2001-07-31 21:55:51 +00:00

191 lines
6.2 KiB

// $Id$ -*-c++-*-
// File:
// TargetMachine.h
// Purpose:
// History:
// 7/12/01 - Vikram Adve - Created
#include "llvm/Support/NonCopyable.h"
#include "llvm/Support/DataTypes.h"
#include <string>
class Type;
class StructType;
struct MachineInstrDescriptor;
// Data types used to define information about a single machine instruction
typedef int MachineOpCode;
typedef int OpCodeMask;
// Global variable holding an array of descriptors for machine instructions.
// The actual object needs to be created separately for each target machine.
// This variable is initialized and reset by class MachineInstrInfo.
extern const MachineInstrDescriptor* TargetInstrDescriptors;
// struct MachineInstrInfo:
// Predefined information about each machine instruction.
// Designed to initialized statically.
// class MachineInstructionInfo
// Interface to description of machine instructions
const unsigned int M_NOP_FLAG = 1;
const unsigned int M_BRANCH_FLAG = 1 << 1;
const unsigned int M_CALL_FLAG = 1 << 2;
const unsigned int M_RET_FLAG = 1 << 3;
const unsigned int M_ARITH_FLAG = 1 << 4;
const unsigned int M_CC_FLAG = 1 << 6;
const unsigned int M_LOGICAL_FLAG = 1 << 6;
const unsigned int M_INT_FLAG = 1 << 7;
const unsigned int M_FLOAT_FLAG = 1 << 8;
const unsigned int M_CONDL_FLAG = 1 << 9;
const unsigned int M_LOAD_FLAG = 1 << 10;
const unsigned int M_PREFETCH_FLAG = 1 << 11;
const unsigned int M_STORE_FLAG = 1 << 12;
struct MachineInstrDescriptor {
string opCodeString; // Assembly language mnemonic for the opcode.
int numOperands; // Number of args; -1 if variable #args
int resultPos; // Position of the result; -1 if no result
unsigned int maxImmedConst; // Largest +ve constant in IMMMED field or 0.
bool immedIsSignExtended; // Is IMMED field sign-extended? If so,
// smallest -ve value is -(maxImmedConst+1).
unsigned int numDelaySlots; // Number of delay slots after instruction
unsigned int latency; // Latency in machine cycles
unsigned int iclass; // Flags identifying instruction class
class MachineInstrInfo : public NonCopyableV {
const MachineInstrDescriptor* desc; // raw array to allow static init'n
unsigned int descSize; // number of entries in the array
/*ctor*/ MachineInstrInfo(const MachineInstrDescriptor* _desc,
unsigned int _descSize);
/*dtor*/ virtual ~MachineInstrInfo();
const MachineInstrDescriptor& getDescriptor (MachineOpCode opCode) const {
assert(opCode < (int) descSize);
return desc[opCode]; }
virtual bool isBranch (MachineOpCode opCode) const {
return desc[opCode].iclass & M_BRANCH_FLAG;}
virtual bool isLoad (MachineOpCode opCode) const {
return desc[opCode].iclass & M_LOAD_FLAG
|| desc[opCode].iclass & M_PREFETCH_FLAG;}
virtual bool isStore (MachineOpCode opCode) const {
return desc[opCode].iclass & M_STORE_FLAG;}
// Check if an instruction can be issued before its operands are ready,
// or if a subsequent instruction that uses its result can be issued
// before the results are ready.
// Default to true since most instructions on many architectures allow this.
virtual bool hasOperandInterlock(MachineOpCode opCode) const {
return true; }
virtual bool hasResultInterlock(MachineOpCode opCode) const {
return true; }
// Latencies for individual instructions and instruction pairs
virtual int minLatency (MachineOpCode opCode) const {
return desc[opCode].latency; }
virtual int maxLatency (MachineOpCode opCode) const {
return desc[opCode].latency; }
// Check if the specified constant fits in the immediate field
// of this machine instruction
virtual bool constantFitsInImmedField(MachineOpCode opCode,
int64_t intValue) const;
// Return the largest +ve constant that can be held in the IMMMED field
// of this machine instruction.
// isSignExtended is set to true if the value is sign-extended before use
// (this is true for all immediate fields in SPARC instructions).
// Return 0 if the instruction has no IMMED field.
virtual uint64_t maxImmedConstant(MachineOpCode opCode,
bool& isSignExtended) const {
isSignExtended = desc[opCode].immedIsSignExtended;
return desc[opCode].maxImmedConst; }
// class TargetMachine
// Purpose:
// Primary interface to machine description for the target machine.
class TargetMachine : public NonCopyableV {
int optSizeForSubWordData;
int intSize;
int longSize;
int floatSize;
int doubleSize;
int longDoubleSize;
int pointerSize;
int minMemOpWordSize;
int maxAtomicMemOpWordSize;
// Register information. This needs to be reorganized into a single class.
int zeroRegNum; // register that gives 0 if any (-1 if none)
/*ctor*/ TargetMachine (MachineInstrInfo* mii)
: machineInstrInfo(mii) {}
/*dtor*/ virtual ~TargetMachine () {}
const MachineInstrInfo& getInstrInfo () const { return *machineInstrInfo; }
// const MachineSchedInfo& getSchedInfo() const { return *machineSchedInfo; }
virtual unsigned int findOptimalStorageSize (const Type* ty) const;
virtual unsigned int* findOptimalMemberOffsets(const StructType* stype)const;
// Description of machine instructions
// Protect so that subclass can control alloc/dealloc
MachineInstrInfo* machineInstrInfo;
// MachineSchedInfo* machineSchedInfo;
/*ctor*/ TargetMachine (); // disable