Frederic Riss 11fcb49922 [Object] Search for architecures by name in MachOUniversalBinary::getObjectForArch()
The reason we need to search by name rather than by Triple::ArchType
is to handle subarchitecture correclty. There is no different ArchType
for the x86_64h architecture (it identifies itself as x86_64), or for
the various ARM subarches. The only way to get to the subarch slice
in an universal binary is to search by name.

This issue led to hard to debug and transient symbolication failures
in Asan tests (it mostly works, because the files are very similar).

This also affects the Profiling infrastucture as it is the other user
of that API.

Reviewers: samsonov, bogner

Subscribers: llvm-commits

Differential Revision: http://reviews.llvm.org/D10604

git-svn-id: https://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/llvm/trunk@240339 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
2015-06-22 21:33:24 +00:00

550 lines
20 KiB

//===-- LLVMSymbolize.cpp -------------------------------------------------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// Implementation for LLVM symbolization library.
#include "LLVMSymbolize.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Config/config.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/DWARF/DWARFContext.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/PDB.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/PDBContext.h"
#include "llvm/Object/ELFObjectFile.h"
#include "llvm/Object/MachO.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Compression.h"
#include "llvm/Support/DataExtractor.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Errc.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#include <Windows.h>
#include <DbgHelp.h>
namespace llvm {
namespace symbolize {
static bool error(std::error_code ec) {
if (!ec)
return false;
errs() << "LLVMSymbolizer: error reading file: " << ec.message() << ".\n";
return true;
static DILineInfoSpecifier
getDILineInfoSpecifier(const LLVMSymbolizer::Options &Opts) {
return DILineInfoSpecifier(
ModuleInfo::ModuleInfo(ObjectFile *Obj, DIContext *DICtx)
: Module(Obj), DebugInfoContext(DICtx) {
std::unique_ptr<DataExtractor> OpdExtractor;
uint64_t OpdAddress = 0;
// Find the .opd (function descriptor) section if any, for big-endian
// PowerPC64 ELF.
if (Module->getArch() == Triple::ppc64) {
for (section_iterator Section : Module->sections()) {
StringRef Name;
if (!error(Section->getName(Name)) && Name == ".opd") {
StringRef Data;
if (!error(Section->getContents(Data))) {
OpdExtractor.reset(new DataExtractor(Data, Module->isLittleEndian(),
OpdAddress = Section->getAddress();
for (const SymbolRef &Symbol : Module->symbols()) {
addSymbol(Symbol, OpdExtractor.get(), OpdAddress);
bool NoSymbolTable = (Module->symbol_begin() == Module->symbol_end());
if (NoSymbolTable && Module->isELF()) {
// Fallback to dynamic symbol table, if regular symbol table is stripped.
std::pair<symbol_iterator, symbol_iterator> IDyn =
for (symbol_iterator si = IDyn.first, se = IDyn.second; si != se; ++si) {
addSymbol(*si, OpdExtractor.get(), OpdAddress);
void ModuleInfo::addSymbol(const SymbolRef &Symbol, DataExtractor *OpdExtractor,
uint64_t OpdAddress) {
SymbolRef::Type SymbolType;
if (error(Symbol.getType(SymbolType)))
if (SymbolType != SymbolRef::ST_Function && SymbolType != SymbolRef::ST_Data)
uint64_t SymbolAddress;
if (error(Symbol.getAddress(SymbolAddress)) ||
SymbolAddress == UnknownAddressOrSize)
if (OpdExtractor) {
// For big-endian PowerPC64 ELF, symbols in the .opd section refer to
// function descriptors. The first word of the descriptor is a pointer to
// the function's code.
