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package dk.camelot64.kickc.passes;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.*;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.iterator.ProgramValue;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.iterator.ProgramValueHandler;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.iterator.ProgramValueIterator;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.statements.*;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.symbols.*;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.types.SymbolType;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.values.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
/** Pass that modifies a control flow graph to inline any procedures declared as inline */
public class Pass1ProcedureInline extends Pass1Base {
public Pass1ProcedureInline(Program program) {
public boolean step() {
for(var procedureCompilation : getProgram().getProcedureCompilations())
return true;
return false;
private boolean inlineProcedure(ProcedureCompilation procedureCompilation) {
final ControlFlowGraph procedureGraph = procedureCompilation.getGraph();
if(procedureGraph!=null) {
final List<Graph.Block> procedureBlocks = new ArrayList<>(procedureGraph.getAllBlocks());
ListIterator<Graph.Block> blocksIt = procedureBlocks.listIterator();
while(blocksIt.hasNext()) {
Graph.Block block = blocksIt.next();
List<Statement> blockStatements = block.getStatements();
ListIterator<Statement> statementsIt = blockStatements.listIterator();
while(statementsIt.hasNext()) {
Statement statement = statementsIt.next();
if(statement instanceof StatementCall call) {
ProcedureRef procedureRef = call.getProcedure();
Procedure procedure = getProgramScope().getProcedure(procedureRef);
if(procedure.isDeclaredInline()) {
if(procedure.getInterruptType() != null) {
throw new CompileError("Error! Interrupts cannot be inlined. " + procedure.getRef().toString());
inlineProcedureCall(call, procedure, statementsIt, block, blocksIt);
// Update the procedure graph
procedureCompilation.setGraph(new ControlFlowGraph(procedureBlocks));
// Exit and restart
return true;
return false;
* Inline a specific call to a procedure.
* @param call The call to inline
* @param procedure The procedure being called
* @param statementsIt The statement iterator pointing to the call statement
* @param block The block containing the call
* @param blocksIt The block iterator pointing to the block containing the call
private void inlineProcedureCall(StatementCall call, Procedure procedure, ListIterator<Statement> statementsIt, Graph.Block block, ListIterator<Graph.Block> blocksIt) {
Scope callScope = getProgramScope().getScope(block.getScope());
// Remove call
// Find call serial number (handles when multiple calls to the same procedure is made in the call scope)
int serial = nextSerial(procedure, callScope);
// Copy all procedure symbols
inlineSymbols(procedure, callScope, serial);
// Generate parameter assignments
inlineParameterAssignments(statementsIt, call, procedure, callScope, serial);
// Create a new block label for the rest of the calling block
Label restBlockLabel = callScope.addLabelIntermediate();
// Copy all procedure blocks
List<Graph.Block> procedureBlocks = getGraph().getScopeBlocks(procedure.getRef());
for(var procedureBlock : procedureBlocks) {
LabelRef procBlockLabelRef = procedureBlock.getLabel();
Symbol procBlockLabel = getProgramScope().getSymbol(procBlockLabelRef);
Label inlinedBlockLabel;
if(procedure.equals(procBlockLabel)) {
inlinedBlockLabel = callScope.getLocalLabel(procedure.getLocalName() + serial);
} else {
String inlinedBlockLabelName = getInlineSymbolName(procedure, procBlockLabel, serial);
inlinedBlockLabel = callScope.getLocalLabel(inlinedBlockLabelName);
ControlFlowBlock inlineBlock = new ControlFlowBlock(inlinedBlockLabel.getRef(), callScope.getRef());
for(Statement procStatement : procedureBlock.getStatements()) {
Statement inlinedStatement = inlineStatement(procStatement, procedure, callScope, serial);
if(inlinedStatement != null) {
// Set successors
if(procedureBlock.getDefaultSuccessor() != null) {
LabelRef procBlockSuccessorRef = procedureBlock.getDefaultSuccessor();
LabelRef inlinedSuccessor = inlineSuccessor(procBlockSuccessorRef, procedure, callScope, serial, restBlockLabel);
if(procedureBlock.getConditionalSuccessor() != null) {
LabelRef procBlockSuccessorRef = procedureBlock.getConditionalSuccessor();
LabelRef inlinedSuccessor = inlineSuccessor(procBlockSuccessorRef, procedure, callScope, serial, restBlockLabel);
// Create a new block for the rest of the calling block
ControlFlowBlock restBlock = new ControlFlowBlock(restBlockLabel.getRef(), callScope.getRef());
// Generate return assignment
if(!procedure.getReturnType().equals(SymbolType.VOID)) {
Variable procReturnVar = procedure.getLocalVariable("return");
