package dk.camelot64.kickc.passes; import dk.camelot64.cpufamily6502.CpuClobber; import dk.camelot64.kickc.FileNameUtils; import dk.camelot64.kickc.NumberParser; import dk.camelot64.kickc.SourceLoader; import dk.camelot64.kickc.asm.AsmExportLibrary; import dk.camelot64.kickc.asm.AsmImportLibrary; import dk.camelot64.kickc.asm.AsmLibrary; import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.InternalError; import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.*; import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.operators.*; import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.statements.*; import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.symbols.*; import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.types.*; import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.values.*; import dk.camelot64.kickc.parser.CParser; import dk.camelot64.kickc.parser.KickCParser; import dk.camelot64.kickc.parser.KickCParserBaseVisitor; import dk.camelot64.kickc.passes.utils.SizeOfConstants; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.BufferedTokenStream; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ParserRuleContext; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.Token; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTree; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.TerminalNode; import; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; /** * Generates program SSA form by visiting the ANTLR4 parse tree */ public class Pass0GenerateStatementSequence extends KickCParserBaseVisitor { /** The C parser keeping track of C-files and lexers */ private final CParser cParser; /** The source ANTLR parse tree of the source file. */ private final KickCParser.FileContext fileCtx; /** The program containing all compile structures. */ private final Program program; /** Used to build the scopes of the source file. */ private final Stack scopeStack; /** All #pragma constructor_for() statements. Collected during parsing and handled by {@link #generate()} before returning. */ private final List pragmaConstructorFors; public Pass0GenerateStatementSequence(CParser cParser, KickCParser.FileContext fileCtx, Program program, Procedure.CallingConvention initialCallingConvention, StringEncoding defaultEncoding, String defaultInterruptType) { this.cParser = cParser; this.fileCtx = fileCtx; this.program = program; this.scopeStack = new Stack<>(); this.currentCallingConvention = initialCallingConvention; this.currentEncoding = defaultEncoding; this.pragmaConstructorFors = new ArrayList<>(); this.currentInterruptType = defaultInterruptType; scopeStack.push(program.getScope()); } private Scope getCurrentScope() { return scopeStack.peek(); } private Procedure getCurrentProcedure() { for(Scope scope : scopeStack) { if(scope instanceof Procedure) { return (Procedure) scope; } } return null; } /** * Get the current procedure compilation * * @return The current procedure compilation */ private ProcedureCompilation getCurrentProcedureCompilation() { final Procedure currentProcedure = getCurrentProcedure(); if(currentProcedure == null) return null; else return program.getProcedureCompilation(currentProcedure.getRef()); } /** * Add an intermediate variable to the current scope. *

* If the current scope is global the variable is added to the _init() scope. * * @return The new intermediate variable */ private Variable addIntermediateVar() { Scope currentScope = getCurrentScope(); if(currentScope == null || ScopeRef.ROOT.equals(currentScope.getRef())) { currentScope = getInitProc(); } return VariableBuilder.createIntermediate(currentScope, SymbolType.VAR, program); } /** * Add a statement to the current procedure. */ void addStatement(Statement statement) { ProcedureCompilation procedureCompilation = getCurrentProcedureCompilation(); if(procedureCompilation == null) { Procedure initProc = getInitProc(); procedureCompilation = program.getProcedureCompilation(initProc.getRef()); } final StatementSequence statementSequence = procedureCompilation.getStatementSequence(); statementSequence.addStatement(statement); } Statement getPreviousStatement() { ProcedureCompilation procedureCompilation = getCurrentProcedureCompilation(); if(procedureCompilation == null) { Procedure initProc = getInitProc(); procedureCompilation = program.getProcedureCompilation(initProc.getRef()); } final StatementSequence statementSequence = procedureCompilation.getStatementSequence(); List statements = statementSequence.getStatements(); if(statements.size() == 0) return null; else return statements.get(statements.size() - 1); } private Procedure getInitProc() { // Statement outside procedure declaration - put into the _init procedure Procedure initProc = program.getScope().getLocalProcedure(SymbolRef.INIT_PROC_NAME); if(initProc == null) { // Create the _init() procedure initProc = new Procedure(SymbolRef.INIT_PROC_NAME, new SymbolTypeProcedure(SymbolType.VOID, new ArrayList<>()), program.getScope(), Scope.SEGMENT_CODE_DEFAULT, Scope.SEGMENT_DATA_DEFAULT, Procedure.CallingConvention.PHI_CALL, Bank.COMMON); initProc.setDeclaredInline(true); initProc.setParameters(new ArrayList<>()); program.getScope().add(initProc); program.createProcedureCompilation(initProc.getRef()); program.getProcedureCompilation(initProc.getRef()).getStatementSequence().addStatement(new StatementProcedureBegin(initProc.getRef(), StatementSource.NONE, Comment.NO_COMMENTS)); } return initProc; } public void generate() { this.visit(fileCtx); // TODO: Handle all forward references here? // Handle #pragma constructor_for() List constructorProcs = new ArrayList<>(); for(KickCParser.PragmaContext pragmaConstructorFor : pragmaConstructorFors) { final List names = pragmaConstructorFor.pragmaParam(); if(names.size() < 2) throw new CompileError("#pragma constructor_for requires at least 2 parameters.", new StatementSource(pragmaConstructorFor)); final String constructorProcName = pragmaParamName(names.get(0)); final Procedure constructorProc = program.getScope().getLocalProcedure(constructorProcName); if(constructorProc == null) throw new CompileError("Constructor procedure not found " + constructorProcName, new StatementSource(pragmaConstructorFor)); if(!constructorProc.isAsmImportLibrary()) { // #820/41 - Only generate constructor_for when there is no import. for (int i = 1; i < names.size(); i++) { final String procName = pragmaParamName(names.get(i)); final Procedure proc = program.getScope().getLocalProcedure(procName); if (proc == null) throw new CompileError("Procedure not found " + procName, new StatementSource(pragmaConstructorFor)); if (program.getLog().isVerboseParse()) program.getLog().append("Added constructor procedure " + constructorProc.getRef().toString() + " to procedure " + proc.getRef().toString()); proc.getConstructorRefs().add(constructorProc.getRef()); } if (!constructorProcs.contains(constructorProc.getRef())) { constructorProcs.add(constructorProc.getRef()); // Add call to constructor procedure to the __init() procedure addStatement(new StatementCall(null, constructorProc.getLocalName(), new ArrayList<>(), new StatementSource(pragmaConstructorFor), Comment.NO_COMMENTS)); // Mark the constructor procedure constructorProc.setConstructor(true); // #820/41 - Export the constructor_for procedure(s) so that when imported, they are not generated. AsmExportLibrary asmExportLibrary = program.getAsmExportLibraries().get(program.getAsmLibraryName()); if(asmExportLibrary != null) { program.addAsmExportProcedure(asmExportLibrary, Procedure.CallingConvention.VAR_CALL, constructorProc.getLocalName()); constructorProc.setAsmExportLibrary(program.getAsmLibraryName()); } } } } // Finalize the _init() procedure - if present final ProcedureRef initProcedureRef = new ProcedureRef(SymbolRef.INIT_PROC_NAME); final ProcedureCompilation initCompilation = program.getProcedureCompilation(initProcedureRef); if(initCompilation != null) { final StatementSequence initSequence = initCompilation.getStatementSequence(); final Label initReturnLabel = program.getScope().getProcedure(initProcedureRef).addLabel(SymbolRef.PROCEXIT_BLOCK_NAME); initSequence.addStatement(new StatementLabel(initReturnLabel.getRef(), StatementSource.NONE, Comment.NO_COMMENTS)); initSequence.addStatement(new StatementReturn(null, StatementSource.NONE, Comment.NO_COMMENTS)); initSequence.addStatement(new StatementProcedureEnd(initProcedureRef, StatementSource.NONE, Comment.NO_COMMENTS)); } // Add the _start() procedure to the program { String startProcedureName = SymbolRef.START_PROC_NAME; if (program.getAsmLibraryName() != null) { startProcedureName = "__" + program.getAsmLibraryLabel() + "_start"; } program.setStartProcedure(new ProcedureRef(startProcedureName)); final Procedure startProcedure = new Procedure(program.getStartProcedureName(), new SymbolTypeProcedure(SymbolType.VOID, new ArrayList<>()), program.getScope(), Scope.SEGMENT_CODE_DEFAULT, Scope.SEGMENT_DATA_DEFAULT, Procedure.CallingConvention.PHI_CALL, Bank.COMMON); startProcedure.setParameters(new ArrayList<>()); program.getScope().add(startProcedure); final ProcedureCompilation startProcedureCompilation = program.createProcedureCompilation(startProcedure.getRef()); if(program.getAsmLibraryName() != null) { AsmExportLibrary asmExportLibrary = program.getAsmExportLibraries().get(program.getAsmLibraryName()); program.addAsmExportProcedure(asmExportLibrary, Procedure.CallingConvention.VAR_CALL, startProcedureName); startProcedure.setAsmExportLibrary(program.getAsmLibraryName()); } final StatementSequence startSequence = startProcedureCompilation.getStatementSequence(); startSequence.addStatement(new StatementProcedureBegin(startProcedure.getRef(), StatementSource.NONE, Comment.NO_COMMENTS)); if(initCompilation != null) startSequence.addStatement(new StatementCall(null, SymbolRef.INIT_PROC_NAME, new ArrayList<>(), StatementSource.NONE, Comment.NO_COMMENTS)); // Only check for a main function if the compilation is not for a library of .asm functions to be included during linkage. // Libraries are activated using the #pragma library( library_name ) option. if (program.getAsmLibraryName() == null) { // 820/17 - For each imported library, call the start procedure of the library. for(AsmLibrary importedLibrary: program.getAsmImportLibraries().values()) { String procedureStartName = "__" + importedLibrary.getAsmLibraryIdentifier() + "_start"; Procedure procedureStart = this.program.getScope().getProcedure(new ProcedureRef(procedureStartName)); if(procedureStart != null) { startSequence.addStatement(new StatementCall(null, procedureStartName, new ArrayList<>(), StatementSource.NONE, Comment.NO_COMMENTS)); } } final Procedure mainProc = program.getScope().getLocalProcedure(SymbolRef.MAIN_PROC_NAME); if (mainProc == null) throw new CompileError("Required main() not defined in program."); if (!SymbolType.VOID.equals(mainProc.getReturnType()) && !SymbolType.SWORD.equals(mainProc.getReturnType())) throw new CompileError("return of main() must be 'void' or of type 'int'.", mainProc.getDefinitionSource()); if (mainProc.getParameterNames().size() == 0) { startSequence.addStatement(new StatementCall(null, SymbolRef.MAIN_PROC_NAME, new ArrayList<>(), StatementSource.NONE, Comment.NO_COMMENTS)); } else if (mainProc.getParameterNames().size() == 2) { final List parameters = mainProc.getParameters(); final Variable argc = parameters.get(0); if (!SymbolType.SWORD.equals(argc.getType())) throw new CompileError("first parameter of main() must be of type 'int'.", mainProc.getDefinitionSource()); final Variable argv = parameters.get(1); if (!argv.getType().equals(new SymbolTypePointer(new SymbolTypePointer(SymbolType.BYTE)))) throw new CompileError("second parameter of main() must be of type 'char **'.", mainProc.getDefinitionSource()); final ArrayList params = new ArrayList<>(); params.add(new ConstantInteger(0L, SymbolType.SWORD)); params.add(new ConstantPointer(0L, new SymbolTypePointer(SymbolType.BYTE))); startSequence.addStatement(new StatementCall(null, SymbolRef.MAIN_PROC_NAME, params, StatementSource.NONE, Comment.NO_COMMENTS)); } else throw new CompileError("main() has wrong number of parameters. It must have zero or 2 parameters.", mainProc.getDefinitionSource()); } final Label startReturnLabel = startProcedure.addLabel(SymbolRef.PROCEXIT_BLOCK_NAME); startSequence.addStatement(new StatementLabel(startReturnLabel.getRef(), StatementSource.NONE, Comment.NO_COMMENTS)); startSequence.addStatement(new StatementReturn(null, StatementSource.NONE, Comment.NO_COMMENTS)); startSequence.addStatement(new StatementProcedureEnd(startProcedure.getRef(), StatementSource.NONE, Comment.NO_COMMENTS)); } } @Override public Void visitFile(KickCParser.FileContext ctx) { if(program.getMainFileComments() == null) { // Only set program file level comments for the first file. program.setMainFileComments(ensureUnusedComments(getCommentsFile(ctx))); } this.visit(ctx.declSeq()); return null; } @Override public Object visitPragma(KickCParser.PragmaContext ctx) { final String pragmaName = ctx.NAME().getText(); switch(pragmaName) { case CParser.PRAGMA_TARGET -> throw new InternalError("Error! #pragma target() should be handled in preprocessor!"); case CParser.PRAGMA_CPU -> { final String cpuName = pragmaParamName(pragmaParamSingle(ctx)); TargetCpu cpu = TargetCpu.getTargetCpu(cpuName, false); program.getTargetPlatform().setCpu(cpu); } case CParser.PRAGMA_VAR_MODEL -> { final List pragmaParams = ctx.pragmaParam(); List settings =; final VariableBuilderConfig config = VariableBuilderConfig.fromSettings(settings, new StatementSource(ctx)); config.setStructModelClassic(program.getTargetPlatform().getVariableBuilderConfig().isStructModelClassic()); program.getTargetPlatform().setVariableBuilderConfig(config); } case CParser.PRAGMA_STRUCT_MODEL -> { final String modelName = pragmaParamName(pragmaParamSingle(ctx)); if(modelName.equalsIgnoreCase("classic")) program.getTargetPlatform().getVariableBuilderConfig().setStructModelClassic(true); else if(modelName.equalsIgnoreCase("unwind")) program.getTargetPlatform().getVariableBuilderConfig().setStructModelClassic(true); else throw new CompileError("Unknown struct model " + modelName, new StatementSource(ctx)); } case CParser.PRAGMA_LINKSCRIPT -> { final String linkScriptName = pragmaParamString(pragmaParamSingle(ctx)); program.getLog().append("Loading link script \"" + linkScriptName + "\""); Path currentPath = cParser.getSourceFolderPath(ctx); final File linkScriptFile = SourceLoader.loadFile(linkScriptName, currentPath, program.getTargetPlatformPaths()); program.getTargetPlatform().setLinkScriptFile(linkScriptFile, false); } case CParser.PRAGMA_EXTENSION -> { String extension = pragmaParamString(pragmaParamSingle(ctx)); program.getTargetPlatform().setOutFileExtension(extension); program.getOutputFileManager().setBinaryExtension(extension); } case CParser.PRAGMA_EMULATOR -> { String emuName = pragmaParamString(pragmaParamSingle(ctx)); program.getTargetPlatform().setEmulatorCommand(emuName); } case CParser.PRAGMA_ENCODING -> { final String encodingName = pragmaParamName(pragmaParamSingle(ctx)); try { this.currentEncoding = StringEncoding.fromName(encodingName.