// For the purposes of symbolization, pretend the symbol's address is that
// of the function's code, not the descriptor.
uint64_t OpdOffset = SymbolAddress - OpdAddress;
uint32_t OpdOffset32 = OpdOffset;
if (OpdOffset == OpdOffset32 &&
SymbolAddress = OpdExtractor->getAddress(&OpdOffset32);
uint64_t SymbolSize;
// Getting symbol size is linear for Mach-O files, so assume that symbol
// occupies the memory range up to the following symbol.
if (isa<MachOObjectFile>(Module))
SymbolSize = 0;
else {
SymbolSize = Symbol.getSize();
if (SymbolSize == UnknownAddressOrSize)
StringRef SymbolName;
if (error(Symbol.getName(SymbolName)))
// Mach-O symbol table names have leading underscore, skip it.
if (Module->isMachO() && SymbolName.size() > 0 && SymbolName[0] == '_')
SymbolName = SymbolName.drop_front();
// FIXME: If a function has alias, there are two entries in symbol table
// with same address size. Make sure we choose the correct one.
auto &M = SymbolType == SymbolRef::ST_Function ? Functions : Objects;
SymbolDesc SD = { SymbolAddress, SymbolSize };
M.insert(std::make_pair(SD, SymbolName));
bool ModuleInfo::getNameFromSymbolTable(SymbolRef::Type Type, uint64_t Address,
std::string &Name, uint64_t &Addr,
uint64_t &Size) const {
const auto &SymbolMap = Type == SymbolRef::ST_Function ? Functions : Objects;
if (SymbolMap.empty())
return false;
SymbolDesc SD = { Address, Address };
auto SymbolIterator = SymbolMap.upper_bound(SD);
if (SymbolIterator == SymbolMap.begin())
return false;
if (SymbolIterator->first.Size != 0 &&
SymbolIterator->first.Addr + SymbolIterator->first.Size <= Address)
return false;
Name = SymbolIterator->second.str();
Addr = SymbolIterator->first.Addr;
Size = SymbolIterator->first.Size;
return true;
DILineInfo ModuleInfo::symbolizeCode(
uint64_t ModuleOffset, const LLVMSymbolizer::Options &Opts) const {
DILineInfo LineInfo;
if (DebugInfoContext) {
LineInfo = DebugInfoContext->getLineInfoForAddress(
ModuleOffset, getDILineInfoSpecifier(Opts));
// Override function name from symbol table if necessary.
if (Opts.PrintFunctions != FunctionNameKind::None && Opts.UseSymbolTable) {
std::string FunctionName;
uint64_t Start, Size;
if (getNameFromSymbolTable(SymbolRef::ST_Function, ModuleOffset,
FunctionName, Start, Size)) {
LineInfo.FunctionName = FunctionName;
return LineInfo;
DIInliningInfo ModuleInfo::symbolizeInlinedCode(
uint64_t ModuleOffset, const LLVMSymbolizer::Options &Opts) const {
DIInliningInfo InlinedContext;
if (DebugInfoContext) {
InlinedContext = DebugInfoContext->getInliningInfoForAddress(
ModuleOffset, getDILineInfoSpecifier(Opts));
// Make sure there is at least one frame in context.
if (InlinedContext.getNumberOfFrames() == 0) {
// Override the function name in lower frame with name from symbol table.
if (Opts.PrintFunctions != FunctionNameKind::None && Opts.UseSymbolTable) {
DIInliningInfo PatchedInlinedContext;
for (uint32_t i = 0, n = InlinedContext.getNumberOfFrames(); i < n; i++) {
DILineInfo LineInfo = InlinedContext.getFrame(i);
if (i == n - 1) {
std::string FunctionName;
uint64_t Start, Size;
if (getNameFromSymbolTable(SymbolRef::ST_Function, ModuleOffset,
FunctionName, Start, Size)) {
LineInfo.FunctionName = FunctionName;
InlinedContext = PatchedInlinedContext;
return InlinedContext;
bool ModuleInfo::symbolizeData(uint64_t ModuleOffset, std::string &Name,
uint64_t &Start, uint64_t &Size) const {
return getNameFromSymbolTable(SymbolRef::ST_Data, ModuleOffset, Name, Start,
const char LLVMSymbolizer::kBadString[] = "??";
std::string LLVMSymbolizer::symbolizeCode(const std::string &ModuleName,
uint64_t ModuleOffset) {
ModuleInfo *Info = getOrCreateModuleInfo(ModuleName);
if (!Info)
return printDILineInfo(DILineInfo());
if (Opts.PrintInlining) {
DIInliningInfo InlinedContext =
Info->symbolizeInlinedCode(ModuleOffset, Opts);
uint32_t FramesNum = InlinedContext.getNumberOfFrames();
assert(FramesNum > 0);
std::string Result;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < FramesNum; i++) {
DILineInfo LineInfo = InlinedContext.getFrame(i);
Result += printDILineInfo(LineInfo);
return Result;
DILineInfo LineInfo = Info->symbolizeCode(ModuleOffset, Opts);
return printDILineInfo(LineInfo);
std::string LLVMSymbolizer::symbolizeData(const std::string &ModuleName,
uint64_t ModuleOffset) {
std::string Name = kBadString;
uint64_t Start = 0;
uint64_t Size = 0;
if (Opts.UseSymbolTable) {
if (ModuleInfo *Info = getOrCreateModuleInfo(ModuleName)) {
if (Info->symbolizeData(ModuleOffset, Name, Start, Size) && Opts.Demangle)
Name = DemangleName(Name);
std::stringstream ss;
ss << Name << "\n" << Start << " " << Size << "\n";
return ss.str();
void LLVMSymbolizer::flush() {
// For Path="/path/to/foo" and Basename="foo" assume that debug info is in
// /path/to/foo.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/foo.
