Akira Hatanaka 60287963c7 Fix Mips long branch pass.
This pass no longer requires that the global pointer value be saved to the
stack or register since it uses bal instruction to compute branch distance.

git-svn-id: https://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/llvm/trunk@160601 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
2012-07-21 03:30:44 +00:00

420 lines
13 KiB

//===-- MipsLongBranch.cpp - Emit long branches ---------------------------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This pass expands a branch or jump instruction into a long branch if its
// offset is too large to fit into its immediate field.
#define DEBUG_TYPE "mips-long-branch"
#include "Mips.h"
#include "MipsTargetMachine.h"
#include "MCTargetDesc/MipsBaseInfo.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFunctionPass.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstrBuilder.h"
#include "llvm/Function.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Target/TargetInstrInfo.h"
#include "llvm/Target/TargetMachine.h"
#include "llvm/Target/TargetRegisterInfo.h"
using namespace llvm;
STATISTIC(LongBranches, "Number of long branches.");
static cl::opt<bool> SkipLongBranch(
cl::desc("MIPS: Skip long branch pass."),
static cl::opt<bool> ForceLongBranch(
cl::desc("MIPS: Expand all branches to long format."),
namespace {
typedef MachineBasicBlock::iterator Iter;
typedef MachineBasicBlock::reverse_iterator ReverseIter;
struct MBBInfo {
uint64_t Size;
bool HasLongBranch;
MachineInstr *Br;
MBBInfo() : Size(0), HasLongBranch(false), Br(0) {}
class MipsLongBranch : public MachineFunctionPass {
static char ID;
MipsLongBranch(TargetMachine &tm)
: MachineFunctionPass(ID), TM(tm),
TII(static_cast<const MipsInstrInfo*>(tm.getInstrInfo())) {}
virtual const char *getPassName() const {
return "Mips Long Branch";
bool runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &F);
void splitMBB(MachineBasicBlock *MBB);
void initMBBInfo();
int64_t computeOffset(const MachineInstr *Br);
void replaceBranch(MachineBasicBlock &MBB, Iter Br, DebugLoc DL,
MachineBasicBlock *MBBOpnd);
void expandToLongBranch(MBBInfo &Info);
const TargetMachine &TM;
const MipsInstrInfo *TII;
MachineFunction *MF;
SmallVector<MBBInfo, 16> MBBInfos;
char MipsLongBranch::ID = 0;
} // end of anonymous namespace
/// createMipsLongBranchPass - Returns a pass that converts branches to long
/// branches.
FunctionPass *llvm::createMipsLongBranchPass(MipsTargetMachine &tm) {
return new MipsLongBranch(tm);
/// Iterate over list of Br's operands and search for a MachineBasicBlock
/// operand.
static MachineBasicBlock *getTargetMBB(const MachineInstr &Br) {
for (unsigned I = 0, E = Br.getDesc().getNumOperands(); I < E; ++I) {
const MachineOperand &MO = Br.getOperand(I);
if (MO.isMBB())
return MO.getMBB();
assert(false && "This instruction does not have an MBB operand.");
return 0;
// Traverse the list of instructions backwards until a non-debug instruction is
// found or it reaches E.
static ReverseIter getNonDebugInstr(ReverseIter B, ReverseIter E) {
for (; B != E; ++B)
if (!B->isDebugValue())
return B;
return E;
// Split MBB if it has two direct jumps/branches.
void MipsLongBranch::splitMBB(MachineBasicBlock *MBB) {
ReverseIter End = MBB->rend();
ReverseIter LastBr = getNonDebugInstr(MBB->rbegin(), End);
// Return if MBB has no branch instructions.
if ((LastBr == End) ||
(!LastBr->isConditionalBranch() && !LastBr->isUnconditionalBranch()))
ReverseIter FirstBr = getNonDebugInstr(llvm::next(LastBr), End);
// MBB has only one branch instruction if FirstBr is not a branch
// instruction.
if ((FirstBr == End) ||
(!FirstBr->isConditionalBranch() && !FirstBr->isUnconditionalBranch()))
assert(!FirstBr->isIndirectBranch() && "Unexpected indirect branch found.");
// Create a new MBB. Move instructions in MBB to the newly created MBB.
MachineBasicBlock *NewMBB =
// Insert NewMBB and fix control flow.
MachineBasicBlock *Tgt = getTargetMBB(*FirstBr);
MF->insert(llvm::next(MachineFunction::iterator(MBB)), NewMBB);
NewMBB->splice(NewMBB->end(), MBB, (++LastBr).base(), MBB->end());
// Fill MBBInfos.
void MipsLongBranch::initMBBInfo() {
// Split the MBBs if they have two branches. Each basic block should have at
// most one branch after this loop is executed.
for (MachineFunction::iterator I = MF->begin(), E = MF->end(); I != E;)
for (unsigned I = 0, E = MBBInfos.size(); I < E; ++I) {
MachineBasicBlock *MBB = MF->getBlockNumbered(I);
// Compute size of MBB.
for (MachineBasicBlock::instr_iterator MI = MBB->instr_begin();
MI != MBB->instr_end(); ++MI)
MBBInfos[I].Size += TII->GetInstSizeInBytes(&*MI);
// Search for MBB's branch instruction.
