Uplifting [line_xdyd] best 15669 combination zp ZP_BYTE:28 [ line_xdyd::e#3 line_xdyd::e#0 line_xdyd::e#6 line_xdyd::e#2 line_xdyd::e#1 ] zp ZP_BYTE:27 [ line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::y#5 line_xdyd::y#0 line_xdyd::y#1 line_xdyd::y#6 line_xdyd::y#2 ] zp ZP_BYTE:71 [ line_xdyd::$8 ] reg byte x [ line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::x#6 line_xdyd::x#0 line_xdyd::x#1 line_xdyd::x#2 ] zp ZP_BYTE:23 [ line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::yd#0 line_xdyd::yd#1 ] zp ZP_BYTE:24 [ line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::xd#0 line_xdyd::xd#1 ] zp ZP_BYTE:25 [ line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x1#0 line_xdyd::x1#1 ]
Uplifting [line_ydxi] best 15543 combination zp ZP_BYTE:8 [ line_ydxi::e#3 line_ydxi::e#0 line_ydxi::e#6 line_ydxi::e#2 line_ydxi::e#1 ] reg byte x [ line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::x#5 line_ydxi::x#1 line_ydxi::x#0 line_ydxi::x#6 line_ydxi::x#2 ] reg byte a [ line_ydxi::$8 ] zp ZP_BYTE:7 [ line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::y#6 line_ydxi::y#1 line_ydxi::y#0 line_ydxi::y#2 ] zp ZP_BYTE:3 [ line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::xd#1 line_ydxi::xd#0 ] zp ZP_BYTE:4 [ line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::yd#1 line_ydxi::yd#0 ] zp ZP_BYTE:5 [ line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::y1#1 line_ydxi::y1#0 ]
Uplifting [line_ydxd] best 15417 combination zp ZP_BYTE:22 [ line_ydxd::e#3 line_ydxd::e#0 line_ydxd::e#6 line_ydxd::e#2 line_ydxd::e#1 ] reg byte x [ line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::x#5 line_ydxd::x#1 line_ydxd::x#0 line_ydxd::x#6 line_ydxd::x#2 ] reg byte a [ line_ydxd::$8 ] zp ZP_BYTE:21 [ line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::y#6 line_ydxd::y#1 line_ydxd::y#0 line_ydxd::y#2 ] zp ZP_BYTE:17 [ line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::xd#1 line_ydxd::xd#0 ] zp ZP_BYTE:18 [ line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::yd#1 line_ydxd::yd#0 ] zp ZP_BYTE:19 [ line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::y1#1 line_ydxd::y1#0 ]
Uplifting [init_screen] best 15417 combination zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:34 [ init_screen::b#2 init_screen::b#1 ] zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:36 [ init_screen::c#2 init_screen::c#1 ]
Uplift attempts [line] 10000/186624 (limiting to 10000)
Uplifting [line] best 15098 combination zp ZP_BYTE:45 [ line::y1#0 ] reg byte y [ line::y0#0 ] zp ZP_BYTE:43 [ line::x1#0 ] zp ZP_BYTE:42 [ line::x0#0 ] zp ZP_BYTE:47 [ line::yd#1 ] zp ZP_BYTE:48 [ line::yd#0 ] zp ZP_BYTE:50 [ line::yd#3 ] zp ZP_BYTE:51 [ line::yd#10 ] zp ZP_BYTE:46 [ line::xd#1 ] zp ZP_BYTE:49 [ line::xd#0 ]
Uplifting [line] best 15097 combination zp ZP_BYTE:45 [ line::y1#0 ] reg byte y [ line::y0#0 ] zp ZP_BYTE:43 [ line::x1#0 ] zp ZP_BYTE:42 [ line::x0#0 ] zp ZP_BYTE:47 [ line::yd#1 ] zp ZP_BYTE:48 [ line::yd#0 ] zp ZP_BYTE:50 [ line::yd#3 ] zp ZP_BYTE:51 [ line::yd#10 ] zp ZP_BYTE:46 [ line::xd#1 ] zp ZP_BYTE:49 [ line::xd#0 ]
Limited combination testing to 10000 combinations of 186624 possible.
Uplifting [main] best 15098 combination
Uplifting [] best 15098 combination
Uplifting [main] best 15097 combination
Uplifting [] best 15097 combination
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:2 [ lines::l#2 lines::l#1 ]
Uplifting [lines] best 15098 combination zp ZP_BYTE:2 [ lines::l#2 lines::l#1 ]
Uplifting [lines] best 15097 combination zp ZP_BYTE:2 [ lines::l#2 lines::l#1 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:8 [ line_ydxi::e#3 line_ydxi::e#0 line_ydxi::e#6 line_ydxi::e#2 line_ydxi::e#1 ]
Uplifting [line_ydxi] best 15098 combination zp ZP_BYTE:8 [ line_ydxi::e#3 line_ydxi::e#0 line_ydxi::e#6 line_ydxi::e#2 line_ydxi::e#1 ]
Uplifting [line_ydxi] best 15097 combination zp ZP_BYTE:8 [ line_ydxi::e#3 line_ydxi::e#0 line_ydxi::e#6 line_ydxi::e#2 line_ydxi::e#1 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:16 [ line_xdyi::e#3 line_xdyi::e#0 line_xdyi::e#6 line_xdyi::e#2 line_xdyi::e#1 ]
Uplifting [line_xdyi] best 15098 combination zp ZP_BYTE:16 [ line_xdyi::e#3 line_xdyi::e#0 line_xdyi::e#6 line_xdyi::e#2 line_xdyi::e#1 ]
Uplifting [line_xdyi] best 15097 combination zp ZP_BYTE:16 [ line_xdyi::e#3 line_xdyi::e#0 line_xdyi::e#6 line_xdyi::e#2 line_xdyi::e#1 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:22 [ line_ydxd::e#3 line_ydxd::e#0 line_ydxd::e#6 line_ydxd::e#2 line_ydxd::e#1 ]
Uplifting [line_ydxd] best 15098 combination zp ZP_BYTE:22 [ line_ydxd::e#3 line_ydxd::e#0 line_ydxd::e#6 line_ydxd::e#2 line_ydxd::e#1 ]
Uplifting [line_ydxd] best 15097 combination zp ZP_BYTE:22 [ line_ydxd::e#3 line_ydxd::e#0 line_ydxd::e#6 line_ydxd::e#2 line_ydxd::e#1 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:28 [ line_xdyd::e#3 line_xdyd::e#0 line_xdyd::e#6 line_xdyd::e#2 line_xdyd::e#1 ]
Uplifting [line_xdyd] best 15098 combination zp ZP_BYTE:28 [ line_xdyd::e#3 line_xdyd::e#0 line_xdyd::e#6 line_xdyd::e#2 line_xdyd::e#1 ]
Uplifting [line_xdyd] best 15097 combination zp ZP_BYTE:28 [ line_xdyd::e#3 line_xdyd::e#0 line_xdyd::e#6 line_xdyd::e#2 line_xdyd::e#1 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:39 [ lines::$2 ]
Uplifting [lines] best 15098 combination zp ZP_BYTE:39 [ lines::$2 ]
Uplifting [lines] best 15097 combination zp ZP_BYTE:39 [ lines::$2 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:40 [ lines::$3 ]
Uplifting [lines] best 15098 combination zp ZP_BYTE:40 [ lines::$3 ]
Uplifting [lines] best 15097 combination zp ZP_BYTE:40 [ lines::$3 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:15 [ line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::y#5 line_xdyi::y#0 line_xdyi::y#1 line_xdyi::y#6 line_xdyi::y#2 ]
Uplifting [line_xdyi] best 15098 combination zp ZP_BYTE:15 [ line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::y#5 line_xdyi::y#0 line_xdyi::y#1 line_xdyi::y#6 line_xdyi::y#2 ]
Uplifting [line_xdyi] best 15097 combination zp ZP_BYTE:15 [ line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::y#5 line_xdyi::y#0 line_xdyi::y#1 line_xdyi::y#6 line_xdyi::y#2 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:27 [ line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::y#5 line_xdyd::y#0 line_xdyd::y#1 line_xdyd::y#6 line_xdyd::y#2 ]
Uplifting [line_xdyd] best 15098 combination zp ZP_BYTE:27 [ line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::y#5 line_xdyd::y#0 line_xdyd::y#1 line_xdyd::y#6 line_xdyd::y#2 ]
Uplifting [line_xdyd] best 15097 combination zp ZP_BYTE:27 [ line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::y#5 line_xdyd::y#0 line_xdyd::y#1 line_xdyd::y#6 line_xdyd::y#2 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:69 [ line_xdyi::$8 ]
Uplifting [line_xdyi] best 15098 combination zp ZP_BYTE:69 [ line_xdyi::$8 ]
Uplifting [line_xdyi] best 15097 combination zp ZP_BYTE:69 [ line_xdyi::$8 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:71 [ line_xdyd::$8 ]
Uplifting [line_xdyd] best 15098 combination zp ZP_BYTE:71 [ line_xdyd::$8 ]
Uplifting [line_xdyd] best 15097 combination zp ZP_BYTE:71 [ line_xdyd::$8 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:77 [ init_plot_tables::$10 ]
Uplifting [init_plot_tables] best 15038 combination reg byte a [ init_plot_tables::$10 ]
Uplifting [init_plot_tables] best 15037 combination reg byte a [ init_plot_tables::$10 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:7 [ line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::y#6 line_ydxi::y#1 line_ydxi::y#0 line_ydxi::y#2 ]
Uplifting [line_ydxi] best 15038 combination zp ZP_BYTE:7 [ line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::y#6 line_ydxi::y#1 line_ydxi::y#0 line_ydxi::y#2 ]
Uplifting [line_ydxi] best 15037 combination zp ZP_BYTE:7 [ line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::y#6 line_ydxi::y#1 line_ydxi::y#0 line_ydxi::y#2 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:21 [ line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::y#6 line_ydxd::y#1 line_ydxd::y#0 line_ydxd::y#2 ]
Uplifting [line_ydxd] best 15038 combination zp ZP_BYTE:21 [ line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::y#6 line_ydxd::y#1 line_ydxd::y#0 line_ydxd::y#2 ]
Uplifting [line_ydxd] best 15037 combination zp ZP_BYTE:21 [ line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::y#6 line_ydxd::y#1 line_ydxd::y#0 line_ydxd::y#2 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:73 [ init_plot_tables::$6 ]
Uplifting [init_plot_tables] best 15038 combination zp ZP_BYTE:73 [ init_plot_tables::$6 ]
Uplifting [init_plot_tables] best 15037 combination zp ZP_BYTE:73 [ init_plot_tables::$6 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:3 [ line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::xd#1 line_ydxi::xd#0 ]
Uplifting [line_ydxi] best 15038 combination zp ZP_BYTE:3 [ line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::xd#1 line_ydxi::xd#0 ]
Uplifting [line_ydxi] best 15037 combination zp ZP_BYTE:3 [ line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::xd#1 line_ydxi::xd#0 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:11 [ line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::yd#0 line_xdyi::yd#1 ]
Uplifting [line_xdyi] best 15038 combination zp ZP_BYTE:11 [ line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::yd#0 line_xdyi::yd#1 ]
Uplifting [line_xdyi] best 15037 combination zp ZP_BYTE:11 [ line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::yd#0 line_xdyi::yd#1 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:17 [ line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::xd#1 line_ydxd::xd#0 ]
Uplifting [line_ydxd] best 15038 combination zp ZP_BYTE:17 [ line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::xd#1 line_ydxd::xd#0 ]
Uplifting [line_ydxd] best 15037 combination zp ZP_BYTE:17 [ line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::xd#1 line_ydxd::xd#0 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:23 [ line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::yd#0 line_xdyd::yd#1 ]
Uplifting [line_xdyd] best 15038 combination zp ZP_BYTE:23 [ line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::yd#0 line_xdyd::yd#1 ]
Uplifting [line_xdyd] best 15037 combination zp ZP_BYTE:23 [ line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::yd#0 line_xdyd::yd#1 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:45 [ line::y1#0 ]
Uplifting [line] best 15038 combination zp ZP_BYTE:45 [ line::y1#0 ]
Uplifting [line] best 15037 combination zp ZP_BYTE:45 [ line::y1#0 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:4 [ line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::yd#1 line_ydxi::yd#0 ]
Uplifting [line_ydxi] best 15038 combination zp ZP_BYTE:4 [ line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::yd#1 line_ydxi::yd#0 ]
Uplifting [line_ydxi] best 15037 combination zp ZP_BYTE:4 [ line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::yd#1 line_ydxi::yd#0 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:12 [ line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::xd#0 line_xdyi::xd#1 ]
Uplifting [line_xdyi] best 15038 combination zp ZP_BYTE:12 [ line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::xd#0 line_xdyi::xd#1 ]
Uplifting [line_xdyi] best 15037 combination zp ZP_BYTE:12 [ line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::xd#0 line_xdyi::xd#1 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:18 [ line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::yd#1 line_ydxd::yd#0 ]
Uplifting [line_ydxd] best 15038 combination zp ZP_BYTE:18 [ line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::yd#1 line_ydxd::yd#0 ]
Uplifting [line_ydxd] best 15037 combination zp ZP_BYTE:18 [ line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::yd#1 line_ydxd::yd#0 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:24 [ line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::xd#0 line_xdyd::xd#1 ]
Uplifting [line_xdyd] best 15038 combination zp ZP_BYTE:24 [ line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::xd#0 line_xdyd::xd#1 ]
Uplifting [line_xdyd] best 15037 combination zp ZP_BYTE:24 [ line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::xd#0 line_xdyd::xd#1 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:43 [ line::x1#0 ]
Uplifting [line] best 15038 combination zp ZP_BYTE:43 [ line::x1#0 ]
Uplifting [line] best 15037 combination zp ZP_BYTE:43 [ line::x1#0 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:42 [ line::x0#0 ]
Uplifting [line] best 15038 combination zp ZP_BYTE:42 [ line::x0#0 ]
Uplifting [line] best 15037 combination zp ZP_BYTE:42 [ line::x0#0 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:68 [ plot::$6 ]
Uplifting [plot] best 15032 combination reg byte a [ plot::$6 ]
Uplifting [plot] best 15031 combination reg byte a [ plot::$6 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:5 [ line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::y1#1 line_ydxi::y1#0 ]
Uplifting [line_ydxi] best 15032 combination zp ZP_BYTE:5 [ line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::y1#1 line_ydxi::y1#0 ]
Uplifting [line_ydxi] best 15031 combination zp ZP_BYTE:5 [ line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::y1#1 line_ydxi::y1#0 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:13 [ line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x1#0 line_xdyi::x1#1 ]
Uplifting [line_xdyi] best 15032 combination zp ZP_BYTE:13 [ line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x1#0 line_xdyi::x1#1 ]
Uplifting [line_xdyi] best 15031 combination zp ZP_BYTE:13 [ line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x1#0 line_xdyi::x1#1 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:19 [ line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::y1#1 line_ydxd::y1#0 ]
Uplifting [line_ydxd] best 15032 combination zp ZP_BYTE:19 [ line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::y1#1 line_ydxd::y1#0 ]
Uplifting [line_ydxd] best 15031 combination zp ZP_BYTE:19 [ line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::y1#1 line_ydxd::y1#0 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:25 [ line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x1#0 line_xdyd::x1#1 ]
Uplifting [line_xdyd] best 15032 combination zp ZP_BYTE:25 [ line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x1#0 line_xdyd::x1#1 ]
Uplifting [line_xdyd] best 15031 combination zp ZP_BYTE:25 [ line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x1#0 line_xdyd::x1#1 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:47 [ line::yd#1 ]
Uplifting [line] best 15032 combination zp ZP_BYTE:47 [ line::yd#1 ]
Uplifting [line] best 15031 combination zp ZP_BYTE:47 [ line::yd#1 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:48 [ line::yd#0 ]
Uplifting [line] best 15032 combination zp ZP_BYTE:48 [ line::yd#0 ]
Uplifting [line] best 15031 combination zp ZP_BYTE:48 [ line::yd#0 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:50 [ line::yd#3 ]
Uplifting [line] best 15032 combination zp ZP_BYTE:50 [ line::yd#3 ]
Uplifting [line] best 15031 combination zp ZP_BYTE:50 [ line::yd#3 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:51 [ line::yd#10 ]
Uplifting [line] best 15032 combination zp ZP_BYTE:51 [ line::yd#10 ]
Uplifting [line] best 15031 combination zp ZP_BYTE:51 [ line::yd#10 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:46 [ line::xd#1 ]
Uplifting [line] best 15032 combination zp ZP_BYTE:46 [ line::xd#1 ]
Uplifting [line] best 15031 combination zp ZP_BYTE:46 [ line::xd#1 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:49 [ line::xd#0 ]
Uplifting [line] best 15032 combination zp ZP_BYTE:49 [ line::xd#0 ]
Uplifting [line] best 15031 combination zp ZP_BYTE:49 [ line::xd#0 ]
Coalescing zero page register [ zp ZP_BYTE:2 [ lines::l#2 lines::l#1 ] ] with [ zp ZP_BYTE:73 [ init_plot_tables::$6 ] ]
Coalescing zero page register [ zp ZP_BYTE:3 [ line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::xd#1 line_ydxi::xd#0 ] ] with [ zp ZP_BYTE:11 [ line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::yd#0 line_xdyi::yd#1 ] ]
Coalescing zero page register [ zp ZP_BYTE:3 [ line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::xd#1 line_ydxi::xd#0 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::yd#0 line_xdyi::yd#1 ] ] with [ zp ZP_BYTE:17 [ line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::xd#1 line_ydxd::xd#0 ] ]
@ -17929,12 +17875,11 @@ plot: {
lda plotter+1
adc plotter_y+1
sta plotter+1
//SEG207 [111] (byte~) plot::$5 ← (const byte[]) plot_bit#0 *idx (byte) plot::x#4 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] ( main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:41::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:85::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:34::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:79::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:55::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:71::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:49::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:65::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] )
// [111] plot::$5 ← plot_bit#0 *idx plot::x#4 // ALU
//SEG208 [112] (byte~) plot::$6 ← *((byte*) plot::plotter#0) | (byte~) plot::$5 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ( main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:41::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:85::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:34::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:79::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:55::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:71::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:49::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:65::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ) -- aby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_cowo1_derefidx_xby
//SEG207 [111] (byte~) plot::$5 ← (const byte[]) plot_bit#0 *idx (byte) plot::x#4 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] ( main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:41::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:85::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:34::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:79::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:55::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:71::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:49::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:65::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] ) -- aby=cowo1_derefidx_xby
lda plot_bit,x
//SEG208 [112] (byte~) plot::$6 ← *((byte*) plot::plotter#0) | (byte~) plot::$5 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ( main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:41::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:85::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:34::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:79::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:55::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:71::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:49::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:65::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ) -- aby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_aby
ldy #0
lda (plotter),y
ora plot_bit,x
ora (plotter),y
//SEG209 [113] *((byte*) plot::plotter#0) ← (byte~) plot::$6 [ ] ( main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:41::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:85::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:34::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:79::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:55::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:71::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:49::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:65::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 ] ) -- _deref_zpptrby1=aby
ldy #0
sta (plotter),y
@ -18860,12 +18805,11 @@ plot: {
lda plotter+1
adc plotter_y+1
sta plotter+1
//SEG207 [111] (byte~) plot::$5 ← (const byte[]) plot_bit#0 *idx (byte) plot::x#4 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] ( main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:41::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:85::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:34::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:79::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:55::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:71::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:49::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:65::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] )
// [111] plot::$5 ← plot_bit#0 *idx plot::x#4 // ALU
//SEG208 [112] (byte~) plot::$6 ← *((byte*) plot::plotter#0) | (byte~) plot::$5 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ( main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:41::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:85::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:34::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:79::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:55::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:71::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:49::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:65::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ) -- aby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_cowo1_derefidx_xby
//SEG207 [111] (byte~) plot::$5 ← (const byte[]) plot_bit#0 *idx (byte) plot::x#4 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] ( main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:41::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:85::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:34::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:79::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:55::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:71::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:49::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:65::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] ) -- aby=cowo1_derefidx_xby
lda plot_bit,x
//SEG208 [112] (byte~) plot::$6 ← *((byte*) plot::plotter#0) | (byte~) plot::$5 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ( main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:41::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:85::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:34::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:79::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:55::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:71::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:49::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:65::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ) -- aby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_aby
ldy #0
lda (plotter),y
ora plot_bit,x
ora (plotter),y
//SEG209 [113] *((byte*) plot::plotter#0) ← (byte~) plot::$6 [ ] ( main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:41::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:85::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:34::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:79::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:55::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:71::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:49::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:65::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 ] ) -- _deref_zpptrby1=aby
sta (plotter),y
//SEG210 plot::@return
@ -19815,12 +19759,11 @@ plot: {
lda plotter+1
adc plotter_y+1
sta plotter+1
//SEG207 [111] (byte~) plot::$5 ← (const byte[]) plot_bit#0 *idx (byte) plot::x#4 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] ( main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:41::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:85::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:34::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:79::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:55::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:71::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:49::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:65::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] )
// [111] plot::$5 ← plot_bit#0 *idx plot::x#4 // ALU
//SEG208 [112] (byte~) plot::$6 ← *((byte*) plot::plotter#0) | (byte~) plot::$5 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ( main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:41::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:85::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:34::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:79::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:55::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:71::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:49::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:65::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ) -- aby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_cowo1_derefidx_xby
//SEG207 [111] (byte~) plot::$5 ← (const byte[]) plot_bit#0 *idx (byte) plot::x#4 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] ( main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:41::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:85::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:34::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:79::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:55::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:71::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:49::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:65::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] ) -- aby=cowo1_derefidx_xby
lda plot_bit,x
//SEG208 [112] (byte~) plot::$6 ← *((byte*) plot::plotter#0) | (byte~) plot::$5 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ( main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:41::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:85::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:34::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:79::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:55::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:71::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:49::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:65::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ) -- aby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_aby
ldy #0
lda (plotter),y
ora plot_bit,x
ora (plotter),y
//SEG209 [113] *((byte*) plot::plotter#0) ← (byte~) plot::$6 [ ] ( main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:41::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:85::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:34::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:79::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:55::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:71::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:49::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:65::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 ] ) -- _deref_zpptrby1=aby
sta (plotter),y
//SEG210 plot::@return
@ -20729,12 +20672,11 @@ plot: {
lda plotter+1
adc plotter_y+1
sta plotter+1
//SEG207 [111] (byte~) plot::$5 ← (const byte[]) plot_bit#0 *idx (byte) plot::x#4 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] ( main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:41::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:85::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:34::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:79::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:55::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:71::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:49::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:65::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] )
// [111] plot::$5 ← plot_bit#0 *idx plot::x#4 // ALU
//SEG208 [112] (byte~) plot::$6 ← *((byte*) plot::plotter#0) | (byte~) plot::$5 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ( main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:41::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:85::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:34::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:79::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:55::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:71::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:49::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:65::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ) -- aby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_cowo1_derefidx_xby
//SEG207 [111] (byte~) plot::$5 ← (const byte[]) plot_bit#0 *idx (byte) plot::x#4 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] ( main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:41::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:85::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:34::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:79::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:55::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:71::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:49::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:65::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] ) -- aby=cowo1_derefidx_xby
lda plot_bit,x
//SEG208 [112] (byte~) plot::$6 ← *((byte*) plot::plotter#0) | (byte~) plot::$5 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ( main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:41::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:85::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:34::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:79::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:55::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:71::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:49::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:65::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ) -- aby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_aby
ldy #0
lda (plotter),y
ora plot_bit,x
ora (plotter),y
//SEG209 [113] *((byte*) plot::plotter#0) ← (byte~) plot::$6 [ ] ( main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:41::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:85::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:34::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:79::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:55::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:71::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:49::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:65::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 ] ) -- _deref_zpptrby1=aby
sta (plotter),y
//SEG210 plot::@return
@ -21577,12 +21519,11 @@ plot: {
lda plotter+1
adc plotter_y+1
sta plotter+1
//SEG207 [111] (byte~) plot::$5 ← (const byte[]) plot_bit#0 *idx (byte) plot::x#4 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] ( main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:41::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:85::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:34::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:79::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:55::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:71::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:49::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:65::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] )
// [111] plot::$5 ← plot_bit#0 *idx plot::x#4 // ALU
//SEG208 [112] (byte~) plot::$6 ← *((byte*) plot::plotter#0) | (byte~) plot::$5 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ( main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:41::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:85::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:34::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:79::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:55::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:71::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:49::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:65::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ) -- aby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_cowo1_derefidx_xby
//SEG207 [111] (byte~) plot::$5 ← (const byte[]) plot_bit#0 *idx (byte) plot::x#4 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] ( main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:41::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:85::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:34::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:79::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:55::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:71::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:49::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:65::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] ) -- aby=cowo1_derefidx_xby
lda plot_bit,x
//SEG208 [112] (byte~) plot::$6 ← *((byte*) plot::plotter#0) | (byte~) plot::$5 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ( main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:41::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:85::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:34::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:79::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:55::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:71::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:49::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:65::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ) -- aby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_aby
ldy #0
lda (plotter),y
ora plot_bit,x
ora (plotter),y
//SEG209 [113] *((byte*) plot::plotter#0) ← (byte~) plot::$6 [ ] ( main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:41::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:85::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:34::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:79::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:55::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:71::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:49::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:65::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 ] ) -- _deref_zpptrby1=aby
sta (plotter),y
//SEG210 plot::@return
@ -22226,7 +22167,7 @@ FINAL SYMBOL TABLE
(byte~) plot::$1 reg byte a 4.0
(byte~) plot::$2 reg byte a 4.0
(byte~) plot::$3 reg byte a 4.0
(byte~) plot::$5 reg byte alu 4.0
(byte~) plot::$5 reg byte a 4.0
(byte~) plot::$6 reg byte a 4.0
(label) plot::@return
(byte*) plot::plotter
@ -22286,7 +22227,7 @@ reg byte a [ plot::$1 ]
reg byte a [ plot::$2 ]
zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:11 [ plot::plotter_y#1 plot::plotter_y#2 ]
reg byte a [ plot::$3 ]
reg byte alu [ plot::$5 ]
reg byte a [ plot::$5 ]
reg byte a [ plot::$6 ]
reg byte a [ line_ydxd::$8 ]
reg byte a [ init_plot_tables::$0 ]
@ -22769,12 +22710,11 @@ plot: {
lda plotter+1
adc plotter_y+1
sta plotter+1
//SEG207 [111] (byte~) plot::$5 ← (const byte[]) plot_bit#0 *idx (byte) plot::x#4 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] ( main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:41::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:85::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:34::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:79::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:55::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:71::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:49::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:65::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] )
// [111] plot::$5 ← plot_bit#0 *idx plot::x#4 // ALU
//SEG208 [112] (byte~) plot::$6 ← *((byte*) plot::plotter#0) | (byte~) plot::$5 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ( main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:41::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:85::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:34::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:79::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:55::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:71::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:49::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:65::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ) -- aby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_cowo1_derefidx_xby
//SEG207 [111] (byte~) plot::$5 ← (const byte[]) plot_bit#0 *idx (byte) plot::x#4 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] ( main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:41::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:85::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:34::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:79::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:55::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:71::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:49::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:65::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] ) -- aby=cowo1_derefidx_xby
lda plot_bit,x
//SEG208 [112] (byte~) plot::$6 ← *((byte*) plot::plotter#0) | (byte~) plot::$5 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ( main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:41::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:85::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:34::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:79::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:55::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:71::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:49::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:65::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ) -- aby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_aby
ldy #0
lda (plotter),y
ora plot_bit,x
ora (plotter),y
//SEG209 [113] *((byte*) plot::plotter#0) ← (byte~) plot::$6 [ ] ( main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:41::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxi:85::plot:91 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxi::xd#2 line_ydxi::yd#5 line_ydxi::y1#6 line_ydxi::x#3 line_ydxi::y#3 line_ydxi::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:34::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyi:79::plot:120 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyi::yd#2 line_xdyi::xd#5 line_xdyi::x1#6 line_xdyi::x#3 line_xdyi::y#3 line_xdyi::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:55::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_ydxd:71::plot:135 [ lines::l#2 line_ydxd::xd#2 line_ydxd::yd#5 line_ydxd::y1#6 line_ydxd::x#3 line_ydxd::y#3 line_ydxd::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:49::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 ] main:0::lines:7::line:20::line_xdyd:65::plot:150 [ lines::l#2 line_xdyd::yd#2 line_xdyd::xd#5 line_xdyd::x1#6 line_xdyd::x#3 line_xdyd::y#3 line_xdyd::e#3 ] ) -- _deref_zpptrby1=aby
sta (plotter),y
//SEG210 plot::@return

