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// Test the MAP instruction for remapping memory
// See section 2.3.4 in http://www.zimmers.net/cbmpics/cbm/c65/c65manual.txt for a description of the CPU memory remapper of the C65.
// See Appendix G in https://mega.scryptos.com/sharefolder-link/MEGA/MEGA65+filehost/Docs/MEGA65-Book_draft.pdf for a description of the CPU memory remapper of the MEGA65.
/// @file
/// MEGA65 Registers and Constants
/// @file
/// The MOS 6526 Complex Interface Adapter (CIA)
/// http://archive.6502.org/datasheets/mos_6526_cia_recreated.pdf
.cpu _45gs02
// MEGA65 platform PRG executable starting in MEGA65 mode.
.file [name="memorymap-test.prg", type="prg", segments="Program"]
.segmentdef Program [segments="Basic, Code, Data"]
.segmentdef Basic [start=$2001]
.segmentdef Code [start=$2017]
.segmentdef Data [startAfter="Code"]
.segment Basic
.byte $0a, $20, $0a, $00, $fe, $02, $20, $30, $00 // 10 BANK 0
.byte $15, $20, $14, $00, $9e, $20 // 20 SYS
.text toIntString(main) // NNNN
.byte $00, $00, $00 //
/// Bit representing 8K block #2 of the 64K addressable memory ($4000-$5fff)
.const MEMORYBLOCK_4000 = 4
/// Bit representing 8K block #4 of the 64K addressable memory ($8000-$9fff)
.const MEMORYBLOCK_8000 = $10
/// Default address of screen character matrix
.label DEFAULT_SCREEN = $800
.segment Code
main: {
.label BLOCK_4000 = $4000
.label BLOCK_8000 = $8000
// memoryRemapBlock(0x40, 0x100)
// Remap [$4000-$5fff] to point to [$10000-$11fff]
ldx #$40
jsr memoryRemapBlock
// BLOCK_4000[0] = '-'
// Put '-', '*' into $10000
ldz #'-'
stz BLOCK_4000
// BLOCK_4000[1] = '*'
ldz #'*'
stz BLOCK_4000+1
// memoryRemapBlock(0x80, 0x100)
// Remap [$8000-$9fff] to point to [$10000-$11fff]
ldx #$80
jsr memoryRemapBlock
// BLOCK_8000[2] = '-'
// Put '-', '*' into $10002
ldz #'-'
stz BLOCK_8000+2
// BLOCK_8000[3] = '*'
ldz #'*'
stz BLOCK_8000+3
// memoryRemap(MEMORYBLOCK_4000|MEMORYBLOCK_8000, 0x0c0, 0x080)
// Remap [$4000-$5fff] and [$8000-$9fff] to both point to [$10000-$11fff] (notice usage of page offsets)
lda #<$80
sta.z memoryRemap.upperPageOffset
lda #>$80
sta.z memoryRemap.upperPageOffset+1
lda #<$c0
sta.z memoryRemap.lowerPageOffset
lda #>$c0
sta.z memoryRemap.lowerPageOffset+1
jsr memoryRemap
// BLOCK_8000[4] = BLOCK_4000[2]
// Put '-', '*' into $10004 in a convoluted way
lda BLOCK_4000+2
sta BLOCK_8000+4
// BLOCK_4000[5] = BLOCK_8000[1]
lda BLOCK_8000+1
sta BLOCK_4000+5
ldx #0
// copy the resulting values onto the screen - it should show '-*-*-*'
// for(char i=0;i<6;i++)
cpx #6
bcc __b2
// memoryRemap256M(MEMORYBLOCK_4000, 0xff800-0x00040, 0)
// Remap [$4000-$5fff] to point to [$ff80000-$ff81fff] COLORRAM! (notice usage of page offsets)
lda #<$ff800-$40
sta.z memoryRemap256M.lowerPageOffset
lda #>$ff800-$40
sta.z memoryRemap256M.lowerPageOffset+1
lda #<$ff800-$40>>$10
sta.z memoryRemap256M.lowerPageOffset+2
lda #>$ff800-$40>>$10
sta.z memoryRemap256M.lowerPageOffset+3
jsr memoryRemap256M
ldx #0
// Put colors in the upper screen line
// for( char i=0; i<16; i++)
cpx #$10
bcc __b5
// memoryRemap256M(0, 0, 0)
// Remap [$4000-$5fff] back to normal memory!
