David Majnemer 0a8ff297ad [WinEH] Run cleanup handlers when an exception is thrown
Generate tables in the .xdata section representing what actions to take
when an exception is thrown.  This currently fills in state for
cleanups, catch handlers are still unfinished.

git-svn-id: https://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/llvm/trunk@233636 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
2015-03-30 22:58:10 +00:00

325 lines
12 KiB

; RUN: opt -mtriple=x86_64-pc-windows-msvc -winehprepare -S -o - < %s | FileCheck %s
; This test is based on the following code:
; class Inner {
; public:
; Inner();
; ~Inner();
; };
; class Outer {
; public:
; Outer();
; ~Outer();
; };
; void test() {
; try {
; Outer outer;
; try {
; Inner inner;
; may_throw();
; } catch (int i) {
; handle_int(i);
; }
; } catch (float f) {
; handle_float(f);
; }
; done();
; }
; ModuleID = 'nested-2.cpp'
target datalayout = "e-m:e-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128"
target triple = "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc"
%class.Outer = type { i8 }
%class.Inner = type { i8 }
@_ZTIf = external constant i8*
@_ZTIi = external constant i8*
; The function entry should be rewritten like this.
; CHECK: define void @_Z4testv()
; CHECK: entry:
; CHECK: %outer = alloca %class.Outer, align 1
; CHECK: %inner = alloca %class.Inner, align 1
; CHECK: %i = alloca i32, align 4
; CHECK: %f = alloca float, align 4
; CHECK: call void (...)* @llvm.frameescape(float* %f, i32* %i, %class.Outer* %outer, %class.Inner* %inner)
; CHECK: invoke void @_ZN5OuterC1Ev(%class.Outer* %outer)
; CHECK: to label %invoke.cont unwind label %[[LPAD_LABEL:lpad[0-9]*]]
; Function Attrs: uwtable
define void @_Z4testv() #0 {
%outer = alloca %class.Outer, align 1
%exn.slot = alloca i8*
%ehselector.slot = alloca i32
%inner = alloca %class.Inner, align 1
%i = alloca i32, align 4
%f = alloca float, align 4
invoke void @_ZN5OuterC1Ev(%class.Outer* %outer)
to label %invoke.cont unwind label %lpad
; CHECK: invoke.cont:
; CHECK: invoke void @_ZN5InnerC1Ev(%class.Inner* %inner)
; CHECK: to label %invoke.cont2 unwind label %[[LPAD1_LABEL:lpad[0-9]*]]
invoke.cont: ; preds = %entry
invoke void @_ZN5InnerC1Ev(%class.Inner* %inner)
to label %invoke.cont2 unwind label %lpad1
; CHECK: invoke.cont2:
; CHECK: invoke void @_Z9may_throwv()
; CHECK: to label %invoke.cont4 unwind label %[[LPAD3_LABEL:lpad[0-9]*]]
invoke.cont2: ; preds = %invoke.cont
invoke void @_Z9may_throwv()
to label %invoke.cont4 unwind label %lpad3
; CHECK: invoke.cont4:
; CHECK: invoke void @_ZN5InnerD1Ev(%class.Inner* %inner)
; CHECK: to label %invoke.cont5 unwind label %[[LPAD1_LABEL]]
invoke.cont4: ; preds = %invoke.cont2
invoke void @_ZN5InnerD1Ev(%class.Inner* %inner)
to label %invoke.cont5 unwind label %lpad1
; CHECK: invoke.cont5:
; CHECK: br label %try.cont
invoke.cont5: ; preds = %invoke.cont4
br label %try.cont
; CHECK: landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i8* bitcast (i32 (...)* @__CxxFrameHandler3 to i8*)
; CHECK-NEXT: catch i8* bitcast (i8** @_ZTIf to i8*)
