package razorvine.fonts import java.awt.Color import java.awt.Graphics2D import java.awt.Transparency import java.awt.image.BufferedImage import import import import class PsfFont(name: String) { // font format info: val numChars: Int val bytesPerChar: Int val height: Int val width: Int private val hasUnicodeTable: Boolean private val rawBitmaps: List init { val data: ByteArray val fontsDirectory = "/usr/share/kbd/consolefonts" var stream = javaClass.getResourceAsStream("/charset/$name.psfu.gz") ?: javaClass.getResourceAsStream("/charset/$name.psf.gz") ?: (if(File("$fontsDirectory/$name.psfu.gz").exists()) FileInputStream("$fontsDirectory/$name.psfu.gz") else null ) ?: (if(File("$fontsDirectory/$name.psf.gz").exists()) FileInputStream("$fontsDirectory/$name.psf.gz") else null ) ?: (if(File("$fontsDirectory/$name.fnt.gz").exists()) FileInputStream("$fontsDirectory/$name.fnt.gz") else null ) if(stream==null) { stream = javaClass.getResourceAsStream("/charset/$name.psfu") ?: javaClass.getResourceAsStream("/charset/$name.psf") ?: (if(File("$fontsDirectory/$name.psfu").exists()) FileInputStream("$fontsDirectory/$name.psfu") else null ) ?: (if(File("$fontsDirectory/$name.psf").exists()) FileInputStream("$fontsDirectory/$name.psf") else null ) ?: (if(File("$fontsDirectory/$name.fnt").exists()) FileInputStream("$fontsDirectory/$name.fnt") else null ) ?: throw IOException("no such font: $name") data = stream.readBytes() } else { GZIPInputStream(stream).use { data = it.readBytes() } } stream.close() if (data[0] == 0x36.toByte() && data[1] == 0x04.toByte()) { // continue reading PSF1 font val mode = data[2].toInt() numChars = if (mode and 1 != 0) 512 else 256 bytesPerChar = data[3].toInt() hasUnicodeTable = mode and 2 != 0 height = bytesPerChar width = 8 rawBitmaps = (0..numChars).map { data.sliceArray(3+it*bytesPerChar..3+(it+1)*bytesPerChar) } // ignore unicode table for now: val table = stream.readAllBytes() } else { if (data[0] == 0x72.toByte() && data[1] == 0xb5.toByte() && data[2] == 0x4a.toByte() && data[3] == 0x86.toByte()) { // continue reading PSF2 font // skip the version val version = makeInt(data, 4) val headersize = makeInt(data, 8) val flags = makeInt(data, 12) hasUnicodeTable = flags and 1 != 0 numChars = makeInt(data, 16) bytesPerChar = makeInt(data, 20) height = makeInt(data, 24) width = makeInt(data, 28) rawBitmaps = (0..numChars).map { data.sliceArray(headersize+it*bytesPerChar..headersize+(it+1)*bytesPerChar) } } else { hasUnicodeTable = false numChars = 0 bytesPerChar = 0 height = 0 width = 0 rawBitmaps = emptyList() } } } fun convertToImage(gfx: Graphics2D, textColor: Color): BufferedImage { // create a single image with all the characters in a vertical column from top to bottom. val bitmap = gfx.deviceConfiguration.createCompatibleImage((width+7) and 0b11111000, height*numChars, Transparency.BITMASK) val bytesHoriz = (width+7)/8 val color = textColor.rgb val nopixel = Color(0, 0, 0, 0).rgb for (char in 0 until numChars) { for (b in 0 until bytesPerChar) { val c = rawBitmaps[char][b].toInt() val ix = 8*(b%bytesHoriz) val iy = b/bytesHoriz+char*height bitmap.setRGB(ix, iy, if (c and 0b10000000 != 0) color else nopixel) bitmap.setRGB(ix+1, iy, if (c and 0b01000000 != 0) color else nopixel) bitmap.setRGB(ix+2, iy, if (c and 0b00100000 != 0) color else nopixel) bitmap.setRGB(ix+3, iy, if (c and 0b00010000 != 0) color else nopixel) bitmap.setRGB(ix+4, iy, if (c and 0b00001000 != 0) color else nopixel) bitmap.setRGB(ix+5, iy, if (c and 0b00000100 != 0) color else nopixel) bitmap.setRGB(ix+6, iy, if (c and 0b00000010 != 0) color else nopixel) bitmap.setRGB(ix+7, iy, if (c and 0b00000001 != 0) color else nopixel) } } return bitmap } private fun makeInt(bytes: ByteArray, offset: Int) = makeInt(bytes[offset], bytes[offset+1], bytes[offset+2], bytes[offset+3]) private fun makeInt(b0: Byte, b1: Byte, b2: Byte, b3: Byte) = b0.toInt() or (b1.toInt() shl 8) or (b2.toInt() shl 16) or (b3.toInt() shl 24) } // private fun loadFallbackCharacters(): Array { // val img ="/charset/unscii8x16.png")) // val charactersImage = BufferedImage(img.width, img.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB) // charactersImage.createGraphics().drawImage(img, 0, 0, null) // // val black = Color(0, 0, 0).rgb // val foreground = FG_COLOR.rgb // val nopixel = Color(0, 0, 0, 0).rgb // for (y in 0 until charactersImage.height) { // for (x in 0 until charactersImage.width) { // val col = charactersImage.getRGB(x, y) // if (col == black) charactersImage.setRGB(x, y, nopixel) // else charactersImage.setRGB(x, y, foreground) // } // } // // val numColumns = charactersImage.width/8 // val charImages = (0..255).map { // val charX = it%numColumns // val charY = it/numColumns // charactersImage.getSubimage(charX*8, charY*16, 8, 16) // } // // return charImages.toTypedArray() // }