(* RUN: %ocamlc -warn-error A llvm.cma llvm_target.cma %s -o %t 2> /dev/null *) (* Note: It takes several seconds for ocamlc to link an executable with libLLVMCore.a, so it's better to write a big test than a bunch of little ones. *) open Llvm open Llvm_target (* Tiny unit test framework - really just to help find which line is busted *) let suite name f = prerr_endline (name ^ ":"); f () (*===-- Fixture -----------------------------------------------------------===*) let filename = Sys.argv.(1) let m = create_module (global_context ()) filename (*===-- Target Data -------------------------------------------------------===*) let test_target_data () = let td = TargetData.create (target_triple m) in let sty = struct_type (global_context ()) [| i32_type; i64_type |] in ignore (TargetData.as_string td); ignore (TargetData.invalidate_struct_layout td sty); ignore (byte_order td); ignore (pointer_size td); ignore (intptr_type td); ignore (size_in_bits td sty); ignore (store_size td sty); ignore (abi_size td sty); ignore (stack_align td sty); ignore (preferred_align td sty); ignore (preferred_align_of_global td (declare_global sty "g" m)); ignore (element_at_offset td sty (Int64.of_int 1)); ignore (offset_of_element td sty 1); TargetData.dispose td (*===-- Driver ------------------------------------------------------------===*) let _ = suite "target data" test_target_data; dispose_module m