Joerg Sonnenberger 61131ab15f Remove exception handling usage from tblgen.
Most places can use PrintFatalError as the unwinding mechanism was not
used for anything other than printing the error. The single exception
was CodeGenDAGPatterns.cpp, where intermediate errors during type
resolution were ignored to simplify incremental platform development.
This use is replaced by an error flag in TreePattern and bailout earlier
in various places if it is set. 

git-svn-id: https://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/llvm/trunk@166712 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
2012-10-25 20:33:17 +00:00

298 lines
12 KiB

//===- PseudoLoweringEmitter.cpp - PseudoLowering Generator -----*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#define DEBUG_TYPE "pseudo-lowering"
#include "CodeGenInstruction.h"
#include "CodeGenTarget.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/IndexedMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/Error.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/Record.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/TableGenBackend.h"
#include <vector>
using namespace llvm;
namespace {
class PseudoLoweringEmitter {
struct OpData {
enum MapKind { Operand, Imm, Reg };
MapKind Kind;
union {
unsigned Operand; // Operand number mapped to.
uint64_t Imm; // Integer immedate value.
Record *Reg; // Physical register.
} Data;
struct PseudoExpansion {
CodeGenInstruction Source; // The source pseudo instruction definition.
CodeGenInstruction Dest; // The destination instruction to lower to.
IndexedMap<OpData> OperandMap;
PseudoExpansion(CodeGenInstruction &s, CodeGenInstruction &d,
IndexedMap<OpData> &m) :
Source(s), Dest(d), OperandMap(m) {}
RecordKeeper &Records;
// It's overkill to have an instance of the full CodeGenTarget object,
// but it loads everything on demand, not in the constructor, so it's
// lightweight in performance, so it works out OK.
CodeGenTarget Target;
SmallVector<PseudoExpansion, 64> Expansions;
unsigned addDagOperandMapping(Record *Rec, DagInit *Dag,
CodeGenInstruction &Insn,
IndexedMap<OpData> &OperandMap,
unsigned BaseIdx);
void evaluateExpansion(Record *Pseudo);
void emitLoweringEmitter(raw_ostream &o);
PseudoLoweringEmitter(RecordKeeper &R) : Records(R), Target(R) {}
/// run - Output the pseudo-lowerings.
void run(raw_ostream &o);
} // End anonymous namespace
// FIXME: This pass currently can only expand a pseudo to a single instruction.
// The pseudo expansion really should take a list of dags, not just
// a single dag, so we can do fancier things.
unsigned PseudoLoweringEmitter::
addDagOperandMapping(Record *Rec, DagInit *Dag, CodeGenInstruction &Insn,
IndexedMap<OpData> &OperandMap, unsigned BaseIdx) {
unsigned OpsAdded = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = Dag->getNumArgs(); i != e; ++i) {
if (DefInit *DI = dyn_cast<DefInit>(Dag->getArg(i))) {
// Physical register reference. Explicit check for the special case
// "zero_reg" definition.
if (DI->getDef()->isSubClassOf("Register") ||
DI->getDef()->getName() == "zero_reg") {
OperandMap[BaseIdx + i].Kind = OpData::Reg;
OperandMap[BaseIdx + i].Data.Reg = DI->getDef();
// Normal operands should always have the same type, or we have a
// problem.
// FIXME: We probably shouldn't ever get a non-zero BaseIdx here.
assert(BaseIdx == 0 && "Named subargument in pseudo expansion?!");
if (DI->getDef() != Insn.Operands[BaseIdx + i].Rec)
"Pseudo operand type '" + DI->getDef()->getName() +
"' does not match expansion operand type '" +
Insn.Operands[BaseIdx + i].Rec->getName() + "'");
// Source operand maps to destination operand. The Data element
// will be filled in later, just set the Kind for now. Do it
// for each corresponding MachineInstr operand, not just the first.
