; RUN: llc -mtriple armv7 -mattr=apcs -O0 -o - < %s \ ; RUN: | FileCheck %s -check-prefix CHECK-TAIL ; RUN: llc -mtriple armv7 -mattr=apcs -O0 -disable-tail-calls -o - < %s \ ; RUN: | FileCheck %s -check-prefix CHECK-NO-TAIL declare i32 @callee(i32 %i) declare extern_weak fastcc void @callee_weak() define i32 @caller(i32 %i) { entry: %r = tail call i32 @callee(i32 %i) ret i32 %r } ; CHECK-TAIL-LABEL: caller ; CHECK-TAIL: b callee ; CHECK-NO-TAIL-LABEL: caller ; CHECK-NO-TAIL: push {lr} ; CHECK-NO-TAIL: bl callee ; CHECK-NO-TAIL: pop {lr} ; CHECK-NO-TAIL: bx lr ; Weakly-referenced extern functions cannot be tail-called, as AAELF does ; not define the behaviour of branch instructions to undefined weak symbols. define fastcc void @caller_weak() { ; CHECK-LABEL: caller_weak: ; CHECK: bl callee_weak tail call void @callee_weak() ret void }