diff --git a/include/llvm/DebugInfo/DIContext.h b/include/llvm/DebugInfo/DIContext.h
index 5cb1a17432d..a2c3f03ee81 100644
--- a/include/llvm/DebugInfo/DIContext.h
+++ b/include/llvm/DebugInfo/DIContext.h
@@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ public:
+typedef SmallVector<std::pair<uint64_t, DILineInfo>, 16> DILineInfoTable;
 /// DIInliningInfo - a format-neutral container for inlined code description.
 class DIInliningInfo {
   SmallVector<DILineInfo, 4> Frames;
@@ -126,6 +128,8 @@ public:
   virtual DILineInfo getLineInfoForAddress(uint64_t Address,
       DILineInfoSpecifier Specifier = DILineInfoSpecifier()) = 0;
+  virtual DILineInfoTable getLineInfoForAddressRange(uint64_t Address,
+      uint64_t Size, DILineInfoSpecifier Specifier = DILineInfoSpecifier()) = 0;
   virtual DIInliningInfo getInliningInfoForAddress(uint64_t Address,
       DILineInfoSpecifier Specifier = DILineInfoSpecifier()) = 0;
diff --git a/lib/DebugInfo/DWARFContext.cpp b/lib/DebugInfo/DWARFContext.cpp
index 66d299bad28..768427fab07 100644
--- a/lib/DebugInfo/DWARFContext.cpp
+++ b/lib/DebugInfo/DWARFContext.cpp
@@ -325,6 +325,64 @@ DILineInfo DWARFContext::getLineInfoForAddress(uint64_t Address,
                     Line, Column);
+DILineInfoTable DWARFContext::getLineInfoForAddressRange(uint64_t Address,
+    uint64_t Size,
+    DILineInfoSpecifier Specifier) {
+  DILineInfoTable  Lines;
+  DWARFCompileUnit *CU = getCompileUnitForAddress(Address);
+  if (!CU)
+    return Lines;
+  std::string FunctionName = "<invalid>";
+  if (Specifier.needs(DILineInfoSpecifier::FunctionName)) {
+    // The address may correspond to instruction in some inlined function,
+    // so we have to build the chain of inlined functions and take the
+    // name of the topmost function in it.
+    const DWARFDebugInfoEntryMinimal::InlinedChain &InlinedChain =
+        CU->getInlinedChainForAddress(Address);
+    if (InlinedChain.size() > 0) {
+      const DWARFDebugInfoEntryMinimal &TopFunctionDIE = InlinedChain[0];
+      if (const char *Name = TopFunctionDIE.getSubroutineName(CU))
+        FunctionName = Name;
+    }
+  }
+  StringRef  FuncNameRef = StringRef(FunctionName);
+  // If the Specifier says we don't need FileLineInfo, just
+  // return the top-most function at the starting address.
+  if (!Specifier.needs(DILineInfoSpecifier::FileLineInfo)) {
+    Lines.push_back(std::make_pair(Address, 
+                                   DILineInfo(StringRef("<invalid>"), 
+                                              FuncNameRef, 0, 0)));
+    return Lines;
+  }
+  const DWARFLineTable *LineTable = getLineTableForCompileUnit(CU);
+  const bool NeedsAbsoluteFilePath =
+      Specifier.needs(DILineInfoSpecifier::AbsoluteFilePath);
+  // Get the index of row we're looking for in the line table.
+  std::vector<uint32_t> RowVector;
+  if (!LineTable->lookupAddressRange(Address, Size, RowVector))
+    return Lines;
+  uint32_t NumRows = RowVector.size();
+  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < NumRows; ++i) {
+    uint32_t RowIndex = RowVector[i];
+    // Take file number and line/column from the row.
