include(LLVMLibDeps) function(get_system_libs return_var) # Returns in `return_var' a list of system libraries used by LLVM. if( NOT MSVC ) if( MINGW ) set(system_libs ${system_libs} imagehlp psapi) elseif( CMAKE_HOST_UNIX ) if( HAVE_LIBDL ) set(system_libs ${system_libs} dl) endif() if( LLVM_ENABLE_THREADS AND HAVE_LIBPTHREAD ) set(system_libs ${system_libs} pthread) endif() endif( MINGW ) endif( NOT MSVC ) set(${return_var} ${system_libs} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction(get_system_libs) macro(llvm_config executable) explicit_llvm_config(${executable} ${ARGN}) endmacro(llvm_config) function(explicit_llvm_config executable) set( link_components ${ARGN} ) explicit_map_components_to_libraries(LIBRARIES ${link_components}) target_link_libraries(${executable} ${LIBRARIES}) endfunction(explicit_llvm_config) function(explicit_map_components_to_libraries out_libs) set( link_components ${ARGN} ) foreach(c ${link_components}) # add codegen, asmprinter, asmparser list(FIND LLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD ${c} idx) if( NOT idx LESS 0 ) list(FIND llvm_libs "LLVM${c}CodeGen" idx) if( NOT idx LESS 0 ) list(APPEND expanded_components "LLVM${c}CodeGen") else() list(FIND llvm_libs "LLVM${c}" idx) if( NOT idx LESS 0 ) list(APPEND expanded_components "LLVM${c}") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Target ${c} is not in the set of libraries.") endif() endif() list(FIND llvm_libs "LLVM${c}AsmPrinter" asmidx) if( NOT asmidx LESS 0 ) list(APPEND expanded_components "LLVM${c}AsmPrinter") endif() list(FIND llvm_libs "LLVM${c}AsmParser" asmidx) if( NOT asmidx LESS 0 ) list(APPEND expanded_components "LLVM${c}AsmParser") endif() list(FIND llvm_libs "LLVM${c}Info" asmidx) if( NOT asmidx LESS 0 ) list(APPEND expanded_components "LLVM${c}Info") endif() elseif( c STREQUAL "native" ) # TODO: we assume ARCH is X86. In this case, we must use nativecodegen # component instead. Do nothing, as in llvm-config script. elseif( c STREQUAL "nativecodegen" ) # TODO: we assume ARCH is X86. list(APPEND expanded_components "LLVMX86CodeGen") elseif( c STREQUAL "backend" ) # same case as in `native'. elseif( c STREQUAL "engine" ) # TODO: as we assume we are on X86, this is `jit'. list(APPEND expanded_components "LLVMJIT") elseif( c STREQUAL "all" ) list(APPEND expanded_components ${llvm_libs}) else( NOT idx LESS 0 ) list(APPEND expanded_components LLVM${c}) endif( NOT idx LESS 0 ) endforeach(c) # We must match capitalization. string(TOUPPER "${llvm_libs}" capitalized_libs) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES expanded_components) list(LENGTH expanded_components lst_size) set(result "") while( 0 LESS ${lst_size} ) list(GET expanded_components 0 c) string(TOUPPER "${c}" capitalized) list(FIND capitalized_libs ${capitalized} idx) if( idx LESS 0 ) message(FATAL_ERROR "Library ${c} not found in list of llvm libraries.") endif( idx LESS 0 ) list(GET llvm_libs ${idx} canonical_lib) list(REMOVE_ITEM result ${canonical_lib}) list(APPEND result ${canonical_lib}) foreach(c ${MSVC_LIB_DEPS_${canonical_lib}}) list(REMOVE_ITEM expanded_components ${c}) endforeach() list(APPEND expanded_components ${MSVC_LIB_DEPS_${canonical_lib}}) list(REMOVE_AT expanded_components 0) list(LENGTH expanded_components lst_size) endwhile( 0 LESS ${lst_size} ) set(${out_libs} ${result} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction(explicit_map_components_to_libraries)