String inlinedReturnVarName = getInlineSymbolName(procedure, procReturnVar, serial);
Variable inlinedReturnVar = callScope.getLocalVariable(inlinedReturnVarName);
restBlock.addStatement(new StatementAssignment(call.getlValue(), inlinedReturnVar.getRef(), false, call.getSource(), Comment.NO_COMMENTS));
} else {
// Remove the tmp var receiving the result
LValue lValue = call.getlValue();
if(lValue instanceof VariableRef) {
callScope.remove(getProgramScope().getVariable((VariableRef) lValue));
// Copy the rest of the calling block to the new block
while(statementsIt.hasNext()) {
Statement restStatement = statementsIt.next();
// Set the successors for the rest block
// Set default successor to the original block to the inlined procedure block
Label inlinedProcLabel = callScope.getLocalLabel(procedure.getLocalName() + serial);
// Set conditional successor of original block to null (as any condition has been moved to the rest block)
// Log the inlining
getLog().append("Inlined call " + call.toString(getProgram(), false));
private LabelRef inlineSuccessor(LabelRef procBlockSuccessorRef, Procedure procedure, Scope callScope, int serial, Label restBlockLabel) {
LabelRef inlinedSuccessor;
if(procBlockSuccessorRef.getFullName().equals(SymbolRef.PROCEXIT_BLOCK_NAME)) {
// Set successor of the @return block to the rest block
inlinedSuccessor = restBlockLabel.getRef();
} else {
Label procBlockSuccessor = getProgramScope().getLabel(procBlockSuccessorRef);
String inlinedSuccessorName = getInlineSymbolName(procedure, procBlockSuccessor, serial);
Label inlinedSuccessorLabel = callScope.getLocalLabel(inlinedSuccessorName);
inlinedSuccessor = inlinedSuccessorLabel.getRef();
return inlinedSuccessor;
* Find the next inline serial number for the procedure being inlined in the calling scope.
* The serial number handles when the same procedure is inlined many times in the same scope.
* Each inlineng gets its own serial - which generates inlined symbol names with different names.
* @param procedure The procedure being inlined
* @param callScope the scope it is being inlined into
* @return the next available serial number
private int nextSerial(Procedure procedure, Scope callScope) {
int serial = 1;
while(true) {
String localName = procedure.getLocalName() + serial;
if(callScope.getLocalLabel(localName) == null) {
return serial;
* Inline a statement from a procedure being inlined
* @param procStatement The statement to inline
* @param procedure The procedure being inlined
* @param callScope The scope where the procedure is being inlined
* @param serial The serial number (counted up for each inlined call to the same function within the called calling scope).
* @return A new statement that has inlined all references to variables etc.
private Statement inlineStatement(Statement procStatement, Procedure procedure, Scope callScope, int serial) {
Statement inlinedStatement;
if(procStatement instanceof StatementAssignment procAssignment) {
inlinedStatement = new StatementAssignment(procAssignment.getlValue(), procAssignment.getrValue1(), procAssignment.getOperator(), procAssignment.getrValue2(), procAssignment.isInitialAssignment(), procAssignment.getSource(), Comment.NO_COMMENTS);
} else if(procStatement instanceof StatementCall procCall) {
StatementCall inlinedCall = new StatementCall(procCall.getlValue(), procCall.getProcedureName(), new ArrayList<>(procCall.getParameters()), procCall.getSource(), procCall.getComments());
inlinedStatement = inlinedCall;
} else if(procStatement instanceof StatementAsm procAsm) {
inlinedStatement = new StatementAsm(procAsm.getAsmLines(), new LinkedHashMap<>(procAsm.getReferenced()), procAsm.getDeclaredClobber(), procAsm.getSource(), Comment.NO_COMMENTS);
} else if(procStatement instanceof StatementKickAsm procKasm) {
inlinedStatement = new StatementKickAsm(procKasm.getKickAsmCode(), procKasm.getBytes(), procKasm.getCycles(), procKasm.getUses(), procKasm.getDeclaredClobber(), procKasm.getSource(), Comment.NO_COMMENTS);
} else if(procStatement instanceof StatementConditionalJump procConditional) {
LabelRef procDestinationRef = procConditional.getDestination();
Label procDestination = getProgramScope().getLabel(procDestinationRef);
Label inlinedDest = procDestination;
if(procDestination.getScope().equals(procedure)) {
String inlineSymbolName = getInlineSymbolName(procedure, procDestination, serial);
inlinedDest = callScope.getLocalLabel(inlineSymbolName);
StatementConditionalJump inlinedConditionalJump = new StatementConditionalJump(procConditional.getrValue1(), procConditional.getOperator(), procConditional.getrValue2(), inlinedDest.getRef(), procConditional.getSource(), Comment.NO_COMMENTS);
inlinedStatement = inlinedConditionalJump;
} else if(procStatement instanceof StatementReturn) {
// No statement needed
return null;
} else {
throw new CompileError("Statement type of Inline function not handled " + procStatement, procStatement.getSource());