; CHECK-NEXT: [[RECOVER:\%.+]] = call i8* (...)* @llvm.eh.actions(i32 1, i8* bitcast (i8** @_ZTIf to i8*), float* %f, i8* (i8*, i8*)* @_Z4testv.catch)
; CHECK-NEXT: indirectbr i8* [[RECOVER]], [label %try.cont19]
lpad: ; preds = %try.cont, %entry
%tmp = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i8* bitcast (i32 (...)* @__CxxFrameHandler3 to i8*)
catch i8* bitcast (i8** @_ZTIf to i8*)
%tmp1 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %tmp, 0
store i8* %tmp1, i8** %exn.slot
%tmp2 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %tmp, 1
store i32 %tmp2, i32* %ehselector.slot
br label %catch.dispatch11
; CHECK: landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i8* bitcast (i32 (...)* @__CxxFrameHandler3 to i8*)
; CHECK-NEXT: cleanup
; CHECK-NEXT: catch i8* bitcast (i8** @_ZTIi to i8*)
; CHECK-NEXT: catch i8* bitcast (i8** @_ZTIf to i8*)
; CHECK-NEXT: [[RECOVER1:\%.+]] = call i8* (...)* @llvm.eh.actions(
; CHECK-SAME: i32 1, i8* bitcast (i8** @_ZTIi to i8*), i32* %i, i8* (i8*, i8*)* @_Z4testv.catch1,
; CHECK-SAME: i32 0, void (i8*, i8*)* @_Z4testv.cleanup,
; CHECK-SAME: i32 1, i8* bitcast (i8** @_ZTIf to i8*), float* %f, i8* (i8*, i8*)* @_Z4testv.catch)
; CHECK-NEXT: indirectbr i8* [[RECOVER1]], [label %try.cont, label %try.cont19]
lpad1: ; preds = %invoke.cont4, %invoke.cont
%tmp3 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i8* bitcast (i32 (...)* @__CxxFrameHandler3 to i8*)
catch i8* bitcast (i8** @_ZTIi to i8*)
catch i8* bitcast (i8** @_ZTIf to i8*)
%tmp4 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %tmp3, 0
store i8* %tmp4, i8** %exn.slot
%tmp5 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %tmp3, 1
store i32 %tmp5, i32* %ehselector.slot
br label %catch.dispatch
; CHECK: landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i8* bitcast (i32 (...)* @__CxxFrameHandler3 to i8*)
; CHECK-NEXT: cleanup
; CHECK-NEXT: catch i8* bitcast (i8** @_ZTIi to i8*)
; CHECK-NEXT: catch i8* bitcast (i8** @_ZTIf to i8*)
; CHECK-NEXT: [[RECOVER3:\%.+]] = call i8* (...)* @llvm.eh.actions(
; CHECK-SAME: i32 0, void (i8*, i8*)* @_Z4testv.cleanup2,
; CHECK-SAME: i32 1, i8* bitcast (i8** @_ZTIi to i8*), i32* %i, i8* (i8*, i8*)* @_Z4testv.catch1,
; CHECK-SAME: i32 0, void (i8*, i8*)* @_Z4testv.cleanup,
; CHECK-SAME: i32 1, i8* bitcast (i8** @_ZTIf to i8*), float* %f, i8* (i8*, i8*)* @_Z4testv.catch)
; CHECK-NEXT: indirectbr i8* [[RECOVER3]], [label %try.cont, label %try.cont19]
lpad3: ; preds = %invoke.cont2
%tmp6 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i8* bitcast (i32 (...)* @__CxxFrameHandler3 to i8*)
catch i8* bitcast (i8** @_ZTIi to i8*)
catch i8* bitcast (i8** @_ZTIf to i8*)
%tmp7 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %tmp6, 0
store i8* %tmp7, i8** %exn.slot
%tmp8 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %tmp6, 1
store i32 %tmp8, i32* %ehselector.slot
call void @_ZN5InnerD1Ev(%class.Inner* %inner)
br label %catch.dispatch
; CHECK-NOT: catch.dispatch:
catch.dispatch: ; preds = %lpad3, %lpad1