View File

@ -282,7 +282,7 @@
(byte~) plot::$1 reg byte a 4.0
(byte~) plot::$2 reg byte a 4.0
(byte~) plot::$3 reg byte a 4.0
(byte~) plot::$5 reg byte alu 4.0
(byte~) plot::$5 reg byte a 4.0
(byte~) plot::$6 reg byte a 4.0
(label) plot::@return
(byte*) plot::plotter
@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ reg byte a [ plot::$1 ]
reg byte a [ plot::$2 ]
zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:11 [ plot::plotter_y#1 plot::plotter_y#2 ]
reg byte a [ plot::$3 ]
reg byte alu [ plot::$5 ]
reg byte a [ plot::$5 ]
reg byte a [ plot::$6 ]
reg byte a [ line_ydxd::$8 ]
reg byte a [ init_plot_tables::$0 ]

View File

@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ plots: {
plot: {
.label _5 = 7
.label plotter_x = 3
.label plotter_y = 5
.label plotter = 3
@ -89,10 +88,8 @@ plot: {
adc plotter_y+1
sta plotter+1
lda plot_bit,y
sta _5
ldy #0
lda (plotter),y
ora _5
ora (plotter),y
sta (plotter),y

View File

@ -6180,8 +6180,7 @@ init_plot_tables: {
ldx x
sta plot_bit,x
//SEG70 [42] (byte) init_plot_tables::bits#1 ← (byte) init_plot_tables::bits#3 >> (byte) 1 [ init_plot_tables::x#2 init_plot_tables::bits#1 ] ( main:0::init_plot_tables:6 [ init_plot_tables::x#2 init_plot_tables::bits#1 ] ) -- zpby1=zpby1_ror_1
sta bits
lsr bits
//SEG71 [43] if((byte) init_plot_tables::bits#1!=(byte) 0) goto init_plot_tables::@10 [ init_plot_tables::x#2 ] ( main:0::init_plot_tables:6 [ init_plot_tables::x#2 ] ) -- zpby1_neq_0_then_la1
lda bits
bne b10
@ -6366,31 +6365,6 @@ Removing always clobbered register reg byte a as potential for zp ZP_BYTE:14 [ p
Removing always clobbered register reg byte a as potential for zp ZP_BYTE:15 [ plot::y#0 ]
Statement [30] (byte*) plot::plotter_y#2 ← (byte*) plot::plotter_y#1 lo= (byte~) plot::$3 [ plot::x#0 plot::plotter_x#2 plot::plotter_y#2 ] ( main:0::plots:9::plot:19 [ plots::i#2 plot::x#0 plot::plotter_x#2 plot::plotter_y#2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [31] (byte*) plot::plotter#0 ← (byte*) plot::plotter_x#2 + (byte*) plot::plotter_y#2 [ plot::x#0 plot::plotter#0 ] ( main:0::plots:9::plot:19 [ plots::i#2 plot::x#0 plot::plotter#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Potential register analysis [33] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment zpby1=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_aby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:28 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte a [ plot::$5 ] zp ZP_BYTE:31 [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [33] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment zpby1=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_xby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:28 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte x [ plot::$5 ] zp ZP_BYTE:31 [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [33] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment zpby1=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_yby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:28 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte y [ plot::$5 ] zp ZP_BYTE:31 [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [33] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment aby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_aby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:28 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte a [ plot::$5 ] reg byte a [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [33] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment aby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_xby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:28 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte x [ plot::$5 ] reg byte a [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [33] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment aby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_yby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:28 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte y [ plot::$5 ] reg byte a [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [33] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment xby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_aby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:28 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte a [ plot::$5 ] reg byte x [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [33] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment xby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_xby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:28 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte x [ plot::$5 ] reg byte x [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [33] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment xby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_yby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:28 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte y [ plot::$5 ] reg byte x [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [33] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment yby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_aby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:28 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte a [ plot::$5 ] reg byte y [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [33] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment yby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_xby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:28 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte x [ plot::$5 ] reg byte y [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [33] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment yby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_yby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:28 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte y [ plot::$5 ] reg byte y [ plot::$6 ]
Statement [33] (byte~) plot::$6 ← *((byte*) plot::plotter#0) | (byte~) plot::$5 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ( main:0::plots:9::plot:19 [ plots::i#2 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a reg byte y
Removing always clobbered register reg byte y as potential for zp ZP_BYTE:2 [ plots::i#2 plots::i#1 ]
Statement [34] *((byte*) plot::plotter#0) ← (byte~) plot::$6 [ ] ( main:0::plots:9::plot:19 [ plots::i#2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte y
@ -6416,31 +6390,6 @@ Statement [7] if(*((const byte*) RASTER#0)!=(byte) 255) goto main::@2 [ ] ( main
Statement [26] (byte*) plot::plotter_x#2 ← (byte*) plot::plotter_x#1 lo= (byte~) plot::$1 [ plot::x#0 plot::y#0 plot::plotter_x#2 ] ( main:0::plots:9::plot:19 [ plots::i#2 plot::x#0 plot::y#0 plot::plotter_x#2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [30] (byte*) plot::plotter_y#2 ← (byte*) plot::plotter_y#1 lo= (byte~) plot::$3 [ plot::x#0 plot::plotter_x#2 plot::plotter_y#2 ] ( main:0::plots:9::plot:19 [ plots::i#2 plot::x#0 plot::plotter_x#2 plot::plotter_y#2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [31] (byte*) plot::plotter#0 ← (byte*) plot::plotter_x#2 + (byte*) plot::plotter_y#2 [ plot::x#0 plot::plotter#0 ] ( main:0::plots:9::plot:19 [ plots::i#2 plot::x#0 plot::plotter#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Potential register analysis [33] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment zpby1=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_aby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:28 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte a [ plot::$5 ] zp ZP_BYTE:31 [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [33] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment zpby1=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_xby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:28 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte x [ plot::$5 ] zp ZP_BYTE:31 [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [33] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment zpby1=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_yby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:28 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte y [ plot::$5 ] zp ZP_BYTE:31 [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [33] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment aby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_aby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:28 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte a [ plot::$5 ] reg byte a [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [33] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment aby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_xby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:28 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte x [ plot::$5 ] reg byte a [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [33] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment aby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_yby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:28 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte y [ plot::$5 ] reg byte a [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [33] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment xby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_aby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:28 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte a [ plot::$5 ] reg byte x [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [33] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment xby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_xby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:28 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte x [ plot::$5 ] reg byte x [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [33] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment xby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_yby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:28 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte y [ plot::$5 ] reg byte x [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [33] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment yby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_aby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:28 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte a [ plot::$5 ] reg byte y [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [33] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment yby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_xby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:28 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte x [ plot::$5 ] reg byte y [ plot::$6 ]
Potential register analysis [33] plot::$6 ← *(plot::plotter#0) | plot::$5 missing fragment yby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_yby allocation: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:28 [ plot::plotter#0 ] reg byte y [ plot::$5 ] reg byte y [ plot::$6 ]
Statement [33] (byte~) plot::$6 ← *((byte*) plot::plotter#0) | (byte~) plot::$5 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ( main:0::plots:9::plot:19 [ plots::i#2 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a reg byte y
Statement [34] *((byte*) plot::plotter#0) ← (byte~) plot::$6 [ ] ( main:0::plots:9::plot:19 [ plots::i#2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte y
Statement [38] (byte~) init_plot_tables::$0 ← (byte) init_plot_tables::x#2 & (byte) 248 [ init_plot_tables::x#2 init_plot_tables::bits#3 init_plot_tables::$0 ] ( main:0::init_plot_tables:6 [ init_plot_tables::x#2 init_plot_tables::bits#3 init_plot_tables::$0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
@ -6497,30 +6446,20 @@ Uplifting [init_plot_tables] best 10043 combination reg byte y [ init_plot_table
Limited combination testing to 10000 combinations of 138240 possible.
Uplifting [init_screen] best 10043 combination zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:8 [ init_screen::b#2 init_screen::b#1 ] zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:10 [ init_screen::c#2 init_screen::c#1 ]
Uplift attempts [plot] 10000/46080 (limiting to 10000)
Uplifting [plot] best 9604 combination reg byte x [ plot::y#0 ] reg byte y [ plot::x#0 ] reg byte a [ plot::$0 ] reg byte a [ plot::$1 ] reg byte a [ plot::$2 ] reg byte a [ plot::$3 ] zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:26 [ plot::plotter_y#2 ] zp ZP_BYTE:30 [ plot::$5 ] zp ZP_BYTE:31 [ plot::$6 ] zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:17 [ plot::plotter_x#1 ] zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:23 [ plot::plotter_y#1 ] zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:28 [ plot::plotter#0 ] zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:20 [ plot::plotter_x#2 ]
Uplifting [plot] best 9598 combination reg byte x [ plot::y#0 ] reg byte y [ plot::x#0 ] reg byte a [ plot::$0 ] reg byte a [ plot::$1 ] reg byte a [ plot::$2 ] reg byte a [ plot::$3 ] zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:26 [ plot::plotter_y#2 ] reg byte a [ plot::$5 ] zp ZP_BYTE:31 [ plot::$6 ] zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:17 [ plot::plotter_x#1 ] zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:23 [ plot::plotter_y#1 ] zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:28 [ plot::plotter#0 ] zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:20 [ plot::plotter_x#2 ]
Limited combination testing to 10000 combinations of 46080 possible.
Uplifting [main] best 9604 combination
Uplifting [] best 9604 combination
Uplifting [main] best 9598 combination
Uplifting [] best 9598 combination
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:2 [ plots::i#2 plots::i#1 ]
Uplifting [plots] best 9604 combination zp ZP_BYTE:2 [ plots::i#2 plots::i#1 ]
Uplifting [plots] best 9598 combination zp ZP_BYTE:2 [ plots::i#2 plots::i#1 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:37 [ init_plot_tables::$10 ]
Uplifting [init_plot_tables] best 9544 combination reg byte a [ init_plot_tables::$10 ]
Uplifting [init_plot_tables] best 9538 combination reg byte a [ init_plot_tables::$10 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:33 [ init_plot_tables::$6 ]
Uplifting [init_plot_tables] best 9544 combination zp ZP_BYTE:33 [ init_plot_tables::$6 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:30 [ plot::$5 ]
Uplifting [plot] best 9544 combination zp ZP_BYTE:30 [ plot::$5 ]
Uplifting [init_plot_tables] best 9538 combination zp ZP_BYTE:33 [ init_plot_tables::$6 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:31 [ plot::$6 ]
Uplifting [plot] best 9538 combination reg byte a [ plot::$6 ]
Uplifting [plot] best 9532 combination reg byte a [ plot::$6 ]
Coalescing zero page register [ zp ZP_BYTE:2 [ plots::i#2 plots::i#1 ] ] with [ zp ZP_BYTE:33 [ init_plot_tables::$6 ] ]
Coalescing zero page register [ zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:6 [ init_plot_tables::yoffs#2 init_plot_tables::yoffs#4 init_plot_tables::yoffs#1 ] ] with [ zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:8 [ init_screen::b#2 init_screen::b#1 ] ]
Coalescing zero page register [ zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:6 [ init_plot_tables::yoffs#2 init_plot_tables::yoffs#4 init_plot_tables::yoffs#1 init_screen::b#2 init_screen::b#1 ] ] with [ zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:10 [ init_screen::c#2 init_screen::c#1 ] ]
@ -6530,7 +6469,6 @@ Coalescing zero page register [ zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:6 [ init_plot_tables::yoffs#2 ini
Coalescing zero page register [ zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:23 [ plot::plotter_y#1 ] ] with [ zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:26 [ plot::plotter_y#2 ] ]
Allocated (was zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:6) zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:3 [ init_plot_tables::yoffs#2 init_plot_tables::yoffs#4 init_plot_tables::yoffs#1 init_screen::b#2 init_screen::b#1 init_screen::c#2 init_screen::c#1 plot::plotter_x#1 plot::plotter_x#2 plot::plotter#0 ]
Allocated (was zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:23) zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:5 [ plot::plotter_y#1 plot::plotter_y#2 ]
Allocated (was zp ZP_BYTE:30) zp ZP_BYTE:7 [ plot::$5 ]
Removing instruction jmp b5
Removing instruction jmp bend
Removing instruction jmp b5
@ -6681,7 +6619,6 @@ plots: {
//SEG43 plot
plot: {
.label _5 = 7
.label plotter_x = 3
.label plotter_y = 5
.label plotter = 3
@ -6713,13 +6650,11 @@ plot: {
lda plotter+1
adc plotter_y+1
sta plotter+1
//SEG53 [32] (byte~) plot::$5 ← (const byte[]) plot_bit#0 *idx (byte) plot::x#0 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] ( main:0::plots:9::plot:19 [ plots::i#2 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] ) -- zpby1=cowo1_derefidx_yby
//SEG53 [32] (byte~) plot::$5 ← (const byte[]) plot_bit#0 *idx (byte) plot::x#0 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] ( main:0::plots:9::plot:19 [ plots::i#2 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] ) -- aby=cowo1_derefidx_yby
lda plot_bit,y
sta _5
//SEG54 [33] (byte~) plot::$6 ← *((byte*) plot::plotter#0) | (byte~) plot::$5 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ( main:0::plots:9::plot:19 [ plots::i#2 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ) -- aby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_zpby1
//SEG54 [33] (byte~) plot::$6 ← *((byte*) plot::plotter#0) | (byte~) plot::$5 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ( main:0::plots:9::plot:19 [ plots::i#2 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ) -- aby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_aby
ldy #0
lda (plotter),y
ora _5
ora (plotter),y
//SEG55 [34] *((byte*) plot::plotter#0) ← (byte~) plot::$6 [ ] ( main:0::plots:9::plot:19 [ plots::i#2 ] ) -- _deref_zpptrby1=aby
ldy #0
sta (plotter),y
@ -7044,7 +6979,6 @@ plots: {
//SEG43 plot
plot: {
.label _5 = 7
.label plotter_x = 3
.label plotter_y = 5
.label plotter = 3
@ -7076,13 +7010,11 @@ plot: {
lda plotter+1
adc plotter_y+1
sta plotter+1
//SEG53 [32] (byte~) plot::$5 ← (const byte[]) plot_bit#0 *idx (byte) plot::x#0 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] ( main:0::plots:9::plot:19 [ plots::i#2 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] ) -- zpby1=cowo1_derefidx_yby
//SEG53 [32] (byte~) plot::$5 ← (const byte[]) plot_bit#0 *idx (byte) plot::x#0 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] ( main:0::plots:9::plot:19 [ plots::i#2 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] ) -- aby=cowo1_derefidx_yby
lda plot_bit,y
sta _5
//SEG54 [33] (byte~) plot::$6 ← *((byte*) plot::plotter#0) | (byte~) plot::$5 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ( main:0::plots:9::plot:19 [ plots::i#2 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ) -- aby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_zpby1
//SEG54 [33] (byte~) plot::$6 ← *((byte*) plot::plotter#0) | (byte~) plot::$5 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ( main:0::plots:9::plot:19 [ plots::i#2 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ) -- aby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_aby
ldy #0
lda (plotter),y
ora _5
ora (plotter),y
//SEG55 [34] *((byte*) plot::plotter#0) ← (byte~) plot::$6 [ ] ( main:0::plots:9::plot:19 [ plots::i#2 ] ) -- _deref_zpptrby1=aby
sta (plotter),y
//SEG56 plot::@return
@ -7415,7 +7347,6 @@ plots: {
//SEG43 plot
plot: {
.label _5 = 7
.label plotter_x = 3
.label plotter_y = 5
.label plotter = 3
@ -7447,13 +7378,11 @@ plot: {
lda plotter+1
adc plotter_y+1
sta plotter+1
//SEG53 [32] (byte~) plot::$5 ← (const byte[]) plot_bit#0 *idx (byte) plot::x#0 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] ( main:0::plots:9::plot:19 [ plots::i#2 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] ) -- zpby1=cowo1_derefidx_yby
//SEG53 [32] (byte~) plot::$5 ← (const byte[]) plot_bit#0 *idx (byte) plot::x#0 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] ( main:0::plots:9::plot:19 [ plots::i#2 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] ) -- aby=cowo1_derefidx_yby
lda plot_bit,y
sta _5
//SEG54 [33] (byte~) plot::$6 ← *((byte*) plot::plotter#0) | (byte~) plot::$5 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ( main:0::plots:9::plot:19 [ plots::i#2 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ) -- aby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_zpby1
//SEG54 [33] (byte~) plot::$6 ← *((byte*) plot::plotter#0) | (byte~) plot::$5 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ( main:0::plots:9::plot:19 [ plots::i#2 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ) -- aby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_aby
ldy #0
lda (plotter),y
ora _5
ora (plotter),y
//SEG55 [34] *((byte*) plot::plotter#0) ← (byte~) plot::$6 [ ] ( main:0::plots:9::plot:19 [ plots::i#2 ] ) -- _deref_zpptrby1=aby
sta (plotter),y
//SEG56 plot::@return
@ -7770,7 +7699,6 @@ plots: {
//SEG43 plot
plot: {
.label _5 = 7
.label plotter_x = 3
.label plotter_y = 5
.label plotter = 3
@ -7802,13 +7730,11 @@ plot: {
lda plotter+1
adc plotter_y+1
sta plotter+1
//SEG53 [32] (byte~) plot::$5 ← (const byte[]) plot_bit#0 *idx (byte) plot::x#0 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] ( main:0::plots:9::plot:19 [ plots::i#2 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] ) -- zpby1=cowo1_derefidx_yby
//SEG53 [32] (byte~) plot::$5 ← (const byte[]) plot_bit#0 *idx (byte) plot::x#0 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] ( main:0::plots:9::plot:19 [ plots::i#2 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] ) -- aby=cowo1_derefidx_yby
lda plot_bit,y
sta _5
//SEG54 [33] (byte~) plot::$6 ← *((byte*) plot::plotter#0) | (byte~) plot::$5 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ( main:0::plots:9::plot:19 [ plots::i#2 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ) -- aby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_zpby1
//SEG54 [33] (byte~) plot::$6 ← *((byte*) plot::plotter#0) | (byte~) plot::$5 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ( main:0::plots:9::plot:19 [ plots::i#2 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ) -- aby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_aby
ldy #0
lda (plotter),y
ora _5
ora (plotter),y
//SEG55 [34] *((byte*) plot::plotter#0) ← (byte~) plot::$6 [ ] ( main:0::plots:9::plot:19 [ plots::i#2 ] ) -- _deref_zpptrby1=aby
sta (plotter),y
//SEG56 plot::@return
@ -8100,7 +8026,6 @@ plots: {
//SEG43 plot
plot: {
.label _5 = 7
.label plotter_x = 3
.label plotter_y = 5
.label plotter = 3
@ -8132,13 +8057,11 @@ plot: {
lda plotter+1
adc plotter_y+1
sta plotter+1
//SEG53 [32] (byte~) plot::$5 ← (const byte[]) plot_bit#0 *idx (byte) plot::x#0 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] ( main:0::plots:9::plot:19 [ plots::i#2 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] ) -- zpby1=cowo1_derefidx_yby
//SEG53 [32] (byte~) plot::$5 ← (const byte[]) plot_bit#0 *idx (byte) plot::x#0 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] ( main:0::plots:9::plot:19 [ plots::i#2 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] ) -- aby=cowo1_derefidx_yby
lda plot_bit,y
sta _5
//SEG54 [33] (byte~) plot::$6 ← *((byte*) plot::plotter#0) | (byte~) plot::$5 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ( main:0::plots:9::plot:19 [ plots::i#2 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ) -- aby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_zpby1
//SEG54 [33] (byte~) plot::$6 ← *((byte*) plot::plotter#0) | (byte~) plot::$5 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ( main:0::plots:9::plot:19 [ plots::i#2 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ) -- aby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_aby
ldy #0
lda (plotter),y
ora _5
ora (plotter),y
//SEG55 [34] *((byte*) plot::plotter#0) ← (byte~) plot::$6 [ ] ( main:0::plots:9::plot:19 [ plots::i#2 ] ) -- _deref_zpptrby1=aby
sta (plotter),y
//SEG56 plot::@return
@ -8392,7 +8315,7 @@ FINAL SYMBOL TABLE
(byte~) plot::$1 reg byte a 4.0
(byte~) plot::$2 reg byte a 4.0
(byte~) plot::$3 reg byte a 4.0
(byte~) plot::$5 $5 zp ZP_BYTE:7 4.0
(byte~) plot::$5 reg byte a 4.0
(byte~) plot::$6 reg byte a 4.0
(label) plot::@return
(byte*) plot::plotter
@ -8447,7 +8370,7 @@ reg byte a [ plot::$1 ]
reg byte a [ plot::$2 ]
zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:5 [ plot::plotter_y#1 plot::plotter_y#2 ]
reg byte a [ plot::$3 ]
zp ZP_BYTE:7 [ plot::$5 ]
reg byte a [ plot::$5 ]
reg byte a [ plot::$6 ]
reg byte a [ init_plot_tables::$0 ]
reg byte a [ init_plot_tables::$7 ]
@ -8568,7 +8491,6 @@ plots: {
//SEG43 plot
plot: {
.label _5 = 7
.label plotter_x = 3
.label plotter_y = 5
.label plotter = 3
@ -8600,13 +8522,11 @@ plot: {
lda plotter+1
adc plotter_y+1
sta plotter+1
//SEG53 [32] (byte~) plot::$5 ← (const byte[]) plot_bit#0 *idx (byte) plot::x#0 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] ( main:0::plots:9::plot:19 [ plots::i#2 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] ) -- zpby1=cowo1_derefidx_yby
//SEG53 [32] (byte~) plot::$5 ← (const byte[]) plot_bit#0 *idx (byte) plot::x#0 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] ( main:0::plots:9::plot:19 [ plots::i#2 plot::plotter#0 plot::$5 ] ) -- aby=cowo1_derefidx_yby
lda plot_bit,y
sta _5
//SEG54 [33] (byte~) plot::$6 ← *((byte*) plot::plotter#0) | (byte~) plot::$5 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ( main:0::plots:9::plot:19 [ plots::i#2 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ) -- aby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_zpby1
//SEG54 [33] (byte~) plot::$6 ← *((byte*) plot::plotter#0) | (byte~) plot::$5 [ plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ( main:0::plots:9::plot:19 [ plots::i#2 plot::plotter#0 plot::$6 ] ) -- aby=_deref_zpptrby1_bor_aby
ldy #0
lda (plotter),y
ora _5
ora (plotter),y
//SEG55 [34] *((byte*) plot::plotter#0) ← (byte~) plot::$6 [ ] ( main:0::plots:9::plot:19 [ plots::i#2 ] ) -- _deref_zpptrby1=aby
sta (plotter),y
//SEG56 plot::@return

