package razorvine.ksim65.components import razorvine.ksim65.Bus typealias UByte = Short typealias Address = Int /** * Base class for any component connected to the system bus. */ abstract class BusComponent { lateinit var bus: Bus /** * One clock cycle on the bus */ abstract fun clock() /** * Reset all devices on the bus */ abstract fun reset() } /** * Base class for components that have registers mapped into the cpu's address space. * Most I/O components fall into this category. */ abstract class MemMappedComponent(val startAddress: Address, val endAddress: Address) : BusComponent() { abstract operator fun get(offset: Int): UByte abstract operator fun set(offset: Int, data: UByte) init { require(endAddress >= startAddress) require(startAddress >= 0 && endAddress <= 0xffff) { "can only have 16-bit address space" } } fun hexDump(from: Address, to: Address, charmapper: ((Short) -> Char)? = null) { ( { print("\$${it.first().toString(16).padStart(4, '0')} ") val bytes = { address -> get(address - startAddress) } bytes.forEach { byte -> print(byte.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')+" ") } print(" ") val chars = if (charmapper != null) { b -> charmapper(b) } else { b -> if (b in 32..255) b.toInt().toChar() else '.' } println(chars.joinToString("")) } } } /** * Base class for components that actually contain memory (RAM or ROM chips). */ abstract class MemoryComponent(startAddress: Address, endAddress: Address) : MemMappedComponent(startAddress, endAddress) { abstract val data: Array init { require(startAddress and 0xff == 0 && endAddress and 0xff == 0xff) { "address range must span complete page(s)" } } fun getBlock(start: Int, length: Int): Array = data.copyOfRange(start, start+length) }