# Syntax Highlighting for the acme directives scopeName: 'source.assembly.6502.acme' name: 'ACME Crossassembler' filetypes: [ 'a' 'asm' ] patterns: [ { include: 'source.6502-opcodes' } { include: 'source.6502x-opcodes' } { include: '#comments' } # symbols, constants, numbers { include: '#symbols' } # directives { include: '#directives' } ] # Repository starts here ------------------------------------------------------ repository: # comments comments: patterns: [ # semicolon comments { match: ';.*$' name: 'comment.line.semicolon.acme' } ] # symbols symbols: patterns: [ # strings { begin: '"' beginCaptures: 0: name: 'punctuation.definition.string.begin.acme' end: '"' endCaptures: 0: name: 'punctuation.definition.string.end.acme' name: 'string.quoted.double.assembly.acme' } # absolut addressing/numbering { match: '\\#(\'.\'|[^\\s\']+)' name: 'constant.numeric.hex.acme' } # hex, prefixed with dollar ($) { match: '-?\\$[A-Fa-f0-9]+' name: 'constant.numeric.hex.acme' } # binary prefixed with % { match: '%[01]+' name: 'constant.numeric.binary.acme' } # decimal { match: '\\b([0-9]+)\\b' name: 'constant.numeric.decimal.acme' } ] # assembler directives directives: patterns: [ # File and Symbol control { match: '!\\b(?i:source|src|eof|endoffile|realpc|pseudopc|zn|(sub)?zone|set|to|bin(ary)?|sl|symbollist|warn|error|serious|initmem|cbm|addr(ess)?)\\b' name: 'support.function.pseudo.acme' } # Parsing control { match: '!\\b(?i:cpu|al|as|rl|rs|08|by|byte|([bl]e)?(16|24|32)|wo|word|h|hex|fi|fill|align|skip|ct|convtab|tx|text|pet|scr|scrxor|raw)\\b' name: 'support.function.pseudo.acme' } # Macro control { match: '(?i:!\\bmacro|\\+[a-zA-Z0-9])\\b' name: 'support.function.pseudo.acme' } # Conditional control { match: '!\\b(?i:if|if(n)?def|for|do|while|until)\\b' name: 'keyword.control.conditional.acme' } # Conditional control II { match: '\\b(?i:else|while|until)\\b' name: 'keyword.control.conditional.acme' } # Operators { match: '!|\\+|\\-|\\/|\\*|<<|>>|&|\\||\\^|=|<|>|\\:|\\|\\|' name: 'keyword.operator.acme' } # Operators II { match: '\\b(?i:and|not|mod|sh[lr]|x?or|eq|u?[gl]t)\\b' name: 'keyword.operator.acme' } ]