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new CompileError("Unknown string encoding " + encodingName, new StatementSource(ctx)); } } case CParser.PRAGMA_CODE_SEG -> this.currentSegmentCode = pragmaParamName(pragmaParamSingle(ctx)); case CParser.PRAGMA_DATA_SEG -> this.currentSegmentData = pragmaParamName(pragmaParamSingle(ctx)); case CParser.PRAGMA_BANK -> { if(ctx.pragmaParam().size() != 2) throw new CompileError("#pragma expects two parameters!", new StatementSource(ctx)); try { final String pragmaBankArea = pragmaParamName(ctx.pragmaParam(0)); final Number pragmaBank = pragmaParamNumber(ctx.pragmaParam(1)); this.currentBank = new Bank(pragmaBankArea, pragmaBank.longValue()); } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new CompileError("Illegal bank parameter " + ctx.getText(), new StatementSource(ctx)); } } case CParser.PRAGMA_NOBANK -> this.currentBank = Bank.COMMON; // When the current segment is null, the procedure will not be declared as far. case CParser.PRAGMA_RESOURCE -> { String resourceFileName = pragmaParamString(pragmaParamSingle(ctx)); addResourceFile(ctx, resourceFileName); } case CParser.PRAGMA_START_ADDRESS -> { Number startAddress = pragmaParamNumber(pragmaParamSingle(ctx)); program.getTargetPlatform().setStartAddress(startAddress); } case CParser.PRAGMA_CALLING -> currentCallingConvention = pragmaParamCallingConvention(pragmaParamSingle(ctx)); case CParser.PRAGMA_INTERRUPT -> this.currentInterruptType = pragmaParamName(pragmaParamSingle(ctx)); case CParser.PRAGMA_ZP_RESERVE -> { List reservedZps = pragmaParamRanges(ctx.pragmaParam()); program.addReservedZps(reservedZps); } case CParser.PRAGMA_CONSTRUCTOR_FOR -> { this.pragmaConstructorFors.add(ctx); return null; } case CParser.PRAGMA_ASM_LIBRARY -> { // Defines that the result is an asm routine or capability library instead of a program. String asmLibraryName = null; boolean exportAll = true; if(ctx.pragmaParam().size() == 0) { StatementSource stmtSource = new StatementSource(ctx); Path filePath = Paths.get(stmtSource.getFileName()); String mainBase = program.getOutputFileManager().getOutputBaseName(); String stmtBase = filePath.getFileName().toString(); stmtBase = FileNameUtils.removeExtension(stmtBase); if(mainBase.equals(stmtBase)) { asmLibraryName = stmtBase; } } else if(ctx.pragmaParam().size() == 1) { asmLibraryName = pragmaParamString(pragmaParamSingle(ctx)); exportAll = false; } else { throw new CompileError("#pragma asm_library: too many parameters!", new StatementSource(ctx)); } if(asmLibraryName != null) { if(!program.hasAsmImportLibrary(asmLibraryName)) { program.setAsmLibraryName(asmLibraryName); program.addAsmExportLibrary(asmLibraryName, exportAll); // The scope of the program needs to have a reference to the name of the .asm library. // For use in AsmFormat! program.getScope().setAsmLibraryName(asmLibraryName); } } } case CParser.PRAGMA_ASM_EXPORT -> { // Defines that an C routine is exported into the asm_library. String asmExportLibraryName = program.getAsmLibraryName(); if(asmExportLibraryName != null) { // Only export the procedures when there is a library declared in the main program! // Otherwise ignore the asm_export #pragma. Procedure.CallingConvention callingConvention = currentCallingConvention; List procedures = pragmaParamAsmExportProcedures(ctx.pragmaParam()); AsmExportLibrary asmExportLibrary = program.addAsmExportLibrary(asmExportLibraryName, false); program.addAsmExportProcedures(asmExportLibrary, currentCallingConvention, procedures); // TODO: #820/2 - Ensure that an export can be done with a calling convention tagged. // Versus the current currentCallingConvention implementation. //program.addAsmExportProcedures(asmExportLibrary, Procedure.CallingConvention.VAR_CALL, procedures); } } case CParser.PRAGMA_ASM_IMPORT -> { // Defines that an asm routine or capability library is imported into the program. String libraryName = pragmaParamString(pragmaParamFirst(ctx)); Procedure.CallingConvention callingConvention = pragmaParamCallingConvention(ctx.pragmaParam(1)); List procedures = pragmaParamAsmImportProcedures(ctx.pragmaParam()); AsmImportLibrary asmImportLibrary = program.addAsmImportLibrary(libraryName); program.addAsmImportProcedures(asmImportLibrary, callingConvention, procedures); } default -> program.getLog().append("Warning! Unknown #pragma " + pragmaName); } return null; } /** * Check that a #pragma has a parameter - and return that parameter * * @param ctx The #pragma * @return The single parameter */ private static KickCParser.PragmaParamContext pragmaParamFirst(KickCParser.PragmaContext ctx) { if(ctx.pragmaParam().size() < 1) throw new CompileError("#pragma expects minimum one parameter!", new StatementSource(ctx)); return ctx.pragmaParam().get(0); } /** * Check that a #pragma has a single parameter - and return that parameter * * @param ctx The #pragma * @return The single parameter */ private static KickCParser.PragmaParamContext pragmaParamSingle(KickCParser.PragmaContext ctx) { if(ctx.pragmaParam().size() != 1) throw new CompileError("#pragma expects a single parameter!", new StatementSource(ctx)); return ctx.pragmaParam().get(0); } /** * Parse a single NUMBER parameter of a #pragma * If the parameter is not a NUMBER the compiler will fail out * * @param paramCtx The parameter to parse * @return The number */ private static Number pragmaParamNumber(KickCParser.PragmaParamContext paramCtx) { if(!(paramCtx instanceof KickCParser.PragmaParamNumberContext)) throw new CompileError("Expected a NUMBER parameter. Found '" + paramCtx.getText() + "'.", new StatementSource(paramCtx.getParent())); final Number number = NumberParser.parseLiteral(((KickCParser.PragmaParamNumberContext) paramCtx).NUMBER().getText()); if(number == null) throw new CompileError("Expected a NUMBER parameter. Found '" + paramCtx.getText() + "'.", new StatementSource(paramCtx.getParent())); return number; } /** * Parse a single CALLINGCONVENTION parameter of a #pragma * If the parameter is not a CALLINGCONVENTION the compiler will fail out * * @param paramCtx The parameter to parse * @return The name */ private static Procedure.CallingConvention pragmaParamCallingConvention(KickCParser.PragmaParamContext paramCtx) { if(!(paramCtx instanceof KickCParser.PragmaParamCallingConventionContext)) throw new CompileError("Expected a CALLINGCONVENTION parameter. Found '" + paramCtx.getText() + "'.", new StatementSource(paramCtx.getParent())); final String callingConventionName = ((KickCParser.PragmaParamCallingConventionContext) paramCtx).CALLINGCONVENTION().getText(); final Procedure.CallingConvention callingConvention = Procedure.CallingConvention.getCallingConvention(callingConventionName); if(callingConvention == null) throw new CompileError("Expected a CALLINGCONVENTION parameter. Found '" + paramCtx.getText() + "'.", new StatementSource(paramCtx.getParent())); return callingConvention; } /** * Parse a single NAME parameter of a #pragma * If the parameter is not a NAME the compiler will fail out * * @param paramCtx The parameter to parse * @return The name */ private static String pragmaParamName(KickCParser.PragmaParamContext paramCtx) { if(!(paramCtx instanceof KickCParser.PragmaParamNameContext)) throw new CompileError("Expected a NAME parameter. Found '" + paramCtx.getText() + "'.", new StatementSource(paramCtx.getParent())); return ((KickCParser.PragmaParamNameContext) paramCtx).NAME().getText(); } /** * Parse a single STRING parameter of a #pragma * If the parameter is not a STRING the compiler will fail out * * @param paramCtx The parameter to parse * @return The string */ private static String pragmaParamString(KickCParser.PragmaParamContext paramCtx) { if(!(paramCtx instanceof KickCParser.PragmaParamStringContext)) throw new CompileError("Expected a STRING parameter. Found '" + paramCtx.getText() + "'.", new StatementSource(paramCtx.getParent())); final String stringLiteral = ((KickCParser.PragmaParamStringContext) paramCtx).STRING().getText(); return stringLiteral.substring(1, stringLiteral.length() - 1); } /** * Find a reserved ZP-addresses from a list of pragma parameters (consisting of numbers and number ranges). * * @param reserveParams The params * @return The list of reserved zeropage addresses */ private List pragmaParamRanges(List reserveParams) { List reservedZps = new ArrayList<>(); for(KickCParser.PragmaParamContext reserveCtx : reserveParams) { if(reserveCtx instanceof KickCParser.PragmaParamNumberContext) { final TerminalNode number = ((KickCParser.PragmaParamNumberContext) reserveCtx).NUMBER(); // Only a single reserved address Number reservedZp = NumberParser.parseLiteral(number.getText()); reservedZps.add(reservedZp.intValue()); } else if(reserveCtx instanceof KickCParser.PragmaParamRangeContext) { final TerminalNode rangeStart = ((KickCParser.PragmaParamRangeContext) reserveCtx).NUMBER(0); final TerminalNode rangeEnd = ((KickCParser.PragmaParamRangeContext) reserveCtx).NUMBER(1); // A range of reserved addresses Number startZp = NumberParser.parseLiteral(rangeStart.getText()); Number endZp = NumberParser.parseLiteral(rangeEnd.getText()); int zp = startZp.intValue(); while(zp <= endZp.intValue()) { reservedZps.add(zp); zp++; } } else { throw new CompileError("Expected a NUMBER or RANGE parameter. Found '" + reserveCtx.getText() + "'.", new StatementSource(reserveCtx.getParent())); } } return reservedZps; } /** * Parse all the function names from the library import function list, delimited by comma. * * @param libraryFunctionParams The library function params * @return The list of parsed function parameters */ private List pragmaParamAsmImportProcedures(List libraryParams) { List procedures = new ArrayList<>(); for(KickCParser.PragmaParamContext reserveCtx : libraryParams.subList(2, libraryParams.size())) { if(reserveCtx instanceof KickCParser.PragmaParamNameContext) { final TerminalNode name = ((KickCParser.PragmaParamNameContext) reserveCtx).NAME(); // Only a single reserved address String procedureName = name.getText(); procedures.add(procedureName); } else { throw new CompileError("Expected a NAME parameter. Found '" + reserveCtx.getText() + "'.", new StatementSource(reserveCtx.getParent())); } } return procedures; } /** * Parse all the function names from the library export function list, delimited by comma. * * @param libraryParams The library function params * @return The list of parsed function parameters */ private List pragmaParamAsmExportProcedures(List libraryParams) { List procedures = new ArrayList<>(); for(KickCParser.PragmaParamContext reserveCtx : libraryParams.subList(0, libraryParams.size())) { if(reserveCtx instanceof KickCParser.PragmaParamNameContext) { final TerminalNode name = ((KickCParser.PragmaParamNameContext) reserveCtx).NAME(); // Only a single reserved address String procedureName = name.getText(); procedures.add(procedureName); } else { throw new CompileError("Expected a NAME parameter. Found '" + reserveCtx.getText() + "'.", new StatementSource(reserveCtx.getParent())); } } return procedures; } /** The current calling convention for procedures. */ private Procedure.CallingConvention currentCallingConvention; /** The current code segment. */ private String currentSegmentCode = Scope.SEGMENT_CODE_DEFAULT; /** The current data segment. */ private String currentSegmentData = Scope.SEGMENT_DATA_DEFAULT; /** The current far segment. If null, the sequent procedures won't be banked. */ private Bank currentBank = Bank.COMMON; /** The current default interrupt type. */ private String currentInterruptType; @Override public Object visitDeclFunction(KickCParser.DeclFunctionContext ctx) { this.visit(ctx.declType()); this.visit(ctx.declarator()); String procedureName = varDecl.getVarName(); Procedure procDeclared = (Procedure)program.getScope().getSymbol(new SymbolRef(procedureName)); AsmImportLibrary asmImport = this.program.getProcedureAsmImportLibrary(procedureName); // We skip the procedure definition if: // - it is already defined in an asm library. // - it is declared as extern. if(asmImport == null && (procDeclared == null || !procDeclared.isDeclaredExtern())) { // Declare & define the procedure Procedure procedure = declareProcedure(true, ctx, StatementSource.procedureDecl(ctx)); varDecl.exitType(); // enter the procedure scopeStack.push(procedure); /** Copied to solve Issue #820 - the preparation of the return block */ Variable returnVar = procedure.getLocalVar("return"); // Add the body addStatement(new StatementProcedureBegin(procedure.getRef(), StatementSource.procedureBegin(ctx), Comment.NO_COMMENTS)); Label procExit = procedure.addLabel(SymbolRef.PROCEXIT_BLOCK_NAME); if (ctx.stmtSeq() != null) { this.visit(ctx.stmtSeq()); } addStatement(new StatementLabel(procExit.getRef(), StatementSource.procedureEnd(ctx), Comment.NO_COMMENTS)); if (Procedure.CallingConvention.PHI_CALL.equals(procedure.getCallingConvention()) && returnVar != null && returnVar.isKindPhiMaster()) { addStatement(new StatementAssignment(returnVar.getVariableRef(), returnVar.getRef(), false, StatementSource.procedureEnd(ctx), Comment.NO_COMMENTS)); } SymbolVariableRef returnVarRef = null; if (returnVar != null) { returnVarRef = returnVar.getRef(); } addStatement(new StatementReturn(returnVarRef, StatementSource.procedureEnd(ctx), Comment.NO_COMMENTS)); addStatement(new StatementProcedureEnd(procedure.getRef(), StatementSource.procedureEnd(ctx), Comment.NO_COMMENTS)); // exit the procedure scopeStack.pop(); } return null; } /** * Declare a procedure (either as part of a forward declaration or as part of a definition.) * Finds the name, type and parameters in the varDecl. * If the procedure is already declared then it is checked that the current declaration matches the existing one - and the existing one is returned. * * @param defineProcedure If true the procedure parameter and return variables will also be defined * @param ctx The parser context (used to find any comments.) * @param statementSource The statements source (used when producing errors. * @return The declared procedure. */ private Procedure declareProcedure(boolean defineProcedure, ParserRuleContext ctx, StatementSource statementSource) { Procedure procedure = new Procedure(varDecl.getVarName(), (SymbolTypeProcedure) varDecl.getEffectiveType(), program.getScope(), currentSegmentCode, currentSegmentData, currentCallingConvention, currentBank); addDirectives(procedure, varDecl.getDeclDirectives()); // Check if the declaration matches any existing declaration! final Symbol existingSymbol = program.getScope().getSymbol(procedure.getRef()); if(existingSymbol != null) { // Already declared - check equality if(!(existingSymbol instanceof Procedure) || !SymbolTypeConversion.procedureDeclarationMatch((Procedure) existingSymbol, procedure)) throw new CompileError("Conflicting declarations for procedure: " + procedure.getFullName(), statementSource); if(defineProcedure) { // Check that the procedure is not already defined Procedure existingProcedure = (Procedure) existingSymbol; if(existingProcedure.isDeclaredIntrinsic()) throw new CompileError("Redefinition of procedure: " + procedure.getFullName(), statementSource); final StatementSequence statementSequence = program.getProcedureCompilation(existingProcedure.getRef()).getStatementSequence(); if(statementSequence != null && statementSequence.getStatements().size() > 0) throw new CompileError("Redefinition of procedure " + procedure.getFullName(), statementSource); } procedure = (Procedure) existingSymbol; } else { AsmImportLibrary asmImportLibrary = this.program.getProcedureAsmImportLibrary(procedure.getFullName()); if(asmImportLibrary != null) this.program.setProcedureAsAsmImport(procedure, asmImportLibrary); program.getScope().add(procedure); program.createProcedureCompilation(procedure.getRef()); } /** * If the procedure was define before the actual Library Import was used, * then the defined procedure must be removed, and only the declaration must be kept. */ // if(procedure.isDeclaredExtern() && !defineProcedure) { if(procedure.isDeclaredExtern() && !defineProcedure && existingSymbol == null) { /** This is an almost exact copy of a procedure definition. * When a procedure is defined external, the required control blocks are to be allocated * for the procedure parameters and return value for the sequent steps in the compiler to work. * However, during assembler generation, an externally defined procedure is completely ignored from being generated. * In this way, without too much impact on the compiler design, external functions could be implemented. * * The code is copied and reworked from (Search for #820): * - Issue #820 TAG A - the preparation of the parameters and the entry block. * - Issue #820 TAG B - the preparation of the return block. * */ // Make sure comments, directives and source are from the definition addDirectives(procedure, varDecl.getDeclDirectives()); procedure.setComments(ensureUnusedComments(getCommentsSymbol(ctx))); procedure.setDefinitionSource(statementSource); // enter the procedure scopeStack.push(procedure); // Add parameter variables... boolean variableLengthParameterList = false; List parameterList = new ArrayList<>(); for (ParameterDecl parameter : varDecl.parameters) { // Handle variable length parameter lists if (SymbolType.PARAM_LIST.equals(parameter.type)) { procedure.setVariableLengthParameterList(true); variableLengthParameterList = true; continue; } else if (variableLengthParameterList) throw new CompileError("Variable length parameter list is only legal as the last parameter.", statementSource); // Handle stray void parameters (Any single void parameter was removed by the type parser) if (SymbolType.VOID.equals(parameter.type)) throw new CompileError("Illegal void parameter.", statementSource); // Handle parameters without a name in the declaration if ( == null) throw new CompileError("Illegal unnamed parameter.", statementSource); VariableBuilder varBuilder = new