/* * Copyright (c) 1987 Fujitsu * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ /* buildStuff2.c -- More routines to build parse-tree structures for the Macross assembler. This module is target processor independent. Chip Morningstar -- Lucasfilm Ltd. 2-November-1984 */ #include "macrossTypes.h" #include "macrossGlobals.h" /* These are all the miscellaneous routines for building pieces of parse-tree structures. */ /* Fragments of statement structures */ extern void botch (char *message, ...); caseType * buildCase(expressionListType *caseTags, blockType *caseBody) { caseType *result; result = typeAlloc(caseType); result->caseTags = caseTags; result->caseBody = caseBody; return(result); } doEndType * buildDoEnd(conditionType condition, doEndKindType kindOfDoEnd) { doEndType *result; result = typeAlloc(doEndType); result->doEndKind = kindOfDoEnd; result->doEndCondition = condition; return(result); } forExpressionsType * buildForExpressions(expressionType *initExpression, expressionType *testExpression, expressionType *incrExpression) { forExpressionsType *result; result = typeAlloc(forExpressionsType); result->initExpression = initExpression; result->testExpression = testExpression; result->incrExpression = incrExpression; return(result); } ifHeadType * buildIfHead(conditionType condition, blockType *block) { ifHeadType *result; result = typeAlloc(ifHeadType); result->headCondition = condition; result->headBody = block; return(result); } mdoEndType * buildMdoEnd(expressionType *condition, doEndKindType kindOfMdoEnd) { mdoEndType *result; result = typeAlloc(mdoEndType); result->mdoEndKind = kindOfMdoEnd; result->mdoEndCondition = condition; return(result); } mifHeadType * buildMifHead(expressionType *condition, blockType *block) { mifHeadType *result; result = typeAlloc(mifHeadType); result->headCondition = condition; result->headBody = block; return(result); } /* Fragments of expression structures */ arrayTermType * buildArrayTerm(expressionType *array, expressionType *index) { arrayTermType *result; result = typeAlloc(arrayTermType); result->arrayName = array; result->arrayIndex = index; return(result); } binopTermType * buildBinopTerm(binopKindType binop, expressionType *leftArgument, expressionType *rightArgument) { binopTermType *result; result = typeAlloc(binopTermType); result->binop = binop; result->leftArgument = leftArgument; result->rightArgument = rightArgument; return(result); } functionCallTermType * buildFunctionCall(stringType *functionName, operandListType *arguments) { functionCallTermType *result; symbolTableEntryType *lookupOrEnterSymbol(stringType *s, symbolUsageKindType kind); result = typeAlloc(functionCallTermType); result->functionName = lookupOrEnterSymbol(functionName, UNKNOWN_FUNCTION_SYMBOL); result->parameters = arguments; return(result); } postOpTermType * buildPostOpTerm(postOpKindType postOp, expressionType *postOpArgument) { postOpTermType *result; result = typeAlloc(postOpTermType); result->postOp = postOp; result->postOpArgument = postOpArgument; return(result); } preOpTermType * buildPreOpTerm(preOpKindType preOp, expressionType *preOpArgument) { preOpTermType *result; result = typeAlloc(preOpTermType); result->preOp = preOp; result->preOpArgument = preOpArgument; return(result); } unopTermType * buildUnopTerm(unopKindType unop, expressionType *unopArgument) { unopTermType *result; result = typeAlloc(unopTermType); result->unop = unop; result->unopArgument = unopArgument; return(result); } expressionTermType * buildExpressionTerm(expressionTermKindType kindOfExpressionTerm, anyOldThing *arg1, anyOldThing *arg2, anyOldThing *arg3) { expressionType *result; symbolTableEntryType *lookupOrEnterSymbol(stringType *s, symbolUsageKindType kind); result = typeAlloc(expressionType); result->kindOfTerm = kindOfExpressionTerm; switch (kindOfExpressionTerm) { case IDENTIFIER_EXPR: result->expressionTerm.identifierUnion = (identifierTermType *) arg1; break; case ARRAY_EXPR: result->expressionTerm.arrayUnion = buildArrayTerm((expressionType *) arg1, (expressionType *) arg2); break; case FUNCTION_CALL_EXPR: result->expressionTerm.functionCallUnion = (functionCallTermType *) arg1; break; case NUMBER_EXPR: result->expressionTerm.numberUnion = (numberTermType) arg1; break; case STRING_EXPR: result->expressionTerm.stringUnion = (stringTermType *) arg1; break; case SUBEXPRESSION_EXPR: result->expressionTerm.subexpressionUnion = (subexpressionTermType *) arg1; break; case UNOP_EXPR: result->expressionTerm.unopUnion = buildUnopTerm((unopKindType) arg1, (expressionType *) arg2); break; case ASSIGN_EXPR: case BINOP_EXPR: result->expressionTerm.binopUnion = buildBinopTerm((binopKindType) arg1, (expressionType *) arg2, (expressionType *) arg3); break; case PREOP_EXPR: result->expressionTerm.preOpUnion = buildPreOpTerm((preOpKindType) arg1, (expressionType *) arg2); break; case POSTOP_EXPR: result->expressionTerm.postOpUnion = buildPostOpTerm((postOpKindType) arg1, (expressionType *) arg2); break; case HERE_EXPR: result->expressionTerm.hereUnion = (hereTermType *) NULL; break; case CONDITION_CODE_EXPR: result->expressionTerm.conditionCodeUnion = (conditionCodeTermType) arg1; break; default: botch("invalid expression term kind: %d\n", kindOfExpressionTerm); break; } return(result); } /* Other stuff */ macroTableEntryType * buildMacroTableEntry(stringType *name) { macroTableEntryType *result; char *saveString(char *s); result = typeAlloc(macroTableEntryType); result->macroName = saveString(name); result->nextMacro = NULL; result->arguments = NULL; result->body = NULL; return(result); } symbolTableEntryType * buildSymbolTableEntry(stringType *name, symbolUsageKindType usage) { symbolTableEntryType *result; char *saveString(char *s); result = typeAlloc(symbolTableEntryType); result->symbolName = saveString(name); result->nextSymbol = NULL; result->context = typeAlloc(symbolInContextType); result->referenceCount = 0; dupValue(result->context->value, UndefinedValue); result->context->attributes = 0; result->context->referenceCount = 0; result->context->usage = usage; result->context->pushedContexts = NULL; result->context->environmentNumber = GLOBAL_ENVIRONMENT_NUMBER; return(result); } codeBreakType * buildCodeBreak(codeBreakKindType kind, addressType address, int data) { codeBreakType *result; result = typeAlloc(codeBreakType); result->kindOfBreak = kind; result->breakAddress = address; result->breakData = data; result->nextBreak = NULL; return(result); } reservationListType * buildReservation(addressType startAddress, int blockSize, reservationListType *nextReservation) { reservationListType *result; result = typeAlloc(reservationListType); result->startAddress = startAddress; result->blockSize = blockSize; result->nextReservation = nextReservation; return(result); } simpleFixupListType * buildSimpleFixupList(valueType locationToFixup, simpleFixupListType *previousList) { simpleFixupListType *result; result = typeAlloc(simpleFixupListType); result->locationToFixup = locationToFixup; result->nextFixup = previousList; return(result); }