ReverseIter End = MBB->rend();
ReverseIter Br = getNonDebugInstr(MBB->rbegin(), End);
if ((Br != End) && !Br->isIndirectBranch() &&
(Br->isConditionalBranch() ||
(Br->isUnconditionalBranch() &&
TM.getRelocationModel() == Reloc::PIC_)))
MBBInfos[I].Br = (++Br).base();
// Compute offset of branch in number of bytes.
int64_t MipsLongBranch::computeOffset(const MachineInstr *Br) {
int64_t Offset = 0;
int ThisMBB = Br->getParent()->getNumber();
int TargetMBB = getTargetMBB(*Br)->getNumber();
// Compute offset of a forward branch.
if (ThisMBB < TargetMBB) {
for (int N = ThisMBB + 1; N < TargetMBB; ++N)
Offset += MBBInfos[N].Size;
return Offset + 4;
// Compute offset of a backward branch.
for (int N = ThisMBB; N >= TargetMBB; --N)
Offset += MBBInfos[N].Size;
return -Offset + 4;
// Replace Br with a branch which has the opposite condition code and a
// MachineBasicBlock operand MBBOpnd.
void MipsLongBranch::replaceBranch(MachineBasicBlock &MBB, Iter Br,
DebugLoc DL, MachineBasicBlock *MBBOpnd) {
unsigned NewOpc = Mips::GetOppositeBranchOpc(Br->getOpcode());
const MCInstrDesc &NewDesc = TII->get(NewOpc);
MachineInstrBuilder MIB = BuildMI(MBB, Br, DL, NewDesc);
for (unsigned I = 0, E = Br->getDesc().getNumOperands(); I < E; ++I) {
MachineOperand &MO = Br->getOperand(I);
if (!MO.isReg()) {
assert(MO.isMBB() && "MBB operand expected.");
// Expand branch instructions to long branches.
void MipsLongBranch::expandToLongBranch(MBBInfo &I) {
I.HasLongBranch = true;
bool IsPIC = TM.getRelocationModel() == Reloc::PIC_;
unsigned ABI = TM.getSubtarget<MipsSubtarget>().getTargetABI();
bool N64 = ABI == MipsSubtarget::N64;
MachineBasicBlock::iterator Pos;
MachineBasicBlock *MBB = I.Br->getParent(), *TgtMBB = getTargetMBB(*I.Br);
DebugLoc DL = I.Br->getDebugLoc();
const BasicBlock *BB = MBB->getBasicBlock();
MachineFunction::iterator FallThroughMBB = ++MachineFunction::iterator(MBB);
MachineBasicBlock *LongBrMBB = MF->CreateMachineBasicBlock(BB);
MF->insert(FallThroughMBB, LongBrMBB);
if (IsPIC) {
// $longbr:
// addiu $sp, $sp, -regsize * 2
// sw $ra, 0($sp)
// bal $baltgt
// sw $a3, regsize($sp)
// $baltgt:
// lui $a3, %hi($baltgt)
// lui $at, %hi($tgt)
// addiu $a3, $a3, %lo($baltgt)
// addiu $at, $at, %lo($tgt)
// subu $at, $at, $a3
// addu $at, $ra, $at
// if n64:
// lui $a3, %highest($baltgt)
// lui $ra, %highest($tgt)
// addiu $a3, $a3, %higher($baltgt)
// addiu $ra, $ra, %higher($tgt)
// dsll $a3, $a3, 32
// dsll $ra, $ra, 32
// subu $at, $at, $a3
// addu $at, $at, $ra
// lw $ra, 0($sp)
// lw $a3, regsize($sp)
// jr $at
// addiu $sp, $sp, regsize * 2
// $fallthrough:
MachineBasicBlock *BalTgtMBB = MF->CreateMachineBasicBlock(BB);
MF->insert(FallThroughMBB, BalTgtMBB);
int RegSize = N64 ? 8 : 4;
unsigned AT = N64 ? Mips::AT_64 : Mips::AT;
unsigned A3 = N64 ? Mips::A3_64 : Mips::A3;
unsigned SP = N64 ? Mips::SP_64 : Mips::SP;
unsigned RA = N64 ? Mips::RA_64 : Mips::RA;
unsigned Load = N64 ? Mips::LD_P8 : Mips::LW;
unsigned Store = N64 ? Mips::SD_P8 : Mips::SW;
unsigned LUi = N64 ? Mips::LUi64 : Mips::LUi;
unsigned ADDiu = N64 ? Mips::DADDiu : Mips::ADDiu;
unsigned ADDu = N64 ? Mips::DADDu : Mips::ADDu;
unsigned SUBu = N64 ? Mips::SUBu : Mips::SUBu;
unsigned JR = N64 ? Mips::JR64 : Mips::JR;
Pos = LongBrMBB->begin();
BuildMI(*LongBrMBB, Pos, DL, TII->get(ADDiu), SP).addReg(SP)
