From 91661812573e2f2a3d5bf254665615c86f7a00fe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ruchira Sasanka <>
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 21:11:01 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] LV info on machine instructions

git-svn-id: 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
 .../Analysis/LiveVar/FunctionLiveVarInfo.h    | 115 +++++++++++-------
 include/llvm/Analysis/LiveVar/LiveVarMap.h    |  10 +-
 include/llvm/Analysis/LiveVar/LiveVarSet.h    |  10 +-
 include/llvm/Analysis/LiveVar/ValueSet.h      |  20 +--
 include/llvm/CodeGen/FunctionLiveVarInfo.h    | 115 +++++++++++-------
 include/llvm/CodeGen/ValueSet.h               |  20 +--
 lib/Analysis/LiveVar/BBLiveVar.h              |  18 +--
 lib/Target/SparcV9/LiveVar/BBLiveVar.h        |  18 +--
 8 files changed, 196 insertions(+), 130 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/llvm/Analysis/LiveVar/FunctionLiveVarInfo.h b/include/llvm/Analysis/LiveVar/FunctionLiveVarInfo.h
index 206fef8e3e8..c148d0c7a3e 100644
--- a/include/llvm/Analysis/LiveVar/FunctionLiveVarInfo.h
+++ b/include/llvm/Analysis/LiveVar/FunctionLiveVarInfo.h
@@ -3,36 +3,48 @@
    Date:    Jun 30, 01
-   This is the interface for live variable info of a method that is required by 
-   any other part of the compiler
+   This is the interface for live variable info of a method that is required 
+   by any other part of the compiler
-   It should be called like:
+   It must be called like:
        MethodLiveVarInfo MLVI( Mehtod *);  // initializes data structures
-       MLVI.analyze();                    // do the actural live variable anal
+       MLVI.analyze();                     // do the actural live variable anal
  After the analysis, getInSetOfBB or getOutSetofBB can be called to get 
- live var info of a BB
+ live var info of a BB.
- The live var set before an instruction can be constructed in several ways:
+ The live var set before an instruction can be obtained in 2 ways:
- 1. Use the OutSet and applyTranferFuncForInst(const Instruction *const Inst) 
+ 1. Use the method getLiveVarSetAfterInst(Instruction *) to get the LV Info 
+    just after an instruction. (also exists getLiveVarSetBeforeInst(..))
+    This function caluclates the LV info for a BB only once and caches that 
+    info. If the cache does not contain the LV info of the instruction, it 
+    calculates the LV info for the whole BB and caches them.
+    Getting liveVar info this way uses more memory since, LV info should be 
+    cached. However, if you need LV info of nearly all the instructions of a
+    BB, this is the best and simplest interfrace.
+ 2. Use the OutSet and applyTranferFuncForInst(const Instruction *const Inst) 
     declared in LiveVarSet and  traverse the instructions of a basic block in 
     reverse (using const_reverse_iterator in the BB class). 
-    This is the most efficient method if you need LV info for several (all) 
-    instructions in a BasicBlock. An example is given below:
+    This is the most memory efficient method if you need LV info for 
+    only several instructions in a BasicBlock. An example is given below:
     LiveVarSet LVSet;  // this will be the set used to traverse through each BB
-                   // Initialize LVSet so that it is the same as OutSet of the BB
+    // Initialize LVSet so that it is the same as OutSet of the BB
     LVSet.setUnion( LVI->getOutSetOfBB( *BBI ) );  
-      InstIterator = InstListInBB.rbegin();  // get the reverse it for inst in BB
+      InstIterator = InstListInBB.rbegin(); // get the rev iter for inst in BB
-                            // iterate over all the instructions in BB in reverse
+      // iterate over all the instructions in BB in reverse
     for( ; InstIterator != InstListInBB.rend(); InstIterator++) {  
       //...... all  code here which uses LVSet ........
@@ -45,28 +57,16 @@
     See buildInterferenceGraph() for the above example.
- 2. Use the function getLiveVarSetBeforeInst(Instruction *) to get the LV Info 
-    just before an instruction.
-    This function caluclates the LV info for a BB only once and caches that 
-    info. If the cache does not contain the LV info of the instruction, it 
-    calculates the LV info for the whole BB and caches them.
-    Getting liveVar info this way uses more memory since, LV info should be 
-    cached.
- **BUGS: Cannot be called on a method prototype because the BB front() 
-   iterator causes a seg fault in CFG.h (Chris will fix this)
-   So, currently, DO NOT call this for method prototypes. 
