diff --git a/src/main/java/dk/camelot64/kickc/model/Directive.java b/src/main/java/dk/camelot64/kickc/model/Directive.java
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..846caab3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/dk/camelot64/kickc/model/Directive.java
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+package dk.camelot64.kickc.model;
+import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.statements.StatementSource;
+import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.symbols.*;
+import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.types.SymbolType;
+import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.types.SymbolTypeArray;
+import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.types.SymbolTypePointer;
+import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.types.SymbolTypeStruct;
+import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.values.ScopeRef;
+import java.util.*;
+/** A declaration directive. */
+public interface Directive {
+ /**
+ * The parser directive context is used for determining which directives to apply to a variable.
+ * It keeps track of values for the #pragmas that control default directives for variables.
+ * Uses the following priority
+ *
+ * - If the directive is present in source - use that.
+ *
- If the register keyword present in source - Look in #pragma variables_register_implies for setting (register in #pragma variables_xxx does not trigger this)
+ *
- Look in #pragma variables_scope_type for setting (scope is global/local/parameter type is integer/pointer/array)
+ *
- Look in #pragma variables_type for setting (type is integer/pointer/array)
+ *
- Look in #pragma variables_scope for setting (scope is global/local/parameter)
+ *
- Look in #pragma variables_default for setting
+ *
- Use compiler default for the setting (__notconst __notregister _notalign __notvolatile __zp __initcode)
+ *
+ */
+ class ParserContext {
+ /** The different scopes deciding directive defaults. */
+ public enum DirectiveScope {
+ public static DirectiveScope getFor(SymbolVariable lValue, boolean isParameter) {
+ if(isParameter) {
+ return PARAMETER;
+ }
+ Scope scope = lValue.getScope();
+ return getFor(scope);
+ }
+ private static DirectiveScope getFor(Scope scope) {
+ if(ScopeRef.ROOT.equals(scope.getRef())) {
+ return GLOBAL;
+ } else if(scope instanceof Procedure) {
+ return LOCAL;
+ } else if(scope instanceof StructDefinition) {
+ } else if(scope instanceof BlockScope) {
+ return getFor(scope.getScope());
+ } else {
+ throw new InternalError("Scope type not handled " + scope);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /** The different types deciding directive defaults. */
+ public enum DirectiveType {
+ /**
+ * Get a directive type from a variable type.
+ *
+ * @param type The variable type
+ * @return The directive type
+ */
+ public static DirectiveType getFor(SymbolType type) {
+ if(SymbolType.isInteger(type)) {
+ return INTEGER;
+ } else if(SymbolType.BOOLEAN.equals(type)) {
+ return INTEGER;
+ } else if(SymbolType.STRING.equals(type)) {
+ return ARRAY;
+ } else if(type instanceof SymbolTypeArray) {
+ return ARRAY;
+ } else if(type instanceof SymbolTypePointer) {
+ return POINTER;
+ } else if(type instanceof SymbolTypeStruct) {
+ return STRUCT;
+ } else {
+ throw new InternalError("Variable type not handled " + type);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /** Combination of a scope and type deciding directive defaults. */
+ public static class DirectiveScopeType {
+ DirectiveScope directiveScope;
+ DirectiveType directiveType;
+ public DirectiveScopeType(DirectiveScope directiveScope, DirectiveType directiveType) {
+ this.directiveScope = directiveScope;
+ this.directiveType = directiveType;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean equals(Object o) {
+ if(this == o) return true;
+ if(o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
+ DirectiveScopeType that = (DirectiveScopeType) o;
+ return directiveScope == that.directiveScope &&
+ directiveType == that.directiveType;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int hashCode() {
+ return Objects.hash(directiveScope, directiveType);
+ }
+ }
+ /** Directives of a specific statement. Only non-null if this is a stored copy of the context for later resolution. */
+ List statementDirectives;
+ /** Directives implied by the 'register' keyword. */
+ List registerImpliesDirectives;
+ /** Default directives for a specific scope/type combination. */
+ Map> scopeTypeDirectives;
+ /** Default directives for a specific scope. */
+ Map> scopeDirectives;
+ /** Default directives for a specific type. */
+ Map> typeDirectives;
+ /** Default directives. */
+ List defaultDirectives;
+ public ParserContext() {
+ this.statementDirectives = null;
+ // Setup default directives
+ this.defaultDirectives = new ArrayList<>();
+ //this.defaultDirectives.add(new MemoryArea(SymbolVariable.MemoryArea.ZEROPAGE_MEMORY, null));
+ //this.defaultDirectives.add(new Register(true, null));
+ this.registerImpliesDirectives = new ArrayList<>();
+ this.typeDirectives = new HashMap<>();
+ //this.typeDirectives.put(DirectiveType.ARRAY, Arrays.asList(new MemoryArea(SymbolVariable.MemoryArea.MAIN_MEMORY, null), new Register(false, null)));
+ this.scopeDirectives = new HashMap<>();
+ this.scopeTypeDirectives = new HashMap<>();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Applies directives to a variable. Applies directives using the correct priority.