.addImm(-RegSize * 2);
BuildMI(*LongBrMBB, Pos, DL, TII->get(Store)).addReg(RA).addReg(SP)
BuildMI(*LongBrMBB, Pos, DL, TII->get(Mips::BAL_BR)).addMBB(BalTgtMBB);
BuildMI(*LongBrMBB, Pos, DL, TII->get(Store)).addReg(A3).addReg(SP)
Pos = BalTgtMBB->begin();
BuildMI(*BalTgtMBB, Pos, DL, TII->get(LUi), A3)
.addMBB(BalTgtMBB, MipsII::MO_ABS_HI);
BuildMI(*BalTgtMBB, Pos, DL, TII->get(LUi), AT)
.addMBB(TgtMBB, MipsII::MO_ABS_HI);
BuildMI(*BalTgtMBB, Pos, DL, TII->get(ADDiu), A3).addReg(A3)
.addMBB(BalTgtMBB, MipsII::MO_ABS_LO);
BuildMI(*BalTgtMBB, Pos, DL, TII->get(ADDiu), AT).addReg(AT)
.addMBB(TgtMBB, MipsII::MO_ABS_LO);
BuildMI(*BalTgtMBB, Pos, DL, TII->get(SUBu), AT).addReg(AT).addReg(A3);
BuildMI(*BalTgtMBB, Pos, DL, TII->get(ADDu), AT).addReg(RA).addReg(AT);
if (N64) {
BuildMI(*BalTgtMBB, Pos, DL, TII->get(LUi), A3)
BuildMI(*BalTgtMBB, Pos, DL, TII->get(LUi), RA)
BuildMI(*BalTgtMBB, Pos, DL, TII->get(ADDiu), A3).addReg(A3)
.addMBB(BalTgtMBB, MipsII::MO_HIGHER);
BuildMI(*BalTgtMBB, Pos, DL, TII->get(ADDiu), RA).addReg(RA)
BuildMI(*BalTgtMBB, Pos, DL, TII->get(Mips::DSLL), A3).addReg(A3)
BuildMI(*BalTgtMBB, Pos, DL, TII->get(Mips::DSLL), RA).addReg(RA)
BuildMI(*BalTgtMBB, Pos, DL, TII->get(SUBu), AT).addReg(AT).addReg(A3);
BuildMI(*BalTgtMBB, Pos, DL, TII->get(ADDu), AT).addReg(AT).addReg(RA);
I.Size += 4 * 8;
BuildMI(*BalTgtMBB, Pos, DL, TII->get(Load), RA).addReg(SP).addImm(0);
BuildMI(*BalTgtMBB, Pos, DL, TII->get(Load), A3).addReg(SP).addImm(RegSize);
BuildMI(*BalTgtMBB, Pos, DL, TII->get(JR)).addReg(AT);
BuildMI(*BalTgtMBB, Pos, DL, TII->get(ADDiu), SP).addReg(SP)
.addImm(RegSize * 2)->setIsInsideBundle();
I.Size += 4 * 14;
} else {
// $longbr:
// j $tgt
// nop
// $fallthrough:
Pos = LongBrMBB->begin();
BuildMI(*LongBrMBB, Pos, DL, TII->get(Mips::J)).addMBB(TgtMBB);
BuildMI(*LongBrMBB, Pos, DL, TII->get(Mips::NOP))->setIsInsideBundle();
I.Size += 4 * 2;
if (I.Br->isUnconditionalBranch()) {
// Change branch destination.
assert(I.Br->getDesc().getNumOperands() == 1);
} else
// Change branch destination and reverse condition.
replaceBranch(*MBB, I.Br, DL, FallThroughMBB);
static void emitGPDisp(MachineFunction &F, const MipsInstrInfo *TII) {
MachineBasicBlock &MBB = F.front();
MachineBasicBlock::iterator I = MBB.begin();
DebugLoc DL = MBB.findDebugLoc(MBB.begin());
BuildMI(MBB, I, DL, TII->get(Mips::LUi), Mips::V0)
.addExternalSymbol("_gp_disp", MipsII::MO_ABS_HI);
BuildMI(MBB, I, DL, TII->get(Mips::ADDiu), Mips::V0)
.addReg(Mips::V0).addExternalSymbol("_gp_disp", MipsII::MO_ABS_LO);
bool MipsLongBranch::runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &F) {
if ((TM.getRelocationModel() == Reloc::PIC_) &&
TM.getSubtarget<MipsSubtarget>().isABI_O32() &&
emitGPDisp(F, TII);
if (SkipLongBranch)
return true;
MF = &F;
SmallVector<MBBInfo, 16>::iterator I, E = MBBInfos.end();
bool EverMadeChange = false, MadeChange = true;
while (MadeChange) {
MadeChange = false;
for (I = MBBInfos.begin(); I != E; ++I) {
// Skip if this MBB doesn't have a branch or the branch has already been
// converted to a long branch.
if (!I->Br || I->HasLongBranch)
if (!ForceLongBranch)
// Check if offset fits into 16-bit immediate field of branches.
if (isInt<16>(computeOffset(I->Br) / 4))
EverMadeChange = MadeChange = true;
if (EverMadeChange)
return true;