-        // for printing out debug messages
+// set DEBUG_LV for printing out debug messages
+// if DEBUG_LV is 1 normal output messages
+// if DEBUG_LV is 2 extensive debug info for each instr
 #define DEBUG_LV (1)
 #include "LiveVarSet.h"
@@ -82,38 +82,65 @@
 class MethodLiveVarInfo
-  const Method *Meth;   // Live var anal is done on this method 
-                        // set by constructor
-  BBToBBLiveVarMapType  BB2BBLVMap;  // A map betwn the BasicBlock and BBLiveVar
+  // Live var anal is done on this method - set by constructor
+  const Method *const Meth;   
-  InstToLiveVarSetMapType Inst2LVSetMap; // Instruction to LiveVarSet Map 
-                                         //- for providing LV info for each inst
+  // A map betwn the BasicBlock and BBLiveVar
+  BBToBBLiveVarMapType  BB2BBLVMap;  
-  void constructBBs();          // constructs BBLiveVars and init Def and In sets
-  bool  doSingleBackwardPass(); // do one backward pass over the CFG
+  // Machine Instr to LiveVarSet Map for providing LVset BEFORE each inst
+  MInstToLiveVarSetMapType MInst2LVSetBI; 
+  // Machine Instr to LiveVarSet Map for providing LVset AFTER each inst
+  MInstToLiveVarSetMapType MInst2LVSetAI; 
+  // True if the analyze() method has been called. This is checked when
+  // getInSet/OutSet is called to prevent calling those methods before analyze
+  bool HasAnalyzed;
+  // --------- private methods -----------------------------------------
+  // constructs BBLiveVars and init Def and In sets
+  void constructBBs();      
+  // do one backward pass over the CFG
+  bool  doSingleBackwardPass(); 
+  // calculates live var sets for instructions in a BB
+  void calcLiveVarSetsForBB(const BasicBlock *const BB);
-  MethodLiveVarInfo(Method *const Meth);    // constructor 
+  MethodLiveVarInfo(const Method *const Meth);    // constructor 
-  ~MethodLiveVarInfo();                     // destructor
+  ~MethodLiveVarInfo();                           // destructor
-  void analyze();             // performs a liver var analysis of a single method
+  // performs a liver var analysis of a single method
+  void analyze();            
-                                                           // gets OutSet of a BB
-  inline const LiveVarSet *getOutSetOfBB( const BasicBlock *const BB)  const {   
+  // gets OutSet of a BB
+  inline const LiveVarSet *getOutSetOfBB( const BasicBlock *const BB) const { 
+    assert( HasAnalyzed && "call analyze() before calling this" );
     return (   (* (BB2BBLVMap.find(BB)) ).second  )->getOutSet();
-                                                            // gets InSet of a BB
+  // gets InSet of a BB
   inline const LiveVarSet *getInSetOfBB( const BasicBlock *const BB)  const { 
+    assert( HasAnalyzed && "call analyze() before calling this" );
     return (   (* (BB2BBLVMap.find(BB)) ).second  )->getInSet();
-                                   // gets the Live var set before an instruction
-  const LiveVarSet * 
-    MethodLiveVarInfo::getLiveVarSetBeforeInst(const Instruction *const Inst);
+  // gets the Live var set BEFORE an instruction
+  const LiveVarSet * getLiveVarSetBeforeMInst(const MachineInstr *const Inst,
+					      const BasicBlock *const CurBB);
+  // gets the Live var set AFTER an instruction
+  const LiveVarSet * getLiveVarSetAfterMInst(const MachineInstr *const MInst,
+					     const BasicBlock *const CurBB);
diff --git a/include/llvm/Analysis/LiveVar/LiveVarMap.h b/include/llvm/Analysis/LiveVar/LiveVarMap.h
index a7f1ccd6fd5..bc00d4f2815 100644
--- a/include/llvm/Analysis/LiveVar/LiveVarMap.h
+++ b/include/llvm/Analysis/LiveVar/LiveVarMap.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* Title:   ValueSet.h
+/* Title:   LiveVarMap.h
    Author:  Ruchira Sasanka
    Date:    Jun 30, 01
    Purpose: This file contains the class for a map between the BasicBlock class
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ class BasicBlock;
 class BBLiveVar;
-struct hashFuncInst {        // sturcture containing the hash function for Inst
-  inline size_t operator () (const Instruction *val) const { 
+struct hashFuncMInst {  // sturcture containing the hash function for MInst
+  inline size_t operator () (const MachineInstr *val) const { 
     return (size_t) val;  
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ struct hashFuncBB {          // sturcture containing the hash function for BB
