diff --git a/docs/ProgrammersManual.html b/docs/ProgrammersManual.html
index b6c9a8793c2..a2d32d4e985 100644
--- a/docs/ProgrammersManual.html
+++ b/docs/ProgrammersManual.html
@@ -1960,12 +1960,12 @@ for (Value::use_iterator i = F->use_begin(), e = F->use_end(); i != e; ++i
     errs() << *Inst << "\n";
-Note that dereferencing a <tt>Value::use_iterator</tt is not a very cheap
+Note that dereferencing a <tt>Value::use_iterator</tt> is not a very cheap
 operation. Instead of performing <tt>*i</tt> above several times, consider
 doing it only once in the loop body and reusing its result.
 <p>Alternatively, it's common to have an instance of the <a
 href="/doxygen/classllvm_1_1User.html">User Class</a> and need to know what
 <tt>Value</tt>s are used by it.  The list of all <tt>Value</tt>s used by a