2015-07-18 00:10:17 -05:00

398 lines
11 KiB

import gc
from clang.cindex import CursorKind
from clang.cindex import TranslationUnit
from clang.cindex import TypeKind
from nose.tools import raises
from .util import get_cursor
from .util import get_tu
kInput = """\
typedef int I;
struct teststruct {
int a;
I b;
long c;
unsigned long d;
signed long e;
const int f;
int *g;
int ***h;
def test_a_struct():
tu = get_tu(kInput)
teststruct = get_cursor(tu, 'teststruct')
assert teststruct is not None, "Could not find teststruct."
fields = list(teststruct.get_children())
assert all(x.kind == CursorKind.FIELD_DECL for x in fields)
assert all(x.translation_unit is not None for x in fields)
assert fields[0].spelling == 'a'
assert not fields[0].type.is_const_qualified()
assert fields[0].type.kind == TypeKind.INT
assert fields[0].type.get_canonical().kind == TypeKind.INT
assert fields[1].spelling == 'b'
assert not fields[1].type.is_const_qualified()
assert fields[1].type.kind == TypeKind.TYPEDEF
assert fields[1].type.get_canonical().kind == TypeKind.INT
assert fields[1].type.get_declaration().spelling == 'I'
assert fields[2].spelling == 'c'
assert not fields[2].type.is_const_qualified()
assert fields[2].type.kind == TypeKind.LONG
assert fields[2].type.get_canonical().kind == TypeKind.LONG
assert fields[3].spelling == 'd'
assert not fields[3].type.is_const_qualified()
assert fields[3].type.kind == TypeKind.ULONG
assert fields[3].type.get_canonical().kind == TypeKind.ULONG
assert fields[4].spelling == 'e'
assert not fields[4].type.is_const_qualified()
assert fields[4].type.kind == TypeKind.LONG
assert fields[4].type.get_canonical().kind == TypeKind.LONG
assert fields[5].spelling == 'f'
assert fields[5].type.is_const_qualified()
assert fields[5].type.kind == TypeKind.INT
assert fields[5].type.get_canonical().kind == TypeKind.INT
assert fields[6].spelling == 'g'
assert not fields[6].type.is_const_qualified()
assert fields[6].type.kind == TypeKind.POINTER
assert fields[6].type.get_pointee().kind == TypeKind.INT
assert fields[7].spelling == 'h'
assert not fields[7].type.is_const_qualified()
assert fields[7].type.kind == TypeKind.POINTER
assert fields[7].type.get_pointee().kind == TypeKind.POINTER
assert fields[7].type.get_pointee().get_pointee().kind == TypeKind.POINTER
assert fields[7].type.get_pointee().get_pointee().get_pointee().kind == TypeKind.INT
def test_references():
"""Ensure that a Type maintains a reference to a TranslationUnit."""
tu = get_tu('int x;')
children = list(tu.cursor.get_children())
assert len(children) > 0
cursor = children[0]
t = cursor.type
assert isinstance(t.translation_unit, TranslationUnit)
# Delete main TranslationUnit reference and force a GC.
del tu
assert isinstance(t.translation_unit, TranslationUnit)
# If the TU was destroyed, this should cause a segfault.
decl = t.get_declaration()
struct teststruct {
void *A[2];
def testConstantArray():
tu = get_tu(constarrayInput)
teststruct = get_cursor(tu, 'teststruct')
assert teststruct is not None, "Didn't find teststruct??"
fields = list(teststruct.get_children())
assert fields[0].spelling == 'A'
assert fields[0].type.kind == TypeKind.CONSTANTARRAY
assert fields[0].type.get_array_element_type() is not None
assert fields[0].type.get_array_element_type().kind == TypeKind.POINTER
assert fields[0].type.get_array_size() == 2
def test_equal():
"""Ensure equivalence operators work on Type."""
source = 'int a; int b; void *v;'
tu = get_tu(source)
a = get_cursor(tu, 'a')
b = get_cursor(tu, 'b')
v = get_cursor(tu, 'v')
assert a is not None
assert b is not None
assert v is not None
assert a.type == b.type
assert a.type != v.type
assert a.type != None
assert a.type != 'foo'
def test_type_spelling():
"""Ensure Type.spelling works."""
tu = get_tu('int c[5]; int i[]; int x; int v[x];')
c = get_cursor(tu, 'c')
i = get_cursor(tu, 'i')
x = get_cursor(tu, 'x')
v = get_cursor(tu, 'v')
assert c is not None
assert i is not None
assert x is not None
assert v is not None
assert c.type.spelling == "int [5]"
assert i.type.spelling == "int []"
assert x.type.spelling == "int"
assert v.type.spelling == "int [x]"
def test_typekind_spelling():
"""Ensure TypeKind.spelling works."""
tu = get_tu('int a;')
a = get_cursor(tu, 'a')
assert a is not None
assert a.type.kind.spelling == 'Int'
def test_function_argument_types():
"""Ensure that Type.argument_types() works as expected."""
tu = get_tu('void f(int, int);')
f = get_cursor(tu, 'f')
assert f is not None
args = f.type.argument_types()
assert args is not None
assert len(args) == 2
t0 = args[0]
assert t0 is not None
assert t0.kind == TypeKind.INT
t1 = args[1]
assert t1 is not None
assert t1.kind == TypeKind.INT
args2 = list(args)
assert len(args2) == 2
assert t0 == args2[0]
assert t1 == args2[1]
def test_argument_types_string_key():
"""Ensure that non-int keys raise a TypeError."""