 typedef hash_map<const BasicBlock *,  
 		 BBLiveVar *, hashFuncBB > BBToBBLiveVarMapType;
-typedef hash_map<const Instruction *,  const LiveVarSet *, 
-		 hashFuncInst> InstToLiveVarSetMapType;
+typedef hash_map<const MachineInstr *,  const LiveVarSet *, 
+		 hashFuncMInst> MInstToLiveVarSetMapType;
diff --git a/include/llvm/Analysis/LiveVar/LiveVarSet.h b/include/llvm/Analysis/LiveVar/LiveVarSet.h
index 37d0d21547a..17524fccd32 100644
--- a/include/llvm/Analysis/LiveVar/LiveVarSet.h
+++ b/include/llvm/Analysis/LiveVar/LiveVarSet.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* Title:   ValueSet.h
+/* Title:   LiveVarSet.h
    Author:  Ruchira Sasanka
    Date:    Jun 30, 01
    Purpose: Contains the class definition of LiveVarSet which is used for
@@ -16,8 +16,12 @@ class LiveVarSet : public ValueSet
-  void applyTranferFuncForInst(const Instruction *const Inst); 
+  // This function applies a machine instr to a live var set (accepts OutSet)
+  // and makes necessary changes to it (produces InSet).
+  void applyTranferFuncForMInst(const MachineInstr *const MInst);
diff --git a/include/llvm/Analysis/LiveVar/ValueSet.h b/include/llvm/Analysis/LiveVar/ValueSet.h
index 02d3906178c..2b564b4a90d 100644
--- a/include/llvm/Analysis/LiveVar/ValueSet.h
+++ b/include/llvm/Analysis/LiveVar/ValueSet.h
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
    Author:  Ruchira Sasanka
    Date:    Jun 30, 01
    Purpose: Contains a mathematical set of Values. LiveVarSet is derived from
-            this. Contains both class and method definitions
+            this. Contains both class and method definitions.
 #ifndef VALUE_SET_H
@@ -20,14 +20,14 @@
 //------------------------ Support functions ---------------------------------
-struct hashFuncValue {                // sturcture containing the hash function. 
+struct hashFuncValue {                  // sturcture containing the hash func
   inline size_t operator () (const Value *const val) const 
   { return (size_t) val;  }
-//------------------- Class Definition for ValueSet ----------------------------
+//------------------- Class Definition for ValueSet --------------------------
 void printValue( const Value *const v);  // func to print a Value 
@@ -37,21 +37,21 @@ class ValueSet : public hash_set<const Value *,  hashFuncValue >
-  ValueSet();   // constructor
+  ValueSet();                           // constructor
   inline void add(const Value *const  val) 
-    { assert( val ); insert(val);}           // for adding a live variable to set
+    { assert( val ); insert(val);}      // for adding a live variable to set
   inline void remove(const Value *const  val) 
-    { assert( val ); erase(val); }       // for removing a live variable from set
+    { assert( val ); erase(val); }      // for removing a live var from set
-  bool setUnion( const ValueSet *const set1);    // for performing two set unions
-  void setSubtract( const ValueSet *const set1); // for performing set difference
+  bool setUnion( const ValueSet *const set1);     // for performing set union
+  void setSubtract( const ValueSet *const set1);  // for performing set diff
-                                                 // for performing set difference
   void setDifference( const ValueSet *const set1, const ValueSet *const set2); 
-  void printSet() const;  // for printing a live variable set
+  void printSet() const;                // for printing a live variable set
diff --git a/include/llvm/CodeGen/FunctionLiveVarInfo.h b/include/llvm/CodeGen/FunctionLiveVarInfo.h
index 206fef8e3e8..c148d0c7a3e 100644
--- a/include/llvm/CodeGen/FunctionLiveVarInfo.h
+++ b/include/llvm/CodeGen/FunctionLiveVarInfo.h
@@ -3,36 +3,48 @@
    Date:    Jun 30, 01
-   This is the interface for live variable info of a method that is required by 
-   any other part of the compiler
+   This is the interface for live variable info of a method that is required 
+   by any other part of the compiler
-   It should be called like:
+   It must be called like:
        MethodLiveVarInfo MLVI( Mehtod *);  // initializes data structures
-       MLVI.analyze();                    // do the actural live variable anal
+       MLVI.analyze();                     // do the actural live variable anal
  After the analysis, getInSetOfBB or getOutSetofBB can be called to get 
- live var info of a BB
+ live var info of a BB.
