2018-06-07 16:39:14 +02:00

134 lines
3.3 KiB

# Generic 65C02 grammar with semicolon comments
scopeName: 'source.assembly.6502.6502-test'
fileTypes: []
name: '6502 TEST'
patterns: [
# { include: 'source.65c02-opcodes' } # include 6502 and 65c02 opcodes
# { include: 'source.6502x-opcodes' }
# { include: '#comments' }
# { include: '#symbols' }
{ include: '#labels' }
{ include: 'source.multi1' }
# { include: 'source.multi2' }
# Repository starts here ------------------------------------------------------
# Basic line format
patterns: [
# Labels
patterns: [
# Variables
match: '^][:-~][0-~]+'
name: ''
# Local labels and variables
match: '^:[:-~][0-~]+'
# name: ''
name: ''
# name: 'constant.numeric.hex.6502-test'
# Global labels
match: '^[:-~][0-~]+'
name: ''
# Lines that start with an asterisk are comment lines
# commands within strings
# {
# begin: '"'
# end: '"'
# name: 'string.quoted.double'
# patterns: [
# { include: 'source.65c02-opcodes' }
# ]
# }
# # four line word
# {
# begin: '^(\\w*)\\s+\\b'
# beginCaptures:
# 1:
# name: 'invalid.illegal.6502-test'
# end: ';.*'
# endCaptures:
# 0:
# name: 'comment.line.semicolon.6502-test'
# name: 'constant.numeric.hex.6502-test'
# }
# four word line
# {
# # match: '^(\\w*)\\b\\s+(\\w*)\\b\\s+(\\w*)\\b\\s+(\\w*)\\b'
# match: '^(\\w*)\\s+(\\1)\\s+(\\1)\\b'
# captures:
# 1:
# name: 'invalid.illegal.6502-test'
# 2:
# name: 'keyword.mnemonic.6502-test'
# 3:
# name: 'constant.numeric.hex.6502-test'
# 4:
# name: 'comment.line.semicolon.6502-test'
# name: "meta.line_processor.6502-test"
# }
# ]
# comments
# comments:
# patterns: [
# # semicolon comments
# {
# match: ';.*$'
# name: 'comment.line.semicolon.6502-test'
# }
# ]
# symbols
# symbols:
# patterns: [
# {
# begin: '"'
# beginCaptures:
# 0:
# name: 'punctuation.definition.string.begin.6502-test'
# end: '"'
# endCaptures:
# 0:
# name: 'punctuation.definition.string.end.6502-test'
# name: 'string.quoted.double.assembly.6502-test'
# }
# # absolut address/number
# {
# match: '\\#(\'.\'|[^\\s\']+)'
# name: 'constant.numeric.hex.6502-test'
# }
# # hex, prefixed with ampersand($)
# {
# match: '-?\\$[A-Fa-f0-9]+'
# name: 'constant.numeric.hex.6502-test'
# }
# # hex, suffixed with h(h)
# {
# match: '-?([0-9]+)h'
# name: 'constant.numeric.hex.6502-test'
# }
# # binary
# {
# match: '%[01]+'
# name: 'constant.numeric.binary.6502-test'
# }
# # decimal
# {
# match: '\\b([0-9]+)\\b'
# name: 'constant.numeric.decimal.6502-test'
# }
# ]