tu = get_tu('void f(int, int);')
f = get_cursor(tu, 'f')
assert f is not None
args = f.type.argument_types()
assert len(args) == 2
def test_argument_types_negative_index():
"""Ensure that negative indexes on argument_types Raises an IndexError."""
tu = get_tu('void f(int, int);')
f = get_cursor(tu, 'f')
args = f.type.argument_types()
def test_argument_types_overflow_index():
"""Ensure that indexes beyond the length of Type.argument_types() raise."""
tu = get_tu('void f(int, int);')
f = get_cursor(tu, 'f')
args = f.type.argument_types()
def test_argument_types_invalid_type():
"""Ensure that obtaining argument_types on a Type without them raises."""
tu = get_tu('int i;')
i = get_cursor(tu, 'i')
assert i is not None
def test_is_pod():
"""Ensure Type.is_pod() works."""
tu = get_tu('int i; void f();')
i = get_cursor(tu, 'i')
f = get_cursor(tu, 'f')
assert i is not None
assert f is not None
assert i.type.is_pod()
assert not f.type.is_pod()
def test_function_variadic():
"""Ensure Type.is_function_variadic works."""
source ="""
#include <stdarg.h>
void foo(int a, ...);
void bar(int a, int b);
tu = get_tu(source)
foo = get_cursor(tu, 'foo')
bar = get_cursor(tu, 'bar')
assert foo is not None
assert bar is not None
assert isinstance(foo.type.is_function_variadic(), bool)
assert foo.type.is_function_variadic()
assert not bar.type.is_function_variadic()
def test_element_type():
"""Ensure Type.element_type works."""
tu = get_tu('int c[5]; int i[]; int x; int v[x];')
c = get_cursor(tu, 'c')
i = get_cursor(tu, 'i')
v = get_cursor(tu, 'v')
assert c is not None
assert i is not None
assert v is not None
assert c.type.kind == TypeKind.CONSTANTARRAY
assert c.type.element_type.kind == TypeKind.INT
assert i.type.kind == TypeKind.INCOMPLETEARRAY
assert i.type.element_type.kind == TypeKind.INT
assert v.type.kind == TypeKind.VARIABLEARRAY
assert v.type.element_type.kind == TypeKind.INT
def test_invalid_element_type():
"""Ensure Type.element_type raises if type doesn't have elements."""
tu = get_tu('int i;')
i = get_cursor(tu, 'i')
assert i is not None
def test_element_count():
"""Ensure Type.element_count works."""
tu = get_tu('int i[5]; int j;')
i = get_cursor(tu, 'i')
j = get_cursor(tu, 'j')
assert i is not None
assert j is not None
assert i.type.element_count == 5
assert False
assert True
def test_is_volatile_qualified():
"""Ensure Type.is_volatile_qualified works."""
tu = get_tu('volatile int i = 4; int j = 2;')
i = get_cursor(tu, 'i')
j = get_cursor(tu, 'j')
assert i is not None
assert j is not None
assert isinstance(i.type.is_volatile_qualified(), bool)
assert i.type.is_volatile_qualified()
assert not j.type.is_volatile_qualified()
def test_is_restrict_qualified():
"""Ensure Type.is_restrict_qualified works."""
tu = get_tu('struct s { void * restrict i; void * j; };')
i = get_cursor(tu, 'i')
j = get_cursor(tu, 'j')
assert i is not None
assert j is not None
assert isinstance(i.type.is_restrict_qualified(), bool)
assert i.type.is_restrict_qualified()
assert not j.type.is_restrict_qualified()
def test_record_layout():
"""Ensure Cursor.type.get_size, Cursor.type.get_align and
Cursor.type.get_offset works."""
source ="""
struct a {
long a1;
long a2:3;
long a3:4;
long long a4;
for flags, values in tries:
align,total,a1,a2,a3,a4 = values
tu = get_tu(source, flags=flags)
teststruct = get_cursor(tu, 'a')
fields = list(teststruct.get_children())
assert teststruct.type.get_align() == align
assert teststruct.type.get_size() == total
assert teststruct.type.get_offset(fields[0].spelling) == a1
assert teststruct.type.get_offset(fields[1].spelling) == a2
assert teststruct.type.get_offset(fields[2].spelling) == a3
assert teststruct.type.get_offset(fields[3].spelling) == a4
assert fields[0].is_bitfield() == False
assert fields[1].is_bitfield() == True
assert fields[1].get_bitfield_width() == 3
assert fields[2].is_bitfield() == True
assert fields[2].get_bitfield_width() == 4
assert fields[3].is_bitfield() == False
def test_offset():
"""Ensure Cursor.get_record_field_offset works in anonymous records"""
struct Test {
struct {
int bariton;
union {
int foo;
int bar;
for flags, values in tries:
align,total,bariton,foo,bar = values
tu = get_tu(source)
teststruct = get_cursor(tu, 'Test')
fields = list(teststruct.get_children())
assert teststruct.type.get_offset("bariton") == bariton
assert teststruct.type.get_offset("foo") == foo
assert teststruct.type.get_offset("bar") == bar
def test_decay():
"""Ensure decayed types are handled as the original type"""
tu = get_tu("void foo(int a[]);")
foo = get_cursor(tu, 'foo')
a = foo.type.argument_types()[0]
assert a.kind == TypeKind.INCOMPLETEARRAY
assert a.element_type.kind == TypeKind.INT
assert a.get_canonical().kind == TypeKind.INCOMPLETEARRAY