VariableBuilder(, getCurrentScope(), true, false, parameter.type, parameter.directives, currentSegmentData, program.getTargetPlatform().getVariableBuilderConfig(), program); final Variable paramVar =; parameterList.add(paramVar); } procedure.setParameters(parameterList); procedure.setSegmentData(currentSegmentData); // When a procedure is defined, the currentDataSegment is to be set. procedure.setSegmentCode(currentSegmentCode); // When a procedure is defined, the currentSegmentCode is to be set. if(procedure.getBank() == null && currentBank != null) { procedure.setBank(currentBank); // When a procedure is defined, the currentBank is to be set, or far calls won't work. } // Add return variable if(!SymbolType.VOID.equals(procedure.getReturnType())) { final VariableBuilder builder = new VariableBuilder("return", procedure, false, false, procedure.getReturnType(), varDecl.getDeclDirectives(), currentSegmentData, program.getTargetPlatform().getVariableBuilderConfig(), program);; } Variable returnVar = procedure.getLocalVar("return"); // Add the body addStatement(new StatementProcedureBegin(procedure.getRef(), statementSource, Comment.NO_COMMENTS)); Label procExit = procedure.addLabel(SymbolRef.PROCEXIT_BLOCK_NAME); // Variable tmpVar = addIntermediateVar(); // RValue rValue = tmpVar.getRef(); // returnVar = procedure.getLocalVariable("return"); // // addStatement(new StatementAssignment((LValue) returnVar.getRef(), rValue, false, statementSource, null)); // Label returnLabel = procedure.getLocalLabel(SymbolRef.PROCEXIT_BLOCK_NAME); // addStatement(new StatementJump(returnLabel.getRef(), new StatementSource(ctx), ensureUnusedComments(getCommentsSymbol(ctx)))); addStatement(new StatementLabel(procExit.getRef(), statementSource, Comment.NO_COMMENTS)); if(Procedure.CallingConvention.PHI_CALL.equals(procedure.getCallingConvention()) && returnVar != null && returnVar.isKindPhiMaster()) { addStatement(new StatementAssignment(returnVar.getVariableRef(), returnVar.getRef(), false, statementSource, Comment.NO_COMMENTS)); } SymbolVariableRef returnVarRef = null; if(returnVar != null) { returnVarRef = returnVar.getRef(); returnVar.setDeclarationOnly(false); // The procedure is defined as extern and this property is interited by the variable. // program.getScope().add(tmpVar); //tmpVar.setDeclarationOnly(false); // Same for the temporary return value. } addStatement(new StatementReturn(returnVarRef, statementSource, Comment.NO_COMMENTS)); addStatement(new StatementProcedureEnd(procedure.getRef(), statementSource, Comment.NO_COMMENTS)); scopeStack.pop(); } /** Copied to solve Issue #820 TAG A */ if(defineProcedure && !procedure.isDeclaredExtern()) { // Make sure comments, directives and source are from the definition addDirectives(procedure, varDecl.getDeclDirectives()); procedure.setComments(ensureUnusedComments(getCommentsSymbol(ctx))); procedure.setDefinitionSource(statementSource); // Export the procedure to an .asm export library when either the source is flagged as a library // and/or specific procedures are flagged as a library. // TODO: remove the library dependency and rework to one routine call. AsmExportLibrary asmExport = this.program.getAsmExportLibraryFromSymbol(procedure); if(asmExport != null) { if(!program.isProcedureAsmExport(procedure.getFullName()) && asmExport.isExportAll()) { program.addAsmExportProcedure(asmExport, currentCallingConvention, procedure.getFullName()); } this.program.setProcedureAsAsmExport(procedure, asmExport); } // enter the procedure scopeStack.push(procedure); // Add parameter variables... boolean variableLengthParameterList = false; List parameterList = new ArrayList<>(); for(ParameterDecl parameter : varDecl.parameters) { // Handle variable length parameter lists if(SymbolType.PARAM_LIST.equals(parameter.type)) { procedure.setVariableLengthParameterList(true); variableLengthParameterList = true; continue; } else if(variableLengthParameterList) throw new CompileError("Variable length parameter list is only legal as the last parameter.", statementSource); // Handle stray void parameters (Any single void parameter was removed by the type parser) if(SymbolType.VOID.equals(parameter.type)) throw new CompileError("Illegal void parameter.", statementSource); // Handle parameters without a name in the declaration if( == null) throw new CompileError("Illegal unnamed parameter.", statementSource); VariableBuilder varBuilder = new VariableBuilder(, getCurrentScope(), true, false, parameter.type, null, currentSegmentData, program.getTargetPlatform().getVariableBuilderConfig(), program); final Variable paramVar =; parameterList.add(paramVar); } procedure.setParameters(parameterList); procedure.setSegmentData(currentSegmentData); procedure.setSegmentCode(currentSegmentCode); if(procedure.getBank().isCommon()) { procedure.setBank(currentBank); } // Add return variable if(!SymbolType.VOID.equals(procedure.getReturnType())) { final VariableBuilder builder = new VariableBuilder("return", procedure, false, false, procedure.getReturnType(), varDecl.getDeclDirectives(), currentSegmentData, program.getTargetPlatform().getVariableBuilderConfig(), program);; } // exit the procedure scopeStack.pop(); } return procedure; } @Override public Object visitParameterDeclTypeDeclarator(KickCParser.ParameterDeclTypeDeclaratorContext ctx) { this.visit(ctx.declType()); this.visit(ctx.declarator()); ParameterDecl paramDecl = new ParameterDecl(varDecl.getVarName(), varDecl.getEffectiveType(), varDecl.getDeclDirectives()); varDecl.exitType(); return paramDecl; } @Override public Object visitParameterDeclTypeName(KickCParser.ParameterDeclTypeNameContext ctx) { SymbolType paramType = (SymbolType) this.visit(ctx.typeName()); return new ParameterDecl(null, paramType, null); } @Override public Object visitParameterDeclList(KickCParser.ParameterDeclListContext ctx) { return new ParameterDecl(null, SymbolType.PARAM_LIST, null); } @Override public Object visitStmtDeclKasm(KickCParser.StmtDeclKasmContext ctx) { final KickAsm kickAsm = (KickAsm) this.visit(ctx.kasmContent()); StatementKickAsm statementKickAsm = new StatementKickAsm(kickAsm.kickAsmCode, kickAsm.bytes, kickAsm.cycles, kickAsm.uses, kickAsm.declaredClobber, StatementSource.kickAsm(ctx.kasmContent()), ensureUnusedComments(getCommentsSymbol(ctx))); addStatement(statementKickAsm); return statementKickAsm; } /** Inline KickAssembler (can be either inline code or inline data initialization). */ static class KickAsm { /** KickAssembler code. */ private final String kickAsmCode; /** Variables/constants used by the kickasm code. */ private final List uses; /** The number of bytes generated by the kick-assembler code. */ private RValue bytes; /** The number of cycles used by the generated kick-assembler code. */ private RValue cycles; /** Declared clobber for the inline kick-assembler . */ private CpuClobber declaredClobber; public KickAsm(String kickAsmCode) { this.kickAsmCode = kickAsmCode; this.uses = new ArrayList<>(); } } @Override public Object visitKasmContent(KickCParser.KasmContentContext ctx) { String kasmBody = ctx.KICKASM_BODY().getText(); Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\{\\{[\\s]*(.*)[\\s]*\\}\\}", Pattern.DOTALL); Matcher m = p.matcher(kasmBody); if(m.find()) { String kickAsmCode ="\r", ""); KickAsm kickAsm = new KickAsm(kickAsmCode); if(ctx.asmDirectives() != null) { List asmDirectives = this.visitAsmDirectives(ctx.asmDirectives()); for(AsmDirective asmDirective : asmDirectives) { if(asmDirective instanceof AsmDirectiveBytes) { kickAsm.bytes = ((AsmDirectiveBytes) asmDirective).getBytes(); } else if(asmDirective instanceof AsmDirectiveCycles) { kickAsm.cycles = ((AsmDirectiveCycles) asmDirective).getCycles(); } else if(asmDirective instanceof AsmDirectiveUses) { kickAsm.uses.add(((AsmDirectiveUses) asmDirective).getUses()); } else if(asmDirective instanceof AsmDirectiveClobber) { kickAsm.declaredClobber = ((AsmDirectiveClobber) asmDirective).getClobber(); } else { throw new CompileError("kickasm does not support directive " + asmDirective, StatementSource.kickAsm(ctx)); } } } return kickAsm; } return null; } private interface AsmDirective { } @Override public List visitAsmDirectives(KickCParser.AsmDirectivesContext ctx) { ArrayList asmDirectives = new ArrayList<>(); List params = ctx.asmDirective(); for(KickCParser.AsmDirectiveContext param : params) { AsmDirective directive = (AsmDirective) visit(param); if(directive != null) { asmDirectives.add(directive); } } return asmDirectives; } /** KickAssembler directive specifying a constant used by the kickasm code. */ public static class AsmDirectiveUses implements AsmDirective { /** constant/variable used by the KickAssembler-code. */ private SymbolRef uses; public SymbolRef getUses() { return uses; } AsmDirectiveUses(SymbolRef uses) { this.uses = uses; } public void setUses(SymbolRef uses) { this.uses = uses; } @Override public String toString() { return "uses"; } } @Override public Object visitAsmDirectiveName(KickCParser.AsmDirectiveNameContext ctx) { if("uses".equals(ctx.NAME(0).getText())) { String varName = ctx.NAME(1).getText(); SymbolRef variableRef; Symbol symbol = getCurrentScope().findSymbol(varName); if(symbol != null) { //Found an existing variable variableRef = symbol.getRef(); } else { // Either forward reference or a non-existing variable. Create a forward reference for later resolving. variableRef = new ForwardVariableRef(varName); } return new AsmDirectiveUses(variableRef); } throw new CompileError("Unknown ASM directive '"+ctx.NAME(0).getText()+"'", new StatementSource(ctx)); } /** KickAssembler directive specifying the number of bytes for generated code/data. */ public static class AsmDirectiveBytes implements AsmDirective { /** bytes for the KickAssembler-code. */ private final RValue bytes; AsmDirectiveBytes(RValue bytes) { this.bytes = bytes; } public RValue getBytes() { return bytes; } @Override public String toString() { return "bytes"; } } /** KickAssembler directive specifying the number of cycles for generated code/data. */ public static class AsmDirectiveCycles implements AsmDirective { /** cycles for the KickAssembler-code. */ private final RValue cycles; AsmDirectiveCycles(RValue cycles) { this.cycles = cycles; } public RValue getCycles() { return cycles; } @Override public String toString() { return "cycles"; } } @Override public Object visitAsmDirectiveExpr(KickCParser.AsmDirectiveExprContext ctx) { if("cycles".equals(ctx.NAME().getText())) { if(ctx.expr() != null) { RValue cycles = (RValue) this.visit(ctx.expr()); return new AsmDirectiveCycles(cycles); } } else if("bytes".equals(ctx.NAME().getText())) { if(ctx.expr() != null) { RValue bytes = (RValue) this.visit(ctx.expr()); return new AsmDirectiveBytes(bytes); } } throw new CompileError("Unknown ASM directive '"+ctx.NAME().getText()+"'", new StatementSource(ctx)); } /** ASM Directive specifying clobber registers. */ private static class AsmDirectiveClobber implements AsmDirective { private final CpuClobber clobber; AsmDirectiveClobber(CpuClobber clobber) { this.clobber = clobber; } public CpuClobber getClobber() { return clobber; } @Override public String toString() { return "clobbers"; } } @Override public Object visitAsmDirectiveString(KickCParser.AsmDirectiveStringContext ctx) { if("clobbers".equals(ctx.NAME().getText())) { String clobberString = ctx.STRING().getText().toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH); clobberString = clobberString.substring(1, clobberString.length() - 1); if(!clobberString.matches("[AXY]*")) { throw new CompileError("Illegal clobber value " + clobberString, new StatementSource(ctx)); } CpuClobber clobber = new CpuClobber(clobberString); return new AsmDirectiveClobber(clobber); } else if("resource".equals(ctx.NAME().getText())) { TerminalNode resource = ctx.STRING(); String resourceFileName = resource.getText(); resourceFileName = resourceFileName.substring(1, resourceFileName.length() - 1); addResourceFile(ctx, resourceFileName); return null; } throw new CompileError("Unknown ASM directive '"+ctx.NAME().getText()+"'", new StatementSource(ctx)); } /** * Add a resource to the program. * @param ctx The parser context used for finding the folder containing the current source line. * @param resourceFileName The file name of the resource file. */ private void addResourceFile(ParserRuleContext ctx, String resourceFileName) { Path currentPath = cParser.getSourceFolderPath(ctx); Path resourceFile = SourceLoader.loadFile(resourceFileName, currentPath, new ArrayList<>()).toPath(); if(resourceFile == null) throw new CompileError("File not found " + resourceFileName); if(!program.getAsmResourceFiles().contains(resourceFile)) program.addAsmResourceFile(resourceFile); if(program.getLog().isVerboseParse()) { program.getLog().append("Added resource " + resourceFile.toString().replace('\\', '/')); } } /** Information about a declared parameter. */ static class ParameterDecl { final public String name; final public SymbolType type; final public List directives; public ParameterDecl(String name, SymbolType type, List directives) { = name; this.type = type; this.directives = directives; } } /** * Holds type directives, comments etc. while parsing a variable or procedure declaration. * Has three levels of information pushed on top of each other: *

  1. Struct Member Declaration (true while inside inside a struct declaration)
  2. *
  3. Type information and directives (the type)
  4. *
  5. Information about parameters (for procedures)
  6. *

* When parsing a declaration such as volatile char a, * const b, c[] the type level holds volatile char * and the variable level holds the pointer/array-information and the const-declaration for b. */ static class VariableDeclaration { /** State specifying that we are currently populating struct members. */ private boolean structMember = false; /** Holds directives that are not part of the type-spec (all other than const & volatile) when descending into a Variable Declaration. (type level) */ private List declDirectives = null; /** Holds the declared comments when descending into a Variable Declaration. (type level) */ private List declComments = null; /** The declared type (type level) */ private SymbolType declType; /** The declared type (variable level) */ private SymbolType varDeclType; /** The variable name (variable level) */ private String varName; /** The declared parameters (if this is a procedure). */ private List parameters; /** * Exits the type layer (clears everything except struct information) */ void exitType() { this.declDirectives = null; this.declComments = null; this.declType = null; this.varDeclType = null; this.varName = null; this.parameters = new ArrayList<>(); } /** * Exits the variable layer (clears variable information) */ void exitVar() { this.varDeclType = null; this.varName = null; this.parameters = new ArrayList<>(); } SymbolType getEffectiveType() { if(this.varDeclType != null) return this.varDeclType; if(this.declType != null) return this.declType; return null; } /** * Set type-level directives. Splits directives into type-directives (const, volatile) and general directives (all other). * * @param directives The directives */ void setDeclDirectives(List directives) { this.declDirectives = new ArrayList<>(); for(Directive directive : directives) { if(directive instanceof Directive.Volatile) { // Type-qualifier directive volatile this.declType = this.declType.getQualified(true, this.declType.isNomodify()); } else if(directive instanceof Directive.Const) { // Type-qualifier directive const this.declType = this.declType.getQualified(this.declType.isVolatile(), true); } else if(directive instanceof Directive.AsmExportDirective) { // Type-qualifier directive volatile this.declDirectives.add(directive); this.declType = this.declType.getQualified(false, this.declType.isNomodify()); } else if(directive instanceof Directive.AsmImportDirective) { // Type-qualifier directive volatile this.declDirectives.add(directive); this.declType = this.declType.getQualified(false, this.declType.isNomodify()); } else { // variable directive if(!this.declDirectives.contains(directive)) this.declDirectives.add(directive); } } } private void setVarDeclTypeAndDirectives(SymbolType type, List typeDirectives) { for(Directive directive : typeDirectives) { if(directive instanceof Directive.Const) type = type.getQualified(type.isVolatile(), true); if(directive instanceof Directive.Volatile) type = type.getQualified(true, type.isNomodify()); } setVarDeclType(type); } public String getVarName() { return varName; } public void setVarName(String varName) { this.varName = varName; } List getDeclDirectives() { return declDirectives; } List getDeclComments() { return declComments; } boolean isStructMember() { return structMember; } public void setDeclType(SymbolType type) { this.declType = type; } void setVarDeclType(SymbolType varDeclType) { this.varDeclType = varDeclType; } void setDeclComments(List declComments) { this.declComments = declComments; } void setStructMember(boolean structMember) { this.structMember = structMember; } public void setParameters(List parameters) { this.parameters = parameters; } public List getParameters() { return parameters; } } /** The current variable declaration. This is not on the stack. */ private VariableDeclaration varDecl = new VariableDeclaration(); /** The stack of variable type / directive declarataions being handled. Pushed/popped when entering into a nested type declaration (eg. struct member or a cast inside an initializer) */ private final Deque varDeclStack = new LinkedList<>(); /** * Push the current type declaration handler onto the stack and initialize a new empty current type declaration handler. */ private void varDeclPush() { varDeclStack.push(varDecl); varDecl = new VariableDeclaration(); } /** * Discard the current type declaration handler and pop the last one fron the stack. */ private void varDeclPop() { this.varDecl = varDeclStack.pop(); } /** * Visit the type/directive part of a declaration. Setup the local decl-variables * * @param ctx The declaration type & directives * @return null */ @Override public Object visitDeclType(KickCParser.DeclTypeContext ctx) { varDecl.exitType(); visit(ctx.type()); varDecl.setDeclDirectives(getDirectives(ctx.directive())); varDecl.setDeclComments(getCommentsSymbol(ctx.getParent())); return null; } @Override public Object visitDeclVariables(KickCParser.DeclVariablesContext ctx) { this.visit(ctx.declType()); this.visit(ctx.declaratorInitList()); varDecl.exitType(); return null; } @Override public Object visitDeclaratorInitList(KickCParser.DeclaratorInitListContext ctx) { if(ctx.declaratorInitList() != null) this.visit(ctx.declaratorInitList()); this.visit(ctx.declaratorInit()); varDecl.exitVar(); return null; } @Override public Object visitDeclVariableInitExpr(KickCParser.DeclVariableInitExprContext ctx) { this.visit(ctx.declarator()); String varName = varDecl.getVarName(); KickCParser.ExprContext initializer = ctx.expr(); StatementSource declSource = new StatementSource((ParserRuleContext) ctx.parent.parent); try { final SymbolType effectiveType = varDecl.getEffectiveType(); if(effectiveType instanceof SymbolTypeProcedure) { // Declare the procedure boolean defineProcedure = varDecl.getDeclDirectives().stream().anyMatch(directive -> directive instanceof Directive.Intrinsic); declareProcedure(defineProcedure, ctx, declSource); varDecl.exitVar(); } else { final boolean isStructMember = varDecl.isStructMember(); final List effectiveDirectives = varDecl.getDeclDirectives(); final List declComments = varDecl.getDeclComments(); varDecl.exitVar(); VariableBuilder varBuilder = new VariableBuilder(varName, getCurrentScope(), false, false, effectiveType, effectiveDirectives, currentSegmentData, program.getTargetPlatform().getVariableBuilderConfig(), program); Variable variable =; if(isStructMember && (initializer != null)) throw new CompileError("Initializer not supported inside structs " + effectiveType.toCDecl(), declSource); if(variable.isDeclarationOnly()) { if(initializer != null) { throw new CompileError("Initializer not allowed for extern variables " + varName, declSource); } } else { // Create a proper initializer if(initializer != null) PrePostModifierHandler.addPreModifiers(this, initializer, declSource); RValue initValue = (initializer == null) ? null : (RValue) visit(initializer); initValue = Initializers.constantify(initValue, new Initializers.ValueTypeSpec(effectiveType), program, declSource); boolean isPermanent = ScopeRef.ROOT.equals(variable.getScope().getRef()) || variable.isPermanent(); if(variable.isKindConstant() || (isPermanent && variable.isKindLoadStore() && Variable.MemoryArea.MAIN_MEMORY.equals(variable.getMemoryArea()) && initValue instanceof ConstantValue && !isStructMember && variable.getRegister() == null)) { // Set initial value ConstantValue constInitValue = getConstInitValue(initValue, initializer, declSource); variable.setInitValue(constInitValue); // Add comments to constant variable.setComments(ensureUnusedComments(declComments)); } else if(!variable.isKindConstant() && !isStructMember) { // The previous assignment of an intermediate variable that can be modified instead of creating a new statement StatementLValue previousAssignment = null; if(initValue instanceof VariableRef initVarRef) { if(initVarRef.isIntermediate()) { Statement previousStatement = getPreviousStatement(); if(previousStatement instanceof StatementLValue && ((StatementLValue) previousStatement).getlValue().equals(initVarRef)) { previousAssignment = (StatementLValue) previousStatement; } } } Statement initStmt; if(previousAssignment != null) { previousAssignment.setlValue(variable.getVariableRef()); previousAssignment.setInitialAssignment(true); previousAssignment.setSource(declSource); initStmt = previousAssignment; } else { initStmt = new StatementAssignment(variable.getVariableRef(), initValue, true, declSource, Comment.NO_COMMENTS); addStatement(initStmt); } if(variable.getScope().getRef().equals(ScopeRef.ROOT)) { // Add comments to variable for global vars variable.setComments(ensureUnusedComments(declComments)); } else { // Add comments to statement for local vars initStmt.setComments(ensureUnusedComments(declComments)); } } if(initializer != null) PrePostModifierHandler.addPostModifiers(this, initializer, declSource); } } } catch(CompileError e) { throw new CompileError(e.getMessage(), declSource); } return null; } /** * Ensure that the initializer value is a constant. Fail if it is not * * @param initValue The initializer value (result from {@link Initializers#constantify(RValue, Initializers.ValueTypeSpec, Program, StatementSource)} * @param initializer The initializer * @param statementSource The source line * @return The constant initializer value */ private ConstantValue getConstInitValue(RValue initValue, KickCParser.ExprContext initializer, StatementSource statementSource) { if(initializer != null && PrePostModifierHandler.hasPrePostModifiers(this, initializer, statementSource)) { throw new CompileError("Constant value contains a pre/post-modifier.", statementSource); } if(initValue instanceof ForwardVariableRef) { throw new CompileError("Variable used before being defined " + initValue, statementSource); } if(!(initValue instanceof ConstantValue)) throw new CompileError("Initializer is not a constant value.", statementSource); return (ConstantValue) initValue; } @Override public Object visitDeclVariableInitKasm(KickCParser.DeclVariableInitKasmContext ctx) { this.visit(ctx.declarator()); String varName = varDecl.getVarName(); StatementSource statementSource = new StatementSource(ctx); SymbolType effectiveType = this.varDecl.getEffectiveType(); if(!(effectiveType instanceof SymbolTypePointer) || ((SymbolTypePointer) effectiveType).getArraySpec() == null) { throw new CompileError("KickAsm initializers only supported for arrays " + varDecl.getEffectiveType().toCDecl(), statementSource); } // Add KickAsm statement KickAsm kasm = (KickAsm) this.visit(ctx.kasmContent()); if(kasm.cycles != null) { throw new CompileError("KickAsm initializers does not support 'cycles' directive.", statementSource); } if(kasm.bytes != null) { throw new CompileError("KickAsm initializers does not support 'bytes' directive.", statementSource); } if(kasm.declaredClobber != null) { throw new CompileError("KickAsm initializers does not support 'clobbers' directive.", statementSource); } ConstantArrayKickAsm constantArrayKickAsm = new ConstantArrayKickAsm(((SymbolTypePointer) varDecl.getEffectiveType()).getElementType(), kasm.kickAsmCode, kasm.uses, ((SymbolTypePointer) effectiveType).getArraySpec().getArraySize()); // Add a constant variable Scope scope = getCurrentScope(); VariableBuilder varBuilder = new VariableBuilder(varName, scope, false, false, varDecl.getEffectiveType(), varDecl.getDeclDirectives(), currentSegmentData, program.getTargetPlatform().getVariableBuilderConfig(), program); Variable variable =; // Set constant value variable.setInitValue(getConstInitValue(constantArrayKickAsm, null, statementSource)); // Add comments to constant variable.setComments(ensureUnusedComments(varDecl.getDeclComments())); varDecl.exitVar(); return null; } /** * Find the directives in the parse tree * * @param directivesCtx The directives in the parse tree to examine * @return Objects representing the found directives */ private List getDirectives(List directivesCtx) { List directives = new ArrayList<>(); for(KickCParser.DirectiveContext directiveContext : directivesCtx) { directives.add((Directive) this.visit(directiveContext)); } return directives; } /** * Add declared directives to a procedure. * * @param procedure The procedure * @param directives The directives to add */ private void addDirectives(Procedure procedure, List directives) { for(Directive directive : directives) { if(directive instanceof Directive.Inline) { procedure.setDeclaredInline(true); procedure.setCallingConvention(Procedure.CallingConvention.PHI_CALL); } else if(directive instanceof Directive.Bank directiveBank) { Bank bank = new Bank(directiveBank.getBankArea(), directiveBank.getBankNumber()); procedure.setBank(bank); } else if(directive instanceof Directive.AsmImportDirective) { procedure.setAsmImportLibrary(((Directive.AsmImportDirective) directive).getAsmLibrary()); program.addAsmImportLibrary(((Directive.AsmImportDirective) directive).getAsmLibrary()); } else if(directive instanceof Directive.AsmExportDirective) { procedure.setAsmExportLibrary(((Directive.AsmExportDirective) directive).getAsmLibrary()); } else if(directive instanceof Directive.CallingConvention) { procedure.setCallingConvention(((Directive.CallingConvention) directive).callingConvention); } else if(directive instanceof Directive.Interrupt) { procedure.setInterruptType(((Directive.Interrupt) directive).interruptType); } else if(directive instanceof Directive.ReserveZp) { procedure.setReservedZps(((Directive.ReserveZp) directive).reservedZp); } else if(directive instanceof Directive.Intrinsic) { procedure.setDeclaredIntrinsic(true); } else if(directive instanceof Directive.Extern) { procedure.setDeclaredExtern(true); // TODO: check this ... //} else { // throw new CompileError("Unsupported function directive " + directive.getName(), source); } } } /** * Add declared directives to a conditional jump (as part of a loop). * * @param conditional The loop conditional * @param directivesCtx The directives to add */ private void addDirectives(StatementConditionalJump conditional, List directivesCtx) { List directives = getDirectives(directivesCtx); for(Directive directive : directives) { StatementSource source = new StatementSource(directivesCtx.get(0)); if(directive instanceof Directive.Inline) { conditional.setDeclaredUnroll(true); } else { throw new CompileError("Unsupported loop directive " + directive.getName(), source); } } } @Override public Directive visitDirectiveConst(KickCParser.DirectiveConstContext ctx) { return new Directive.Const(); } @Override public Object visitDirectiveInline(KickCParser.DirectiveInlineContext ctx) { return new Directive.Inline(); } @Override public Object visitDirectiveBank(KickCParser.DirectiveBankContext ctx) { String bankArea = ctx.NAME().getText(); Number bankNumber = NumberParser.parseLiteral(ctx.NUMBER().getText()); return new Directive.Bank(bankArea, bankNumber.longValue()); } @Override public Object visitDirectiveIntrinsic(KickCParser.DirectiveIntrinsicContext ctx) { return new Directive.Intrinsic(); } @Override public Object visitDirectiveInterrupt(KickCParser.DirectiveInterruptContext ctx) { String interruptType; if(ctx.getChildCount() > 1) { interruptType = ctx.getChild(2).getText().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); } else { interruptType = currentInterruptType; } return new Directive.Interrupt(interruptType); } public Object visitDirectiveAsmImport(KickCParser.DirectiveAsmImportContext ctx) { String asmImport = ctx.pragmaParam().getText().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); asmImport = asmImport.substring(1, asmImport.length() - 1); this.program.addAsmImportLibrary(asmImport); return new Directive.AsmImportDirective(asmImport); } public Object visitDirectiveAsmExport(KickCParser.DirectiveAsmExportContext ctx) { String asmExport = program.getAsmLibraryName(); // if(asmExport == null) { // throw new CompileError("__asm_export directive used before #pragma asm_library declaration.", new StatementSource(ctx)); // } return new Directive.AsmExportDirective(asmExport); } @Override public Directive visitDirectiveCallingConvention(KickCParser.DirectiveCallingConventionContext ctx) { Procedure.CallingConvention callingConvention = Procedure.CallingConvention.getCallingConvention(ctx.getText()); return new Directive.CallingConvention(callingConvention); } @Override public Directive visitDirectiveAlign(KickCParser.DirectiveAlignContext ctx) { Number alignment = NumberParser.parseLiteral(ctx.NUMBER().getText()); return new Directive.Align(alignment.intValue()); } @Override public Directive visitDirectiveRegister(KickCParser.DirectiveRegisterContext ctx) { String name = null; if(ctx.NAME() != null) { name = ctx.NAME().getText(); } if(name != null) return new Directive.NamedRegister(name); else return new Directive.Register(); } @Override public Directive visitDirectiveMemoryAreaZp(KickCParser.DirectiveMemoryAreaZpContext ctx) { if(ctx.NUMBER() != null) try { String zpText = ctx.NUMBER().getText(); Number zpNumber = NumberParser.parseLiteral(zpText); return new Directive.MemZp(zpNumber.intValue()); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { throw new CompileError(e.getMessage(), new StatementSource(ctx)); } else return new Directive.MemZp(); } @Override public Directive visitDirectiveMemoryAreaMain(KickCParser.DirectiveMemoryAreaMainContext ctx) { return new Directive.MemMain(); } @Override public Directive visitDirectiveMemoryAreaAddress(KickCParser.DirectiveMemoryAreaAddressContext ctx) { try { KickCParser.ExprContext initializer = ctx.expr(); RValue initValue = (initializer == null) ? null : (RValue) visit(initializer); StatementSource statementSource = new StatementSource(ctx); ConstantValue addressAsConstantValue = getConstInitValue(initValue, initializer, statementSource); ConstantLiteral literal = addressAsConstantValue.calculateLiteral(program.getScope()); if(literal instanceof ConstantInteger) { Long address = ((ConstantInteger) literal).getValue(); return new Directive.Address(addressAsConstantValue, address); } else { throw new CompileError("__address is not an integer :" + initValue.toString(program), new StatementSource(ctx)); } } catch(NumberFormatException e) { throw new CompileError(e.getMessage(), new StatementSource(ctx)); } } @Override public Directive visitDirectiveFormSsa(KickCParser.DirectiveFormSsaContext ctx) { return new Directive.FormSsa(); } @Override public Directive visitDirectiveFormMa(KickCParser.DirectiveFormMaContext ctx) { return new Directive.FormMa(); } @Override public Directive visitDirectiveVolatile(KickCParser.DirectiveVolatileContext ctx) { return new Directive.Volatile(); } @Override public Object visitDirectiveStatic(KickCParser.DirectiveStaticContext ctx) { return new Directive.Static(); } @Override public Object visitDirectiveExtern(KickCParser.DirectiveExternContext ctx) { return new Directive.Extern(); } @Override public Directive visitDirectiveExport(KickCParser.DirectiveExportContext ctx) { return new Directive.Export(); } @Override public Directive visitDirectiveReserveZp(KickCParser.DirectiveReserveZpContext ctx) { final List reserveParams = ctx.pragmaParam(); final List reservedZps = pragmaParamRanges(reserveParams); return new Directive.ReserveZp(reservedZps); } @Override public Void visitStmtSeq(KickCParser.StmtSeqContext ctx) { for(int i = 0; i < ctx.getChildCount(); i++) { this.visit(ctx.stmt(i)); } return null; } @Override public Void visitStmtBlock(KickCParser.StmtBlockContext ctx) { if(ctx.stmtSeq() != null) { BlockScope blockScope = getCurrentScope().addBlockScope(); scopeStack.push(blockScope); this.visit(ctx.stmtSeq()); scopeStack.pop(); } return null; } @Override public Void visitStmtExpr(KickCParser.StmtExprContext