/* * Copyright (c) 1987 Fujitsu * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ /* macrossGlobals.h -- Global variable definitions for the Macross assembler. Chip Morningstar -- Lucasfilm Ltd. 1-November-1984 */ bool backwardsCompatibleIfFlag; bool beneathFunction; commandLineDefineType *commandLineDefines; int cumulativeLineNumber; environmentType *currentEnvironment; int currentFieldOffset; char *currentFileName; char *lastErrorFile; stringType *currentFunctionName; int currentLabelTagNumber; int currentLineNumber; int lastErrorLine; identifierListType *currentLocalVariableList; valueType currentLocationCounter; int currentOperandNumber; int currentReferenceDepth; bool debug; bool emitPrint; bool expandMacros; bool errorFlag; bool expressionFailed; bool finishOperand; operandKindType fixupAddressMode[MAX_NUMBER_OF_OPERANDS]; operandKindType newFixupAddressMode; fixupListType *fixupList; bool freeFlag; bool freturnExit; bool generatingFixup; environmentType globalEnvironment; int hackFlag; bool haveUserStartAddress; bool fixupStartAddress; int includeNestingDepth; FILE *indexFileForPass2; FILE *input; fileNameListType *inputFileStack; FILE *listFileOutput; int listingControlCounter; bool listingOn; int macroCallDepth; FILE *macroFileForPass2; int macroOrFunctionNestingDepth; structInstanceType *newStruct; int nextEnvironmentNumber; int nextLabelTagNumber; FILE *objectFileOutput; char operandBuffer[MAX_NUMBER_OF_OPERANDS][LINE_BUFFER_SIZE]; char pass2IndexFileName[]; char pass2SourceFileName[]; char pass2MacroExpansionFileName[]; expressionType *pendingFixup[MAX_NUMBER_OF_OPERANDS]; bool performingFixups; bool positionIndependentCodeMode; bool produceLinkableObject; addressType relocatableHighWaterMark; reservationListType *reservationList; valueType *resultOfLastFunctionCall; valueType savedRelocatableCurrentLocationCounter; FILE *saveFileForPass2; bool showAllSymbolsFlag; bool sideEffectFlag; bool standaloneExpansionFlag; valueType *startAddress; int statementEvaluationDepth; int statementListNestingDepth; int structNestingDepth; FILE *symbolDumpFileOutput; bool symbolTableDumpOn; int tabCount; addressType targetOffset; bool terseErrorMessages; valueType *UndefinedValue; symbolUsageKindType unknownSymbolTag; #define DEFAULT_OBJECT_FILE_NAME "m.out" #define LEX_DISPATCH_TABLE_SIZE 128 int (*lexDispatchTable[128])(); #define HASH_TABLE_SIZE 512 #define HASH_TABLE_MASK 0x1FF struct { stringType *functionName; valueType *(*functionEntry)(); bool isSpecialFunction; int ordinal; } builtInFunctionTable[]; struct { stringType *symbolName; int symbolValue; } predefinedSymbolTable[]; macroTableEntryType *macroTable[HASH_TABLE_SIZE]; opcodeTableEntryType *opcodeTable[HASH_TABLE_SIZE]; opcodeTableEntryType theOpcodes[]; keywordTableEntryType *keywordTable[HASH_TABLE_SIZE]; keywordTableEntryType theKeywords[]; conditionTableEntryType *conditionTable[HASH_TABLE_SIZE]; conditionTableEntryType theConditions[]; symbolTableEntryType *symbolTable[HASH_TABLE_SIZE]; int operandClassTable[]; void (*instructionActionTable[])(); int validSymbolValues[NUM_OF_SYM_USAGES]; byte structScratchBuffer[MAXIMUM_ALLOWED_STRUCT_SIZE]; codeRegionType absoluteCodeRegion; codeRegionType relocatableCodeRegion; codeRegionType *codeRegions[2]; codeBufferKindType currentCodeMode; codeBufferType *emptyBuffer; /* ??? */ codeBreakType *codeBreakList; codeBreakType *lastCodeBreak; expressionReferenceListType *expressionReferenceList[3]; expressionReferenceListType *referencesToNote[MAX_NUMBER_OF_OPERANDS]; int numberOfReferencesInList[3]; functionDefinitionType *externalFunctionList; functionDefinitionType *endOfExternalFunctionList; int externalFunctionCount; char alphabeticCharacterTable[128]; char alphaNumericCharacterTable[128]; char lowerCaseCharacterTable[128]; char numericCharacterTable[128]; int expressionBufferSize; #define EXPRESSION_BUFFER_LIMIT 500 byte expressionBuffer[EXPRESSION_BUFFER_LIMIT];