+    const DWARFDebugLine::Row &Row = LineTable->Rows[RowIndex];
+    std::string FileName = "<invalid>";
+    getFileNameForCompileUnit(CU, LineTable, Row.File,
+                              NeedsAbsoluteFilePath, FileName);
+    Lines.push_back(std::make_pair(Row.Address, 
+                                   DILineInfo(StringRef(FileName),
+                                         FuncNameRef, Row.Line, Row.Column)));
+  }
+  return Lines;
 DIInliningInfo DWARFContext::getInliningInfoForAddress(uint64_t Address,
     DILineInfoSpecifier Specifier) {
   DWARFCompileUnit *CU = getCompileUnitForAddress(Address);
diff --git a/lib/DebugInfo/DWARFContext.h b/lib/DebugInfo/DWARFContext.h
index d6314b87c33..9ff094bd484 100644
--- a/lib/DebugInfo/DWARFContext.h
+++ b/lib/DebugInfo/DWARFContext.h
@@ -90,6 +90,8 @@ public:
   virtual DILineInfo getLineInfoForAddress(uint64_t Address,
       DILineInfoSpecifier Specifier = DILineInfoSpecifier());
+  virtual DILineInfoTable getLineInfoForAddressRange(uint64_t Address,
+      uint64_t Size, DILineInfoSpecifier Specifier = DILineInfoSpecifier());
   virtual DIInliningInfo getInliningInfoForAddress(uint64_t Address,
       DILineInfoSpecifier Specifier = DILineInfoSpecifier());
diff --git a/lib/DebugInfo/DWARFDebugLine.cpp b/lib/DebugInfo/DWARFDebugLine.cpp
index 16ef896ca7e..7b32d4fe9ed 100644
--- a/lib/DebugInfo/DWARFDebugLine.cpp
+++ b/lib/DebugInfo/DWARFDebugLine.cpp
@@ -524,6 +524,81 @@ DWARFDebugLine::LineTable::lookupAddress(uint64_t address) const {
   return index;
+DWARFDebugLine::LineTable::lookupAddressRange(uint64_t address,
+                                       uint64_t size, 
+                                       std::vector<uint32_t>& result) const {
+  if (Sequences.empty())
+    return false;
+  uint64_t end_addr = address + size;
+  // First, find an instruction sequence containing the given address.
+  DWARFDebugLine::Sequence sequence;
+  sequence.LowPC = address;
+  SequenceIter first_seq = Sequences.begin();
+  SequenceIter last_seq = Sequences.end();
+  SequenceIter seq_pos = std::lower_bound(first_seq, last_seq, sequence,
+      DWARFDebugLine::Sequence::orderByLowPC);
+  if (seq_pos == last_seq || seq_pos->LowPC != address) {
+    if (seq_pos == first_seq)
+      return false;
+    seq_pos--;
+  }
+  if (!seq_pos->containsPC(address))
+    return false;
+  SequenceIter start_pos = seq_pos;
+  // Add the rows from the first sequence to the vector, starting with the
+  // index we just calculated
+  while (seq_pos != last_seq && seq_pos->LowPC < end_addr) {
+    DWARFDebugLine::Sequence cur_seq = *seq_pos;
+    uint32_t first_row_index;
+    uint32_t last_row_index;
+    if (seq_pos == start_pos) {
+      // For the first sequence, we need to find which row in the sequence is the
+      // first in our range. Rows are stored in a vector, so we may use
+      // arithmetical operations with iterators.
+      DWARFDebugLine::Row row;
+      row.Address = address;
+      RowIter first_row = Rows.begin() + cur_seq.FirstRowIndex;
+      RowIter last_row = Rows.begin() + cur_seq.LastRowIndex;
+      RowIter row_pos = std::upper_bound(first_row, last_row, row,
+                                         DWARFDebugLine::Row::orderByAddress);
+      // The 'row_pos' iterator references the first row that is greater than
+      // our start address. Unless that's the first row, we want to start at
+      // the row before that.
+      first_row_index = cur_seq.FirstRowIndex + (row_pos - first_row);
+      if (row_pos != first_row)
+        --first_row_index;
+    } else
+      first_row_index = cur_seq.FirstRowIndex;
+    // For the last sequence in our range, we need to figure out the last row in
+    // range.  For all other sequences we can go to the end of the sequence.