View File

@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
(byte~) plot::$1 reg byte a 4.0
(byte~) plot::$2 reg byte a 4.0
(byte~) plot::$3 reg byte a 4.0
(byte~) plot::$5 $5 zp ZP_BYTE:7 4.0
(byte~) plot::$5 reg byte a 4.0
(byte~) plot::$6 reg byte a 4.0
(label) plot::@return
(byte*) plot::plotter
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ reg byte a [ plot::$1 ]
reg byte a [ plot::$2 ]
zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:5 [ plot::plotter_y#1 plot::plotter_y#2 ]
reg byte a [ plot::$3 ]
zp ZP_BYTE:7 [ plot::$5 ]
reg byte a [ plot::$5 ]
reg byte a [ plot::$6 ]
reg byte a [ init_plot_tables::$0 ]
reg byte a [ init_plot_tables::$7 ]

View File

@ -9,14 +9,13 @@ main: {
.const y1 = $18
.const xd = x1-4
.const yd = y1-4
.label x = 4
.label cursor = 2
.label e = 4
.label y = 5
lda #4
sta y
lda #yd/2
sta e
ldx #4
ldx #yd/2
sta x
lda #<SCREEN+4*$28+4
sta cursor
lda #>SCREEN+4*$28+4
@ -25,18 +24,17 @@ main: {
ldy #0
lda #STAR
sta (cursor),y
inc x
inc cursor
bne !+
inc cursor+1
lda e
adc #yd
sta e
lda #xd
cmp e
bcs b2
cpx #xd
bcc b2
inc y
lda cursor
@ -45,11 +43,13 @@ main: {
bcc !+
inc cursor+1
sbc #xd
sta e
cpx #x1+1
lda x
cmp #x1+1
bcc b1