- The live var set before an instruction can be constructed in several ways:
+ The live var set before an instruction can be obtained in 2 ways:
- 1. Use the OutSet and applyTranferFuncForInst(const Instruction *const Inst) 
+ 1. Use the method getLiveVarSetAfterInst(Instruction *) to get the LV Info 
+    just after an instruction. (also exists getLiveVarSetBeforeInst(..))
+    This function caluclates the LV info for a BB only once and caches that 
+    info. If the cache does not contain the LV info of the instruction, it 
+    calculates the LV info for the whole BB and caches them.
+    Getting liveVar info this way uses more memory since, LV info should be 
+    cached. However, if you need LV info of nearly all the instructions of a
+    BB, this is the best and simplest interfrace.
+ 2. Use the OutSet and applyTranferFuncForInst(const Instruction *const Inst) 
     declared in LiveVarSet and  traverse the instructions of a basic block in 
     reverse (using const_reverse_iterator in the BB class). 
-    This is the most efficient method if you need LV info for several (all) 
-    instructions in a BasicBlock. An example is given below:
+    This is the most memory efficient method if you need LV info for 
+    only several instructions in a BasicBlock. An example is given below:
     LiveVarSet LVSet;  // this will be the set used to traverse through each BB
-                   // Initialize LVSet so that it is the same as OutSet of the BB
+    // Initialize LVSet so that it is the same as OutSet of the BB
     LVSet.setUnion( LVI->getOutSetOfBB( *BBI ) );  
-      InstIterator = InstListInBB.rbegin();  // get the reverse it for inst in BB
+      InstIterator = InstListInBB.rbegin(); // get the rev iter for inst in BB
-                            // iterate over all the instructions in BB in reverse
+      // iterate over all the instructions in BB in reverse
     for( ; InstIterator != InstListInBB.rend(); InstIterator++) {  
       //...... all  code here which uses LVSet ........
@@ -45,28 +57,16 @@
     See buildInterferenceGraph() for the above example.
- 2. Use the function getLiveVarSetBeforeInst(Instruction *) to get the LV Info 
-    just before an instruction.
-    This function caluclates the LV info for a BB only once and caches that 
-    info. If the cache does not contain the LV info of the instruction, it 
-    calculates the LV info for the whole BB and caches them.
-    Getting liveVar info this way uses more memory since, LV info should be 
-    cached.
- **BUGS: Cannot be called on a method prototype because the BB front() 
-   iterator causes a seg fault in CFG.h (Chris will fix this)
-   So, currently, DO NOT call this for method prototypes. 
-        // for printing out debug messages
+// set DEBUG_LV for printing out debug messages
+// if DEBUG_LV is 1 normal output messages
+// if DEBUG_LV is 2 extensive debug info for each instr
 #define DEBUG_LV (1)
 #include "LiveVarSet.h"
@@ -82,38 +82,65 @@
 class MethodLiveVarInfo
-  const Method *Meth;   // Live var anal is done on this method 
-                        // set by constructor
-  BBToBBLiveVarMapType  BB2BBLVMap;  // A map betwn the BasicBlock and BBLiveVar
+  // Live var anal is done on this method - set by constructor
+  const Method *const Meth;   
-  InstToLiveVarSetMapType Inst2LVSetMap; // Instruction to LiveVarSet Map 
-                                         //- for providing LV info for each inst
+  // A map betwn the BasicBlock and BBLiveVar
+  BBToBBLiveVarMapType  BB2BBLVMap;  
-  void constructBBs();          // constructs BBLiveVars and init Def and In sets
-  bool  doSingleBackwardPass(); // do one backward pass over the CFG
+  // Machine Instr to LiveVarSet Map for providing LVset BEFORE each inst
+  MInstToLiveVarSetMapType MInst2LVSetBI; 
+  // Machine Instr to LiveVarSet Map for providing LVset AFTER each inst
+  MInstToLiveVarSetMapType MInst2LVSetAI; 
+  // True if the analyze() method has been called. This is checked when
+  // getInSet/OutSet is called to prevent calling those methods before analyze
+  bool HasAnalyzed;
+  // --------- private methods -----------------------------------------
+  // constructs BBLiveVars and init Def and In sets
+  void constructBBs();      
+  // do one backward pass over the CFG
+  bool  doSingleBackwardPass(); 
+  // calculates live var sets for instructions in a BB
+  void calcLiveVarSetsForBB(const BasicBlock *const BB);