ctx) { PrePostModifierHandler.addPreModifiers(this, ctx.commaExpr(), new StatementSource(ctx)); beginNotConsumedTracking(); RValue exprVal = (RValue) this.visit(ctx.commaExpr()); if(notConsumed(exprVal)) { // Make a tmpVar to create the statement Variable tmpVar = addIntermediateVar(); List comments = ensureUnusedComments(getCommentsSymbol(ctx)); RValue rVal = exprVal; if(exprVal instanceof LValue) { rVal = copyLValue((LValue) exprVal); } addStatement(new StatementAssignment((LValue) tmpVar.getRef(), rVal, true, new StatementSource(ctx), comments)); } endNotConsumedTracking(); PrePostModifierHandler.addPostModifiers(this, ctx.commaExpr(), new StatementSource(ctx)); return null; } @Override public Void visitStmtIfElse(KickCParser.StmtIfElseContext ctx) { KickCParser.StmtContext ifStmt = ctx.stmt(0); KickCParser.StmtContext elseStmt = ctx.stmt(1); RValue rValue = addCondition(ctx.commaExpr(), StatementSource.ifThen(ctx)); List comments = ensureUnusedComments(getCommentsSymbol(ctx)); if(elseStmt == null) { // If without else - skip the entire section if condition not met SymbolVariableRef notExprVar = addIntermediateVar().getRef(); addStatement(new StatementAssignment((LValue) notExprVar, null, Operators.LOGIC_NOT, rValue, true, StatementSource.ifThen(ctx), comments)); Label endJumpLabel = getCurrentScope().addLabelIntermediate(); addStatement(new StatementConditionalJump(notExprVar, endJumpLabel.getRef(), StatementSource.ifThen(ctx), Comment.NO_COMMENTS)); this.visit(ifStmt); // No else statement - just add the label addStatement(new StatementLabel(endJumpLabel.getRef(), StatementSource.ifThen(ctx), Comment.NO_COMMENTS)); } else { // If with else - jump to if section if condition met - fall into else otherwise. Label ifJumpLabel = getCurrentScope().addLabelIntermediate(); addStatement(new StatementConditionalJump(rValue, ifJumpLabel.getRef(), StatementSource.ifThen(ctx), comments)); // Add else body this.visit(elseStmt); // There is an else statement - add the if part and any needed labels/jumps Label endJumpLabel = getCurrentScope().addLabelIntermediate(); addStatement(new StatementJump(endJumpLabel.getRef(), StatementSource.ifElse(ctx), Comment.NO_COMMENTS)); addStatement(new StatementLabel(ifJumpLabel.getRef(), StatementSource.ifThen(ctx), Comment.NO_COMMENTS)); this.visit(ifStmt); StatementLabel endJumpTarget = new StatementLabel(endJumpLabel.getRef(), StatementSource.ifThen(ctx), Comment.NO_COMMENTS); addStatement(endJumpTarget); } return null; } /** A loop being generated. */ static class Loop { /** The scope of the loop. */ Scope loopScope; /** The label after the loop that a break will jump to. Null if no break has been encountered. */ Label breakLabel; /** The label that a continue will jump to. Null if no continue has been encountered. */ Label continueLabel; /** true if the loop is a switch-statement. */ boolean isSwitch; Loop(Scope loopScope, boolean isSwitch) { this.loopScope = loopScope; this.isSwitch = isSwitch; } Label getBreakLabel() { return breakLabel; } Label getOrCreateBreakLabel() { if(breakLabel == null) { breakLabel = loopScope.addLabelIntermediate(); } return breakLabel; } Label getContinueLabel() { return continueLabel; } void setContinueLabel(Label continueLabel) { this.continueLabel = continueLabel; } Label getOrCreateContinueLabel() { if(continueLabel == null) { continueLabel = loopScope.addLabelIntermediate(); } return continueLabel; } } /** The loops being generated. */ private final Stack loopStack = new Stack<>(); @Override public Void visitStmtWhile(KickCParser.StmtWhileContext ctx) { // Create the block scope early - to keep all statements of the loop inside it BlockScope blockScope = getCurrentScope().addBlockScope(); scopeStack.push(blockScope); loopStack.push(new Loop(blockScope, false)); Label beginJumpLabel = getCurrentScope().addLabelIntermediate(); Label doJumpLabel = getCurrentScope().addLabelIntermediate(); Label endJumpLabel = getCurrentScope().addLabelIntermediate(); List comments = ensureUnusedComments(getCommentsSymbol(ctx)); StatementLabel beginJumpTarget = new StatementLabel(beginJumpLabel.getRef(), StatementSource.whileDo(ctx), comments); addStatement(beginJumpTarget); RValue rValue = addCondition(ctx.commaExpr(), StatementSource.whileDo(ctx)); StatementConditionalJump doJmpStmt = new StatementConditionalJump(rValue, doJumpLabel.getRef(), StatementSource.whileDo(ctx), Comment.NO_COMMENTS); addStatement(doJmpStmt); Statement endJmpStmt = new StatementJump(endJumpLabel.getRef(), StatementSource.whileDo(ctx), Comment.NO_COMMENTS); addStatement(endJmpStmt); StatementLabel doJumpTarget = new StatementLabel(doJumpLabel.getRef(), StatementSource.whileDo(ctx), Comment.NO_COMMENTS); addStatement(doJumpTarget); // Reuse the begin jump target for continue. loopStack.peek().setContinueLabel(beginJumpLabel); addLoopBody(ctx.stmt()); Statement beginJmpStmt = new StatementJump(beginJumpLabel.getRef(), StatementSource.whileDo(ctx), Comment.NO_COMMENTS); addStatement(beginJmpStmt); StatementLabel endJumpTarget = new StatementLabel(endJumpLabel.getRef(), StatementSource.whileDo(ctx), Comment.NO_COMMENTS); addStatement(endJumpTarget); // Add directives addDirectives(doJmpStmt, ctx.directive()); addLoopBreakLabel(loopStack.pop(), ctx); scopeStack.pop(); return null; } /** * Add code to evaluate a comma-expr condition (used in while/for/...). * * @param conditionCtx The comma-expr condition to evaluate * @param statementSource The statement source used for errors * @return The RValue of the condition */ private RValue addCondition(KickCParser.CommaExprContext conditionCtx, StatementSource statementSource) { // Add any pre-modifiers PrePostModifierHandler.addPreModifiers(this, conditionCtx, statementSource); RValue rValue = (RValue) this.visit(conditionCtx); // Add any post-modifiers if(PrePostModifierHandler.hasPostModifiers(this, conditionCtx, statementSource)) { // If modifiers are present the RValue must be assigned before the post-modifier is executed if(!(rValue instanceof VariableRef) || !((VariableRef) rValue).isIntermediate()) { // Make a new temporary variable and assign that Variable tmpVar = addIntermediateVar(); Statement stmtExpr = new StatementAssignment(tmpVar.getVariableRef(), rValue, true, statementSource, Comment.NO_COMMENTS); addStatement(stmtExpr); rValue = tmpVar.getRef(); } PrePostModifierHandler.addPostModifiers(this, conditionCtx, statementSource); } return rValue; } @Override public Void visitStmtDoWhile(KickCParser.StmtDoWhileContext ctx) { // Create the block scope early - to keep all statements of the loop inside it BlockScope blockScope = getCurrentScope().addBlockScope(); scopeStack.push(blockScope); loopStack.push(new Loop(blockScope, false)); List comments = ensureUnusedComments(getCommentsSymbol(ctx)); Label beginJumpLabel = getCurrentScope().addLabelIntermediate(); StatementLabel beginJumpTarget = new StatementLabel(beginJumpLabel.getRef(), StatementSource.doWhile(ctx), comments); addStatement(beginJumpTarget); addLoopBody(ctx.stmt()); addLoopContinueLabel(loopStack.peek(), ctx); RValue rValue = addCondition(ctx.commaExpr(), StatementSource.doWhile(ctx)); StatementConditionalJump doJmpStmt = new StatementConditionalJump(rValue, beginJumpLabel.getRef(), StatementSource.doWhile(ctx), Comment.NO_COMMENTS); addStatement(doJmpStmt); addDirectives(doJmpStmt, ctx.directive()); addLoopBreakLabel(loopStack.pop(), ctx); scopeStack.pop(); return null; } @Override public Object visitStmtSwitch(KickCParser.StmtSwitchContext ctx) { Loop containingLoop = null; if(!loopStack.isEmpty()) { containingLoop = loopStack.peek(); } // Create a block scope - to keep all statements of the loop inside it BlockScope blockScope = getCurrentScope().addBlockScope(); scopeStack.push(blockScope); Loop switchLoop = new Loop(blockScope, true); if(containingLoop != null) { switchLoop.setContinueLabel(containingLoop.getOrCreateContinueLabel()); } loopStack.push(switchLoop); List comments = ensureUnusedComments(getCommentsSymbol(ctx)); // TODO: Add comments to next stmt // Evaluate the switch-expression RValue eValue = addCondition(ctx.commaExpr(), StatementSource.switchExpr(ctx)); // Add case conditional jumps List caseBodies = new ArrayList<>(); for(KickCParser.SwitchCaseContext caseContext : ctx.switchCases().switchCase()) { List caseComments = ensureUnusedComments(getCommentsSymbol(caseContext)); RValue cValue = (RValue) this.visit(caseContext.expr()); Label cJumpLabel = getCurrentScope().addLabelIntermediate(); caseBodies.add(new SwitchCaseBody(cJumpLabel, caseContext.stmtSeq(), StatementSource.switchCase(caseContext))); StatementConditionalJump cJmpStmt = new StatementConditionalJump(eValue, Operators.EQ, cValue, cJumpLabel.getRef(), StatementSource.switchCase(caseContext), caseComments); addStatement(cJmpStmt); } // Add default ending jump Label dJumpLabel = getCurrentScope().addLabelIntermediate(); StatementJump dJmpStmt = new StatementJump(dJumpLabel.getRef(), StatementSource.switchDefault(ctx.switchCases()), Comment.NO_COMMENTS); addStatement(dJmpStmt); // Add case labels & bodies for(SwitchCaseBody caseBody : caseBodies) { StatementLabel cJumpTarget = new StatementLabel(caseBody.cJumpLabel.getRef(), caseBody.statementSource, Comment.NO_COMMENTS); addStatement(cJumpTarget); if(caseBody.stmtSequence != null) { this.visit(caseBody.stmtSequence); } } // Add default label StatementLabel dJumpTarget = new StatementLabel(dJumpLabel.getRef(), StatementSource.switchDefault(ctx.switchCases()), Comment.NO_COMMENTS); addStatement(dJumpTarget); if(ctx.switchCases().stmtSeq() != null) { this.visit(ctx.switchCases().stmtSeq()); } addLoopBreakLabel(loopStack.pop(), ctx); scopeStack.pop(); return null; } /** Holds the body of a switch() case. */ public static class SwitchCaseBody { /** Label for the statments of the case. */ Label cJumpLabel; /** Statments of the case. */ KickCParser.StmtSeqContext stmtSequence; /** Source of the case. */ StatementSource statementSource; SwitchCaseBody(Label cJumpLabel, KickCParser.StmtSeqContext stmtSequence, StatementSource statementSource) { this.cJumpLabel = cJumpLabel; this.stmtSequence = stmtSequence; this.statementSource = statementSource; } } @Override public Object visitStmtFor(KickCParser.StmtForContext ctx) { this.visit(ctx.forLoop()); return null; } @Override public Object visitForClassic(KickCParser.ForClassicContext ctx) { BlockScope blockScope = getCurrentScope().addBlockScope(); scopeStack.push(blockScope); loopStack.push(new Loop(blockScope, false)); // Add initialization this.visit(ctx.forClassicInit()); KickCParser.StmtForContext stmtForCtx = (KickCParser.StmtForContext) ctx.getParent(); // Add label Label beginJumpLabel = getCurrentScope().addLabelIntermediate(); Label doJumpLabel = getCurrentScope().addLabelIntermediate(); Label endJumpLabel = getCurrentScope().addLabelIntermediate(); List comments = getCommentsSymbol(stmtForCtx); StatementLabel repeatTarget = new StatementLabel(beginJumpLabel.getRef(), StatementSource.forClassic(ctx), comments); addStatement(repeatTarget); // Add condition KickCParser.ForClassicConditionContext conditionCtx = ctx.forClassicCondition(); RValue conditionRvalue = null; if(conditionCtx != null) { conditionRvalue = addCondition(conditionCtx.commaExpr(), StatementSource.forClassic(ctx)); } // Add jump if condition was met Statement doJmpStmt; if(conditionRvalue != null) { doJmpStmt = new StatementConditionalJump(conditionRvalue, doJumpLabel.getRef(), StatementSource.forClassic(ctx), Comment.NO_COMMENTS); addStatement(doJmpStmt); Statement endJmpStmt = new StatementJump(endJumpLabel.getRef(), StatementSource.forClassic(ctx), Comment.NO_COMMENTS); addStatement(endJmpStmt); } else { // No condition - loop forever doJmpStmt = new StatementJump(doJumpLabel.getRef(), StatementSource.forClassic(ctx), Comment.NO_COMMENTS); addStatement(doJmpStmt); } StatementLabel doJumpTarget = new StatementLabel(doJumpLabel.getRef(), StatementSource.forClassic(ctx), Comment.NO_COMMENTS); addStatement(doJumpTarget); // Add body addLoopBody(stmtForCtx.stmt()); // Add increment addLoopContinueLabel(loopStack.peek(), ctx); KickCParser.CommaExprContext incrementCtx = ctx.commaExpr(); if(incrementCtx != null) { PrePostModifierHandler.addPreModifiers(this, incrementCtx, StatementSource.forClassic(ctx)); this.visit(incrementCtx); PrePostModifierHandler.addPostModifiers(this, incrementCtx, StatementSource.forClassic(ctx)); } // Jump back to beginning Statement beginJmpStmt = new StatementJump(beginJumpLabel.getRef(), StatementSource.forClassic(ctx), Comment.NO_COMMENTS); addStatement(beginJmpStmt); StatementLabel endJumpTarget = new StatementLabel(endJumpLabel.getRef(), StatementSource.forClassic(ctx), Comment.NO_COMMENTS); addStatement(endJumpTarget); if(doJmpStmt instanceof StatementConditionalJump) addDirectives((StatementConditionalJump) doJmpStmt, stmtForCtx.directive()); addLoopBreakLabel(loopStack.pop(), ctx); scopeStack.pop(); return null; } @Override public Object visitForClassicInitDecl(KickCParser.ForClassicInitDeclContext ctx) { if(ctx.declVariables() != null) { this.visit(ctx.declVariables()); } return null; } @Override public Object visitForRange(KickCParser.ForRangeContext ctx) { BlockScope blockScope = getCurrentScope().addBlockScope(); scopeStack.push(blockScope); loopStack.push(new Loop(blockScope, false)); StatementSource statementSource = StatementSource.forRanged(ctx); this.visit(ctx.declType()); this.visit(ctx.declarator()); SymbolType varType = varDecl.getEffectiveType(); String varName = varDecl.getVarName(); Variable lValue; if(varType != null) { VariableBuilder varBuilder = new VariableBuilder(varName, blockScope, false, false, varType, varDecl.getDeclDirectives(), currentSegmentData, program.getTargetPlatform().getVariableBuilderConfig(), program); lValue =; } else { lValue = getCurrentScope().findVariable(varName); if(lValue == null) { throw new CompileError("Loop variable not declared " + varName, statementSource); } } boolean initialAssignment = (varDecl.getEffectiveType() != null); varDecl.exitType(); KickCParser.StmtForContext stmtForCtx = (KickCParser.StmtForContext) ctx.getParent(); KickCParser.ExprContext rangeFirstCtx = ctx.expr(0); KickCParser.ExprContext rangeLastCtx = ctx.expr(1); // Assign loop variable with first value RValue rangeLastValue = (RValue) visit(rangeLastCtx); RValue rangeFirstValue = (RValue) visit(rangeFirstCtx); if(varType != null) { if(rangeFirstValue instanceof ConstantInteger) ((ConstantInteger) rangeFirstValue).setType(varType); if(rangeLastValue instanceof ConstantInteger) ((ConstantInteger) rangeLastValue).setType(varType); } Statement stmtInit = new StatementAssignment((LValue) lValue.getRef(), rangeFirstValue, initialAssignment, statementSource, Comment.NO_COMMENTS); addStatement(stmtInit); // Add label List comments = ensureUnusedComments(getCommentsSymbol(stmtForCtx)); Label repeatLabel = getCurrentScope().addLabelIntermediate(); StatementLabel repeatTarget = new StatementLabel(repeatLabel.getRef(), statementSource, comments); addStatement(repeatTarget); // Add body addLoopBody(stmtForCtx.stmt()); addLoopContinueLabel(loopStack.peek(), ctx); // Add increment Statement stmtNxt = new StatementAssignment((LValue) lValue.getRef(), lValue.getRef(), Operators.PLUS, new RangeNext(rangeFirstValue, rangeLastValue), false, statementSource, Comment.NO_COMMENTS); addStatement(stmtNxt); // Add condition i!=last+1 or i!