Hans Wennborg 448da519cc Fix PR10103: Less code for enum type translation.
In cases such as the attached test, where the case value for a switch
destination is used in a phi node that follows the destination, it
might be better to replace that value with the condition value of the
switch, so that more blocks can be folded away with
TryToSimplifyUncondBranchFromEmptyBlock because there are less
conflicts in the phi node.

git-svn-id: https://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/llvm/trunk@133344 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
2011-06-18 10:28:47 +00:00

117 lines
7.9 KiB

; RUN: opt < %s -simplifycfg -S | \
; RUN: not grep " switch"
; ModuleID = '<stdin>'
target datalayout = "e-p:32:32:32-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:32:64-f32:32:32-f64:32:64-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-a0:0:64-f80:32:32"
target triple = "i386-pc-linux-gnu"
%llvm.dbg.anchor.type = type { i32, i32 }
%llvm.dbg.basictype.type = type { i32, { }*, i8*, { }*, i32, i64, i64, i64, i32, i32 }
%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type = type { i32, { }*, i32, i8*, i8*, i8*, i1, i1, i8*, i32 }
%llvm.dbg.composite.type = type { i32, { }*, i8*, { }*, i32, i64, i64, i64, i32, { }*, { }*, i32 }
%llvm.dbg.subprogram.type = type { i32, { }*, { }*, i8*, i8*, i8*, { }*, i32, { }*, i1, i1 }
%llvm.dbg.variable.type = type { i32, { }*, i8*, { }*, i32, { }* }
@llvm.dbg.compile_units = linkonce constant %llvm.dbg.anchor.type { i32 458752, i32 17 }, section "llvm.metadata" ; <%llvm.dbg.anchor.type*> [#uses=1]
@.str = internal constant [10 x i8] c"swithh2.c\00", section "llvm.metadata" ; <[10 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
@.str1 = internal constant [38 x i8] c"/developer/home2/zsth/test/debug/tmp/\00", section "llvm.metadata" ; <[38 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
@.str2 = internal constant [52 x i8] c"4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5641) (LLVM build)\00", section "llvm.metadata" ; <[52 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
@llvm.dbg.compile_unit = internal constant %llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type { i32 458769, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.anchor.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_units to { }*), i32 1, i8* getelementptr ([10 x i8]* @.str, i32 0, i32 0), i8* getelementptr ([38 x i8]* @.str1, i32 0, i32 0), i8* getelementptr ([52 x i8]* @.str2, i32 0, i32 0), i1 true, i1 false, i8* null, i32 -1 }, section "llvm.metadata" ; <%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type*> [#uses=1]
@.str3 = internal constant [4 x i8] c"int\00", section "llvm.metadata" ; <[4 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
@llvm.dbg.basictype = internal constant %llvm.dbg.basictype.type { i32 458788, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*), i8* getelementptr ([4 x i8]* @.str3, i32 0, i32 0), { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*), i32 0, i64 32, i64 32, i64 0, i32 0, i32 5 }, section "llvm.metadata" ; <%llvm.dbg.basictype.type*> [#uses=1]
@llvm.dbg.array = internal constant [2 x { }*] [{ }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.basictype.type* @llvm.dbg.basictype to { }*), { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.basictype.type* @llvm.dbg.basictype to { }*)], section "llvm.metadata" ; <[2 x { }*]*> [#uses=1]
@llvm.dbg.composite = internal constant %llvm.dbg.composite.type { i32 458773, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*), i8* null, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*), i32 0, i64 0, i64 0, i64 0, i32 0, { }* null, { }* bitcast ([2 x { }*]* @llvm.dbg.array to { }*), i32 0 }, section "llvm.metadata" ; <%llvm.dbg.composite.type*> [#uses=1]
@llvm.dbg.subprograms = linkonce constant %llvm.dbg.anchor.type { i32 458752, i32 46 }, section "llvm.metadata" ; <%llvm.dbg.anchor.type*> [#uses=1]
@.str4 = internal constant [4 x i8] c"foo\00", section "llvm.metadata" ; <[4 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
@llvm.dbg.subprogram = internal constant %llvm.dbg.subprogram.type { i32 458798, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.anchor.type* @llvm.dbg.subprograms to { }*), { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*), i8* getelementptr ([4 x i8]* @.str4, i32 0, i32 0), i8* getelementptr ([4 x i8]* @.str4, i32 0, i32 0), i8* null, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*), i32 1, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.composite.type* @llvm.dbg.composite to { }*), i1 false, i1 true }, section "llvm.metadata" ; <%llvm.dbg.subprogram.type*> [#uses=1]
@.str5 = internal constant [2 x i8] c"x\00", section "llvm.metadata" ; <[2 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
@llvm.dbg.variable = internal constant %llvm.dbg.variable.type { i32 459009, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.subprogram.type* @llvm.dbg.subprogram to { }*), i8* getelementptr ([2 x i8]* @.str5, i32 0, i32 0), { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*), i32 1, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.basictype.type* @llvm.dbg.basictype to { }*) }, section "llvm.metadata" ; <%llvm.dbg.variable.type*> [#uses=0]
define i32 @foo(i32 %x) nounwind {
%"alloca point" = bitcast i32 0 to i32 ; <i32> [#uses=0]
call void @llvm.dbg.func.start({ }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.subprogram.type* @llvm.dbg.subprogram to { }*))
call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 2, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
switch i32 %x, label %bb4 [
i32 1, label %bb
i32 2, label %bb1
i32 3, label %bb2
i32 4, label %bb3
; No predecessors!
call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 2, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
br label %bb
bb: ; preds = %0, %entry
call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 3, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
br label %bb8
; No predecessors!
call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 3, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
br label %bb1
bb1: ; preds = %1, %entry
call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 4, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
br label %bb8
; No predecessors!
call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 4, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
br label %bb2
bb2: ; preds = %2, %entry
call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
br label %bb8
; No predecessors!
call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
br label %bb3
bb3: ; preds = %3, %entry
call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 6, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
br label %bb8
; No predecessors!
call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 6, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
br label %bb4
bb4: ; preds = %4, %entry
call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 10, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
switch i32 %x, label %bb7 [
i32 5, label %bb5
i32 6, label %bb6
; No predecessors!
call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 10, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
br label %bb5
bb5: ; preds = %5, %bb4
call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 11, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
br label %bb8
; No predecessors!
call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 11, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
br label %bb6
bb6: ; preds = %6, %bb4
call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 12, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
br label %bb8
; No predecessors!
call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 12, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
br label %bb7
bb7: ; preds = %7, %bb4
call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 13, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
br label %bb8
bb8: ; preds = %bb7, %bb6, %bb5, %bb3, %bb2, %bb1, %bb
%.0 = phi i32 [ 4, %bb3 ], [ 3, %bb2 ], [ 2, %bb1 ], [ 1, %bb ], [ 6, %bb6 ], [ 5, %bb5 ], [ 0, %bb7 ] ; <i32> [#uses=1]
call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 13, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
br label %return
return: ; preds = %bb8
call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 13, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
call void @llvm.dbg.region.end({ }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.subprogram.type* @llvm.dbg.subprogram to { }*))
ret i32 %.0
declare void @llvm.dbg.func.start({ }*) nounwind
declare void @llvm.dbg.declare({ }*, { }*) nounwind
declare void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32, i32, { }*) nounwind
declare void @llvm.dbg.region.end({ }*) nounwind