mirror of https://github.com/g012/l65.git synced 2025-01-21 02:33:58 +00:00

Started binary generation function.

This commit is contained in:
g012 2017-09-09 02:01:16 +02:00
parent 608f0b5583
commit d991d818c1
2 changed files with 151 additions and 76 deletions

View File

@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
local M = {}
local symbols = {}
local sections = {}
local locations = {}
local symbols={} M.symbols=symbols
local locations={} M.locations=locations
local byte_normalize = function(v)
if v < -128 or v > 255 then error("value out of byte range: " .. v) end
@ -25,8 +24,11 @@ local word_emit = function(v, bin)
bin[#bin+1] = 0xff & (v // 0x100)
local link = function()
M.link = function()
assert(not location.unused, "can't link twice")
for _,location in ipairs(locations) do
local sections = location.sections
local chunk_reserve = function(chunk_ix, chunk, start, size)
if start == chunk.start then
@ -118,9 +120,67 @@ local link = function()
-- unused space stats
local unused = 0
for _,chunk in ipairs(location.chunks) do unused = unused + chunk.size - chunk.start end
location.unused = unused
M.genbin = function(filler)
if not filler then filler = 0xff end
if not location.unused then M.link() end
local bin = {}
local ins = table.insert
table.sort(locations, function(a,b) return a.start < b.start end)
local position = 0
for _,location in ipairs(locations) do
if location.start < position then
error(string.format("location [%04x,%04x] overlaps another",
location.start, math.type(location.size) == 'integer' and (location.size + location.start) or 0xffff))
for i=position,location.start do ins(bin, filler) end
position = location.start
local sections = location.sections
table.sort(sections, function(a,b) return a.start < b.start end)
for _,section in sections do
assert(section.org >= position)
for i=position,section.org do ins(bin, filler) end
for _,instruction in ipairs(section.instructions) do
if math.type(location.size) == 'integer' then
local endpos = location.size+location.start
for i=position,endpos do ins(bin, filler) end
position = endpos
return bin
M.writebin = function(filename, bin)
if not filename then filename = 'main.bin' end
if not bin then bin = M.genbin() end
local f = assert(io.open(filename, "wb"), "failed to open " .. filename .. " for writing")
local sconv,s=string.char,{} for i=1,#bin do s[i] = sconv(bin[i]) end
M.writesym = function(filename)
if not filename then filename = 'main.sym' end
local f = assert(io.open(filename, "wb"), "failed to open " .. filename .. " for writing")
local ins,fmt,rep = table.insert,string.format,string.rep
local s ={'--- Symbol List'}
for k,v in pairs(symbols) do ins(s, fmt("%s%s %04x", k, rep(' ',24-#k), type(v)=='table' and v.org or v)) end
s[#s+1] = '--- End of Symbol List.'
f:write(table.concat(s, '\n'))
M.location = function(start, finish)
local size = (finish or math.huge) - start
locations[#locations+1] = { start=start, finish=finish, chunks={ { start=start, size=size } } }
@ -135,6 +195,7 @@ M.section = function(t)
section=t section.label=t[1] section[1]=nil
if section.offset and not section.align then error("section " .. section.label .. " has offset, but no align") end
table.insert(location[#locations].sections, section)
section.constraints = {}
section.instructions = {}
function section:compute_size()

