require'nes' -- samples : extacted of the demo : Let's Go To The Very Important Party 2018 -- original code : 2018 - mara/flush -- asm code : 2019 - mara/flush -- gfx : Exocet/Up Rough mappers.CNROM{chrmap = function(ci) return ci*0x2000, 0x2000, (ci&1)*0x2000 end} location(chrrom0) -- create a variable house_tiles which contains tileset.chr's data (house's tiles) @@house_tiles do local f, s = assert('nes_house_tileset.chr','rb')) s=f:read('*all') f:close() byte{s:byte(1,-1)} end -- don't define nmi and irq routines location(prgrom) @@nmi rti @@irq rti -- create the house palette local home_pal = { 0x32,0x22,0x11,0x30,0x32,0x06,0x16,0x26,0x32,0x27,0x37,0x17,0x32,0x0f,0x00,0x10 } -- create a variable nam which contains the house's nametable (map of house) do local f, s = assert('nes_house.nam','rb')) s=f:read('*all') f:close() @@nam byte{s:byte(1,-1)} end local nam_high = 1 local nam_low = 0 @@main -- initialize the hardware registers init() -- wait a vertical blank vblank_waitbegin() -- load BG palette in PPU RAM ppu_addr(BGPAL) -- put the house's palette for _,v in ipairs(home_pal) do lda #v sta PPUDATA end ppu_addr(0x2000) -- load and set nametable lda #nam>>8&0xff sta nam_high lda #nam & 0xff sta nam_low jsr loadBG -- reset scroll position ppu_addr(0) sta BGSCROL sta BGSCROL lda #0x0a sta PPUMASK -- idle @_loop jmp _loop -- routine to load a nametable with the attributes @loadBG ldy #0 ldx #0 @loopLoadBG lda (nam_low), y -- can only be used with y sta 0x2007 iny bne loopLoadBG inc nam_high inx cpx #04 bne loopLoadBG rts -- produce NES file, and debug symbols writebin(filename..'.nes') writesym(filename..'.mlb', 'mesen') writesym(filename..'.nes', 'fceux') print(stats)