diff --git a/docs/FAQ.html b/docs/FAQ.html
index 6b602729f3e..ca038913a6a 100644
--- a/docs/FAQ.html
+++ b/docs/FAQ.html
@@ -23,23 +23,23 @@ LLVM: Frequently Asked Questions
less restrictive license, in particular one that does not
compel users who distribute tools based on modifying the source to
redistribute the modified source code as well.
Does the Illinois Open Source License really qualify
as an "open source" license?
UI Open Source License is certified by the
Open Source Initiative (OSI).
Can I modify LLVM source code and redistribute the modified
Yes. The modified source distribution must retain notice both the
copyright notice and follow the three bulletted conditions listed in
the LLVM license.
Can I modify LLVM source code and redistribute binaries or
- other tools based on it, without redistributing the source.
+ other tools based on it, without redistributing the source?
Yes, this is why we distribute LLVM under a less restrictive license
than GPL, as explained in the first question above.