View File

@ -1,75 +1,89 @@
-- TIA write only
VSYNC = 0x00 -- ......1. vertical sync set-clear
VBLANK = 0x01 -- 11....1. vertical blank set-clear
WSYNC = 0x02 -- <strobe> wait for leading edge of horizontal blank
RSYNC = 0x03 -- <strobe> reset horizontal sync counter
NUSIZ0 = 0x04 -- ..111111 number-size player-missile 0
NUSIZ1 = 0x05 -- ..111111 number-size player-missile 1
COLUP0 = 0x06 -- 1111111. color-lum player 0 and missile 0
COLUP1 = 0x07 -- 1111111. color-lum player 1 and missile 1
COLUPF = 0x08 -- 1111111. color-lum playfield and ball
COLUBK = 0x09 -- 1111111. color-lum background
CTRLPF = 0x0a -- ..11.111 control playfield ball size & collisions
REFP0 = 0x0b -- ....1... reflect player 0
REFP1 = 0x0c -- ....1... reflect player 1
PF0 = 0x0d -- 1111.... playfield register byte 0
PF1 = 0x0e -- 11111111 playfield register byte 1
PF2 = 0x0f -- 11111111 playfield register byte 2
RESP0 = 0x10 -- <strobe> reset player 0
RESP1 = 0x11 -- <strobe> reset player 1
RESM0 = 0x12 -- <strobe> reset missile 0
RESM1 = 0x13 -- <strobe> reset missile 1
RESBL = 0x14 -- <strobe> reset ball
AUDC0 = 0x15 -- ....1111 audio control 0
AUDC1 = 0x16 -- ....1111 audio control 1
AUDF0 = 0x17 -- ...11111 audio frequency 0
AUDF1 = 0x18 -- ...11111 audio frequency 1
AUDV0 = 0x19 -- ....1111 audio volume 0
AUDV1 = 0x1a -- ....1111 audio volume 1
GRP0 = 0x1b -- 11111111 graphics player 0
GRP1 = 0x1c -- 11111111 graphics player 1
ENAM0 = 0x1d -- ......1. graphics (enable) missile 0
ENAM1 = 0x1e -- ......1. graphics (enable) missile 1
ENABL = 0x1f -- ......1. graphics (enable) ball
HMP0 = 0x20 -- 1111.... horizontal motion player 0
HMP1 = 0x21 -- 1111.... horizontal motion player 1
HMM0 = 0x22 -- 1111.... horizontal motion missile 0
HMM1 = 0x23 -- 1111.... horizontal motion missile 1
HMBL = 0x24 -- 1111.... horizontal motion ball
VDELP0 = 0x25 -- .......1 vertical delay player 0
VDELP1 = 0x26 -- .......1 vertical delay player 1
VDELBL = 0x27 -- .......1 vertical delay ball
RESMP0 = 0x28 -- ......1. reset missile 0 to player 0
RESMP1 = 0x29 -- ......1. reset missile 1 to player 1
HMOVE = 0x2a -- <strobe> apply horizontal motion
HMCLR = 0x2b -- <strobe> clear horizontal motion registers
CXCLR = 0x2c -- <strobe> clear collision latches= 0x20
-- set cpu to 6502
cpu = require "6502"
cpu.__index = cpu
setmetatable(_ENV, cpu)
-- TIA read only
CXM0P = 0x30 -- 11...... read collision M0-P1, M0-P0 (Bit 7 --6)
CXM1P = 0x31 -- 11...... read collision M1-P0, M1-P1
CXP0FB = 0x32 -- 11...... read collision P0-PF, P0-BL
CXP1FB = 0x33 -- 11...... read collision P1-PF, P1-BL
CXM0FB = 0x34 -- 11...... read collision M0-PF, M0-BL
CXM1FB = 0x35 -- 11...... read collision M1-PF, M1-BL
CXBLPF = 0x36 -- 1....... read collision BL-PF, unused
CXPPMM = 0x37 -- 11...... read collision P0-P1, M0-M1
INPT0 = 0x38 -- 1....... read pot port
INPT1 = 0x39 -- 1....... read pot port
INPT2 = 0x3a -- 1....... read pot port
INPT3 = 0x3b -- 1....... read pot port
INPT4 = 0x3c -- 1....... read input
INPT5 = 0x3d -- 1....... read input
vcs = {
-- TIA write only
VSYNC = 0x00, -- ......1. vertical sync set-clear
VBLANK = 0x01, -- 11....1. vertical blank set-clear
WSYNC = 0x02, -- <strobe> wait for leading edge of horizontal blank
RSYNC = 0x03, -- <strobe> reset horizontal sync counter
NUSIZ0 = 0x04, -- ..111111 number-size player-missile 0
NUSIZ1 = 0x05, -- ..111111 number-size player-missile 1
COLUP0 = 0x06, -- 1111111. color-lum player 0 and missile 0
COLUP1 = 0x07, -- 1111111. color-lum player 1 and missile 1
COLUPF = 0x08, -- 1111111. color-lum playfield and ball
COLUBK = 0x09, -- 1111111. color-lum background
CTRLPF = 0x0a, -- ..11.111 control playfield ball size & collisions
REFP0 = 0x0b, -- ....1... reflect player 0