+ *
+ * @param lValue The variable to apply directives to
+ * @param sourceDirectives The directives found in the source code
+ * @param source The source line.
+ * @return
+ */
+ public void applyDirectives(SymbolVariable lValue, boolean isParameter, List sourceDirectives, StatementSource source) {
+ DirectiveType directiveType = DirectiveType.getFor(lValue.getType());
+ DirectiveScope directiveScope = DirectiveScope.getFor(lValue, isParameter);
+ Const constDirective = findDirective(Const.class, sourceDirectives, directiveScope, directiveType);
+ if(constDirective != null) {
+ lValue.setDeclaredConstant(true);
+ lValue.setStorageStrategy(SymbolVariable.StorageStrategy.CONSTANT);
+ if(!(lValue.getType() instanceof SymbolTypePointer))
+ lValue.setMemoryArea(SymbolVariable.MemoryArea.MAIN_MEMORY);
+ }
+ Volatile volatileDirective = findDirective(Volatile.class, sourceDirectives, directiveScope, directiveType);
+ if(volatileDirective != null) {
+ lValue.setDeclaredVolatile(true);
+ }
+ Export exportDirective = findDirective(Export.class, sourceDirectives, directiveScope, directiveType);
+ if(exportDirective != null) {
+ lValue.setDeclaredExport(true);
+ }
+ Align alignDirective = findDirective(Align.class, sourceDirectives, directiveScope, directiveType);
+ if(alignDirective != null) {
+ SymbolType type = lValue.getType();
+ if(type instanceof SymbolTypeArray || type.equals(SymbolType.STRING)) {
+ lValue.setDeclaredAlignment(alignDirective.alignment);
+ } else {
+ throw new CompileError("Error! Cannot align variable that is not a string or an array " + lValue.toString(), source);
+ }
+ }
+ MemoryArea memoryAreaDirective = findDirective(MemoryArea.class, sourceDirectives, directiveScope, directiveType);
+ if(memoryAreaDirective != null) {
+ lValue.setMemoryArea(memoryAreaDirective.memoryArea);
+ if(memoryAreaDirective.address != null) {
+ if(SymbolVariable.MemoryArea.ZEROPAGE_MEMORY.equals(memoryAreaDirective.memoryArea)) {
+ // Allocate to specific address
+ if(memoryAreaDirective.address > 255) {
+ throw new CompileError("Error! Address not on zeropage " + memoryAreaDirective.address, source);
+ }
+ Registers.Register register = new Registers.RegisterZpMem(memoryAreaDirective.address.intValue(), -1, true);
+ lValue.setDeclaredRegister(register);
+ } else {
+ lValue.setDeclaredMemoryAddress(memoryAreaDirective.address);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Register registerDirective = findDirective(Register.class, sourceDirectives, directiveScope, directiveType);
+ if(registerDirective != null) {
+ if(registerDirective.isRegister) {
+ lValue.setDeclaredAsRegister(true);
+ lValue.setStorageStrategy(SymbolVariable.StorageStrategy.PHI_MASTER);
+ if(registerDirective.name != null) {
+ // Ignore register directive without parameter (all variables are placed on ZP and attempted register uplift anyways)