// For Path="/path/to/bar.dSYM" and Basename="foo" assume that debug info is in
// /path/to/bar.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/foo.
std::string getDarwinDWARFResourceForPath(
const std::string &Path, const std::string &Basename) {
SmallString<16> ResourceName = StringRef(Path);
if (sys::path::extension(Path) != ".dSYM") {
ResourceName += ".dSYM";
sys::path::append(ResourceName, "Contents", "Resources", "DWARF");
sys::path::append(ResourceName, Basename);
return ResourceName.str();
static bool checkFileCRC(StringRef Path, uint32_t CRCHash) {
ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer>> MB =
if (!MB)
return false;
return !zlib::isAvailable() || CRCHash == zlib::crc32(MB.get()->getBuffer());
static bool findDebugBinary(const std::string &OrigPath,
const std::string &DebuglinkName, uint32_t CRCHash,
std::string &Result) {
std::string OrigRealPath = OrigPath;
#if defined(HAVE_REALPATH)
if (char *RP = realpath(OrigPath.c_str(), nullptr)) {
OrigRealPath = RP;
SmallString<16> OrigDir(OrigRealPath);
SmallString<16> DebugPath = OrigDir;
// Try /path/to/original_binary/debuglink_name
llvm::sys::path::append(DebugPath, DebuglinkName);
if (checkFileCRC(DebugPath, CRCHash)) {
Result = DebugPath.str();
return true;
// Try /path/to/original_binary/.debug/debuglink_name
DebugPath = OrigRealPath;
llvm::sys::path::append(DebugPath, ".debug", DebuglinkName);
if (checkFileCRC(DebugPath, CRCHash)) {
Result = DebugPath.str();
return true;
// Try /usr/lib/debug/path/to/original_binary/debuglink_name
DebugPath = "/usr/lib/debug";
llvm::sys::path::append(DebugPath, llvm::sys::path::relative_path(OrigDir),
if (checkFileCRC(DebugPath, CRCHash)) {
Result = DebugPath.str();
return true;
return false;
static bool getGNUDebuglinkContents(const ObjectFile *Obj, std::string &DebugName,
uint32_t &CRCHash) {
if (!Obj)
return false;
for (const SectionRef &Section : Obj->sections()) {
StringRef Name;
Name = Name.substr(Name.find_first_not_of("._"));
if (Name == "gnu_debuglink") {
StringRef Data;
DataExtractor DE(Data, Obj->isLittleEndian(), 0);
uint32_t Offset = 0;
if (const char *DebugNameStr = DE.getCStr(&Offset)) {
// 4-byte align the offset.
