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synced 2025-02-16 17:30:44 +00:00
Finalize lzsa1 compressed format, speed up and simplify decompression
This commit is contained in:
@ -44,18 +44,16 @@ DECODE_TOKEN
BNE EMBEDDED_LITERALS ; if not, count is directly embedded in token
JSR GETSRC ; get extra byte of variable literals count
CMP #$FF ; FF <low 8 bits> <high 8 bits>?
JSR GETSINGLEVARLENSRC ; handle single extra byte of variable literals count
CLC ; add extra byte to len from token
BEQ LARGE_VARLEN_LITERALS ; if adding up to zero, go grab 16-bit count
JSR GETSRC ; get single extended byte of variable literals count
INY ; add 256 to literals count
LARGE_VARLEN_LITERALS ; FF <low 8 bits> <high 8 bits>
LARGE_VARLEN_LITERALS ; handle 16 bits literals count
; literals count = directly these 16 bits
JSR GETLARGESRC ; grab low 8 bits in X, high 8 bits in A
TAY ; put high 8 bits in Y
@ -85,37 +83,46 @@ NO_LITERALS
BMI GET_LONG_OFFSET ; $80: 16 bit offset
JSR GETSRC ; get 8 bit offset from stream in A
; Y (high 8 bits) is already set to 0 here
JMP FIX_OFFSET ; go increase offset
STA OFFSLO ; store final match offset
CLC ; add dest + match offset
LDA PUTDST+1 ; low 8 bits
STA COPY_MATCH_LOOP+1 ; store back reference address
LDA #$0FF ; high 8 bits
JMP GOT_OFFSET ; go prepare match
GET_LONG_OFFSET ; handle 16 bit offset:
JSR GETLARGESRC ; grab low 8 bits in X, high 8 bits in A
TAY ; put high 8 bits in Y
TXA ; put low 8 bits in A
CLC ; add 1 to offset
ADC #$01
STX OFFSLO ; store final match offset
STA OFFSLO ; store final match offset
LDY #$00 ; reset Y again
CLC ; add dest + match offset
LDA PUTDST+1 ; low 8 bits
STA COPY_MATCH_LOOP+1 ; store back reference address
LDA OFFSHI ; high 8 bits
STA COPY_MATCH_LOOP+2 ; store high 8 bits of address
PLA ; retrieve token from stack again
AND #$0F ; isolate match len (MMMM)
ADC #$03
BNE PREPARE_COPY_MATCH ; if not, count is directly embedded in token
JSR GETSRC ; get extra byte of variable match length
CMP #$FF ; FF <low 8 bits> <high 8 bits>?
BNE SHORT_VARLEN_MATCHLEN ; if not, handle <8 bits> or <FE> <8 extra bits> sequence
ADC #$12 ; add MATCH_RUN_LEN and MIN_MATCH_SIZE to match length
; Handle FF <low 8 bits> <high 8 bits>:
; match length = directly these 16 bits
; Handle 16 bits match length
JSR GETLARGESRC ; grab low 8 bits in X, high 8 bits in A
TAY ; put high 8 bits in Y
; large match length with zero high byte?
@ -123,33 +130,14 @@ OFFSET_FIXED
JSR GETSINGLEVARLENSRC ; handle single extra byte of variable match len
CLC ; add extra byte to len from token
JSR GETSRC ; get single extended byte of variable match len
INY ; add 256 to match length
CLC ; add MIN_MATCH_SIZE to match length
ADC #$03
SEC ; substract dest - match offset
LDA PUTDST+1 ; low 8 bits
STA COPY_MATCH_LOOP+1 ; store back reference address
LDA PUTDST+2 ; high 8 bits
STA COPY_MATCH_LOOP+2 ; store high 8 bits of address
LDA $AAAA ; get one byte of backreference
@ -190,16 +178,3 @@ LZSA_SRC_HI = *+2
CMP #$FE ; FE <extra 8 bits>?
