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//===-- JITMemoryManager.h - Interface JIT uses to Allocate Mem -*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file defines the JITMemoryManagerInterface
#include "llvm/Support/DataTypes.h"
namespace llvm {
class Function;
/// JITMemoryManager - This interface is used by the JIT to allocate and manage
/// memory for the code generated by the JIT. This can be reimplemented by
/// clients that have a strong desire to control how the layout of JIT'd memory
/// works.
class JITMemoryManager {
bool HasGOT;
bool SizeRequired;
JITMemoryManager() : HasGOT(false), SizeRequired(false) {}
virtual ~JITMemoryManager();
/// CreateDefaultMemManager - This is used to create the default
/// JIT Memory Manager if the client does not provide one to the JIT.
static JITMemoryManager *CreateDefaultMemManager();
/// setMemoryWritable - When code generation is in progress,
/// the code pages may need permissions changed.
virtual void setMemoryWritable(void) = 0;
/// setMemoryExecutable - When code generation is done and we're ready to
/// start execution, the code pages may need permissions changed.
virtual void setMemoryExecutable(void) = 0;
/// setPoisonMemory - Setting this flag to true makes the memory manager
/// garbage values over freed memory. This is useful for testing and
/// debugging, and is be turned on by default in debug mode.
virtual void setPoisonMemory(bool poison) = 0;
// Global Offset Table Management
/// AllocateGOT - If the current table requires a Global Offset Table, this
/// method is invoked to allocate it. This method is required to set HasGOT
/// to true.
virtual void AllocateGOT() = 0;
/// isManagingGOT - Return true if the AllocateGOT method is called.
bool isManagingGOT() const {
return HasGOT;
/// getGOTBase - If this is managing a Global Offset Table, this method should
/// return a pointer to its base.
virtual uint8_t *getGOTBase() const = 0;
/// SetDlsymTable - If the JIT must be able to relocate stubs after they have
/// been emitted, potentially because they are being copied to a process
/// where external symbols live at different addresses than in the JITing
/// process, allocate a table with sufficient information to do so.
virtual void SetDlsymTable(void *ptr) = 0;
/// getDlsymTable - If this is managing a table of entries so that stubs to
/// external symbols can be later relocated, this method should return a
/// pointer to it.
virtual void *getDlsymTable() const = 0;
/// NeedsExactSize - If the memory manager requires to know the size of the
/// objects to be emitted
bool NeedsExactSize() const {
return SizeRequired;
// Main Allocation Functions
/// startFunctionBody - When we start JITing a function, the JIT calls this
/// method to allocate a block of free RWX memory, which returns a pointer to
/// it. The JIT doesn't know ahead of time how much space it will need to
/// emit the function, so it doesn't pass in the size. Instead, this method
/// is required to pass back a "valid size". The JIT will be careful to not
/// write more than the returned ActualSize bytes of memory.
virtual uint8_t *startFunctionBody(const Function *F,
uintptr_t &ActualSize) = 0;
/// allocateStub - This method is called by the JIT to allocate space for a
/// function stub (used to handle limited branch displacements) while it is
/// JIT compiling a function. For example, if foo calls bar, and if bar
/// either needs to be lazily compiled or is a native function that exists too
/// far away from the call site to work, this method will be used to make a
/// thunk for it. The stub should be "close" to the current function body,
/// but should not be included in the 'actualsize' returned by
/// startFunctionBody.
virtual uint8_t *allocateStub(const GlobalValue* F, unsigned StubSize,
unsigned Alignment) = 0;
/// endFunctionBody - This method is called when the JIT is done codegen'ing
/// the specified function. At this point we know the size of the JIT
/// compiled function. This passes in FunctionStart (which was returned by
/// the startFunctionBody method) and FunctionEnd which is a pointer to the
/// actual end of the function. This method should mark the space allocated
/// and remember where it is in case the client wants to deallocate it.
virtual void endFunctionBody(const Function *F, uint8_t *FunctionStart,
uint8_t *FunctionEnd) = 0;
/// allocateSpace - Allocate a memory block of the given size.
virtual uint8_t *allocateSpace(intptr_t Size, unsigned Alignment) = 0;
/// allocateGlobal - Allocate memory for a global.
virtual uint8_t *allocateGlobal(uintptr_t Size, unsigned Alignment) = 0;
/// deallocateMemForFunction - Free JIT memory for the specified function.
/// This is never called when the JIT is currently emitting a function.
virtual void deallocateMemForFunction(const Function *F) = 0;
/// startExceptionTable - When we finished JITing the function, if exception
/// handling is set, we emit the exception table.
virtual uint8_t* startExceptionTable(const Function* F,
uintptr_t &ActualSize) = 0;
/// endExceptionTable - This method is called when the JIT is done emitting
/// the exception table.
virtual void endExceptionTable(const Function *F, uint8_t *TableStart,
uint8_t *TableEnd, uint8_t* FrameRegister) = 0;
} // end namespace llvm.