for (unsigned I = 0, E = Insn.Operands[i].MINumOperands; I != E; ++I)
OperandMap[BaseIdx + i + I].Kind = OpData::Operand;
OpsAdded += Insn.Operands[i].MINumOperands;
} else if (IntInit *II = dyn_cast<IntInit>(Dag->getArg(i))) {
OperandMap[BaseIdx + i].Kind = OpData::Imm;
OperandMap[BaseIdx + i].Data.Imm = II->getValue();
} else if (DagInit *SubDag = dyn_cast<DagInit>(Dag->getArg(i))) {
// Just add the operands recursively. This is almost certainly
// a constant value for a complex operand (> 1 MI operand).
unsigned NewOps =
addDagOperandMapping(Rec, SubDag, Insn, OperandMap, BaseIdx + i);
OpsAdded += NewOps;
// Since we added more than one, we also need to adjust the base.
BaseIdx += NewOps - 1;
} else
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled pseudo-expansion argument type!");
return OpsAdded;
void PseudoLoweringEmitter::evaluateExpansion(Record *Rec) {
DEBUG(dbgs() << "Pseudo definition: " << Rec->getName() << "\n");
// Validate that the result pattern has the corrent number and types
// of arguments for the instruction it references.
DagInit *Dag = Rec->getValueAsDag("ResultInst");
assert(Dag && "Missing result instruction in pseudo expansion!");
DEBUG(dbgs() << " Result: " << *Dag << "\n");
DefInit *OpDef = dyn_cast<DefInit>(Dag->getOperator());
if (!OpDef)
PrintFatalError(Rec->getLoc(), Rec->getName() +
" has unexpected operator type!");
Record *Operator = OpDef->getDef();
if (!Operator->isSubClassOf("Instruction"))
PrintFatalError(Rec->getLoc(), "Pseudo result '" + Operator->getName() +
"' is not an instruction!");
CodeGenInstruction Insn(Operator);
if (Insn.isCodeGenOnly || Insn.isPseudo)
PrintFatalError(Rec->getLoc(), "Pseudo result '" + Operator->getName() +
"' cannot be another pseudo instruction!");
if (Insn.Operands.size() != Dag->getNumArgs())
PrintFatalError(Rec->getLoc(), "Pseudo result '" + Operator->getName() +
"' operand count mismatch");
unsigned NumMIOperands = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = Insn.Operands.size(); i != e; ++i)
NumMIOperands += Insn.Operands[i].MINumOperands;
IndexedMap<OpData> OperandMap;
addDagOperandMapping(Rec, Dag, Insn, OperandMap, 0);
// If there are more operands that weren't in the DAG, they have to
// be operands that have default values, or we have an error. Currently,
// Operands that are a sublass of OperandWithDefaultOp have default values.
// Validate that each result pattern argument has a matching (by name)
// argument in the source instruction, in either the (outs) or (ins) list.
// Also check that the type of the arguments match.
// Record the mapping of the source to result arguments for use by
// the lowering emitter.
CodeGenInstruction SourceInsn(Rec);
StringMap<unsigned> SourceOperands;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = SourceInsn.Operands.size(); i != e; ++i)
SourceOperands[SourceInsn.Operands[i].Name] = i;
DEBUG(dbgs() << " Operand mapping:\n");
for (unsigned i = 0, e = Insn.Operands.size(); i != e; ++i) {
// We've already handled constant values. Just map instruction operands
// here.
if (OperandMap[Insn.Operands[i].MIOperandNo].Kind != OpData::Operand)
StringMap<unsigned>::iterator SourceOp =
if (SourceOp == SourceOperands.end())
"Pseudo output operand '" + Dag->getArgName(i) +
"' has no matching source operand.");
// Map the source operand to the destination operand index for each
// MachineInstr operand.
for (unsigned I = 0, E = Insn.Operands[i].MINumOperands; I != E; ++I)
OperandMap[Insn.Operands[i].MIOperandNo + I].Data.Operand =
DEBUG(dbgs() << " " << SourceOp->getValue() << " ==> " << i << "\n");
Expansions.push_back(PseudoExpansion(SourceInsn, Insn, OperandMap));
void PseudoLoweringEmitter::emitLoweringEmitter(raw_ostream &o) {
// Emit file header.