View File

@ -1647,6 +1647,7 @@ main: {
inc cursor+1
//SEG27 [10] (byte) main::e#2 ← (byte) main::e#1 - (const byte) main::xd#0 [ main::x#1 main::y#1 main::cursor#2 main::e#2 ] ( main:0 [ main::x#1 main::y#1 main::cursor#2 main::e#2 ] ) -- zpby1=zpby1_minus_coby1
lda e
sbc #xd
sta e
@ -1694,13 +1695,12 @@ REGISTER UPLIFT SCOPES
Uplift Scope [main] 55: zp ZP_BYTE:5 [ main::e#3 main::e#5 main::e#1 main::e#2 ] 46.75: zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:2 [ main::cursor#3 main::cursor#5 main::cursor#1 main::cursor#2 ] 29.33: zp ZP_BYTE:6 [ main::y#2 main::y#4 main::y#1 ] 14.67: zp ZP_BYTE:4 [ main::x#2 main::x#1 ]
Uplift Scope []
Uplifting [main] best 1175 combination zp ZP_BYTE:5 [ main::e#3 main::e#5 main::e#1 main::e#2 ] zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:2 [ main::cursor#3 main::cursor#5 main::cursor#1 main::cursor#2 ] zp ZP_BYTE:6 [ main::y#2 main::y#4 main::y#1 ] reg byte x [ main::x#2 main::x#1 ]
Uplifting [] best 1175 combination
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:5 [ main::e#3 main::e#5 main::e#1 main::e#2 ]
Uplifting [main] best 1175 combination zp ZP_BYTE:5 [ main::e#3 main::e#5 main::e#1 main::e#2 ]
Uplifting [main] best 1195 combination reg byte x [ main::e#3 main::e#5 main::e#1 main::e#2 ] zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:2 [ main::cursor#3 main::cursor#5 main::cursor#1 main::cursor#2 ] zp ZP_BYTE:6 [ main::y#2 main::y#4 main::y#1 ] zp ZP_BYTE:4 [ main::x#2 main::x#1 ]
Uplifting [] best 1195 combination
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:6 [ main::y#2 main::y#4 main::y#1 ]
Uplifting [main] best 1175 combination zp ZP_BYTE:6 [ main::y#2 main::y#4 main::y#1 ]
Allocated (was zp ZP_BYTE:5) zp ZP_BYTE:4 [ main::e#3 main::e#5 main::e#1 main::e#2 ]
Uplifting [main] best 1195 combination zp ZP_BYTE:6 [ main::y#2 main::y#4 main::y#1 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:4 [ main::x#2 main::x#1 ]
Uplifting [main] best 1195 combination zp ZP_BYTE:4 [ main::x#2 main::x#1 ]
Allocated (was zp ZP_BYTE:6) zp ZP_BYTE:5 [ main::y#2 main::y#4 main::y#1 ]
Removing instruction jmp b1
Removing instruction jmp bend
@ -1733,19 +1733,19 @@ main: {
.const y1 = $18
.const xd = x1-4
.const yd = y1-4
.label x = 4
.label cursor = 2
.label e = 4
.label y = 5
//SEG8 [2] phi from main to main::@1 [phi:main->main::@1]
//SEG9 [2] phi (byte) main::y#2 = (byte) 4 [phi:main->main::@1#0] -- zpby1=coby1
lda #4
sta y
//SEG10 [2] phi (byte) main::e#3 = (const byte) main::yd#0/(byte) 2 [phi:main->main::@1#1] -- zpby1=coby1
lda #yd/2
sta e
//SEG11 [2] phi (byte) main::x#2 = (byte) 4 [phi:main->main::@1#2] -- xby=coby1
ldx #4
//SEG10 [2] phi (byte) main::e#3 = (const byte) main::yd#0/(byte) 2 [phi:main->main::@1#1] -- xby=coby1
ldx #yd/2
//SEG11 [2] phi (byte) main::x#2 = (byte) 4 [phi:main->main::@1#2] -- zpby1=coby1
lda #4
sta x
//SEG12 [2] phi (byte*) main::cursor#3 = (const byte[1000]) SCREEN#0+(byte) 4*(byte) 40+(byte) 4 [phi:main->main::@1#3] -- zpptrby1=cowo1
lda #<SCREEN+4*$28+4
sta cursor
@ -1764,22 +1764,21 @@ main: {
ldy #0
lda #STAR
sta (cursor),y
//SEG20 [4] (byte) main::x#1 ← (byte) main::x#2 + (byte) 1 [ main::cursor#3 main::e#3 main::y#2 main::x#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::cursor#3 main::e#3 main::y#2 main::x#1 ] ) -- xby=xby_plus_1
//SEG20 [4] (byte) main::x#1 ← (byte) main::x#2 + (byte) 1 [ main::cursor#3 main::e#3 main::y#2 main::x#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::cursor#3 main::e#3 main::y#2 main::x#1 ] ) -- zpby1=zpby1_plus_1
inc x
//SEG21 [5] (byte*) main::cursor#1 ← (byte*) main::cursor#3 + (byte) 1 [ main::e#3 main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::e#3 main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 ] ) -- zpptrby1=zpptrby1_plus_1
inc cursor
bne !+
inc cursor+1
//SEG22 [6] (byte) main::e#1 ← (byte) main::e#3 + (const byte) main::yd#0 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ) -- zpby1=zpby1_plus_coby1
lda e
//SEG22 [6] (byte) main::e#1 ← (byte) main::e#3 + (const byte) main::yd#0 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ) -- xby=xby_plus_coby1
adc #yd
sta e
//SEG23 [7] if((const byte) main::xd#0>=(byte) main::e#1) goto main::@2 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ) -- coby1_ge_zpby1_then_la1
lda #xd
cmp e
bcs b2_from_b1
//SEG23 [7] if((const byte) main::xd#0>=(byte) main::e#1) goto main::@2 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ) -- coby1_ge_xby_then_la1
cpx #xd
bcc b2_from_b1
//SEG24 main::@3
//SEG25 [8] (byte) main::y#1 ← (byte) main::y#2 + (byte) 1 [ main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 main::y#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 main::y#1 ] ) -- zpby1=zpby1_plus_1
@ -1792,10 +1791,11 @@ main: {
bcc !+
inc cursor+1
//SEG27 [10] (byte) main::e#2 ← (byte) main::e#1 - (const byte) main::xd#0 [ main::x#1 main::y#1 main::cursor#2 main::e#2 ] ( main:0 [ main::x#1 main::y#1 main::cursor#2 main::e#2 ] ) -- zpby1=zpby1_minus_coby1
//SEG27 [10] (byte) main::e#2 ← (byte) main::e#1 - (const byte) main::xd#0 [ main::x#1 main::y#1 main::cursor#2 main::e#2 ] ( main:0 [ main::x#1 main::y#1 main::cursor#2 main::e#2 ] ) -- xby=xby_minus_coby1
sbc #xd
sta e
//SEG28 [11] phi from main::@1 main::@3 to main::@2 [phi:main::@1/main::@3->main::@2]
@ -1804,8 +1804,115 @@ main: {
//SEG31 [11] phi (byte*) main::cursor#5 = (byte*) main::cursor#1 [phi:main::@1/main::@3->main::@2#2] -- register_copy
//SEG32 main::@2
//SEG33 [12] if((byte) main::x#1<(const byte) main::x1#0+(byte) 1) goto main::@1 [ main::cursor#5 main::x#1 main::e#5 main::y#4 ] ( main:0 [ main::cursor#5 main::x#1 main::e#5 main::y#4 ] ) -- xby_lt_coby1_then_la1
cpx #x1+1
//SEG33 [12] if((byte) main::x#1<(const byte) main::x1#0+(byte) 1) goto main::@1 [ main::cursor#5 main::x#1 main::e#5 main::y#4 ] ( main:0 [ main::cursor#5 main::x#1 main::e#5 main::y#4 ] ) -- zpby1_lt_coby1_then_la1
lda x
cmp #x1+1
bcc b1_from_b2
//SEG34 main::@return
//SEG35 [13] return [ ] ( main:0 [ ] )
Removing instruction lda #4
Succesful ASM optimization Pass5UnnecesaryLoadElimination
//SEG0 Basic Upstart
.pc = $801 "Basic"
.pc = $80d "Program"
//SEG1 Global Constants & labels
.const STAR = $51
.const SCREEN = $400
//SEG2 @begin
//SEG3 @1
//SEG4 [0] call main param-assignment [ ] ( )
//SEG5 [1] phi from @1 to main [phi:@1->main]
jsr main
//SEG6 @end
//SEG7 main
main: {
.const x1 = $27
.const y1 = $18
.const xd = x1-4
.const yd = y1-4
.label x = 4
.label cursor = 2
.label y = 5
//SEG8 [2] phi from main to main::@1 [phi:main->main::@1]
//SEG9 [2] phi (byte) main::y#2 = (byte) 4 [phi:main->main::@1#0] -- zpby1=coby1
lda #4
sta y
//SEG10 [2] phi (byte) main::e#3 = (const byte) main::yd#0/(byte) 2 [phi:main->main::@1#1] -- xby=coby1
ldx #yd/2
//SEG11 [2] phi (byte) main::x#2 = (byte) 4 [phi:main->main::@1#2] -- zpby1=coby1
sta x
//SEG12 [2] phi (byte*) main::cursor#3 = (const byte[1000]) SCREEN#0+(byte) 4*(byte) 40+(byte) 4 [phi:main->main::@1#3] -- zpptrby1=cowo1
lda #<SCREEN+4*$28+4
sta cursor
lda #>SCREEN+4*$28+4
sta cursor+1
jmp b1
//SEG13 [2] phi from main::@2 to main::@1 [phi:main::@2->main::@1]
//SEG14 [2] phi (byte) main::y#2 = (byte) main::y#4 [phi:main::@2->main::@1#0] -- register_copy
//SEG15 [2] phi (byte) main::e#3 = (byte) main::e#5 [phi:main::@2->main::@1#1] -- register_copy
//SEG16 [2] phi (byte) main::x#2 = (byte) main::x#1 [phi:main::@2->main::@1#2] -- register_copy
//SEG17 [2] phi (byte*) main::cursor#3 = (byte*) main::cursor#5 [phi:main::@2->main::@1#3] -- register_copy
//SEG18 main::@1
//SEG19 [3] *((byte*) main::cursor#3) ← (const byte) STAR#0 [ main::cursor#3 main::x#2 main::e#3 main::y#2 ] ( main:0 [ main::cursor#3 main::x#2 main::e#3 main::y#2 ] ) -- _deref_zpptrby1=coby1
ldy #0
lda #STAR
sta (cursor),y
//SEG20 [4] (byte) main::x#1 ← (byte) main::x#2 + (byte) 1 [ main::cursor#3 main::e#3 main::y#2 main::x#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::cursor#3 main::e#3 main::y#2 main::x#1 ] ) -- zpby1=zpby1_plus_1
inc x
//SEG21 [5] (byte*) main::cursor#1 ← (byte*) main::cursor#3 + (byte) 1 [ main::e#3 main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::e#3 main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 ] ) -- zpptrby1=zpptrby1_plus_1
inc cursor
bne !+
inc cursor+1
//SEG22 [6] (byte) main::e#1 ← (byte) main::e#3 + (const byte) main::yd#0 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ) -- xby=xby_plus_coby1
adc #yd
//SEG23 [7] if((const byte) main::xd#0>=(byte) main::e#1) goto main::@2 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ) -- coby1_ge_xby_then_la1
cpx #xd
bcc b2_from_b1
//SEG24 main::@3
//SEG25 [8] (byte) main::y#1 ← (byte) main::y#2 + (byte) 1 [ main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 main::y#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 main::y#1 ] ) -- zpby1=zpby1_plus_1
inc y
//SEG26 [9] (byte*) main::cursor#2 ← (byte*) main::cursor#1 + (byte) 40 [ main::x#1 main::e#1 main::y#1 main::cursor#2 ] ( main:0 [ main::x#1 main::e#1 main::y#1 main::cursor#2 ] ) -- zpptrby1=zpptrby1_plus_coby1
lda cursor
adc #$28
sta cursor
bcc !+
inc cursor+1
//SEG27 [10] (byte) main::e#2 ← (byte) main::e#1 - (const byte) main::xd#0 [ main::x#1 main::y#1 main::cursor#2 main::e#2 ] ( main:0 [ main::x#1 main::y#1 main::cursor#2 main::e#2 ] ) -- xby=xby_minus_coby1
sbc #xd
//SEG28 [11] phi from main::@1 main::@3 to main::@2 [phi:main::@1/main::@3->main::@2]
//SEG29 [11] phi (byte) main::y#4 = (byte) main::y#2 [phi:main::@1/main::@3->main::@2#0] -- register_copy
//SEG30 [11] phi (byte) main::e#5 = (byte) main::e#1 [phi:main::@1/main::@3->main::@2#1] -- register_copy
//SEG31 [11] phi (byte*) main::cursor#5 = (byte*) main::cursor#1 [phi:main::@1/main::@3->main::@2#2] -- register_copy
//SEG32 main::@2
//SEG33 [12] if((byte) main::x#1<(const byte) main::x1#0+(byte) 1) goto main::@1 [ main::cursor#5 main::x#1 main::e#5 main::y#4 ] ( main:0 [ main::cursor#5 main::x#1 main::e#5 main::y#4 ] ) -- zpby1_lt_coby1_then_la1
lda x
cmp #x1+1
bcc b1_from_b2
//SEG34 main::@return
@ -1843,19 +1950,18 @@ main: {
.const y1 = $18
.const xd = x1-4
.const yd = y1-4
.label x = 4
.label cursor = 2
.label e = 4
.label y = 5
//SEG8 [2] phi from main to main::@1 [phi:main->main::@1]
//SEG9 [2] phi (byte) main::y#2 = (byte) 4 [phi:main->main::@1#0] -- zpby1=coby1
lda #4
sta y
//SEG10 [2] phi (byte) main::e#3 = (const byte) main::yd#0/(byte) 2 [phi:main->main::@1#1] -- zpby1=coby1
lda #yd/2
sta e
//SEG11 [2] phi (byte) main::x#2 = (byte) 4 [phi:main->main::@1#2] -- xby=coby1
ldx #4
//SEG10 [2] phi (byte) main::e#3 = (const byte) main::yd#0/(byte) 2 [phi:main->main::@1#1] -- xby=coby1
ldx #yd/2
//SEG11 [2] phi (byte) main::x#2 = (byte) 4 [phi:main->main::@1#2] -- zpby1=coby1
sta x
//SEG12 [2] phi (byte*) main::cursor#3 = (const byte[1000]) SCREEN#0+(byte) 4*(byte) 40+(byte) 4 [phi:main->main::@1#3] -- zpptrby1=cowo1
lda #<SCREEN+4*$28+4
sta cursor
@ -1873,22 +1979,21 @@ main: {
ldy #0
lda #STAR
sta (cursor),y
//SEG20 [4] (byte) main::x#1 ← (byte) main::x#2 + (byte) 1 [ main::cursor#3 main::e#3 main::y#2 main::x#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::cursor#3 main::e#3 main::y#2 main::x#1 ] ) -- xby=xby_plus_1
//SEG20 [4] (byte) main::x#1 ← (byte) main::x#2 + (byte) 1 [ main::cursor#3 main::e#3 main::y#2 main::x#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::cursor#3 main::e#3 main::y#2 main::x#1 ] ) -- zpby1=zpby1_plus_1
inc x
//SEG21 [5] (byte*) main::cursor#1 ← (byte*) main::cursor#3 + (byte) 1 [ main::e#3 main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::e#3 main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 ] ) -- zpptrby1=zpptrby1_plus_1
inc cursor
bne !+
inc cursor+1
//SEG22 [6] (byte) main::e#1 ← (byte) main::e#3 + (const byte) main::yd#0 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ) -- zpby1=zpby1_plus_coby1
lda e
//SEG22 [6] (byte) main::e#1 ← (byte) main::e#3 + (const byte) main::yd#0 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ) -- xby=xby_plus_coby1
adc #yd
sta e
//SEG23 [7] if((const byte) main::xd#0>=(byte) main::e#1) goto main::@2 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ) -- coby1_ge_zpby1_then_la1
lda #xd
cmp e
bcs b2
//SEG23 [7] if((const byte) main::xd#0>=(byte) main::e#1) goto main::@2 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ) -- coby1_ge_xby_then_la1
cpx #xd
bcc b2
//SEG24 main::@3
//SEG25 [8] (byte) main::y#1 ← (byte) main::y#2 + (byte) 1 [ main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 main::y#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 main::y#1 ] ) -- zpby1=zpby1_plus_1
@ -1901,18 +2006,20 @@ main: {
bcc !+
inc cursor+1
//SEG27 [10] (byte) main::e#2 ← (byte) main::e#1 - (const byte) main::xd#0 [ main::x#1 main::y#1 main::cursor#2 main::e#2 ] ( main:0 [ main::x#1 main::y#1 main::cursor#2 main::e#2 ] ) -- zpby1=zpby1_minus_coby1
//SEG27 [10] (byte) main::e#2 ← (byte) main::e#1 - (const byte) main::xd#0 [ main::x#1 main::y#1 main::cursor#2 main::e#2 ] ( main:0 [ main::x#1 main::y#1 main::cursor#2 main::e#2 ] ) -- xby=xby_minus_coby1
sbc #xd
sta e
//SEG28 [11] phi from main::@1 main::@3 to main::@2 [phi:main::@1/main::@3->main::@2]
//SEG29 [11] phi (byte) main::y#4 = (byte) main::y#2 [phi:main::@1/main::@3->main::@2#0] -- register_copy
//SEG30 [11] phi (byte) main::e#5 = (byte) main::e#1 [phi:main::@1/main::@3->main::@2#1] -- register_copy
//SEG31 [11] phi (byte*) main::cursor#5 = (byte*) main::cursor#1 [phi:main::@1/main::@3->main::@2#2] -- register_copy
//SEG32 main::@2
//SEG33 [12] if((byte) main::x#1<(const byte) main::x1#0+(byte) 1) goto main::@1 [ main::cursor#5 main::x#1 main::e#5 main::y#4 ] ( main:0 [ main::cursor#5 main::x#1 main::e#5 main::y#4 ] ) -- xby_lt_coby1_then_la1