%sel = load i32, i32* %ehselector.slot
%tmp9 = call i32 @llvm.eh.typeid.for(i8* bitcast (i8** @_ZTIi to i8*)) #4
%matches = icmp eq i32 %sel, %tmp9
br i1 %matches, label %catch, label %ehcleanup
; CHECK-NOT: catch:
catch: ; preds = %catch.dispatch
%exn = load i8*, i8** %exn.slot
%i.i8 = bitcast i32* %i to i8*
call void @llvm.eh.begincatch(i8* %exn, i8* %i.i8) #4
%tmp13 = load i32, i32* %i, align 4
invoke void @_Z10handle_inti(i32 %tmp13)
to label %invoke.cont8 unwind label %lpad7
; CHECK-NOT: invoke.cont8:
invoke.cont8: ; preds = %catch
call void @llvm.eh.endcatch() #4
br label %try.cont
; CHECK: try.cont:
; CHECK: invoke void @_ZN5OuterD1Ev(%class.Outer* %outer)
; CHECK: to label %invoke.cont9 unwind label %[[LPAD_LABEL]]
try.cont: ; preds = %invoke.cont8, %invoke.cont5
invoke void @_ZN5OuterD1Ev(%class.Outer* %outer)
to label %invoke.cont9 unwind label %lpad
invoke.cont9: ; preds = %try.cont
br label %try.cont19
; CHECK-NOT: lpad7:
lpad7: ; preds = %catch
%tmp14 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i8* bitcast (i32 (...)* @__CxxFrameHandler3 to i8*)
catch i8* bitcast (i8** @_ZTIf to i8*)
%tmp15 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %tmp14, 0
store i8* %tmp15, i8** %exn.slot
%tmp16 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %tmp14, 1
store i32 %tmp16, i32* %ehselector.slot
call void @llvm.eh.endcatch() #4
br label %ehcleanup
; CHECK-NOT: ehcleanup: ; preds = %lpad7, %catch.dispatch
ehcleanup: ; preds = %lpad7, %catch.dispatch
call void @_ZN5OuterD1Ev(%class.Outer* %outer)
br label %catch.dispatch11
; CHECK-NOT: catch.dispatch11:
catch.dispatch11: ; preds = %ehcleanup, %lpad
%sel12 = load i32, i32* %ehselector.slot
%tmp17 = call i32 @llvm.eh.typeid.for(i8* bitcast (i8** @_ZTIf to i8*)) #4
%matches13 = icmp eq i32 %sel12, %tmp17
br i1 %matches13, label %catch14, label %eh.resume
; CHECK-NOT: catch14:
catch14: ; preds = %catch.dispatch11
%exn15 = load i8*, i8** %exn.slot
%f.i8 = bitcast float* %f to i8*
call void @llvm.eh.begincatch(i8* %exn15, i8* %f.i8) #4
%tmp21 = load float, float* %f, align 4
call void @_Z12handle_floatf(float %tmp21)
call void @llvm.eh.endcatch() #4
br label %try.cont19
try.cont19: ; preds = %catch14, %invoke.cont9
call void @_Z4donev()
ret void
; CHECK-NOT: eh.resume:
eh.resume: ; preds = %catch.dispatch11
%exn20 = load i8*, i8** %exn.slot
%sel21 = load i32, i32* %ehselector.slot
%lpad.val = insertvalue { i8*, i32 } undef, i8* %exn20, 0
%lpad.val22 = insertvalue { i8*, i32 } %lpad.val, i32 %sel21, 1
resume { i8*, i32 } %lpad.val22
; CHECK: }
; This catch handler should be outlined.
; CHECK: define internal i8* @_Z4testv.catch(i8*, i8*)
; CHECK: entry:
; CHECK: [[RECOVER_F:\%.+]] = call i8* @llvm.framerecover(i8* bitcast (void ()* @_Z4testv to i8*), i8* %1, i32 0)
; CHECK: [[F_PTR:\%.+]] = bitcast i8* [[RECOVER_F]] to float*
; CHECK: [[TMP:\%.+]] = load float, float* [[F_PTR]], align 4
; CHECK: call void @_Z12handle_floatf(float [[TMP]])
; CHECK: ret i8* blockaddress(@_Z4testv, %try.cont19)
; CHECK: }
; This catch handler should be outlined.
