#include "llvm/Target/Sparc.h" #include "SparcInternals.h" #include "llvm/Method.h" #include "llvm/iTerminators.h" #include "llvm/iOther.h" #include "llvm/CodeGen/InstrScheduling.h" #include "llvm/CodeGen/InstrSelection.h" #include "llvm/Analysis/LiveVar/MethodLiveVarInfo.h" #include "llvm/CodeGen/PhyRegAlloc.h" //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // UltraSparcRegInfo //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Suggests a register for the ret address in the RET machine instruction //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void UltraSparcRegInfo::suggestReg4RetAddr(const MachineInstr * RetMI, LiveRangeInfo& LRI) const { assert( (RetMI->getNumOperands() == 2) && "RETURN must have 2 operands"); MachineOperand & MO = ( MachineOperand &) RetMI->getOperand(0); MO.setRegForValue( getUnifiedRegNum( IntRegClassID, SparcIntRegOrder::i7) ); // TODO (Optimize): // Instead of setting the color, we can suggest one. In that case, // we have to test later whether it received the suggested color. // In that case, a LR has to be created at the start of method. // It has to be done as follows (remove the setRegVal above): /* const Value *RetAddrVal = MO.getVRegValue(); assert( RetAddrVal && "LR for ret address must be created at start"); LiveRange * RetAddrLR = LRI.getLiveRangeForValue( RetAddrVal); RetAddrLR->setSuggestedColor(getUnifiedRegNum( IntRegClassID, SparcIntRegOrdr::i7) ); */ } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Suggests a register for the ret address in the JMPL/CALL machine instr //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void UltraSparcRegInfo::suggestReg4CallAddr(const MachineInstr * CallMI) const { assert( (CallMI->getNumOperands() == 3) && "JMPL must have 3 operands"); // directly set color since the LR of ret address (if there were one) // will not extend after the call instr MachineOperand & MO = ( MachineOperand &) CallMI->getOperand(2); MO.setRegForValue( getUnifiedRegNum( IntRegClassID,SparcIntRegOrder::o7) ); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This method will suggest colors to incoming args to a method. // If the arg is passed on stack due to the lack of regs, NOTHING will be // done - it will be colored (or spilled) as a normal value. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void UltraSparcRegInfo::suggestRegs4MethodArgs(const Method *const Meth, LiveRangeInfo& LRI) const { // get the argument list const Method::ArgumentListType& ArgList = Meth->getArgumentList(); // get an iterator to arg list Method::ArgumentListType::const_iterator ArgIt = ArgList.begin(); // for each argument for( unsigned argNo=0; ArgIt != ArgList.end() ; ++ArgIt, ++argNo) { // get the LR of arg LiveRange *const LR = LRI.getLiveRangeForValue((const Value *) *ArgIt); assert( LR && "No live range found for method arg"); unsigned RegType = getRegType( LR ); // if the arg is in int class - allocate a reg for an int arg if( RegType == IntRegType ) { if( argNo < NumOfIntArgRegs) { LR->setSuggestedColor( SparcIntRegOrder::i0 + argNo ); } else { // Do NOTHING as this will be colored as a normal value. if (DEBUG_RA) cerr << " Int Regr not suggested for method arg\n"; } } else if( RegType==FPSingleRegType && (argNo*2+1) < NumOfFloatArgRegs) LR->setSuggestedColor( SparcFloatRegOrder::f0 + (argNo * 2 + 1) ); else if( RegType == FPDoubleRegType && (argNo*2) < NumOfFloatArgRegs) LR->setSuggestedColor( SparcFloatRegOrder::f0 + (argNo * 2) ); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void UltraSparcRegInfo::colorMethodArgs(const Method *const Meth, LiveRangeInfo& LRI, AddedInstrns *const FirstAI) const { // get the argument list const