ldx #0
sta.z memoryRemap256M.lowerPageOffset
sta.z memoryRemap256M.lowerPageOffset+1
sta.z memoryRemap256M.lowerPageOffset+2
sta.z memoryRemap256M.lowerPageOffset+3
jsr memoryRemap256M
// }
// 0x40+i
adc #$40
// BLOCK_4000[i] = 0x40+i
sta BLOCK_4000,x
// for( char i=0; i<16; i++)
jmp __b4
// (DEFAULT_SCREEN+80-6)[i] = BLOCK_4000[i]
lda BLOCK_4000,x
sta DEFAULT_SCREEN+$50-6,x
// for(char i=0;i<6;i++)
jmp __b1
// Remap a single 8K memory block in the 64K address space of the 6502 to point somewhere else in the first 1MB memory space of the MEGA65.
// All the other 8K memory blocks will not be mapped and will point to their own address in the lowest 64K of the MEGA65 memory.
// blockPage: Page address of the 8K memory block to remap (ie. the block that is remapped is $100 * the passed page address.)
// memoryPage: Page address of the memory that the block should point to in the 1MB memory space of the MEGA65.
// Ie. the memory that will be pointed to is $100 * the passed page address. Only the lower 12bits of the passed value is used.
// void memoryRemapBlock(__register(X) char blockPage, unsigned int memoryPage)
memoryRemapBlock: {
.label pageOffset = 3
// unsigned int pageOffset = memoryPage-blockPage
// Find the page offset (the number of pages to offset the block)
stx.z $ff
lda #<$100
sbc.z $ff
sta.z pageOffset
lda #>$100
sbc #0
sta.z pageOffset+1
// char block = blockPage / 0x20
// Which block is being remapped? (0-7)
// char blockBits = 1<<block
lda #1
cpy #0
beq !e+
bne !-
// memoryRemap(blockBits, pageOffset, pageOffset)
lda.z pageOffset
sta.z memoryRemap.upperPageOffset
lda.z pageOffset+1
sta.z memoryRemap.upperPageOffset+1
jsr memoryRemap
// }
// Remap some of the eight 8K memory blocks in the 64K address space of the 6502 to point somewhere else in the first 1MB memory space of the MEGA65.
// After the remapping the CPU will access the mapped memory whenever it uses instructions that access a remapped block.
// See section 2.3.4 in http://www.zimmers.net/cbmpics/cbm/c65/c65manual.txt for a description of the CPU memory remapper of the C65.
// remapBlocks: Indicates which 8K blocks of the 6502 address space to remap. Each bit represents one 8K block
// - bit 0 Memory block $0000-$1fff. Use constant MEMORYBLOCK_0000.
// - bit 1 Memory block $2000-$3fff. Use constant MEMORYBLOCK_2000.
// - bit 2 Memory block $4000-$5fff. Use constant MEMORYBLOCK_4000.
// - bit 3 Memory block $6000-$7fff. Use constant MEMORYBLOCK_6000.
// - bit 4 Memory block $8000-$9fff. Use constant MEMORYBLOCK_8000.
// - bit 5 Memory block $a000-$bfff. Use constant MEMORYBLOCK_A000.
// - bit 6 Memory block $c000-$dfff. Use constant MEMORYBLOCK_C000.
// - bit 7 Memory block $e000-$ffff. Use constant MEMORYBLOCK_E000.