-  MethodLiveVarInfo(Method *const Meth);    // constructor 
+  MethodLiveVarInfo(const Method *const Meth);    // constructor 
-  ~MethodLiveVarInfo();                     // destructor
+  ~MethodLiveVarInfo();                           // destructor
-  void analyze();             // performs a liver var analysis of a single method
+  // performs a liver var analysis of a single method
+  void analyze();            
-                                                           // gets OutSet of a BB
-  inline const LiveVarSet *getOutSetOfBB( const BasicBlock *const BB)  const {   
+  // gets OutSet of a BB
+  inline const LiveVarSet *getOutSetOfBB( const BasicBlock *const BB) const { 
+    assert( HasAnalyzed && "call analyze() before calling this" );
     return (   (* (BB2BBLVMap.find(BB)) ).second  )->getOutSet();
-                                                            // gets InSet of a BB
+  // gets InSet of a BB
   inline const LiveVarSet *getInSetOfBB( const BasicBlock *const BB)  const { 
+    assert( HasAnalyzed && "call analyze() before calling this" );
     return (   (* (BB2BBLVMap.find(BB)) ).second  )->getInSet();
-                                   // gets the Live var set before an instruction
-  const LiveVarSet * 
-    MethodLiveVarInfo::getLiveVarSetBeforeInst(const Instruction *const Inst);
+  // gets the Live var set BEFORE an instruction
+  const LiveVarSet * getLiveVarSetBeforeMInst(const MachineInstr *const Inst,
+					      const BasicBlock *const CurBB);
+  // gets the Live var set AFTER an instruction
+  const LiveVarSet * getLiveVarSetAfterMInst(const MachineInstr *const MInst,
+					     const BasicBlock *const CurBB);
diff --git a/include/llvm/CodeGen/ValueSet.h b/include/llvm/CodeGen/ValueSet.h
index 02d3906178c..2b564b4a90d 100644
--- a/include/llvm/CodeGen/ValueSet.h
+++ b/include/llvm/CodeGen/ValueSet.h
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
    Author:  Ruchira Sasanka
    Date:    Jun 30, 01
    Purpose: Contains a mathematical set of Values. LiveVarSet is derived from
-            this. Contains both class and method definitions
+            this. Contains both class and method definitions.
 #ifndef VALUE_SET_H
@@ -20,14 +20,14 @@
 //------------------------ Support functions ---------------------------------
-struct hashFuncValue {                // sturcture containing the hash function. 
+struct hashFuncValue {                  // sturcture containing the hash func
   inline size_t operator () (const Value *const val) const 
   { return (size_t) val;  }
-//------------------- Class Definition for ValueSet ----------------------------
+//------------------- Class Definition for ValueSet --------------------------
 void printValue( const Value *const v);  // func to print a Value 
@@ -37,21 +37,21 @@ class ValueSet : public hash_set<const Value *,  hashFuncValue >
-  ValueSet();   // constructor
+  ValueSet();                           // constructor
   inline void add(const Value *const  val) 
-    { assert( val ); insert(val);}           // for adding a live variable to set
+    { assert( val ); insert(val);}      // for adding a live variable to set
   inline void remove(const Value *const  val) 
-    { assert( val ); erase(val); }       // for removing a live variable from set
+    { assert( val ); erase(val); }      // for removing a live var from set
-  bool setUnion( const ValueSet *const set1);    // for performing two set unions
-  void setSubtract( const ValueSet *const set1); // for performing set difference
+  bool setUnion( const ValueSet *const set1);     // for performing set union
+  void setSubtract( const ValueSet *const set1);  // for performing set diff
-                                                 // for performing set difference
   void setDifference( const ValueSet *const set1, const ValueSet *const set2); 
-  void printSet() const;  // for printing a live variable set
+  void printSet() const;                // for printing a live variable set
diff --git a/lib/Analysis/LiveVar/BBLiveVar.h b/lib/Analysis/LiveVar/BBLiveVar.h
index 7917cc21315..e4d5804489d 100644
--- a/lib/Analysis/LiveVar/BBLiveVar.h
+++ b/lib/Analysis/LiveVar/BBLiveVar.h
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-/* Title:   ValueSet.h
+/* Title:   BBLiveVar.h
    Author:  Ruchira Sasanka
    Date:    Jun 30, 01
    Purpose: This is a wrapper class for BasicBlock which is used by live 
-             variable anaysis
+            variable anaysis.
