Bill Wendling 63ad10c004 Do some mechanical changes. Combine the 'construct abastract dbg thingy' in with
the 'constract function dbg thingy'. Rename some methods to make them consistent
with the rest of the methods. Move the 'Emit' methods to the end of the file.

git-svn-id: https://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/llvm/trunk@72192 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
2009-05-20 23:04:56 +00:00

562 lines
20 KiB

//===-- llvm/CodeGen/DwarfDebug.h - Dwarf Debug Framework ------*- C++ -*--===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file contains support for writing dwarf debug info into asm files.
#include "DIE.h"
#include "DwarfPrinter.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/AsmPrinter.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineLocation.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/DebugInfo.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/FoldingSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/UniqueVector.h"
#include <string>
namespace llvm {
class CompileUnit;
class DbgVariable;
class DbgScope;
class DbgConcreteScope;
class MachineFrameInfo;
class MachineModuleInfo;
class TargetAsmInfo;
class Timer;
/// SrcLineInfo - This class is used to record source line correspondence.
unsigned Line; // Source line number.
unsigned Column; // Source column.
unsigned SourceID; // Source ID number.
unsigned LabelID; // Label in code ID number.
SrcLineInfo(unsigned L, unsigned C, unsigned S, unsigned I)
: Line(L), Column(C), SourceID(S), LabelID(I) {}
// Accessors
unsigned getLine() const { return Line; }
unsigned getColumn() const { return Column; }
unsigned getSourceID() const { return SourceID; }
unsigned getLabelID() const { return LabelID; }
class VISIBILITY_HIDDEN DwarfDebug : public Dwarf {
// Attributes used to construct specific Dwarf sections.
/// CompileUnitMap - A map of global variables representing compile units to
/// compile units.
DenseMap<Value *, CompileUnit *> CompileUnitMap;
/// CompileUnits - All the compile units in this module.
SmallVector<CompileUnit *, 8> CompileUnits;
/// MainCU - Some platform prefers one compile unit per .o file. In such
/// cases, all dies are inserted in MainCU.
CompileUnit *MainCU;
/// AbbreviationsSet - Used to uniquely define abbreviations.
FoldingSet<DIEAbbrev> AbbreviationsSet;
/// Abbreviations - A list of all the unique abbreviations in use.
std::vector<DIEAbbrev *> Abbreviations;
/// DirectoryIdMap - Directory name to directory id map.
StringMap<unsigned> DirectoryIdMap;
/// DirectoryNames - A list of directory names.
SmallVector<std::string, 8> DirectoryNames;
/// SourceFileIdMap - Source file name to source file id map.
StringMap<unsigned> SourceFileIdMap;
/// SourceFileNames - A list of source file names.
SmallVector<std::string, 8> SourceFileNames;
/// SourceIdMap - Source id map, i.e. pair of directory id and source file
/// id mapped to a unique id.
DenseMap<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>, unsigned> SourceIdMap;
/// SourceIds - Reverse map from source id to directory id + file id pair.
SmallVector<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>, 8> SourceIds;
/// Lines - List of of source line correspondence.
std::vector<SrcLineInfo> Lines;
/// ValuesSet - Used to uniquely define values.
FoldingSet<DIEValue> ValuesSet;
/// Values - A list of all the unique values in use.
std::vector<DIEValue *> Values;
/// StringPool - A UniqueVector of strings used by indirect references.
UniqueVector<std::string> StringPool;
/// SectionMap - Provides a unique id per text section.
UniqueVector<const Section*> SectionMap;
/// SectionSourceLines - Tracks line numbers per text section.
std::vector<std::vector<SrcLineInfo> > SectionSourceLines;
/// didInitial - Flag to indicate if initial emission has been done.
bool didInitial;
/// shouldEmit - Flag to indicate if debug information should be emitted.
bool shouldEmit;
// FunctionDbgScope - Top level scope for the current function.