// lowerPageOffset: Offset that will be added to any remapped blocks in the lower 32K of memory (block 0-3).
// The offset is a page offset (meaning it is multiplied by 0x100). Only the lower 12bits of the passed value is used.
// - If block 0 ($0000-$1fff) is remapped it will point to lowerPageOffset*$100.
// - If block 1 ($2000-$3fff) is remapped it will point to lowerPageOffset*$100 + $2000.
// - If block 2 ($4000-$5fff) is remapped it will point to lowerPageOffset*$100 + $4000.
// - If block 3 ($6000-$7fff) is remapped it will point to lowerPageOffset*$100 + $6000.
// upperPageOffset: Offset that will be added to any remapped blocks in the upper 32K of memory (block 4-7).
// The offset is a page offset (meaning it is multiplied by 0x100). Only the lower 12bits of the passed value is used.
// - If block 4 ($8000-$9fff) is remapped it will point to upperPageOffset*$100 + $8000
// - If block 5 ($a000-$bfff) is remapped it will point to upperPageOffset*$100 + $a000.
// - If block 6 ($c000-$dfff) is remapped it will point to upperPageOffset*$100 + $c000.
// - If block 7 ($e000-$ffff) is remapped it will point to upperPageOffset*$100 + $e000.
// void memoryRemap(__register(Z) char remapBlocks, __zp(3) unsigned int lowerPageOffset, __zp(7) unsigned int upperPageOffset)
memoryRemap: {
.label aVal = $10
.label xVal = $a
.label __1 = 5
.label yVal = 9
.label zVal = 2
.label __6 = 6
.label lowerPageOffset = 3
.label upperPageOffset = 7
// char aVal = BYTE0(lowerPageOffset)
// lower blocks offset page low
lda.z lowerPageOffset
sta.z aVal
// remapBlocks << 4
sta.z __1
// BYTE1(lowerPageOffset)
lda.z lowerPageOffset+1
// BYTE1(lowerPageOffset) & 0xf
and #$f
// char xVal = (remapBlocks << 4) | (BYTE1(lowerPageOffset) & 0xf)
// lower blocks to map + lower blocks offset high nibble
ora.z __1
sta.z xVal
// char yVal = BYTE0(upperPageOffset)
// upper blocks offset page
lda.z upperPageOffset
sta.z yVal
// remapBlocks & 0xf0
and #$f0
sta.z __6
// BYTE1(upperPageOffset)
lda.z upperPageOffset+1
// BYTE1(upperPageOffset) & 0xf
and #$f
// char zVal = (remapBlocks & 0xf0) | (BYTE1(upperPageOffset) & 0xf)
// upper blocks to map + upper blocks offset page high nibble
ora.z __6
sta.z zVal
// asm
lda aVal
ldx xVal
ldy yVal
ldz zVal
// }
// Remap some of the eight 8K memory blocks in the 64K address space of the 6502 to point somewhere else in the entire 256MB memory space of the MEGA65.
// After the remapping the CPU will access the mapped memory whenever it uses instructions that access a remapped block.
// See section 2.3.4 in http://www.zimmers.net/cbmpics/cbm/c65/c65manual.txt for a description of the CPU memory remapper of the C65.
// See Appendix G in file:///Users/jespergravgaard/Downloads/MEGA65-Book_draft%20(5).pdf for a description of the CPU memory remapper of the MEGA65.
// remapBlocks: Indicates which 8K blocks of the 6502 address space to remap. Each bit represents one 8K block
// - bit 0 Memory block $0000-$1fff. Use constant MEMORYBLOCK_0000.
// - bit 1 Memory block $2000-$3fff. Use constant MEMORYBLOCK_2000.
// - bit 2 Memory block $4000-$5fff. Use constant MEMORYBLOCK_4000.
// - bit 3 Memory block $6000-$7fff. Use constant MEMORYBLOCK_6000.