cpx #x1+1
//SEG33 [12] if((byte) main::x#1<(const byte) main::x1#0+(byte) 1) goto main::@1 [ main::cursor#5 main::x#1 main::e#5 main::y#4 ] ( main:0 [ main::cursor#5 main::x#1 main::e#5 main::y#4 ] ) -- zpby1_lt_coby1_then_la1
lda x
cmp #x1+1
bcc b1
//SEG34 main::@return
@ -1946,18 +2053,17 @@ main: {
.const y1 = $18
.const xd = x1-4
.const yd = y1-4
.label x = 4
.label cursor = 2
.label e = 4
.label y = 5
//SEG8 [2] phi from main to main::@1 [phi:main->main::@1]
//SEG9 [2] phi (byte) main::y#2 = (byte) 4 [phi:main->main::@1#0] -- zpby1=coby1
lda #4
sta y
//SEG10 [2] phi (byte) main::e#3 = (const byte) main::yd#0/(byte) 2 [phi:main->main::@1#1] -- zpby1=coby1
lda #yd/2
sta e
//SEG11 [2] phi (byte) main::x#2 = (byte) 4 [phi:main->main::@1#2] -- xby=coby1
ldx #4
//SEG10 [2] phi (byte) main::e#3 = (const byte) main::yd#0/(byte) 2 [phi:main->main::@1#1] -- xby=coby1
ldx #yd/2
//SEG11 [2] phi (byte) main::x#2 = (byte) 4 [phi:main->main::@1#2] -- zpby1=coby1
sta x
//SEG12 [2] phi (byte*) main::cursor#3 = (const byte[1000]) SCREEN#0+(byte) 4*(byte) 40+(byte) 4 [phi:main->main::@1#3] -- zpptrby1=cowo1
lda #<SCREEN+4*$28+4
sta cursor
@ -1975,22 +2081,21 @@ main: {
ldy #0
lda #STAR
sta (cursor),y
//SEG20 [4] (byte) main::x#1 ← (byte) main::x#2 + (byte) 1 [ main::cursor#3 main::e#3 main::y#2 main::x#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::cursor#3 main::e#3 main::y#2 main::x#1 ] ) -- xby=xby_plus_1
//SEG20 [4] (byte) main::x#1 ← (byte) main::x#2 + (byte) 1 [ main::cursor#3 main::e#3 main::y#2 main::x#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::cursor#3 main::e#3 main::y#2 main::x#1 ] ) -- zpby1=zpby1_plus_1
inc x
//SEG21 [5] (byte*) main::cursor#1 ← (byte*) main::cursor#3 + (byte) 1 [ main::e#3 main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::e#3 main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 ] ) -- zpptrby1=zpptrby1_plus_1
inc cursor
bne !+
inc cursor+1
//SEG22 [6] (byte) main::e#1 ← (byte) main::e#3 + (const byte) main::yd#0 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ) -- zpby1=zpby1_plus_coby1
lda e
//SEG22 [6] (byte) main::e#1 ← (byte) main::e#3 + (const byte) main::yd#0 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ) -- xby=xby_plus_coby1
adc #yd
sta e
//SEG23 [7] if((const byte) main::xd#0>=(byte) main::e#1) goto main::@2 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ) -- coby1_ge_zpby1_then_la1
lda #xd
cmp e
bcs b2
//SEG23 [7] if((const byte) main::xd#0>=(byte) main::e#1) goto main::@2 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ) -- coby1_ge_xby_then_la1
cpx #xd
bcc b2
//SEG24 main::@3
//SEG25 [8] (byte) main::y#1 ← (byte) main::y#2 + (byte) 1 [ main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 main::y#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 main::y#1 ] ) -- zpby1=zpby1_plus_1
inc y
@ -2002,18 +2107,20 @@ main: {
bcc !+
inc cursor+1
//SEG27 [10] (byte) main::e#2 ← (byte) main::e#1 - (const byte) main::xd#0 [ main::x#1 main::y#1 main::cursor#2 main::e#2 ] ( main:0 [ main::x#1 main::y#1 main::cursor#2 main::e#2 ] ) -- zpby1=zpby1_minus_coby1
//SEG27 [10] (byte) main::e#2 ← (byte) main::e#1 - (const byte) main::xd#0 [ main::x#1 main::y#1 main::cursor#2 main::e#2 ] ( main:0 [ main::x#1 main::y#1 main::cursor#2 main::e#2 ] ) -- xby=xby_minus_coby1
sbc #xd
sta e
//SEG28 [11] phi from main::@1 main::@3 to main::@2 [phi:main::@1/main::@3->main::@2]
//SEG29 [11] phi (byte) main::y#4 = (byte) main::y#2 [phi:main::@1/main::@3->main::@2#0] -- register_copy
//SEG30 [11] phi (byte) main::e#5 = (byte) main::e#1 [phi:main::@1/main::@3->main::@2#1] -- register_copy
//SEG31 [11] phi (byte*) main::cursor#5 = (byte*) main::cursor#1 [phi:main::@1/main::@3->main::@2#2] -- register_copy
//SEG32 main::@2
//SEG33 [12] if((byte) main::x#1<(const byte) main::x1#0+(byte) 1) goto main::@1 [ main::cursor#5 main::x#1 main::e#5 main::y#4 ] ( main:0 [ main::cursor#5 main::x#1 main::e#5 main::y#4 ] ) -- xby_lt_coby1_then_la1
cpx #x1+1
//SEG33 [12] if((byte) main::x#1<(const byte) main::x1#0+(byte) 1) goto main::@1 [ main::cursor#5 main::x#1 main::e#5 main::y#4 ] ( main:0 [ main::cursor#5 main::x#1 main::e#5 main::y#4 ] ) -- zpby1_lt_coby1_then_la1
lda x
cmp #x1+1
bcc b1
//SEG34 main::@return
//SEG35 [13] return [ ] ( main:0 [ ] )
@ -2042,18 +2149,17 @@ main: {
.const y1 = $18
.const xd = x1-4
.const yd = y1-4
.label x = 4
.label cursor = 2
.label e = 4
.label y = 5
//SEG8 [2] phi from main to main::@1 [phi:main->main::@1]
//SEG9 [2] phi (byte) main::y#2 = (byte) 4 [phi:main->main::@1#0] -- zpby1=coby1
lda #4
sta y
//SEG10 [2] phi (byte) main::e#3 = (const byte) main::yd#0/(byte) 2 [phi:main->main::@1#1] -- zpby1=coby1
lda #yd/2
sta e
//SEG11 [2] phi (byte) main::x#2 = (byte) 4 [phi:main->main::@1#2] -- xby=coby1
ldx #4
//SEG10 [2] phi (byte) main::e#3 = (const byte) main::yd#0/(byte) 2 [phi:main->main::@1#1] -- xby=coby1
ldx #yd/2
//SEG11 [2] phi (byte) main::x#2 = (byte) 4 [phi:main->main::@1#2] -- zpby1=coby1
sta x
//SEG12 [2] phi (byte*) main::cursor#3 = (const byte[1000]) SCREEN#0+(byte) 4*(byte) 40+(byte) 4 [phi:main->main::@1#3] -- zpptrby1=cowo1
lda #<SCREEN+4*$28+4
sta cursor
@ -2070,22 +2176,21 @@ main: {
ldy #0
lda #STAR
sta (cursor),y
//SEG20 [4] (byte) main::x#1 ← (byte) main::x#2 + (byte) 1 [ main::cursor#3 main::e#3 main::y#2 main::x#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::cursor#3 main::e#3 main::y#2 main::x#1 ] ) -- xby=xby_plus_1
//SEG20 [4] (byte) main::x#1 ← (byte) main::x#2 + (byte) 1 [ main::cursor#3 main::e#3 main::y#2 main::x#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::cursor#3 main::e#3 main::y#2 main::x#1 ] ) -- zpby1=zpby1_plus_1
inc x
//SEG21 [5] (byte*) main::cursor#1 ← (byte*) main::cursor#3 + (byte) 1 [ main::e#3 main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::e#3 main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 ] ) -- zpptrby1=zpptrby1_plus_1
inc cursor
bne !+
inc cursor+1
//SEG22 [6] (byte) main::e#1 ← (byte) main::e#3 + (const byte) main::yd#0 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ) -- zpby1=zpby1_plus_coby1
lda e
//SEG22 [6] (byte) main::e#1 ← (byte) main::e#3 + (const byte) main::yd#0 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ) -- xby=xby_plus_coby1
adc #yd
sta e
//SEG23 [7] if((const byte) main::xd#0>=(byte) main::e#1) goto main::@2 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ) -- coby1_ge_zpby1_then_la1
lda #xd
cmp e
bcs b2
//SEG23 [7] if((const byte) main::xd#0>=(byte) main::e#1) goto main::@2 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ) -- coby1_ge_xby_then_la1
cpx #xd
bcc b2
//SEG24 main::@3
//SEG25 [8] (byte) main::y#1 ← (byte) main::y#2 + (byte) 1 [ main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 main::y#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 main::y#1 ] ) -- zpby1=zpby1_plus_1
inc y
@ -2097,18 +2202,20 @@ main: {
bcc !+
inc cursor+1
//SEG27 [10] (byte) main::e#2 ← (byte) main::e#1 - (const byte) main::xd#0 [ main::x#1 main::y#1 main::cursor#2 main::e#2 ] ( main:0 [ main::x#1 main::y#1 main::cursor#2 main::e#2 ] ) -- zpby1=zpby1_minus_coby1
//SEG27 [10] (byte) main::e#2 ← (byte) main::e#1 - (const byte) main::xd#0 [ main::x#1 main::y#1 main::cursor#2 main::e#2 ] ( main:0 [ main::x#1 main::y#1 main::cursor#2 main::e#2 ] ) -- xby=xby_minus_coby1
sbc #xd
sta e
//SEG28 [11] phi from main::@1 main::@3 to main::@2 [phi:main::@1/main::@3->main::@2]
//SEG29 [11] phi (byte) main::y#4 = (byte) main::y#2 [phi:main::@1/main::@3->main::@2#0] -- register_copy
//SEG30 [11] phi (byte) main::e#5 = (byte) main::e#1 [phi:main::@1/main::@3->main::@2#1] -- register_copy
//SEG31 [11] phi (byte*) main::cursor#5 = (byte*) main::cursor#1 [phi:main::@1/main::@3->main::@2#2] -- register_copy
//SEG32 main::@2
//SEG33 [12] if((byte) main::x#1<(const byte) main::x1#0+(byte) 1) goto main::@1 [ main::cursor#5 main::x#1 main::e#5 main::y#4 ] ( main:0 [ main::cursor#5 main::x#1 main::e#5 main::y#4 ] ) -- xby_lt_coby1_then_la1
cpx #x1+1
//SEG33 [12] if((byte) main::x#1<(const byte) main::x1#0+(byte) 1) goto main::@1 [ main::cursor#5 main::x#1 main::e#5 main::y#4 ] ( main:0 [ main::cursor#5 main::x#1 main::e#5 main::y#4 ] ) -- zpby1_lt_coby1_then_la1
lda x
cmp #x1+1
bcc b1
//SEG34 main::@return
//SEG35 [13] return [ ] ( main:0 [ ] )
@ -2134,13 +2241,13 @@ FINAL SYMBOL TABLE
(byte*) main::cursor#3 cursor zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:2 11.0
(byte*) main::cursor#5 cursor zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:2 16.5
(byte) main::e
(byte) main::e#1 e zp ZP_BYTE:4 11.0
(byte) main::e#2 e zp ZP_BYTE:4 22.0
(byte) main::e#3 e zp ZP_BYTE:4 5.5
(byte) main::e#5 e zp ZP_BYTE:4 16.5
(byte) main::e#1 reg byte x 11.0
(byte) main::e#2 reg byte x 22.0
(byte) main::e#3 reg byte x 5.5
(byte) main::e#5 reg byte x 16.5
(byte) main::x
(byte) main::x#1 reg byte x 3.666666666666667
(byte) main::x#2 reg byte x 11.0
(byte) main::x#1 x zp ZP_BYTE:4 3.666666666666667
(byte) main::x#2 x zp ZP_BYTE:4 11.0
(byte) main::x0
(byte) main::x1
(const byte) main::x1#0 x1 = (byte) 39
@ -2157,8 +2264,8 @@ FINAL SYMBOL TABLE
(const byte) main::yd#0 yd = (const byte) main::y1#0-(byte) 4
zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:2 [ main::cursor#3 main::cursor#5 main::cursor#1 main::cursor#2 ]
reg byte x [ main::x#2 main::x#1 ]
zp ZP_BYTE:4 [ main::e#3 main::e#5 main::e#1 main::e#2 ]
zp ZP_BYTE:4 [ main::x#2 main::x#1 ]
reg byte x [ main::e#3 main::e#5 main::e#1 main::e#2 ]
zp ZP_BYTE:5 [ main::y#2 main::y#4 main::y#1 ]
@ -2181,18 +2288,17 @@ main: {
.const y1 = $18
.const xd = x1-4
.const yd = y1-4
.label x = 4
.label cursor = 2
.label e = 4
.label y = 5
//SEG8 [2] phi from main to main::@1 [phi:main->main::@1]
//SEG9 [2] phi (byte) main::y#2 = (byte) 4 [phi:main->main::@1#0] -- zpby1=coby1
lda #4
sta y
//SEG10 [2] phi (byte) main::e#3 = (const byte) main::yd#0/(byte) 2 [phi:main->main::@1#1] -- zpby1=coby1
lda #yd/2
sta e
//SEG11 [2] phi (byte) main::x#2 = (byte) 4 [phi:main->main::@1#2] -- xby=coby1
ldx #4
//SEG10 [2] phi (byte) main::e#3 = (const byte) main::yd#0/(byte) 2 [phi:main->main::@1#1] -- xby=coby1
ldx #yd/2
//SEG11 [2] phi (byte) main::x#2 = (byte) 4 [phi:main->main::@1#2] -- zpby1=coby1
sta x
//SEG12 [2] phi (byte*) main::cursor#3 = (const byte[1000]) SCREEN#0+(byte) 4*(byte) 40+(byte) 4 [phi:main->main::@1#3] -- zpptrby1=cowo1
lda #<SCREEN+4*$28+4
sta cursor
@ -2209,22 +2315,21 @@ main: {
ldy #0
lda #STAR
sta (cursor),y
//SEG20 [4] (byte) main::x#1 ← (byte) main::x#2 + (byte) 1 [ main::cursor#3 main::e#3 main::y#2 main::x#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::cursor#3 main::e#3 main::y#2 main::x#1 ] ) -- xby=xby_plus_1
//SEG20 [4] (byte) main::x#1 ← (byte) main::x#2 + (byte) 1 [ main::cursor#3 main::e#3 main::y#2 main::x#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::cursor#3 main::e#3 main::y#2 main::x#1 ] ) -- zpby1=zpby1_plus_1
inc x
//SEG21 [5] (byte*) main::cursor#1 ← (byte*) main::cursor#3 + (byte) 1 [ main::e#3 main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::e#3 main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 ] ) -- zpptrby1=zpptrby1_plus_1
inc cursor
bne !+
inc cursor+1
//SEG22 [6] (byte) main::e#1 ← (byte) main::e#3 + (const byte) main::yd#0 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ) -- zpby1=zpby1_plus_coby1
lda e
//SEG22 [6] (byte) main::e#1 ← (byte) main::e#3 + (const byte) main::yd#0 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ) -- xby=xby_plus_coby1
adc #yd
sta e
//SEG23 [7] if((const byte) main::xd#0>=(byte) main::e#1) goto main::@2 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ) -- coby1_ge_zpby1_then_la1
lda #xd
cmp e
bcs b2
//SEG23 [7] if((const byte) main::xd#0>=(byte) main::e#1) goto main::@2 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::y#2 main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 ] ) -- coby1_ge_xby_then_la1
cpx #xd
bcc b2
//SEG24 main::@3
//SEG25 [8] (byte) main::y#1 ← (byte) main::y#2 + (byte) 1 [ main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 main::y#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::x#1 main::cursor#1 main::e#1 main::y#1 ] ) -- zpby1=zpby1_plus_1
inc y
@ -2236,18 +2341,20 @@ main: {
bcc !+
inc cursor+1
//SEG27 [10] (byte) main::e#2 ← (byte) main::e#1 - (const byte) main::xd#0 [ main::x#1 main::y#1 main::cursor#2 main::e#2 ] ( main:0 [ main::x#1 main::y#1 main::cursor#2 main::e#2 ] ) -- zpby1=zpby1_minus_coby1
//SEG27 [10] (byte) main::e#2 ← (byte) main::e#1 - (const byte) main::xd#0 [ main::x#1 main::y#1 main::cursor#2 main::e#2 ] ( main:0 [ main::x#1 main::y#1 main::cursor#2 main::e#2 ] ) -- xby=xby_minus_coby1
sbc #xd
sta e
//SEG28 [11] phi from main::@1 main::@3 to main::@2 [phi:main::@1/main::@3->main::@2]
//SEG29 [11] phi (byte) main::y#4 = (byte) main::y#2 [phi:main::@1/main::@3->main::@2#0] -- register_copy
//SEG30 [11] phi (byte) main::e#5 = (byte) main::e#1 [phi:main::@1/main::@3->main::@2#1] -- register_copy
//SEG31 [11] phi (byte*) main::cursor#5 = (byte*) main::cursor#1 [phi:main::@1/main::@3->main::@2#2] -- register_copy
//SEG32 main::@2
//SEG33 [12] if((byte) main::x#1<(const byte) main::x1#0+(byte) 1) goto main::@1 [ main::cursor#5 main::x#1 main::e#5 main::y#4 ] ( main:0 [ main::cursor#5 main::x#1 main::e#5 main::y#4 ] ) -- xby_lt_coby1_then_la1
cpx #x1+1
//SEG33 [12] if((byte) main::x#1<(const byte) main::x1#0+(byte) 1) goto main::@1 [ main::cursor#5 main::x#1 main::e#5 main::y#4 ] ( main:0 [ main::cursor#5 main::x#1 main::e#5 main::y#4 ] ) -- zpby1_lt_coby1_then_la1
lda x
cmp #x1+1
bcc b1
//SEG34 main::@return
//SEG35 [13] return [ ] ( main:0 [ ] )