Method::ArgumentListType& ArgList = Meth->getArgumentList(); // get an iterator to arg list Method::ArgumentListType::const_iterator ArgIt = ArgList.begin(); MachineInstr *AdMI; // for each argument for( unsigned argNo=0; ArgIt != ArgList.end() ; ++ArgIt, ++argNo) { // get the LR of arg LiveRange *const LR = LRI.getLiveRangeForValue((const Value *) *ArgIt); assert( LR && "No live range found for method arg"); // if the LR received the suggested color, NOTHING to be done if( LR->hasSuggestedColor() && LR->hasColor() ) if( LR->getSuggestedColor() == LR->getColor() ) continue; // We are here because the LR did not have a suggested // color or did not receive the suggested color. Now handle // individual cases. unsigned RegType = getRegType( LR ); unsigned RegClassID = (LR->getRegClass())->getID(); // find whether this argument is coming in a register (if not, on stack) bool isArgInReg = false; unsigned UniArgReg = InvalidRegNum; if( (RegType== IntRegType && argNo < NumOfIntArgRegs)) { isArgInReg = true; UniArgReg = getUnifiedRegNum( RegClassID, SparcIntRegOrder::o0 + argNo ); } else if(RegType == FPSingleRegType && argNo < NumOfFloatArgRegs) { isArgInReg = true; UniArgReg = getUnifiedRegNum( RegClassID, SparcFloatRegOrder::f0 + argNo*2 + 1 ) ; } else if(RegType == FPDoubleRegType && argNo < NumOfFloatArgRegs) { isArgInReg = true; UniArgReg = getUnifiedRegNum(RegClassID, SparcFloatRegOrder::f0+argNo*2); } if( LR->hasColor() ) { // We are here because the LR did not have a suggested // color or did not receive the suggested color but LR got a register. // Now we have to copy %ix reg (or stack pos of arg) // to the register it was colored with. unsigned UniLRReg = getUnifiedRegNum( RegClassID, LR->getColor() ); // if the arg is coming in a register and goes into a register if( isArgInReg ) AdMI = cpReg2RegMI(UniArgReg, UniLRReg, RegType ); else assert(0 && "TODO: Color an Incoming arg on stack"); // Now add the instruction FirstAI->InstrnsBefore.push_back( AdMI ); } else { // LR is not colored (i.e., spilled) assert(0 && "TODO: Color a spilled arg "); } } // for each incoming argument } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This method is called before graph coloring to suggest colors to the // outgoing call args and the return value of the call. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void UltraSparcRegInfo::suggestRegs4CallArgs(const MachineInstr *const CallMI, LiveRangeInfo& LRI, vector RCList) const { assert ( (UltraSparcInfo->getInstrInfo()).isCall(CallMI->getOpCode()) ); suggestReg4CallAddr(CallMI); // First color the return value of the call instruction. The return value // will be in %o0 if the value is an integer type, or in %f0 if the // value is a float type. // the return value cannot have a LR in machine instruction since it is // only defined by the call instruction // if type is not void, create a new live range and set its // register class and add to LRI unsigned NumOfImpRefs = CallMI->getNumImplicitRefs(); unsigned NumOfCallArgs = NumOfImpRefs; // assume all implicits are args if( NumOfImpRefs > 0 ) { // The last implicit operand is the return value of a call if( CallMI->implicitRefIsDefined(NumOfImpRefs-1) ) { const Value *RetVal = CallMI->getImplicitRef(NumOfImpRefs-1); assert( (! LRI.getLiveRangeForValue( RetVal ) ) && "LR for ret Value of call already definded!"); // create a new LR for the return value LiveRange * RetValLR = new LiveRange(); RetValLR->add( RetVal ); unsigned RegClassID = getRegClassIDOfValue( RetVal ); RetValLR->setRegClass( RCList[RegClassID] ); LRI.addLRToMap( RetVal, RetValLR); // now suggest a register depending on the register class of ret arg if( RegClassID == IntRegClassID ) RetValLR->setSuggestedColor(SparcIntRegOrder::o0); else if (RegClassID == FloatRegClassID ) RetValLR->setSuggestedColor(SparcFloatRegOrder::f0 ); else assert( 0 && "Unknown reg class for return value of call\n"); // the last imp ref is the def, so one less arg NumOfCallArgs--; } } // Now suggest colors for arguments (operands) of the call instruction. // Colors are suggested only if the arg number is smaller than the // the number of registers allocated for argument passing. // go thru call args - implicit operands of the call MI for(unsigned argNo=0, i=0; i < NumOfCallArgs; ++i, ++argNo ) { const Value *CallArg = CallMI->getImplicitRef(i); // get the LR of call operand (parameter) LiveRange *const LR = LRI.getLiveRangeForValue(CallArg); // not possible to have a null LR since all args (even consts) // must be defined before if( !LR ) { if( DEBUG_RA) { cerr << " ERROR: In call instr, no LR for arg: " ; printValue(CallArg); cerr << endl; } assert(0 && "NO LR for call arg"); // continue; } unsigned RegType = getRegType( LR ); // if the arg is in int class - allocate a reg for an int arg if( RegType == IntRegType ) { if( argNo < NumOfIntArgRegs) LR->setSuggestedColor( SparcIntRegOrder::o0 + argNo ); else if (DEBUG_RA) // Do NOTHING as this will be colored as a normal value. cerr << " Regr not suggested for int call arg" << endl; } else if( RegType == FPSingleRegType && (argNo*2 +1)< NumOfFloatArgRegs) LR->setSuggestedColor( SparcFloatRegOrder::f0 + (argNo * 2 + 1) ); else if( RegType == FPDoubleRegType && (argNo*2) < NumOfFloatArgRegs) LR->setSuggestedColor( SparcFloatRegOrder::f0 + (argNo * 2) ); } // for all call arguments } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // After graph coloring, we have call this method to see whehter the return // value and the call args received the correct colors. If not, we have // to instert copy instructions. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void UltraSparcRegInfo::colorCallArgs(const MachineInstr *const CallMI, LiveRangeInfo& LRI, AddedInstrns *const CallAI) const { assert ( (UltraSparcInfo->getInstrInfo()).isCall(CallMI->getOpCode()) ); // First color the return value of the call. // If there is a LR for the return value, it means this // method returns a value MachineInstr *AdMI; unsigned NumOfImpRefs = CallMI->getNumImplicitRefs(); unsigned NumOfCallArgs = NumOfImpRefs; // assume all implicits are args if( NumOfImpRefs > 0 ) { // The last implicit operand is the return value of a call if( CallMI->implicitRefIsDefined(NumOfImpRefs-1) ) { // one less call arg since last implicit ref is the return value NumOfCallArgs--; // find the return value and its LR const Value *RetVal = CallMI->getImplicitRef(NumOfImpRefs-1); LiveRange * RetValLR = LRI.getLiveRangeForValue( RetVal ); if( !RetValLR ) { cerr << "\nNo LR for:"; printValue( RetVal ); cerr << endl; assert( RetValLR && "ERR:No LR for non-void return value"); //return; } bool recvSugColor = false; if( RetValLR->hasSuggestedColor() && RetValLR->hasColor() ) if( RetValLR->getSuggestedColor() == RetValLR->getColor()) recvSugColor = true; // if we didn't receive the suggested color for some reason, // put copy instruction if( !recvSugColor ) { if( RetValLR->hasColor() ) { unsigned RegType = getRegType( RetValLR ); unsigned RegClassID = (RetValLR->getRegClass())->getID(); unsigned UniRetLRReg=getUnifiedRegNum(RegClassID,RetValLR->getColor()); unsigned UniRetReg = InvalidRegNum; // find where we receive the return value depending on // register class if(RegClassID == IntRegClassID) UniRetReg = getUnifiedRegNum( RegClassID, SparcIntRegOrder::o0); else if(RegClassID == FloatRegClassID) UniRetReg = getUnifiedRegNum( RegClassID, SparcFloatRegOrder::f0); AdMI = cpReg2RegMI(UniRetReg, UniRetLRReg, RegType ); CallAI->InstrnsAfter.push_back( AdMI ); } // if LR has color else { assert(0 && "LR of return value is splilled"); } } // the LR didn't receive the suggested color } // if there a return value } // if there is an implicit arg for a return value // Now color all args of the call instruction for(unsigned argNo=0, i=0; i < NumOfCallArgs; ++i, ++argNo ) { const Value *CallArg = CallMI->getImplicitRef(i); // get the LR of call operand (parameter) LiveRange *const LR = LRI.getLiveRangeForValue(CallArg); unsigned RegType = getRegType( CallArg ); unsigned RegClassID = getRegClassIDOfValue( CallArg); // find whether this argument is coming in a register (if not, on stack) bool isArgInReg = false; unsigned UniArgReg = InvalidRegNum; if( (RegType== IntRegType && argNo < NumOfIntArgRegs)) { isArgInReg = true; UniArgReg = getUnifiedRegNum(RegClassID, SparcIntRegOrder::o0 + argNo ); } else if(RegType == FPSingleRegType && argNo < NumOfFloatArgRegs) { isArgInReg = true; UniArgReg = getUnifiedRegNum(RegClassID, SparcFloatRegOrder::f0 + (argNo*2 + 1) ); } else if(RegType == FPDoubleRegType && argNo < NumOfFloatArgRegs) { isArgInReg = true; UniArgReg = getUnifiedRegNum(RegClassID, SparcFloatRegOrder::f0+argNo*2); } // not possible to have a null LR since all args (even consts) // must be defined before if( !LR ) { if( DEBUG_RA) { cerr << " ERROR: In call instr, no LR for arg: " ; printValue(CallArg); cerr << endl; } assert(0 && "NO LR for call arg"); // continue; } // if the LR received the suggested color, NOTHING to do if( LR->hasSuggestedColor() && LR->hasColor() ) if( LR->getSuggestedColor() == LR->getColor() ) continue; if( LR->hasColor() ) { // We are here because though the LR is allocated a register, it // was not allocated the suggested register. So, we have to copy %ix reg // (or stack pos of arg) to the register it was colored with unsigned UniLRReg = getUnifiedRegNum( RegClassID, LR->getColor() ); if( isArgInReg ) AdMI = cpReg2RegMI(UniLRReg, UniArgReg, RegType ); else assert(0 && "TODO: Push an outgoing arg on stack"); // Now add the instruction CallAI->InstrnsBefore.push_back( AdMI ); } else { // LR is not colored (i.e., spilled) assert(0 && "TODO: Copy a spilled call arg to an output reg "); } } // for each parameter in call instruction } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This method is called for an LLVM return instruction to identify which // values will be returned from this method and to suggest colors. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void UltraSparcRegInfo::suggestReg4RetValue(const MachineInstr *const RetMI, LiveRangeInfo& LRI) const { assert( (UltraSparcInfo->getInstrInfo()).isReturn( RetMI->getOpCode() ) ); suggestReg4RetAddr(RetMI, LRI); // if there is an implicit ref, that has to be the ret value if( RetMI->getNumImplicitRefs() > 0 ) { // The first implicit operand is the return value of a return instr const Value *RetVal = RetMI->getImplicitRef(0); MachineInstr *AdMI; LiveRange *const LR = LRI.getLiveRangeForValue( RetVal ); if( !LR ) { cerr << "\nNo LR for:"; printValue( RetVal ); cerr << endl; assert( LR && "No LR for return value of non-void method"); //return; } unsigned RegClassID = (LR->getRegClass())->getID(); if( RegClassID == IntRegClassID ) LR->setSuggestedColor(SparcIntRegOrder::i0); else if ( RegClassID == FloatRegClassID ) LR->setSuggestedColor(SparcFloatRegOrder::f0); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void UltraSparcRegInfo::colorRetValue(const MachineInstr *const RetMI, LiveRangeInfo& LRI, AddedInstrns *const RetAI) const { assert( (UltraSparcInfo->getInstrInfo()).isReturn( RetMI->getOpCode() ) ); // if there is an implicit ref, that has to be the ret value if( RetMI->getNumImplicitRefs() > 0 ) { // The first implicit operand is the return value of a return instr const Value *RetVal = RetMI->getImplicitRef(0); MachineInstr *AdMI; LiveRange *const LR = LRI.getLiveRangeForValue( RetVal ); if( ! LR ) { cerr << "\nNo LR for:"; printValue( RetVal ); cerr << endl; // assert( LR && "No LR for return value of non-void method"); return; } unsigned RegClassID = getRegClassIDOfValue(RetVal); unsigned RegType = getRegType( RetVal ); unsigned UniRetReg = InvalidRegNum; if(RegClassID == IntRegClassID) UniRetReg = getUnifiedRegNum( RegClassID, SparcIntRegOrder::i0 ); else if(RegClassID == FloatRegClassID) UniRetReg = getUnifiedRegNum( RegClassID, SparcFloatRegOrder::f0); // if the LR received the suggested color, NOTHING to do if( LR->hasSuggestedColor() && LR->hasColor() ) if( LR->getSuggestedColor() == LR->getColor() ) return; if( LR->hasColor() ) { // We are here because the LR was allocted a regiter, but NOT // the correct register. // copy the LR of retun value to i0 or f0 unsigned UniLRReg =getUnifiedRegNum( RegClassID, LR->getColor()); if(RegClassID == IntRegClassID) UniRetReg = getUnifiedRegNum( RegClassID, SparcIntRegOrder::i0); else if(RegClassID == FloatRegClassID) UniRetReg = getUnifiedRegNum( RegClassID, SparcFloatRegOrder::f0); AdMI = cpReg2RegMI( UniLRReg, UniRetReg, RegType); } else assert(0 && "TODO: Copy the return value from stack\n"); } // if there is a return value } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copy from a register to register. Register number must be the unified // register number //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- MachineInstr * UltraSparcRegInfo::cpReg2RegMI(const unsigned SrcReg, const unsigned DestReg, const int RegType) const { assert( ((int)SrcReg != InvalidRegNum) && ((int)DestReg != InvalidRegNum) && "Invalid Register"); MachineInstr * MI = NULL; switch( RegType ) { case IntRegType: MI = new MachineInstr(ADD, 3); MI->SetMachineOperand(0, SrcReg, false); MI->SetMachineOperand(1, SparcIntRegOrder::g0, false); MI->SetMachineOperand(2, DestReg, true); break; case FPSingleRegType: MI = new MachineInstr(FMOVS, 2); MI->SetMachineOperand(0, SrcReg, false); MI->SetMachineOperand(1, DestReg, true); break; case FPDoubleRegType: MI = new MachineInstr(FMOVD, 2); MI->SetMachineOperand(0, SrcReg, false); MI->SetMachineOperand(1, DestReg, true); break; default: assert(0 && "Unknow RegType"); } return MI; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copy from a register to memory. Register number must be the unified // register number //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- MachineInstr * UltraSparcRegInfo::cpReg2MemMI(const unsigned SrcReg, const unsigned DestPtrReg, const int Offset, const int RegType) const { MachineInstr * MI = NULL; switch( RegType ) { case IntRegType: MI = new MachineInstr(STX, 3); MI->SetMachineOperand(0, DestPtrReg, false); MI->SetMachineOperand(1, SrcReg, false); MI->SetMachineOperand(2, MachineOperand:: MO_SignExtendedImmed, (int64_t) Offset, false); break; case FPSingleRegType: MI = new MachineInstr(ST, 3); MI->SetMachineOperand(0, DestPtrReg, false); MI->SetMachineOperand(1, SrcReg, false); MI->SetMachineOperand(2, MachineOperand:: MO_SignExtendedImmed, (int64_t) Offset, false); break; case FPDoubleRegType: MI = new MachineInstr(STD, 3); MI->SetMachineOperand(0, DestPtrReg, false); MI->SetMachineOperand(1, SrcReg, false); MI->SetMachineOperand(2, MachineOperand:: MO_SignExtendedImmed, (int64_t) Offset, false); break; default: assert(0 && "Unknow RegType"); } return MI; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copy from memory to a reg. Register number must be the unified // register number //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- MachineInstr * UltraSparcRegInfo::cpMem2RegMI(const unsigned SrcPtrReg, const int Offset, const unsigned DestReg, const int RegType) const { MachineInstr * MI = NULL; switch( RegType ) { case IntRegType: MI = new MachineInstr(LDX, 3); MI->SetMachineOperand(0, SrcPtrReg, false); MI->SetMachineOperand(1, MachineOperand:: MO_SignExtendedImmed, (int64_t) Offset, false); MI->SetMachineOperand(2, DestReg, false); break; case FPSingleRegType: MI = new MachineInstr(LD, 3); MI->SetMachineOperand(0, SrcPtrReg, false); MI->SetMachineOperand(1, MachineOperand:: MO_SignExtendedImmed, (int64_t) Offset, false); MI->SetMachineOperand(2, DestReg, false); break; case FPDoubleRegType: MI = new MachineInstr(LDD, 3); MI->SetMachineOperand(0, SrcPtrReg, false); MI->SetMachineOperand(1, MachineOperand:: MO_SignExtendedImmed, (int64_t) Offset, false); MI->SetMachineOperand(2, DestReg, false); break; default: assert(0 && "Unknow RegType"); } return MI; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Only constant/label values are accepted. // ***This code is temporary *** //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- MachineInstr * UltraSparcRegInfo::cpValue2RegMI(Value * Val, const unsigned DestReg, const int RegType) const { assert( ((int)DestReg != InvalidRegNum) && "Invalid Register"); /* unsigned MReg; int64_t Imm; MachineOperand::MachineOperandType MOTypeInt = ChooseRegOrImmed(Val, ADD, *UltraSparcInfo, true, MReg, Imm); */ MachineOperand::MachineOperandType MOType; switch( Val->getValueType() ) { case Value::ConstantVal: case Value::GlobalVariableVal: MOType = MachineOperand:: MO_UnextendedImmed; // TODO**** correct??? break; case Value::BasicBlockVal: case Value::MethodVal: MOType = MachineOperand::MO_PCRelativeDisp; break; default: cerr << "Value Type: " << Val->getValueType() << endl; assert(0 && "Unknown val type - Only constants/globals/labels are valid"); } MachineInstr * MI = NULL; switch( RegType ) { case IntRegType: MI = new MachineInstr(ADD); MI->SetMachineOperand(0, MOType, Val, false); MI->SetMachineOperand(1, SparcIntRegOrder::g0, false); MI->SetMachineOperand(2, DestReg, true); break; case FPSingleRegType: assert(0 && "FP const move not yet implemented"); MI = new MachineInstr(FMOVS); MI->SetMachineOperand(0, MachineOperand::MO_SignExtendedImmed, Val, false); MI->SetMachineOperand(1, DestReg, true); break; case FPDoubleRegType: assert(0 && "FP const move not yet implemented"); MI = new MachineInstr(FMOVD); MI->SetMachineOperand(0, MachineOperand::MO_SignExtendedImmed, Val, false); MI->SetMachineOperand(1, DestReg, true); break; default: assert(0 && "Unknow RegType"); } return MI; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Print the register assigned to a LR //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void UltraSparcRegInfo::printReg(const LiveRange *const LR) { unsigned RegClassID = (LR->getRegClass())->getID(); cerr << " *Node " << (LR->getUserIGNode())->getIndex(); if( ! LR->hasColor() ) { cerr << " - could not find a color" << endl; return; } // if a color is found cerr << " colored with color "<< LR->getColor(); if( RegClassID == IntRegClassID ) { cerr<< " [" << SparcIntRegOrder::getRegName(LR->getColor()) ; cerr << "]" << endl; } else if ( RegClassID == FloatRegClassID) { cerr << "[" << SparcFloatRegOrder::getRegName(LR->getColor()); if( LR->getTypeID() == Type::DoubleTyID ) cerr << "+" << SparcFloatRegOrder::getRegName(LR->getColor()+1); cerr << "]" << endl; } }