ProgramValueIterator.execute(inlinedStatement, new RValueInliner(procedure, serial, callScope), null, null);
return inlinedStatement;
* Ensures that all VariableRefs pointing to variables in the procedure being inlined are converted to refs to the new inlined variables
* Also copies all intermediate RValue objects to ensure they are not references to objects from the original statements in the procedure being inlined
private class RValueInliner implements ProgramValueHandler {
/** The scope where the precedure is being inlined into. */
private final Scope callScope;
/** The procedure being inlined. */
private final Procedure procedure;
/** The serial number (counted up for each inlined call to the same function within the called calling scope) */
private final int serial;
public RValueInliner(Procedure procedure, int serial, Scope callScope) {
this.procedure = procedure;
this.serial = serial;
this.callScope = callScope;
public void execute(ProgramValue programValue, Statement currentStmt, ListIterator<Statement> stmtIt, Graph.Block currentBlock) {
Value rValue = programValue.get();
if(rValue instanceof VariableRef procVarRef) {
Variable procVar = Pass1ProcedureInline.this.getProgramScope().getVariable(procVarRef);
if(procVar.getScope().equals(procedure)) {
String inlineSymbolName = Pass1ProcedureInline.this.getInlineSymbolName(procedure, procVar, serial);
Variable inlineVar = callScope.getLocalVariable(inlineSymbolName);
} else if(rValue instanceof PointerDereferenceSimple) {
programValue.set(new PointerDereferenceSimple(((PointerDereferenceSimple) rValue).getPointer()));
} else if(rValue instanceof PointerDereferenceIndexed) {
programValue.set(new PointerDereferenceIndexed(((PointerDereferenceIndexed) rValue).getPointer(), ((PointerDereferenceIndexed) rValue).getIndex()));
} else if(rValue instanceof CastValue) {
programValue.set(new CastValue(((CastValue) rValue).getToType(), ((CastValue) rValue).getValue()));
} else if(rValue instanceof ValueList) {
programValue.set(new ValueList(new ArrayList<>(((ValueList) rValue).getList())));
* Generate assignments for the parameters of the inlined function.
* @param statementsIt The statements iterator to add the assignments for
* @param call The call to the procedure being inlined
* @param procedure The procedure being inlined
* @param callScope The scope where the function is being inlined
* @param serial The serial number (counted up for each inlined call to the same function within the called calling scope).
private void inlineParameterAssignments(ListIterator<Statement> statementsIt, StatementCall call, Procedure procedure, Scope callScope, int serial) {
List<Variable> parameterDecls = procedure.getParameters();
List<RValue> parameterValues = call.getParameters();
for(int i = 0; i < parameterDecls.size(); i++) {
Variable parameterDecl = parameterDecls.get(i);
String inlineParameterVarName = getInlineSymbolName(procedure, parameterDecl, serial);
Variable inlineParameterVar = callScope.getLocalVariable(inlineParameterVarName);
RValue parameterValue = parameterValues.get(i);
statementsIt.add(new StatementAssignment((VariableRef)inlineParameterVar.getRef(), parameterValue, true, call.getSource(), Comment.NO_COMMENTS));
* Copy all symbols of the procedure being inlined to the calling scope.
* @param procedure The procedure being inlined
* @param callScope The calling scope
* @param serial The serial number (counted up for each inlined call to the same function within the called calling scope).
private void inlineSymbols(Procedure procedure, Scope callScope, int serial) {
// Add a label for the produre itself
callScope.addLabel(procedure.getLocalName() + serial);
// And copy all procedure symbols
for(Symbol procSymbol : procedure.getAllSymbols()) {
if(procSymbol instanceof Variable procVar) {
String inlineVarName = getInlineSymbolName(procedure, procSymbol, serial);
Variable inlineVar = Variable.createCopy(inlineVarName, callScope, procVar);
} else if(procSymbol instanceof Label) {
String inlineLabelName = getInlineSymbolName(procedure, procSymbol, serial);
} else {
throw new CompileError("Symbol Type of Inline function not handled " + procSymbol);
* Get the new name of a symbol from the procedure being inlined .
* The name is &lt;proc&gt;_&lt;symb&gt;, where &lt;proc&gt; is the name of the procedure and &lt;symb&gt; is the local name of the symbol.
* @param procedure The procedure being inlined
* @param procSymbol The symbol from the inlined procedure
* @param serial The serial number (counted up for each inlined call to the same function within the called calling scope).
* @return The new name used for the symbol, where it is inlined.
private String getInlineSymbolName(Procedure procedure, Symbol procSymbol, int serial) {
return procedure.getLocalName() + serial + "_" + procSymbol.getLocalName();