; RUN: opt < %s -basicaa -aa-eval -print-all-alias-modref-info -disable-output \ ; RUN: |& grep {NoAlias: double\\* \[%\]a, double\\* \[%\]b\$} | count 4 ; BasicAA should detect NoAliases in PHIs and Selects. ; Two PHIs in the same block. define void @foo(i1 %m, double* noalias %x, double* noalias %y) { entry: br i1 %m, label %true, label %false true: br label %exit false: br label %exit exit: %a = phi double* [ %x, %true ], [ %y, %false ] %b = phi double* [ %x, %false ], [ %y, %true ] store volatile double 0.0, double* %a store volatile double 1.0, double* %b ret void } ; Two selects with the same condition. define void @bar(i1 %m, double* noalias %x, double* noalias %y) { entry: %a = select i1 %m, double* %x, double* %y %b = select i1 %m, double* %y, double* %x store volatile double 0.000000e+00, double* %a store volatile double 1.000000e+00, double* %b ret void } ; Two PHIs with disjoint sets of inputs. define void @qux(i1 %m, double* noalias %x, double* noalias %y, i1 %n, double* noalias %v, double* noalias %w) { entry: br i1 %m, label %true, label %false true: br label %exit false: br label %exit exit: %a = phi double* [ %x, %true ], [ %y, %false ] br i1 %n, label %ntrue, label %nfalse ntrue: br label %nexit nfalse: br label %nexit nexit: %b = phi double* [ %v, %ntrue ], [ %w, %nfalse ] store volatile double 0.0, double* %a store volatile double 1.0, double* %b ret void } ; Two selects with disjoint sets of arms. define void @fin(i1 %m, double* noalias %x, double* noalias %y, i1 %n, double* noalias %v, double* noalias %w) { entry: %a = select i1 %m, double* %x, double* %y %b = select i1 %n, double* %v, double* %w store volatile double 0.000000e+00, double* %a store volatile double 1.000000e+00, double* %b ret void }