local M = {} local symbols={} M.symbols=symbols local locations={} M.locations=locations local stats={} M.stats=stats M.__index = M symbols.__index = symbols setmetatable(M, symbols) local section_current -- cache of last location's last section, for faster access M.link = function() assert(not stats.unused, "can't link twice") stats.unused = 0 for _,location in ipairs(locations) do local sections = location.sections local chunk_reserve = function(chunk_ix, chunk, start, size) if start == chunk.start then if size == chunk.size then location.chunks[chunk_ix] = nil else chunk.start=start+size chunk.size=chunk.size-size end else if chunk.size - (start - chunk.start) == size then chunk.size = chunk.size - size else chunk.size = start - chunk.start table.insert(location.chunks, chunk_ix+1, { start=start+size, size=chunk.start+chunk.size-(start+size) }) end end end -- filter sections list local position_independent_sections = {} local symbols_to_remove = {} for ix,section in ipairs(sections) do if symbols[section.label] then error("duplicate symbol: " .. section.label) end symbols[section.label] = section section:compute_size() if section.size == 0 then sections[ix]=nil if not section.org then table.insert(symbols_to_remove, section.label) end elseif not section.org then table.insert(position_independent_sections, section) end end for _,v in ipairs(symbols_to_remove) do symbols[v] = nil end -- fixed position sections for section_ix,section in ipairs(sections) do if section.org then if section.org < location.start or section.org > location.finish then error("ORG section " .. section.label .. " starts outside container location") end for chunk_ix,chunk in ipairs(location.chunks) do if chunk.start <= section.org and chunk.size - (section.org - chunk.start) >= section.size then chunk_reserve(chunk_ix, chunk, section.org, section.size) goto chunk_located end end error("ORG section " .. section.label .. " overflows its location") ::chunk_located:: end end -- position independent sections table.sort(position_independent_sections, function(a,b) return a.size < b.size end) while #position_independent_sections > 0 do local section = position_independent_sections[1] local chunks = {} for _,chunk in ipairs(location.chunks) do if chunk.size >= section.size then chunks[#chunks+1] = chunk end end table.sort(chunks, function(a,b) return a.size < b.size end) for chunk_ix,chunk in ipairs(chunks) do local waste,position = math.maxinteger local usage_lowest = function(start, finish) local inc=1 if section.align then start = (start + section.align - 1) // section.align * section.align if section.offset then start = start + section.offset end inc = section.align end for address=start,finish,inc do for _,constraint in ipairs(section.constraints) do local start, finish = address+contraint.start, address+constraint.finish if start // 0x100 == finish // 0x100 then if constraint.type == 'crosspage' then goto constraints_not_met end else if constraint.type == 'samepage' then goto constraints_not_met end end end local w = math.min(address - chunk.start, chunk.size - (address - chunk.start)) if w < waste then waste=w position=address end ::constraints_not_met:: end end local finish = math.min(chunk.start + 0xff, chunk.start + chunk.size - section.size) usage_lowest(chunk.start, finish) if chunk.size ~= math.huge then local start = math.max(chunk.start + chunk.size - section.size - 0xff, chunk.start) usage_lowest(start, chunk.start + chunk.size - section.size) end if position then chunk_reserve(chunk_ix, chunk, position, section.size) section.org = position goto chunk_located end end error("unable to find space for section " .. section.label) ::chunk_located:: end -- unused space stats local unused = 0 for _,chunk in ipairs(location.chunks) do unused = unused + chunk.size - chunk.start end location.unused = unused stats.unused = stats.unused + unused end end M.genbin = function(filler) if not filler then filler = 0xff end if not stats.unused then M.link() end local bin = {} local ins = table.insert table.sort(locations, function(a,b) return a.start < b.start end) local position = 0 for _,location in ipairs(locations) do if location.start < position then error(string.format("location [%04x,%04x] overlaps another", location.start, math.type(location.size) == 'integer' and (location.size + location.start) or 0xffff)) end for i=position,location.start do ins(bin, filler) end position = location.start local sections = location.sections table.sort(sections, function(a,b) return a.start < b.start end) for _,section in sections do assert(section.org >= position) for i=position,section.org do ins(bin, filler) end for _,instruction in ipairs(section.instructions) do -- TODO end end if math.type(location.size) == 'integer' then local endpos = location.size+location.start for i=position,endpos do ins(bin, filler) end position = endpos end end return bin end M.writebin = function(filename, bin) if not filename then filename = 'main.bin' end if not bin then bin = M.genbin() end local f = assert(io.open(filename, "wb"), "failed to open " .. filename .. " for writing") local sconv,s=string.char,{} for i=1,#bin do s[i] = sconv(bin[i]) end f:write(table.concat(s)) f:close() end M.writesym = function(filename) if not filename then filename = 'main.sym' end local f = assert(io.open(filename, "wb"), "failed to open " .. filename .. " for writing") table.sort(symbols) local ins,fmt,rep = table.insert,string.format,string.rep local s ={'--- Symbol List'} for k,v in pairs(symbols) do ins(s, fmt("%s%s %04x", k, rep(' ',24-#k), type(v)=='table' and v.org or v)) end s[#s+1] = '--- End of Symbol List.' f:write(table.concat(s, '\n')) f:close() end M.location = function(start, finish) local size = (finish or math.huge) - start locations[#locations+1] = { start=start, finish=finish, chunks={ { start=start, size=size } } } end M.section = function(t) local section = {} if (type(t) == 'string') then section.label = t else assert(type(t) == 'table') assert(type(t[1]) == 'string' and string.len(t[1]) > 0) section=t section.label=t[1] section[1]=nil if section.offset and not section.align then error("section " .. section.label .. " has offset, but no align") end end table.insert(location[#locations].sections, section) section_current = section section.constraints = {} section.instructions = {} function section:compute_size() local instructinos = self.instructions local size = 0 for _,instruction in ipairs(instructions) do instruction.offset = size size = size + #instruction.data end self.size = size for _,constraint in ipairs(self.constraints) do constraint.start = instructions[constraint.from].offset constraint.finish = instructions[constraint.to].offset end end end M.samepage = function() local section = section_current table.insert(section.constraints, { type='samepage', from=#section.instructions+1 }) end M.crosspage = function() local section = section_current table.insert(section.constraints, { type='crosspage', from=#section.instructions+1 }) end M.endpage = function() local section = section_current local constraint = section.constraints[#section.constraints] assert(constraint and not constraint.finish, "closing constraint, but no constraint is open") constraint.to = #section.instructions end local byte_normalize = function(v) if v < -128 or v > 255 then error("value out of byte range: " .. v) end if v < 0 then v = v + 0x100 end return v & 0xff end local word_normalize = function(v) if v < -32768 or v > 65535 then error("value out of word range: " .. v) end if v < 0 then v = v + 0x10000 end return v & 0xffff end M.byte = function(...) local data = {...} for i=1,#data do data[i] = byte_normalize(data[i]) end table.insert(section_current.instructions, { data=data }) end M.word = function(...) local src,data = {...}, {} for i=1,#src do local v = word_normalize(data[i]) table.insert(data, v & 0xff) table.insert(data, v >> 8) end table.insert(section_current.instructions, { data=data }) end return M --[===[ adressing = { imm=0x09, zp=0x05, zpx=0x15, ab=0x0d, abx=0x1d, aby=0x19, inx=0x01, iny=0x11, acc=0x09, } encode = { adc=0x60, ['and']=0x20, asl=0x01, lda=0xa0, sta=0x80, --lda = { imm=0xa9, zp=0xa5, zpx=0xb5, ab=0xad, abx=0xbd, aby=0xb9, inx=0xa1, iny=0xb1 }, } ]===]