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-- Copyright (c) 2006-2013 Fabien Fleutot and others.
-- All rights reserved.
-- This program and the accompanying materials are made available
-- under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which
-- accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
-- This program and the accompanying materials are also made available
-- under the terms of the MIT public license which accompanies this
-- distribution, and is available at http://www.lua.org/license.html
-- Contributors:
-- Fabien Fleutot - API and implementation
require 'metalua.extension.match'
module ('spmatch', package.seeall)
require 'metalua.walk.id'
-- Back-end for statements
-- "match function ..." and "local match function...".
-- Tag must be either "Localrec" or "Set".
named_match_function_builder = |tag| function (x)
local func_name, _, cases = unpack(x)
local arity = #cases[1][1][1]
if arity==0 then
error "There must be at least 1 case in match function"
local args = { }
for i=1, arity do args[i] = mlp.gensym("arg."..i) end
local body = match_builder{args, cases}
return { tag=tag, {func_name}, { `Function{ args, {body} } } }
-- Get rid of the former parser, it will be blended in a multiseq:
mlp.stat:del 'match'
-- "match function", "match ... with"
mlp.stat:add{ 'match',
-- Shortcut for declaration of functions containing only a match:
-- "function f($1) match $1 with $2 end end" can be written:
-- "match function f $2 end"
{ 'function', mlp.expr, gg.optkeyword '|',
match_cases_list_parser, 'end',
builder = named_match_function_builder 'Set' },
-- Reintroduce the original match statement:
default = gg.sequence{
mlp.expr_list, 'with', gg.optkeyword '|',
match_cases_list_parser, 'end',
builder = |x| match_builder{ x[1], x[3] } } } }
-- Shortcut: "local match function f $cases end" translates to:
-- "local function f($args) match $args with $cases end end"
'match', 'function', mlp.expr, gg.optkeyword '|',
match_cases_list_parser, 'end',
builder = named_match_function_builder 'Localrec' }
-- "match...with" expressions and "match function..."
mlp.expr:add{ 'match', builder = |x| x[1], gg.multisequence{
-- Anonymous match functions:
-- "function ($1) match $1 with $2 end end" can be written:
-- "match function $2 end"
{ 'function', gg.optkeyword '|',
builder = function(x)
local _, cases = unpack(x)
local v = mlp.gensym()
local body = match_builder{v, cases}
return `Function{ {v}, {body} }
end },
-- match expressions: you can put a match where an expression
-- is expected. The case bodies are then expected to be
-- expressions, not blocks.
default = gg.sequence{
mlp.expr_list, 'with', gg.optkeyword '|',
gg.list{ name = "match cases list",
gg.sequence{ name = "match expr case",
gg.list{ name = "match expr case patterns list",
primary = mlp.expr_list,
separators = "|",
terminators = { "->", "if" } },
gg.onkeyword{ "if", mlp.expr, consume = true },
mlp.expr }, -- Notice: expression, not block!
separators = "|" },
-- Notice: no "end" keyword!
builder = function (x)
local tested_term_seq, _, cases = unpack(x)
local v = mlp.gensym 'match_expr'
-- Replace expressions with blocks
for _, case in ipairs (cases) do
local body = case[3]
case[3] = { `Set{ {v}, {body} } }
local m = match_builder { tested_term_seq, cases }
return `Stat{ { `Local{{v}}; m }, v }
end } } }
function bind (x)
local patterns, values = unpack(x)
-- Generate pattern code: "bind vars = vals" translates to:
-- do
-- pattern matching code, goto 'fail' on mismatch
-- goto 'success'
-- label 'fail': error "..."
-- label success
-- end
-- vars is the set of variables used by the pattern
local code, vars do
local match_cfg = {
on_failure = mlp.gensym 'mismatch' [1],
locals = { },
code = { } }
pattern_seq_builder(patterns, values, match_cfg)
local on_success = mlp.gensym 'on_success' [1]
code = {
`Goto{ on_success };
`Label{ match_cfg.on_failure };
+{error "bind error"};
`Label{ on_success } }
vars = match_cfg.locals
-- variables that actually appear in the pattern:
local vars_in_pattern do
vars_in_pattern = { }
local walk_cfg = { id = { } }
function walk_cfg.id.free(v) vars_in_pattern[v[1]]=true end
walk_id.expr_list(walk_cfg, patterns)
-- temp variables that are generated for destructuring,
-- but aren't explicitly typed by the user. These must be made
-- local.
local vars_not_in_pattern do
vars_not_in_pattern = { }
for k, _ in pairs(vars) do
if not vars_in_pattern[k] then
vars_not_in_pattern[k] = true
-- Declare the temp variables as local to the statement.
if next(vars_not_in_pattern) then
local loc = { }
for k, _ in pairs(vars_not_in_pattern) do
table.insert (loc, `Id{k})
table.insert (code, 1, `Local{ loc, { } })
-- Transform the set of pattern variable names into a list of `Id{}
local decl_list do
decl_list = { }
for k, _ in pairs(vars_in_pattern) do
table.insert (decl_list, `Id{k})
return code, decl_list
function local_bind(x)
local code, vars = bind (x)
return { `Local{ vars, { } }; code }
function non_local_bind(x)
local code, _ = bind (x)
code.tag = 'Do'
return code
-- Syntax front-end
mlp.lexer:add 'bind'
-- bind patterns = vars
mlp.stat:add{ 'bind', mlp.expr_list, '=', mlp.expr_list,
builder = non_local_bind }
-- local bind patterns = vars
-- Some monkey-patching of "local ..." must take place
mlp.stat:get'local'[2]:add{ 'bind', mlp.expr_list, '=', mlp.expr_list,
builder = local_bind }