 #ifndef LIVE_VAR_BB_H
@@ -28,9 +28,10 @@ class BBLiveVar
   bool InSetChanged, OutSetChanged;   // set if the InSet/OutSet is modified
                                 // map that contains phi args->BB they came
+                                // set by calcDefUseSets & used by setPropagate
   hash_map<const Value *, const BasicBlock *, hashFuncValue> PhiArgMap;  
-                     // method to propogate an InSet to OutSet of a predecessor
+  // method to propogate an InSet to OutSet of a predecessor
   bool setPropagate( LiveVarSet *const OutSetOfPred, 
 		     const LiveVarSet *const InSetOfThisBB,
 		     const BasicBlock *const PredBB);
@@ -47,16 +48,18 @@ class BBLiveVar
   void calcDefUseSets() ;         // calculates the Def & Use sets for this BB
   bool  applyTransferFunc();      // calcultes the In in terms of Out 
-                        // calculates Out set using In sets of the predecessors
+  // calculates Out set using In sets of the predecessors
   bool applyFlowFunc(BBToBBLiveVarMapType LVMap);    
   inline const LiveVarSet* getOutSet()  const { return &OutSet; }
   inline const LiveVarSet*  getInSet() const { return &InSet; }
-  void printAllSets() const;    // for printing Def/In/Out sets
-  void printInOutSets() const;  // for printing In/Out sets
+  void printAllSets() const;      // for printing Def/In/Out sets
+  void printInOutSets() const;    // for printing In/Out sets
+  ~BBLiveVar() { }                // nothing to do since only composite objects
-  //TODO write a destructor to deallocate Def/In.Out sets and PhiArgMap
@@ -65,5 +68,6 @@ class BBLiveVar
diff --git a/lib/Target/SparcV9/LiveVar/BBLiveVar.h b/lib/Target/SparcV9/LiveVar/BBLiveVar.h
index 7917cc21315..e4d5804489d 100644
--- a/lib/Target/SparcV9/LiveVar/BBLiveVar.h
+++ b/lib/Target/SparcV9/LiveVar/BBLiveVar.h
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-/* Title:   ValueSet.h
+/* Title:   BBLiveVar.h
    Author:  Ruchira Sasanka
    Date:    Jun 30, 01
    Purpose: This is a wrapper class for BasicBlock which is used by live 
-             variable anaysis
+            variable anaysis.
 #ifndef LIVE_VAR_BB_H
@@ -28,9 +28,10 @@ class BBLiveVar
   bool InSetChanged, OutSetChanged;   // set if the InSet/OutSet is modified
                                 // map that contains phi args->BB they came
+                                // set by calcDefUseSets & used by setPropagate
   hash_map<const Value *, const BasicBlock *, hashFuncValue> PhiArgMap;  
-                     // method to propogate an InSet to OutSet of a predecessor
+  // method to propogate an InSet to OutSet of a predecessor
   bool setPropagate( LiveVarSet *const OutSetOfPred, 
 		     const LiveVarSet *const InSetOfThisBB,
 		     const BasicBlock *const PredBB);
@@ -47,16 +48,18 @@ class BBLiveVar
   void calcDefUseSets() ;         // calculates the Def & Use sets for this BB
   bool  applyTransferFunc();      // calcultes the In in terms of Out 
-                        // calculates Out set using In sets of the predecessors
+  // calculates Out set using In sets of the predecessors
   bool applyFlowFunc(BBToBBLiveVarMapType LVMap);    
   inline const LiveVarSet* getOutSet()  const { return &OutSet; }
   inline const LiveVarSet*  getInSet() const { return &InSet; }
-  void printAllSets() const;    // for printing Def/In/Out sets
-  void printInOutSets() const;  // for printing In/Out sets
+  void printAllSets() const;      // for printing Def/In/Out sets
+  void printInOutSets() const;    // for printing In/Out sets
+  ~BBLiveVar() { }                // nothing to do since only composite objects
-  //TODO write a destructor to deallocate Def/In.Out sets and PhiArgMap
@@ -65,5 +68,6 @@ class BBLiveVar