=last-1 RValue beyondLastVal = new RangeComparison(rangeFirstValue, rangeLastValue, lValue.getType()); Variable tmpVar = addIntermediateVar(); SymbolVariableRef tmpVarRef = tmpVar.getRef(); Statement stmtTmpVar = new StatementAssignment((LValue) tmpVarRef, lValue.getRef(), Operators.NEQ, beyondLastVal, true, statementSource, Comment.NO_COMMENTS); addStatement(stmtTmpVar); // Add jump if condition was met StatementConditionalJump doJmpStmt = new StatementConditionalJump(tmpVarRef, repeatLabel.getRef(), statementSource, Comment.NO_COMMENTS); addStatement(doJmpStmt); addDirectives(doJmpStmt, stmtForCtx.directive()); addLoopBreakLabel(loopStack.pop(), ctx); scopeStack.pop(); return null; } private void addLoopBreakLabel(Loop loop, ParserRuleContext ctx) { if(loop.getBreakLabel() != null) { StatementLabel breakTarget = new StatementLabel(loop.getBreakLabel().getRef(), new StatementSource(ctx), Comment.NO_COMMENTS); addStatement(breakTarget); } } private void addLoopContinueLabel(Loop loop, ParserRuleContext ctx) { if(loop.getContinueLabel() != null) { StatementLabel continueTarget = new StatementLabel(loop.getContinueLabel().getRef(), new StatementSource(ctx), Comment.NO_COMMENTS); addStatement(continueTarget); } } private void addLoopBody(KickCParser.StmtContext stmt) { if(stmt != null) { if(stmt instanceof KickCParser.StmtBlockContext stmtBlockContext) { // Skip the block context and reuse the one created by the for() itself if(stmtBlockContext.stmtSeq() != null) { this.visit(stmtBlockContext.stmtSeq()); } } else { this.visit(stmt); } } } @Override public Object visitStmtLabel(KickCParser.StmtLabelContext ctx) { String labelName = ctx.NAME().getText(); if(getCurrentScope().getLocalLabel(labelName) != null) throw new CompileError("label already defined '" + labelName + "'.", new StatementSource(ctx)); Scope procedureScope = getCurrentProcedure(); Label label = procedureScope.addLabel(labelName); addStatement(new StatementLabel(label.getRef(), new StatementSource(ctx), Comment.NO_COMMENTS)); return null; } @Override public Object visitStmtGoto(KickCParser.StmtGotoContext ctx) { String labelName = ctx.NAME().getText(); Label label = new Label(labelName, getCurrentScope(), false); addStatement(new StatementJump(label.getRef(), new StatementSource(ctx), Comment.NO_COMMENTS)); return null; } @Override public Object visitStmtBreak(KickCParser.StmtBreakContext ctx) { if(loopStack.isEmpty()) { throw new CompileError("Break not inside a loop! ", new StatementSource(ctx)); } Loop currentLoop = loopStack.peek(); Label breakLabel = currentLoop.getOrCreateBreakLabel(); Statement breakJmpStmt = new StatementJump(breakLabel.getRef(), new StatementSource(ctx), Comment.NO_COMMENTS); addStatement(breakJmpStmt); return null; } @Override public Object visitStmtContinue(KickCParser.StmtContinueContext ctx) { if(loopStack.isEmpty()) { throw new CompileError("Continue not inside a loop! ", new StatementSource(ctx)); } Loop currentLoop = loopStack.peek(); Label continueLabel; if(currentLoop.isSwitch) { continueLabel = currentLoop.getContinueLabel(); if(continueLabel == null) { throw new CompileError("Continue not inside a loop! ", new StatementSource(ctx)); } } else { continueLabel = currentLoop.getOrCreateContinueLabel(); } Statement continueJmpStmt = new StatementJump(continueLabel.getRef(), new StatementSource(ctx), Comment.NO_COMMENTS); addStatement(continueJmpStmt); return null; } @Override public Object visitStmtAsm(KickCParser.StmtAsmContext ctx) { // Find all defined labels in the ASM List definedLabels = getAsmDefinedLabels(ctx); // Find all referenced symbols in the ASM Map referenced = getAsmReferencedSymbolVariables(ctx, definedLabels); List comments = ensureUnusedComments(getCommentsSymbol(ctx)); CpuClobber declaredClobber = null; if(ctx.asmDirectives() != null) { List asmDirectives = this.visitAsmDirectives(ctx.asmDirectives()); for(AsmDirective asmDirective : asmDirectives) { if(asmDirective instanceof AsmDirectiveClobber) { declaredClobber = ((AsmDirectiveClobber) asmDirective).getClobber(); } else { throw new CompileError("inline ASM does not support directive " + asmDirective, StatementSource.asm(ctx)); } } } StatementAsm statementAsm = new StatementAsm(ctx.asmLines(), referenced, declaredClobber, StatementSource.asm(ctx), comments); addStatement(statementAsm); return null; } /** * Find all referenced symbol variables * * @param ctx An ASM statement * @param definedLabels All labels defined in the ASM * @return All variables/constants referenced in the ASM. Some may be ForwardVariableRefs to be resolved later. */ private Map getAsmReferencedSymbolVariables(KickCParser.StmtAsmContext ctx, List definedLabels) { Map referenced = new LinkedHashMap<>(); KickCParserBaseVisitor findReferenced = new KickCParserBaseVisitor<>() { @Override public Void visitAsmExprBinary(KickCParser.AsmExprBinaryContext ctx) { ParseTree operator = ctx.getChild(1); if(operator.getText().equals(".")) { // Skip any . operator for now as it accesses data in another scope. // TODO Implement checking of labels/constants in other scopes return null; } else { return super.visitAsmExprBinary(ctx); } } @Override public Void visitAsmExprLabel(KickCParser.AsmExprLabelContext ctxLabel) { String label = ctxLabel.ASM_NAME().toString(); if(label.equalsIgnoreCase("x") || label.equalsIgnoreCase("y") || label.equalsIgnoreCase("z") || label.equalsIgnoreCase("sp")) // Skip registers return super.visitAsmExprLabel(ctxLabel); if(!definedLabels.contains(label)) { // Look for the symbol Symbol symbol = getCurrentScope().findSymbol(ctxLabel.ASM_NAME().getText()); if(symbol != null) { referenced.put(label, symbol.getRef()); } else { // Either forward reference or a non-existing variable. Create a forward reference for later resolving. referenced.put(label, new ForwardVariableRef(ctxLabel.ASM_NAME().getText())); } } return super.visitAsmExprLabel(ctxLabel); } }; findReferenced.visit(ctx.asmLines()); return referenced; } /** * Find all labels defined in the ASM (not multi-labels). * * @param ctx An ASM statement * @return All labels defined in the ASM. */ private List getAsmDefinedLabels(KickCParser.StmtAsmContext ctx) { List definedLabels = new ArrayList<>(); KickCParserBaseVisitor findDefinedLabels = new KickCParserBaseVisitor<>() { @Override public Void visitAsmLabelName(KickCParser.AsmLabelNameContext ctx) { String label = ctx.ASM_NAME().getText(); definedLabels.add(label); return super.visitAsmLabelName(ctx); } }; findDefinedLabels.visit(ctx.asmLines()); return definedLabels; } @Override public Void visitStmtReturn(KickCParser.StmtReturnContext ctx) { Procedure procedure = getCurrentProcedure(); KickCParser.CommaExprContext exprCtx = ctx.commaExpr(); RValue rValue; if(exprCtx != null) { if(SymbolType.VOID.equals(procedure.getReturnType())) { throw new CompileError("Return value from void function " + procedure.getFullName(), new StatementSource(ctx)); } PrePostModifierHandler.addPreModifiers(this, exprCtx, new StatementSource(ctx)); rValue = (RValue) this.visit(exprCtx); Variable returnVar = procedure.getLocalVariable("return"); addStatement(new StatementAssignment((LValue) returnVar.getRef(), rValue, false, new StatementSource(ctx), ensureUnusedComments(getCommentsSymbol(ctx)))); PrePostModifierHandler.addPostModifiers(this, exprCtx, new StatementSource(ctx)); } Label returnLabel = procedure.getLocalLabel(SymbolRef.PROCEXIT_BLOCK_NAME); addStatement(new StatementJump(returnLabel.getRef(), new StatementSource(ctx), ensureUnusedComments(getCommentsSymbol(ctx)))); return null; } @Override public RValue visitInitUnion(KickCParser.InitUnionContext ctx) { final String memberName = ctx.NAME().getText(); final RValue rValue = (RValue) visit(ctx.expr()); return new UnionDesignator(memberName, rValue); } @Override public RValue visitInitList(KickCParser.InitListContext ctx) { List initValues = new ArrayList<>(); for(KickCParser.ExprContext initializer : ctx.expr()) { RValue rValue = (RValue) visit(initializer); initValues.add(rValue); } return new ValueList(initValues); } @Override public Object visitTypeSimple(KickCParser.TypeSimpleContext ctx) { StringBuilder typeName = new StringBuilder(); for(TerminalNode simpleTypeNode : ctx.SIMPLETYPE()) { if(typeName.length() > 0) typeName.append(" "); typeName.append(simpleTypeNode.getText()); } final SymbolType typeSimple = SymbolType.get(typeName.toString()); if(typeSimple == null) throw new CompileError("Unknown type '" + typeName + "'", new StatementSource(ctx)); varDecl.setDeclType(typeSimple); return null; } @Override public Object visitStructForwardDef(KickCParser.StructForwardDefContext ctx) { boolean isUnion = ctx.UNION() != null; String structDefName; if(ctx.NAME() != null) { structDefName = ctx.NAME().getText(); } else { structDefName = program.getScope().allocateIntermediateVariableName(); } StructDefinition structDefinition = program.getScope().addStructDefinition(structDefName, isUnion); varDecl.setDeclType(structDefinition.getType()); return null; } @Override public Object visitStructDefinition(KickCParser.StructDefinitionContext ctx) { boolean isUnion = ctx.UNION() != null; String structDefName; if(ctx.NAME() != null) { structDefName = ctx.NAME().getText(); } else { structDefName = program.getScope().allocateIntermediateVariableName(); } StructDefinition structDefinition = program.getScope().addStructDefinition(structDefName, isUnion); scopeStack.push(structDefinition); for(KickCParser.StructMembersContext memberCtx : ctx.structMembers()) { varDeclPush(); varDecl.setStructMember(true); visit(memberCtx); varDecl.setStructMember(false); varDeclPop(); } scopeStack.pop(); varDecl.setDeclType(structDefinition.getType()); return null; } @Override public Object visitStructRef(KickCParser.StructRefContext ctx) { String structDefName = ctx.NAME().getText(); StructDefinition structDefinition = program.getScope().getLocalStructDefinition(structDefName); if(structDefinition == null) { throw new CompileError("Unknown struct type " + structDefName, new StatementSource(ctx)); } varDecl.setDeclType(structDefinition.getType()); return null; } @Override public Object visitTypeEnumDef(KickCParser.TypeEnumDefContext ctx) { visit(ctx.enumDef()); return null; } private EnumDefinition currentEnum = null; @Override public Object visitEnumDef(KickCParser.EnumDefContext ctx) { try { String enumDefName; if(ctx.NAME() != null) { enumDefName = ctx.NAME().getText(); } else { enumDefName = getCurrentScope().allocateIntermediateVariableName(); } EnumDefinition enumDefinition = new EnumDefinition(enumDefName, getCurrentScope()); getCurrentScope().add(enumDefinition); this.currentEnum = enumDefinition; scopeStack.push(currentEnum); visit(ctx.enumMemberList()); scopeStack.pop(); this.currentEnum = null; // Copy all members to upper-level scope Scope parentScope = getCurrentScope(); while(parentScope instanceof StructDefinition || parentScope instanceof TypeDefsScope) parentScope = parentScope.getScope(); for(Variable member : enumDefinition.getAllConstants(false)) { parentScope.add(Variable.createConstant(member.getLocalName(), SymbolType.BYTE, parentScope, member.getInitValue(), currentSegmentData)); } varDecl.setDeclType(SymbolType.BYTE); return null; } catch(CompileError e) { throw new CompileError(e.getMessage(), new StatementSource(ctx)); } } @Override public Object visitEnumMember(KickCParser.EnumMemberContext ctx) { String memberName = ctx.NAME().getText(); ConstantValue enumValue; if(ctx.expr() != null) { RValue exprVal = (RValue) visit(ctx.expr()); if(!(exprVal instanceof ConstantValue)) { throw new CompileError("Enum value not constant " + memberName, new StatementSource(ctx)); } enumValue = (ConstantValue) exprVal; } else { // No specific value - find previous value List values = new ArrayList<>(currentEnum.getAllConstants(false)); if(values.isEmpty()) { enumValue = new ConstantInteger(0L, SymbolType.BYTE); } else { Variable prevEnumMember = values.get(values.size() - 1); ConstantValue prevValue = prevEnumMember.getInitValue(); if(prevValue instanceof ConstantInteger) { enumValue = new ConstantInteger(((ConstantInteger) prevValue).getInteger() + 1, SymbolType.BYTE); } else { enumValue = new ConstantBinary(prevValue, Operators.PLUS, new ConstantInteger(1L, SymbolType.BYTE)); } } } currentEnum.add(Variable.createConstant(memberName, SymbolType.BYTE, getCurrentScope(), enumValue, currentSegmentData)); return null; } @Override public Object visitTypeEnumRef(KickCParser.TypeEnumRefContext ctx) { visit(ctx.enumRef()); return null; } @Override public Object visitEnumRef(KickCParser.EnumRefContext ctx) { String enumDefName = ctx.NAME().getText(); EnumDefinition enumDefinition = program.getScope().getLocalEnumDefinition(enumDefName); if(enumDefinition == null) { throw new CompileError("Unknown enum " + enumDefName, new StatementSource(ctx)); } varDecl.setDeclType(SymbolType.BYTE); return null; } @Override public Object visitTypeName(KickCParser.TypeNameContext ctx) { varDeclPush(); this.visit(ctx.type()); this.visit(ctx.typeNameDeclarator()); final SymbolType type = varDecl.getEffectiveType(); varDeclPop(); return type; } @Override public Object visitDeclaratorPointer(KickCParser.DeclaratorPointerContext ctx) { final SymbolType elementDeclType = varDecl.getEffectiveType(); SymbolTypePointer pointerType = new SymbolTypePointer(elementDeclType); final List typeDirectives = getDirectives(ctx.directive()); varDecl.setVarDeclTypeAndDirectives(pointerType, typeDirectives); this.visit(ctx.declarator()); return null; } @Override public Object visitTypeNameDeclaratorPointer(KickCParser.TypeNameDeclaratorPointerContext ctx) { final SymbolType elementDeclType = varDecl.getEffectiveType(); SymbolTypePointer pointerType = new SymbolTypePointer(elementDeclType); final List typeDirectives = getDirectives(ctx.directive()); varDecl.setVarDeclTypeAndDirectives(pointerType, typeDirectives); this.visit(ctx.typeNameDeclarator()); return varDecl.getEffectiveType(); } @Override public Object visitDeclaratorArray(KickCParser.DeclaratorArrayContext ctx) { this.visit(ctx.declarator()); // Handle array type declaration by updating the declared type and the array spec ArraySpec arraySpec; if(ctx.expr() != null) { varDeclPush(); RValue sizeVal = (RValue) visit(ctx.expr()); if(!(sizeVal instanceof ConstantValue)) throw new CompileError(sizeVal.toString() + " is not constant or is not defined", new StatementSource(ctx)); varDeclPop(); arraySpec = new ArraySpec((ConstantValue) sizeVal); } else { arraySpec = new ArraySpec(); } final SymbolType elementDeclType = varDecl.getEffectiveType(); SymbolType arrayDeclType = new SymbolTypePointer(elementDeclType, arraySpec, false, false); varDecl.setVarDeclType(arrayDeclType); return null; } @Override public Object visitTypeNameDeclaratorArray(KickCParser.TypeNameDeclaratorArrayContext ctx) { this.visit(ctx.typeNameDeclarator()); // Handle array type declaration by updating the declared type and the array spec ArraySpec arraySpec; if(ctx.expr() != null) { varDeclPush(); RValue sizeVal = (RValue) visit(ctx.expr()); if(!(sizeVal instanceof ConstantValue)) throw new CompileError(sizeVal.toString() + " is not constant or is not defined", new StatementSource(ctx)); varDeclPop(); arraySpec = new ArraySpec((ConstantValue) sizeVal); } else { arraySpec = new ArraySpec(); } final SymbolType elementDeclType = varDecl.getEffectiveType(); SymbolType arrayDeclType = new SymbolTypePointer(elementDeclType, arraySpec, false, false); varDecl.setVarDeclType(arrayDeclType); return varDecl.getEffectiveType(); } @Override public Object visitDeclaratorPar(KickCParser.DeclaratorParContext ctx) { this.visit(ctx.declarator()); return null; } @Override public Object visitTypeNameDeclaratorPar(KickCParser.TypeNameDeclaratorParContext ctx) { this.visit(ctx.typeNameDeclarator()); return varDecl.getEffectiveType(); } @Override public Object visitDeclaratorName(KickCParser.DeclaratorNameContext ctx) { varDecl.setVarName(ctx.getText()); return null; } @Override public Object visitTypeNameDeclaratorName(KickCParser.TypeNameDeclaratorNameContext ctx) { return null; } @Override public Object visitDeclaratorProcedure(KickCParser.DeclaratorProcedureContext ctx) { List parameters = new ArrayList<>(); List paramTypes = new ArrayList<>(); if(ctx.parameterListDecl() != null) for(KickCParser.ParameterDeclContext parameterDeclContext : ctx.parameterListDecl().parameterDecl()) { varDeclPush(); ParameterDecl paramDecl = (ParameterDecl) this.visit(parameterDeclContext); // Handle parameter list with "VOID" if(SymbolType.VOID.equals(paramDecl.type) && ctx.parameterListDecl().parameterDecl().size() == 1) ; // Ignore the void parameter else { paramTypes.add(paramDecl.type); parameters.add(paramDecl); } varDeclPop(); } SymbolType returnType = varDecl.getEffectiveType(); varDecl.setVarDeclType(new SymbolTypeProcedure(returnType, paramTypes)); varDecl.setParameters(parameters); visit(ctx.declarator()); return null; } @Override public Object visitTypeNameDeclaratorProcedure(KickCParser.TypeNameDeclaratorProcedureContext ctx) { List parameters = new ArrayList<>(); List paramTypes = new ArrayList<>(); if(ctx.parameterListDecl() != null) for(KickCParser.ParameterDeclContext parameterDeclContext : ctx.parameterListDecl().parameterDecl()) { varDeclPush(); ParameterDecl paramDecl = (ParameterDecl) this.visit(parameterDeclContext); // Handle parameter list with "VOID" if(SymbolType.VOID.equals(paramDecl.type) && ctx.parameterListDecl().parameterDecl().size() == 1) ; // Ignore the void parameter else { paramTypes.add(paramDecl.type); parameters.add(paramDecl); } varDeclPop(); } SymbolType returnType = varDecl.getEffectiveType(); varDecl.setVarDeclType(new SymbolTypeProcedure(returnType, paramTypes)); varDecl.setParameters(parameters); visit(ctx.typeNameDeclarator()); return