View File

@ -16,13 +16,13 @@
(byte*) main::cursor#3 cursor zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:2 11.0
(byte*) main::cursor#5 cursor zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:2 16.5
(byte) main::e
(byte) main::e#1 e zp ZP_BYTE:4 11.0
(byte) main::e#2 e zp ZP_BYTE:4 22.0
(byte) main::e#3 e zp ZP_BYTE:4 5.5
(byte) main::e#5 e zp ZP_BYTE:4 16.5
(byte) main::e#1 reg byte x 11.0
(byte) main::e#2 reg byte x 22.0
(byte) main::e#3 reg byte x 5.5
(byte) main::e#5 reg byte x 16.5
(byte) main::x
(byte) main::x#1 reg byte x 3.666666666666667
(byte) main::x#2 reg byte x 11.0
(byte) main::x#1 x zp ZP_BYTE:4 3.666666666666667
(byte) main::x#2 x zp ZP_BYTE:4 11.0
(byte) main::x0
(byte) main::x1
(const byte) main::x1#0 x1 = (byte) 39
@ -39,6 +39,6 @@
(const byte) main::yd#0 yd = (const byte) main::y1#0-(byte) 4
zp ZP_PTR_BYTE:2 [ main::cursor#3 main::cursor#5 main::cursor#1 main::cursor#2 ]
reg byte x [ main::x#2 main::x#1 ]
zp ZP_BYTE:4 [ main::e#3 main::e#5 main::e#1 main::e#2 ]
zp ZP_BYTE:4 [ main::x#2 main::x#1 ]
reg byte x [ main::e#3 main::e#5 main::e#1 main::e#2 ]
zp ZP_BYTE:5 [ main::y#2 main::y#4 main::y#1 ]

View File

@ -1599,6 +1599,7 @@ main: {
inc idx+1
//SEG27 [10] (byte) main::e#2 ← (byte) main::e#1 - (const byte) main::xd#0 [ main::x#1 main::y#1 main::idx#2 main::e#2 ] ( main:0 [ main::x#1 main::y#1 main::idx#2 main::e#2 ] ) -- zpby1=zpby1_minus_coby1
lda e
sbc #xd
sta e

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
.pc = $801 "Basic"
.pc = $80d "Program"
jsr main
main: {
.const screen = $400
.label i = 2
ldx #0
lda #-$7f
sta i
lda i
sbc #$7f
bvc !+
eor #$80
bmi b2
lda i
sta screen,x
inc i
jmp b1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
@begin: scope:[] from
@1: scope:[] from @begin
[0] call main param-assignment [ ] ( )
@end: scope:[] from @1
main: scope:[main] from @1
[1] phi() [ ] ( main:0 [ ] )
main::@1: scope:[main] from main main::@2
[2] (byte) main::j#2 ← phi( main/(byte) 0 main::@2/(byte) main::j#1 ) [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ] ( main:0 [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ] )
[2] (signed byte) main::i#2 ← phi( main/-(byte) 127 main::@2/(signed byte) main::i#1 ) [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ] ( main:0 [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ] )
[3] if((signed byte) main::i#2<(byte) 127) goto main::@2 [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ] ( main:0 [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ] )
main::@return: scope:[main] from main::@1
[4] return [ ] ( main:0 [ ] )
main::@2: scope:[main] from main::@1
[5] *((const byte[]) main::screen#0 + (byte) main::j#2) ← (signed byte) main::i#2 [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ] ( main:0 [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ] )
[6] (signed byte) main::i#1 ← ++ (signed byte) main::i#2 [ main::j#2 main::i#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::j#2 main::i#1 ] )
[7] (byte) main::j#1 ← ++ (byte) main::j#2 [ main::i#1 main::j#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::i#1 main::j#1 ] )