BNE SINGLE_VARLEN_ADDED ; no, just this byte
JSR GETSRC ; get extra byte of variable literals count
CLC ; add $FE to len from token
@ -45,13 +45,23 @@ lzsa_decompress:
mov cl,4
shr al,cl ; shift literals length into place
mov cx,ax ; copy literals length into cx
cmp al,07H ; LITERALS_RUN_LEN?
jne .copy_literals ; no, we have the full literals count from the token, go copy
jne .got_literals ; no, we have the full literals count from the token, go copy
call .get_varlen ; get complete literals length
lodsb ; grab extra length byte
add al,07H ; add LITERALS_RUN_LEN
jnc .got_literals ; if no overflow, we have the full literals count, go copy
jne .mid_literals
lodsw ; grab 16-bit extra length
jmp short .got_literals
lodsb ; grab single extra length byte
inc ah ; add 256
xchg cx,ax
rep movsb ; copy cx literals from ds:si to es:di
test dl,dl ; check match offset size in token (O bit)
@ -59,32 +69,42 @@ lzsa_decompress:
xchg ax,cx ; clear ah - cx is zero from the rep movsb above
dec ah
jmp short .get_match_length
lodsw ; Get 2-byte match offset
inc ax ; the match offset is stored off-by-1, increase it
xchg ax,dx ; dx: match offset ax: original token
and al,0FH ; isolate match length in token (MMMM)
add al,3 ; add MIN_MATCH_SIZE
mov cx,ax ; copy match length into cx
cmp al,0FH ; MATCH_RUN_LEN?
jne .copy_match ; no, we have the full match length from the token, go copy
call .get_varlen ; get complete match length
test cx,cx
je short .done_decompressing ; bail if we hit EOD
cmp al,012H ; MATCH_RUN_LEN?
jne .got_matchlen ; no, we have the full match length from the token, go copy
add cx,3 ; add MIN_MATCH_SIZE to get the final match length to copy
lodsb ; grab extra length byte
add al,012H ; add MIN_MATCH_SIZE + MATCH_RUN_LEN
jnc .got_matchlen ; if no overflow, we have the entire length
jne .mid_matchlen
lodsw ; grab 16-bit length
test ax,ax ; bail if we hit EOD
je short .done_decompressing
jmp short .got_matchlen
lodsb ; grab single extra length byte
inc ah ; add 256
xchg cx,ax ; copy match length into cx
push ds ; save ds:si (current pointer to compressed data)
xchg si,ax
push es
pop ds
mov si,di ; ds:si now points at back reference in output data
sub si,dx
add si,dx
rep movsb ; copy match
xchg si,ax ; restore ds:si
pop ds
@ -95,23 +115,3 @@ lzsa_decompress:
xchg ax,di ; compute decompressed size
sub ax,di
ret ; done
lodsb ; grab extra length byte
cmp al,0FFH ; 3-byte extra length?
je .large_varlen ; yes, go grab it
add cx,ax ; add extra length byte to length from token
cmp al,0FEH ; 2-byte extra length?
jne .varlen_done ; no, we have the full length now, bail
lodsb ; grab extra length byte
add cx,ax ; add to length from token
ret ; bail
lodsw ; grab 16-bit extra length
xchg cx,ax
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
; Speed-optimized LZSA decompressor by spke (v.1 03-05/04/2019, 122 bytes)
; Speed-optimized LZSA decompressor by spke (v.1 23-24/04/2019, 134 bytes)
; The data must be comressed using the command line compressor by Emmanuel Marty
; The compression is done as follows:
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
; Drop me an email if you have any comments/ideas/suggestions: zxintrospec@gmail.com
; This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
; warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
; arising from the use of this software.