emitSourceFileHeader("Pseudo-instruction MC lowering Source Fragment", o);
o << "bool " << Target.getName() + "AsmPrinter" << "::\n"
<< "emitPseudoExpansionLowering(MCStreamer &OutStreamer,\n"
<< " const MachineInstr *MI) {\n"
<< " switch (MI->getOpcode()) {\n"
<< " default: return false;\n";
for (unsigned i = 0, e = Expansions.size(); i != e; ++i) {
PseudoExpansion &Expansion = Expansions[i];
CodeGenInstruction &Source = Expansion.Source;
CodeGenInstruction &Dest = Expansion.Dest;
o << " case " << Source.Namespace << "::"
<< Source.TheDef->getName() << ": {\n"
<< " MCInst TmpInst;\n"
<< " MCOperand MCOp;\n"
<< " TmpInst.setOpcode(" << Dest.Namespace << "::"
<< Dest.TheDef->getName() << ");\n";
// Copy the operands from the source instruction.
// FIXME: Instruction operands with defaults values (predicates and cc_out
// in ARM, for example shouldn't need explicit values in the
// expansion DAG.
unsigned MIOpNo = 0;
for (unsigned OpNo = 0, E = Dest.Operands.size(); OpNo != E;
++OpNo) {
o << " // Operand: " << Dest.Operands[OpNo].Name << "\n";
for (unsigned i = 0, e = Dest.Operands[OpNo].MINumOperands;
i != e; ++i) {
switch (Expansion.OperandMap[MIOpNo + i].Kind) {
case OpData::Operand:
o << " lowerOperand(MI->getOperand("
<< Source.Operands[Expansion.OperandMap[MIOpNo].Data
.Operand].MIOperandNo + i
<< "), MCOp);\n"
<< " TmpInst.addOperand(MCOp);\n";
case OpData::Imm:
o << " TmpInst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateImm("
<< Expansion.OperandMap[MIOpNo + i].Data.Imm << "));\n";
case OpData::Reg: {
Record *Reg = Expansion.OperandMap[MIOpNo + i].Data.Reg;
o << " TmpInst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateReg(";
// "zero_reg" is special.
if (Reg->getName() == "zero_reg")
o << "0";
o << Reg->getValueAsString("Namespace") << "::" << Reg->getName();
o << "));\n";
MIOpNo += Dest.Operands[OpNo].MINumOperands;
if (Dest.Operands.isVariadic) {
o << " // variable_ops\n";
o << " for (unsigned i = " << MIOpNo
<< ", e = MI->getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i)\n"
<< " if (lowerOperand(MI->getOperand(i), MCOp))\n"
<< " TmpInst.addOperand(MCOp);\n";
o << " OutStreamer.EmitInstruction(TmpInst);\n"
<< " break;\n"
<< " }\n";
o << " }\n return true;\n}\n\n";
void PseudoLoweringEmitter::run(raw_ostream &o) {
Record *ExpansionClass = Records.getClass("PseudoInstExpansion");
Record *InstructionClass = Records.getClass("Instruction");
assert(ExpansionClass && "PseudoInstExpansion class definition missing!");
assert(InstructionClass && "Instruction class definition missing!");
std::vector<Record*> Insts;
for (std::map<std::string, Record*>::const_iterator I =
Records.getDefs().begin(), E = Records.getDefs().end(); I != E; ++I) {
if (I->second->isSubClassOf(ExpansionClass) &&
// Process the pseudo expansion definitions, validating them as we do so.
for (unsigned i = 0, e = Insts.size(); i != e; ++i)
// Generate expansion code to lower the pseudo to an MCInst of the real
// instruction.
namespace llvm {
void EmitPseudoLowering(RecordKeeper &RK, raw_ostream &OS) {
} // End llvm namespace