+ Registers.Register register = Registers.getRegister(registerDirective.name);
+ if(register == null) {
+ throw new CompileError("Error! Unknown register " + registerDirective.name, source);
+ }
+ lValue.setDeclaredRegister(register);
+ }
+ } else {
+ lValue.setDeclaredNotRegister(true);
+ lValue.setStorageStrategy(SymbolVariable.StorageStrategy.LOAD_STORE);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private DirectiveClass findDirective(Class directiveClass, List sourceDirectives, DirectiveScope directiveScope, DirectiveType directiveType) {
+ // Look in source directives
+ {
+ DirectiveClass directive = findDirective(directiveClass, sourceDirectives);
+ if(directive != null) return directive;
+ }
+ /*
+ // Look in register implies - if register directive is present in source
+ if(isRegister(sourceDirectives)) {
+ // Look in source directives
+ DirectiveClass directive = findDirective(directiveClass, registerImpliesDirectives);
+ if(directive != null) return directive;
+ }
+ // Look in #pragma setting for scope/type combination
+ {
+ List directives = scopeTypeDirectives.get(new DirectiveScopeType(directiveScope, directiveType));
+ DirectiveClass directive = findDirective(directiveClass, directives);
+ if(directive != null) return directive;
+ }
+ // Look in #pragma setting for type
+ {
+ List directives = typeDirectives.get(directiveType);
+ DirectiveClass directive = findDirective(directiveClass, directives);
+ if(directive != null) return directive;
+ }
+ // Look in #pragma setting for scope
+ {
+ List directives = scopeDirectives.get(directiveScope);
+ DirectiveClass directive = findDirective(directiveClass, directives);
+ if(directive != null) return directive;
+ }
+ // Look in #pragma setting for default
+ {
+ DirectiveClass directive = findDirective(directiveClass, defaultDirectives);
+ if(directive != null) return directive;
+ }
+ */
+ // Not found!
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Determine if the register directive is present in the source directives.
+ *
+ * @param sourceDirectives The source directives
+ * @return true if the register keyword is present
+ */
+ private boolean isRegister(List sourceDirectives) {
+ Register registerDirective = findDirective(Register.class, sourceDirectives);
+ return registerDirective != null && registerDirective.isRegister;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Look for a specific directive type in a list of directives
+ *
+ * @param directiveClass The class of the type to look for
+ * @param directives The list of directives to search
+ * @param The class of the type to look for
+ * @return The directive if found. null if not found.
+ */
+ private DirectiveClass findDirective(Class directiveClass, List directives) {
+ if(directives == null) return null;
+ for(Directive directive : directives) {
+ if(directiveClass.isInstance(directive)) {
+ return (DirectiveClass) directive;
+ }
+ }
+ // Not found!
