/* * Copyright (c) 1987 Fujitsu * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ /* debugPrintSD_68000.c -- Routines to print out things for debugging purposes (system dependent routines, 68000 version). Chip Morningstar -- Lucasfilm Ltd. 26-April-1985 */ #include "macrossTypes.h" #include "macrossGlobals.h" #include "y.tab.h" int tablevel; /* Fundamental nop print operation */ #define nullPrint(thing) if (thing==NULL) { tab(); printf("()\n"); return; } void printCondition(condition) conditionType condition; { /* This table MUST be maintained congruently with the definition of the enumerated type 'conditionType'. */ static char *conditionTable[] = { "carry", "equal", "overflow", "minus", "lt", "leq", "ls", "always", "!carry", "!equal", "!overflow", "plus", "geq", "gt", "high", "never", }; printf("%s", conditionTable[(int)condition]); } void printRegister(reg) int reg; { if (reg < 8) printf(" a%d", reg); else printf(" d%d", reg - 8); } void printControlRegister(reg) int reg; { switch (reg) { case SFC_REGISTER: printf("sfc"); break; case DFC_REGISTER: printf("dfc"); break; case VBR_REGISTER: printf("vbr"); break; default: botch("Bad control register %d\n", reg); break; } } void printOperandKind(kind) operandKindType kind; { /* This table MUST be maintained congruently with the definition of the enumerated type 'operandKindType'. */ static char *operandKindTable[] = { "expression opnd", "string opnd", "block opnd", "data register opnd", "address register opnd", "address register indirect opnd", "postincrement opnd", "predecrement opnd", "displacement opnd", "indexed opnd", "program counter displacement opnd", "program counter indexed opnd", "immediate opnd", "absolute short opnd", "absolute long opnd", "condition code register opnd", "status register opnd", "user stack pointer opnd", "control register opnd", }; printf("%s", operandKindTable[(int)operandKindField(kind)]); if (isRegisterOperand(kind)) printRegister(getRegister(kind)); if (isControlRegisterOperand(kind)) printControlRegister(getRegister(kind)); if (isIndexedOperand(kind)) printRegister(getIndexRegister(kind)); } bool isRegisterOperand(kind) operandKindType kind; { kind = operandKindField(kind); return(kind==D_REGISTER_OPND || kind==A_REGISTER_OPND || kind==A_REGISTER_INDIRECT_OPND || kind==POSTINCREMENT_OPND || kind==PREDECREMENT_OPND || kind==DISPLACEMENT_OPND || kind==INDEXED_OPND || kind==SELECTED_OPND || kind==INDEX_SELECTED_OPND); } bool isIndexedOperand(kind) operandKindType kind; { kind = operandKindField(kind); return(kind==INDEXED_OPND || kind==PC_INDEXED_OPND || kind== INDEX_SELECTED_OPND); } bool isControlRegisterOperand(kind) operandKindType kind; { return(operandKindField(kind) == CONTROL_REGISTER_OPND); } void printToken(token) int token; { /* This table MUST be maintained congruently with the set of '#define's in the file 'y.tab.h' as produced by yacc. */ static char *tokenTable[] = { "A0", "A1", "A2", "A3", "A4", "A5", "A6", "A7", "ALIGN", "ASSERT", "BLOCK", "BYTE", "CCR", "CONSTRAIN", "D0", "D1", "D2", "D3", "D4", "D5", "D6", "D7", "DBYTE", "DEFINE", "DFC", "DO", "ELSE", "ELSEIF", "ENDFILE", "EOL", "EXTERN", "FRETURN", "FUNCTION", "HERE", "IF", "INCLUDE", "L", "LONG", "MACRO", "MCASE", "MDEFAULT", "MDEFINE", "MDO", "MELSE", "MELSEIF", "MFOR", "MIF", "MSWITCH", "MUNTIL", "MVARIABLE", "MWHILE", "ORG", "PC", "REL", "SFC", "SR", "START", "STRING", "STRUCT", "TARGET", "UNDEFINE", "UNTIL", "USP", "VARIABLE", "VBR", "W", "WHILE", "WORD", "X", "Y", "ConditionCode", "Identifier", "MacroName", "Number", "Opcode", "TextString", "ASSIGN", "LOGICAL_OR", "LOGICAL_XOR", "LOGICAL_AND", "BITWISE_OR", "BITWISE_XOR", "BITWISE_AND", "EQUAL_TO", "NOT_EQUAL_TO", "LESS_THAN", "LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO", "GREATER_THAN", "GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO", "LEFT_SHIFT", "RIGHT_SHIFT", "ADD", "SUB", "MUL", "DIV", "MOD", "UNARY_MINUS", "LOGICAL_NOT", "BITWISE_NOT", "HI_BYTE", "LO_BYTE", "SELECT", "INCREMENT", "DECREMENT", }; if (token >= A0) { printf("%s", tokenTable[token - A0]); } else { printf("'%c'", token); } } void printOperand(operand) operandType *operand; { nullPrint(operand); tab(); printf("(operand: ["); printOperandKind(operand->kindOfOperand); printf("]\n"); tablevel++; switch (operand->kindOfOperand) { case EXPRESSION_OPND: case DISPLACEMENT_OPND: case INDEXED_OPND: case PC_DISPLACEMENT_OPND: case PC_INDEXED_OPND: case IMMEDIATE_OPND: case ABSOLUTE_SHORT_OPND: case ABSOLUTE_LONG_OPND: printExpression(operand->theOperand); break; case D_REGISTER_OPND: case A_REGISTER_OPND: case A_REGISTER_INDIRECT_OPND: case POSTINCREMENT_OPND: case PREDECREMENT_OPND: case CC_REGISTER_OPND: case STATUS_REGISTER_OPND: case USP_REGISTER_OPND: case CONTROL_REGISTER_OPND: break; case SELECTED_OPND: case INDEX_SELECTED_OPND: printIdentifierList(operand->theOperand); break; case STRING_OPND: tab(); printf("(string: \"%s\")\n", operand->theOperand); break; case BLOCK_OPND: printBlock(operand->theOperand); break; default: printf("fooey: bad operand kind %d\n", operand-> kindOfOperand); break; } tablevel--; tab(); printf(")\n"); }