DbgScope *FunctionDbgScope;
/// DbgScopeMap - Tracks the scopes in the current function.
DenseMap<GlobalVariable *, DbgScope *> DbgScopeMap;
/// DbgAbstractScopeMap - Tracks abstract instance scopes in the current
/// function.
DenseMap<GlobalVariable *, DbgScope *> DbgAbstractScopeMap;
/// DbgConcreteScopeMap - Tracks concrete instance scopes in the current
/// function.
DenseMap<GlobalVariable *,
SmallVector<DbgScope *, 8> > DbgConcreteScopeMap;
/// InlineInfo - Keep track of inlined functions and their location. This
/// information is used to populate debug_inlined section.
DenseMap<GlobalVariable *, SmallVector<unsigned, 4> > InlineInfo;
/// InlinedVariableScopes - Scopes information for the inlined subroutine
/// variables.
DenseMap<const MachineInstr *, DbgScope *> InlinedVariableScopes;
/// AbstractInstanceRootMap - Map of abstract instance roots of inlined
/// functions. These are subroutine entries that contain a DW_AT_inline
/// attribute.
DenseMap<const GlobalVariable *, DbgScope *> AbstractInstanceRootMap;
/// InlinedParamMap - A map keeping track of which parameters are assigned to
/// which abstract instance.
DenseMap<const GlobalVariable *,
SmallSet<const GlobalVariable *, 32> > InlinedParamMap;
/// AbstractInstanceRootList - List of abstract instance roots of inlined
/// functions. These are subroutine entries that contain a DW_AT_inline
/// attribute.
SmallVector<DbgScope *, 32> AbstractInstanceRootList;
/// LexicalScopeStack - A stack of lexical scopes. The top one is the current
/// scope.
SmallVector<DbgScope *, 16> LexicalScopeStack;
/// CompileUnitOffsets - A vector of the offsets of the compile units. This is
/// used when calculating the "origin" of a concrete instance of an inlined
/// function.
DenseMap<CompileUnit *, unsigned> CompileUnitOffsets;
/// DebugTimer - Timer for the Dwarf debug writer.
Timer *DebugTimer;
struct FunctionDebugFrameInfo {
unsigned Number;
std::vector<MachineMove> Moves;
FunctionDebugFrameInfo(unsigned Num, const std::vector<MachineMove> &M)
: Number(Num), Moves(M) {}
std::vector<FunctionDebugFrameInfo> DebugFrames;
/// getSourceDirectoryAndFileIds - Return the directory and file ids that
/// maps to the source id. Source id starts at 1.
std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>
getSourceDirectoryAndFileIds(unsigned SId) const {
return SourceIds[SId-1];
/// getNumSourceDirectories - Return the number of source directories in the
/// debug info.
unsigned getNumSourceDirectories() const {
return DirectoryNames.size();
/// getSourceDirectoryName - Return the name of the directory corresponding
/// to the id.
const std::string &getSourceDirectoryName(unsigned Id) const {
return DirectoryNames[Id - 1];
/// getSourceFileName - Return the name of the source file corresponding
/// to the id.
const std::string &getSourceFileName(unsigned Id) const {
return SourceFileNames[Id - 1];
/// getNumSourceIds - Return the number of unique source ids.
unsigned getNumSourceIds() const {
return SourceIds.size();
/// AssignAbbrevNumber - Define a unique number for the abbreviation.
void AssignAbbrevNumber(DIEAbbrev &Abbrev);
/// CreateDIEEntry - Creates a new DIEEntry to be a proxy for a debug
/// information entry.