@ -40,64 +41,69 @@
ld b,0 : jr ReadToken
MoreLiterals: ; there are three possible situations here
; 1) a byte 0..253 is added to LLL and that is it or
; 2) a byte 254 is followed by another byte to add or
; 3) a byte 255 is followed by a word to be used
ld a,7 : add (hl) : inc hl : jp nc,CopyLiterals
xor (hl) : inc hl : exa
ld a,7 : add (hl) : inc hl : jr c,ManyLiterals
.Overflow ; we get here if the literals length byte plus 7 is greater than 255
inc b : cp 5 : jr c,CopyLiterals : jr nz,.Code255 ; 5 is 7+254 modulo 256
.Code254 add (hl) : inc hl : jr nc,CopyLiterals : inc b : jr CopyLiterals
.Code255 ld c,(hl) : inc hl : ld b,(hl) : inc hl : jr CopyLiterals.UseC
CopyLiterals: ld c,a
.UseC ldir
push de : ld e,(hl) : inc hl : exa : jp m,LongOffset
ld d,#FF : add 3 : cp 15+3 : jp c,CopyMatch
jr LongerMatch
.code1 ld b,a : ld c,(hl) : inc hl : jr nz,CopyLiterals.UseC
.code0 ld b,(hl) : inc hl : jr CopyLiterals.UseC
NoLiterals: xor (hl) : inc hl
push de : ld e,(hl) : inc hl : jp m,LongOffset
ld d,#FF : add 3 : cp 15+3 : jr nc,LongerMatch
; placed here this saves a JP per iteration
CopyMatchNC scf ; flag C for SBC HL,DE below must be set!!!
CopyMatch: ld c,a
.UseC ex (sp),hl : push hl ; BC = len, DE = offset, HL = dest, SP ->[dest,src]
sbc hl,de : pop de ; BC = len, DE = dest, HL = dest-offset, SP->[src]
add hl,de : pop de ; BC = len, DE = dest, HL = dest-offset, SP->[src]
ldir : pop hl ; BC = 0, DE = dest, HL = src
ReadToken: ; first a byte token "O|LLL|MMMM" is read from the stream,
; where LLL is the number of literals and MMMM is
; a length of the match that follows after the literals
ld a,(hl) : exa : ld a,(hl) : inc hl ; token is read twice to be re-used later
and #70 : jr z,NoLiterals
ld a,(hl) : and #70 : jr z,NoLiterals
cp #70 : jr z,MoreLiterals ; LLL=7 means 7+ literals...
rrca : rrca : rrca : rrca ; LLL<7 means 0..6 literals...
CopyLiterals: ld c,a
.UseC ldir
ld c,a : ld a,(hl) : inc hl
NoLiterals: ; next we read the first byte of the offset
; next we read the first byte of the offset
push de : ld e,(hl) : inc hl
; the top bit of token is set if the offset contains two bytes
exa : and #8F : jp m,LongOffset
and #8F : jp m,LongOffset
ShortOffset: ld d,b ; we keep B=0 for situations like this
ShortOffset: ld d,#FF
; short matches have length 0+3..14+3
ReadMatchLen: add 3 : cp 15+3 : jp c,CopyMatch
; MMMM=15 indicates a multi-byte number of literals
; there are three possible situations here
; 1) a byte 0..253 is added to MMMM and that is it or
; 2) a byte 254 is followed by another byte to add or
; 3) a byte 255 is followed by a word to be used
LongerMatch: add (hl) : inc hl : jp nc,CopyMatchNC
LongerMatch: add (hl) : inc hl : jr nc,CopyMatch
.Overflow ; we get here if the match length byte plus 15+3 is greater than 255
inc b : cp 16 : jr c,CopyMatch : jr nz,.Code255 ; 16 is 15+3+254 modulo 256
.Code254 add (hl) : inc hl : jr nc,CopyMatchNC : inc b : jr CopyMatch
.Code255 ld c,(hl) : inc hl : ld b,(hl) : inc hl
; two-byte match length that is equal to zero is the marker for End-of-Data (EOD)
.CheckEOD ld a,b : or c : jr nz,CopyMatch.UseC
; the codes are designed to overflow;
; the overflow value 1 means read 1 extra byte
; and overflow value 0 means read 2 extra bytes
.code1 ld b,a : ld c,(hl) : inc hl : jr nz,CopyMatch.UseC
.code0 ld b,(hl) : inc hl
; the two-byte match length equal to zero
; designates the end-of-data marker
ld a,b : or c : jr nz,CopyMatch.UseC
pop de : ret
LongOffset: ; read second byte of the offset
ld d,(hl) : inc hl
add -128+3 : cp 15+3 : jp c,CopyMatch
add (hl) : inc hl : jp nc,CopyMatchNC
jr LongerMatch.Overflow
add (hl) : inc hl : jr nc,CopyMatch
jr LongerMatch.code1
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
; Size-optimized LZSA decompressor by spke (v.1 19/04/2019, 81 bytes)
; Size-optimized LZSA decompressor by spke (v.1 23/04/2019, 69 bytes)
; The data must be comressed using the command line compressor by Emmanuel Marty
; The compression is done as follows:
@ -19,14 +19,30 @@
; Drop me an email if you have any comments/ideas/suggestions: zxintrospec@gmail.com
; This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
; warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
; arising from the use of this software.
; Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
; including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
; freely, subject to the following restrictions:
; 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
; claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
; in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
; appreciated but is not required.
; 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
; misrepresented as being the original software.
; 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
ld b,0
ReadToken: ; first a byte token "O|LLL|MMMM" is read from the stream,
; first a byte token "O|LLL|MMMM" is read from the stream,
; where LLL is the number of literals and MMMM is
; a length of the match that follows after the literals
ld a,(hl) : exa : ld a,(hl) : inc hl
ReadToken: ld a,(hl) : exa : ld a,(hl) : inc hl
and #70 : jr z,NoLiterals
rrca : rrca : rrca : rrca ; LLL<7 means 0..6 literals...
@ -34,29 +50,36 @@ ReadToken: ; first a byte token "O|LLL|MMMM" is read from the stream,
ld c,a : ldir
; next we read the first byte of the offset
NoLiterals: push de : ld e,(hl) : inc hl : ld d,b
; the top bit of token is set if the offset contains two bytes
; next we read the low byte of the -offset
NoLiterals: push de : ld e,(hl) : inc hl : ld d,#FF
; the top bit of token is set if
; the offset contains the high byte as well
exa : or a : jp p,ShortOffset
LongOffset: ld d,(hl) : inc hl
ShortOffset: and #0F : add 3 : cp 15+3 : call z,ReadLongBA
; last but not least, the match length is read
ShortOffset: and #0F : add 3 ; MMMM<15 means match lengths 0+3..14+3
cp 15+3 : call z,ReadLongBA ; MMMM=15 means lengths 14+3+
ld c,a
ex (sp),hl : push hl ; BC = len, DE = offset, HL = dest, SP ->[dest,src]
scf : sbc hl,de : pop de ; BC = len, DE = dest, HL = dest-offset, SP->[src]
ex (sp),hl : push hl ; BC = len, DE = -offset, HL = dest, SP ->[dest,src]
add hl,de : pop de ; BC = len, DE = dest, HL = dest+(-offset), SP->[src]
ldir : pop hl ; BC = 0, DE = dest, HL = src
jr ReadToken
ReadLongBA: ld c,(hl) : inc hl
add c : jr nc,$+3 : inc b
inc c : jr z,.Code255
inc c : ret nz
; a standard routine to read extended codes
; into registers B (higher byte) and A (lower byte).