+    if (cur_seq.HighPC > end_addr) {
+      DWARFDebugLine::Row row;
+      row.Address = end_addr;
+      RowIter first_row = Rows.begin() + cur_seq.FirstRowIndex;
+      RowIter last_row = Rows.begin() + cur_seq.LastRowIndex;
+      RowIter row_pos = std::upper_bound(first_row, last_row, row,
+                                         DWARFDebugLine::Row::orderByAddress);
+      // The 'row_pos' iterator references the first row that is greater than
+      // our end address.  The row before that is the last row we want.
+      last_row_index = cur_seq.FirstRowIndex + (row_pos - first_row) - 1;
+    } else
+      // Contrary to what you might expect, DWARFDebugLine::SequenceLastRowIndex
+      // isn't a valid index within the current sequence.  It's that plus one.
+      last_row_index = cur_seq.LastRowIndex - 1;
+    for (uint32_t i = first_row_index; i <= last_row_index; ++i) {
+      result.push_back(i);
+    }
+    ++seq_pos;
+  }
 DWARFDebugLine::LineTable::getFileNameByIndex(uint64_t FileIndex,
                                               bool NeedsAbsoluteFilePath,
diff --git a/lib/DebugInfo/DWARFDebugLine.h b/lib/DebugInfo/DWARFDebugLine.h
index dbaf91d321f..2990756bd7c 100644
--- a/lib/DebugInfo/DWARFDebugLine.h
+++ b/lib/DebugInfo/DWARFDebugLine.h
@@ -178,6 +178,10 @@ public:
     // or -1 if there is no such row.
     uint32_t lookupAddress(uint64_t address) const;
+    bool lookupAddressRange(uint64_t address,
+                            uint64_t size, 
+                            std::vector<uint32_t>& result) const;
     // Extracts filename by its index in filename table in prologue.
     // Returns true on success.
     bool getFileNameByIndex(uint64_t FileIndex,
diff --git a/test/DebugInfo/Inputs/test-parameters.o b/test/DebugInfo/Inputs/test-parameters.o
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7f4b6702df2
Binary files /dev/null and b/test/DebugInfo/Inputs/test-parameters.o differ
diff --git a/test/DebugInfo/debuglineinfo.test b/test/DebugInfo/debuglineinfo.test
index 78de390a8b1..14d2f82b04a 100644
--- a/test/DebugInfo/debuglineinfo.test
+++ b/test/DebugInfo/debuglineinfo.test
@@ -1,15 +1,49 @@
 RUN: llvm-rtdyld -printline %p/Inputs/test-inline.o \
 RUN:   | FileCheck %s -check-prefix TEST_INLINE
+RUN: llvm-rtdyld -printline %p/Inputs/test-parameters.o \
+RUN:   | FileCheck %s -check-prefix TEST_PARAMETERS
 ; This test verifies that relocations are correctly applied to the
-; .debug_line section.  If relocations are not applied the first two
-; functions will be reported as both starting at address zero in the
-; line number table.
+; .debug_line section and exercises DIContext::getLineInfoForAddressRange().
+; If relocations are not applied the first two functions will be reported as
+; both starting at address zero in the; line number table.
