=pod =head1 NAME llc - LLVM static compiler =head1 SYNOPSIS B [I] [I] =head1 DESCRIPTION The B command compiles LLVM bytecode into assembly language for a specified architecture. The assembly language output can then be passed through a native assembler and linker to generate native code. The choice of architecture for the output assembly code is automatically determined from the input bytecode file, unless a B<-m> option is used to override the default. =head1 OPTIONS If I is - or omitted, B reads LLVM bytecode from standard input. Otherwise, it will read LLVM bytecode from I. If the B<-o> option is omitted, then B will send its output to standard output if the input is from standard input. If the B<-o> option specifies -, then the output will also be sent to standard output. If no B<-o> option is specified and an input file other than - is specified, then B creates the output filename by taking the input filename, removing any existing F<.bc> extension, and adding a F<.s> suffix. Other B options are as follows: =over =item B<-f> Overwrite output files. By default, B will refuse to overwrite an output file which already exists. =item B<-march>=I Specify the architecture for which to generate assembly. Valid architectures are: =over =item I Intel IA-32 (Pentium and above) =item I 32-bit PowerPC (MacOS X, 32-bit ABI) =item I 64-bit SPARC V9 =item I Emit C code, not assembly =back =item B<--disable-fp-elim> Disable frame pointer elimination optimization. =item B<--enable-correct-eh-support> Instruct the B pass to insert code for correct exception handling support. This is expensive and is by default omitted for efficiency. =item B<--help> Print a summary of command line options. =item B<--stats> Print statistics recorded by code-generation passes. =item B<--time-passes> Record the amount of time needed for each pass and print a report to standard error. =item B<--print-machineinstrs> Print generated machine code between compilation phases (useful for debugging). =item B<--regalloc>=I Specify the register allocator to use. The default I is I. Valid register allocators are: =over =item I Very simple "always spill" register allocator =item I Local register allocator =item I Linear scan global register allocator =item I Iterative scan global register allocator =back =item B<--spiller>=I Specify the spiller to use for register allocators that support it. Currently this option is used only by the linear scan register allocator. The default I is I. Valid spillers are: =over =item I Simple spiller =item I Local spiller =back =back =head2 Intel IA-32-specific Options =over =item B<--x86-asm-syntax=att|intel> Specify whether to emit assembly code in AT&T syntax (the default) or intel syntax. =back =head2 SPARCV9-specific Options =over =item B<--disable-peephole> Disable peephole optimization pass. =item B<--disable-sched> Disable local scheduling pass. =back =head1 EXIT STATUS If B succeeds, it will exit with 0. Otherwise, if an error occurs, it will exit with a non-zero value. =head1 SEE ALSO L =head1 AUTHORS Maintained by the LLVM Team (L). =cut