DIEEntry *CreateDIEEntry(DIE *Entry = NULL);
/// SetDIEEntry - Set a DIEEntry once the debug information entry is defined.
void SetDIEEntry(DIEEntry *Value, DIE *Entry);
/// AddUInt - Add an unsigned integer attribute data and value.
void AddUInt(DIE *Die, unsigned Attribute, unsigned Form, uint64_t Integer);
/// AddSInt - Add an signed integer attribute data and value.
void AddSInt(DIE *Die, unsigned Attribute, unsigned Form, int64_t Integer);
/// AddString - Add a string attribute data and value.
void AddString(DIE *Die, unsigned Attribute, unsigned Form,
const std::string &String);
/// AddLabel - Add a Dwarf label attribute data and value.
void AddLabel(DIE *Die, unsigned Attribute, unsigned Form,
const DWLabel &Label);
/// AddObjectLabel - Add an non-Dwarf label attribute data and value.
void AddObjectLabel(DIE *Die, unsigned Attribute, unsigned Form,
const std::string &Label);
/// AddSectionOffset - Add a section offset label attribute data and value.
void AddSectionOffset(DIE *Die, unsigned Attribute, unsigned Form,
const DWLabel &Label, const DWLabel &Section,
bool isEH = false, bool useSet = true);
/// AddDelta - Add a label delta attribute data and value.
void AddDelta(DIE *Die, unsigned Attribute, unsigned Form,
const DWLabel &Hi, const DWLabel &Lo);
/// AddDIEEntry - Add a DIE attribute data and value.
void AddDIEEntry(DIE *Die, unsigned Attribute, unsigned Form, DIE *Entry) {
Die->AddValue(Attribute, Form, CreateDIEEntry(Entry));
/// AddBlock - Add block data.
void AddBlock(DIE *Die, unsigned Attribute, unsigned Form, DIEBlock *Block);
/// AddSourceLine - Add location information to specified debug information
/// entry.
void AddSourceLine(DIE *Die, const DIVariable *V);
/// AddSourceLine - Add location information to specified debug information
/// entry.
void AddSourceLine(DIE *Die, const DIGlobal *G);
void AddSourceLine(DIE *Die, const DIType *Ty);
/// AddAddress - Add an address attribute to a die based on the location
/// provided.
void AddAddress(DIE *Die, unsigned Attribute,
const MachineLocation &Location);
/// AddType - Add a new type attribute to the specified entity.
void AddType(CompileUnit *DW_Unit, DIE *Entity, DIType Ty);
/// ConstructTypeDIE - Construct basic type die from DIBasicType.
void ConstructTypeDIE(CompileUnit *DW_Unit, DIE &Buffer,
DIBasicType BTy);
/// ConstructTypeDIE - Construct derived type die from DIDerivedType.
void ConstructTypeDIE(CompileUnit *DW_Unit, DIE &Buffer,
DIDerivedType DTy);
/// ConstructTypeDIE - Construct type DIE from DICompositeType.
void ConstructTypeDIE(CompileUnit *DW_Unit, DIE &Buffer,
DICompositeType CTy);
/// ConstructSubrangeDIE - Construct subrange DIE from DISubrange.
void ConstructSubrangeDIE(DIE &Buffer, DISubrange SR, DIE *IndexTy);
/// ConstructArrayTypeDIE - Construct array type DIE from DICompositeType.
void ConstructArrayTypeDIE(CompileUnit *DW_Unit, DIE &Buffer,
DICompositeType *CTy);
/// ConstructEnumTypeDIE - Construct enum type DIE from DIEnumerator.
DIE *ConstructEnumTypeDIE(CompileUnit *DW_Unit, DIEnumerator *ETy);
/// CreateGlobalVariableDIE - Create new DIE using GV.
DIE *CreateGlobalVariableDIE(CompileUnit *DW_Unit,
const DIGlobalVariable &GV);
/// CreateMemberDIE - Create new member DIE.
DIE *CreateMemberDIE(CompileUnit *DW_Unit, const DIDerivedType &DT);
/// CreateSubprogramDIE - Create new DIE using SP.
DIE *CreateSubprogramDIE(CompileUnit *DW_Unit,
const DISubprogram &SP,
bool IsConstructor = false,
bool IsInlined = false);
/// FindCompileUnit - Get the compile unit for the given descriptor.