 TEST_INLINE:      Function: _Z15test_parametersPfPA2_dR11char_structPPitm, Size = 170
-TEST_INLINE-NEXT: Line info:test-inline.cpp, line:33
+TEST_INLINE-NEXT: Line info @ 0: test-inline.cpp, line:33
+TEST_INLINE-NEXT: Line info @ 35: test-inline.cpp, line:34
+TEST_INLINE-NEXT: Line info @ 165: test-inline.cpp, line:35
 TEST_INLINE-NEXT: Function: _Z3foov, Size = 3
-TEST_INLINE-NEXT: Line info:test-inline.cpp, line:28
+TEST_INLINE-NEXT: Line info @ 0: test-inline.cpp, line:28
+TEST_INLINE-NEXT: Line info @ 2: test-inline.cpp, line:29
+TEST_INLINE-NEXT: Line info @ 3: test-inline.cpp, line:29
 TEST_INLINE-NEXT: Function: main, Size = 146
-TEST_INLINE-NEXT: Line info:test-inline.cpp, line:39
+TEST_INLINE-NEXT: Line info @ 0: test-inline.cpp, line:39
+TEST_INLINE-NEXT: Line info @ 21: test-inline.cpp, line:41
+TEST_INLINE-NEXT: Line info @ 39: test-inline.cpp, line:42
+TEST_INLINE-NEXT: Line info @ 60: test-inline.cpp, line:44
+TEST_INLINE-NEXT: Line info @ 80: test-inline.cpp, line:48
+TEST_INLINE-NEXT: Line info @ 90: test-inline.cpp, line:45
+TEST_INLINE-NEXT: Line info @ 95: test-inline.cpp, line:46
+TEST_INLINE-NEXT: Line info @ 114: test-inline.cpp, line:48 
+TEST_INLINE-NEXT: Line info @ 141: test-inline.cpp, line:49
+TEST_INLINE-NEXT: Line info @ 146: test-inline.cpp, line:49
+; This test checks the case where all code is in a single section.
+TEST_PARAMETERS:      Function: _Z15test_parametersPfPA2_dR11char_structPPitm, Size = 170
+TEST_PARAMETERS-NEXT: Line info @ 0: test-parameters.cpp, line:33
+TEST_PARAMETERS-NEXT: Line info @ 35: test-parameters.cpp, line:34
+TEST_PARAMETERS-NEXT: Line info @ 165: test-parameters.cpp, line:35
+TEST_PARAMETERS-NEXT: Function: _Z3foov, Size = 3
+TEST_PARAMETERS-NEXT: Line info @ 0: test-parameters.cpp, line:28
+TEST_PARAMETERS-NEXT: Line info @ 2: test-parameters.cpp, line:29
+TEST_PARAMETERS-NEXT: Function: main, Size = 146
+TEST_PARAMETERS-NEXT: Line info @ 0: test-parameters.cpp, line:39
+TEST_PARAMETERS-NEXT: Line info @ 21: test-parameters.cpp, line:41
+TEST_PARAMETERS-NEXT: Line info @ 39: test-parameters.cpp, line:42
+TEST_PARAMETERS-NEXT: Line info @ 60: test-parameters.cpp, line:44
+TEST_PARAMETERS-NEXT: Line info @ 80: test-parameters.cpp, line:48
+TEST_PARAMETERS-NEXT: Line info @ 90: test-parameters.cpp, line:45
+TEST_PARAMETERS-NEXT: Line info @ 95: test-parameters.cpp, line:46
+TEST_PARAMETERS-NEXT: Line info @ 114: test-parameters.cpp, line:48 
+TEST_PARAMETERS-NEXT: Line info @ 141: test-parameters.cpp, line:49
+TEST_PARAMETERS-NEXT: Line info @ 146: test-parameters.cpp, line:49
diff --git a/tools/llvm-rtdyld/llvm-rtdyld.cpp b/tools/llvm-rtdyld/llvm-rtdyld.cpp
index 8b71a4f3641..4d8d345894d 100644
--- a/tools/llvm-rtdyld/llvm-rtdyld.cpp
+++ b/tools/llvm-rtdyld/llvm-rtdyld.cpp
@@ -163,8 +163,14 @@ static int printLineInfoForInput() {
         outs() << "Function: " << Name << ", Size = " << Size << "\n";
-        DILineInfo Result = Context->getLineInfoForAddress(Addr);
-        outs() << "  Line info:" << Result.getFileName() << ", line:" << Result.getLine() << "\n";
+        DILineInfoTable Lines = Context->getLineInfoForAddressRange(Addr, Size);
+        DILineInfoTable::iterator  Begin = Lines.begin();
+        DILineInfoTable::iterator  End = Lines.end();
+        for (DILineInfoTable::iterator It = Begin; It != End; ++It) {
+          outs() << "  Line info @ " << It->first - Addr << ": "
+                 << It->second.getFileName()
+                 << ", line:" << It->second.getLine() << "\n";
+        }