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ /** Variable declared constant. */
+ class Const implements Directive {
+ }
+ /** Function with specific declared calling convention. */
+ class CallingConvention implements Directive {
+ public Procedure.CallingConvension callingConvension;
+ public CallingConvention(Procedure.CallingConvension callingConvension) {
+ this.callingConvension = callingConvension;
+ }
+ }
+ /** Function declared inline. */
+ class Inline implements Directive {
+ }
+ /** Variable declared volatile. */
+ class Volatile implements Directive {
+ }
+ /** Variable declared as export. */
+ class Export implements Directive {
+ }
+ /** Function declared interrupt. */
+ class Interrupt implements Directive {
+ public Procedure.InterruptType interruptType;
+ public Interrupt(Procedure.InterruptType interruptType) {
+ this.interruptType = interruptType;
+ }
+ }
+ /** Variable memory alignment. */
+ class Align implements Directive {
+ int alignment;
+ public Align(int alignment) {
+ this.alignment = alignment;
+ }
+ }
+ /** Variable register or __notregister directive . */
+ class Register implements Directive {
+ /** true if the directive is a register directive. false if it is a notregister directive. */
+ boolean isRegister;
+ /** Name of register to use for the variable (if named) */
+ public String name;
+ public Register(boolean isRegister, String name) {
+ this.isRegister = isRegister;
+ this.name = name;
+ }
+ }
+ /** Variable memory area declaration. */
+ class MemoryArea implements Directive {
+ /** The memory area. */
+ SymbolVariable.MemoryArea memoryArea;
+ /** Optional hard-coded address to use for storing the variable. */
+ public Long address;
+ public MemoryArea(SymbolVariable.MemoryArea memoryArea, Long address) {
+ this.memoryArea = memoryArea;
+ this.address = address;
+ }
+ }
+ /** Reservation of zero-page addresses */
+ class ReserveZp implements Directive {
+ public List reservedZp;
+ public ReserveZp(List reservedZp) {
+ this.reservedZp = reservedZp;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dk/camelot64/kickc/passes/Pass0GenerateStatementSequence.java b/src/main/java/dk/camelot64/kickc/passes/Pass0GenerateStatementSequence.java
index 94601ff58..90a2b68aa 100644
--- a/src/main/java/dk/camelot64/kickc/passes/Pass0GenerateStatementSequence.java
+++ b/src/main/java/dk/camelot64/kickc/passes/Pass0GenerateStatementSequence.java
@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ public class Pass0GenerateStatementSequence extends KickCParserBaseVisitor scopeStack;
/** The memory area used by default for variables. */
private SymbolVariable.MemoryArea defaultMemoryArea;
+ /** Context used for adding directives to variables. */
+ private Directive.ParserContext directiveContext;
public Pass0GenerateStatementSequence(CParser cParser, KickCParser.FileContext fileCtx, Program program) {
this.cParser = cParser;
@@ -53,6 +55,7 @@ public class Pass0GenerateStatementSequence extends KickCParserBaseVisitor();
this.defaultMemoryArea = SymbolVariable.MemoryArea.ZEROPAGE_MEMORY;
+ this.directiveContext = new Directive.ParserContext();
@@ -265,7 +268,7 @@ public class Pass0GenerateStatementSequence extends KickCParserBaseVisitor directives = declVarDirectives;
Variable param = new Variable(ctx.NAME().getText(), getCurrentScope(), type, currentDataSegment, SymbolVariable.StorageStrategy.PHI_MASTER, defaultMemoryArea);
// Add directives
- addDirectives(param, type, directives, new StatementSource(ctx));
+ addDirectives(param, true, directives, new StatementSource(ctx));
return param;
@@ -620,7 +623,7 @@ public class Pass0GenerateStatementSequence extends KickCParserBaseVisitor directives, StatementSource source) {
- for(Directive directive : directives) {
- if(directive instanceof DirectiveConst) {
- lValue.setDeclaredConstant(true);
- lValue.setStorageStrategy(SymbolVariable.StorageStrategy.CONSTANT);
- if(!(lValue.getType() instanceof SymbolTypePointer))
- lValue.setMemoryArea(SymbolVariable.MemoryArea.MAIN_MEMORY);
- } else if(directive instanceof DirectiveVolatile) {
- lValue.setDeclaredVolatile(true);