CompileUnit &FindCompileUnit(DICompileUnit Unit) const;
/// CreateDbgScopeVariable - Create a new debug scope variable.
DIE *CreateDbgScopeVariable(DbgVariable *DV, CompileUnit *Unit);
/// getOrCreateScope - Returns the scope associated with the given descriptor.
DbgScope *getOrCreateScope(GlobalVariable *V);
/// ConstructDbgScope - Construct the components of a scope.
void ConstructDbgScope(DbgScope *ParentScope,
unsigned ParentStartID, unsigned ParentEndID,
DIE *ParentDie, CompileUnit *Unit);
/// ConstructFunctionDbgScope - Construct the scope for the subprogram.
void ConstructFunctionDbgScope(DbgScope *RootScope,
bool AbstractScope = false);
/// ConstructDefaultDbgScope - Construct a default scope for the subprogram.
void ConstructDefaultDbgScope(MachineFunction *MF);
/// GetOrCreateSourceID - Look up the source id with the given directory and
/// source file names. If none currently exists, create a new id and insert it
/// in the SourceIds map. This can update DirectoryNames and SourceFileNames maps
/// as well.
unsigned GetOrCreateSourceID(const std::string &DirName,
const std::string &FileName);
void ConstructCompileUnit(GlobalVariable *GV);
/// ConstructCompileUnits - Create a compile unit DIEs.
void ConstructCompileUnits();
bool ConstructGlobalVariableDIE(GlobalVariable *GV);
/// ConstructGlobalVariableDIEs - Create DIEs for each of the externally
/// visible global variables. Return true if at least one global DIE is
/// created.
bool ConstructGlobalVariableDIEs();
bool ConstructSubprogram(GlobalVariable *GV);
/// ConstructSubprograms - Create DIEs for each of the externally visible
/// subprograms. Return true if at least one subprogram DIE is created.
bool ConstructSubprograms();
/// EmitInitial - Emit initial Dwarf declarations. This is necessary for cc
/// tools to recognize the object file contains Dwarf information.
void EmitInitial();
/// EmitDIE - Recusively Emits a debug information entry.
void EmitDIE(DIE *Die);
/// SizeAndOffsetDie - Compute the size and offset of a DIE.
unsigned SizeAndOffsetDie(DIE *Die, unsigned Offset, bool Last);
/// SizeAndOffsets - Compute the size and offset of all the DIEs.
void SizeAndOffsets();
/// EmitDebugInfo / EmitDebugInfoPerCU - Emit the debug info section.
void EmitDebugInfoPerCU(CompileUnit *Unit);
void EmitDebugInfo();
/// EmitAbbreviations - Emit the abbreviation section.
void EmitAbbreviations() const;
/// EmitEndOfLineMatrix - Emit the last address of the section and the end of
/// the line matrix.
void EmitEndOfLineMatrix(unsigned SectionEnd);
/// EmitDebugLines - Emit source line information.
void EmitDebugLines();
/// EmitCommonDebugFrame - Emit common frame info into a debug frame section.
void EmitCommonDebugFrame();
/// EmitFunctionDebugFrame - Emit per function frame info into a debug frame
/// section.
void EmitFunctionDebugFrame(const FunctionDebugFrameInfo &DebugFrameInfo);
void EmitDebugPubNamesPerCU(CompileUnit *Unit);
/// EmitDebugPubNames - Emit visible names into a debug pubnames section.
void EmitDebugPubNames();
/// EmitDebugStr - Emit visible names into a debug str section.
void EmitDebugStr();
/// EmitDebugLoc - Emit visible names into a debug loc section.
void EmitDebugLoc();
/// EmitDebugARanges - Emit visible names into a debug aranges section.
void EmitDebugARanges();
/// EmitDebugRanges - Emit visible names into a debug ranges section.
void EmitDebugRanges();
/// EmitDebugMacInfo - Emit visible names into a debug macinfo section.
void EmitDebugMacInfo();
/// EmitDebugInlineInfo - Emit inline info using following format.