Offset = (Offset + 3) & ~0x3;
if (DE.isValidOffsetForDataOfSize(Offset, 4)) {
DebugName = DebugNameStr;
CRCHash = DE.getU32(&Offset);
return true;
return false;
bool darwinDsymMatchesBinary(const MachOObjectFile *DbgObj,
const MachOObjectFile *Obj) {
ArrayRef<uint8_t> dbg_uuid = DbgObj->getUuid();
ArrayRef<uint8_t> bin_uuid = Obj->getUuid();
if (dbg_uuid.empty() || bin_uuid.empty())
return false;
return !memcmp(dbg_uuid.data(), bin_uuid.data(), dbg_uuid.size());
ObjectFile *LLVMSymbolizer::lookUpDsymFile(const std::string &ExePath,
const MachOObjectFile *MachExeObj, const std::string &ArchName) {
// On Darwin we may find DWARF in separate object file in
// resource directory.
std::vector<std::string> DsymPaths;
StringRef Filename = sys::path::filename(ExePath);
DsymPaths.push_back(getDarwinDWARFResourceForPath(ExePath, Filename));
for (const auto &Path : Opts.DsymHints) {
DsymPaths.push_back(getDarwinDWARFResourceForPath(Path, Filename));
for (const auto &path : DsymPaths) {
ErrorOr<OwningBinary<Binary>> BinaryOrErr = createBinary(path);
std::error_code EC = BinaryOrErr.getError();
if (EC != errc::no_such_file_or_directory && !error(EC)) {
OwningBinary<Binary> B = std::move(BinaryOrErr.get());
ObjectFile *DbgObj =
getObjectFileFromBinary(B.getBinary(), ArchName);
const MachOObjectFile *MachDbgObj =
dyn_cast<const MachOObjectFile>(DbgObj);
if (!MachDbgObj) continue;
if (darwinDsymMatchesBinary(MachDbgObj, MachExeObj)) {
return DbgObj;
return nullptr;
LLVMSymbolizer::getOrCreateObjects(const std::string &Path,
const std::string &ArchName) {
const auto &I = ObjectPairForPathArch.find(std::make_pair(Path, ArchName));
if (I != ObjectPairForPathArch.end())
return I->second;
ObjectFile *Obj = nullptr;
ObjectFile *DbgObj = nullptr;
ErrorOr<OwningBinary<Binary>> BinaryOrErr = createBinary(Path);
if (!error(BinaryOrErr.getError())) {
OwningBinary<Binary> &B = BinaryOrErr.get();
Obj = getObjectFileFromBinary(B.getBinary(), ArchName);
if (!Obj) {
ObjectPair Res = std::make_pair(nullptr, nullptr);
ObjectPairForPathArch[std::make_pair(Path, ArchName)] = Res;
return Res;
if (auto MachObj = dyn_cast<const MachOObjectFile>(Obj))
DbgObj = lookUpDsymFile(Path, MachObj, ArchName);
// Try to locate the debug binary using .gnu_debuglink section.
if (!DbgObj) {
std::string DebuglinkName;
uint32_t CRCHash;
std::string DebugBinaryPath;
if (getGNUDebuglinkContents(Obj, DebuglinkName, CRCHash) &&
findDebugBinary(Path, DebuglinkName, CRCHash, DebugBinaryPath)) {
BinaryOrErr = createBinary(DebugBinaryPath);
if (!error(BinaryOrErr.getError())) {
OwningBinary<Binary> B = std::move(BinaryOrErr.get());
DbgObj = getObjectFileFromBinary(B.getBinary(), ArchName);
if (!DbgObj)
DbgObj = Obj;
ObjectPair Res = std::make_pair(Obj, DbgObj);
ObjectPairForPathArch[std::make_pair(Path, ArchName)] = Res;
return Res;
ObjectFile *
LLVMSymbolizer::getObjectFileFromBinary(Binary *Bin,
const std::string &ArchName) {
if (!Bin)
return nullptr;
ObjectFile *Res = nullptr;
if (MachOUniversalBinary *UB = dyn_cast<MachOUniversalBinary>(Bin)) {
const auto &I = ObjectFileForArch.find(
std::make_pair(UB, ArchName));
if (I != ObjectFileForArch.end())
return I->second;
ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<ObjectFile>> ParsedObj =
if (ParsedObj) {
Res = ParsedObj.get().get();
ObjectFileForArch[std::make_pair(UB, ArchName)] = Res;
} else if (Bin->isObject()) {
Res = cast<ObjectFile>(Bin);
return Res;
ModuleInfo *
LLVMSymbolizer::getOrCreateModuleInfo(const std::string &ModuleName) {
const auto &I = Modules.find(ModuleName);
if (I != Modules.end())
return I->second;
std::string BinaryName = ModuleName;
std::string ArchName = Opts.DefaultArch;
size_t ColonPos = ModuleName.find_last_of(':');
// Verify that substring after colon form a valid arch name.