; CHECK: define internal i8* @_Z4testv.catch1(i8*, i8*)
; CHECK: entry:
; CHECK: [[RECOVER_I:\%.+]] = call i8* @llvm.framerecover(i8* bitcast (void ()* @_Z4testv to i8*), i8* %1, i32 1)
; CHECK: [[I_PTR:\%.+]] = bitcast i8* [[RECOVER_I]] to i32*
; CHECK: [[TMP1:\%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[I_PTR]], align 4
; CHECK: invoke void @_Z10handle_inti(i32 [[TMP1]])
; CHECK: to label %invoke.cont8 unwind label %[[LPAD7_LABEL:lpad[0-9]*]]
; CHECK: invoke.cont8: ; preds = %entry
; CHECK: ret i8* blockaddress(@_Z4testv, %try.cont)
; CHECK: [[LPAD7_LABEL]]:{{[ ]+}}; preds = %entry
; CHECK: [[LPAD7_VAL:\%.+]] = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i8* bitcast (i32 (...)* @__CxxFrameHandler3 to i8*)
; (FIXME) The nested handler body isn't being populated yet.
; CHECK: }
; This cleanup handler should be outlined.
; CHECK: define internal void @_Z4testv.cleanup(i8*, i8*)
; CHECK: entry:
; CHECK: [[RECOVER_OUTER:\%.+]] = call i8* @llvm.framerecover(i8* bitcast (void ()* @_Z4testv to i8*), i8* %1, i32 2)
; CHECK: [[OUTER_PTR:\%.+]] = bitcast i8* [[RECOVER_OUTER]] to %class.Outer*
; CHECK: call void @_ZN5OuterD1Ev(%class.Outer* [[OUTER_PTR]])
; CHECK: ret void
; CHECK: }
; This cleanup handler should be outlined.
; CHECK: define internal void @_Z4testv.cleanup2(i8*, i8*)
; CHECK: entry:
; CHECK: [[RECOVER_INNER:\%.+]] = call i8* @llvm.framerecover(i8* bitcast (void ()* @_Z4testv to i8*), i8* %1, i32 3)
; CHECK: [[INNER_PTR:\%.+]] = bitcast i8* [[RECOVER_INNER]] to %class.Inner*
; CHECK: call void @_ZN5InnerD1Ev(%class.Inner* [[INNER_PTR]])
; CHECK: ret void
; CHECK: }
declare void @_ZN5OuterC1Ev(%class.Outer*) #1
declare i32 @__CxxFrameHandler3(...)
declare void @_ZN5InnerC1Ev(%class.Inner*) #1
declare void @_Z9may_throwv() #1
declare void @_ZN5InnerD1Ev(%class.Inner*) #1
declare void @llvm.eh.begincatch(i8*, i8*)
; Function Attrs: nounwind readnone
declare i32 @llvm.eh.typeid.for(i8*) #3
declare void @_Z10handle_inti(i32) #1
declare void @llvm.eh.endcatch()
declare void @_ZN5OuterD1Ev(%class.Outer*) #1
declare void @_Z12handle_floatf(float) #1
declare void @_Z4donev() #1
attributes #0 = { uwtable "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "no-frame-pointer-elim"="true" "no-frame-pointer-elim-non-leaf" "no-infs-fp-math"="false" "no-nans-fp-math"="false" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "unsafe-fp-math"="false" "use-soft-float"="false" }
attributes #1 = { "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "no-frame-pointer-elim"="true" "no-frame-pointer-elim-non-leaf" "no-infs-fp-math"="false" "no-nans-fp-math"="false" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "unsafe-fp-math"="false" "use-soft-float"="false" }
attributes #2 = { noinline noreturn nounwind }
attributes #3 = { nounwind readnone }
attributes #4 = { nounwind }
attributes #5 = { noreturn nounwind }
!llvm.ident = !{!0}
!0 = !{!"clang version 3.7.0 (trunk 226027)"}