2014-06-25 18:47:39 +01:00

34 lines
1.7 KiB

lib6502-jit implements (nearly) the same API as Ian Piumarta's lib6502
( and includes virtually all of
lib6502's code and documentation with only minor modifications; the lib6502
emulation code is used to implement the interpreted and hybrid emulation modes
in lib6502-jit. The contents of the examples and man directories are almost
verbatim copies of those in lib6502. Thanks to Ian for making lib6502
available. Please do not send bug reports regarding lib6502-jit to Ian!
This distribution itself doesn't contain any LLVM code, but obviously without
the LLVM project lib6502-jit could not exist.
valgrind.h is taken from Valgrind (
build-aux/ is part of GNU Automake and was taken from
m4/boost.m4 (used to autoconfigure the build against the Boost libraries) is
taken from
While I'd be lying if I said I enjoyed working with Autotools, I am grateful
for the work people have put in to make it possible to build packages portably
on a range of different platforms.
The technique (but not the code) used to translate a JITted function's machine
code into assembly in Function::dump_machine_code() is taken from the libjit
( dump_object_code() function.
The algorithm used to implement ADC/SDC in decimal mode is taken from The test program on the same
page was used to validate the implementation.
Klaus Dormann's "6502 functional test" and "65C02 extended opcodes test" were
used to validate the behaviour of the emulation.