if (ColonPos != std::string::npos) {
std::string ArchStr = ModuleName.substr(ColonPos + 1);
if (Triple(ArchStr).getArch() != Triple::UnknownArch) {
BinaryName = ModuleName.substr(0, ColonPos);
ArchName = ArchStr;
ObjectPair Objects = getOrCreateObjects(BinaryName, ArchName);
if (!Objects.first) {
// Failed to find valid object file.
Modules.insert(make_pair(ModuleName, (ModuleInfo *)nullptr));
return nullptr;
DIContext *Context = nullptr;
if (auto CoffObject = dyn_cast<COFFObjectFile>(Objects.first)) {
// If this is a COFF object, assume it contains PDB debug information. If
// we don't find any we will fall back to the DWARF case.
std::unique_ptr<IPDBSession> Session;
PDB_ErrorCode Error = loadDataForEXE(PDB_ReaderType::DIA,
Objects.first->getFileName(), Session);
if (Error == PDB_ErrorCode::Success) {
Context = new PDBContext(*CoffObject, std::move(Session),
if (!Context)
Context = new DWARFContextInMemory(*Objects.second);
ModuleInfo *Info = new ModuleInfo(Objects.first, Context);
Modules.insert(make_pair(ModuleName, Info));
return Info;
std::string LLVMSymbolizer::printDILineInfo(DILineInfo LineInfo) const {
// By default, DILineInfo contains "<invalid>" for function/filename it
// cannot fetch. We replace it to "??" to make our output closer to addr2line.
static const std::string kDILineInfoBadString = "<invalid>";
std::stringstream Result;
if (Opts.PrintFunctions != FunctionNameKind::None) {
std::string FunctionName = LineInfo.FunctionName;
if (FunctionName == kDILineInfoBadString)
FunctionName = kBadString;
else if (Opts.Demangle)
FunctionName = DemangleName(FunctionName);
Result << FunctionName << "\n";
std::string Filename = LineInfo.FileName;
if (Filename == kDILineInfoBadString)
Filename = kBadString;
Result << Filename << ":" << LineInfo.Line << ":" << LineInfo.Column << "\n";
return Result.str();
#if !defined(_MSC_VER)
// Assume that __cxa_demangle is provided by libcxxabi (except for Windows).
extern "C" char *__cxa_demangle(const char *mangled_name, char *output_buffer,
size_t *length, int *status);
std::string LLVMSymbolizer::DemangleName(const std::string &Name) {
#if !defined(_MSC_VER)
// We can spoil names of symbols with C linkage, so use an heuristic
// approach to check if the name should be demangled.
if (Name.substr(0, 2) != "_Z")
return Name;
int status = 0;
char *DemangledName = __cxa_demangle(Name.c_str(), nullptr, nullptr, &status);
if (status != 0)
return Name;
std::string Result = DemangledName;
return Result;
char DemangledName[1024] = {0};
DWORD result = ::UnDecorateSymbolName(
Name.c_str(), DemangledName, 1023,
UNDNAME_NO_ACCESS_SPECIFIERS | // Strip public, private, protected
UNDNAME_NO_ALLOCATION_LANGUAGE | // Strip __thiscall, __stdcall, etc
UNDNAME_NO_THROW_SIGNATURES | // Strip throw() specifications
UNDNAME_NO_MEMBER_TYPE | // Strip virtual, static, etc specifiers
UNDNAME_NO_MS_KEYWORDS | // Strip all MS extension keywords
UNDNAME_NO_FUNCTION_RETURNS); // Strip function return types
return (result == 0) ? Name : std::string(DemangledName);
} // namespace symbolize
} // namespace llvm