View File

@ -0,0 +1,960 @@
void main() {
byte[] screen = $0400;
byte j = 0;
signed byte i = -127;
while(i<127) {
screen[j] = i;
Adding pre/post-modifier (signed byte) main::i ← ++ (signed byte) main::i
Adding pre/post-modifier (byte) main::j ← ++ (byte) main::j
proc (void()) main()
(byte[]) main::screen ← (word) 1024
(byte) main::j ← (byte) 0
(byte~) main::$0 ← - (byte) 127
(signed byte) main::i ← (byte~) main::$0
(boolean~) main::$1 ← (signed byte) main::i < (byte) 127
if((boolean~) main::$1) goto main::@2
goto main::@3
*((byte[]) main::screen + (byte) main::j) ← (signed byte) main::i
(signed byte) main::i ← ++ (signed byte) main::i
(byte) main::j ← ++ (byte) main::j
goto main::@1
endproc // main()
call main
(void()) main()
(byte~) main::$0
(boolean~) main::$1
(label) main::@1
(label) main::@2
(label) main::@3
(label) main::@return
(signed byte) main::i
(byte) main::j
(byte[]) main::screen
@begin: scope:[] from
main: scope:[main] from
(byte[]) main::screen ← (word) 1024
(byte) main::j ← (byte) 0
(byte~) main::$0 ← - (byte) 127
(signed byte) main::i ← (byte~) main::$0
main::@1: scope:[main] from main main::@2
(boolean~) main::$1 ← (signed byte) main::i < (byte) 127
if((boolean~) main::$1) goto main::@2
main::@2: scope:[main] from main::@1 main::@5
*((byte[]) main::screen + (byte) main::j) ← (signed byte) main::i
(signed byte) main::i ← ++ (signed byte) main::i
(byte) main::j ← ++ (byte) main::j
main::@4: scope:[main] from main::@1
main::@3: scope:[main] from main::@4 main::@6
main::@5: scope:[main] from
main::@6: scope:[main] from
main::@return: scope:[main] from main::@3
@1: scope:[] from @begin
call main
@end: scope:[] from @1
Removing empty block main::@4
Removing empty block main::@3
Removing empty block main::@5
Removing empty block main::@6
@begin: scope:[] from
main: scope:[main] from
(byte[]) main::screen ← (word) 1024
(byte) main::j ← (byte) 0
(byte~) main::$0 ← - (byte) 127
(signed byte) main::i ← (byte~) main::$0
main::@1: scope:[main] from main main::@2
(boolean~) main::$1 ← (signed byte) main::i < (byte) 127
if((boolean~) main::$1) goto main::@2
main::@2: scope:[main] from main::@1
*((byte[]) main::screen + (byte) main::j) ← (signed byte) main::i
(signed byte) main::i ← ++ (signed byte) main::i
(byte) main::j ← ++ (byte) main::j
main::@return: scope:[main] from main::@1
@1: scope:[] from @begin
call main
@end: scope:[] from @1
@begin: scope:[] from
main: scope:[main] from @1
(byte[]) main::screen ← (word) 1024
(byte) main::j ← (byte) 0
(byte~) main::$0 ← - (byte) 127
(signed byte) main::i ← (byte~) main::$0
main::@1: scope:[main] from main main::@2
(boolean~) main::$1 ← (signed byte) main::i < (byte) 127
if((boolean~) main::$1) goto main::@2
main::@2: scope:[main] from main::@1
*((byte[]) main::screen + (byte) main::j) ← (signed byte) main::i
(signed byte) main::i ← ++ (signed byte) main::i
(byte) main::j ← ++ (byte) main::j
main::@return: scope:[main] from main::@1
@1: scope:[] from @begin
call main param-assignment
@2: scope:[] from @1
@end: scope:[] from @2
Completing Phi functions...
Completing Phi functions...
@begin: scope:[] from
main: scope:[main] from @1
(byte[]) main::screen#0 ← (word) 1024
(byte) main::j#0 ← (byte) 0
(byte~) main::$0 ← - (byte) 127
(signed byte) main::i#0 ← (byte~) main::$0
main::@1: scope:[main] from main main::@2
(byte) main::j#3 ← phi( main/(byte) main::j#0 main::@2/(byte) main::j#1 )
(byte[]) main::screen#2 ← phi( main/(byte[]) main::screen#0 main::@2/(byte[]) main::screen#1 )
(signed byte) main::i#2 ← phi( main/(signed byte) main::i#0 main::@2/(signed byte) main::i#1 )
(boolean~) main::$1 ← (signed byte) main::i#2 < (byte) 127
if((boolean~) main::$1) goto main::@2
main::@2: scope:[main] from main::@1
(byte) main::j#2 ← phi( main::@1/(byte) main::j#3 )
(byte[]) main::screen#1 ← phi( main::@1/(byte[]) main::screen#2 )
(signed byte) main::i#3 ← phi( main::@1/(signed byte) main::i#2 )
*((byte[]) main::screen#1 + (byte) main::j#2) ← (signed byte) main::i#3
(signed byte) main::i#1 ← ++ (signed byte) main::i#3
(byte) main::j#1 ← ++ (byte) main::j#2
main::@return: scope:[main] from main::@1
@1: scope:[] from @begin
call main param-assignment
@2: scope:[] from @1
@end: scope:[] from @2
@begin: scope:[] from
main: scope:[main] from @1
(byte[]) main::screen#0 ← (word) 1024
(byte) main::j#0 ← (byte) 0
(byte~) main::$0 ← - (byte) 127
(signed byte) main::i#0 ← (byte~) main::$0
main::@1: scope:[main] from main main::@2
(byte) main::j#3 ← phi( main/(byte) main::j#0 main::@2/(byte) main::j#1 )
(byte[]) main::screen#2 ← phi( main/(byte[]) main::screen#0 main::@2/(byte[]) main::screen#1 )
(signed byte) main::i#2 ← phi( main/(signed byte) main::i#0 main::@2/(signed byte) main::i#1 )
(boolean~) main::$1 ← (signed byte) main::i#2 < (byte) 127
if((boolean~) main::$1) goto main::@2
main::@2: scope:[main] from main::@1
(byte) main::j#2 ← phi( main::@1/(byte) main::j#3 )
(byte[]) main::screen#1 ← phi( main::@1/(byte[]) main::screen#2 )
(signed byte) main::i#3 ← phi( main::@1/(signed byte) main::i#2 )
*((byte[]) main::screen#1 + (byte) main::j#2) ← (signed byte) main::i#3
(signed byte) main::i#1 ← ++ (signed byte) main::i#3
(byte) main::j#1 ← ++ (byte) main::j#2
main::@return: scope:[main] from main::@1
@1: scope:[] from @begin
call main param-assignment
@2: scope:[] from @1
@end: scope:[] from @2
(label) @1
(label) @2
(label) @begin
(label) @end
(void()) main()
(byte~) main::$0
(boolean~) main::$1
(label) main::@1
(label) main::@2
(label) main::@return
(signed byte) main::i
(signed byte) main::i#0
(signed byte) main::i#1
(signed byte) main::i#2
(signed byte) main::i#3
(byte) main::j
(byte) main::j#0
(byte) main::j#1
(byte) main::j#2
(byte) main::j#3
(byte[]) main::screen
(byte[]) main::screen#0
(byte[]) main::screen#1
(byte[]) main::screen#2
Culled Empty Block (label) @2
Succesful SSA optimization Pass2CullEmptyBlocks
@begin: scope:[] from
main: scope:[main] from @1
(byte[]) main::screen#0 ← (word) 1024
(byte) main::j#0 ← (byte) 0
(byte~) main::$0 ← - (byte) 127
(signed byte) main::i#0 ← (byte~) main::$0
main::@1: scope:[main] from main main::@2
(byte) main::j#3 ← phi( main/(byte) main::j#0 main::@2/(byte) main::j#1 )
(byte[]) main::screen#2 ← phi( main/(byte[]) main::screen#0 main::@2/(byte[]) main::screen#1 )
(signed byte) main::i#2 ← phi( main/(signed byte) main::i#0 main::@2/(signed byte) main::i#1 )
(boolean~) main::$1 ← (signed byte) main::i#2 < (byte) 127
if((boolean~) main::$1) goto main::@2
main::@2: scope:[main] from main::@1
(byte) main::j#2 ← phi( main::@1/(byte) main::j#3 )
(byte[]) main::screen#1 ← phi( main::@1/(byte[]) main::screen#2 )
(signed byte) main::i#3 ← phi( main::@1/(signed byte) main::i#2 )
*((byte[]) main::screen#1 + (byte) main::j#2) ← (signed byte) main::i#3
(signed byte) main::i#1 ← ++ (signed byte) main::i#3
(byte) main::j#1 ← ++ (byte) main::j#2
main::@return: scope:[main] from main::@1
@1: scope:[] from @begin
call main param-assignment
@end: scope:[] from @1
Alias (signed byte) main::i#0 = (byte~) main::$0
Alias (signed byte) main::i#2 = (signed byte) main::i#3
Alias (byte[]) main::screen#1 = (byte[]) main::screen#2
Alias (byte) main::j#2 = (byte) main::j#3
Succesful SSA optimization Pass2AliasElimination
@begin: scope:[] from
main: scope:[main] from @1
(byte[]) main::screen#0 ← (word) 1024
(byte) main::j#0 ← (byte) 0
(signed byte) main::i#0 ← - (byte) 127
main::@1: scope:[main] from main main::@2
(byte) main::j#2 ← phi( main/(byte) main::j#0 main::@2/(byte) main::j#1 )
(byte[]) main::screen#1 ← phi( main/(byte[]) main::screen#0 main::@2/(byte[]) main::screen#1 )
(signed byte) main::i#2 ← phi( main/(signed byte) main::i#0 main::@2/(signed byte) main::i#1 )
(boolean~) main::$1 ← (signed byte) main::i#2 < (byte) 127
if((boolean~) main::$1) goto main::@2
main::@2: scope:[main] from main::@1
*((byte[]) main::screen#1 + (byte) main::j#2) ← (signed byte) main::i#2
(signed byte) main::i#1 ← ++ (signed byte) main::i#2
(byte) main::j#1 ← ++ (byte) main::j#2
main::@return: scope:[main] from main::@1
@1: scope:[] from @begin
call main param-assignment
@end: scope:[] from @1
Self Phi Eliminated (byte[]) main::screen#1
Succesful SSA optimization Pass2SelfPhiElimination
@begin: scope:[] from
main: scope:[main] from @1
(byte[]) main::screen#0 ← (word) 1024
(byte) main::j#0 ← (byte) 0
(signed byte) main::i#0 ← - (byte) 127
main::@1: scope:[main] from main main::@2
(byte) main::j#2 ← phi( main/(byte) main::j#0 main::@2/(byte) main::j#1 )
(byte[]) main::screen#1 ← phi( main/(byte[]) main::screen#0 )
(signed byte) main::i#2 ← phi( main/(signed byte) main::i#0 main::@2/(signed byte) main::i#1 )
(boolean~) main::$1 ← (signed byte) main::i#2 < (byte) 127
if((boolean~) main::$1) goto main::@2
main::@2: scope:[main] from main::@1
*((byte[]) main::screen#1 + (byte) main::j#2) ← (signed byte) main::i#2
(signed byte) main::i#1 ← ++ (signed byte) main::i#2
(byte) main::j#1 ← ++ (byte) main::j#2
main::@return: scope:[main] from main::@1
@1: scope:[] from @begin
call main param-assignment
@end: scope:[] from @1
Redundant Phi (byte[]) main::screen#1 (byte[]) main::screen#0
Succesful SSA optimization Pass2RedundantPhiElimination
@begin: scope:[] from
main: scope:[main] from @1
(byte[]) main::screen#0 ← (word) 1024
(byte) main::j#0 ← (byte) 0
(signed byte) main::i#0 ← - (byte) 127
main::@1: scope:[main] from main main::@2
(byte) main::j#2 ← phi( main/(byte) main::j#0 main::@2/(byte) main::j#1 )
(signed byte) main::i#2 ← phi( main/(signed byte) main::i#0 main::@2/(signed byte) main::i#1 )
(boolean~) main::$1 ← (signed byte) main::i#2 < (byte) 127
if((boolean~) main::$1) goto main::@2
main::@2: scope:[main] from main::@1
*((byte[]) main::screen#0 + (byte) main::j#2) ← (signed byte) main::i#2
(signed byte) main::i#1 ← ++ (signed byte) main::i#2
(byte) main::j#1 ← ++ (byte) main::j#2
main::@return: scope:[main] from main::@1
@1: scope:[] from @begin
call main param-assignment
@end: scope:[] from @1
Simple Condition (boolean~) main::$1 if((signed byte) main::i#2<(byte) 127) goto main::@2
Succesful SSA optimization Pass2ConditionalJumpSimplification
@begin: scope:[] from
main: scope:[main] from @1
(byte[]) main::screen#0 ← (word) 1024
(byte) main::j#0 ← (byte) 0
(signed byte) main::i#0 ← - (byte) 127
main::@1: scope:[main] from main main::@2
(byte) main::j#2 ← phi( main/(byte) main::j#0 main::@2/(byte) main::j#1 )
(signed byte) main::i#2 ← phi( main/(signed byte) main::i#0 main::@2/(signed byte) main::i#1 )
if((signed byte) main::i#2<(byte) 127) goto main::@2
main::@2: scope:[main] from main::@1
*((byte[]) main::screen#0 + (byte) main::j#2) ← (signed byte) main::i#2
(signed byte) main::i#1 ← ++ (signed byte) main::i#2
(byte) main::j#1 ← ++ (byte) main::j#2
main::@return: scope:[main] from main::@1
@1: scope:[] from @begin
call main param-assignment
@end: scope:[] from @1
Constant (const byte[]) main::screen#0 = 1024
Constant (const byte) main::j#0 = 0
Constant (const signed byte) main::i#0 = -127
Succesful SSA optimization Pass2ConstantIdentification
@begin: scope:[] from
main: scope:[main] from @1
main::@1: scope:[main] from main main::@2
(byte) main::j#2 ← phi( main/(const byte) main::j#0 main::@2/(byte) main::j#1 )
(signed byte) main::i#2 ← phi( main/(const signed byte) main::i#0 main::@2/(signed byte) main::i#1 )
if((signed byte) main::i#2<(byte) 127) goto main::@2
main::@2: scope:[main] from main::@1
*((const byte[]) main::screen#0 + (byte) main::j#2) ← (signed byte) main::i#2
(signed byte) main::i#1 ← ++ (signed byte) main::i#2
(byte) main::j#1 ← ++ (byte) main::j#2
main::@return: scope:[main] from main::@1
@1: scope:[] from @begin
call main param-assignment
@end: scope:[] from @1
Inlining constant with var siblings (const byte) main::j#0
Inlining constant with var siblings (const byte) main::j#0
Inlining constant with var siblings (const signed byte) main::i#0
Inlining constant with var siblings (const signed byte) main::i#0
Constant inlined main::j#0 = (byte) 0
Constant inlined main::i#0 = -(byte) 127
Succesful SSA optimization Pass2ConstantInlining
@begin: scope:[] from
main: scope:[main] from @1
main::@1: scope:[main] from main main::@2
(byte) main::j#2 ← phi( main/(byte) 0 main::@2/(byte) main::j#1 )
(signed byte) main::i#2 ← phi( main/-(byte) 127 main::@2/(signed byte) main::i#1 )
if((signed byte) main::i#2<(byte) 127) goto main::@2
main::@2: scope:[main] from main::@1
*((const byte[]) main::screen#0 + (byte) main::j#2) ← (signed byte) main::i#2
(signed byte) main::i#1 ← ++ (signed byte) main::i#2
(byte) main::j#1 ← ++ (byte) main::j#2
main::@return: scope:[main] from main::@1
@1: scope:[] from @begin
call main param-assignment
@end: scope:[] from @1
(label) @1
(label) @begin
(label) @end
(void()) main()
(label) main::@1
(label) main::@2
(label) main::@return
(signed byte) main::i
(signed byte) main::i#1
(signed byte) main::i#2
(byte) main::j
(byte) main::j#1
(byte) main::j#2
(byte[]) main::screen
(const byte[]) main::screen#0 = (word) 1024
Block Sequence Planned @begin @1 @end main main::@1 main::@return main::@2
Block Sequence Planned @begin @1 @end main main::@1 main::@return main::@2
@begin: scope:[] from
@1: scope:[] from @begin
call main param-assignment
@end: scope:[] from @1
main: scope:[main] from @1
main::@1: scope:[main] from main main::@2
(byte) main::j#2 ← phi( main/(byte) 0 main::@2/(byte~) main::j#4 )
(signed byte) main::i#2 ← phi( main/-(byte) 127 main::@2/(signed byte~) main::i#4 )
if((signed byte) main::i#2<(byte) 127) goto main::@2
main::@return: scope:[main] from main::@1
main::@2: scope:[main] from main::@1
*((const byte[]) main::screen#0 + (byte) main::j#2) ← (signed byte) main::i#2
(signed byte) main::i#1 ← ++ (signed byte) main::i#2
(byte) main::j#1 ← ++ (byte) main::j#2
(signed byte~) main::i#4 ← (signed byte) main::i#1
(byte~) main::j#4 ← (byte) main::j#1
Adding NOP phi() at start of main
Calls in [] to main:0
Propagating live ranges...
Propagating live ranges...
Propagating live ranges...
@begin: scope:[] from
@1: scope:[] from @begin
[0] call main param-assignment [ ]
@end: scope:[] from @1
main: scope:[main] from @1
[1] phi() [ ]
main::@1: scope:[main] from main main::@2
[2] (byte) main::j#2 ← phi( main/(byte) 0 main::@2/(byte~) main::j#4 ) [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ]
[2] (signed byte) main::i#2 ← phi( main/-(byte) 127 main::@2/(signed byte~) main::i#4 ) [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ]
[3] if((signed byte) main::i#2<(byte) 127) goto main::@2 [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ]
main::@return: scope:[main] from main::@1
[4] return [ ]
main::@2: scope:[main] from main::@1
[5] *((const byte[]) main::screen#0 + (byte) main::j#2) ← (signed byte) main::i#2 [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ]
[6] (signed byte) main::i#1 ← ++ (signed byte) main::i#2 [ main::j#2 main::i#1 ]
[7] (byte) main::j#1 ← ++ (byte) main::j#2 [ main::i#1 main::j#1 ]
[8] (signed byte~) main::i#4 ← (signed byte) main::i#1 [ main::i#4 main::j#1 ]
[9] (byte~) main::j#4 ← (byte) main::j#1 [ main::i#4 main::j#4 ]
Created 2 initial phi equivalence classes
Coalesced [8] main::i#4 ← main::i#1
Coalesced [9] main::j#4 ← main::j#1
Coalesced down to 2 phi equivalence classes
Block Sequence Planned @begin @1 @end main main::@1 main::@return main::@2
Adding NOP phi() at start of main
Propagating live ranges...
Propagating live ranges...
Propagating live ranges...
