; RUN: llc < %s -O3 -relocation-model=pic -disable-fp-elim -mcpu=nocona ; ; This test case is reduced from Bullet. It crashes SSEDomainFix. ; target datalayout = "e-p:32:32:32-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:32:64-f32:32:32-f64:32:64-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-a0:0:64-f80:128:128-n8:16:32" target triple = "i386-apple-darwin10.0" %struct.CONTACT_KEY_TOKEN_COMP = type <{ i8 }> %struct.GIM_AABB = type { %struct.btSimdScalar, %struct.btSimdScalar } %struct.HullDesc = type { i32, i32, %struct.btSimdScalar*, i32, float, i32, i32 } %struct.HullLibrary = type { %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray", %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray" } %struct.HullResult = type { i8, i32, %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray", i32, i32, %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray" } %struct.btActionInterface = type { i32 (...)** } %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray" = type { %struct.CONTACT_KEY_TOKEN_COMP, i32, i32, i8*, i8 } %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray" = type { %struct.CONTACT_KEY_TOKEN_COMP, i32, i32, %struct.btCollisionObject**, i8 } %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray" = type { %struct.CONTACT_KEY_TOKEN_COMP, i32, i32, %"struct.btDbvt::sStkCLN"*, i8 } %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray" = type { %struct.CONTACT_KEY_TOKEN_COMP, i32, i32, %struct.btHullTriangle**, i8 } %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray" = type { %struct.CONTACT_KEY_TOKEN_COMP, i32, i32, %"struct.btSoftBody::Anchor"*, i8 } %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray" = type { %struct.CONTACT_KEY_TOKEN_COMP, i32, i32, %"struct.btSoftBody::Cluster"**, i8 } %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray" = type { %struct.CONTACT_KEY_TOKEN_COMP, i32, i32, %"struct.btSoftBody::Face"*, i8 } %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray" = type { %struct.CONTACT_KEY_TOKEN_COMP, i32, i32, %"struct.btSoftBody::Joint"**, i8 } %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray" = type { %struct.CONTACT_KEY_TOKEN_COMP, i32, i32, %"struct.btSoftBody::Link"*, i8 } %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray" = type { %struct.CONTACT_KEY_TOKEN_COMP, i32, i32, %"struct.btSoftBody::Material"**, i8 } %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray" = type { %struct.CONTACT_KEY_TOKEN_COMP, i32, i32, %"struct.btSoftBody::Node"**, i8 } %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray" = type { %struct.CONTACT_KEY_TOKEN_COMP, i32, i32, %"struct.btSoftBody::Node"*, i8 } %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray" = type { %struct.CONTACT_KEY_TOKEN_COMP, i32, i32, %"struct.btSoftBody::Note"*, i8 } %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray" = type { %struct.CONTACT_KEY_TOKEN_COMP, i32, i32, %"struct.btSoftBody::RContact"*, i8 } %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray" = type { %struct.CONTACT_KEY_TOKEN_COMP, i32, i32, %"struct.btSoftBody::SContact"*, i8 } %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray" = type { %struct.CONTACT_KEY_TOKEN_COMP, i32, i32, %"struct.btSoftBody::Tetra"*, i8 } %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray" = type { %struct.CONTACT_KEY_TOKEN_COMP, i32, i32, i32*, i8 } %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray::Cell*>" = type { %struct.CONTACT_KEY_TOKEN_COMP, i32, i32, %"struct.btSparseSdf<3>::Cell"**, i8 } %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray" = type { %struct.CONTACT_KEY_TOKEN_COMP, i32, i32, %struct.btTypedConstraint**, i8 } %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray" = type { %struct.CONTACT_KEY_TOKEN_COMP, i32, i32, %struct.btSimdScalar*, i8 } %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray" = type { %struct.CONTACT_KEY_TOKEN_COMP, i32, i32, float*, i8 } %struct.btBroadphaseProxy = type { i8*, i16, i16, i8*, i32, %struct.btSimdScalar, %struct.btSimdScalar } %struct.btCollisionObject = type { i32 (...)**, %struct.btTransform, %struct.btTransform, %struct.btSimdScalar, %struct.btSimdScalar, %struct.btSimdScalar, i8, float, %struct.btBroadphaseProxy*, %struct.btCollisionShape*, %struct.btCollisionShape*, i32, i32, i32, i32, float, float, float, i8*, i32, float, float, float, i8, [7 x i8] } %struct.btCollisionShape = type { i32 (...)