; RUN: llvm-upgrade < %s | llvm-as | opt -adce -disable-output implementation ; Functions: declare { }* %llvm.dbg.region.end({ }*) declare void %strlen() declare void %_ZN10QByteArray6resizeEi() declare void %q_atomic_decrement() void %_ZNK10QByteArray13leftJustifiedEicb() { entry: invoke void %strlen( ) to label %tmp.3.i.noexc unwind label %invoke_catch.0 tmp.3.i.noexc: ; preds = %entry br bool false, label %then.0, label %else.0 invoke_catch.0: ; preds = %entry invoke void %q_atomic_decrement( ) to label %tmp.1.i.i183.noexc unwind label %terminate tmp.1.i.i183.noexc: ; preds = %invoke_catch.0 unwind then.0: ; preds = %tmp.3.i.noexc invoke void %_ZN10QByteArray6resizeEi( ) to label %invoke_cont.1 unwind label %invoke_catch.1 invoke_catch.1: ; preds = %then.0 invoke void %q_atomic_decrement( ) to label %tmp.1.i.i162.noexc unwind label %terminate tmp.1.i.i162.noexc: ; preds = %invoke_catch.1 ret void invoke_cont.1: ; preds = %then.0 ret void else.0: ; preds = %tmp.3.i.noexc ret void terminate: ; preds = %invoke_catch.1, %invoke_catch.0 %dbg.0.1 = phi { }* [ null, %invoke_catch.1 ], [ null, %invoke_catch.0 ] ; <{ }*> [#uses=1] %dbg.tmp.43 = call { }* %llvm.dbg.region.end( { }* %dbg.0.1 ) ; <{ }*> [#uses=0] unreachable }