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-- Copyright (c) 2006-2013 Fabien Fleutot and others.
-- All rights reserved.
-- This program and the accompanying materials are made available
-- under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which
-- accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
-- This program and the accompanying materials are also made available
-- under the terms of the MIT public license which accompanies this
-- distribution, and is available at http://www.lua.org/license.html
-- Contributors:
-- Fabien Fleutot - API and implementation
-- Low level AST traversal library.
-- This library is a helper for the higher-level treequery library.
-- It walks through every node of an AST, depth-first, and executes
-- some callbacks contained in its cfg config table:
-- * cfg.down(...) is called when it walks down a node, and receive as
-- parameters the node just entered, followed by its parent, grand-parent
-- etc. until the root node.
-- * cfg.up(...) is called when it walks back up a node, and receive as
-- parameters the node just entered, followed by its parent, grand-parent
-- etc. until the root node.
-- * cfg.occurrence(binder, id_node, ...) is called when it visits an `Id{ }
-- node which isn't a local variable creator. binder is a reference to its
-- binder with its context. The binder is the `Id{ } node which created
-- this local variable. By "binder and its context", we mean a list starting
-- with the `Id{ }, and followed by every ancestor of the binder node, up until
-- the common root node.
-- binder is nil if the variable is global.
-- id_node is followed by its ancestor, up until the root node.
-- cfg.scope is maintained during the traversal, associating a
-- variable name to the binder which creates it in the context of the
-- node currently visited.
-- walk.traverse.xxx functions are in charge of the recursive descent into
-- children nodes. They're private helpers.
-- corresponding walk.xxx functions also take care of calling cfg callbacks.
-{ extension ("match", ...) }
local pp = require 'metalua.pprint'
local M = { traverse = { }; tags = { }; debug = false }
local function table_transpose(t)
local tt = { }; for a, b in pairs(t) do tt[b]=a end; return tt
-- Standard tags: can be used to guess the type of an AST, or to check
-- that the type of an AST is respected.
M.tags.stat = table_transpose{
'Do', 'Set', 'While', 'Repeat', 'Local', 'Localrec', 'Return',
'Fornum', 'Forin', 'If', 'Break', 'Goto', 'Label',
'Call', 'Invoke' }
M.tags.expr = table_transpose{
'Paren', 'Call', 'Invoke', 'Index', 'Op', 'Function', 'Stat',
'Table', 'Nil', 'Dots', 'True', 'False', 'Number', 'String', 'Id' }
-- These [M.traverse.xxx()] functions are in charge of actually going through
-- ASTs. At each node, they make sure to call the appropriate walker.
function M.traverse.stat (cfg, x, ...)
if M.debug then pp.printf("traverse stat %s", x) end
local ancestors = {...}
local B = |y| M.block (cfg, y, x, unpack(ancestors)) -- Block
local S = |y| M.stat (cfg, y, x, unpack(ancestors)) -- Statement
local E = |y| M.expr (cfg, y, x, unpack(ancestors)) -- Expression
local EL = |y| M.expr_list (cfg, y, x, unpack(ancestors)) -- Expression List
local IL = |y| M.binder_list (cfg, y, x, unpack(ancestors)) -- Id binders List
local OS = || cfg.scope :save() -- Open scope
local CS = || cfg.scope :restore() -- Close scope
match x with
| {...} if x.tag == nil -> for _, y in ipairs(x) do M.stat(cfg, y, ...) end
-- no tag --> node not inserted in the history ancestors
| `Do{...} -> OS(x); for _, y in ipairs(x) do S(y) end; CS(x)
| `Set{ lhs, rhs } -> EL(lhs); EL(rhs)
| `While{ cond, body } -> E(cond); OS(); B(body); CS()
| `Repeat{ body, cond } -> OS(body); B(body); E(cond); CS(body)
| `Local{ lhs } -> IL(lhs)
| `Local{ lhs, rhs } -> EL(rhs); IL(lhs)
| `Localrec{ lhs, rhs } -> IL(lhs); EL(rhs)
| `Fornum{ i, a, b, body } -> E(a); E(b); OS(); IL{i}; B(body); CS()
| `Fornum{ i, a, b, c, body } -> E(a); E(b); E(c); OS(); IL{i}; B(body); CS()
| `Forin{ i, rhs, body } -> EL(rhs); OS(); IL(i); B(body); CS()
| `If{...} ->
for i=1, #x-1, 2 do
E(x[i]); OS(); B(x[i+1]); CS()
if #x%2 == 1 then
OS(); B(x[#x]); CS()
| `Call{...}|`Invoke{...}|`Return{...} -> EL(x)
| `Break | `Goto{ _ } | `Label{ _ } -> -- nothing
| { tag=tag, ...} if M.tags.stat[tag]->
M.malformed (cfg, x, unpack (ancestors))
| _ ->
M.unknown (cfg, x, unpack (ancestors))
function M.traverse.expr (cfg, x, ...)