ReadLongBA: add (hl) : inc hl : ret nc
.Code254 add (hl) : inc hl : ret nc : inc b : ret
; the codes are designed to overflow;
; the overflow value 1 means read 1 extra byte
; and overflow value 0 means read 2 extra bytes
.code1: ld b,a : ld a,(hl) : inc hl : ret nz
.code0: ld c,a : ld b,(hl) : inc hl
.Code255 ld c,(hl) : inc hl : ld b,(hl) : inc hl
ld a,b : or c : ld a,c : ret nz
; the two-byte match length equal to zero
; designates the end-of-data marker
or b : ld a,c : ret nz
pop de : pop de : ret
@ -43,15 +43,15 @@ static inline FORCE_INLINE int lzsa_expand_literals_slow(const unsigned char **p
nByte = *pInBlock++;
nLiterals += ((unsigned int)nByte);
if (nByte == 254) {
if (nByte == 250) {
if (pInBlock < pInBlockEnd) {
nLiterals += ((unsigned int)*pInBlock++);
nLiterals = 256 + ((unsigned int)*pInBlock++);
else {
return -1;
else if (nByte == 255) {
else if (nByte == 249) {
if ((pInBlock + 1) < pInBlockEnd) {
nLiterals = ((unsigned int)*pInBlock++);
nLiterals |= (((unsigned int)*pInBlock++) << 8);
@ -87,22 +87,23 @@ static inline FORCE_INLINE int lzsa_expand_match_slow(const unsigned char **ppIn
const unsigned char *pInBlock = *ppInBlock;
unsigned char *pCurOutData = *ppCurOutData;
if (nMatchLen == MATCH_RUN_LEN) {
nMatchLen += MIN_MATCH_SIZE;
if (nMatchLen == (MATCH_RUN_LEN + MIN_MATCH_SIZE)) {
unsigned char nByte;
if (pInBlock < pInBlockEnd) {
nByte = *pInBlock++;
nMatchLen += ((unsigned int)nByte);
if (nByte == 254) {
if (nByte == 239) {
if (pInBlock < pInBlockEnd) {
nMatchLen += ((unsigned int)*pInBlock++);
nMatchLen = 256 + ((unsigned int)*pInBlock++);
else {
return -1;
else if (nByte == 255) {
else if (nByte == 238) {
if ((pInBlock + 1) < pInBlockEnd) {
nMatchLen = ((unsigned int)*pInBlock++);
nMatchLen |= (((unsigned int)*pInBlock++) << 8);
@ -117,8 +118,6 @@ static inline FORCE_INLINE int lzsa_expand_match_slow(const unsigned char **ppIn
nMatchLen += MIN_MATCH_SIZE;
if ((pCurOutData + nMatchLen) <= pOutDataEnd) {
/* Do a deterministic, left to right byte copy instead of memcpy() so as to handle overlaps */
@ -196,9 +195,9 @@ int lzsa_expand_block(const unsigned char *pInBlock, int nBlockSize, unsigned ch
if ((pInBlock + 1) < pInBlockEnd) { /* The last token in the block does not include match information */
int nMatchOffset;
nMatchOffset = ((unsigned int)*pInBlock++);
nMatchOffset = ((unsigned int)(*pInBlock++ ^ 0xff));
if (token & 0x80) {
nMatchOffset |= (((unsigned int)*pInBlock++) << 8);
nMatchOffset |= (((unsigned int)(*pInBlock++ ^ 0xff)) << 8);
@ -234,9 +233,9 @@ int lzsa_expand_block(const unsigned char *pInBlock, int nBlockSize, unsigned ch
if ((pInBlock + 1) < pInBlockEnd) { /* The last token in the block does not include match information */
int nMatchOffset;
nMatchOffset = ((unsigned int)*pInBlock++);
nMatchOffset = ((unsigned int)(*pInBlock++ ^ 0xff));
if (token & 0x80) {
nMatchOffset |= (((unsigned int)*pInBlock++) << 8);
nMatchOffset |= (((unsigned int)(*pInBlock++ ^ 0xff)) << 8);
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ static int lzsa_compress(const char *pszInFilename, const char *pszOutFilename,
if ((nOptions & OPT_RAW) != 0) {
cFooter[0] = 0x00; /* EOD marker for raw block */
cFooter[1] = 0xff;
cFooter[1] = 0xee;
cFooter[2] = 0x00;
cFooter[3] = 0x00;