varDecl.getEffectiveType(); } @Override public Object visitTypeNamedRef(KickCParser.TypeNamedRefContext ctx) { Scope typeDefScope = program.getScope().getTypeDefScope(); Variable typeDefVariable = typeDefScope.getLocalVar(ctx.getText()); if(typeDefVariable != null) { varDecl.setDeclType(typeDefVariable.getType()); return null; } throw new CompileError("Unknown type " + ctx.getText(), new StatementSource(ctx)); } @Override public Object visitTypeDef(KickCParser.TypeDefContext ctx) { Scope typedefScope = program.getScope().getTypeDefScope(); scopeStack.push(typedefScope); this.visit(ctx.declType()); this.visit(ctx.declarator()); String typedefName = varDecl.getVarName(); VariableBuilder varBuilder = new VariableBuilder(typedefName, getCurrentScope(), false, false, varDecl.getEffectiveType(), varDecl.getDeclDirectives(), currentSegmentData, program.getTargetPlatform().getVariableBuilderConfig(), program);; if(typedefName != null) { // #820/50 - Define the name of structures, based on the typedef name, if any. // For structures, the generation of CDecl has a hidden and conceptual problem ... // Structures with an empty name get the structure name $n allocated by the compiler. // And this name can vary depending on the structure declaration order etc. // Also, the structure name struct $0 etc is not C syntax compatible. // So, in order to avoid conflicts, we use the typedef name if given. // We could also have given the struct name the typedef name appended with _s, // but that idea seemed to be way too complicated to implement. // Because the generated struct definition name $n gets assigned during parsing // before the typedef name is parsed. // It is complicated to replace the structure definition name once it is defined and allocated. // So the idea is that the typedef name gets stored as part of the structure type definition, // and used in CDecl when needed. if(varDecl.declType instanceof SymbolTypeStruct) { ProgramScope programScope = program.getScope(); StructDefinition structDef = ((SymbolTypeStruct) varDecl.declType).getStructDefinition(programScope); if(structDef.getLocalName().startsWith("$")) { varDecl.declType.setTypeDefName(typedefName); //StructDefinition structDefinition = ((SymbolTypeStruct) varDecl.declType).replaceStructDefinition(programScope, typedefName); StructDefinition structDefinition = ((SymbolTypeStruct) varDecl.declType).getStructDefinition(programScope); structDefinition.setTypeDefStruct((SymbolTypeStruct) varDecl.declType); //((SymbolTypeStruct) varDecl.declType).setStructName(typedefName); } } } scopeStack.pop(); varDecl.exitType(); return null; } /** * RValues that have not yet been output as part of a statement. * The expression visitor methods updates this so that the surrounding * statement can make sure to output any rValue that has not been output. * Null if we are not currently monitoring this. */ private Set exprNotConsumed = null; /** * Begins monitoring list of expressions not consumed. */ private void beginNotConsumedTracking() { exprNotConsumed = new LinkedHashSet<>(); } /** * Ends monitoring list of expressions not consumed. */ private void endNotConsumedTracking() { exprNotConsumed = null; } /** * Consumes an RValue by outputting it as part of a statement. * This helps ensure that all expression RValues are output in statements * * @param rValue The RValue being consume */ private void consumeExpr(RValue rValue) { if(exprNotConsumed != null) exprNotConsumed.remove(rValue); } /** * Marks an expression that has been produced which has not been output as part of a statement. * When the RValue is output in a statement it will be consumed using {@link #consumeExpr(RValue)}. * * @param rValue The RValue that has been produced but not consumed */ private void addExprToConsume(RValue rValue) { if(exprNotConsumed != null) exprNotConsumed.add(rValue); } /** * Examines whether an RValue is in the list of non-consumed RValues. * * @return true if the RValue is in the list */ private boolean notConsumed(RValue rValue) { return exprNotConsumed.contains(rValue); } @Override public Object visitExprAssignment(KickCParser.ExprAssignmentContext ctx) { Object val = visit(ctx.expr(0)); if(val instanceof ConstantRef) { throw new CompileError("const variable may not be modified " + val, new StatementSource(ctx)); } if(!(val instanceof LValue lValue)) { throw new CompileError("Illegal assignment Lvalue " + val.toString(), new StatementSource(ctx)); } if(lValue instanceof VariableRef && ((VariableRef) lValue).isIntermediate()) { // Encountered an intermediate variable. This must be turned into a proper LValue later. Put it into a marker to signify that lValue = new LvalueIntermediate((VariableRef) lValue); } RValue rValue = (RValue) this.visit(ctx.expr(1)); Statement stmt = new StatementAssignment(lValue, rValue, false, new StatementSource(ctx), ensureUnusedComments(getCommentsSymbol(ctx))); addStatement(stmt); consumeExpr(lValue); consumeExpr(rValue); return lValue; } @Override public Object visitExprAssignmentCompound(KickCParser.ExprAssignmentCompoundContext ctx) { // Assignment (rValue/lValue) Object value = visit(ctx.expr(0)); if(!(value instanceof LValue lValue)) { throw new CompileError("Illegal assignment Lvalue " + value.toString(), new StatementSource(ctx)); } if(lValue instanceof VariableRef && ((VariableRef) lValue).isIntermediate()) { // Encountered an intermediate variable. This must be turned into a proper LValue later. Put it into a marker to signify that lValue = new LvalueIntermediate((VariableRef) lValue); } RValue rValue = (RValue) this.visit(ctx.expr(1)); if(rValue instanceof LValue) { rValue = copyLValue((LValue) rValue); } // Binary Operator String op = ((TerminalNode) ctx.getChild(1)).getSymbol().getText(); Operator operator = Operators.getBinaryCompound(op); // Assignment with operator LValue rValue1 = copyLValue(lValue); Statement stmt = new StatementAssignment(lValue, rValue1, operator, rValue, false, new StatementSource(ctx), ensureUnusedComments(getCommentsSymbol(ctx))); addStatement(stmt); consumeExpr(lValue); consumeExpr(rValue); return lValue; } public static LValue copyLValue(LValue lValue) { if(lValue instanceof VariableRef) { return new VariableRef(((VariableRef) lValue).getFullName()); } else if(lValue instanceof LvalueIntermediate) { return new LvalueIntermediate((VariableRef) copyLValue(((LvalueIntermediate) lValue).getVariable())); } else if(lValue instanceof PointerDereferenceSimple) { RValue pointer = ((PointerDereferenceSimple) lValue).getPointer(); if(pointer instanceof LValue) { pointer = copyLValue((LValue) pointer); } return new PointerDereferenceSimple(pointer); } else if(lValue instanceof PointerDereferenceIndexed) { RValue pointer = ((PointerDereferenceIndexed) lValue).getPointer(); if(pointer instanceof LValue) { pointer = copyLValue((LValue) pointer); } RValue index = ((PointerDereferenceIndexed) lValue).getIndex(); if(index instanceof LValue) { index = copyLValue((LValue) index); } return new PointerDereferenceIndexed(pointer, index); } else if(lValue instanceof StructMemberRef) { return new StructMemberRef(copyLValue((LValue) ((StructMemberRef) lValue).getStruct()), ((StructMemberRef) lValue).getMemberName()); } else if(lValue instanceof ForwardVariableRef) { return new ForwardVariableRef(((ForwardVariableRef) lValue).getName()); } else { throw new CompileError("Unknown LValue type " + lValue); } } @Override public Object visitExprDot(KickCParser.ExprDotContext ctx) { RValue structExpr = (RValue) visit(ctx.expr()); String name = ctx.NAME().getText(); StructMemberRef structMemberRef = new StructMemberRef(structExpr, name); addExprToConsume(structMemberRef); return structMemberRef; } @Override public Object visitExprArrow(KickCParser.ExprArrowContext ctx) { RValue structPtrExpr = (RValue) visit(ctx.expr()); String name = ctx.NAME().getText(); StructMemberRef structMemberRef = new StructMemberRef(new PointerDereferenceSimple(structPtrExpr), name); addExprToConsume(structMemberRef); return structMemberRef; } @Override public RValue visitExprCast(KickCParser.ExprCastContext ctx) { RValue child = (RValue) this.visit(ctx.expr()); SymbolType castType = (SymbolType) this.visit(ctx.typeName()); Operator operator = Operators.getCastUnary(castType); if(child instanceof ConstantValue) { consumeExpr(child); return new ConstantCastValue(castType, (ConstantValue) child); } else { return new CastValue(castType, child); } } @Override public Object visitExprSizeOf(KickCParser.ExprSizeOfContext ctx) { // sizeof(expression) - add a unary expression to be resolved later RValue child = (RValue) this.visit(ctx.expr()); Variable tmpVar = addIntermediateVar(); SymbolVariableRef tmpVarRef = tmpVar.getRef(); Statement stmt = new StatementAssignment((LValue) tmpVarRef, Operators.SIZEOF, child, true, new StatementSource(ctx), ensureUnusedComments(getCommentsSymbol(ctx))); addStatement(stmt); consumeExpr(child); return tmpVarRef; } @Override public Object visitExprSizeOfType(KickCParser.ExprSizeOfTypeContext ctx) { // sizeof(type) - add directly SymbolType type = (SymbolType) this.visit(ctx.typeName()); return SizeOfConstants.getSizeOfConstantVar(program.getScope(), type); } @Override public Object visitExprTypeId(KickCParser.ExprTypeIdContext ctx) { // typeid(expression) - add a unary expression to be resolved later RValue child = (RValue) this.visit(ctx.expr()); Variable tmpVar = addIntermediateVar(); SymbolVariableRef tmpVarRef = tmpVar.getRef(); Statement stmt = new StatementAssignment((LValue) tmpVarRef, Operators.TYPEID, child, true, new StatementSource(ctx), ensureUnusedComments(getCommentsSymbol(ctx))); addStatement(stmt); consumeExpr(child); return tmpVarRef; } @Override public Object visitExprTypeIdType(KickCParser.ExprTypeIdTypeContext ctx) { // typeid(type) - add directly SymbolType type = (SymbolType) this.visit(ctx.typeName()); return OperatorTypeId.getTypeIdConstantVar(program.getScope(), type); } @Override public Object visitExprCall(KickCParser.ExprCallContext ctx) { List parameters; KickCParser.ParameterListContext parameterList = ctx.parameterList(); if(parameterList != null) { parameters = (List) this.visit(parameterList); } else { parameters = new ArrayList<>(); } for(RValue parameter : parameters) { consumeExpr(parameter); } if(ctx.expr() instanceof KickCParser.ExprIdContext) { String procedureName = ctx.expr().getText(); // Handle the special BYTE0/1/2/3/WORD0/1/MAKEWORD/MAKEDWORD calls if(Pass1ByteXIntrinsicRewrite.INTRINSIC_BYTE0_NAME.equals(procedureName) && parameters.size() == 1) { return addExprUnary(ctx, Operators.BYTE0, parameters.get(0)); } else if(Pass1ByteXIntrinsicRewrite.INTRINSIC_BYTE1_NAME.equals(procedureName) && parameters.size() == 1) { return addExprUnary(ctx, Operators.BYTE1, parameters.get(0)); } else if(Pass1ByteXIntrinsicRewrite.INTRINSIC_BYTE2_NAME.equals(procedureName) && parameters.size() == 1) { return addExprUnary(ctx, Operators.BYTE2, parameters.get(0)); } else if(Pass1ByteXIntrinsicRewrite.INTRINSIC_BYTE3_NAME.equals(procedureName) && parameters.size() == 1) { return addExprUnary(ctx, Operators.BYTE3, parameters.get(0)); } else if(Pass1ByteXIntrinsicRewrite.INTRINSIC_WORD0_NAME.equals(procedureName) && parameters.size() == 1) { return addExprUnary(ctx, Operators.WORD0, parameters.get(0)); } else if(Pass1ByteXIntrinsicRewrite.INTRINSIC_WORD1_NAME.equals(procedureName) && parameters.size() == 1) { return addExprUnary(ctx, Operators.WORD1, parameters.get(0)); } else if(Pass1ByteXIntrinsicRewrite.INTRINSIC_MAKEWORD.equals(procedureName) && parameters.size() == 2) { return addExprBinary(ctx, parameters.get(0), Operators.WORD, parameters.get(1)); } else if(Pass1ByteXIntrinsicRewrite.INTRINSIC_MAKELONG.equals(procedureName) && parameters.size() == 2) { return addExprBinary(ctx, parameters.get(0), Operators.DWORD, parameters.get(1)); } else if(Pass1ByteXIntrinsicRewrite.INTRINSIC_MAKELONG4.equals(procedureName)) { // Handle the intrinsic MAKELONG4() if(program.getScope().getGlobalSymbol(Pass1ByteXIntrinsicRewrite.INTRINSIC_MAKELONG4) == null) { // Add the intrinsic MAKEWORD4() to the global scope final Procedure makeword4 = new Procedure( Pass1ByteXIntrinsicRewrite.INTRINSIC_MAKELONG4, new SymbolTypeProcedure(SymbolType.DWORD, Arrays.asList(new SymbolType[]{SymbolType.BYTE, SymbolType.BYTE, SymbolType.BYTE, SymbolType.BYTE})), program.getScope(), Scope.SEGMENT_CODE_DEFAULT, Scope.SEGMENT_DATA_DEFAULT, Procedure.CallingConvention.INTRINSIC_CALL, Bank.COMMON); makeword4.setDeclaredIntrinsic(true); final Variable hihi = new Variable("hihi", Variable.Kind.PHI_MASTER, SymbolType.BYTE, makeword4, Variable.MemoryArea.ZEROPAGE_MEMORY, Scope.SEGMENT_DATA_DEFAULT, null); makeword4.add(hihi); final Variable hilo = new Variable("hilo", Variable.Kind.PHI_MASTER, SymbolType.BYTE, makeword4, Variable.MemoryArea.ZEROPAGE_MEMORY, Scope.SEGMENT_DATA_DEFAULT, null); makeword4.add(hilo); final Variable lohi = new Variable("lohi", Variable.Kind.PHI_MASTER, SymbolType.BYTE, makeword4, Variable.MemoryArea.ZEROPAGE_MEMORY, Scope.SEGMENT_DATA_DEFAULT, null); makeword4.add(lohi); final Variable lolo = new Variable("lolo", Variable.Kind.PHI_MASTER, SymbolType.BYTE, makeword4, Variable.MemoryArea.ZEROPAGE_MEMORY, Scope.SEGMENT_DATA_DEFAULT, null); makeword4.add(lolo); makeword4.setParameters(Arrays.asList(hihi, hilo, lohi, lolo)); program.getScope().add(makeword4); } // Add the call LValue result = (LValue) addIntermediateVar().getRef(); addStatement(new StatementCall(result, procedureName, parameters, new StatementSource(ctx), ensureUnusedComments(getCommentsSymbol(ctx)))); return result; } } // Examine if the procedureName references a variable RValue procedurePointer = (RValue) this.visit(ctx.expr()); if(procedurePointer instanceof ProcedureRef) { // A normal named call LValue result = (LValue) addIntermediateVar().getRef(); String procedureName = ((ProcedureRef) procedurePointer).getLocalName(); addStatement(new StatementCall(result, procedureName, parameters, new StatementSource(ctx), ensureUnusedComments(getCommentsSymbol(ctx)))); return result; } else if(procedurePointer instanceof ForwardVariableRef) { // TODO: Remove the need for forward references! // Assume this is a named call to a yet undeclared function. LValue result = (LValue) addIntermediateVar().getRef(); String procedureName = ((ForwardVariableRef) procedurePointer).getName(); addStatement(new StatementCall(result, procedureName, parameters, new StatementSource(ctx), ensureUnusedComments(getCommentsSymbol(ctx)))); return result; } else { LValue result = (LValue) addIntermediateVar().getRef(); addStatement(new StatementCallPointer(result, procedurePointer, parameters, new StatementSource(ctx), ensureUnusedComments(getCommentsSymbol(ctx)))); consumeExpr(procedurePointer); Label afterCallLabel = getCurrentScope().addLabelIntermediate(); addStatement(new StatementLabel(afterCallLabel.getRef(), new StatementSource(ctx), Comment.NO_COMMENTS)); return result; } } @Override public List visitParameterList(KickCParser.ParameterListContext ctx) { List parameters = new ArrayList<>(); for(KickCParser.ExprContext exprContext : ctx.expr()) { RValue param = (RValue) this.visit(exprContext); parameters.add(param); } return parameters; } @Override public RValue visitExprArray(KickCParser.ExprArrayContext ctx) { RValue array = (RValue) visit(ctx.expr()); RValue index = (RValue) visit(ctx.commaExpr()); PointerDereferenceIndexed pointerDereferenceIndexed = new PointerDereferenceIndexed(array, index); addExprToConsume(pointerDereferenceIndexed); return pointerDereferenceIndexed; } @Override public RValue visitExprNumber(KickCParser.ExprNumberContext ctx) { try { return NumberParser.parseIntegerLiteral(ctx.getText()); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { throw new CompileError(e.getMessage(), new StatementSource(ctx)); } } /** The current string encoding used if no explicit encoding is specified. */ private StringEncoding currentEncoding; @Override public RValue visitExprString(KickCParser.ExprStringContext ctx) { StringBuilder stringValue = new StringBuilder(); String subText; String lastSuffix = ""; StringEncoding encoding = null; for(TerminalNode stringNode : ctx.STRING()) { subText = stringNode.getText(); String suffix = subText.substring(subText.lastIndexOf('"') + 1); StringEncoding suffixEncoding = StringEncoding.fromSuffix(suffix, currentEncoding); if(suffixEncoding != null) { if(encoding != null && !encoding.equals(suffixEncoding)) { throw new CompileError("Cannot mix encodings in concatenated strings " + ctx.getText(), new StatementSource(ctx)); } encoding = suffixEncoding; } lastSuffix = suffix; stringValue.append(subText, 1, subText.lastIndexOf('"')); } boolean zeroTerminated = !lastSuffix.contains("z"); try { return new ConstantString(encoding.escapeToAscii(stringValue.toString()), encoding, zeroTerminated); } catch(CompileError e) { // Rethrow - adding statement context! throw new CompileError(e.getMessage(), new StatementSource(ctx)); } } @Override public RValue visitExprBool(KickCParser.ExprBoolContext ctx) { String bool = ctx.getText(); return new ConstantBool(Boolean.valueOf(bool)); } @Override public Object visitExprChar(KickCParser.ExprCharContext ctx) { try { String charText = ctx.getText(); charText = charText.substring(1, charText.length() - 1); char constChar = currentEncoding.escapeToAscii(charText).charAt(0); return new ConstantChar(constChar, currentEncoding); } catch(CompileError e) { // Rethrow adding source location throw new CompileError(e.getMessage(), new StatementSource(ctx)); } } @Override public RValue visitExprBinary(KickCParser.ExprBinaryContext ctx) { RValue left = (RValue) this.visit(ctx.expr(0)); RValue right = (RValue) this.visit(ctx.expr(1)); String op = ((TerminalNode) ctx.getChild(1)).getSymbol().getText(); Operator operator = Operators.getBinary(op); return addExprBinary(ctx, left, operator, right); } private RValue addExprBinary(ParserRuleContext ctx, RValue left, Operator operator, RValue right) { if(left instanceof ConstantValue && right instanceof ConstantValue) { return new ConstantBinary((ConstantValue) left, (OperatorBinary) operator, (ConstantValue) right); } else { Variable tmpVar = addIntermediateVar(); SymbolVariableRef tmpVarRef = tmpVar.getRef(); Statement stmt = new StatementAssignment((LValue) tmpVarRef, left, operator, right, true, new StatementSource(ctx), ensureUnusedComments(getCommentsSymbol(ctx))); addStatement(stmt); consumeExpr(left); consumeExpr(right); return tmpVarRef; } } @Override public Object visitExprPtr(KickCParser.ExprPtrContext ctx) { RValue child = (RValue) this.visit(ctx.expr()); PointerDereferenceSimple pointerDereferenceSimple = new PointerDereferenceSimple(child); addExprToConsume(pointerDereferenceSimple); return pointerDereferenceSimple; } @Override public RValue visitExprUnary(KickCParser.ExprUnaryContext ctx) { RValue child = (RValue) this.visit(ctx.expr()); String op = ((TerminalNode) ctx.getChild(0)).getSymbol().getText(); Operator operator = Operators.getUnary(op); return addExprUnary(ctx, operator, child); } private RValue addExprUnary(ParserRuleContext ctx, Operator operator, RValue child) { // Special handling of negative literal number if(operator.equals(Operators.ADDRESS_OF)) { ConstantValue constantAddressOf = constantifyAddressOf(child, new StatementSource(ctx)); if(constantAddressOf != null) return constantAddressOf; } if(operator.equals(Operators.NEG) && child instanceof ConstantInteger) { return new ConstantInteger(-((ConstantInteger) child).getInteger(), ((ConstantInteger) child).getType()); } else if(child instanceof ConstantValue) { return new ConstantUnary((OperatorUnary) operator, (ConstantValue) child); } else { Variable tmpVar = addIntermediateVar(); SymbolVariableRef tmpVarRef = tmpVar.getRef(); Statement stmt = new StatementAssignment((LValue) tmpVarRef, operator, child, true, new StatementSource(ctx), ensureUnusedComments(getCommentsSymbol(ctx))); addStatement(stmt); consumeExpr(child); return tmpVarRef; } } /** * Try to constantify an RValue that is affected by the address-of operator. * * @param child The sub expression of the address-of operator * @param source The statement source (used for errors) * @return The constant value of the pointer, if it can be constantified. Null otherwise. */ private ConstantValue constantifyAddressOf(RValue child, StatementSource source) { if(child instanceof SymbolRef) { return new ConstantSymbolPointer((SymbolRef) child); } else if(child instanceof PointerDereferenceIndexed && ((PointerDereferenceIndexed) child).getPointer() instanceof ConstantValue && ((PointerDereferenceIndexed) child).getIndex() instanceof ConstantValue) { PointerDereferenceIndexed pointerDeref = (PointerDereferenceIndexed) child; return new ConstantBinary((ConstantValue) pointerDeref.getPointer(), Operators.PLUS, (ConstantValue) pointerDeref.getIndex()); } else if(child instanceof StructMemberRef && ((StructMemberRef) child).getStruct() instanceof PointerDereferenceSimple && ((PointerDereferenceSimple) ((StructMemberRef) child).getStruct()).getPointer() instanceof ConstantValue) { final StructMemberRef structMemberRef = (StructMemberRef) child; final ConstantValue structPointer = (ConstantValue) ((PointerDereferenceSimple) structMemberRef.getStruct()).getPointer(); final SymbolTypeStruct structType = (SymbolTypeStruct) SymbolTypeInference.inferType(program.getScope(), structMemberRef.getStruct()); StructDefinition structDefinition = structType.getStructDefinition(program.getScope()); final Variable member = structDefinition.getMember(structMemberRef.getMemberName()); if(member == null) { throw new CompileError("Unknown struct member " + structMemberRef.getMemberName() + " in struct " + structType.toCDecl(), source); } final ConstantRef memberOffset = SizeOfConstants.getStructMemberOffsetConstant(program.getScope(), structDefinition, structMemberRef.getMemberName()); return new ConstantCastValue(new SymbolTypePointer(member.getType()), new ConstantBinary(new ConstantCastValue(new SymbolTypePointer(SymbolType.BYTE), structPointer), Operators.PLUS, memberOffset)); } else if(child instanceof StructMemberRef && ((StructMemberRef) child).getStruct() instanceof SymbolRef) { final StructMemberRef structMemberRef = (StructMemberRef) child; final ConstantValue structPointer = new ConstantSymbolPointer((SymbolRef) structMemberRef.getStruct()); final SymbolTypeStruct structType = (SymbolTypeStruct) SymbolTypeInference.inferType(program.getScope(), structMemberRef.getStruct()); StructDefinition structDefinition = structType.getStructDefinition(program.getScope()); final Variable member = structDefinition.getMember(structMemberRef.getMemberName()); if(member == null) { throw new CompileError("Unknown struct member " + structMemberRef.getMemberName() + " in struct " + structType.toCDecl(), source); } final ConstantRef memberOffset = SizeOfConstants.getStructMemberOffsetConstant(program.getScope(), structDefinition, structMemberRef.getMemberName()); return new ConstantCastValue(new SymbolTypePointer(member.getType()), new ConstantBinary(new ConstantCastValue(new SymbolTypePointer(SymbolType.BYTE), structPointer), Operators.PLUS, memberOffset)); } return null; } @Override public RValue visitExprTernary(KickCParser.ExprTernaryContext ctx) { RValue condValue = (RValue) this.visit(ctx.expr(0)); Label trueLabel = getCurrentScope().addLabelIntermediate(); Label falseLabel = getCurrentScope().addLabelIntermediate(); Label endJumpLabel = getCurrentScope().addLabelIntermediate(); addStatement(new StatementConditionalJump(condValue, trueLabel.getRef(), new StatementSource(ctx), Comment.NO_COMMENTS)); addStatement(new StatementLabel(falseLabel.getRef(), new StatementSource(ctx), Comment.NO_COMMENTS)); RValue falseValue = (RValue) this.visit(ctx.expr(2)); SymbolVariableRef falseVar = addIntermediateVar().getRef(); addStatement(new StatementAssignment((LValue) falseVar, falseValue, true, new StatementSource(ctx), Comment.NO_COMMENTS)); LabelRef falseExitLabel = getCurrentProcedureCompilation().getStatementSequence().getCurrentBlockLabel(); addStatement(new StatementJump(endJumpLabel.getRef(), new StatementSource(ctx), Comment.NO_COMMENTS)); addStatement(new StatementLabel(trueLabel.getRef(), new StatementSource(ctx), Comment.NO_COMMENTS)); RValue trueValue = (RValue) this.visit(ctx.expr(1)); SymbolVariableRef trueVar = addIntermediateVar().getRef(); addStatement(new StatementAssignment((LValue) trueVar, trueValue, true, new StatementSource(ctx), Comment.NO_COMMENTS)); LabelRef trueExitLabel = getCurrentProcedureCompilation().getStatementSequence().getCurrentBlockLabel(); addStatement(new StatementLabel(endJumpLabel.getRef(), new StatementSource(ctx), Comment.NO_COMMENTS)); StatementPhiBlock phiBlock = new StatementPhiBlock(Comment.NO_COMMENTS); phiBlock.setSource(new StatementSource(ctx)); SymbolVariableRef finalVar = addIntermediateVar().getRef(); StatementPhiBlock.PhiVariable phiVariable = phiBlock.addPhiVariable((VariableRef) finalVar); phiVariable.setrValue(trueExitLabel, trueVar); phiVariable.setrValue(falseExitLabel, falseVar); addStatement(phiBlock); consumeExpr(condValue); consumeExpr(falseValue); consumeExpr(trueValue); return finalVar; } @Override public Object visitCommaNone(KickCParser.CommaNoneContext ctx) { return this.visit(ctx.expr()); } @Override public Object visitCommaSimple(KickCParser.CommaSimpleContext ctx) { this.visit(ctx.commaExpr()); return this.visit(ctx.expr()); } @Override public Object visitExprPreMod(KickCParser.ExprPreModContext ctx) { return this.visit(ctx.expr()); } @Override public Object visitExprPostMod(KickCParser.ExprPostModContext ctx) { return this.visit(ctx.expr()); } @Override public RValue visitExprPar(KickCParser.ExprParContext ctx) { return (RValue) this.visit(ctx.commaExpr()); } @Override public RValue visitExprId(KickCParser.ExprIdContext ctx) { Symbol symbol = getCurrentScope().findSymbol(ctx.NAME().getText()); if(symbol instanceof Variable) { Variable variable = (Variable) symbol; return variable.getRef(); } else if(symbol instanceof Procedure) { Procedure procedure = (Procedure) symbol; return procedure.getRef(); } else if(symbol == null) { // Either forward reference or a non-existing variable. Create a forward reference for later resolving. return new ForwardVariableRef(ctx.NAME().getText()); } throw new CompileError("Unhandled symbol " + symbol.toString(program)); } /** * Find all comments preceding the passed context. * Group the comments into blocks each time an empty line (double newline) is encountered * * @param ctx The parse context to examine * @return The comment blocks preceding the context */ private List> getCommentBlocks(ParserRuleContext ctx) { List> commentBlocks = new ArrayList<>(); List comments = new ArrayList<>(); BufferedTokenStream preprocessedTokenStream = cParser.getPreprocessedTokenStream(); final int startTokenIndex = ctx.start.getTokenIndex(); if(startTokenIndex < 0) return commentBlocks; List hiddenTokens = preprocessedTokenStream.getHiddenTokensToLeft(startTokenIndex); if(hiddenTokens != null) { for(Token hiddenToken : hiddenTokens) { if(hiddenToken.getChannel() == CParser.CHANNEL_WHITESPACE) { String text = hiddenToken.getText(); long newlineCount = text.chars().filter(ch -> ch == '\n').count(); if(newlineCount > 1 && comments.size() > 0) { // Create new comment block commentBlocks.add(comments); comments = new ArrayList<>(); } } else if(hiddenToken.getChannel() == CParser.CHANNEL_COMMENTS) { boolean isBlock = false; String text = hiddenToken.getText(); if(text.startsWith("//")) { text = text.substring(2); } if(text.startsWith("/*")) { text = text.substring(2, text.length() - 2); isBlock = true; } Comment comment = new Comment(text); comment.setBlock(isBlock); comment.setTokenIndex(hiddenToken.getTokenIndex()); comments.add(comment); } } } if(comments.size() > 0) { commentBlocks.add(comments); } return commentBlocks; } /** Set containing the token index of all comment blocks that have already been used. */ private final HashSet usedCommentTokenIndices = new HashSet<>(); /** * Ensures that the comments have not already been "used" in another context. * * @param candidate The comments to examine * @return The comments if they are unused. An empty comment if they had already been used. */ private List ensureUnusedComments(List candidate) { if(candidate.size() == 0) { return candidate; } int tokenIndex = candidate.get(0).getTokenIndex(); if(usedCommentTokenIndices.contains(tokenIndex)) { // Comment was already used - Return an empty list return new ArrayList<>(); } else { // Comment unused - Mark as used and return it usedCommentTokenIndices.add(tokenIndex); return candidate; } } /** * Find the first comments preceding the passed context (search from start until meeting a double newline). * Only returns comments if they have not already been "used" by another call. * * @param ctx The parse context to examine * @return The first comments preceding the context */ private List getCommentsFile(ParserRuleContext ctx) { List> commentBlocks = getCommentBlocks(ctx); if(commentBlocks.size() == 0) { return new ArrayList<>(); } return commentBlocks.get(0); } /** * Find comments immediately preceding the passed context (search from end until meeting a double newline) * Only returns comments if they have not already been "used" by another call. * * @param ctx The parse context to examine * @return The comments immediately preceding the context */ private List getCommentsSymbol(ParserRuleContext ctx) { List> commentBlocks = getCommentBlocks(ctx); if(commentBlocks.size() == 0) { return new ArrayList<>(); } return commentBlocks.get(commentBlocks.size() - 1); } private static class PrePostModifierHandler extends KickCParserBaseVisitor { private final List postMods; private final List preMods; private final Pass0GenerateStatementSequence mainParser; PrePostModifierHandler(Pass0GenerateStatementSequence mainParser) { this.mainParser = mainParser; preMods = new ArrayList<>(); postMods = new ArrayList<>(); } static void addPostModifiers(Pass0GenerateStatementSequence parser, ParserRuleContext ctx, StatementSource statementSource) { PrePostModifierHandler prePostModifierHandler = new PrePostModifierHandler(parser); prePostModifierHandler.visit(ctx); List modifiers = prePostModifierHandler.getPostMods(); addModifierStatements(parser, modifiers, statementSource); } static void addPreModifiers(Pass0GenerateStatementSequence parser, ParserRuleContext ctx, StatementSource statementSource) { PrePostModifierHandler modifierHandler = new PrePostModifierHandler(parser); modifierHandler.visit(ctx); List modifiers = modifierHandler.getPreMods(); addModifierStatements(parser, modifiers, statementSource); } static boolean hasPrePostModifiers(Pass0GenerateStatementSequence parser, ParserRuleContext ctx, StatementSource statementSource) { PrePostModifierHandler modifierHandler = new PrePostModifierHandler(parser); modifierHandler.visit(ctx); return (modifierHandler.getPreMods().size() > 0) || (modifierHandler.getPostMods().size() > 0); } static boolean hasPostModifiers(Pass0GenerateStatementSequence parser, ParserRuleContext ctx, StatementSource statementSource) { PrePostModifierHandler modifierHandler = new PrePostModifierHandler(parser); modifierHandler.visit(ctx); return modifierHandler.getPostMods().size() > 0; } private static void addModifierStatements( Pass0GenerateStatementSequence parser, List modifiers, StatementSource source) { for(PrePostModifier mod : modifiers) { if(mod.child instanceof ConstantValue) { throw new CompileError("Constants can not be modified " + mod.child.toString(), source); } Statement stmt = new StatementAssignment((LValue) mod.child, mod.operator, copyLValue((LValue) mod.child), false, source, Comment.NO_COMMENTS); parser.addStatement(stmt); parser.consumeExpr(mod.child); if(parser.program.getLog().isVerboseParse()) { parser.program.getLog().append("Adding pre/post-modifier " + stmt.toString(parser.program, false)); } } } List getPreMods() { return preMods; } List getPostMods() { return postMods; } @Override public Void visitExprPostMod(KickCParser.ExprPostModContext ctx) { // First handle the ++/-- modifier RValue child = (RValue) mainParser.visit(ctx.expr()); String op = ((TerminalNode) ctx.getChild(1)).getSymbol().getText(); Operator operator = Operators.getUnary(op); PrePostModifier modifier = new PrePostModifier(child, operator); postMods.add(modifier); // First visit sub-expressions in case they have ++/-- themselves this.visit(ctx.expr()); return null; } @Override public Void visitExprPreMod(KickCParser.ExprPreModContext ctx) { // First handle the ++/-- modifier RValue child = (RValue) mainParser.visit(ctx.expr()); String op = ((TerminalNode) ctx.getChild(0)).getSymbol().getText(); Operator operator = Operators.getUnary(op); PrePostModifier modifier = new PrePostModifier(child, operator); preMods.add(modifier); // Then visit sub-expressions in case they have ++/-- this.visit(ctx.expr()); return null; } private static class PrePostModifier { RValue child; public Operator operator; PrePostModifier(RValue child, Operator operator) { this.child = child; this.operator = operator; } } } }