- } else if(directive instanceof DirectiveExport) {
- lValue.setDeclaredExport(true);
- } else if(directive instanceof DirectiveAlign) {
- if(type instanceof SymbolTypeArray || type.equals(SymbolType.STRING)) {
- lValue.setDeclaredAlignment(((DirectiveAlign) directive).alignment);
- } else {
- throw new CompileError("Error! Cannot align variable that is not a string or an array " + lValue.toString(program), source);
- }
- } else if(directive instanceof DirectiveMemoryArea) {
- DirectiveMemoryArea directiveMemoryArea = (DirectiveMemoryArea) directive;
- lValue.setMemoryArea(directiveMemoryArea.memoryArea);
- if(directiveMemoryArea.address!=null) {
- if(SymbolVariable.MemoryArea.ZEROPAGE_MEMORY.equals(directiveMemoryArea.memoryArea)) {
- // Allocate to specific address
- if(directiveMemoryArea.address > 255) {
- throw new CompileError("Error! Address not on zeropage " + directiveMemoryArea.address, source);
- }
- Registers.Register register = new Registers.RegisterZpMem(directiveMemoryArea.address.intValue(), -1, true);
- lValue.setDeclaredRegister(register);
- } else {
- lValue.setDeclaredMemoryAddress(directiveMemoryArea.address);
- }
- }
- } else if(directive instanceof DirectiveRegister) {
- DirectiveRegister directiveRegister = (DirectiveRegister) directive;
- if(directiveRegister.isRegister) {
- lValue.setDeclaredAsRegister(true);
- lValue.setStorageStrategy(SymbolVariable.StorageStrategy.PHI_MASTER);
- if(directiveRegister.name != null) {
- // Ignore register directive without parameter (all variables are placed on ZP and attempted register uplift anyways)
- Registers.Register register = Registers.getRegister(directiveRegister.name);
- if(register == null) {
- throw new CompileError("Error! Unknown register " + directiveRegister.name, source);
- }
- lValue.setDeclaredRegister(register);
- }
- } else {
- lValue.setDeclaredNotRegister(true);
- lValue.setStorageStrategy(SymbolVariable.StorageStrategy.LOAD_STORE);
- }
- } else {
- throw new CompileError("Unsupported variable directive " + directive, source);
- }
- }
+ private void addDirectives(SymbolVariable lValue, boolean isParameter, List directives, StatementSource source) {
+ directiveContext.applyDirectives(lValue, isParameter, directives, source);
@@ -756,14 +708,14 @@ public class Pass0GenerateStatementSequence extends KickCParserBaseVisitor directives, StatementSource source) {
for(Directive directive : directives) {
- if(directive instanceof DirectiveInline) {
+ if(directive instanceof Directive.Inline) {
- } else if(directive instanceof DirectiveCallingConvention) {
- procedure.setCallingConvension(((DirectiveCallingConvention) directive).callingConvension);
- } else if(directive instanceof DirectiveInterrupt) {
- procedure.setInterruptType(((DirectiveInterrupt) directive).interruptType);
- } else if(directive instanceof DirectiveReserveZp) {
- procedure.setReservedZps(((DirectiveReserveZp) directive).reservedZp);
+ } else if(directive instanceof Directive.CallingConvention) {
+ procedure.setCallingConvension(((Directive.CallingConvention) directive).callingConvension);
+ } else if(directive instanceof Directive.Interrupt) {
+ procedure.setInterruptType(((Directive.Interrupt) directive).interruptType);
+ } else if(directive instanceof Directive.ReserveZp) {
+ procedure.setReservedZps(((Directive.ReserveZp) directive).reservedZp);
} else {
throw new CompileError("Unsupported function directive " + directive, source);
@@ -780,7 +732,7 @@ public class Pass0GenerateStatementSequence extends KickCParserBaseVisitor directives = getDirectives(directivesCtx);
for(Directive directive : directives) {
StatementSource source = new StatementSource(directivesCtx.get(0));
- if(directive instanceof DirectiveInline) {
+ if(directive instanceof Directive.Inline) {
} else {
throw new CompileError("Unsupported loop directive " + directive, source);
@@ -790,12 +742,12 @@ public class Pass0GenerateStatementSequence extends KickCParserBaseVisitor reservedZp;
- DirectiveReserveZp(List reservedZp) {
- this.reservedZp = reservedZp;
- }
- }
private static class PrePostModifierHandler extends KickCParserBaseVisitor {