REFP1 = 0x0c, -- ....1... reflect player 1
PF0 = 0x0d, -- 1111.... playfield register byte 0
PF1 = 0x0e, -- 11111111 playfield register byte 1
PF2 = 0x0f, -- 11111111 playfield register byte 2
RESP0 = 0x10, -- <strobe> reset player 0
RESP1 = 0x11, -- <strobe> reset player 1
RESM0 = 0x12, -- <strobe> reset missile 0
RESM1 = 0x13, -- <strobe> reset missile 1
RESBL = 0x14, -- <strobe> reset ball
AUDC0 = 0x15, -- ....1111 audio control 0
AUDC1 = 0x16, -- ....1111 audio control 1
AUDF0 = 0x17, -- ...11111 audio frequency 0
AUDF1 = 0x18, -- ...11111 audio frequency 1
AUDV0 = 0x19, -- ....1111 audio volume 0
AUDV1 = 0x1a, -- ....1111 audio volume 1
GRP0 = 0x1b, -- 11111111 graphics player 0
GRP1 = 0x1c, -- 11111111 graphics player 1
ENAM0 = 0x1d, -- ......1. graphics (enable) missile 0
ENAM1 = 0x1e, -- ......1. graphics (enable) missile 1
ENABL = 0x1f, -- ......1. graphics (enable) ball
HMP0 = 0x20, -- 1111.... horizontal motion player 0
HMP1 = 0x21, -- 1111.... horizontal motion player 1
HMM0 = 0x22, -- 1111.... horizontal motion missile 0
HMM1 = 0x23, -- 1111.... horizontal motion missile 1
HMBL = 0x24, -- 1111.... horizontal motion ball
VDELP0 = 0x25, -- .......1 vertical delay player 0
VDELP1 = 0x26, -- .......1 vertical delay player 1
VDELBL = 0x27, -- .......1 vertical delay ball
RESMP0 = 0x28, -- ......1. reset missile 0 to player 0
RESMP1 = 0x29, -- ......1. reset missile 1 to player 1
HMOVE = 0x2a, -- <strobe> apply horizontal motion
HMCLR = 0x2b, -- <strobe> clear horizontal motion registers
CXCLR = 0x2c, -- <strobe> clear collision latches= 0x20
-- PIA
SWCHA = 0x280 -- 11111111 Port A= 0x280 -- input or output (read or write)
SWACNT = 0x281 -- 11111111 Port A DDR, 0= input, 1=output
SWCHB = 0x282 -- 11111111 Port B= 0x280 -- console switches (read only)
SWBCNT = 0x283 -- 11111111 Port B DDR (hardwired as input)
INTIM = 0x284 -- 11111111 Timer output (read only)
INSTAT = 0x285 -- 11...... Timer Status (read only, undocumented)
-- TIA read on,ly
CXM0P = 0x30, -- 11...... read collision M0-P1, M0-P0 (Bit 7 --6)
CXM1P = 0x31, -- 11...... read collision M1-P0, M1-P1
CXP0FB = 0x32, -- 11...... read collision P0-PF, P0-BL
CXP1FB = 0x33, -- 11...... read collision P1-PF, P1-BL
CXM0FB = 0x34, -- 11...... read collision M0-PF, M0-BL
CXM1FB = 0x35, -- 11...... read collision M1-PF, M1-BL
CXBLPF = 0x36, -- 1....... read collision BL-PF, unused
CXPPMM = 0x37, -- 11...... read collision P0-P1, M0-M1
INPT0 = 0x38, -- 1....... read pot port
INPT1 = 0x39, -- 1....... read pot port
INPT2 = 0x3a, -- 1....... read pot port
INPT3 = 0x3b, -- 1....... read pot port
INPT4 = 0x3c, -- 1....... read input
INPT5 = 0x3d, -- 1....... read input
TIM1T = 0x294 -- 11111111 set 1 clock interval (838 nsec/interval)
TIM8T = 0x295 -- 11111111 set 8 clock interval (6.7 usec/interval)
TIM64T = 0x296 -- 11111111 set 64 clock interval (53.6 usec/interval)
T1024T = 0x297 -- 11111111 set 1024 clock interval (858.2 usec/interval)
-- PIA
SWCHA = 0x280, -- 11111111 Port A= 0x280 -- input or output (read or write)
SWACNT = 0x281, -- 11111111 Port A DDR, 0= input, 1=output
SWCHB = 0x282, -- 11111111 Port B= 0x280 -- console switches (read only)
SWBCNT = 0x283, -- 11111111 Port B DDR (hardwired as input)
INTIM = 0x284, -- 11111111 Timer output (read only)
INSTAT = 0x285, -- 11...... Timer Status (read only, undocumented)
TIM1T = 0x294, -- 11111111 set 1 clock interval (838 nsec/interval)
TIM8T = 0x295, -- 11111111 set 8 clock interval (6.7 usec/interval)
TIM64T = 0x296, -- 11111111 set 64 clock interval (53.6 usec/interval)
T1024T = 0x297, -- 11111111 set 1024 clock interval (858.2 usec/interval)
local symbols = cpu.symbols
for k,v in pairs(vcs) do
_ENV[k] = v
symbols[k] = v