nFooterSize = 4;
@ -400,10 +400,10 @@ static inline int lzsa_get_literals_varlen_size(const int nLength) {
return 0;
else {
if (nLength < (LITERALS_RUN_LEN + 254))
if (nLength < 256)
return 1;
else {
if (nLength < (LITERALS_RUN_LEN + 510))
if (nLength < 512)
return 2;
return 3;
@ -421,15 +421,15 @@ static inline int lzsa_get_literals_varlen_size(const int nLength) {
static inline int lzsa_write_literals_varlen(unsigned char *pOutData, int nOutOffset, int nLength) {
if (nLength >= LITERALS_RUN_LEN) {
if (nLength < (LITERALS_RUN_LEN + 254))
if (nLength < 256)
pOutData[nOutOffset++] = nLength - LITERALS_RUN_LEN;
else {
if (nLength < (LITERALS_RUN_LEN + 510)) {
pOutData[nOutOffset++] = 254;
pOutData[nOutOffset++] = nLength - LITERALS_RUN_LEN - 254;
if (nLength < 512) {
pOutData[nOutOffset++] = 250;
pOutData[nOutOffset++] = nLength - 256;
else {
pOutData[nOutOffset++] = 255;
pOutData[nOutOffset++] = 249;
pOutData[nOutOffset++] = nLength & 0xff;
pOutData[nOutOffset++] = (nLength >> 8) & 0xff;
@ -451,10 +451,10 @@ static inline int lzsa_get_match_varlen_size(const int nLength) {
return 0;
else {
if (nLength < (MATCH_RUN_LEN + 254))
if ((nLength + MIN_MATCH_SIZE) < 256)
return 1;
else {
if (nLength < (MATCH_RUN_LEN + 510))
if ((nLength + MIN_MATCH_SIZE) < 512)
return 2;
return 3;
@ -472,17 +472,17 @@ static inline int lzsa_get_match_varlen_size(const int nLength) {
static inline int lzsa_write_match_varlen(unsigned char *pOutData, int nOutOffset, int nLength) {
if (nLength >= MATCH_RUN_LEN) {
if (nLength < (MATCH_RUN_LEN + 254))
if ((nLength + MIN_MATCH_SIZE) < 256)
pOutData[nOutOffset++] = nLength - MATCH_RUN_LEN;
else {
if (nLength < (MATCH_RUN_LEN + 510)) {
pOutData[nOutOffset++] = 254;
pOutData[nOutOffset++] = nLength - MATCH_RUN_LEN - 254;
if ((nLength + MIN_MATCH_SIZE) < 512) {
pOutData[nOutOffset++] = 239;
pOutData[nOutOffset++] = nLength + MIN_MATCH_SIZE - 256;
else {
pOutData[nOutOffset++] = 255;
pOutData[nOutOffset++] = nLength & 0xff;
pOutData[nOutOffset++] = (nLength >> 8) & 0xff;
pOutData[nOutOffset++] = 238;
pOutData[nOutOffset++] = (nLength + MIN_MATCH_SIZE) & 0xff;
pOutData[nOutOffset++] = ((nLength + MIN_MATCH_SIZE) >> 8) & 0xff;
@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ static void lzsa_optimize_matches(lsza_compressor *pCompressor, const int nStart
int nLiteralsLen = nLastLiteralsOffset - i;
nBestCost = 1 + cost[i + 1];
if (nLiteralsLen == LITERALS_RUN_LEN || nLiteralsLen == (LITERALS_RUN_LEN + 254) || nLiteralsLen == (LITERALS_RUN_LEN + 510)) {
if (nLiteralsLen == LITERALS_RUN_LEN || nLiteralsLen == 256 || nLiteralsLen == 512) {
/* Add to the cost of encoding literals as their number crosses a variable length encoding boundary.
* The cost automatically accumulates down the chain. */
@ -722,9 +722,9 @@ static int lzsa_write_block(lsza_compressor *pCompressor, const unsigned char *p
nNumLiterals = 0;
pOutData[nOutOffset++] = (nMatchOffset - 1) & 0xff;
pOutData[nOutOffset++] = (-nMatchOffset) & 0xff;
if (nTokenLongOffset) {
pOutData[nOutOffset++] = (nMatchOffset - 1) >> 8;
pOutData[nOutOffset++] = (-nMatchOffset) >> 8;
nOutOffset = lzsa_write_match_varlen(pOutData, nOutOffset, nEncodedMatchLen);
i += nMatchLen;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user