@begin: scope:[] from
@1: scope:[] from @begin
[0] call main param-assignment [ ]
@end: scope:[] from @1
main: scope:[main] from @1
[1] phi() [ ]
main::@1: scope:[main] from main main::@2
[2] (byte) main::j#2 ← phi( main/(byte) 0 main::@2/(byte) main::j#1 ) [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ]
[2] (signed byte) main::i#2 ← phi( main/-(byte) 127 main::@2/(signed byte) main::i#1 ) [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ]
[3] if((signed byte) main::i#2<(byte) 127) goto main::@2 [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ]
main::@return: scope:[main] from main::@1
[4] return [ ]
main::@2: scope:[main] from main::@1
[5] *((const byte[]) main::screen#0 + (byte) main::j#2) ← (signed byte) main::i#2 [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ]
[6] (signed byte) main::i#1 ← ++ (signed byte) main::i#2 [ main::j#2 main::i#1 ]
[7] (byte) main::j#1 ← ++ (byte) main::j#2 [ main::i#1 main::j#1 ]
@begin: scope:[] from
@1: scope:[] from @begin
[0] call main param-assignment [ ] ( )
@end: scope:[] from @1
main: scope:[main] from @1
[1] phi() [ ] ( main:0 [ ] )
main::@1: scope:[main] from main main::@2
[2] (byte) main::j#2 ← phi( main/(byte) 0 main::@2/(byte) main::j#1 ) [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ] ( main:0 [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ] )
[2] (signed byte) main::i#2 ← phi( main/-(byte) 127 main::@2/(signed byte) main::i#1 ) [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ] ( main:0 [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ] )
[3] if((signed byte) main::i#2<(byte) 127) goto main::@2 [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ] ( main:0 [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ] )
main::@return: scope:[main] from main::@1
[4] return [ ] ( main:0 [ ] )
main::@2: scope:[main] from main::@1
[5] *((const byte[]) main::screen#0 + (byte) main::j#2) ← (signed byte) main::i#2 [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ] ( main:0 [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ] )
[6] (signed byte) main::i#1 ← ++ (signed byte) main::i#2 [ main::j#2 main::i#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::j#2 main::i#1 ] )
[7] (byte) main::j#1 ← ++ (byte) main::j#2 [ main::i#1 main::j#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::i#1 main::j#1 ] )
@begin dominated by @begin
@1 dominated by @1 @begin
@end dominated by @1 @end @begin
main dominated by @1 @begin main
main::@1 dominated by @1 @begin main::@1 main
main::@return dominated by @1 main::@return @begin main::@1 main
main::@2 dominated by @1 @begin main::@2 main::@1 main
Found back edge: Loop head: main::@1 tails: main::@2 blocks: null
Populated: Loop head: main::@1 tails: main::@2 blocks: main::@2 main::@1
Loop head: main::@1 tails: main::@2 blocks: main::@2 main::@1
Found 0 loops in scope []
Found 1 loops in scope [main]
Loop head: main::@1 tails: main::@2 blocks: main::@2 main::@1
Loop head: main::@1 tails: main::@2 blocks: main::@2 main::@1 depth: 1
(void()) main()
(signed byte) main::i
(signed byte) main::i#1 11.0
(signed byte) main::i#2 14.666666666666666
(byte) main::j
(byte) main::j#1 22.0
(byte) main::j#2 8.25
(byte[]) main::screen
Initial phi equivalence classes
[ main::i#2 main::i#1 ]
[ main::j#2 main::j#1 ]
Complete equivalence classes
[ main::i#2 main::i#1 ]
[ main::j#2 main::j#1 ]
Allocated zp ZP_SBYTE:2 [ main::i#2 main::i#1 ]
Allocated zp ZP_BYTE:3 [ main::j#2 main::j#1 ]
//SEG0 Basic Upstart
.pc = $801 "Basic"
.pc = $80d "Program"
//SEG1 Global Constants & labels
//SEG2 @begin
jmp b1
//SEG3 @1
//SEG4 [0] call main param-assignment [ ] ( )
//SEG5 [1] phi from @1 to main [phi:@1->main]
jsr main
jmp bend
//SEG6 @end
//SEG7 main
main: {
.const screen = $400
.label i = 2
.label j = 3
//SEG8 [2] phi from main to main::@1 [phi:main->main::@1]
//SEG9 [2] phi (byte) main::j#2 = (byte) 0 [phi:main->main::@1#0] -- zpby1=coby1
lda #0
sta j
//SEG10 [2] phi (signed byte) main::i#2 = -(byte) 127 [phi:main->main::@1#1] -- zpsby1=coby1
lda #-$7f
sta i
jmp b1
//SEG11 main::@1
//SEG12 [3] if((signed byte) main::i#2<(byte) 127) goto main::@2 [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ] ( main:0 [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ] ) -- zpsby1_lt_coby1_then_la1
lda i
sbc #$7f
bvc !+
eor #$80
bmi b2
jmp breturn
//SEG13 main::@return
//SEG14 [4] return [ ] ( main:0 [ ] )
//SEG15 main::@2
//SEG16 [5] *((const byte[]) main::screen#0 + (byte) main::j#2) ← (signed byte) main::i#2 [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ] ( main:0 [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ] ) -- cowo1_derefidx_zpby1=zpsby1
lda i
ldx j
sta screen,x
//SEG17 [6] (signed byte) main::i#1 ← ++ (signed byte) main::i#2 [ main::j#2 main::i#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::j#2 main::i#1 ] ) -- zpsby1=_inc_zpsby1
inc i
//SEG18 [7] (byte) main::j#1 ← ++ (byte) main::j#2 [ main::i#1 main::j#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::i#1 main::j#1 ] ) -- zpby1=_inc_zpby1
inc j
//SEG19 [2] phi from main::@2 to main::@1 [phi:main::@2->main::@1]
//SEG20 [2] phi (byte) main::j#2 = (byte) main::j#1 [phi:main::@2->main::@1#0] -- register_copy
//SEG21 [2] phi (signed byte) main::i#2 = (signed byte) main::i#1 [phi:main::@2->main::@1#1] -- register_copy
jmp b1
Potential register analysis [3] if(main::i#2<127) goto main::@2 missing fragment xsby_lt_coby1_then_la1 allocation: reg sbyte x [ main::i#2 main::i#1 ]
Potential register analysis [3] if(main::i#2<127) goto main::@2 missing fragment ysby_lt_coby1_then_la1 allocation: reg sbyte y [ main::i#2 main::i#1 ]
Statement [3] if((signed byte) main::i#2<(byte) 127) goto main::@2 [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ] ( main:0 [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Removing always clobbered register reg byte a as potential for zp ZP_BYTE:3 [ main::j#2 main::j#1 ]
Potential register analysis [3] if(main::i#2<127) goto main::@2 missing fragment xsby_lt_coby1_then_la1 allocation: reg sbyte x [ main::i#2 main::i#1 ]
Potential register analysis [3] if(main::i#2<127) goto main::@2 missing fragment ysby_lt_coby1_then_la1 allocation: reg sbyte y [ main::i#2 main::i#1 ]
Statement [3] if((signed byte) main::i#2<(byte) 127) goto main::@2 [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ] ( main:0 [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Potential registers zp ZP_SBYTE:2 [ main::i#2 main::i#1 ] : zp ZP_SBYTE:2 , reg sbyte a , reg sbyte x , reg sbyte y ,
Potential registers zp ZP_BYTE:3 [ main::j#2 main::j#1 ] : zp ZP_BYTE:3 , reg byte x , reg byte y ,
Uplift Scope [main] 30.25: zp ZP_BYTE:3 [ main::j#2 main::j#1 ] 25.67: zp ZP_SBYTE:2 [ main::i#2 main::i#1 ]
Uplift Scope []
Uplifting [main] best 495 combination reg byte x [ main::j#2 main::j#1 ] zp ZP_SBYTE:2 [ main::i#2 main::i#1 ]
Uplifting [] best 495 combination
Removing instruction jmp b1
Removing instruction jmp bend
Removing instruction jmp b1
Removing instruction jmp breturn
Succesful ASM optimization Pass5NextJumpElimination
//SEG0 Basic Upstart
.pc = $801 "Basic"
.pc = $80d "Program"
//SEG1 Global Constants & labels
//SEG2 @begin
//SEG3 @1
//SEG4 [0] call main param-assignment [ ] ( )
//SEG5 [1] phi from @1 to main [phi:@1->main]
jsr main
//SEG6 @end
//SEG7 main
main: {
.const screen = $400
.label i = 2
//SEG8 [2] phi from main to main::@1 [phi:main->main::@1]
//SEG9 [2] phi (byte) main::j#2 = (byte) 0 [phi:main->main::@1#0] -- xby=coby1
ldx #0
//SEG10 [2] phi (signed byte) main::i#2 = -(byte) 127 [phi:main->main::@1#1] -- zpsby1=coby1
lda #-$7f
sta i
//SEG11 main::@1
//SEG12 [3] if((signed byte) main::i#2<(byte) 127) goto main::@2 [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ] ( main:0 [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ] ) -- zpsby1_lt_coby1_then_la1
lda i
sbc #$7f
bvc !+
eor #$80
bmi b2
//SEG13 main::@return
//SEG14 [4] return [ ] ( main:0 [ ] )
//SEG15 main::@2
//SEG16 [5] *((const byte[]) main::screen#0 + (byte) main::j#2) ← (signed byte) main::i#2 [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ] ( main:0 [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ] ) -- cowo1_derefidx_xby=zpsby1
lda i
sta screen,x
//SEG17 [6] (signed byte) main::i#1 ← ++ (signed byte) main::i#2 [ main::j#2 main::i#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::j#2 main::i#1 ] ) -- zpsby1=_inc_zpsby1
inc i
//SEG18 [7] (byte) main::j#1 ← ++ (byte) main::j#2 [ main::i#1 main::j#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::i#1 main::j#1 ] ) -- xby=_inc_xby
//SEG19 [2] phi from main::@2 to main::@1 [phi:main::@2->main::@1]
//SEG20 [2] phi (byte) main::j#2 = (byte) main::j#1 [phi:main::@2->main::@1#0] -- register_copy
//SEG21 [2] phi (signed byte) main::i#2 = (signed byte) main::i#1 [phi:main::@2->main::@1#1] -- register_copy
jmp b1
Removing instruction bbegin:
Removing instruction main_from_b1:
Succesful ASM optimization Pass5RedundantLabelElimination
//SEG0 Basic Upstart
.pc = $801 "Basic"
.pc = $80d "Program"
//SEG1 Global Constants & labels
//SEG2 @begin
//SEG3 @1
//SEG4 [0] call main param-assignment [ ] ( )
//SEG5 [1] phi from @1 to main [phi:@1->main]
jsr main
//SEG6 @end
//SEG7 main
main: {
.const screen = $400
.label i = 2
//SEG8 [2] phi from main to main::@1 [phi:main->main::@1]
//SEG9 [2] phi (byte) main::j#2 = (byte) 0 [phi:main->main::@1#0] -- xby=coby1
ldx #0
//SEG10 [2] phi (signed byte) main::i#2 = -(byte) 127 [phi:main->main::@1#1] -- zpsby1=coby1
lda #-$7f
sta i
//SEG11 main::@1
//SEG12 [3] if((signed byte) main::i#2<(byte) 127) goto main::@2 [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ] ( main:0 [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ] ) -- zpsby1_lt_coby1_then_la1
lda i
sbc #$7f
bvc !+
eor #$80
bmi b2
//SEG13 main::@return
//SEG14 [4] return [ ] ( main:0 [ ] )
//SEG15 main::@2
//SEG16 [5] *((const byte[]) main::screen#0 + (byte) main::j#2) ← (signed byte) main::i#2 [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ] ( main:0 [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ] ) -- cowo1_derefidx_xby=zpsby1
lda i
sta screen,x
//SEG17 [6] (signed byte) main::i#1 ← ++ (signed byte) main::i#2 [ main::j#2 main::i#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::j#2 main::i#1 ] ) -- zpsby1=_inc_zpsby1
inc i
//SEG18 [7] (byte) main::j#1 ← ++ (byte) main::j#2 [ main::i#1 main::j#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::i#1 main::j#1 ] ) -- xby=_inc_xby
//SEG19 [2] phi from main::@2 to main::@1 [phi:main::@2->main::@1]
//SEG20 [2] phi (byte) main::j#2 = (byte) main::j#1 [phi:main::@2->main::@1#0] -- register_copy
//SEG21 [2] phi (signed byte) main::i#2 = (signed byte) main::i#1 [phi:main::@2->main::@1#1] -- register_copy
jmp b1
Removing instruction b1:
Removing instruction bend:
Removing instruction b1_from_main:
Removing instruction breturn:
Removing instruction b1_from_b2:
Succesful ASM optimization Pass5UnusedLabelElimination
//SEG0 Basic Upstart
.pc = $801 "Basic"
.pc = $80d "Program"
//SEG1 Global Constants & labels
//SEG2 @begin
//SEG3 @1
//SEG4 [0] call main param-assignment [ ] ( )
//SEG5 [1] phi from @1 to main [phi:@1->main]
jsr main
//SEG6 @end
//SEG7 main
main: {
.const screen = $400
.label i = 2
//SEG8 [2] phi from main to main::@1 [phi:main->main::@1]
//SEG9 [2] phi (byte) main::j#2 = (byte) 0 [phi:main->main::@1#0] -- xby=coby1
ldx #0
//SEG10 [2] phi (signed byte) main::i#2 = -(byte) 127 [phi:main->main::@1#1] -- zpsby1=coby1
lda #-$7f
sta i
//SEG11 main::@1
//SEG12 [3] if((signed byte) main::i#2<(byte) 127) goto main::@2 [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ] ( main:0 [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ] ) -- zpsby1_lt_coby1_then_la1
lda i
sbc #$7f
bvc !+
eor #$80
bmi b2
//SEG13 main::@return
//SEG14 [4] return [ ] ( main:0 [ ] )
//SEG15 main::@2
//SEG16 [5] *((const byte[]) main::screen#0 + (byte) main::j#2) ← (signed byte) main::i#2 [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ] ( main:0 [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ] ) -- cowo1_derefidx_xby=zpsby1
lda i
sta screen,x
//SEG17 [6] (signed byte) main::i#1 ← ++ (signed byte) main::i#2 [ main::j#2 main::i#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::j#2 main::i#1 ] ) -- zpsby1=_inc_zpsby1
inc i
//SEG18 [7] (byte) main::j#1 ← ++ (byte) main::j#2 [ main::i#1 main::j#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::i#1 main::j#1 ] ) -- xby=_inc_xby
//SEG19 [2] phi from main::@2 to main::@1 [phi:main::@2->main::@1]
//SEG20 [2] phi (byte) main::j#2 = (byte) main::j#1 [phi:main::@2->main::@1#0] -- register_copy
//SEG21 [2] phi (signed byte) main::i#2 = (signed byte) main::i#1 [phi:main::@2->main::@1#1] -- register_copy
jmp b1
(label) @1
(label) @begin
(label) @end
(void()) main()
(label) main::@1
(label) main::@2
(label) main::@return
(signed byte) main::i
(signed byte) main::i#1 i zp ZP_SBYTE:2 11.0
(signed byte) main::i#2 i zp ZP_SBYTE:2 14.666666666666666
(byte) main::j
(byte) main::j#1 reg byte x 22.0
(byte) main::j#2 reg byte x 8.25
(byte[]) main::screen
(const byte[]) main::screen#0 screen = (word) 1024
zp ZP_SBYTE:2 [ main::i#2 main::i#1 ]
reg byte x [ main::j#2 main::j#1 ]
//SEG0 Basic Upstart
.pc = $801 "Basic"
.pc = $80d "Program"
//SEG1 Global Constants & labels
//SEG2 @begin
//SEG3 @1
//SEG4 [0] call main param-assignment [ ] ( )
//SEG5 [1] phi from @1 to main [phi:@1->main]
jsr main
//SEG6 @end
//SEG7 main
main: {
.const screen = $400
.label i = 2
//SEG8 [2] phi from main to main::@1 [phi:main->main::@1]
//SEG9 [2] phi (byte) main::j#2 = (byte) 0 [phi:main->main::@1#0] -- xby=coby1
ldx #0
//SEG10 [2] phi (signed byte) main::i#2 = -(byte) 127 [phi:main->main::@1#1] -- zpsby1=coby1
lda #-$7f
sta i
//SEG11 main::@1
//SEG12 [3] if((signed byte) main::i#2<(byte) 127) goto main::@2 [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ] ( main:0 [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ] ) -- zpsby1_lt_coby1_then_la1
lda i
sbc #$7f
bvc !+
eor #$80
bmi b2
//SEG13 main::@return
//SEG14 [4] return [ ] ( main:0 [ ] )
//SEG15 main::@2
//SEG16 [5] *((const byte[]) main::screen#0 + (byte) main::j#2) ← (signed byte) main::i#2 [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ] ( main:0 [ main::i#2 main::j#2 ] ) -- cowo1_derefidx_xby=zpsby1
lda i
sta screen,x
//SEG17 [6] (signed byte) main::i#1 ← ++ (signed byte) main::i#2 [ main::j#2 main::i#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::j#2 main::i#1 ] ) -- zpsby1=_inc_zpsby1
inc i
//SEG18 [7] (byte) main::j#1 ← ++ (byte) main::j#2 [ main::i#1 main::j#1 ] ( main:0 [ main::i#1 main::j#1 ] ) -- xby=_inc_xby
//SEG19 [2] phi from main::@2 to main::@1 [phi:main::@2->main::@1]
//SEG20 [2] phi (byte) main::j#2 = (byte) main::j#1 [phi:main::@2->main::@1#0] -- register_copy
//SEG21 [2] phi (signed byte) main::i#2 = (signed byte) main::i#1 [phi:main::@2->main::@1#1] -- register_copy
jmp b1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
(label) @1
(label) @begin
(label) @end
(void()) main()
(label) main::@1
(label) main::@2
(label) main::@return
(signed byte) main::i
(signed byte) main::i#1 i zp ZP_SBYTE:2 11.0
(signed byte) main::i#2 i zp ZP_SBYTE:2 14.666666666666666
(byte) main::j
(byte) main::j#1 reg byte x 22.0
(byte) main::j#2 reg byte x 8.25
(byte[]) main::screen
(const byte[]) main::screen#0 screen = (word) 1024
zp ZP_SBYTE:2 [ main::i#2 main::i#1 ]
reg byte x [ main::j#2 main::j#1 ]