if M.debug then pp.printf("traverse expr %s", x) end
local ancestors = {...}
local B = |y| M.block (cfg, y, x, unpack(ancestors)) -- Block
local S = |y| M.stat (cfg, y, x, unpack(ancestors)) -- Statement
local E = |y| M.expr (cfg, y, x, unpack(ancestors)) -- Expression
local EL = |y| M.expr_list (cfg, y, x, unpack(ancestors)) -- Expression List
local IL = |y| M.binder_list (cfg, y, x, unpack(ancestors)) -- Id binders list
local OS = || cfg.scope :save() -- Open scope
local CS = || cfg.scope :restore() -- Close scope
match x with
| `Paren{ e } -> E(e)
| `Call{...} | `Invoke{...} -> EL(x)
| `Index{ a, b } -> E(a); E(b)
| `Op{ opid, ... } -> E(x[2]); if #x==3 then E(x[3]) end
| `Function{ params, body } -> OS(body); IL(params); B(body); CS(body)
| `Stat{ b, e } -> OS(b); B(b); E(e); CS(b)
| `Id{ name } -> M.occurrence(cfg, x, unpack(ancestors))
| `Table{ ... } ->
for i = 1, #x do match x[i] with
| `Pair{ k, v } -> E(k); E(v)
| v -> E(v)
end end
| `Nil|`Dots|`True|`False|`Number{_}|`String{_} -> -- terminal node
| { tag=tag, ...} if M.tags.expr[tag]-> M.malformed (cfg, x, unpack (ancestors))
| _ -> M.unknown (cfg, x, unpack (ancestors))
function M.traverse.block (cfg, x, ...)
assert(type(x)=='table', "traverse.block() expects a table")
if x.tag then M.malformed(cfg, x, ...)
else for _, y in ipairs(x) do M.stat(cfg, y, x, ...) end
function M.traverse.expr_list (cfg, x, ...)
assert(type(x)=='table', "traverse.expr_list() expects a table")
-- x doesn't appear in the ancestors
for _, y in ipairs(x) do M.expr(cfg, y, ...) end
function M.malformed(cfg, x, ...)
local f = cfg.malformed or cfg.error
if f then f(x, ...) else
error ("Malformed node of tag "..(x.tag or '(nil)'))
function M.unknown(cfg, x, ...)
local f = cfg.unknown or cfg.error
if f then f(x, ...) else
error ("Unknown node tag "..(x.tag or '(nil)'))
function M.occurrence(cfg, x, ...)
if cfg.occurrence then cfg.occurrence(cfg.scope :get(x[1]), x, ...) end
-- TODO: Is it useful to call each error handling function?
function M.binder_list (cfg, id_list, ...)
local f = cfg.binder
local ferror = cfg.error or cfg.malformed or cfg.unknown
for i, id_node in ipairs(id_list) do
if id_node.tag == 'Id' then
cfg.scope :set (id_node[1], { id_node, ... })
if f then f(id_node, ...) end
elseif i==#id_list and id_node.tag=='Dots' then
-- Do nothing, those are valid `Dots
elseif ferror then
-- Traverse error handling function
ferror(id_node, ...)
error("Invalid binders list")
-- Generic walker generator.
-- * if `cfg' has an entry matching the tree name, use this entry
-- * if not, try to use the entry whose name matched the ast kind
-- * if an entry is a table, look for 'up' and 'down' entries
-- * if it is a function, consider it as a `down' traverser.
local walker_builder = function(traverse)
return function (cfg, ...)
if not cfg.scope then cfg.scope = M.newscope() end
local down, up = cfg.down, cfg.up
local broken = down and down(...)
if broken ~= 'break' then M.traverse[traverse] (cfg, ...) end
if up then up(...) end
-- Declare [M.stat], [M.expr], [M.block] and [M.expr_list]
for _, w in ipairs{ "stat", "expr", "block" } do --, "malformed", "unknown" } do
M[w] = walker_builder (w, M.traverse[w])
-- Don't call up/down callbacks on expr lists
M.expr_list = M.traverse.expr_list
-- Try to guess the type of the AST then choose the right walkker.
function M.guess (cfg, x, ...)
assert(type(x)=='table', "arg #2 in a walker must be an AST")
if M.tags.expr[x.tag] then return M.expr(cfg, x, ...) end
if M.tags.stat[x.tag] then return M.stat(cfg, x, ...) end
if not x.tag then return M.block(cfg, x, ...) end
error ("Can't guess the AST type from tag "..(x.tag or '<none>'))
local S = { }; S.__index = S
function M.newscope()
local instance = { current = { } }
instance.stack = { instance.current }
setmetatable (instance, S)
return instance
function S :save(...)
local current_copy = { }
for a, b in pairs(self.current) do current_copy[a]=b end
table.insert (self.stack, current_copy)
if ... then return self :add(...) end
function S :restore() self.current = table.remove (self.stack) end
function S :get (var_name) return self.current[var_name] end
function S :set (key, val) self.current[key] = val end
return M