// - bit 4 Memory block $8000-$9fff. Use constant MEMORYBLOCK_8000.
// - bit 5 Memory block $a000-$bfff. Use constant MEMORYBLOCK_A000.
// - bit 6 Memory block $c000-$dfff. Use constant MEMORYBLOCK_C000.
// - bit 7 Memory block $e000-$ffff. Use constant MEMORYBLOCK_E000.
// lowerPageOffset: Offset that will be added to any remapped blocks in the lower 32K of memory (block 0-3).
// The offset is a page offset (meaning it is multiplied by 0x100). Only the lower 20bits of the passed value is used.
// - If block 0 ($0000-$1fff) is remapped it will point to lowerPageOffset*$100.
// - If block 1 ($2000-$3fff) is remapped it will point to lowerPageOffset*$100 + $2000.
// - If block 2 ($4000-$5fff) is remapped it will point to lowerPageOffset*$100 + $4000.
// - If block 3 ($6000-$7fff) is remapped it will point to lowerPageOffset*$100 + $6000.
// upperPageOffset: Offset that will be added to any remapped blocks in the upper 32K of memory (block 4-7).
// The offset is a page offset (meaning it is multiplied by 0x100). Only the lower 20bits of the passed value is used.
// - If block 4 ($8000-$9fff) is remapped it will point to upperPageOffset*$100 + $8000
// - If block 5 ($a000-$bfff) is remapped it will point to upperPageOffset*$100 + $a000.
// - If block 6 ($c000-$dfff) is remapped it will point to upperPageOffset*$100 + $c000.
// - If block 7 ($e000-$ffff) is remapped it will point to upperPageOffset*$100 + $e000.
// void memoryRemap256M(__register(X) char remapBlocks, __zp($11) unsigned long lowerPageOffset, unsigned long upperPageOffset)
memoryRemap256M: {
.label lMb = $19
.label __0 = $b
.label uMb = $18
.label aVal = $17
.label xVal = $16
.label __5 = 5
.label yVal = $15
.label zVal = $f
.label lowerPageOffset = $11
// lowerPageOffset>>4
lda.z lowerPageOffset+3
sta.z __0+3
lda.z lowerPageOffset+2
sta.z __0+2
lda.z lowerPageOffset+1
sta.z __0+1
lda.z lowerPageOffset
sta.z __0
lsr.z __0+3
ror.z __0+2
ror.z __0+1
ror.z __0
lsr.z __0+3
ror.z __0+2
ror.z __0+1
ror.z __0
lsr.z __0+3
ror.z __0+2
ror.z __0+1
ror.z __0
// char lMb = BYTE1((unsigned int)(lowerPageOffset>>4))
// lower blocks offset megabytes
lda.z __0+1
sta.z lMb
// char uMb = BYTE1((unsigned int)(upperPageOffset>>4))
// upper blocks offset megabytes
ldz #0
stz.z uMb
// char aVal = BYTE0(lowerPageOffset)
// lower blocks offset page low
lda.z lowerPageOffset
sta.z aVal
// remapBlocks << 4
sta.z __5
// BYTE1(lowerPageOffset)
lda.z lowerPageOffset+1
// BYTE1(lowerPageOffset) & 0xf
and #$f
// char xVal = (remapBlocks << 4) | (BYTE1(lowerPageOffset) & 0xf)
// lower blocks to map + lower blocks offset high nibble
ora.z __5
sta.z xVal
// char yVal = BYTE0(upperPageOffset)
// upper blocks offset page
stz.z yVal
// remapBlocks & 0xf0
and #$f0
// char zVal = (remapBlocks & 0xf0) | (BYTE1(upperPageOffset) & 0xf)
// upper blocks to map + upper blocks offset page high nibble
sta.z zVal
// asm
lda lMb
ldx #$f
ldy uMb
ldz #$f
lda aVal
ldx xVal
ldy yVal
ldz zVal
// }