; RUN: llvm-as %s -o - | llvm-dis > %t1.ll ; RUN: llvm-as %t1.ll -o - | llvm-dis > %t2.ll ; RUN: diff %t1.ll %t2.ll implementation ;; This is an irreducible flow graph define void "irreducible"(i1 %cond) begin br i1 %cond, label %X, label %Y X: br label %Y Y: br label %X end ;; This is a pair of loops that share the same header define void "sharedheader"(i1 %cond) begin br label %A A: br i1 %cond, label %X, label %Y X: br label %A Y: br label %A end ;; This is a simple nested loop define void "nested"(i1 %cond1, i1 %cond2, i1 %cond3) begin br label %Loop1 Loop1: br label %Loop2 Loop2: br label %Loop3 Loop3: br i1 %cond3, label %Loop3, label %L3Exit L3Exit: br i1 %cond2, label %Loop2, label %L2Exit L2Exit: br i1 %cond1, label %Loop1, label %L1Exit L1Exit: ret void end