**, i32, i8* } %struct.btDbvt = type { %struct.btDbvtNode*, %struct.btDbvtNode*, i32, i32, i32, %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray" } %"struct.btDbvt::sStkCLN" = type { %struct.btDbvtNode*, %struct.btDbvtNode* } %struct.btDbvtNode = type { %struct.GIM_AABB, %struct.btDbvtNode*, %"union.btDbvtNode::$_12" } %"struct.btHashKey" = type { i32 } %struct.btHullTriangle = type { %struct.int3, %struct.int3, i32, i32, float } %struct.btMatrix3x3 = type { [3 x %struct.btSimdScalar] } %"struct.btRaycastVehicle::btVehicleTuning" = type { float, float, float, float, float } %struct.btRigidBody = type { %struct.btCollisionObject, %struct.btMatrix3x3, %struct.btSimdScalar, %struct.btSimdScalar, float, %struct.btSimdScalar, %struct.btSimdScalar, %struct.btSimdScalar, %struct.btSimdScalar, %struct.btSimdScalar, %struct.btSimdScalar, %struct.btSimdScalar, float, float, i8, float, float, float, float, float, float, %struct.btActionInterface*, %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray", i32, i32, i32 } %struct.btSimdScalar = type { %"union.btSimdScalar::$_13" } %struct.btSoftBody = type { [268 x i8], %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray", %"struct.btSoftBody::Config", %"struct.btRaycastVehicle::btVehicleTuning", %"struct.btSoftBody::Pose", i8*, %struct.btSoftBodyWorldInfo*, %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray", %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray", %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray", %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray", %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray", %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray", %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray", %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray", %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray", %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray", float, [2 x %struct.btSimdScalar], i8, %struct.btDbvt, %struct.btDbvt, %struct.btDbvt, %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray", %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray", %struct.btTransform, %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray" } %"struct.btSoftBody::Anchor" = type { %"struct.btSoftBody::Node"*, %struct.btSimdScalar, %struct.btRigidBody*, %struct.btMatrix3x3, %struct.btSimdScalar, float } %"struct.btSoftBody::Body" = type { %"struct.btSoftBody::Cluster"*, %struct.btRigidBody*, %struct.btCollisionObject* } %"struct.btSoftBody::Cluster" = type { %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray", %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray", %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray", %struct.btTransform, float, float, %struct.btMatrix3x3, %struct.btMatrix3x3, %struct.btSimdScalar, [2 x %struct.btSimdScalar], [2 x %struct.btSimdScalar], i32, i32, %struct.btSimdScalar, %struct.btSimdScalar, %struct.btDbvtNode*, float, float, float, float, float, float, i8, i8, i32 } %"struct.btSoftBody::Config" = type { i32, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray", %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray", %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray" } %"struct.btSoftBody::Element" = type { i8* } %"struct.btSoftBody::Face" = type { %"struct.btSoftBody::Feature", [3 x %"struct.btSoftBody::Node"*], %struct.btSimdScalar, float, %struct.btDbvtNode* } %"struct.btSoftBody::Feature" = type { %"struct.btSoftBody::Element", %"struct.btSoftBody::Material"* } %"struct.btSoftBody::Joint" = type { i32 (...)**, [2 x %"struct.btSoftBody::Body"], [2 x %struct.btSimdScalar], float, float, float, %struct.btSimdScalar, %struct.btSimdScalar, %struct.btMatrix3x3, i8 } %"struct.btSoftBody::Link" = type { %"struct.btSoftBody::Feature", [2 x %"struct.btSoftBody::Node"*], float, i8, float, float, float, %struct.btSimdScalar } %"struct.btSoftBody::Material" = type { %"struct.btSoftBody::Element", float, float, float, i32 } %"struct.btSoftBody::Node" = type { %"struct.btSoftBody::Feature", %struct.btSimdScalar, %struct.btSimdScalar, %struct.btSimdScalar, %struct.btSimdScalar, %struct.btSimdScalar, float, float, %struct.btDbvtNode*, i8 } %"struct.btSoftBody::Note" = type { %"struct.btSoftBody::Element", i8*, %struct.btSimdScalar, i32, [4 x %"struct.btSoftBody::Node"*], [4 x float] } %"struct.btSoftBody::Pose" = type { i8, i8, float, %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray", %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray", %struct.btSimdScalar, %struct.btMatrix3x3, %struct.btMatrix3x3, %struct.btMatrix3x3 } %"struct.btSoftBody::RContact" = type { %"struct.btSoftBody::sCti", %"struct.btSoftBody::Node"*, %struct.btMatrix3x3, %struct.btSimdScalar, float, float, float } %"struct.btSoftBody::SContact" = type { %"struct.btSoftBody::Node"*, %"struct.btSoftBody::Face"*, %struct.btSimdScalar, %struct.btSimdScalar, float, float, [2 x float] } %"struct.btSoftBody::Tetra" = type { %"struct.btSoftBody::Feature", [4 x %"struct.btSoftBody::Node"*], float, %struct.btDbvtNode*, [4 x %struct.btSimdScalar], float, float } %"struct.btSoftBody::sCti" = type { %struct.btCollisionObject*, %struct.btSimdScalar, float } %struct.btSoftBodyWorldInfo = type { float, float, float, %struct.btSimdScalar, %struct.btActionInterface*, %struct.btActionInterface*, %struct.btSimdScalar, %"struct.btSparseSdf<3>" } %"struct.btSparseSdf<3>" = type { %"struct.btAlignedObjectArray::Cell*>", float, i32, i32, i32, i32 } %"struct.btSparseSdf<3>::Cell" = type { [4 x [4 x [4 x float]]], [3 x i32], i32, i32, %struct.btCollisionShape*, %"struct.btSparseSdf<3>::Cell"* } %struct.btTransform = type { %struct.btMatrix3x3, %struct.btSimdScalar } %struct.btTypedConstraint = type { i32 (...)**, %"struct.btHashKey", i32, i32, i8, %struct.btRigidBody*, %struct.btRigidBody*, float, float, %struct.btSimdScalar, %struct.btSimdScalar, %struct.btSimdScalar } %struct.int3 = type { i32, i32, i32 } %"union.btDbvtNode::$_12" = type { [2 x %struct.btDbvtNode*] } %"union.btSimdScalar::$_13" = type { <4 x float> } declare i32 @_ZN11HullLibrary16CreateConvexHullERK8HullDescR10HullResult(%struct.HullLibrary*, %struct.HullDesc* nocapture, %struct.HullResult* nocapture) ssp align 2 define void @_ZN17btSoftBodyHelpers4DrawEP10btSoftBodyP12btIDebugDrawi(%struct.btSoftBody* %psb, %struct.btActionInterface* %idraw, i32 %drawflags) ssp align 2 { entry: br i1 undef, label %bb92, label %bb58 bb58: ; preds = %entry %0 = invoke i32 @_ZN11HullLibrary16CreateConvexHullERK8HullDescR10HullResult(%struct.HullLibrary* undef, %struct.HullDesc* undef, %struct.HullResult* undef) to label %invcont64 unwind label %lpad159 ; [#uses=0] invcont64: ; preds = %bb58 br i1 undef, label %invcont65, label %bb.i.i bb.i.i: ; preds = %invcont64 %1 = load <4 x float>* undef, align 16 ; <<4 x float>> [#uses=5] br i1 undef, label %bb.nph.i.i, label %invcont65 bb.nph.i.i: ; preds = %bb.i.i %tmp22.i.i = bitcast <4 x float> %1 to i128 ; [#uses=1] %tmp23.i.i = trunc i128 %tmp22.i.i to i32 ; [#uses=1] %2 = bitcast i32 %tmp23.i.i to float ; [#uses=1] %tmp6.i = extractelement <4 x float> %1, i32 1 ; [#uses=1] %tmp2.i = extractelement <4 x float> %1, i32 2 ; [#uses=1] br label %bb1.i.i bb1.i.i: ; preds = %bb1.i.i, %bb.nph.i.i %.tmp6.0.i.i = phi float [ %tmp2.i, %bb.nph.i.i ], [ %5, %bb1.i.i ] ; [#uses=1] %.tmp5.0.i.i = phi float [ %tmp6.i, %bb.nph.i.i ], [ %4, %bb1.i.i ] ; [#uses=1] %.tmp.0.i.i = phi float [ %2, %bb.nph.i.i ], [ %3, %bb1.i.i ] ; [#uses=1] %3 = fadd float %.tmp.0.i.i, undef ; [#uses=2] %4 = fadd float %.tmp5.0.i.i, undef ; [#uses=2] %5 = fadd float %.tmp6.0.i.i, undef ; [#uses=2] br i1 undef, label %bb2.return.loopexit_crit_edge.i.i, label %bb1.i.i bb2.return.loopexit_crit_edge.i.i: ; preds = %bb1.i.i %tmp8.i = insertelement <4 x float> %1, float %3, i32 0 ; <<4 x float>> [#uses=1] %tmp4.i = insertelement <4 x float> %tmp8.i, float %4, i32 1 ; <<4 x float>> [#uses=1] %tmp.i = insertelement <4 x float> %tmp4.i, float %5, i32 2 ; <<4 x float>> [#uses=1] br label %invcont65 invcont65: ; preds = %bb2.return.loopexit_crit_edge.i.i, %bb.i.i, %invcont64 %.0.i = phi <4 x float> [ %tmp.i, %bb2.return.loopexit_crit_edge.i.i ], [ undef, %invcont64 ], [ %1, %bb.i.i ] ; <<4 x float>> [#uses=1] %tmp15.i = extractelement <4 x float> %.0.i, i32 2 ; [#uses=1] %6 = fmul float %tmp15.i, undef ; [#uses=1] br label %bb.i265 bb.i265: ; preds = %bb.i265, %invcont65 %7 = fsub float 0.000000e+00, %6 ; [#uses=1] store float %7, float* undef, align 4 br label %bb.i265 bb92: ; preds = %entry unreachable lpad159: ; preds = %bb58 unreachable }