/// Section Header:
/// 1. length of section
/// 2. Dwarf version number
/// 3. address size.
/// Entries (one "entry" for each function that was inlined):
/// 1. offset into __debug_str section for MIPS linkage name, if exists;
/// otherwise offset into __debug_str for regular function name.
/// 2. offset into __debug_str section for regular function name.
/// 3. an unsigned LEB128 number indicating the number of distinct inlining
/// instances for the function.
/// The rest of the entry consists of a {die_offset, low_pc} pair for each
/// inlined instance; the die_offset points to the inlined_subroutine die in
/// the __debug_info section, and the low_pc is the starting address for the
/// inlining instance.
void EmitDebugInlineInfo();
// Main entry points.
DwarfDebug(raw_ostream &OS, AsmPrinter *A, const TargetAsmInfo *T);
virtual ~DwarfDebug();
/// ShouldEmitDwarfDebug - Returns true if Dwarf debugging declarations should
/// be emitted.
bool ShouldEmitDwarfDebug() const { return shouldEmit; }
/// SetDebugInfo - Create global DIEs and emit initial debug info sections.
/// This is inovked by the target AsmPrinter.
void SetDebugInfo(MachineModuleInfo *mmi);
/// BeginModule - Emit all Dwarf sections that should come prior to the
/// content.
void BeginModule(Module *M) {
this->M = M;
/// EndModule - Emit all Dwarf sections that should come after the content.
void EndModule();
/// BeginFunction - Gather pre-function debug information. Assumes being
/// emitted immediately after the function entry point.
void BeginFunction(MachineFunction *MF);
/// EndFunction - Gather and emit post-function debug information.
void EndFunction(MachineFunction *MF);
/// RecordSourceLine - Records location information and associates it with a
/// label. Returns a unique label ID used to generate a label and provide
/// correspondence to the source line list.
unsigned RecordSourceLine(Value *V, unsigned Line, unsigned Col);
/// RecordSourceLine - Records location information and associates it with a
/// label. Returns a unique label ID used to generate a label and provide
/// correspondence to the source line list.
unsigned RecordSourceLine(unsigned Line, unsigned Col, DICompileUnit CU);
/// getRecordSourceLineCount - Return the number of source lines in the debug
/// info.
unsigned getRecordSourceLineCount() const {
return Lines.size();
/// getOrCreateSourceID - Public version of GetOrCreateSourceID. This can be
/// timed. Look up the source id with the given directory and source file
/// names. If none currently exists, create a new id and insert it in the
/// SourceIds map. This can update DirectoryNames and SourceFileNames maps as
/// well.
unsigned getOrCreateSourceID(const std::string &DirName,
const std::string &FileName);
/// RecordRegionStart - Indicate the start of a region.
unsigned RecordRegionStart(GlobalVariable *V);
/// RecordRegionEnd - Indicate the end of a region.
unsigned RecordRegionEnd(GlobalVariable *V);
/// RecordVariable - Indicate the declaration of a local variable.
void RecordVariable(GlobalVariable *GV, unsigned FrameIndex,
const MachineInstr *MI);
//// RecordInlinedFnStart - Indicate the start of inlined subroutine.
unsigned RecordInlinedFnStart(DISubprogram &SP, DICompileUnit CU,
unsigned Line, unsigned Col);
/// RecordInlinedFnEnd - Indicate the end of inlined subroutine.
unsigned RecordInlinedFnEnd(DISubprogram &SP);
/// RecordVariableScope - Record scope for the variable declared by
/// DeclareMI. DeclareMI must describe TargetInstrInfo::DECLARE. Record scopes
/// for only inlined subroutine variables. Other variables's scopes are
/// determined during RecordVariable().
void RecordVariableScope(DIVariable &DV, const MachineInstr *DeclareMI);
} // End of namespace llvm