include(LLVMParseArguments) include(LLVMProcessSources) include(LLVM-Config) macro(add_llvm_library name) llvm_process_sources( ALL_FILES ${ARGN} ) add_library( ${name} ${ALL_FILES} ) set_property( GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY LLVM_LIBS ${name} ) if( LLVM_COMMON_DEPENDS ) add_dependencies( ${name} ${LLVM_COMMON_DEPENDS} ) endif( LLVM_COMMON_DEPENDS ) if( BUILD_SHARED_LIBS ) llvm_config( ${name} ${LLVM_LINK_COMPONENTS} ) endif() # Ensure that the system libraries always comes last on the # list. Without this, linking the unit tests on MinGW fails. link_system_libs( ${name} ) if( EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ) set_target_properties( ${name} PROPERTIES EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ON) else() install(TARGETS ${name} LIBRARY DESTINATION lib${LLVM_LIBDIR_SUFFIX} ARCHIVE DESTINATION lib${LLVM_LIBDIR_SUFFIX}) endif() set_target_properties(${name} PROPERTIES FOLDER "Libraries") # Add the explicit dependency information for this library. # # It would be nice to verify that we have the dependencies for this library # name, but using get_property(... SET) doesn't suffice to determine if a # property has been set to an empty value. get_property(lib_deps GLOBAL PROPERTY LLVMBUILD_LIB_DEPS_${name}) target_link_libraries(${name} ${lib_deps}) endmacro(add_llvm_library name) macro(add_llvm_loadable_module name) if( NOT LLVM_ON_UNIX OR CYGWIN ) message(STATUS "Loadable modules not supported on this platform. ${name} ignored.") # Add empty "phony" target add_custom_target(${name}) else() llvm_process_sources( ALL_FILES ${ARGN} ) if (MODULE) set(libkind MODULE) else() set(libkind SHARED) endif() add_library( ${name} ${libkind} ${ALL_FILES} ) set_target_properties( ${name} PROPERTIES PREFIX "" ) llvm_config( ${name} ${LLVM_LINK_COMPONENTS} ) link_system_libs( ${name} ) if (APPLE) # Darwin-specific linker flags for loadable modules. set_target_properties(${name} PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "-Wl,-flat_namespace -Wl,-undefined -Wl,suppress") endif() if( EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ) set_target_properties( ${name} PROPERTIES EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ON) else() install(TARGETS ${name} LIBRARY DESTINATION lib${LLVM_LIBDIR_SUFFIX} ARCHIVE DESTINATION lib${LLVM_LIBDIR_SUFFIX}) endif() endif() set_target_properties(${name} PROPERTIES FOLDER "Loadable modules") endmacro(add_llvm_loadable_module name) macro(add_llvm_executable name) llvm_process_sources( ALL_FILES ${ARGN} ) if( EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ) add_executable(${name} EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ${ALL_FILES}) else() add_executable(${name} ${ALL_FILES}) endif() set(EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL OFF) llvm_config( ${name} ${LLVM_LINK_COMPONENTS} ) if( LLVM_COMMON_DEPENDS ) add_dependencies( ${name} ${LLVM_COMMON_DEPENDS} ) endif( LLVM_COMMON_DEPENDS ) link_system_libs( ${name} ) endmacro(add_llvm_executable name) macro(add_llvm_tool name) set(CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${LLVM_TOOLS_BINARY_DIR}) if( NOT LLVM_BUILD_TOOLS ) set(EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ON) endif() add_llvm_executable(${name} ${ARGN}) if( LLVM_BUILD_TOOLS ) install(TARGETS ${name} RUNTIME DESTINATION bin) endif() set_target_properties(${name} PROPERTIES FOLDER "Tools") endmacro(add_llvm_tool name) macro(add_llvm_example name) # set(CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${LLVM_EXAMPLES_BINARY_DIR}) if( NOT LLVM_BUILD_EXAMPLES ) set(EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ON) endif() add_llvm_executable(${name} ${ARGN}) if( LLVM_BUILD_EXAMPLES ) install(TARGETS ${name} RUNTIME DESTINATION examples) endif() set_target_properties(${name} PROPERTIES FOLDER "Examples") endmacro(add_llvm_example name) macro(add_llvm_utility name) add_llvm_executable(${name} ${ARGN}) set_target_properties(${name} PROPERTIES FOLDER "Utils") endmacro(add_llvm_utility name) macro(add_llvm_target target_name) include_directories(BEFORE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) add_llvm_library(LLVM${target_name} ${ARGN} ${TABLEGEN_OUTPUT}) set( CURRENT_LLVM_TARGET LLVM${target_name} ) endmacro(add_llvm_target) # Add external project that may want to be built as part of llvm such as Clang, # lld, and Polly. This adds two options. One for the source directory of the # project, which defaults to ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${name}. Another to # enable or disable building it with everthing else. macro(add_llvm_external_project name) string(TOUPPER ${name} nameUPPER) set(LLVM_EXTERNAL_${nameUPPER}_SOURCE_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${name}" CACHE PATH "Path to ${name} source directory") if (NOT ${LLVM_EXTERNAL_${nameUPPER}_SOURCE_DIR} STREQUAL "" AND EXISTS ${LLVM_EXTERNAL_${nameUPPER}_SOURCE_DIR}/CMakeLists.txt) option(LLVM_EXTERNAL_${nameUPPER}_BUILD "Whether to build ${name} as part of LLVM" ON) if (LLVM_EXTERNAL_${nameUPPER}_BUILD) add_subdirectory(${LLVM_EXTERNAL_${nameUPPER}_SOURCE_DIR} ${name}) endif() endif() endmacro(add_llvm_external_project) # Generic support for adding a unittest. function(add_unittest test_suite test_name) if (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) set(CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}) else() set(CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) endif() if( NOT LLVM_BUILD_TESTS ) set(EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ON) endif() add_llvm_executable(${test_name} ${ARGN}) target_link_libraries(${test_name} gtest gtest_main LLVMSupport # gtest needs it for raw_ostream. ) add_dependencies(${test_suite} ${test_name}) get_target_property(test_suite_folder ${test_suite} FOLDER) if (NOT ${test_suite_folder} STREQUAL "NOTFOUND") set_property(TARGET ${test_name} PROPERTY FOLDER "${test_suite_folder}") endif () # Visual Studio 2012 only supports up to 8 template parameters in # std::tr1::tuple by default, but gtest requires 10 if (MSVC AND MSVC_VERSION EQUAL 1700) set_property(TARGET ${test_name} APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_DEFINITIONS _VARIADIC_MAX=10) endif () include_directories(${LLVM_MAIN_SRC_DIR}/utils/unittest/googletest/include) set_property(TARGET ${test_name} APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_DEFINITIONS GTEST_HAS_RTTI=0) if (NOT LLVM_ENABLE_THREADS) set_property(TARGET ${test_name} APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_DEFINITIONS GTEST_HAS_PTHREAD=0) endif () get_property(target_compile_flags TARGET ${test_name} PROPERTY COMPILE_FLAGS) if (LLVM_COMPILER_IS_GCC_COMPATIBLE) set(target_compile_flags "${target_compile_flags} -fno-rtti") elseif (MSVC) set(target_compile_flags "${target_compile_flags} /GR-") endif () if (SUPPORTS_NO_VARIADIC_MACROS_FLAG) set(target_compile_flags "${target_compile_flags} -Wno-variadic-macros") endif () set_property(TARGET ${test_name} PROPERTY COMPILE_FLAGS "${target_compile_flags}") endfunction() # This function provides an automatic way to 'configure'-like generate a file # based on a set of common and custom variables, specifically targetting the # variables needed for the '' files. This function bundles the # common variables that any Lit instance is likely to need, and custom # variables can be passed in. function(configure_lit_site_cfg input output) foreach(c ${LLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD}) set(TARGETS_BUILT "${TARGETS_BUILT} ${c}") endforeach(c) set(TARGETS_TO_BUILD ${TARGETS_BUILT}) set(SHLIBEXT "${LTDL_SHLIB_EXT}") set(SHLIBDIR "${LLVM_BINARY_DIR}/lib/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}") if(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) set(LLVM_SHARED_LIBS_ENABLED "1") else() set(LLVM_SHARED_LIBS_ENABLED "0") endif(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) if(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "Darwin") set(SHLIBPATH_VAR "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH") else() # Default for all other unix like systems. # CMake hardcodes the library locaction using rpath. # Therefore LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not required to run binaries in the # build dir. We pass it anyways. set(SHLIBPATH_VAR "LD_LIBRARY_PATH") endif() # Configuration-time: See Unit/ set(LLVM_BUILD_MODE "%(build_mode)s") set(LLVM_SOURCE_DIR ${LLVM_MAIN_SRC_DIR}) set(LLVM_BINARY_DIR ${LLVM_BINARY_DIR}) set(LLVM_TOOLS_DIR "${LLVM_TOOLS_BINARY_DIR}/%(build_config)s") set(LLVM_LIBS_DIR "${LLVM_BINARY_DIR}/lib/%(build_config)s") set(PYTHON_EXECUTABLE ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE}) set(ENABLE_SHARED ${LLVM_SHARED_LIBS_ENABLED}) set(SHLIBPATH_VAR ${SHLIBPATH_VAR}) if(LLVM_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS AND NOT MSVC_IDE) set(ENABLE_ASSERTIONS "1") else() set(ENABLE_ASSERTIONS "0") endif() set(HOST_OS ${CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_NAME}) set(HOST_ARCH ${CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}) configure_file(${input} ${output} @ONLY) endfunction() # A raw function to create a lit target. This is used to implement the testuite # management functions. function(add_lit_target target comment) parse_arguments(ARG "PARAMS;DEPENDS;ARGS" "" ${ARGN}) set(LIT_ARGS "${ARG_ARGS} ${LLVM_LIT_ARGS}") separate_arguments(LIT_ARGS) set(LIT_COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} ${LLVM_MAIN_SRC_DIR}/utils/lit/ --param build_config=${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR} --param build_mode=${RUNTIME_BUILD_MODE} ${LIT_ARGS} ) foreach(param ${ARG_PARAMS}) list(APPEND LIT_COMMAND --param ${param}) endforeach() add_custom_target(${target} COMMAND ${LIT_COMMAND} ${ARG_DEFAULT_ARGS} COMMENT "${comment}" DEPENDS ${ARG_DEPENDS} ) endfunction() # A function to add a set of lit test suites to be driven through 'check-*' targets. function(add_lit_testsuite target comment) parse_arguments(ARG "PARAMS;DEPENDS;ARGS" "" ${ARGN}) # Register the testsuites, params and depends for the global check rule. set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY LLVM_LIT_TESTSUITES ${ARG_DEFAULT_ARGS}) set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY LLVM_LIT_PARAMS ${ARG_PARAMS}) set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY LLVM_LIT_DEPENDS ${ARG_DEPENDS}) set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY LLVM_LIT_EXTRA_ARGS ${ARG_ARGS}) # Produce a specific suffixed check rule. add_lit_target(${target} ${comment} ${ARG_DEFAULT_ARGS} PARAMS ${ARG_PARAMS} DEPENDS ${ARG_DEPENDS} ARGS ${ARG_ARGS} ) endfunction()